100 headlines on the topic I am a creative person. How to create catchy headlines

Four header functions. A successful headline has 4 important functions:

  • Attracting attention.
  • Audience screening.
  • Transmits the entire message.
  • Creating reader interest in the text. Most people skim read, so your headline only has a moment to grab the reader's attention.

Don't use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. We have learned to recognize the “shape” of words on an unconscious level. Words printed in capital letters appear as RECTANGULAR PRINTED BLOCKS, so the person viewing the page will miss the entire message.

Simple and clear. Do not use abbreviations, jargon or difficult words. A well-written title with body text should be easily understood by a 7th grade student.

Don't underestimate the client's intelligence. The decision to spend your hard-earned money is never easy. People need exact facts and guarantees that they receive best offer. Today's consumers can't stand even a hint of airs, dances, tricks and songs from salespeople.

Target your audience. Try to immediately outline the audience in the title. If you try to reach everyone, you will end up with uncertainty and no one will be impressed. When selling a cure for kidney stones, mention kidney stones in the title.

Accuracy. Don't write blind headlines that don't make anything clear about your offer. The title should be self-sufficient so that the reader does not have to read its meaning into the text. He still won't read the text.

Engage your senses. Engage maximum quantity senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to captivate the reader’s imagination. Remember, “Sell the taste, not the steak.” It is important to imagine not a piece of meat, but the aroma of seasonings, the juice sizzling on hot coals, the smell of the most tender tenderloin and the stains of barbecue sauce on the chef's new apron.

Captions that spark curiosity. Add entertaining captions under each photo. People are always looking at images, and good photo with an intriguing caption will definitely attract the reader's attention.

Get ready! Gather all the information you can about your product and target audience to find a “click” to use in your headline. The best headlines come to mind during the process of researching information when writing an ad. Good text and a successful headline are not possible without effort and preparation.

Use a thesaurus. When writing your title, look up each of your words in a thesaurus to find the most accurate synonyms.

Sand until shiny. Rework the title, rearrange the word order, and come up with several versions, never stopping to think about a better option. Choose the best one. Good title takes longer than the main text. Look from a new angle, in a different direction, or scroll various options, trying to see your title through the eyes of the reader so that it is not boring and can intrigue.

  • Try to touch the reader’s selfishness on an emotional level. A high-quality headline should contain an element that has a motivating effect. These may be the following emotions:

    • fear
    • need
    • wish
    • curiosity
    • real news or interesting statistics
    • nagging question
  • Learn from the masters. Creating a working title from scratch is not easy. Successful copywriters use proven formulas that get results by rewriting classic models that have stood the test of time. The following is a list of successful headlines that can be used as a foundation for almost any situation:

    • “Lord, give me strength to move on” (fear/curiosity/selling insurance)
    • “God give my children the strength to survive this”
    • “How to get people to talk about your food” (vanity/curiosity)
    • “How to Save Up to 15% on Car Insurance Before November 20th” (accuracy/timing/incentive)
    • “How to increase your pension by 14.55% by the end of the year” (accurate statistics)
    • “How to Reduce Home Insurance Costs by 28%”
    • “How to quickly relieve strain on tired eyes” (an exact solution to a common problem)
    • “How doctors quickly get on their feet” (expert revelation/curiosity/authority)
    • "How to retire in 15 years when you're 40" (hard numbers and facts)
    • “How to quickly pump up your abdominal muscles and make others envy you” (hurt vanity)
    • “Do you know the 7 most common mistakes in the advertisements? (curiosity)
    • “7 mistakes on the first date” (curiosity)
    • “Is your husband proud of your culinary talents?” (vanity)
    • “How to win arguments and convince people” (double benefit)
    • “Quick test for pregnant women” (attracting a specific audience through curiosity)
    • “At first they laughed, but then I started playing...” (curiosity, interest)
    • “This face cream made me jealous even best friend"(vanity/curiosity)
  • Then choose the appropriate one from 200 header templates and adapt them to your business. Headlines are suitable for any business.

    Below each example headline is a template, fill in the blanks with a sentence for your clients.



    Headings for landing page

    1. Your lawyer doesn't want you to read this ad.

    2. Are you a millionaire writer?

    Are you?

    3. You too can look and feel great by spending just 12 minutes a day with Gym-In-a-Can!

    You too can have a great time with everything!

    4. Would you like to have a photographic memory?

    Would you like to have it?

    5. World-renowned chef reveals 'top secret' ways to cook lean chicken, fish and turkey with absolutely NO fat, NO margarine and NO butter.

    The world-famous reveals “top secret” methods absolutely.

    6. The woman who spent 5 years in wheelchair with MC, miraculously wins an aerobics competition

    A woman who, amazingly, wins.

    7. The wife of a famous film actor discovers a fragrance that drives men crazy

    The wife of a famous one opens, which

    8. Why Lazy Boss Children Succeed in Business and Nice Guys Fail

    Why lazy people succeed and good guys fail

    9. Why are we giving away (product name) for only $2 - that's not a typo

    Why we give everything for - this is not a typo

    10. Who else wants to make money using their computer?

    Who else wants help?

    11. Who else wants to bake a cake in half the time?

    Who else wants to spend?

    12. Who else wants to have a stunning figure?

    Who else wants to be the owner?

    13. Which of these dermatological problems do you want to get rid of?

    Which of these problems do you want to get rid of?

    14. Which of the following health problems do you want to overcome?

    Which of the following problems do you want to overcome?

    15. Where is the money and how to get it

    Where and how to get them

    16. What would you rather do: watch TV or earn real money?

    What would you rather do: or?

    17. Your travel agency won’t say this - you can save 50%-70% on your sea voyage!!!

    Yours won’t say this - you can save on yours!!!

    18. Your lawyers won't tell you this... You can form your own corporation over the phone, in any state, in just 8 minutes and for just $45

    Yours won’t say this... You can do it for just $

    19. What everyone should know about the stock business

    What everyone should know about business

    20. We are looking for people who want to make money through their own business

    We are looking for people who want to help

    21. We are looking for people to write greeting cards

    We are looking for people to

    22. WARNING: Do not try another weight loss diet or weight loss supplement until you have read this FREE report and audiotape.

