The final teaching advice is in an interesting form in a dhow. Teachers' councils in dow

for 2015-2016 academic year».


Teachers' council plan:

Progress of the teachers' council.
Opening speech by head Lanina L.V.
About the implementation of annual tasks - presentation “Results of work for the year.” Ptashkina O.N.


Discussion with teachers about the degree of implementation of annual goals.

Exercise “Traffic Light”:


Result at the end of the year

Section "Healthy Children". Analysis of children's attendance and morbidity for the 2015-2016 academic year. Nurse Milchakova N.V.
Conclusions based on the results of the analysis, prospects for the new academic year.
Approval of the work plan for the summer period.

Senior teacher Ptashkina O.N.,
MBDOU d/s No. 1 “Beryozka” Krasnoarmeysk Moscow Region, 2016
Final teaching council “Implementation of the main tasks of the institution
for the 2015-2016 academic year."
Form of conduct: oral journal.
determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the main tasks by the teaching staff;
identify and analyze problems of educational work in all age groups;
identify the main directions (tasks) for the next academic year;
approve the work plan for the summer recreation period.
Teachers' council plan:
Opening speech by head Lanina L.V.
About the implementation of annual tasks - presentation “Results of work for the year.” Ptashkina O.N.
Discussion with teachers about the degree of implementation of annual goals.
Teachers' report on the results of their work for the year.
Readiness of children from preparatory groups to enter school (psychologist, speech therapist, teachers).
Section "Healthy Children". Analysis of children's attendance and morbidity for the 2015-2016 academic year. Nurse Milchakova N.V.
Conclusions based on the results of the analysis, prospects for the new academic year.
Approval of the work plan for the summer period.
Progress of the teachers' council.
Opening speech by head Lanina L.V.
About the implementation of annual tasks - presentation “Results of work for the year.” Ptashkina O.N.
Another school year, unlike all previous ones, has come to an end. This year has passed with us in the status of a union. Today we are summing up the results of the past year, and I propose to hold our teachers’ meeting in the form of an oral journal. Our magazine will consist of several sections, the first of which will be the photo album “Life of a kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year.” G.". I suggest you watch it and, turning the pages, remember what happened this school year. First, I want to remind you of the goals and objectives that we have been working on this year. The goals and objectives were defined as broad and spanned more than one academic year. Therefore, by looking through the journal, we will determine which tasks have been completed to what extent, so that we can then correct them and determine the directions of work for the new academic year
The goal of the work for the 2015-2016 school year. g.: Creation of organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of educational standards, ensuring the physical and psychological safety of students, the intellectual and socio-moral development of students through the introduction of modern educational technologies in the process of implementing a person-centered approach in all areas of activity, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, interaction with families children to ensure their full development.
Ensure the development of human resources in the process of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard through the use of active forms of methodological work (master classes, seminars, open screenings, “Pedagogical Workshop”, advanced training courses, certification).
2. Formation of a holistic pedagogical space and harmonious
conditions for the comprehensive development, education and health of children in the conditions of MBDOU:
systems for interaction of all kindergarten specialists in working with children;
construction educational activities based on modern educational technologies that ensure co-creation between adults and children, focused on the interests and capabilities of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development;
creation and implementation of educational projects together with parents of kindergarten students, aimed at improving the pedagogical competence of parents and solving issues of education and child health.
Photo album “Our life in 5 minutes”
Discussion with teachers about the degree of implementation of annual goals.
So, we looked at the photo album, which allowed us to remember the events that took place this year. The year was difficult because... two teams merged. During the work, many contradictions arose. This year, more than ever, there was a shortage of teachers associated with a 10.5 hour work schedule, when not two teachers work, but 1.5. And I felt this myself when I worked for two gardens, and there was always a feeling that something was unfinished.
However, despite all the difficulties, many different events were held in the kindergarten throughout the year. Teachers and children also participated in city events: readings, competitions, festivals, shows. Participation was effective and brought prizes to the institution.
To implement the first annual task, active forms of methodological work were used, such as teacher councils in a non-traditional form, using methods of activating teachers - solving situations, games; trainings, mini-tests or surveys were also used, considering situations from various positions of the child, parent, teacher. Also seminars, master classes, consultation workshops, viewings of open classes.
And now I would like to invite everyone to discuss the measures taken and determine their effectiveness.
Exercise “Traffic Light”:
I invite each of the sitting teachers to remember the event (form used) that you liked the most (you learned something new, interesting for yourself, the event (form) opened a way for you to solve a long-standing problem) or, conversely, the event , which you did not like for some reason, indicating the reason and your point of view on the advisability of its further use. At the same time, you pass a two-color ball to each other. If positive emotions with you, then turn it with the green side, if negative - with the red side.
Section No. 2 “News from hot spots” - Teachers’ report on the results of their work for the year.
So, we have determined the effectiveness of the institution as a whole over the past year. And now I would like to turn to the next page of our magazine and see what results were obtained over the year in the groups. Now I suggest that group teachers conduct a short report in the following form:
Problems encountered at the beginning of the year
Activities aimed at solving them that were carried out
Result at the end of the year
Results of diagnostics of individual development
"On the threshold of school life." Readiness of children from preparatory groups to enter school (psychologist, speech therapist, teachers).
Section "Healthy Children". Analysis of children's attendance and morbidity for the 2015-2016 academic year. Nurse Milchakova N.V.
Conclusions based on the results of the analysis, prospects for the new academic year.
Approval of the work plan for the summer period.

From work experience

“Minutes of teachers’ councils 2015-2016.”

Savchenko Lyubov Alexandrovna,

senior teacher of MBDOU d/s "Joy",


Pedagogical Council No. 1 “Innovative development guidelines preschool education. Strategy for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education"

Form: round table

Target: Analyze the work of the institution in the summer, the work of the institution in preparation for the school year. Determine the prospects for the institution’s work for the 2015-2016 academic year.

There are 13 people present.

Preparing for the teachers' meeting:

  1. Studying the program on your own age groups, (responsible educators).
  2. Preparation and execution of documentation in groups (responsible educators).
  3. Selection methodological literature and methodological recommendations (senior teacher).

4. Updating groups with play equipment (head, teachers)

  1. Marking furniture according to the height indicators of children in the group. Conducting anthropometry in preschool educational institutions (responsible educators).
  2. Preparation of reports on summer recreational work with children (educators, music director, physical director)


  1. Analysis of work during the summer health period, (manager).
  2. Introducing teachers team with the annual curriculum of the MBDOU, calendar schedule for the 2015-2016 school year. g. (responsible senior teacher).
  3. Abstract and approval of the list of programs and technologies used in the work of MBDOU (senior teacher).
  4. Approval of a schedule of activities and plans for group work with children (senior teacher).
  5. Approval of work programs for teachers and specialists of the MBDOU d/s "Joy" in Tsimyansk.
  6. Decision of the teachers' council.

Progress of the meeting:

1. All kindergarten teachers organized their work according to their plans for the summer health period. The system carried out hardening procedures: barefooting, water, water, air and sun baths. Much attention was paid to sporting events and entertainment, which took place in all age groups. The children received a second breakfast - juice and fruit. Much attention was paid to theatrical activities, I would like to note the work of the music director. Full name. Purposeful work was carried out with children and parents on traffic rules and life safety (full name of teachers). The entire waking period, except sleep, was spent in the fresh air , the time for walking in the summer has increased. In this regard, the motor activity of children increases due to the organization of various types of activities on the site - morning exercises, sports and outdoor games, entertainment, organization of play, labor, and experimental activities for children.

With older preschoolers, teachers organized excursions around the city, parks, and visited the local history museum. In conclusion, I would like to thank all the teachers for their responsible attitude towards the health of our students and for their close cooperation with specialists. Please accept my congratulations on the beginning of the school year, health, creativity, patience.

Speakers:(teachers full name). In the summer, the day began with the morning reception of children, morning exercises for children in the fresh air, in the kindergarten areas, talking with parents about the children’s well-being, health, and in bad weather, the reception and care of children was carried out in a group.

We accomplished what we planned for the summer period, sporting events, outdoor games and other games requiring motor activity were implemented.

2. On the second question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A.. She submitted the annual plan for the 2015 - 2016 academic year for approval. g., its tasks, activities to be performed by the team.

