Titles for essays about people. How to Write Effective Headlines

For your letters, using which you can increase the open rate of your own letters in your mailings.

1. Question title.

Every question requires an answer. Reading a question title, a person subconsciously has a desire to find out the answer to it. And you can find it, naturally, only by opening the letter.

“Do you want to know how to easily lose 12 kg without dieting or exercise?”
"Need money?"

2. Unfinished title.

The understatement in the title exploits our curiosity. And this is a very powerful thing. When something interests us, and then it ends... interesting place. This is usually practiced in TV series, but it can also be successfully used in e-mail marketing.

Here are examples of unfinished titles.

"Most effective method dealing with objections is..."
“You will never double your sales if you don’t use...”

3. A scary headline.

Fear is a very powerful feeling. The instinct of self-preservation is stronger than even the instinct of procreation. Therefore, any “message” that carries something intimidating or frightening to a person forces him to immediately react.

"Your email has been deleted"
"Your account is blocked"
"Your data has been destroyed"

4. Delivering title.

This type of headline informs a person about getting rid of some problem that has been bothering him for a long time and has been a peeve in business or life.

For example. “Computer viruses have come to an end”, “The problem of finding clients no longer exists”, “Lack of weight has been defeated”, etc.

5. Compromising headline.

People love to dig through dirty laundry and then wash the bones. Any compromising evidence arouses interest, and therefore is so actively used in headlines by various newspapermen.

“The Internet entrepreneur’s shocking confession about his subscribers”
“Scandalous recording from a conference on blog promotion in Runet”

6. Headline-fact.

The reader is simply told a specific fact. For example, a result that was achieved and which people would also like to repeat.

“217 thousand rubles on the first day of sales”
“Over 1000 visitors to the site per day, in three months”
“An ordinary schoolboy who made a deal worth half a million rubles”

7. Secret title.

You definitely want to know any secret. Therefore, any headlines that reveal any secrets to us have always attracted and will attract attention.

“The strategy of playing on the stock exchange that the bankers hid”
"Secret Method" quick learning foreign languages in the FSB"
“Revealed recipe for the signature pie of the Kremlin cuisine”

8. Friendly title.

Such headlines are usually used when writing to your friends or acquaintances, but in e-mail marketing this is necessary to get closer to the audience. Also, similar headlines can be used when using a personal brand.

"From Alexander"
"Alex Ivanovsky"

9. Permanent header.

This type of header is a permanent name of the same type that never changes. People get used to such constancy and in the future they will no longer confuse you with anyone. The response of such letters is stable, since the reader never knows what awaits him in today's issue, but willingly opens it, because... loves this newsletter.

“New business ideas. Issue 167"
"Magazine newsletter culinary recipes»

10. Intriguing title.

An intriguing title piques the reader's interest. But unlike other types of headlines, intriguing ones never reveal the essence of the offer. That is, in order for a person to find out what we're talking about, you need to open and read the letter.

“You have to see this!”
“In 8 years of practice, I have never seen anything like this!”

11. Targeting headline.

Targeting means selection, segmentation. This type of headline is aimed at a specific audience from total mass, for example, only for women or motorists, or those who keep animals at home, etc.

"For those who love beer more water»
“If they don’t buy books from you in the online store”

12. News headline.

Everything is very simple here. News headlines carry some kind of news.

"Latest changes in algorithms search engines»
"New rules for delivery tax return»

13. Title-gift.

People love free things, and therefore any mention of gifts, discounts, bonuses and anything that is offered for free always arouses interest. Especially if it costs money.

“Get a video course worth RUB 2,500. absolutely free"
"Let me give you a gift"

14. Title Guarantee.

A guarantee is a protection against risk, so using it in the headline makes any offer safe. That is, with a guarantee, a person gets the opportunity not to fear for the future result and, if something happens, to return everything back.

“This shampoo will get rid of your dandruff, or we’ll give you your money back.”
“A system that 100% guarantees the recruitment of the first 1000 subscribers in three days”

Naturally this is not full list techniques for writing headlines for letters, but even these are quite enough to increase the readability of your newsletter. I have given several examples based on which you can generate your own headings for topics. I am sure that if you try, they will be stronger and even brighter than mine.