    WARNING: Do not try another one until you have read this FREE report and audiotape.

    23. Ideas and innovations required!


    24. Do you want to be a river guide?

    25. Do you want to be a private investigator?

    26. Do you want to be a paralegal?

    Do you want to be?

    27. Make yourself attractive, lazy person.

    in order to become

    28. Make your mailbox an inexhaustible CASH Vault

    Make it out of yours

    29. Too busy making a living to make money?

    Too busy to?

    30. For people who want to be writers but can't take the first step

    For people who want to be but can't take the first step

    31. Tired of working for other people?

    Are you tired?

    32. This one new business"in a box" can give you hundreds of thousands of dollars, working solely on autopilot!

    This new one can, working!

    33. This lawnmower cuts the grass so quickly and easily, I bought it for my wife!

    This one is true, I bought it for my wife!

    34. This is the information that the government is hiding from you!

    This is the one that is hiding from you!

    35. They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started playing...

    They laughed when I did, but when I...

    36. These are perhaps the most hidden secrets of healing in the world

    These are perhaps the best kept secrets in the world

    37. Can be done big business on losses

    You can make it big

    38. Another woman wants to steal your man, and she's too smart to let her breath smell bad.

    The other one wants it and she's too smart to let it happen

    39. Safe and painless way to remove unwanted hair without wax, shaving or cream!

    way !

    40. The ugly truth about your beautiful new car

    The terrible truth about your beautiful

    41. The secret to becoming a millionaire is just using the right words!

    The secret of how lies only in!

    42. The secret of effective investments

    The secret to looking good

    43. The secret of wealth


    44. Revolutionary new technique training used by the world's toughest street cops

    Revolutionary new, used by the world

    45. The fastest way I know to make a million dollars

    The fastest way I know

    46. ​​People reading this book will eventually get your money

    People will eventually get yours

    47. The only two ways to increase your wealth and reach the elite level of wealth

    The only two ways to reach the elite

    48. Facelift without surgical intervention, which everyone in Australia is talking about

    , which everyone is talking about

    49. The most expensive magazine in the world, but more than 40,000 businessmen buy it every year - why?

    The most in the world, but it is bought more - why?

    50. The most comfortable shoes you've ever worn, if it's not - we'll give you your money back

    The most you've ever had, if it's not - we'll give you your money back

    51. A person who can turn things into gold

    A person capable

    52. A way for a lazy person to become rich

    A way for a lazy person to become

    53. The art of telesales


    54. Amazing story about a business that requires so little you could fit it in the trunk of your car

    An amazing story about one that requires so much that you could

    55. Amazing secrets of winning blackjack from a mysterious man from Las Vegas who was banned from playing in casinos

    Amazing secrets from

    56. The surprising secret of a marketing genius who is afraid of flying

    The amazing secret of a genius who is afraid

    57. The amazing secret of how you can buy a profitable (ready-made) business without paying cash!

    The amazing secret of how you can do without!

    58. An amazing new remedy for eliminating wrinkles, discovered by a chemist from the East

    Amazing new, open

    59. Amazing opportunity to make money on floppy disks

    Amazing opportunity to make money with

    60. Amazing $10 fake diamond that will fool 9 out of 10 jewelers

    Amazing who will deceive

    61. 10 most eccentric ideas that made millions... and how you can do it! Insider secrets of making a fortune from crazy, incredible and outrageous products and services

    10 most eccentric ideas on which... and how to do it for you! Insider secrets on the crazy, incredible and shocking

    62. 10 most quick ways get clients

    10 fastest ways

    63. Test gold like a jeweler


    64. Learn computer programming on your own in 24 hours

    Study on your own for

    65. Eliminate bad foot odor


    66. Stop dreaming and start making money

    Stop and start

    67. Speak in Spanish as a diplomat


    68. Tired of bringing wealth to your boss?

    Tired of it?

    69. Secrets of high-speed striking: how to hit a person 11 times or more in 1 second or less and do it all without him having time to blink an eye!

    Secrets: how so that he doesn’t even have time to blink an eye!

    70. Scientists have discovered a secret scent that drives 3 out of 4 women crazy

    Scientists have discovered a secret that

    71. Are you tired of satellite signal coding? We have a solution

    Are you exhausted from? We have a solution

    72. Sail away on a luxurious trip around Caribbean Sea by learning the secrets of small business success

    by learning the secrets

    73. Remember when you had the opportunity to buy a good property for next to nothing, but didn’t?

    Remember when you had the opportunity but didn't?

    74. Pregnant? The sooner you find out, the better

    ? The sooner you find out, the better

    75. Pre-matched small business loans are NOW available!

    for ALREADY available!

    76. A Polish scientist created a perfect fake diamond that fools 99.7% of diamond dealers

    created a perfect fake that misleads 99.7%

    77. Pay off your home's mortgage in half the time without increasing your payments!

    twice as fast without boost!

    78. Become the owner of your own TV shopping show

    Become the owner of your own

    79. Become the owner of the business you dreamed of without investing a penny

    Become the owner you dreamed of without investing a single ruble

    80. A man from St. Petersburg knows a formula proven by 21 years of testing for creating companies that bring in millions of dollars, from scratch, without bank loans and attracting investors

    A man from knows the formula, proven by a year of testing, for creating from scratch, without

    81. Lawyer from Ohio discovered the secret of making money from home with the help of the US Government

    discovered the secret with

    82. Now you are the owner of phenomenal hearing!

    Now you are the owner of a phenomenal!

    83. No office, no phones, no staff, no business meetings, no forms to fill out - cash only mailbox every day

    Without - only every day

    84. The new service doubles the period of uninterrupted operation of your computer and prevents problems and breakdowns that result in hundreds of dollars in repairs and downtime...

    New twice and prevents that cost hundreds of dollars...