Annual objectives for the 2015-2016 academic year:

  • Organize a health-saving space as an environment for raising a healthy child.
  • Create organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions. Develop planning and regulating working documentation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Introduce into the work of preschool educational institutions new forms of cooperation between teachers and parents to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

Speakers:(Full name of educators) We believe that the Federal State Educational Standard provides for a rapid transition to the design of a modern educational space, changes the content of the educational process, in which it is possible:

  • identifying and unlocking the potential of each child, developing his individuality, creating optimal conditions for enriching life experience and personal growth, providing resources for children’s self-realization, preparing them to achieve success in life, teaching self-control and self-regulation;
  • promoting the transmission of culture, transferring to children the experience of previous generations;
  • teaching children to effectively interact and cooperate with other people, etc.

To complete tasks, we need to work more closely with parents, give them more information in what directions we are working, to develop general requirements and ruled in this or that matter.

Full name, I believe that annual planning for this year needs to be approved.

Head of MBDOU: Who is in favor of approving the plan?

For - 13 people, against - 0

The annual plan has been approved.

3. On the third question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A. for approval of complex and partial programs and technologies. As a result of discussions, the following programs were approved:

Approximate basic educational programs: “Kindergarten - a house of joy” N.M. Krylova; “World of Discoveries” by L.G. Peterson. Program “Rhythmic mosaic” A.I. Burenina.


  • “Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood” S.P. Nikolaeva;
  • "Children's education preschool age storytelling" by Korotkova;
  • “Teaching preschool children to read and write” L.S. Zhurova;
  • “Program for the development of speech for preschool children in kindergarten” O.S. Ushakova;
  • “Musical education program in kindergarten” M.B. Zatsepina;
  • “Moral and labor education of a preschool child” L.V. Kutsakova;
  • “Introducing preschool children to the history of the Don Region” N.V. Elzhova;
  • “Psycho-gymnastics” M.I. Chistyakova;
  • “Isotherapy of communication” M.A. Panfilova;
  • “Lessons of Goodness” by S. Seminaki,
  • "OBZH" R.B. Sterkina;
  • “Developmental pedagogy of health improvement” T.V. Kudryavtseva;
  • "Healthy Baby" ed. Z.I. Beresneva;
  • “Zdorovyachok” health improvement system for preschool children T.S. Nikonorova, E.M. Sergienko;
  • “Education of the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle for children” N.S. Golitsina, I.M. Shumova;
  • “Physical education in kindergarten” L.I. Penzulaeva;
  • “Theatrical activities in kindergarten” A.V. Shchetkin;
  • “Didactic games and activities, integration of artistic and cognitive activities of preschoolers)” I.A. Lykova;
  • “Folk games in kindergarten” L.A. Lyalina;
  • “Methodological work with personnel on patriotic education” E.I. Shalamova;
  • “Technology of integrated classes in preschool educational institutions” S.D. Sazhina;
  • “Comprehensive lessons on moral education for children 4-7 years old” L.B. Fesyukova" and others.

4. On the fourth question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A., who submitted for approval the MBDOU curriculum, calendar schedule for the 2015-2016 academic year, and a schedule of classes.

For - 13 people, against - 0

5. On the fifth question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A. which submitted for approval the work programs of teachers and specialists from the MBDOU d/s “Joy” in Tsimlyansk.

Approved as follows:

For - 13 people, against - 0

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. Approve the annual plan.
  2. Approve the list of programs and technologies used in the work of the MBDOU.
  3. Approve the schedule of classes, the curriculum of MBDOU, calendar schedule for the 2015-2016 academic year, schedule of classes.
  4. Approve the work programs of teachers and specialists of the MBDOU d/s "Joy" in Tsimlyansk.
  5. Recognize the educational work during the summer health period as satisfactory.

Teachers' Council No. 2. Extraordinary

Form:"Round table"

Present: 12 people.


  1. Discussion and approval of the candidacy of L.A. Savchenko with the teaching staff. to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.
  2. Decision of the teachers' council.

1. On the first question listened to the head Full name: Savchenko Lyubov Aleksandrovna has been working at the MBDOU d/s “Radost” in Tsimlyansk since 2004 as a senior teacher, she has proven herself to be a responsible, competent, demanding, professionally competent teacher; has an analytical mind and erudition. The system of activities she built is aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team. Particular attention is paid to the interdependence of the quality of education, the requests and needs of parents, the capabilities of employees, and the interests of children.

Lyubov Aleksandrovna widely uses methods of stimulating and supporting creative teachers, creating conditions for their professional growth: out of 17 teachers, 5 teachers have the highest qualification category, 7 teachers have 1 qualification category. Constantly encourages the team to actively participate in regional and district competitions, which significantly increases the rating of the educational institution.

WITHlistened to the teacher Full name Lyubov Alexandrovna developed on transition period“Educational program of MBDOU for 2014-2018”, which focuses on the formation of a developmental environment, the professional skills of teachers, and improving the quality of the educational process. For eight years he has been the head of the regional methodological association “Social communication development preschoolers,” where he creatively develops and improves innovative methods of the educational process. Took 2nd place in the regional competition “Best Methodological Association”, 3rd place in the regional competition “On the best leader commission “For traffic safety” among preschool educational institutions.

Teachers spoke Full name: since 2012, Lyubov Aleksandrovna has been an expert in the certification of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. She has created dozens of presentations and projects at the level of an institution, district, city, region (“Creativity and professionalism in the name of safety”, “For the best head of the commission “For traffic safety””, “Car disco for children and parents”, etc.). Educational projects in the preschool educational institution - “I go to kindergarten without tears”, “New Year is at the gate!”, “ Interaction between preschool educational institutions and family”, “Image of MBDOU d/s “Joy””.

The manager spoke Full name: Lyubov Aleksandrovna took part in the All-Russian scientific and practical seminar (with international participation) “ Current issues management in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education" (September 2014). She was awarded a Letter of Gratitude for active participation in the seminar and assistance in strengthening and developing professional and international relations.

Savchenko Lyubov Aleksandrovna deserves to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Head of MBDOU: Who is in favor of approving the candidacy of senior teacher L.A. Savchenko?

For - 12 people, against - 0

The candidate has been approved.

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. Submit a petition for the candidacy of Lyubov Aleksandrovna Savchenko for consideration by the head of the education department of the Tsimlyansky District Administration for awarding her with a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Teachers' Council No. 3. Thematic: “Creating a health-saving space in a kindergarten”

Form:"Business game"

Target: Systematization of teachers’ knowledge about health and methods of organizing health-saving space.

Present 15 people.


  1. On the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 1 of August 28, 2015.
  2. Help on the results of thematic control.
  3. The use of health-saving technologies in correctional work with children.
  4. "Brainstorm"
  5. Decision making.

Progress of the meeting:

1. On the first question listened to the head's full name. She introduced the teaching staff to the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 1 of September 15, 2014.

2. On the second question listened to the senior teacher L.A. Savchenko, she announced a certificate based on the results of the thematic control “Motor activity of a preschooler in the daily routine.” It was noted that during the thematic inspection, morning exercises are carried out in all age groups. Complexes of morning exercises correspond to the age of children. In the senior preparatory groups, the organization and conduct of outdoor games during a walk were reviewed. All games were played according to age. Recommendations were given to teachers. When conducting control, the organization and conduct of educational activities in all age groups was analyzed. Most teachers use health-saving technologies at educational educational institutions. IN middle group Full name uses gymnastics for the eyes using objects - a pyramid. In the senior group, full name. uses physical education with a ball. In the preparatory group, educators, full name. used physical education, finger exercises, and playing with a ball. Physical education classes are organized in all groups in accordance with the preschool educational program and the age characteristics of the children. It is noted that in order to create a holistic system of children's health, it is important to organize a motor development environment. There are physical education corners in every age group. It was noted that in all groups, in the corner for parents, material for parents is posted on the organization of physical activity and health improvement. Physical education celebrations were held. Next, educational work in groups was analyzed. It was noted that the work is being carried out in accordance with the calendar plan. Planning of physical education and health work is available in all groups.

The teacher spoke Full name: I would like to acknowledge the work of the physical education instructor, full name. strives to ensure that physical exercises and games give children pleasure and joy, encourage them to be independent and strive to perform them well. Takes into account the capabilities of children when setting goals and objectives, coordinates its content with the program and plans of the preschool educational institution. The teacher creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of work in the direction of “Physical Development”

3. On the third question listened to the teacher-speech therapist F.I.O. She spoke about health-saving educational technologies (HST), the purpose of which is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health during the learning period, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in healthy lifestyle. It was noted that ZTO are divided into two groups: 1. Those requiring interruption of educational activities (physical training, eye gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, etc.) 2. Directly accompanying educational activities (increasing motor activity, changing dynamic posture, normalizing the psycho-emotional state, taking into account the dynamics of mental performance, optimization of the activity of the visual analyzer, ensuring harmonious interaction of the cerebral hemispheres, etc.) They are “built-in” into the educational content on the topic of the lesson. If RTO is used in classes, children will be physically healthy, have independent thinking, and will develop attention, memory and will.

