Statistics of business openings and closings by year. There are more small businesses in Russia

Business statistics is a set of activities aimed at collecting financial and economic information in the field of economic and trade activities of an enterprise or industry.

Systematic tracking of key financial indicators makes it possible to assess the level of development of a particular organization. With its help, you can make a comparative description of several companies in a specific field of production activity. Business indicators allow you to analyze achievements, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a business, and develop innovative programs.

Features of conducting business statistics

In practice, business statistics is expressed in the application of specific statistical methods of analysis and accounting. They are used to obtain information about both a specific company and the local/regional market as a whole. The first stage of work is setting specific goals and objectives, defining the boundaries of the research. This is followed by the collection of accounting information, as well as business indicators:
  • profitability;
  • profit level;
  • added value;
  • the amount of working capital.
Customer loyalty information is then obtained by interviewing consumers. Analysis of business partners reveals data on the degree of involvement in specific business processes, showing the level of dependence of the company under study on existing players in the market. Next, the resulting statistical material is grouped into blocks and categories for analytical work.

Typically, the statistical data obtained is distributed into the following groups:

  • investment costs;
  • marketing information;
  • accounting data;
  • potential competitors.
Competent systematization implies the active use of statistical tables, graphs, indexes and information blocks. The final stage is a comprehensive analysis of structured data, mathematical calculation of specific indicators and summing up.

Main indicators in business statistics

  1. Absolute statistical indicators: information that can be measured in absolute numerical values: pieces, kilograms, monetary units, man-hours, liters, etc.
  2. Relative statistical indicators: identified as a result of processing primary data (absolute indicators). They are calculated by mathematical operations with the original numerical data, which makes it possible to obtain more statistical information.
  3. Average statistical indicators: are characterized by maximum information content, since they allow you to give an overall assessment of a particular business process by obtaining averaged data. Examples of values ​​of such static indicators: arithmetic mean, chronological mean and geometric mean.


Business statistics allow you to give an objective assessment of the economic and financial condition of the company, identify problems and weaknesses of the organization. This tool is actively used for research of both individual business entities and markets as a whole. When working with business statistics, software systems and automated data processing systems are used. This allows you to speed up the process and avoid errors when counting.
Business plan 100%. Strategy and tactics of effective business Abrams Rhonda

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There is an opinion among novice entrepreneurs that the most profitable business in Russia is the one you have your heart set on. When opportunities and desires coincide, this is good. However, the cornerstone of business activity is its return on investment. Therefore, you should enter the market with careful preparation. And it’s not a fact that in your favorite field.

Profitability criteria

The level of “profitability” of a particular direction is determined by a number of factors:

  • quick return on investment (capital) - ideally, the operating cycle should be as short as possible: the return of money from the resale of previously purchased products/goods occurs in a short time;
  • initially high demand - potential consumers (target audience) are interested in the service or product offered and are accessible;
  • acceptable cost of resources (raw materials, materials) - the lower it is, the higher the final profit of the entrepreneur;
  • high return on assets - investments must be effective.

Examples in practice

Suppose an entrepreneur decides to open a profitable business selling essential items (food and household goods):

  1. Bread purchased from several suppliers is sold out within a day. Is the investment turnover rate high? Undoubtedly.
  2. The soap, matches and salt presented in the store’s assortment will always be in demand, even in conditions of harmonious economic development, even in a crisis.
  3. The items listed are inexpensive and can be purchased from a wide range of suppliers.
  4. The higher the sales volume, the higher the profit.
  5. Investments are characterized by high efficiency: the goods offered are sold out well, regardless of the season and the state of the economy.

Profitable business areas

Of course not. The well-being of the vast majority of Russian families continues to remain at a high level. You can build a profitable business in Russia in 2018 in the following areas:

  • construction and repair work;
  • public catering;
  • medicine;
  • provision of intermediary services.

Don't be afraid of failure. Private entrepreneurship, in contrast to the clumsy and overly bureaucratic big business, is characterized by mobility, freedom and ample opportunities for experimentation: it adapts to changing economic conditions quickly and with minimal losses.

What business to open. Profitable business in a short time. How to understand what business to open: Video

22.12.2015 00:52

In Russia, many more small businesses are dying than new ones are appearing. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the GDP in our country accounts for about 20%, while abroad, only for small businesses this figure reaches 50%.

In developed countries, supporting small enterprises is considered a strategically important task for economic development.

According to statistics, only 3.4% of small businesses in Russia last more than three years, the rest close earlier.

The growth rate of the number of registered individual entrepreneurs in our country remains low - their number increases annually by 4%, while the number of individual entrepreneurs who ceased their activities increases by 11%. According to the Federal Tax Service, as of April 2015, 3.5 million individual entrepreneurs were registered in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs, and 7.7 million people ceased their activities over the entire period.