    85. New makeup won’t wash off even in pouring rain.

    New is not even under

    86. New book about fishing reveals the secret of how to fish big fish and make other fishermen jealous

    A new book reveals the secret of how to make you jealous

    87. New “energy pill” that showed excellent results in Navy tests

    New, which showed excellent results in tests

    88. Never suffer from a cold again!

    Never suffer from !

    89. It is necessary more money?

    Need more?

    90. A wonderful ritual with candles allows you to control your life - automatically!

    Wonderful allows you - automatically!

    91. A man who wore a leg brace for 3 years now runs five miles every day.

    The man who, now

    92. Your hands will look better in 24 hours, or we'll give you your money back.

    in 24 hours, or we will refund your money

    93. A local marketing guru will show you how to make money faster, despite the stagnant economy - all for just $37 per seminar!

    A local guru will show you how to, despite, - and all this in just !

    94. A local businessman swears that he didn’t steal what he’s selling so cheap.

    The local swears that he is not

    95. Like me... You can make really BIG MONEY at home by watching TV or just reading the newspaper!

    Like me... You can!

    96. May this unusual and wonderful gift from outer space be guaranteed to bring you incredible luck

    Let this unusual and beautiful one be guaranteed to bring you

    97. A leading auto repair shop carries out repairs after a collision without any hassle and gives you another car to use for FREE

    The presenter does not argue and gives you to use for FREE

    98. A lawyer from Moscow discovered the secret of how to settle scores without filing lawsuits.

    discovered the secret of how not to

    99. Exclusively from the publisher... 19 of the world's leading marketing geniuses reveal the unknown marketing secrets that will make you rich!

    Only from the publishing house... the world reveal unknown secrets that!

    100. Is this your dream home?

    Is this your dream?

    101. Is the life of a child worth $1 to you?

    Is it worth $ to you?

    102. Increase your strength and flexibility. Bruce Lee's secret to success will help you too

    Increase your . The secret will help you too

    103. Increase your power and strength, reduce training time, maintain fitness and strength during rehabilitation and burn calories with the "Ultimate Trainer"

    Increase your , reduce , maintain and with

    104. Improve your memory in just two minutes a day

    Improve by spending only

    105. Imagine working from 7am to 6pm and enjoying every minute of it.

    Imagine yourself enjoying every minute of your work.

    106. If your bathroom is not ready in 5 days, I will give you $100 cash for each day of delay.

    If yours is not ready in 5 days, I will give you $100 cash for each day of delay.

    107. If you can lick a stamp, you can lick your problem.

    If you can, you can

    108. I discovered the secret of winning the race... Now I'm sharing my secret

    I discovered the secret... Now I'm sharing my secret

    109. How to create selling information about almost any productinstantly... In just 2-4 hours!

    How almost instantly... In just 2-4 hours!

    110. How to write headlines that will make you rich

    Like which

    111. How to Use Library Books and Magazines to Increase Sales

    How to use for enlargement

    112. How to turn your kitchen into a well-oiled profit-generating machine!!!

    How to turn yours into a well-oiled machine!!!

    113. How to turn your fax machine into the most profitable machine in the world

    How to make your most

    114. How to make from your business card a sales agent working for you around the clock

    How to make someone who works for you around the clock

    115. How to turn obstacles into opportunities

    116. How to turn angry customers into promoters of your business

    117. How to make hundreds of dollars from a 30-cent coin

    How to make from

    118. How to turn $45 into $483,000.00 in just 11 years

    How to turn into just

    119. How to test a successful sales process that will allow you to always achieve success...

    How to test, which will allow you to always...

    120. How to write without problems

    Like no problem

    121. How to start from scratch and create a money-making empire

    How to start from scratch and create

    122. How to rob banks...legally


    How easy and simple that will make people!!!

    124. How to outwit a fox! 263 secrets that legislation and lawyers hide from you!

    How to trick a fox! 263 secrets that legislation and lawyers hide from you!

    125. How to Master the Art and Science of Writing Killer Ads and Sales Letters

    How to Master Art and Science

    126. How to get people to stand in a line and beg you to take their money

    How to get people to stand in a row and beg you

    127. How to develop photographic memory

    How to develop

    128. How to give a speech that will captivate your listeners

    Like which

    129. How to organize the wedding of your dreams for free, allowing guests to pay for the best day of your life... Secrets of a self-sustaining wedding in Italian!

    How to free your dreams,...Secrets!

    130. HOW TO BECOME RICH with current state economy. Complete Guide for independent physical and financial survival in the difficult years ahead

    AS in the current state of the economy. The Ultimate Guide to Self-Reliance in the Difficult Years Ahead

    131. How to get a free batch of amazing new pills that work phenomenally

    How to get a free batch of amazing new ones that work phenomenally

    132. How to Get a FREE One Year Online Marketing Subscription and $1,177.00 in FREE Gifts

    How to get FREE and FREE gifts worth $

    133. How to squeeze 12 hours out of an 8-hour day

    How to squeeze out

    134. How to eat more and lose weight

    How to reset more

    135. How to double your business in six months - 100% guarantee!!!

    Like in six months - 100% guarantee!!!

    136. How to dig up the treasure buried in your head

    How to dig up what's buried in you

    137. How to make money on life insurance even if you don't die

    How even if you don't

    138. How to buy the van of your dreams

    How to buy your dreams

    139. How to burn fat every minute

    How to burn every minute

    140. How to become a reference health machine with a body carved from granite

    How to become with

    141. How often have you said: “No, I haven’t read it. But I really wanted to.”?

    How often have you said: “No, I . But I really wanted to.”?

    142. How my friends and I get rid of joint pain and other types of pain - quickly and without drugs

    Like me and my friends - quickly and without

    143. How a new discovery made a beauty out of an ugly girl

    How a new discovery made

    144. Hiring a lawyer can be dangerous to your well-being

    Hiring can be dangerous for your

    145. Kicks and splits without warming up!

    146. Hidden profit in your computer

    Hidden in your

    147. Here's the secret... how to avoid pain and discomfort in product development

    Here's the secret... how to avoid pain and discomfort when

    148. Here's the fastest and easiest way to succeed in mail order trading.

    Here's the fastest and easiest way to achieve success in

    149. Here is a way to make money that has never failed!

    Here is a method that has never failed!