4. Regarding the fourth question Senior teacher Savchenko L.A. spoke. . She held a brainstorming session with teachers. Continue the sentence: The process of changing the forms and functions of the human body - ... (physical development).
The main specific means of physical education is ... (physical exercises).

Children's tourism is ... (walks and excursions).

Walking, running, jumping, climbing and throwing - ... (main types of movement).

What does children's health depend on? (organization of optimal motor mode; walk; ventilation; prevention of colds; safely organized environment; compliance with the daily routine).

You are on a walk with your children and it starts to rain. How to turn this weather phenomenon into a factor child development? (organize an outdoor game: “Let’s run away from the rain”; in summer, in an ecologically clean area, use it as a hardening factor), etc.

Solve pedagogical problems:

  1. The family went for a walk in the forest. While on vacation, my 9-year-old son climbed to the top of a tree. My 5-year-old daughter also tried, but she didn’t succeed. She cried and began to ask her parents to help her. Which of the proposed reactions of parents is the most correct?
  2. The parents shouted at their son, demanded that he immediately get down from the tree, and both children were strictly forbidden to climb trees, explaining to them that it was dangerous.
  3. The father praised his son for his dexterity, helped his daughter climb to the bottom branch of the tree, then climb down on her own. The girl repeated the exercise several times.
  4. The mother calmed her crying daughter, gently asked her son to get down to the ground, and then spanked him.
  5. The child does not want to eat. The grandmother tries to make him eat the prescribed portion, using fairy tales and jokes. Mother promises to buy a new toy. The father says: “If you don’t want to, don’t eat.” Who's right?

Reflective role-playing game: “What prevents a child in our kindergarten from being healthy”

We deliberately raised the question of negative impacts on a child in kindergarten, since it is necessary to start with those reasons whose consequences we can influence without affecting global ones: unfavorable ecology, hereditary predisposition, etc. Participants in the game are united in the following groups:

  • "Educators"
  • "Parents"
  • "Administration"
  • "Specialists"

Participants in each group need to identify in writing those reasons that, from their point of view, prevent a child attending our kindergarten from being healthy (in writing). The teachers were divided into two subgroups and completed tasks proposed by Lyubov Alexandrovna. Both subgroups were active.

5. On the fifth question

Approved as follows:

For - 15 people, against - 0

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. Enrich group physical education corners with equipment in order to develop motor skills and regulate the motor activity of children.
  2. Plan a “Health Day” in kindergarten.
  1. The physical education instructor should finalize and bring into compliance the “Awakening Gymnastics” card index for all age groups.
  2. The physical education instructor should include his classes in more detail in the teacher’s calendar plans.

Teachers' Council No. 4. Thematic « Federal State Educational Standard: from new goals to new results"

Form:"Business game"

Target: Improving the quality of preschool education for pupils through the organization of an effective educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Present 13 people.

Teachers' council plan:

  1. On the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 3 of November 19, 2015.
  2. Results of the thematic audit “Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions”
  3. Analysis of questionnaires “On professional difficulties of teachers at the stage of introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard”
  4. Business game “New Federal State Educational Standards – New Opportunities.”
  5. From the experience of educators: a creative approach to a subject-development environment.
  6. Decision of the teachers' council.

Progress of the teachers' council:

1. On the first question listened to the manager's full name. She introduced the teaching staff to the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 3 of November 19, 2015.

2. On the second question listened to the senior teacher L.A. Savchenko, she read out an analytical report on the results of a thematic audit carried out according to the annual plan. Under the conditions of the Federal Educational Standard, fundamentally new requirements are imposed on education. The main result of education should be its compliance with the goals of advanced development. This means that children need to be exposed to information and technology that will be useful to them in the future. The following issues were studied: the educational environment of the kindergarten; creation of a developing space as a necessary condition in the upbringing and education of children. Lyubov Aleksandrovna noted the pros and cons of organizing a developmental environment in groups, identified a number of problems, and gave recommendations to teachers on the formation of a developmental space in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Made a speech teacher-speech therapist Full name: The subject-spatial environment must ensure the child’s own activity. This means that the subject environment must be rich, transformable, multifunctional, accessible and safe, and must have the character of an open, open system, capable of adjustment and development.

Made a speech teacher Full name: The result of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard should be systematic work, and we are still only on the threshold of this long journey.

3. On the third question listened to the senior teacher L.A. Savchenko. An analysis of teachers’ questionnaires on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the educational activities of the MBDOU showed that not all teachers are sufficiently competent in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards, not everyone sees and understands the importance of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the educational activities of the MBDOU. This means it is necessary further work to familiarize the teaching staff with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, study of regulations, resolutions of the Ministry of Education.

Made a speech teacher full name: The standard requires changes in the interaction of adults with children, which implies the presence of a number of competencies in the teacher: the ability to arouse the child’s interest in various types of activities, the ability to support the child’s own activity, develop curiosity, the desire to comprehend this world, raise “ whychek”, and not just transfer any knowledge.

4. On the fourth question listened to senior teacher L.A. Savchenko, who held a business game “New Federal State Educational Standard – New Opportunities.” Before the start of the game, she offered the group of participants one ticket from the pack with a question, giving them time to prepare. The answer was assessed by colleagues using signal cards. If the answer is correct, teachers raise a green card; if the answer is incomplete or incorrect, they raise a red card.

Made a speech teacher full name: The fundamental goal of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is to create a developmental environment that can provide creative activity each child, allowing him to realize his own potential to the fullest. At the center of the developing subject-spatial environment is the child with his needs and interests, and the educational institution (teaching staff) offers high-quality educational services aimed at developing the identity, uniqueness and individuality of each individual. In such an environment, a preschool child is actively involved in cognitive creative activities, his curiosity, imagination, mental and artistic abilities, communication skills develop, and most importantly, his personality develops. The subject environment of childhood provides various types of activity for a preschool child and becomes the basis for his independent activity. Together with Varvara Andreevna, we issued a passport for our group, which provides information about the teachers working in this group, about the educational program implemented with children 5-6 years old, about their age characteristics, developmental and physical education centers, etc.

6. On the sixth question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A., who made the decision of the teachers' council and invited the team to express their opinion.

Approved as follows:

For - 13 people, against - 0

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. To improve the quality of the educational process, create a development space in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. Responsible: educators. Time frame: within a year.
  1. To improve the professional skills of teachers in organizing a developing subject-spatial environment through various shapes methodological work. Responsible: senior teacher. Time frame: within a year.
  1. In order to intensify the efforts of the teaching staff in developing non-standard forms of work with children and analyzing the work of teachers using the project method, organize project activities

Municipal state preschool educational institution

“A compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in physical and mental development pupils No. 9 "Bell"

Final teaching council in kindergarten

Topic: “Analysis of the activities of the teaching staff

for the 2016-2017 academic year"

Senior teacher

The first academic year in this composition has come to an end for you and me. The year was difficult, because all teachers needed to take a closer look at each other and still have to take a closer look. The year was full of events and activities, both intra-garden and municipal, as well as regional and all-Russian.

The goal of our teachers' council: to summarize the activities of the preschool institution and the results of the work of teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year. Determination of goals and objectives for the 2017-2018 academic year.

At the beginning of the school year, teachers were asked target: creating conditions for the development of the emotional, physical, social and intellectual potential of a problem child, the formation of his positive personal qualities.

To achieve the goal, the following were identified tasks:

1. Improve the system of physical education and health work.

2. Improve work on the socialization of preschool children through cooperation with social institutions.

3. Continue searching and applying effective forms individual psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children.

4. Continue to look for ways to actively include parents of students in the educational process.

If we monitor attendance for the 2016-2017 academic year, we see that we have average the child-day completion rate is __72____% of 100% possible. You can pay attention to the slide, it shows the average attendance for each group.

Group number




The teacher’s task is to carry out disease prevention on a daily basis: developing hygiene skills in children, hardening procedures, observing the clothing regime according to the season. The main work with parents is based on certificates.

At the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year. The kindergarten capacity was 64 children (100%) children, at the end of the year - 64 children (100%) children. When compared with previous years, there is a noticeable increase in the number of children with developmental disabilities. In the current academic year, the number of graduates was 24 children, and preliminary as of August the number of newly arrived children is ____10__ people.

Our kindergarten is the base platform for testing variable forms of inclusive education under the supervision of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute of Advanced Training for professional retraining of educators on the topic of the project “ Effective models preschool inclusive education".