Preparing to Create a Header

Alexander Amzin, a teacher at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, teaches you to come up with a headline or a draft version of it before the text is written, and not after. Before you begin, determine your needs target audience, title purpose and topic search queries. When all the text is ready, go back to the title and make your final decision.

The target audience. Address your target audience directly. The user will see that you speak directly to them and understand their needs.

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Target. The primary goal is obvious and applies to all types of content - to get the user to click on a link to read more or watch a video.

Secondary depends on the content of the content:

    Suggest a solution to the problem - How to get rid of scratches on a car using X product

    Show benefit - Save up to 50% on your purchase household appliances

    Incentivize people to perform a conversion action (buy a product or sign a petition) - Buy an English course and win a car

    Arouse curiosity - Smartphones with the best cameras named

    Provoke emotions (fear, anger, irritation) - Every hour, 1000 people die from cancer. Get tested

SEO. Optimize your titles to attract users from search engines. Readers who have purposefully searched and found the information they need will study it carefully. The time spent on the page will increase, behavioral factors will improve, and the site will rise in search results.

The title should match the main request as closely as possible. Make sure that keywords in the name looked natural.

User queries on the topic “Best water filter”

The first three articles for the search “Best water filter”

How different headers work

When I look at headlines on Facebook, I click the “read more” button on less than 10% of the posts in my feed. I actually read about a quarter of it. This means that I actually dive into the content of less than 2.5% of posts, the rest pass me by.

Pierre de Bro

content marketer at the international agency Spiralytics

Major media and private experts are testing different types headlines to interest people like Pierre. Let's look at the research results.

Length matters. Experts provide conflicting data regarding headline length. The BuzzSumo service analyzed 100 million headlines on Facebook and Twitter and found that the most viral materials are those whose headline consists of 12-18 words, or 80-95 characters.

A report from the international news agency The Guardian found that eight-word headlines receive 21% more clicks than other headlines.

If you don't fit into six words, make sure that the most important information contained in the first and last three

Numbers are interesting. Numerical headlines are the leaders in click-through rates. The Moz tested different types of headlines and found that headlines with numbers get at least 15-25% more clicks than other headlines. Moreover, numbers attract women more than men. If you're writing for a female audience, keep this in mind.

Steve Davis from Baker Marketing advises using odd numbers, because they are perceived as more reliable. This is confirmed by a Content Marketing Institute experiment: the click-through rate of headlines with odd numbers is 20% higher than with even numbers.

Even and odd numbers in the header

Negativity overcomes positivity. A person is designed in such a way that he is most interested in negative news. Based on the results of an analysis of 65,000 headlines, it turned out that options using the words “best”, “superior” perform 59% worse than titles with the words “worst”, “most dangerous”. Calm headlines without superlatives were taken as the starting point.

Examples of headlines with a negative connotation:

7 most dangerous mistakes while driving a car

Named products that kill

The worst areas in Moscow where you should not buy real estate

The simpler and clearer, the better. From the title it should be immediately clear what the text or video is about. Between correctness and creativity, always choose correctness. The user will not waste time thinking about metaphors, he will simply move on to the next publication. The more accurate the title, the better it is perceived by the reader. Maxim Ilyakhov in his book “Write, Cut” recommends avoiding “flirting, creativity and rhymes.”

Yellowness in the headlines. Content marketer and SMM specialist Liya Kanarskaya in the article “Mind Management: Why Hot Headlines Still Work” gives the definition: “ Intriguing headlines, which do not correspond to the content of the article and deliberately mislead the reader, are called yellow.”

Even large news portals such as Lenta.ru do not disdain “light” yellow headlines. Look, there are only two white headlines: “CSK left SKA without the Gagarin Cup final” and “Vladimir Yashke died in St. Petersburg.” All the rest somehow intrigue readers, making them want to find out more details.

Pronounced yellow headlines with fabrication and distortion of facts are most often found in the yellow press and in teaser advertisements. They are often accompanied by trigger words: “You will be shocked!”, “Sensation!”, “Let’s reveal a secret!” Such headlines play on the curiosity of readers and are designed for a mass audience.

The highest degree of yellowness in teaser advertising

How more degree“yellowness”, so more people will want to read the material, but the quality of the audience will be worse. Too much yellowishness worsens your reputation and reduces the trust of regular readers.