The main reasons for this negative trend are administrative and economic barriers. Firstly, this is quite complex and voluminous legislation, which also changes extremely often. At the same time, there is no full information about the changes taking place, and using the services of professional lawyers in small businesses is expensive. As a result, entrepreneurs often make mistakes and violate the law, resulting in high fines.

Constantly rising prices for raw materials as a result of fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate and high loan rates are one of the main economic reasons for the underdevelopment of this segment of entrepreneurship.

Finally, with the development of opportunities for earning money on the Internet, for many people the desire to register an enterprise has completely disappeared, because in this case it is easier to evade taxes. The last straw for many enterprises was the more than doubling of contributions to the pension fund.

Let us recall that from January 1, 2013, contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia with individual entrepreneurs amounted to 32,479.2 rubles, regardless of the income received. Later, in 2014, they were reduced to 20,727.53 rubles. But as a result of this measure, more than half a million entrepreneurs closed in the country, and new ones were in no hurry to register.

The year 2015 greeted entrepreneurs with sanctions, declining demand for goods and services, and rising prices. Contributions to the pension fund have increased, now they amount to 22,261.38 rubles + 1% of revenue if it is more than 300 thousand rubles. However, on January 1, the so-called law on tax holidays, Federal Law No. 477 of December 29, 2014 “On amendments to Article 346 and Chapter 26 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation,” also came into force. According to the document, individual entrepreneurs who open their own business in the production, social and scientific spheres can be exempt from taxes for two tax periods. In addition, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2015 No. 98-r “On the plan of priority measures to ensure sustainable economic development and social stability in 2015” was adopted, which also provides for a number of tax benefits for small and medium-sized businesses. This significantly motivated many, and as a result, already in January the number of registered individual entrepreneurs began to increase sharply - by 14% compared to December 2014.

True, the number of those who ceased their activities, unfortunately, also increased.

The introduced amendments to the legislation are designed to stimulate production. In Russia, small businesses are still mainly engaged in trade; in 2014, the total number of enterprises in this area increased by 2% and amounted to 813,593.

Wholesale and retail trade enterprises also take first place in terms of turnover in small businesses - over 15 trillion rubles in 2014. In second place are enterprises involved in real estate transactions - almost 3 trillion rubles.

The share of small enterprises in the manufacturing sector is 2,456.84 billion rubles in terms of capital, healthcare and social services - 194.36 billion rubles.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in general from January 2014 to April 2015 increases monthly by an average of 2%, i.e. for 50 thousand entrepreneurs.

At the same time, registration of farms is increasing much faster - by more than 3% to 2 thousand farms per month on average, with the main peak occurring at the beginning of 2015.

An interesting fact is that it was in the area of ​​agriculture and forestry that in 2014 the largest number of small and micro enterprises decreased by 6614 to 55990. However, the registration of new farms in 2015 increased sharply - in 2015 subsidies for farms in the amount of 3,439,000 are expected thousand rubles. At the same time, the main forces will be focused on the farms of the south of Russia and in particular the North Caucasus Federal District (the total number of individual entrepreneurs and farms in the region has already fallen by 5% compared to April 2014).

Significant funds will also be allocated to support farms in the Siberian Federal District.

Despite the growth of newly registered enterprises, the state is practically unable to retain existing ones. In 2014-March 2015 alone, the activities of 647 thousand individual entrepreneurs and 21,928 farms were ceased.

On average, 43 thousand individual entrepreneurs cease their activities every month - this is less than the number of registered ones, but the reduction is occurring at a faster rate, even taking into account benefits (on average, the number of individual entrepreneurs is reduced by 5% every month, while the number of new ones is growing by only 2% ). The main reason is the decision to terminate activities; in total, as of April 2015, according to this decision, the activities of over 5 million individual entrepreneurs have been terminated over the entire period.

The dynamics of farm closures also confirms this trend. On average, 1,462 farms cease to operate every month, and the growth rate of such enterprises is also 5%.

The high cost of feed, great difficulties in selling products and low profits are still forcing farmers to close. For many enterprises, the problem of selling products is acute, since they are located far from cities and large towns, it is difficult to deliver fresh products, or it is associated with high costs.

The number of foreign citizens who conduct their activities in Russia has also changed. Thus, since the beginning of 2015, their number began to decrease by an average of 1.5%.

At the same time, the reduction now affects almost all regions that account for the largest share of such enterprises - Krasnodar Territory, Moscow Region, Moscow, Rostov Region, etc.