Over the next academic year, we plan to continue working in this direction at the interdepartmental and inter-network level.

Checks (explanations from the manager).

At the beginning of the school year, the teaching staff was fully staffed. These are __14__ teachers, 1 musical director, 2 speech therapist teacher, 6 teachers-defectologists.

Teaching experience looks like this: way: up to 3 years - _2__, 3-5 years - __3_, 5-10 years - _3_, 10-15 - __4__, 15-20 - _2_, 20 years and more _10_.

Thus, the level of professionalism looks like this: teachers with a category of compliance with the position are _11%___. The first qualification category __21%__ teachers, the highest qualification category __32%__ teachers, do not have the qualification category ___36%__ teachers.

This year we increased our professional competence 20 teachers, which is ___80___% of the entire teaching staff today.

Topics: 1. “Accompanying children early age with disabilities." 2. “Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers with disabilities in the conditions of inclusive education.” 3. “Current issues in the education and upbringing of children with autism spectrum disorder in conditions of inclusion.”

At the end of the school year, we monitored parents' satisfaction with the quality of preschool education. 46 parents (legal representatives) took part in the survey.

Having processed the monitoring results, we can conclude that the activities of MKDOU at the right way. MKDOU cares for 64 children. 46 parents took part in the survey, which is 72% of the possible number of respondents. This percentage indicates that parents are ready to interact and cooperate and remain not indifferent to the life of the institution.

Throughout the current year, educational work has been carried out with parents in the form of information stands and booklets, but I would like to resume non-traditional forms of interaction. Also, in all age groups, instructional magazines for parents were created.

But, nevertheless, work on interaction with parents needs to be developed, including various forms of interaction. In accordance with the work plan for the year, group thematic parent meetings were held.

The year was fruitful - we made cosmetic repairs and purchased equipment under the “Accessible Environment” program. Teachers improved their professional level by presenting teaching experience at various levels and through different organizational forms.

The assessment of the activities of teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year was carried out on the basis of filling out an information card on organizing the quality of education. Based on this, I compiled a “Kindergarten Activity Map”. I draw your attention to the slide.

Not all thematic teacher councils were held due to changes in the personnel equivalent of the kindergarten, but in the next academic year we will try not only to catch up, but also to move forward. In order for teachers to share their accumulated experience, and for others to take note of interesting and necessary information.

During the school year, teachers visitedprofessional development workshops:

1. “The magical world of the sensory room”

2. “Professional and personal growth of a teacher implementing the Federal State Educational Standard.”

The most active Internet user who listened and watched master classes is a teacher-speech therapist Larisa Pavlovna Fedorova.

In March of this year, the festival-competition “Inclusive Perspective” was held, in which educator E.A. Zamaraeva, defectologists Shek E.V., Zagrebelnaya A.V. took part. in the nomination “Organization of educational activities of educational activities in inclusive preschool education: technologies, techniques, methods, etc.). The last 2 teachers were sent to present their experience at the full-time stage of this competition.

I draw your attention to the publication slide.

Teachers also actively replicate their own teaching experience on their personal websites.

A manual by our teacher Elena Radislavovna Zheleznova “Developmental gymnastics with objects and outdoor games for older preschoolers 5-7 years old has been published. Federal State Educational Standard".

(Vlasenko Yu.I., Igumnov V.V., Kiryushin A.N., Zheleznov E.R.) were published in the St. Petersburg scientific and practical journal “Preschool Pedagogy”

In March of this year it took placeXI pedagogical conference of workers of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kansk and groups of eastern regions Krasnoyarsk Territory“Innovative experience is the basis of systemic changes”in which the teacher-defectologist Elena Viktorovna Shek took part, her report was recognized as the best and recommended for publication. The more active participation of preschool teachers in this form of presentation of their experience remains relevant, therefore, in the next academic year. We plan to increase the activity of teachers to participate in conferences, both full-time and correspondence.

On April 13, 2017, a district methodological meeting was held at the preschool educational institution in Kansk. Participants in the methodological gathering presented the experience of inclusive education “System of providing assistance to families raising children with disabilities in the city of Kansk.”

At the site of MKDOU No. 9, “Experience in supporting families raising children with autism spectrum disorder and musculoskeletal disorders” was presented.

To improve their qualifications and skills, to familiarize the teaching community with the results of innovations in correctional pedagogical activities, preschool teachers (100%) actively use the capabilities of city methodological associations and creative groups.

This academic year Kapitonova A.A. was the head of GMO groups of compensatory focus, Kiryushina A.N. curator of this association. Within the framework of GMO, various creative groups worked, the leaders of which were also teachers from our kindergarten: Kudlay O.V., Kiryushina A.N., Levchenko E.E. All the teachers of our kindergarten were active participants who represented the experience.

GMO groups of compensatory orientation held the Literary Festival “My Favorite Poem about Mom” for children with disabilities, which was held on the basis of our kindergarten.

In order to study and disseminate teaching experience, collective reviews of teaching activities were organized this year. The teachers demonstrated their professional skills in organizing correctional and developmental work with children and reflective analysis of their own teaching activities: you can pay attention to the slide.

Active participants sports competitions, steel: Vlasenko Yu.I., Ivashchenko I.V., Pugacheva Yu.O., Popova E.M., Garbarchuk S.S., Linnikova Zh.N., Kuznetsova A.V., Levchenko E.E., Shutikova E.A.

Throughout the academic year, thanks to the activity of our music director Igumnova V.V. Wonderful celebrations and entertainment were held. Parents were involved with their children in participating in these activities.

Festive matinees held in the garden are spectacular, bright, and memorable. I would like to note your work as teachers, and especially the music director, in that you strive to include all children in participating in the holiday.

To ensure continuity with the school and inform parents about the future prospects for their children’s education, cooperation is carried out with the Kansk School (traditionally, graduates preparatory group with my parents visited the Kansk School), MBOU Secondary School No. 18, KGBOU NPO Vocational School No. 27.

During the school year, mobile creative groups came to the kindergarten with performances.

It should be noted the participation of students in creative competitions of regional and all-Russian scale . I draw your attention to the slide. Children participating in the competitions were winners in various categories. Teachers were awarded certificates of honor for their assistance in organizing and conducting these competitions.

The exhibition was systematically updated throughout the year creative works pupils.

But the work of additional education (i.e., circle work) requires special attention. It is necessary to intensify work in this direction, to make it visible to parents (legal representatives), that is, there must be some kind of product both during the year and at the end of it. Modern conditions dictate to us additional education at preschool educational institutions.

At the end of the 2016-2017 academic year. in groups No. 1,2,3,4, a diagnostic examination was carried out along the lines of development according to the program of Ekzhanova and Strebeleva. I provide a comparative analysis of the past and current academic year.

Results of children mastering the program

“Correctional and developmental training and education”

E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Development lines

academic year (%)





Social development


Physical development and physical education



Cognitive development

Sensory education


Formation of thinking



Formation of elementary quantitative concepts



Getting to know your surroundings



Speech development and communication skills formation


Literacy training



Formation of activities

Learning to play



Visual activities




Labor education


Musical education and theatrical activities



Overall for the program


Mastery of program material by students in the 2016-2017 academic year. is 56%, which corresponds to the “average” level. The best result (70.6%) of mastering the program material is noted in the implementation of the content of the section “Musical education and theatrical activities.” The lowest result (42.5%) was recorded in the implementation of the “Fine Arts” section.

The implementation of AOP in groups No. 1, 2, 5, and 6 shows positive dynamics in the development of students.

In group No. 2 - AOP for children with moderate MR was mastered by 1 child

Group 1 – AOP for children with a moderate degree of MR in a group of 5 children. 4 – not partially absorbed, 1 – absorbed in full.

Group 5:

Physical development: 4 children partially assimilate, 3 children assimilate, 2 children do not partially assimilate

Cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills: masters 1, partially does not master 4, partially masters 4.

Productive activity: partially do not assimilate 5, partially assimilate 4.

Group 6 – positive dynamics in the assimilation of AOP: 4 children – do not partially assimilate, 4 children – partially assimilate.

Certification. This academic year, our teachers were certified for the highest category, the first, and passed certification for compliance with their position.

To sum it up , I note that the work to create conditions for the development of the emotional, physical, social and intellectual potential of a problem child, the formation of his positive personal qualities was carried out at a fairly good level.

But it is necessary to continue to enrich the work with children with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, now for discussion I propose that we formulate goals and objectives for the next academic year.

