What is Nigma RF. What is the difference between the Nigma search engine and how it works

Sometimes it seems that only some of the main search engines are used on the Internet - Google, Bing, Yandex, and the rest are a completely strange (not particularly in demand) product, it is not clear for whom it was created. If you think logically, then why, in principle, use anything else if the search giants can provide users with all the necessary information.

However, as it turns out, some services have very interesting features. If we talk about the global web, then I remember the search engine DuckDuckGo, in RuNet, along with such well-known Russian-language search engines as Yandex, Rambler, you can notice another one worthy of attention - Nygma !

The search engine Nigma.RF (Nigma is a genus of spiders) was born back in 2004 (the alpha version was launched on April 12, 2005) in the bowels of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University. Initially, Nigma searched exclusively on the Livestream.ru website, but soon enough the PS learned to search throughout the entire RuNet (in 2005, Nigma created its own index, and in the same year the company entered into an agreement with Yandex to use their search results in XML).

At the moment, no more than 0.3% of search queries in RuNet are made using Nigma, but thanks to a number of original features, this search engine has its own identity. Let's talk about these features in more detail.

So, the features of Nygma are:

1. Clustering. After executing a query, the user will receive several relevant clusters (blocks of similar queries. Example: along with the main search results, encyclopedic information, data from online stores, etc. can be displayed on the left). Thanks to this, the user has the opportunity to quickly clarify the request, if necessary.

2. Search using your own index and other search engines— in particular, it is possible to search on Yandex, Google, Rambler, Bing, Yahoo, Aport.

3. Smart tips.

Nigama is one of the first search engines to introduce “smart suggestions”. Now this is already difficult to surprise anyone with, however, in this search engine it is implemented somewhat differently than, say, in Google. When you enter a query in Nigma, you can get not only tips for popular queries, but also, for example, an encyclopedic reference (in the form of a tooltip) or information about the price of a product;

4. Availability of filters.

Filters are located in the left column of the search results and contain various “clarifying” queries, with the help of which you can “customize” the search results exactly as you need, removing all that is unnecessary. That is, in other words, you will determine which topics correspond to the request and which do not - for example, by selecting the word car, you will find in the filters the values ​​​​"used cars", "prices", "foreign cars", "ads", etc., which will help slightly clarify the scope of the search query.

5. Tabular “issue”. If you are not satisfied with the traditional “issue”, in Nigma you have the opportunity to receive search results in the form of a table.

6. Educational features Nigma-mathematics and Nigma-chemistry. Nygma can not only help in finding information, with the help of the educational functions of this search engine you can solve some problems in mathematics and chemistry or simply significantly expand your knowledge in these sciences;

7. Decoding abbreviations and currency converter.

8. Search by music. Nygma has a convenient search for music, and you are given the opportunity to both download the desired works and listen to them immediately on the spot. In the latter case, a player with a playlist appears in the right corner.

9. Search by torrents. By adding the word “torrent” or “torrent” to the request, you will receive a list (in table form) of pages (that do not require tracker registration) where you can download the desired file. Very, very convenient, I dare say :)

10. Links to popular resources. Another interesting feature of Nygma is the top menu, which is a selection of bookmarks on popular sites/portals of various topics (for example, News, Maps, Addresses, Social Networks, and so on).

You could safely call the article something like 10 reasons why you need to use a search engine Nygma. Although, I admit, the project has many more features. In general, it should be said that Nigma.RF can rightfully be called an intelligent search system; when working with it, you feel that some “virtual organism” is helping you make the right choice (query) and get the appropriate result. Don't know where to start searching? — filters and hints will help you specify your request. Looking for music or torrents? — get direct links and the opportunity to listen to songs. A very “living” semblance of a search engine for people is being created, it’s strange why so few users use it. Moreover, as far as search quality is concerned, the results are quite adequate. Perhaps it’s all about promotion, but in general I definitely liked Nygma.

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A search engine is a world-wide machine designed to search for data on the global network. Roughly speaking, the work of a search engine can be divided into two parts: a search robot (also called a spider) constantly walks the Internet, collecting information from website pages - this is called indexing; issuing results - when the user enters a security question, the Enigma search engine goes through its internal, pre-built index and produces a list of links to sites that are relevant to the entered keyword.

Enigma search string (working)

True, it is necessary to make a clarification - the enigma search engine does not exist in nature. Enigma is a encryption machine that was very popular among the Germans in World War II, read about it below, it is also the name of the musical group. There is a smart search system called Nigma, which is very similar to Enigma, so users very often get confused and try to search for the wrong search engine.