The number of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia increased by 10% compared to August 2016, said Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Oleg Fomichev at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Such dynamics have not been observed for a long time; business is showing good growth, he noted. Now there are more than 6 million such companies in Russia, including more than 5.5 million are micro-businesses, 266,000 are small companies, and 20,000 enterprises are medium-sized businesses. President of Opora Russia Alexander Kalinin also recently noted the positive dynamics in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. According to him, the domestic microbusiness segment in 2016 increased by 500,000 enterprises, or 8.5%, thanks to state support.

The increase occurred not so much due to the emergence of new companies, but due to the restructuring of existing ones, believes Tatyana Mineeva, vice-president of Business Russia. New benefits have appeared for small businesses, such as tax holidays, and large companies are converting some of their structures into small or medium-sized businesses in order to optimize taxes, Mineeva knows.

The ranks of entrepreneurs have increased not because it has become easier for them to work in Russia, agrees Eduard Savulyak, director of the Moscow office of Tax Consulting. There is no growth in production and sales; small businesses have increased only on paper, he believes. One of the reasons for the increase in the ranks of small entrepreneurs is changes in laws and the increased desire of businesses to optimize tax expenses due to the crisis, the lawyer clarifies. Dmitry Nesvetov, a member of the board of the Moscow branch of Opora Russia, agrees with him, who believes that there was no real growth last year. He recalls that since January 2017, the state introduced a more favorable regime for those who work under the simplified taxation system (STS). The maximum revenue at which an entrepreneur is entitled to the simplified tax system was raised from 60 million to 120 million rubles, which allowed larger companies to fit into the limit, says Nesvetov. In 2015, the maximum revenue at which an enterprise is considered a medium-sized business was also doubled (it was 1 billion rubles, now it is 2 billion rubles), and companies that were previously considered large fell into the category of small and medium-sized businesses, lawyers note.

The current growth is also compensation for the decline in the number of entrepreneurs in the previous two years, says Savulyak. In the first half of 2015 there were 242,600 small and medium-sized companies, and in the first half of 2016 there were 172,800, according to Rosstat. And against this background, an increase of 10% is just a return to pre-crisis statistics, notes Savulyak.

The general director of the company producing vending machines “Invend”, Viktor Zubik, says that 2016 was a difficult year for him. Many customers and clients postponed orders due to the unstable ruble exchange rate. The partners lived one day at a time, refusing long-term contracts, Zubik complains. "Invend" had to save money - for example, move to a smaller office. Now the market has stabilized, and because of this, clients who previously froze projects have revived, says Zubik. Revenue has increased compared to last year, and the company is hiring new employees, Zubik says.

Trade has picked up, demand is recovering, and there is a shortage of commercial real estate. Rising oil prices and the strengthening of the ruble have contributed, albeit insignificantly, to the replenishment of the ranks of entrepreneurs, says Savulyak.

No ephemera

In 2016, 650,000 legal entities were excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by decision of the tax authorities, since they had not provided reports for more than a year and had no transactions on their accounts

But most entrepreneurs did not notice any improvement. Yuri Panchenko, a farmer from the Rostov region, says that the demand for his product - goat milk - in 2016-2017. grew up But this is explained, in his opinion, by the fact that in the Rostov region there were no longer producers of pasteurized goat milk with a short shelf life. Panchenko notes that in 2017, a new program of preferential lending to farmers was launched (at rates of no more than 5% per annum). In February, he submitted documents to Sberbank for such a loan, but is still waiting for an answer. The tax burden, the farmer says, remains the same: he pays a single agricultural tax - 6% of revenue.

The founder of the Mr.Pit fast food chain, Alexander Kolosov, says that 2017 started worse than the previous one - he had to increase advertising costs so that sales did not drop. He clarifies that his chain of cafes has virtually no problems with the state; recently there have been no conflicts with government agencies or sudden inspections.

Now small entrepreneurs are less afraid of criminal liability, believes Artem Chekotkov, a lawyer at the Moscow bar association Knyazev and Partners. In the summer of 2016, amendments were made to the Criminal Code - they raised the minimum threshold, upon reaching which a company is held liable for non-payment of taxes, to 5 million rubles, he clarifies. It is more profitable to be small - a small company does not have enough money to evade taxes by that amount, the lawyer explains. And there are more and more tax crimes in Russia: in 2014, according to the Prosecutor General’s Office, there were 6,250 of them, in 2015 – 9,041, in 2016 – 9,283.

The IT company Telecom-Project's revenue doubled over the year, said its CEO Evgeny Tsaplin. Weak competitors went bankrupt, and Telecom-Project managed to increase its customer base.

Tsaplin did not notice any relaxation on the part of the state: the tax burden did not change, and the bureaucracy did not decrease. Thank you for not interfering, says Tsaplin.