Target: creating conditions for socially organized forms of work with children, based on leading programs and technologies that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in accordance with the potential of a child with special educational needs.


1. Enrich the child’s social experience through cooperation with social institutions.

2. Create the necessary conditions for health-improving activities in preschool educational institutions and the development of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children.

3. Create an enriched, adapted subject-spatial environment that promotes the development of social and psychological qualities preschooler's personality in various types activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

4. Continue to improve the work of the educational process, work with parents using non-traditional forms and methods, involving them in the educational process.

Personnel for the next 2017-2018 academic year (explanations on the slide).

And finally I want to tell you one thing folk wisdom. There lived a sage who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching a butterfly in his palms, he asked : “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her; if the dead one says, I will release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.”

The school year has now ended.

Before we wrap things up, let's say hello to create an even more positive mood. After all, the greeting itself already carries a good impulse - a wish for health, happiness and all the best.

Greeting "Continue the sentence"

Each of the members of the pedagogical council takes turns finishing the phrase: “Hello, today is a wonderful day, because...”, passing an object from hand to hand.

Summer is coming and we all want to go on vacation, to the sea, and also much better– then to warm exotic countries. And now I suggest you go on a sea voyage to warm shores. You already have tickets for the ship, please go to your seats. But in order for us to set off we need to choose a captain.

(Teachers choose the head as captain)

So, captain, here's a spyglass, give command.

Let's set sail. Close your eyes, sit back and listen to the sound of the sea.(recording of sea noise). Open your eyes, we are already far away, the shore is not visible, the ocean is all around. And while we're sailing... let's remember how the school year went...

Reflection on the work of the teaching staff over the past year (teachers have circles of different colors drawn on their tickets).

The captain invites each of the team members to express their opinion on the work done over the year

The captain first sums up the year.

Teachers who have tickets with the Red Circle talk about the results of the circle activities.

Teachers whose tickets have a Blue Circle analyze the work of the Caring Mom club

Teachers who have tickets with the Green Circle analyze their educational activities with the results of monitoring.At the end, on the pieces of paper, teachers should notethree of the team’s most exciting events this academic year , talk about what you have achieved and what has prevented you from achieving more.

Senior teacher :

All teachers working in our preschool educational institution try to meet modern requirements. And yet, according to diagnostic data, not all teachers were able to fully realize their plans and program objectives during the year.

A senior teacher analyzes methodological work in a preschool educational institution.

Analysis of questionnaires.

And suddenly...:

Captain, what's that on the horizon? These are pirates.

And then the ship was attacked by pirates(two teachers who have a pirate flag painted on their ticket “capture the ship”). The captain was captured.

Senior teacher: The captain was captured, what should we do? It is necessary to rescue the captain.

Hey robbers, let our captain go, we can’t live without him, we will all drown in the abyss of new educational standards.

What are your conditions that we must fulfill to save our leader?

Pirates : (whispering) Come up, you must complete the task: guess riddles (“Pirates” make riddles)

The team must guess them by asking various questions, and we can only say “Yes” or “No”.

Pirates: You teach letters to add, count,
Grow flowers and catch butterflies,
Look at everything and remember everything,
And everything is dear, love your homeland.

Goodbye, country of Courland,
Funny Fiction!
Let's swim, friends, be brave!
Let's sail to the land of fantasy,
Distant First Class.

On our ship.
Farewell, our fabulous pier,
Both kind and mysterious,

Kindness, warmth, soul

Mommy doesn't feel sorry.

The kids are waiting for mommy -

Vasya, Masha, Galka,

Pasha, Senya and Marat -

Everyone is waiting for her ( kindergarten)

Senior teacher : While the team was helping out the captain, it split into 2 camps (one team had a square drawn on the ticket, the other had a triangle).

P/Game “Flood”

The pirates decided to sink the ship. The ship is sinking slowly. and you need to save the items on the ship, but you can only carry them one at a time, according to their significance:



Water canister

Mosquito net

One box of food

Pacific Ocean Map

Cushion (flotation device)

Canister of oil and gas mixture

Transistor radio

Shark repellent

Opaque plastic

5 bottles of alcohol

2 boxes of chocolate

Fishing tackle

Nylon rope

(The team’s solution is read out and the correct one)

And while the crew is resting, having escaped from the sinking ship, she sat down in the shade of a spreading palm tree to listen to what the captain’s assistant would tell them.

(Analysis of the implementation of the annual plan)

But while carrying things from the ship, the crew got their feet wet and got sick, and remembered that children in the garden sometimes get sick too, and sometimes there is quarantine in groups. And this year the head nurse will tell us how it was.

Morbidity analysis .

We've been sitting too long, it's time to warm up. And a physical education instructor will help us with this.

Instructor .

Instructor : “I will name the numbers. Immediately after the number is called, exactly as many people as the number was announced should stand (no more and no less). For example, if I say “four,” then four of you should stand up as quickly as possible. They will be able to sit down only after I say “thank you.” The task must be completed silently. Tactics for completing a task should be developed in the process of work, focusing on each other’s actions.”.

Senior teacher : It worked out very well together, and L.A. will tell you how it was for the guys.

(Analysis of physical education and health work for the year (swimming pool))

Senior teacher : There is an ocean all around, pirates sank the ship, and the crew began to feel depressed (we are grieving). But one of the team members came to their aid.

Teacher - psychologist : (joking questions)

- What's in front of Boris, and what's behind in Gleb?(Letter "B").

-Which clock shows the exact time only 2 times a day?(Which stopped).

- How do day and night end?(Soft sign).

- Two birch trees grow. Each birch tree has 4 cones. How many cones are there in total?

(Cones do not grow on birch trees).

- What is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?(Kg is kg).

- The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket?(None, because the bottom fell out).

- What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for 5 minutes?(Gets wet).

There are 3 matches; remove the match from the middle without touching it.

(Transfer the outer match to the other side, and the middle one becomes the outer match).

Teacher - psychologist : The guys also easily coped with developmental tasks.

(Report on preparing children for school)

Senior teacher : The team's depression passed, and they decided to write telegrams and send them across the ocean in a bottle.

Each player composes the text of a telegram that he would like to send to family, friends or acquaintances.

Any short word of 4-6 letters is written on a piece of paper. The first word in the telegram begins with the first letter of the selected word, the second with the second, and so on. For example, the word “bag” is suggested. You can send a telegram supposedly from the zoo: “Today a bear ran away. Guard! Administration". It is necessary to get a complete thought. Then everyone takes turns reading the telegrams. Telegrams can be congratulatory and businesslike, but with humor.

(Teachers read out the resulting sentences.

Report of the teacher-speech therapist for the past school year).

Senior teacher : What would a trip be without music and dancing? Of course, the team wanted to boogie-woogie dance.

(Music sounds, teachers dance. The music stops and starts music director's report).

Senior teacher : But since the pirates were kind and understood that the guys couldn’t do it without teachers, they repaired the ship(repairing) and the captain was released.

But before we head back: prelaxation exercise:

Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head thrown back. Try to feel in which part of the head the feeling of heaviness is localized.

Imagine that you are wearing a bulky headdress that puts pressure on your head in the place where you feel heaviness. Mentally remove the headdress with your hand and expressively and emotionally throw it to the floor. Shake your head, straighten the hair on your head with your hand, and then throw your hands down, as if getting rid of the heaviness in your head.

Game "Keeper of Secrets". And since we were on the island, we can leave the treasure. On these pieces of paper, everyone will write what they want for the next school year, and at the end of the next school year we will find out whether the desires have been realized. In the meantime, I will be the keeper of this treasure.

Senior teacher : And the team went back. And, of course, sailing back, everyone made plans for what they would do in their garden and this is what they came up with:

Summer health work plan.

(Various information is read out)

Senior teacher : Dreams are the sails of our lives. You can swim without them... but slowly and not far. And I wish you that your vacation will be memorable only with positive emotions.

(tea party)





Water canister

Mosquito net

One box of food

Pacific Ocean Map

Opaque plastic

Cushion (flotation device)

Shark repellent

Canister of oil and gas mixture

5 bottles of alcohol

Transistor radio receiver

2 boxes of chocolate

Fishing tackle

Nylon rope


Sextant , sextant (from sextans terrain. Strictly speaking, a sextant allows you to accurately measure the angle between two directions. Knowing the height of the lighthouse (from the map), you can find out the distance to it by measuring the angle between the direction towards the base of the lighthouse and the direction towards the top and making a simple calculation. You can also measure the horizontal angle (that is, in the horizon plane) between directions to different objects.