Search engines can be roughly divided into local and global. The former are limited to a national domain or a specific language, while the latter actually cover mainly the American Internet, which is not surprising, since it is the main part of the world, while the rest of the Internet is much less well-known. In this regard, if you are limited by country or language, then it is better to use a local smart search engine.

The Internet is a living, dynamic system, which means that it changes much faster than a spider knows about it.

In this regard, search results may sometimes contain documents that have been changed or that no longer exist at all (in this case, a 404 error is issued). Some search engines, including the Enigma search engine, then save its image and when returning results you will view such an image, although the original has already been changed. This is why the speed of index updating, as well as the size of the search database, are extremely important for the effective operation of search engines.

Enigma search engine free download

A search engine is a program; accordingly, it has a special query language, thanks to which it is possible to “explain” to the system as accurately as possible what is required of it. But nowadays, all search engines understand the ordinary key query entered by the user, and it is not at all necessary to know his native programming language. This greatly simplifies the work of people completely unprogramming; they just need to enter a query in natural, “human” language for the system to determine your area of ​​interest. The machine itself is able to figure it out.

The Enigma search widget is a widget created for the screens of mobile phones, Android smartphones and tablets. Thanks to this application, you can easily and quickly search using the Enigma search engine. As you enter keywords into the search bar, you will see a drop-down list of search suggestions and possible results; in addition, if this is specified in the settings, the query will be translated into other languages. If you wish, you can change the standard design option to your own - unique one. To download the Enigma search engine for free, just click on the corresponding button on the right.

Enigma encryption machine

Enigma is a family of electromechanical rotary portable machines with an encryption function, actively used during World War II to encrypt and decrypt top-secret messages.

It began its history almost 100 years ago, when in the 17th year of the last century, the Dutchman Hugo Koch received a patent. In 1918, the patent was sold to Arthur Sherbius, who began commercial activities selling single copies of the finished machine to individuals or entire armies.

It took the British cryptographic service six years to become interested in this device. In 1924, she purchased a batch of machines from the manufacturer's company with the condition that the patent would be registered with the British Patent Office. This deal made it possible for the British to obtain a description of the cryptographic scheme.

When studying history at school, we were told that during the Second World War the Germans used a certain encryption machine - “Enigma”. From the 25th year of the 19th century until the end of World War II, about 200,000 vehicles were manufactured for the needs of the German army. In 1926, the German navy began to be equipped with similar devices, and in 1928, the ground forces. They were also actively used by the intelligence and security services.

According to experts, this mechanism was a new word in cryptography in those days.

The Nigma.ru search engine is one of the best search engines. The search engine has a multi-search function. Nigma contains its own resource base, but in addition it allows you to search immediately across all the most popular search engines, including Google, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, AltaVista, Yahoo and Aport. The search engine is located.

Using the Nigma.ru search engine.

The mechanism for selecting results in this search engine differs from most accepted methods of site discovery. The fact is that the engine of this service uses clustering of results. What does this mean? Imagine that you decide to find out for yourself what “rendering” is. Having compared the results in different search engines, the Nigma.ru engine selected the most likely results and, at the same time, on the left side of the window, next to the list of search results, displayed the so-called clusters - “visualization”, “creation”, “system”, “rendering”, “process”, “studio max”, “computer graphics” and other words and phrases. These clusters represent a thematic group of found documents. This way, you can quickly narrow your search or specify your search query.
In the Nigma.ru search engine, you can also use categories to limit the area from which results will be selected - for example, perform a search only taking into account music resources or display results only for images.

Another opportunity of this service may be of interest to schoolchildren and students. The Nigma.ru search engine offers the services Nigma mathematics and Nigma chemistry. The first is designed for quickly solving simple equations and various arithmetic operations, the second allows you to work with formulas of chemical reactions. The Nigma search service recognizes more than a thousand physical, mathematical constants and units of measurement, allowing you to quickly convert from one dimension to another.
Pay attention to the top line on the Nigma search engine page. Very convenient features. For example, sending free SMS messages to all leading mobile operators, blogs, mail, dictionaries, etc. – get to the pages with one click!

How to search in Nigma.ru?

To improve the quality of the search, you can use special characters (operators) that will indicate to the search engine that certain query words need to be processed in a special way.

Regular queries (without operators).

When you perform a regular multi-word query, the search engine tries to find pages that contain the most words from the query first. That is, the first places in the list of displayed results will be pages that contain the maximum number of words from the query.
For example, the query pink panther will first display pages containing the phrase “pink panther”, then pages that contain both words: “pink” and “panther”, no longer related to each other.

Operators AND, +, AND.