    150. Here secret weapon, which you can use to increase profits and reduce stress at work!!!

    Here's the secret weapon you can use to get bigger AND smaller!!!

    151. The greatest hitherto gold mine of “things for production and sale,” collected in one big book

    The largest bonanza ever collected into one big

    152. Get $20,000 for every book you read

    Get $ for every you

    153. Pay off your debt without borrowing!

    Pay without borrowing!

    154. Get a closer shave WITHOUT nicks or cuts.

    Get WITHOUT and

    155. Full-time hairdresser found a golden part-time job

    Full-time found part-time

    156. Free instructions on how to take better photos

    Free that tells you how to make the best

    157. Free book that shares 17 secrets about pricing grids

    Free, which tells 17 secrets about

    158. Free monthly gym membership worth $79 on every pair of Nike training shoes. Only this weekend

    Free for $ on . Only this weekend

    159. FREE “money-making” information products worth $268 for the first 100 people who take advantage of this offer

    FREE $ value for the first 100 people to take advantage of this offer.

    160. Find out how thousands of people ended up losing weight after trying everything else.

    Find out how thousands of people ended up trying all the other methods

    161. The editor of the finance section made a unique discovery

    Made a unique discovery

    162. Finally, the greatest Internet marketing geniuses on the planet reveal the truth about... how you can make a fortune doing Internet marketing

    Finally, the greatest geniuses on the planet reveal the truth about... how you can

    163. Filled with facts, this book reveals the secret to keeping your wife from driving you crazy during menopause...

    Filled with facts, the book reveals the secret of how...

    164. Don't try this with any other glue.

    Don't try this with anyone else

    165. Do you make such mistakes in English?

    Do you make such mistakes in ?

    166. Do you really want to be rich?

    Do you really want to?

    167. Do you have these symptoms of nervous exhaustion?

    Do you have these symptoms?

    168. Find out what homeowners don't know about their mortgages and what could make you a fortune!

    Find out what they don't know about and what!

    169. Find out the eastern secret of sleep

    170. Find out the magic words that will bring you success and wealth!

    Find out the magic that will bring you and!

    171. Find out the amazing win-win secret of trading on the Internet

    Find out the amazing win-win secret

    172. Learn how to turn what you already know about your job, hobby, or personal interests into a million-dollar information products empire!

    Find out how to turn what you already know about into !"

    The industry expert says he will risk his own money to prove he can!

    174. A man from Kyiv reveals the secret of a direct path to writing

    The man from reveals the secret of the direct path to

    175. Revelations of a disbarred lawyer


    176. Make money from the growing demand for hard drives without touching your computer!

    Make money from the growing demand for, not!

    177. Can you pass this money test?

    Can you pass this test?

    178. A Dnepropetrovsk company decided to reveal an investment secret that your stockbroker is hiding from you.

    The company decided to reveal the secret that yours is hiding from you.

    179. Banking secrets that banks hide from you

    Secrets that are hidden from you

    180. Finally... someone has discovered the secrets of how to make people fall in love with you!

    Finally... someone has discovered the secrets of how to !

    181. “FINALLY! A unique Australian bilge relay that is so reliable it comes with a five year guarantee!”

    "FINALLY! Unique, which is so reliable that it comes with a five-year guarantee!”

    182. Are you ready to force life to give you what you want?

    Are you ready?

    183. Are you an overeducated loser?

    Are you?

    184. Announcement... of a new edition of the encyclopedia, which makes learning new things fun

    Announcement... of a new edition that makes learning fun

    185. An open letter to everyone who drives a truck for over $10,000 a year.

    An open letter to everyone who, for more than

    186. An open letter to all people in Astana who suffer from excess weight

    An open letter to all people suffering from excess

    187. An open invitation to everyone who lives in Saratov and wants better sex without guilt

    An open invitation to everyone who lives in and wants a guilt-free

    188. An amazing business that fits in your pocket

    Amazing that will fit in yours

    189. Flat stomach WITHOUT squats!

    190. 7 ways to pay your outstanding bills

    7 ways

    191. 57 reasons why you would make money if you responded to our ad 2 months ago

    57 reasons why you would have made money if a few months ago

    192. 21 secret, powerful tools that will build your business, free up your time, and put more money in your pocket... NOW!

    21 secret ones that... are NOW!

    193. 1022 simple ways how to make money at home

    1022 simple ways how

    194. $200.00 PER DAY with a $50 investment!

    $ when investing $!

    195. The marriage agency has already been able to unite couples

    196. How much more can you lose $50 every day?

    How much more can you do each day?

    Top 10 for

    198. New way save on freight transportation from 10%

    A new way to save on

    199. 3 secrets of your competitors

    200. Yesterday you got a new competitor. What to do?

    Yesterday at your place. What to do?

    Now select several options and choose the most suitable one, go to it and add it to your landing page.

    Having studied this material, you will learn:

    “As you name the ship, so it will sail” - this expression applies to everyone who writes texts. I suggest you fully master the craft of writing the best headlines.

    How to come up with a good article title?

    When we open a newspaper, magazine, article or news feed, the first thing we pay attention to is the headline. Only then we decide whether it will be useful to us this information or not.

    Interesting headlines– this is 50% success. They attract readers, make the article popular and exciting. Despite the fact that the headline consists of only a few words, copywriters often have difficulties when writing it. They're spinning in my head different options, a lot of thoughts come up, so sometimes it’s not easy to write a headline that will blow the reader away. It often takes too much time to choose a name for a material. If you often encounter a similar problem, then I will teach you how to write beautiful and effective headlines in a matter of minutes.

    I decided to devote this section to the criteria for catchy headlines and compose some information-cheat sheet for copywriters, which you can look into if you quickly need to create an original headline.

    Criteria for a catchy headline:

    • Intrigue

    Instantly affects a person’s consciousness, awakens curiosity, and quickly attracts attention. Intrigue the reader! Let him linger on the title and want to get acquainted with all the information presented.