On a modern sea vessel you can still find a sextant or even two, although they are not used often, mainly to maintain the practical skills of navigators.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Tyazhinsky kindergarten No. 3 "Golden Key"

Compiled by: Olga Anatolyevna Karaulnova, head of MADOU, Tyazhinsky town

Teachers' Council No. 1 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"


Goal: to identify the level of professional preparedness of teachers, develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend their point of view with reason.

Mastery is what can be achieved and how can be
known master - turner, excellent master - doctor,
This is how a teacher should and can be an excellent master.

One of the main tasks modern system preschool education - improving the quality of educational work, creating conditions for the creative self-realization of the personality of each child. Improving the quality of preschool education is directly dependent on personnel. Today, increasingly high demands are placed on the work of preschool institutions. These requirements are refracted into a system of tasks facing preschool teachers, since the level and nature of a child’s achievements depend, first of all, on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on himself, and constantly improve professionally. Today, society needs a teacher who is competent, comprehensively prepared, who is an example of philanthropy, decency, and a teacher who possesses pedagogical skills.

And now a little theory, what is pedagogical mastery?

Pedagogical skill is the highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the creativity of the teacher, in the constant improvement of the art of teaching, education and human development. Pedagogical creativity is considered as a state of pedagogical activity in which the creation of something fundamentally new in the organization of the educational process and in solving scientific and practical problems occurs.

Pedagogical skill is primarily associated with the personality of the teacher, with a set of qualities that contribute to ensuring high level self-organization professional activities. The set of qualities of a professional teacher, which helps him ensure the educational process at a high creative level, is quite extensive. The most important of them are citizenship and patriotism, humanism and intelligence, high spiritual culture and responsibility, hard work and efficiency. The main qualities of a master teacher are philanthropy and the ability to communicate with people. Pedagogical excellence from a technological point of view is a system whose main components are a high general culture, humanistic orientation, professional knowledge and skills, creativity and pedagogical abilities, and technological competence. The most important part of teaching skills is also professional knowledge and skills.

And our teachers’ council is aimed at improving the skills of teachers; today we have the opportunity not only to learn about the activities of our colleagues, but also to systematize knowledge and comprehend our own approaches to work. And this teachers’ council will take place not in the traditional form, but in the form business games.

After this, teachers are divided into teams by collecting a cut picture.


List the tasks of the annual plan of MADOU that the team is working on.

During the work process, for each correct answer the team receives a chip.

1. Competition

PSYCHOLOGICAL RING. The head of the MADO asks questions to each team in turn, and the one that gave the correct answer receives a chip.

  1. team: Systematic, purposeful and planned perception of objects (Observation).
  2. command: Mental cognitive process consisting of reflecting past experience (Memory).
  3. command: Determine the type of temperament.

These children predominate good mood. They are cheerful. They respond to positive stimuli with loud laughter, and to negative ones with loud crying. All internal experiences manifest themselves externally. These children take on new things with pleasure, experiencing and showing bright positive emotions. The feelings and interests of these children are unstable. These children love noisy games and easily move from sleep to wakefulness. They are easy to discipline. IN to a greater extent they are more distracted by external stimuli than by internal ones. Since their sensitivity to the stimulus is reduced, they do not respond to comments made in a quiet voice. The speech of these children is loud, energetic, and its pace is fast. (SANGUINE CHILDREN).

Team 2: Determine the type of temperament. These children often change their mood. Emotions have extreme manifestations: they do not cry, but sob, do not smile, but laugh. Children react very violently to external stimuli; they are unrestrained, impatient, and quick-tempered. Children with this type of temperament prefer active games, games with elements of sports, and often just run around the group or playroom. Their skills take a long time to develop and are difficult to adapt. These children have difficulty switching and concentrating and are difficult to discipline. They express violent protest against the prohibitions of adults. (CHOLERIC CHILDREN).

2. Competition

Each team invites one teacher who receives cards with the following tasks:

  • Complete the poem that is written on the card. For the correct answer - a chip.

1 team 2 team 1 team 2 team

At the ruddy dawn the Oak of rain and wind He went to the buffet He ran to the platform,

The East is covered, Not afraid at all. Buy yourself a ticket. He climbed into the uncoupled carriage,

In a village across the river Who said that it was an oak And then rushed to the cash register Bringing in bundles and suitcases,

(The light goes out) (It's scary to catch a cold) (Buy a bottle of kvass) (Put them under the sofas)

3. Competition

Determine in what age group the named works are studied. For each correct answer - a chip.

1 team H.K. Andersen "Thumbelina" (preparatory gr.);

V. Bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse" (1 ml. gr.); "Puff" Belarusian n. With. (2nd younger group)

2nd team N. Nosov "Living Hat" (st. gr.); "Masha and the Bear" r. n. With. (1st junior group);

“Br. Grimm "The Town Musicians of Bremen" (middle gr.)

  • Friendly cartoon.

Each team is invited to come up with and portray using facial expressions and gestures one of the teachers of the other team (no more than 1 minute). If teachers recognize a colleague (no more than 2 minutes are allowed for discussion)- they get a chip.

4. Competition

Knowledge of methodological material.

1. Write the names of all educational areas.

  1. Team 1 - What parts should the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education consist of? (of two parts: a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process).
  2. team - On what basis is the Approximate Basic General Education Program for Preschool Education being developed? (Based on federal requirements).
  3. What educational field do these tasks relate to?
  4. team - development of children's play activities ("Socialization")
  5. team - sensory development ("Cognition")
  6. team - education of cultural and hygienic skills; ("Health")
  7. team - the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community. ("Socialization")

Each correct answer is rewarded with a chip.

5. Competition

Development of expressive speech of the teacher

The teams are given the task:

  • Say the word "WELL DONE!":

1 team 2 team

quiet loud

tenderly surprised

ironically enthusiastic

affectionately demanding

6. Competition

Solving educational psychological and pedagogical situations

Each team chooses a card with a task, discusses and expresses its point of view. Points of view may be different and all teachers have the right to speak out.

  • One of the students is called by his group mates not by his name, but by his nationality. The child constantly cries and does not want to go to kindergarten. The teacher is trying to explain to the children that they are acting cruelly. Then preschoolers begin to tease the baby so that adults do not hear. What is the way out of this situation?
  • At a parent meeting, a preparatory group teacher talked about how to prepare children for school by developing them physically. The grandmother of one boy actively insisted that her grandson not be taken for walks or to the pool, because he often catches a cold. She justified this fact by the fact that teachers do not monitor how children dress, but at this age they cannot do this on their own. When asked by the teacher about how Seryozha would dress at school, the grandmother explained that, just like in kindergarten, she would help him with this, for which purpose she specifically quit her job. How to organize work with Serezha’s parents?

7. Competition

"Teacher Model"

And in conclusion, you are invited to diagrammatically depict a model of a teacher, noting the qualities that he should have.

Summing up

Decision of the teachers' council

Teachers' Council No. 2 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"

Subject: “Interaction between family and kindergarten in preserving and strengthening the psychophysiological health of children”

Purpose: 1. Analysis of the process of interaction between family and kindergarten.

2. Determining ways to improve interaction between family and kindergarten in preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

“The only beauty I know is health” G. Heine

“Preschool childhood” is a unique period in a person’s life when health is formed and personality develops.

At the same time, this is a period during which the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents, teachers. Therefore, inadequate care, behavioral, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to serious consequences in the future.

In accordance with the Law “On Education,” one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.”

Therefore, an active course is needed to create a unified space for the development of the child, both in the secondary educational institution and in the family.

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of personality: family or public education? Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions.

Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.

To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of legal documents, including the “Concept of Preschool Education”, “Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions”, the Law “On Education”, etc.

Thus, the law “On Education” states that “parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of a child at an early age."

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with families also changes. Each preschool educational institution not only educates the child, but also advises parents on issues of raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

The main areas of interaction with the family are:

  1. Studying the needs of parents for educational services.
  2. Educating parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Based on these directions, work is carried out to interact with the families of preschool children.

To determine the prospects for the development of the institution, the content of work and forms of organization, surveys of parents and surveys are carried out.

Parents were given a questionnaire “Determining the level of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and observing it in the family” after analyzing which we saw the following results.

A survey was also conducted for teachers on the topic "What is a healthy lifestyle" .

A review and competition was held “Equipment for a health-saving environment” .

Warm-up “Continue the phrase: (1 minute each for preparation)

1 team

  1. (physical development).

during the competition... (sport).

3. For children of primary preschool age, outdoor games are mainly

(imitative character)

4. Children's tourism is... (walks and excursions).

2nd team

  1. The process of changing the forms and functions of the human body is... (physical development).
  2. Special activity aimed at achieving some kind of physical exercise highest results identified

during the competition... (sport).