By default, words separated by spaces are considered to be the same as words separated by the operator "+", "AND" or "AND", all of these forms of queries are equivalent (a AND b - we are interested in both the word "a" and word "b").
For example, the queries pink panther, pink+panther, and pink AND panther and pink AND panther will be indistinguishable to a search engine.

Operator OR, OR, ||.

Sometimes some query words are equivalent for you, for example, “download” and “download”. In this case, you can indicate to the search engine using the operators "OR", "OR" and "||" between these words, that it is enough to find pages with any of these words. Pages will be found that contain at least one of the words. Examples: hippopotamus OR hippopotamus, hippopotamus || hippopotamus, mp3 music (download OR download).

Operator "".

If you want to find pages where a given phrase appears, enclose it in quotation marks in your query. This can be useful, for example, when searching for a poem or song lyrics based on a famous line. Compare the results: “frost and sun - a wonderful day” and frost and sun - a wonderful day. The phrase enclosed in quotation marks is searched in its entirety without changing the word order and without taking into account word forms, that is, only exact occurrences of this phrase are found.

Operator - and NOT.

Sometimes the results for some queries provide not only the information you need, but also a lot of other information. For example, the query “windows of growth” will return both results about Soviet-era propaganda posters and about the window manufacturing company of the same name. Let's say we need to find information about posters. Unnecessary results can be filtered using the "-" and "NOT" operators placed in front of the word you want to exclude from the search results.
Let’s clarify the request for “growth windows” using the “-” or “NOT” operators: growth windows -pvc -production -via or growth windows NOT pvc NOT production NOT via.

Site operator and site.

If you want to find pages that satisfy a query and are located on a specific site, add the operator "site:site_address" or "SITE:site_address" to the request. You can search multiple sites at once.
The query: nigma site:www.habrahabr.ru will find pages from the site www.habrahabr.ru containing the word “nigma”.
And upon request: news site:lenta.ru, site:utro.ru, news from two sites will be found.
You can specify the site address down to subdomains, for example, the following request: news site:auto.utro.ru specifies a search only on the specified subdomain (auto.utro.ru), results from other subdomains will be ignored.

Complex queries.

Parentheses allow you to group query words so that you can apply an operator to them. For example: Samsung microwave oven (manual OR documentation) The words “manual” and “documentation” are combined in parentheses so that the OR operator applies only to them.


Nigma searches both in its own index and in the indexes of Google, Yahoo, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, AltaVista, Aport.

The Nigma.ru error correction system corrects gross errors (Yurey Lushkof), typos, offering the user a choice of not one, but several correction options. Errors associated with incorrect choice of keyboard layout fibgrf - error (including combinations with other errors) are corrected. The dictionary of the intelligent search system is expanded with the names of famous brands, which the user can type in the query line even in Russian, since Nigma automatically expands the search with an alternative spelling of the brand.

Decoding abbreviations

Nigma.ru has a service for decoding abbreviations. Abbreviations are entered into the search bar and, in parallel with the search for documents, a search for transcripts of abbreviations is carried out. Transcripts that have been confirmed in the found documents are included in the list of clusters. And those transcripts that have not been confirmed by documents fall into a special pseudo-cluster “Abbreviations”. Examples:

  • IMHO, and also like this IMHO

Services and tools


The Nigma system allows you not only to perform simple arithmetic transformations, but also to solve mathematical problems of varying degrees of complexity. Nygma also recognizes more than a thousand physical and mathematical constants and units of measurement, which allows you to perform operations with many quantities (including solving equations with them) and receive an answer in the required units of measurement. In addition to equations, the system solves all problems typical for search engine calculators and currency converters. However, Nygma can count in fractions and knows commonly used synonyms for currencies. So, for example, you can calculate how much wood is in a dollar. Using the new service, users will be able to solve various mathematical problems (simplify expressions, solve linear and quadratic equations, systems of equations, equations with units of measurement, convert currencies, calculate the modulus of a number, simplify trigonometric expressions, reduce fractions and much more) by entering them directly into search string in the form of strict or non-strict (plain) text.


In response to a query, users will see the three most recent news stories directly on the search results page.

The developers indexed and processed data from more than 3,500 media RSS feeds and popular blogs. The site also has a form through which users themselves can add news resources to the search engine index. The news database is updated every 5 minutes. δ


Search string autocomplete

Firstly, the system offers options based on previous requests from Nigma.ru users.

Secondly, opposite the proposed autocomplete examples, the most relevant sites related to the user’s request are displayed. Now you can go to the desired site without even typing in the request to the end, but only by selecting it from the list and pressing the “right” key, or simply clicking on the link. If the desired site is in the first place in the tooltip, then you can not select it, but go to it only using the “right” key. For example, if you enter two letters: “by” and press the “right” key, the gismeteo website will open.