    • Target orientation

    The correct article title is always aimed at a specific target audience. It makes it clear to the person that the material was created specifically for him and will be useful to him. The name must fully meet the expectations of the target audience and then it will really “work”.

    • Benefit

    When we scour the Internet and look for specific information, we may notice that not all headlines are thought out correctly. After reading them, the reader immediately thinks about whether the information will be useful to him and whether it is worth spending his personal time reading it. Interesting article headlines encourage us to look at the site and find answers to questions that are important to us, to find out why we, in fact, went to the Internet.

    Types of text headings + examples

    Titles are attractive in two ways:

    • They give an initial idea of ​​what will be discussed in the publication and are often called "talking" headlines. They present a condensed essence of the material and do not contain aphorisms. If you need such a title, it won’t be difficult to come up with one. First write declarative sentence, then remove unnecessary words, making sure to leave the active verb. You will end up with a good informative headline.

    Examples of “talking headlines”:

    • Hook titles- Another popular headline option. They are often called figurative or playful. The main function of such a headline is to instantly intrigue and force you to read it. Unlike “talking” titles, they use catchphrases, aphorisms. As a rule, they consist of two parts and form a special mood in the reader, thereby making it easier to “enter” the article:

    My advice: do not overdo it with such titles, because they can scare off the reader and not inspire confidence in the author.

    The following rules will help you easily come up with unique page titles:

    • while writing text write out important words and phrases, which can be used as ideas for the title of your publication;
    • focus on specific details and images that arise in your mind when reading the material, on the emotions that it generates;
    • use words“high-quality”, “effective”, “best”, “fast”, “easy”, etc.;
      very often people need a push to start or continue moving towards their goals, so in the titles of some publications you can use the words: “succeed”, “build”, “find”, “create”;
    • remember that The title must fit completely in Google search(write up to 70 characters, approximately 6-8 words) – this is a trick not only to improve readability, but also SEO;
    • Titles of articles should not be pretentious or feigned.

    Most “working” headlines include numbers, for example: “top 10 best web studios in Ukraine”, “5 advantages construction company"Step", "10" interesting facts about Thailand that you didn't know." You can start the title with the word “How”, for example: “ How to open a business without investment”, “How to get rid of varicose veins forever”.

    There is a very good formula that will help weed out unnecessary words from your title if it turns out to be too long and you need to highlight the most important thing in it. So, I present to your attention this formula:

    For example: “10 simple steps you can take now and become happier.” I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that the proposed formula is not universal.

    In fact, the power of a well-chosen word is limitless. That is why many experienced copywriters also use this simple formula to write attractive headlines:

    For example, amazing examples, unrivaled advice, legendary strategies, fantastic ideas. Titles like these work well for many magazines and business books.

    Personally, I am hooked by headlines that guarantee benefits. For example: “How to attract new clients without spending money?”, “How to get rid of wrinkles: 5 proven face masks” etc.

    To correctly write a title in Word, highlight it in bold or another color. Be sure to select heading h1, heading h2, after which the titles will change size and color.

    Best Techniques for Writing Selling Headlines

    Often copywriters have to write selling texts, for which it is extremely important to choose the right title. If you don’t know how to write a selling headline, then the next block of my article will be very useful to you.

    Below are a few additional tips to help you come up with a great sales headline:

    • users search the Internet for a specific product, expecting to find the most advantageous offer. The copywriter’s task is to clearly articulate the benefits of the product that needs to be sold. The title plays a special role here and can reflect, for example, the main advantages or properties of a particular product;
    • in the title you can indicate what benefits the buyer receives after purchasing the product. Here are a couple of options for successful selling titles: “ Women's clothing By best price in Ukraine”, “Spare parts for microwave ovens with a guarantee from the manufacturer”, “Sugaring with a 50% discount”.

    When composing a sales text, follow the rule of the four “W’s”.

    Based on it, the title and subtitle should be:

    • ultra-specific;
    • unique;
    • terribly relevant;
    • amazingly useful.

    Summarizing all the material presented, I would like to once again focus your attention on the fact that the title should not be:

    • too short and not too long, try to fit it into one line;
    • formulaic, hackneyed and boring (try to come up with an informative and original title for the text).

    Titles should consist of approximately 3-5 words, since bulky titles will negate interest in the material.

    By following these tips, you will never write “dull” headlines again, but turn them into a selling masterpiece.

    The main purpose of any headline is to attract attention. Headlines launch the first stage of the AIDA marketing model. Legendary, spectacular examples of headlines that made projects famous. How does it work and is it possible to learn how to write headlines?

    Headings determine the success of any text and are a key factor that determines whether the reader will pay attention to the text or not. It is the headlines that trigger the first stage of the AIDA marketing model, and therefore require special approach from the copywriter side. History is replete with a lot of brilliant examples that had truly fabulous success.

    Today we will look at what techniques are used to create the most effective, most effective and most catchy headlines, and we will also try to explain why they have such an effect on the reader.

    Legendary header examples

    Effective headlines: how they work

    Before we begin, a short lyrical digression. For real effective headlines influence the human psychosomatic system through so-called psychohooks.

    In other words, such headlines evoke a psychological reaction in a person, which is expressed in increased brain activity and evocation of the emotions desired by the author. If the headline does not catch a person (does not contain psycho-hooks), then no changes in the reader’s state occur and, as a result, the impact is reduced to zero.

    Title Techniques

    So let's get to the point. Now we will look at several techniques for creating headlines, examining in detail what psychohooks are used in them, and what effect they have on a person.

    1. Question

    The question in the title forces a person to answer it. Subconsciously. The highlight is that in order to answer a question, you need to comprehend it, let it pass through yourself. This means that whether he wants it or not, the reader pays attention to your text.

    Questions can be rhetorical, they can be specific, they can be abstract. However, they always have one thing in common: directly or indirectly, they indicate that the answer lies in the text, but for this you need to read the text.

    Heading examples:

    • Why are you feeling dizzy?
    • Why can't you afford a holiday in the Maldives?
    • How much time a day do you spend killing yourself?
    • Where is your conscience?
    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    • How much does an hour of your work cost?