3. For children of primary preschool age, outdoor games are mainly ...

(imitative character)

4. Children's tourism is... (walks and excursions).

1 task

“Types of health and ways to implement them” .

"physical health" - this is the perfection of self-regulation in the body, maximum adaptation to the environment.

"mental health" - this is a high consciousness, developed thinking, great internal and moral strength that encourages creative activity.

There are more than 300 definitions of the concept "health" . According to the World Health Organization, HEALTH is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Physical health:

perfection of self-regulation in the body, harmony of physiological processes, maximum adaptation to the environment (pedagogical definition)

state of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, the basis of which is morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions (medical definition)

Mental health:

high consciousness, developed thinking, great internal and moral strength that encourages creative activity (pedagogical definition)

this is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the status of general mental comfort, an adequate behavioral reaction (medical definition).

Social health is the health of society as well as the environment for each person.

2 task

"Interaction with family"

Questions for the first team:

  1. How do you understand what working with parents is?
  2. List the forms of work with parents?
  3. Home visit. When is it advisable to visit family?
  4. Working with difficult families. Which family do you consider difficult? Do you have such families? What kind of work needs to be done with difficult families?

Questions for the second team:

  1. What are the main tasks facing a preschool institution in working with parents?
  2. Questioning. What is it? Name the positive and negative aspects of the survey.
  3. Do you consider such forms of work with parents as Day open doors, open lesson, newspaper issue? What does this give to teachers and parents?
  4. In what case bad behavior child is being discussed?
  5. exercise.

“Solving pedagogical situations”

Goal: game modeling of teacher behavior in situations of resolving contradictions between the teacher and parents.

1 team

  1. While getting ready for a walk, one of the students suddenly took out a note from his coat pocket addressed to the group teacher, asking the mother not to harden her child after nap. No reason was given. Would you comply with a parent's request? What will be your actions in the future?
  2. The teacher decided to talk to the mother of a five-year-old child about the boy’s pugnacity. How will you start a conversation?
  3. team
  4. The teacher invited all parents to the cleanup event, posting information about this on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is unhappy. The cleanup had to be postponed. How can you explain what happened? What to do next?
  5. In the afternoon, a car with sand for children's sandboxes drove up to the kindergarten. The sand was dumped onto the asphalt near the entrance. “In the evening, ask your parents to move the sand,” the head suggested to the teachers. How will you ask your parents for help? And if they refuse, what will your actions be?
  6. exercise

Game exercise "Modern family - what is it like?"

Conduct a cross-section of teaching staff’s ideas about modern family, analyze the ideal settings for the family of pupils, and real conditions.

  • Each team is given a set of magazines, base paper, glue, and scissors. The task of teachers: to depict modern family in the form of a collage using any illustrations.
  • The expert group should depict a family that is ideal in their opinion.
  • In 10 minutes collaboration Each group of teachers talks about their idea of ​​a family.
  • (The teacher council leader sums up the work done, emphasizing the valuable and unique vision in each team).

Summing up

Decision of the teachers' council

Teachers' Council No. 3 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"

Topic: “Scenario of the pedagogical council “FSES DO.

Features of the educational process"

The purpose of the teachers' council: Increasing the professional competence of teachers of the Moscow Academy of Educational Institutions in the field of organizing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.


  1. Give a general description of the Federal State Educational Standard. Conduct an analysis of the structure of the Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education in comparison with the FGT.
  2. To clarify and systematize the knowledge of MADOE teachers on organizing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.
  3. Provide practical advice on planning and organization theme week.

Preparatory work:

  1. Study by teachers of MADOU of normative and legal documents at the federal, regional, municipal levels regulating the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.
  2. Consultation cycle: "Transition from FGT to Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education" , “Adjustment of the educational educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” , “Construction of the educational process taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education” .
  3. Creating a presentation "FSES DO. Features of the educational process"

Event plan:

  1. Opening speech by the head of the kindergarten (Karaulnova O.A.)
  2. Report on the implementation of the decision of the previous pedagogical council

3. Current issues of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (Senior teacher Petrova I.V.)

4. Planning a theme week. A dramatization of a fairy tale about the Federal State Educational Standard (creative group No. 1)

5. Independent practical tasks for teachers of MADOU.

6. Results of the pedagogical council.

Progress of the teachers' council

Dear colleagues! Our teachers' council is dedicated to solving one of the annual tasks of our preschool institution, namely to increase the level of pedagogical competence of teachers through the development and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the educational process of the Moscow Preschool Educational Institution.

Came into force on September 1, 2013 Federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation", which introduced a number of significant changes to the education system of the Russian Federation, and in particular to preschool education. It became a new stage of education.

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard came into force. It was developed for the first time in Russian history in accordance with the requirements of federal law "About Education" in the Russian Federation.

The development of the preschool education standard was carried out by a specially created working group headed by the director Federal Institute development of education by Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov.

The documents underlying the development of the standard are:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation:
  • Legislative documents of the Russian Federation, including "Law on Education"
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Let's look at the meaning of the word "Standard"

A standard is a sample that something must correspond to, satisfy in terms of its characteristics, properties, qualities, as well as a document containing the relevant information (Ozhegov's dictionary).

Federal state educational standard - a set of mandatory requirements for education at a certain level and (or) to the profession, specialty and area of ​​training approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing public policy legal regulation in the field of education.”

Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard is a quality standard for preschool education. According to Alexander Asmolov “The preschool education standard is, first of all, a standard for supporting the diversity of childhood” . And another quote from him: “The standard of preschool education should ensure the implementation of state guarantees and will be aimed at meeting the needs of parents and children at this level of education” .

So why was there a need to develop a Federal State Educational Standard for preschool institutions? After all, only recently MADOU began to work on FGT.

FGT (federal state requirements) were developed on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "About Education" (adopted on July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 as amended on December 27, 2009 N 374-FZ, i.e. - on the basis "old" law. Now we have "new" , Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ. And the Federal State Educational Standard for Preliminary Education is a requirement of the new law "About Education" , in which preschool education is recognized as an independent level of general education, and this means that it must now work in accordance with the standards, since all levels of education are standardized.

Standards are developed to give Russian education unity. The standard for all levels of education has the same structure (general provisions, structure requirements educational program Additional education and its volume, requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program of additional education, requirements for the results of mastering the educational program of additional education)

Until 01.01.14 we worked on FGT. Having abolished FGT, the standard took the best of them, which had already been tested in the practice of preschool education and what our teachers had already managed to master. These two documents are certainly successive. Let's talk about continuity. What is it?

In FGT – 10, in Federal State Educational Standards of Education – 5

The basis for dividing the content of DL remains unchanged. Let us remember that in FGT 4 areas of child development were taken as a basis (social - personal, cognitive - speech, physical, artistic - aesthetic) They were conditionally divided into 10 educational areas depending on the type of activity of the child, which was fundamental. The Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education also takes 4 areas of child development as a basis and assigns educational areas to them. There are 5 of them. What areas are these? (physical development, speech development, cognitive development, social - communicative development, artistic - aesthetic). The Federal State Educational Standard includes a provision that the content of educational areas is implemented in special types of children's activities. Here there is also direct continuity between FGT and Federal State Educational Standards of Education. The specific content of educational areas depends on age and individual characteristics children. Each age has its own types of activities.

The Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education are based on principles.

  1. full-fledged experience by the child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age, enrichment (amplification) child development;
  2. building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);
  3. assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) educational relations;
  4. supporting children's initiative in various activities (this is an innovation)
  5. cooperation between the Organization and the family;
  6. introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;
  7. formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;
  8. age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);
  9. taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

Forms of organizing children's activities

Until every teacher implements these fundamental principles standard, these basic provisions, we cannot say that the Federal State Educational Standard for Education has been introduced into the practice of our educational activities. The main thing, say the authors of the standard, is not the content of educational areas. The main innovations of the standard are in compliance with the principles and their implementation. The question arises: how to implement these principles, using what technologies?

In any preschool institution There is PEP, which is implemented throughout the entire period of the child’s stay in kindergarten. Through what forms is it implemented? These are not only classes, they take up very little time in the daily routine. Consequently, other forms of organizing children are needed. The main form is, of course, the game. Learning can occur during play, and you need to make sure that during the game the child does not even realize that he is being taught. But besides games, there are other forms that can make a child’s life in kindergarten interesting and rich.

Consider these forms:

  1. Workshop
  2. Project activities
  3. Reading fiction, educational literature
  4. Experimentation and research
  5. Technology "Situation"
  6. Collecting

Let's talk about some of them.