Thirdly, the developers have made it as easy as possible for the transition to the most popular sites among Nigma.ru users. For example, previously, to get to the Odnoklassniki website, you had to type 13 letters, press “Enter,” wait for the search results, and then click on the first result. Now nigma.ru users, holding down the “O” key for several seconds and then releasing it, will immediately be taken to the Odnoklassniki website. The same will happen when you press the keys: “v” (the user will be taken to the site “in contact”), “yu” (“youtube.com”), “z” (“zaitsev.net”), etc. Moreover, the user no need to switch the language - instead of “o” you can click on “j”, and it will also be redirected to the classmates website.

Improved version

In the improved version, the search engine answers the user's questions before he completely enters his question into the search bar. The system offers filling options, taking into account the popularity of previous user requests. To the right of the option is the answer to the question. For example, if you enter a short query, the system itself will select similar query options, immediately offering an answer. To launch the new version of automatic completion, the developers used a knowledge base consisting of 12 million questions and answers, which was compiled based on information from Wikipedia.


When selecting the desired option in the search hint, the user can see definitions of the concepts and words that he wants to find. The database contains 340928 definitions. Information is taken from Wikipedia. It is expected to connect other sources of information.

“We are working to ensure that the user does not need to click the “Find” button, select a site, or search for information on the site. A search engine must be able to answer a question before it is fully typed."

Search by music files

Through the “Music” tab, Nygma users will be able to find and immediately listen to their favorite song right on the search results page (“Vivaldi Seasons”). The Nigma.ru search robot finds music files on the Internet and indexes the tags contained in these same files.

When a user searches in the “music” tab, Nigma finds music files, and the user receives direct links to them as results. The search engine has now indexed 1,600,000 audio files. The developers are planning to expand the base next year, 2009.


  • Alpha version launched on April 12, 2005
  • September 26, 2005 Nigma provided

type- Internet company
activity- Internet search engine
Audience - 3 005 897 unique users
industry- Internet
products- Nigma.ru services
languages- Russian
telephone - 84959269379

Nigma.ru- Russian search engine. The first clustering and metasearch system in Runet. The scientific project Nigma was created with the support of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov and Stanford University. The traffic of the Nigma.ru search engine is 3 005 897 unique users.

Project team

The Nigma.ru project team is cheerful and resourceful programmers who are working on creating a system based on developments in the field of artificial intelligence. The developments carried out by the team of programmers of the intelligent search system Nigma.ru are another step towards the creation of artificial intelligence. We are talking about modeling intellectual activity using computers. The ultimate goal of all work is the creation of algorithmic and software for computers that allow solving intellectual problems.

As of October 8, 2008, the total index of all these search engines contains more than 6,000,000,000 Russian-language documents.


Based on the entered user request, Nigma generates a list of documents divided into several classes (clusters). The user can specify in which class to continue the search, thereby improving the relevance of the search results. The user can also exclude classes of sites that he does not need, for example, documents coming from online stores (a special cluster is formed for them).

The list of clusters appears to the left of the list of search results. For each cluster, the phrase that forms it and the number of documents in the cluster are indicated. The user can manage clusters using special links below the list of clusters.

For example request:


Nigma supports Russian morphology. A morphological module for the Russian language of our own development is used.

Previously, Nigma.ru supported morphology by sending duplicate queries to search engines, which contained common morphological forms of the requested words. At the same time, in contrast to existing implementations of Russian morphology for search engines, the proposed algorithm did not reduce, but increased the number of documents found, since the morphologically modified query is combined with the original one. Relevance also increased as special algorithms for combining results were used.

Thus, through Nigm, for example, it was possible to search for documents in the Google index taking into account Russian morphology, even at a time when Google did not support Russian morphology. Now there is no need for this technology, since all leading search engines support Russian morphology.

Artificial intelligence

Nigma uses artificial intelligence, based on a neural network, to select more relevant results.

Query language syntax

AND and + operators By default, words separated by spaces are the same as words separated by the + operator or the AND operator - all three forms of queries are equivalent (a AND b - we are interested in both the word "a" and the word "b" "). For example, the queries pink panther, pink+panther, and pink AND panther will be indistinguishable to a search engine.

OR operator Sometimes some query words are equivalent for you, for example “download” and “download”, then you can indicate to the search engine using the “OR” operator between these words that it is enough to find pages with any of these words. Pages will be found that contain at least one of the words. Examples: hippopotamus OR hippopotamus, mp3 music (download OR download)