    Different questions evoke different reactions and focus the reader's attention on different aspects.

    2. Solving the problem (answering the question)

    People, by nature, are terribly lazy creatures. Of course, I am generalizing and exaggerating, but, in essence, that’s how it is. If it is possible to get a ready-made solution actual problem Instead of looking for the answer yourself, most people will take advantage of this.

    The answer to the question is a Klondike for any copywriter in terms of influencing the audience. The trick is simple: choose a problem, give its solution in the text, and in the title let the reader know that the solution is in the text.

    Heading examples:

    • How to stop worrying and start living
    • Where to get a lot of money at once
    • How to get rid of back pain
    • How much does freedom cost?

    The most popular titles are those that begin with the word “How.” The general stereotype suggests that behind the word “how” there is, by default, practical guide, which is very, very useful, which is why readers have special confidence in this word.

    Notice how people enter search queries when they are looking for lessons on something: “How to make a mask”, “How to send a boss”, “How to seduce girls”, etc.

    3. Personal experience

    People always have more trust in those who have already done something, rather than in those who simply talk about how to do something. Demagoguery and results are completely different things. Compare the two headers:

    • How to earn $1000 in a week
    • How I earned $1000 in a week

    Which one do you have more interest and trust in?

    Heading examples:

    • How I lost 20 kilos in 2 weeks
    • How I dismantled the toilet in the State Duma
    • How a pack of Marlboro helped me in a fight with 5 hooligans

    In addition, the title may include not only the personal experience of the author, but also of a third party. The more authoritative and well-known this person is, the more trust you can inspire in the reader.

    Heading examples:

    • How to make your first million
    • What does Schumacher do when he gets a flat tire?
    • How bankers make money on exchange rate dynamics

    4. Mystery, secret, intrigue

    People simply love secrets and mysteries, especially if these secrets will allow them to gain certain advantages. People also love other people's secrets, even just like that, without advantages. By playing on people's curiosity, you have a very high chance of attracting readers' attention to your text.

    Heading examples:

    • Money you walk on without noticing
    • Nero's Secret Secret That Made Him Great
    • The secret of getting double profits as an entrepreneur in Ukraine

    5. Numbers

    The numbers in the headings act as a conditional quantitative indicator of the saturation or ease of assimilation of the material. In other words, numbers are a measure that allows a person to a priori assess how much benefit he will get from reading a particular text, and how easy it will be for him to perceive the information offered.

    The higher the number, the richer the material, and this attracts with its volume, while the smaller the number, the simpler and more practical it is, and attracts with its lightness and transparency. By introducing such certainty, the copywriter can manipulate the audience, for example, by mixing useful information with a commercial layer.

    Heading examples:

    • 100 and 1 ways to become the life of the party
    • A book that will make you a superhero in 20 minutes
    • 5 Sure Ways to Find Inspiration
    • 24 vices of beginning programmers

    6. Accents

    Accents give headlines qualitatively new properties, strengthening them several times. By themselves, accents may be ordinary, inconspicuous words, but when combined with a headline, they increase its effectiveness. A distinctive feature of an accent is that it always points to something.

    Heading examples:

    • THIS rake will make your neighbors envy you
    • NOW…! you will begin to predict the future!
    • Who ELSE wants to earn $1000 a month without any effort?
    • Buy our alarm system and your car thieves will ALWAYS be behind bars
    • You are losing hundreds of dollars a year due to ignorance of THIS nuance

    7. Instilling fear

    Fear is a very strong motivating factor. If you fill your headlines with fear, they encourage your audience to read the main text. It's simple. A person instinctively tries to protect himself from everyone negative factors. If there is at least some chance that he will find salvation in the article and protect himself, then the person will read it.

    Heading examples:

    • You're Losing $3,000 Every Year Without This Skill
    • Mixing these products destroys the stomach within a day
    • Just one word can save your marriage from destruction

    8. Warranties

    Guarantees, in essence, are a derivative of fear, only served with a different sauce. When a person feels protected, he becomes more loyal to the text he reads.

    Heading examples:

    • 24 hours and your skin is glowing! Otherwise we will refund your money!
    • You will forget about your problems forever!
    • You will never lack for anything!

    9. Non-standard approach

    In most cases, people have a filter on many headlines because people basically know what to expect. Non-standard or controversial solutions attract attention and are able to break through this filter.

    Heading examples:

    • I will put you in a trance while you read this text!
    • Take your money!
    • Don't you dare read what is written here!
    • Full house in the face of a severe fiasco

    10. “Salt in the wound”

    Finally, the most powerful headlines are those that precisely and strongly hit a person’s most painful place: pride, pride, fears, problems, etc., which are relevant for this person. In this case, the success of the headline sharply exceeds the 90% mark.

    Heading examples:

    • Forget about losing hair!
    • How long will you continue to work “for your uncle”?
    • Tired of fighting weeds?


    People are interested, first of all, in their problems and their needs. If your headline is directly or indirectly related to these needs, then there is a very high probability that a person will start reading the main text.

    Of course, each headline will have its own unique characteristics, but the general principles of impact on the audience outlined in this article can help you increase the impact of your headlines several times over with just one or a couple of words.

    Tips and examples from Azamat Ushanov

    Many were shocked by the last title of my letter, which sounded like this...

    • “Fuck you, [NAME]!”

    Some people took this headline personally. Someone guessed that this was a typical example of a marketing provocation in the headline. The result was that the blog almost burst from traffic. And the mailbox is from very positive and very negative responses. In a word, it was a hurricane of emotions.

    (The most dangerous thing in online business is when they think about you “neutral”). This entire hurricane was caused by one small line of text in the subject line. Well, today we will talk about letter headers...

    First of all, I want to warn you. Never use in your practice those crazy headlines that you see in my newsletters.

    For my experiments know no boundaries. And I myself am a little bit of that. Crazy in short;)

    However, I can teach you 10 “safe” (but also somewhat extreme) email subject line techniques that you can start using today to dramatically increase the response to your emails.