A workshop is a form of organizing productive activity. These are not just classes, joint activities, collective forms of work that have a certain social motivation predominate here. (decorating the group for the holiday, making souvenirs, crafts as gifts) Here it is very important for the child to make his own choice of activities. He can draw, sculpt, make appliqué, it’s his choice. He has the right to ask the teacher for help, and the teacher should provide it only when the child really needs it. The child works at his own pace. The main thing is that the work is completed and has a result. This is it pedagogical support. The child can also choose his own partner. This is the difference from traditional classes.

Technology "Situation" is a form of joint activity that allows the teacher to respond flexibly to cognitive interest, which can occur spontaneously. Or it could be a specially created situation that activates and awakens the child’s interest. Children solve the problem, and the teacher only guides them.

Collecting is a form of cognitive activity of preschoolers. It is in this that the interests of the child are manifested. It is also good because you can collect not only material objects (for example, seeds, minerals, but it can also be a collection of emotions, impressions about some events. And then you can use these impressions so that the child transmits the experience he has acquired to others Children’s impressions, children’s experiences, and children’s emotions are important; this leads to the mutual enrichment of children’s experiences.

Experimentation and research are a form of cognitive research activity. It is aimed at broadening the horizons of children. We can use this form both in special moments and in special classes.

Project activity is also a form of joint activity aimed at broadening the horizons of children and nurturing the cognitive activity of a preschooler. The teacher creates conditions that allow children, independently or together with an adult, to acquire new experiences and gain knowledge through experimental, exploratory methods.

These forms of activity are very important in the work of a teacher. They must be mastered to implement the basic principles of the standard.

Planning a themed week "Gifts of Autumn" (independent practical work of teachers in groups).

Summing up

The decision of the teachers' council:

  • Develop an approximate program as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  • MADOU teachers should develop approximate work programs for age groups - September 2014.
  • Pedagogical activities, according to the conducted business game, according to the pedagogical analysis of the results of educational activities in the conditions of the transition of the MADU to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, are considered satisfactory.
  • All teachers should study the Law of the Russian Federation "About Education" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ; Federal State Educational Standard DO.
  • Create a data bank on the development of the best developments of integrated activities for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Teachers' Council No. 4 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"

Subject: "Pedagogical skills of a teacher"

Scenario of the final pedagogical council

"Image of a preschool institution"

Goal: to target teachers of the Moscow Preschool Educational Institution to form a positive image of the kindergarten through the analysis of the pedagogical activities of the Moscow Preschool Educational Institution, development and search optimal ways implementation of the image policy of MADOU.

1. Greeting

Another school year has come to an end. Today we sum up the results of our teaching activities. I will ask each of you to exchange impressions about the past academic year, your achievements, joys, positive changes. (Teachers approach each other chaotically and speak in 1-2 sentences).

2. The final teacher council is always a little psychologically stressful, both positively and negatively. I ask you to write down your expectations and concerns from today’s event on stickers. (The methodologist reviews the written concerns and expectations for possible adjustments to the upcoming event).

3. Today we will not just sum up the results of our work for the year, but will try to correlate our teaching activities with the criteria for forming the image of a preschool educational institution. In order to continue working, I suggest dividing into teams in accordance with the chosen logo. (Teachers choose badges with painted emblems - teachers, parents (legal representatives), administration of the UO). I ask representatives of the parent community, the administration of the educational institution and teachers to take their places.

Before we begin the work of our communities, I would like to find out what do you think is meant by the concept of the image of a preschool educational institution?

Teachers discuss and express their opinions in groups (eg: recognition of the kindergarten as popular among parents, approval of the activity by others, etc.)

Image (from English image - "image" , "image" ) - an artificial image formed in the public or individual consciousness by means of mass communication and psychological influence. The image is created by propaganda and advertising with the aim of forming a certain attitude towards the object in the mass consciousness. It can combine both real properties of an object and non-existent ones attributed to it.

The image of an object is a rational or emotional opinion about an object (person, object, system), which arose in the psyche of a group of people on the basis of an image formed in their psyche as a result of their perception of certain characteristics of a given object. (http: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/).

The image of MADOU is an emotionally charged image of an educational institution, often consciously formed, possessing purposefully specified characteristics and designed to provide psychological impact a certain focus on specific groups of society.

One of our main tasks is to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional well-being, a free creative and active personality. Kindergarten provides children with the opportunity to develop diversified, and adults with the opportunity to express themselves professionally. External positive corporate image - consistency of all elements of MADOU communication, conveying the main idea, causing a favorable response, which increases the degree of trust of the environment

What do you think is included in the concept of the image of a preschool educational institution, what components does it consist of? (statements of commands).

  1. Personnel Each member of the team has his own professional image, and at the same time, everyone - managers, teachers, and junior service personnel - is united by a common image: appearance, communication culture, intelligence, friendly smile, attractive behavior, pride in their institution and pupils.
  2. Services Unique characteristics of MADOOU: quality upbringing and education.
  3. Society Public perceptions of the role of MADO in the cultural and social life of the city.
  4. Visual perception An idea of ​​the institution based on visual sensations: the symbolism of the kindergarten - anthem, coat of arms, flag, design of groups, classrooms, halls, corridors.
  5. Business activity Participation of teachers and students in competitions and events.

From the perspective of managing an educational institution, the components of the image of MADOU can be conditionally grouped into the following blocks:

  • comfort of the institution environment (optimism and goodwill in the team, timely psychological assistance to individual participants in the educational process);
  • quality of educational services (contribution to the development of educational training of students, their upbringing, mental functions, creative abilities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle; a clear vision of the goals of education and upbringing, formulated in the mission of the educational institution; connections with various social institutions);
  • positive image of the director and staff of the institution (pedagogical, social and managerial competence of employees);
  • Creation general style premises of an educational institution in accordance with traditions, with the characteristics of its activities and financial capabilities; bright external attributes (presence of external symbolism, rituals, etc.);
  • public perceptions of the role of MADO in the cultural and social life of the city.

4. Now I invite communities to evaluate the activities of our MAOU over the past academic year according to the selected indicators.

  1. Let's start with a general question - determining the rating of the institution among parents, district administration, teachers (eg: teachers: “In our opinion, which is confirmed by questionnaires and surveys, satisfaction with the services of the MADU is 94%; administration of the educational institution: “In accordance with citizens’ requests, positive feedback was noted; there were no negative appeals to the work of the MADOU this year” ; parents: “Our kindergarten is popular among parents in the area; the kindest and most attentive teachers work here” ) .
  2. What positive aspects of the work of the MADOE over the past year were noted by all opponents (assessment statements:
  • comfortable environment of the institution - in difficult times of the innovation regime, psychological and methodological support was always provided to teachers, trainings were conducted on communication, personal growth, team building, and conflict prevention.
  • quality of educational services - a report from group teachers and specialists on the dynamics of children’s development and the implementation of programs for the academic year, a certificate from a senior teacher on advanced training for teachers
  • The image of the director and staff of the institution is friendly staff and competent management
  • creating a general style for the premises of an educational institution - changing the color design of the interior, saturating the subject-development environment, selecting new furniture with a single color range with the walls of the rooms.
  • public representations about the role of MADOU in the cultural and social life of the village - creation of the MADOU website, public and social events, publication of group newspapers, training of children and participation of MADOE teachers in competitions of all-Russian, regional and municipal significance).

Thus, over the past academic year, there has been an improvement in the comfortable environment of the institution - the unity of the team around achieving a common goal of introducing into practice the MADOU FGT to OOP and the conditions for its implementation, the quality of educational services - 90-95%, the creation of a modern style of the premises of the MADOU, the presentation of the MADOU at municipal, regional and all-Russian levels.

3. However, on a generally positive level, shortcomings in our work were also highlighted. What prevented the work of the MADO from achieving higher indicators (certificate from senior teacher).

5. The results have been summed up, but each result is the beginning of the next stage of development. Let's dream and express our opinion on what can be done to maintain the stability of the achieved results and transition to new level development. (Teachers speak out about the need to study new normative and teaching materials, advanced training, changes in the educational program, changes in the conditions for the implementation of the educational program, equipping the subject-development environment of the MADOE and sites, etc.). A dream is a goal, a goal is a result, a positive result is an increase in the image of our institution. We have outlined the goals of our future activities.

What can we realistically do in the next academic year? A draft of annual objectives and main directions of activity of the MADU for the next academic year and maintaining a positive image of the institution is proposed for discussion. Voting and speaking out from teachers.

Summing up

Decision of the teachers' council