Maria Solodar,

expert in creating automatic sales funnels

Snippet - same subtitle

The effectiveness of a headline depends on many factors: the location of the content, the target audience, the topic, and the severity of the problem. The research results may not be confirmed in your particular case, so you should not take them as the ultimate truth. Try different options.

Formulas for creating a strong headline

The formulas help beginners apply fundamental marketing principles and professionals quickly move through headline milestones.

AIDA formula

  • Attention - miracles happen
  • Interest - what kind of tea
  • Desire - lose 5 kg in 10 days
  • Action - find out

Result: Miracles happen! Find out which tea will help you lose weight by 5 kg in 10 days

Formula 4U

  • Limited time or quantity (Urgency) - only until April 1
  • Usefulness - up to 50% discount
  • Uniqness - a unique Japanese cream
  • Specificity (Ultra-specificity) - anti-aging facial massage

Bob Bly's 4 Principles

  • Attracting attention is harmful to health
  • Appeal to the target audience - children's curds
  • Exact offer - test results
  • Getting drawn into reading text - why?

ODA formula

  • Offer - mortgage at 5.5%
  • Deadline - until the end of the year
  • Call to action (Action) - get your application approved online

Result: By the end of the year, a mortgage in SuperBank at 5.5% - get your application approved online

Comparison header formula: X vs Y

  • X - Lexus IS
  • Comparison - or (better, faster, tastier)
  • Y-Mercedes CLA

Result: Lexus IS or Mercedes CLA: honest test drive

Hello dear readers of the blog site. I decided to devote this article to the pressing problem of novice copywriters, namely the question - how to increase sales of finished articles? I'll talk about ways to write headlines that will make your texts stand out. new level.

The magic of a good headline or why it works?

A person is designed in such a way that he needs to constantly update his knowledge with some information. The Internet also plays a significant role in this. And if you believe the calculations of analysts, then every person in the world spends on average from 2 to 4 hours a day searching and reading on the Internet. And when he looks for information, the first thing he pays attention to is the headlines.

I won’t go into the clever speeches of marketing language; a novice copywriter doesn’t need this yet, but I’ll explain it in intelligible Russian words. For example, you are looking for information about how to make money from articles, And Let's say you have two sources in front of you. One of the headlines says – learn to make money by selling articles. And the other one is 10 effective advice to increase sales of finished articles. Which one will you read first? I think the answer suggests itself.

A good copywriter knows how to get the reader to pay attention to his article. And if you want to increase your sales level and earn more, you must also be able to write headlines correctly.

Examples of creating an effective headline

Let's get to the heart of the matter. Below I will give examples of several ways to create a catchy headline. You will subsequently be able to select what you need for your article and thereby increase your earnings.

So, step one - title question

This type of headline forces a person to respond to it, as it were, subconsciously. And the twist is that for this you need to pass the information through yourself. Whether you like it or not, you will read this article. Remember, this happened to you?

Questions in the title may vary. They can be affirmative, concrete or purely symbolic. But they have the same meaning. Everyone points out that the answer to their question is in this text. By correctly composing such a headline, you will force not only to read the article, but also to draw the customer’s attention to it.

  • Why doesn't the car accelerate?
  • Why can't you afford a new Mercedes?
  • How long does it take to break in an engine?
  • How much does a good car service cost?

Questions of different types cause a certain reaction in the subconscious that prompts action. Take this into account and use this heading option.

Articles for people or how to increase the readability of text?

Title - intrigue

Man is greedy by nature. We are interested in all secrets, especially those that allow us to gain an advantage over someone. And even without this, people are always trying to learn something new. Using such headlines there is a high chance of attracting readers and increasing the level of earnings from finished articles.

  • Secrets personal growth.
  • The secrets that made Lord Bekins rich.
  • A few secrets to increasing profits in a small business.

Something like that. Use such headings as much as possible in texts about various options earnings.

Title - number

Any numbers in the headings play the role of an auxiliary utility coefficient. To put it simply, this is a measure that allows the reader to a priori evaluate the experience that he will gain by reading the article. And here quantity takes over quality. How higher figure, the more likely it is that your article will be read, and therefore purchased in the store.

By introducing digital certainty, an experienced copywriter can manipulate his audience, diluting the informational component with a light commercial background. If you noticed, my post is titled this way.