    Keep in mind that in your subscriber's mailbox, your letter is by no means the only one. You are competing with at least 10 other emails.

    However, while your competitors are constantly sending their subscribers letters with banal headlines in the style of “Vasya, a new issue of our newsletter has been released!”, you can use the following alternative options.

    They very quickly stir up the interest of any person. So, let's go...

    Lightening Header

    You simply communicate in two or three words that one of the very pressing problems that your potential clients are experiencing has finally come to an end.

    For example, at one time I received a very big effect on a letter with the heading “The poke method has come to an end,” in which I recommended Evgeniy Popov’s course on technical issues...

    Calling title

    I once wrote in the title of a letter, “Your idea is bullshit,” and in the letter itself I wrote about how many people constantly disparage their own ideas and don’t believe in them.

    The headline provoked many people to tell me to go to hell, but also... to open the letter... in the text of which they saw themselves. The proposed podcast helped them a lot.

    Scary title

    The most frightening headlines in my practice in my memory are two...

    • "Your account is blocked"
    • "Pair swear words about you…"

    Each of them was inextricably linked with the theme of the letter itself. The effect was great. First shock - then relief and clicking on the link.

    Compromising header

    • People love to peek...

    No matter what online market you serve, this headline will always spark interest. “Shocking photos from a drinking session of Internet entrepreneurs.” Oooh, I remember this letter was read by almost all active subscribers...

    Title - result

    • "Newbie makes 154 sales in first month"
    • “An example of lightning-fast website promotion”

    Any short headline that states the result that your audience of potential clients wants to achieve will be effective and will bring large number clicks

    Headline - yellow press

    • “Internet – special forces are taking over the Czech Republic!”
    • “Shocking news from Kyiv!”

    These headlines brought a lot of interest to our live seminars in Prague and Kyiv in 2007. Open any tabloid newspaper to easily get a dozen more examples of similar headlines. Yes, it's corny, but it works.

    Cheat title

    People always want to find the “easy way”. Take a shortcut to the result. Therefore, if you say something like this in the title...

    • "Workaround to [YOUR TOPIC]"
    • “Quick cheat sheet for [YOUR TOPIC]”
    • "My secret way to [YOUR TOPIC]"

    You will always attract the attention of your subscriber.

    Unfinished title

    Typical cutting off the statement at the most interesting point. Such headlines simply force a person to open the letter...

    • “The best way to promote a website is...”
    • “Azamat looks under the tree - and there...”
    • “There is something valuable inside the letter called...”

    Let your imagination run wild. You can come up with a lot of interesting ways.

    Question title

    Nothing supernatural. It's stupid, but it works. Makes the reader nod affirmatively when opening the letter and say “yes, I have this problem, let’s see what solution you can offer.”

    Here are a couple of examples that I have used successfully.

    • “Do you want to finally automate [PROBLEM]?”
    • “Need help with copywriting?”

    Friendly Heading

    Believe it or not, this is one of the most effective headlines in my practice...

    • "From Azamat"

    Why? Don't know. But there is a guess. Think about how many times you have written a letter to your friend on the Internet with the heading “ Newest Formula gaining slim figure in 14 steps in minimal time blah blah blah..."

    Most likely you write in the topic simply.

    • "From Volodya"
    • "From Seryoga"
    • "From Lyudmila"

    Sometimes you need to do the same with subscribers. By making such a headline from time to time, you will become closer to your subscriber. As if you were writing to your friend or acquaintance. And the subscriber will feel the same.

    Well, here are 10 great email subject line hacks you can start using today to increase the readability of your emails.

    But remember that in the long run, you need to act and conduct your personal mailings in such a way that people decide whether to read your letter or not to read it based on the left column in the mailing list (the “From:” column), and not on right column with heading.

    You can achieve this in three steps...

    1. Stop worrying about what others think of you;
    2. Become a master at creating great content for your readers;
    3. Lead your mailing list balanced, charismatic and not like everyone else.

    And if the first step can only be taken independently, by making a decision within yourself. Then for the second and third steps, I can offer you 2 excellent step by step videos– manuals.

    25 killer headlines

    • 10 Facts about... which you didn't know!
    • 10 reasons to hate...
    • 10 Best Blogs About...
    • 10 Secrets...
    • How does it work...?
    • How to be the best in...
    • 10 Worst Mistakes You Can Make in...
    • 10 Shocking Facts About...
    • 10 Questions about...
    • Everything you know about... is wrong!
    • 10 Best videos about...
    • 10 Best quotes about...
    • 10 Experts on... on Twitter
    • 10 Tweets about...
    • 10 Rules... you should know
    • How I increased my ... by 200%
    • 10 Effective techniques in..., which you are not yet using
    • The fastest way...
    • 10 Myths about...
    • 5...for which you wouldn’t mind giving everything!

    All that remains is to insert the right words.

    Hello dear readers of the blog site. I decided to devote this article to the pressing problem of novice copywriters, namely the question - how to increase sales of finished articles? I'll talk about ways to write headlines that will make your texts stand out. new level.

    The magic of a good headline or why it works?

    A person is designed in such a way that he needs to constantly update his knowledge with some information. The Internet also plays a significant role in this. And if you believe the calculations of analysts, then every person in the world spends on average from 2 to 4 hours a day searching and reading on the Internet. And when he looks for information, the first thing he pays attention to is the headlines.

    I won’t go into the clever speeches of marketing language; a novice copywriter doesn’t need this yet, but I’ll explain it in intelligible Russian words. For example, you are looking for information about how to make money from articles, And Let's say you have two sources in front of you. One of the headlines says – learn to make money by selling articles. And the other one is 10 effective advice to increase sales of finished articles. Which one will you read first? I think the answer suggests itself.

    A good copywriter knows how to get the reader to pay attention to his article. And if you want to increase your sales level and earn more, you must also be able to write headlines correctly.

    Examples of creating an effective headline

    Let's get to the heart of the matter. Below I will give examples of several ways to create a catchy headline. You will subsequently be able to select what you need for your article and thereby increase your earnings.