  • 1000 ways to attract a girl's attention.
  • 20 options for starting the engine in sub-zero temperatures.
  • 100 tips for increasing profits in business.

Use this approach wisely and then your work will be in great demand, and earnings from articles will reach a new level.

Heading - solution to the problem

By nature, man is a lazy creature. Of course, I'm generalizing a little, but in general this is true. For most people, the Internet is a solution to many problems. There is no arguing with this, it’s just that everyone is spoiled in their own way. And even you, reading this article, took advantage of this opportunity by typing a specific query into the search bar to find the answer to it, right?

There's nothing wrong here. You can’t know everything and you always need to learn something, but to find necessary information, such headers allow.

  • How to reduce gasoline consumption?
  • How to make a lot of money?
  • How to quickly relieve lower back pain?

The first word “how” plays a big role here. From a psychological point of view, behind it lies a guide to making a decision that can help cope with a certain situation.

Is the principle clear? Use it. This is very effective headlines. Of the articles I've sold, more than half have been titled this way. And today, when working with customers, I try to make the most of them.

Headline with rhetoric of personal experience

When looking for information, many people prefer those articles that provide examples from personal experience. That is, the person has already done this and knows all the intricacies. This means that after reading the article, I will also do everything correctly.

  • How did I learn to write interesting articles?
  • How did I become a professional copywriter?
  • How did I make my first money on the Internet?

If you noticed, again the word how. And here there is a double effect. Experienced copywriters guru of his business, They use this approach wisely, significantly increasing the sale of their articles. But such headlines for articles have a second side. Confidence in the text will increase if there are references to the experience of great people.

  • Secrets of a successful football player from Cristiano Ronaldo
  • How did Abramovich earn his first money?
  • How do famous copywriters make money from their texts?

This header option is also good. Use names famous personalities to increase sales of your articles.

Title - emphasis

Some seemingly inconspicuous words, when combined with others, can have a magical effect on the sale of articles. Here distinctive feature is that one word will indicate a solution to a problem or encourage the acquisition of something.

  • Winter tires from ..... will make your car show restraint on slippery roads.
  • Copywriting lessons from ..... will raise your level to a professional.
  • By purchasing...... you will get rid of all the Colorado potato beetles on the site.

As you can imagine, these headlines are more suitable for But they can improve profitability in other cases.

Title - fear

Such headlines of articles inspire some fear potential reader, forcing him to follow the link and study the information. A person instinctively seeks protection from something, and if there is a chance to protect himself by reading a certain text, then such a headline will definitely hook him.

  • Without the skill of writing texts, you lose up to 1000 rubles a day.
  • Using motor oil brand…. will lead to irreparable consequences.
  • A correctly composed headline can raise the copywriter’s rating in the eyes of the customer.

This is a very strong headline option. Take note and use it to increase your earnings on finished articles.

7 myths about working as a copywriter

Title - guarantee

Another 100% working option. Articles titled in this way go down well on the copywriting exchange. Because the buyer usually knows what content he needs on the site. And your article will answer his questions.

  • After reading this book, you will increase the sales of your articles by 100%.
  • In this article you will learn how to overcome dandruff.
  • By completing this course, you will solve the problem of lack of money once and for all.

Custom Headers

Many of us have a psychological filter built into our heads. Sometimes a person is prompted to action by seemingly non-standard solutions. Experienced copywriters use such headlines, thereby boosting sales and increasing their earnings from articles.

  • If you don't need money, then don't read this text.
  • Out of the blue - how my husband left me.

You need to know how to use such headings for articles. Therefore, while you have not yet gotten your hands on copywriting, do not rush to take them on board.

Heading is a pain

The most strong headlines texts are those that touch a person to the quick, prompting him to read the article that contains the solution to his problem. Or vice versa, hitting his pride. They work 100%, increasing sales and earnings on articles.

  • End your hair loss problem once and for all!
  • Stop working for your uncle and strive for financial independence!
  • Tired of Colorado potato beetles and mole crickets - there is a solution!

Copywriter's website - why does the author need his own resource?

What we have?

Human psychology is such that he is interested in solving a problem in any way. If you express this in the title, then you will force the reader to open the text and read it to the end.

What does the customer need? Of course, conversion on the site. Copy or write down examples of article headings somewhere and use them in your work. Then your texts will sell more often, and you will increase your earnings from articles.

Video on the topic