    So, step one - title question

    This type of headline forces a person to respond to it, as it were, subconsciously. And the twist is that for this you need to pass the information through yourself. Whether you like it or not, you will read this article. Remember, this happened to you?

    Questions in the title may vary. They can be affirmative, concrete or purely symbolic. But they have the same meaning. Everyone points out that the answer to their question is in this text. By correctly composing such a headline, you will force not only to read the article, but also to draw the customer’s attention to it.

    • Why doesn't the car speed up?
    • Why can't you afford a new Mercedes?
    • How long does it take to break in an engine?
    • How much does a good car service cost?

    Questions of different types cause a certain reaction in the subconscious that prompts action. Take this into account and use this heading option.

    Articles for people or how to increase the readability of text?

    Title - intrigue

    Man is greedy by nature. We are interested in all secrets, especially those that allow us to gain an advantage over someone. And even without this, people are always trying to learn something new. Using such headlines there is a high chance of attracting readers and increasing the level of earnings on finished articles.

    • Secrets of personal growth.
    • The secrets that made Lord Bekins rich.
    • A few secrets to increasing profits in a small business.

    Something like this. Use such headings as much as possible in texts about various options for earning money.

    Title - number

    Any numbers in the headings play the role of an auxiliary utility coefficient. To put it simply, this is a measure that allows the reader to a priori evaluate the experience that he will gain by reading the article. And here quantity takes over quality. How higher figure, the more likely it is that your article will be read, and therefore purchased in the store.

    By introducing digital certainty, an experienced copywriter can manipulate his audience, diluting the informational component with a light commercial background. If you noticed, my post is titled this way.

    • 1000 ways to attract a girl's attention.
    • 20 options for starting the engine in sub-zero temperatures.
    • 100 tips for increasing profits in business.

    Use this approach wisely and then your work will be in great demand, and earnings from articles will reach a new level.

    Heading - solution to the problem

    By nature, man is a lazy creature. Of course, I'm generalizing a little, but in general this is true. For most people, the Internet is a solution to many problems. There is no arguing with this, it’s just that everyone is spoiled in their own way. And even you, reading this article, took advantage of this opportunity by typing a specific query into the search bar to find the answer to it, right?

    There's nothing wrong here. You can’t know everything and you always need to learn something, but to find necessary information, such headers allow.

    • How to reduce gasoline consumption?
    • How to make a lot of money?
    • How to quickly relieve lower back pain?

    The first word “how” plays a big role here. From a psychological point of view, behind it lies a guide to making a decision that can help cope with a certain situation.

    Is the principle clear? Use it. These are very effective headlines. Of the articles I've sold, more than half have been titled this way. And today, when working with customers, I try to make the most of them.

    Headline with rhetoric of personal experience

    When looking for information, many people prefer those articles that provide examples from personal experience. That is, the person has already done this and knows all the intricacies. This means that after reading the article, I will also do everything correctly.

    • How did I learn to write interesting articles?
    • How did I become a professional copywriter?
    • How did I make my first money on the Internet?

    If you noticed, again the word how. And here there is a double effect. Experienced copywriters guru of his business, They use this approach wisely, significantly increasing the sale of their articles. But such headlines for articles have a second side. Confidence in the text will increase if there are references to the experience of great people.

    • Secrets of a successful football player from Cristiano Ronaldo
    • How did Abramovich earn his first money?
    • How do famous copywriters make money from their texts?

    This header option is also good. Use names famous personalities to increase sales of your articles.

    Title - emphasis

    Some seemingly inconspicuous words, when combined with others, can have a magical effect on the sale of articles. Here distinctive feature is that one word will indicate a solution to a problem or encourage the acquisition of something.

    • Winter tires from ..... will make your car show restraint on slippery roads.
    • Copywriting lessons from ..... will raise your level to a professional.
    • By purchasing...... you will get rid of all the Colorado potato beetles on the site.

    As you can imagine, these headlines are more suitable for But they can improve profitability in other cases.

    Title - fear

    Such headlines of articles inspire some fear potential reader, forcing him to follow the link and study the information. A person instinctively seeks protection from something, and if there is a chance to protect himself by reading a certain text, then such a headline will definitely hook him.

    • Without the skill of writing texts, you lose up to 1000 rubles a day.
    • Using motor oil brand…. will lead to irreparable consequences.
    • A correctly composed headline can raise the copywriter’s rating in the eyes of the customer.

    This is a very strong headline option. Take note and use it to increase your earnings on finished articles.

    7 myths about working as a copywriter

    Title - guarantee

    Another 100% working option. Articles titled in this way go down well on the copywriting exchange. Because the buyer usually knows what content he needs on the site. And your article will answer his questions.

    • After reading this book, you will increase the sales of your articles by 100%.
    • In this article you will learn how to overcome dandruff.
    • By completing this course, you will solve the problem of lack of money once and for all.

    Custom Headers

    Many of us have a psychological filter built into our heads. Sometimes a person is prompted to action by seemingly non-standard solutions. Experienced copywriters use such headlines, thereby boosting sales and increasing their earnings from articles.

    • If you don't need money, then don't read this text.
    • Out of the blue - how my husband left me.

    You need to know how to use such headings for articles. Therefore, while you have not yet gotten your hands on copywriting, do not rush to take them on board.

    Heading is a pain

    The most powerful text headlines are those that grab a person’s heartstrings and encourage them to read the article that contains the solution to their problem. Or vice versa, hitting his pride. They work 100%, increasing sales and earnings on articles.

    • End your hair loss problem once and for all!
    • Stop working for your uncle and strive for financial independence!
    • Tired of Colorado potato beetles and mole crickets - there is a solution!

    Copywriter's website - why does the author need his own resource?

    What do we have?

    Human psychology is such that he is interested in solving a problem in any way. If you express this in the title, then you will force the reader to open the text and read it to the end.

    What does the customer need? Of course, conversion on the site. Copy or write down examples of article headings somewhere and use them in your work. Then your texts will sell more often, and you will increase your earnings from articles.

    Video on the topic