How to create and set up a mailing list for mail ru. Email and SMS mailing services

How to send a newsletter by email?

In order to make an email newsletter, it is best to use special services. Of course, you can do the mailing yourself directly from your server, but in practice this is often difficult to implement. There is only one problem - the spam filters of the largest email services; they require multiple digital signatures (DKIM), domain confirmation via SPF and sometimes even an encrypted data transmission channel. But we will not delve into the technical details of this issue.

In this article we will help you understand all the intricacies of email newsletters and get the maximum benefit from the chosen service, you will also learn How to make an email newsletter yourself.

We are forming a database of email addresses for mailing.

Free and useful content.

Typically, website visitors do not want to leave their mailbox, fearing spam. But if you interest them, they will leave it without hesitation. Create useful articles and send them to the addresses provided. These could be lessons, cases, reviews, anything.

Purchasing a ready-made database of email addresses.

You can buy an email database for mailing. This method is associated with certain risks; you can buy a low-quality database with non-existent email addresses, or simply turn the mailing into outright spam if the database audience is not interested in your product, service, etc.

Offer discounts.

Offer your visitors a discount on your website if they leave their email address. It may be a small discount of 5%, but you will get the contacts of your potential client.

Set up automatic chat.

By installing automatic chat, you can automatically collect questions and contact information from interested visitors to your site. Accordingly, then form the basis for e mailing lists from these contact details.

Choosing a service for email newsletters.

To begin with, you should decide on a list of your needs. Using the list below to formulate it will allow you to make the right decision.

  • Service language– presence of an interface in Russian;
  • Technical support– paid, free, in Russian, response speed, etc.;
  • Price– how much you are willing to spend and how large your base is;
  • Payment methods– not critical, but for some it is very important;
  • A/B-testing– ability to conduct A/B testing.
  • Convenient analytics – the ability to analyze email clicks, deliverability, email opening, etc.
  • Mailing planner, trigger mailings – the ability to create “smart” mailings for the most suitable audience at the moment.
  • Import/export, integration with CRM– the ability to flexibly work with the mailing list.
  • Letter design– availability of a large number of letter templates, including adaptive letter design for mobile devices.

Selecting letter templates for email newsletters.

When choosing email template Three points need to be taken into account:

  1. Adaptability on mobile devices.
  2. Attractiveness of the template.
  3. Its focus on your customers.

Services for email newsletters already contain ready-made letter templates for email newsletters for any task, business, etc. If they do not suit you, you can find other free templates and download them on the Internet, or order them from designers.

We write text for email newsletters.

  1. Who is this letter for?
  2. How to interest this audience?
  3. What is the purpose of this letter? Selling, informing, maintaining interest, etc.

Don't look for ready-made ones examples of text for mailing. Most likely you won’t find them for your narrow task. But you will definitely find a lot interesting ideas for writing mailing text to clients, unusual examples of mailings from large companies.

We tried to do this for you and collected the most interesting recommendations:

  • Grab attention from the first word.
  • Make the client feel special.
  • Segment your base, do not send unnecessary mailings that irritate customers.
  • Avoid technical terminology and unclear words.
  • Don't be afraid to “show off.” Show your benefits.
  • Keep your newsletter text short.
  • Give as many numbers as possible.
  • Anticipate questions and write counterarguments.
  • Call to action, why then do you need a newsletter?

Review of email marketing services.

While studying the capabilities of the services, we realized that in fact most of their functions are the same, but there are some that distinguish this or that system. We have settled on three services that we recommend to you.

Review of the email newsletter service Mailchimp.

MailChimp excellent email newsletter service, was created in 2001, has long established itself in international market and today is one of the leaders in mailing list services.



  • Technical support only on English.
  • There is no interface in Russian.
  • High cost of service.

Review of the Unisender email newsletter service.

UniSender excellent service that was created in 2008. Its distinctive feature is that in addition to mailings, this service offers the possibility of SMS mailings, as well as the services of a personal manager and marketer.


  • Technical support in Russian: they answer very quickly, they are interested in helping.
  • SMS distribution function.
  • Beautiful templates.
  • So many ways import contacts.
  • High speed of letter delivery.


  • There is too much information to enter when registering.
  • The complexity of API integration cannot be solved without your own programmer.
  • No integration with social networks.

Review of the Getresponse email newsletter service.

Getresponse was created back in 1999. A distinctive feature of the service is the availability huge number templates, pictures, and great functionality.


  • Very simple and well thought out interface.
  • Multifunctional.
  • Trigger messages: triggered by time and action.
  • Click map (will allow you to understand the behavior in user emails).
  • Ability to create landing page.
  • More than 500 email templates.
  • Has its own gallery with the possibility of purchasing photos for mailings.
  • Possibility of creating polls.
  • Technical support in Russian.


  • High tariffs compared to other services.

Conclusion. What should the best email marketing service have?

If you have not yet made a profit, then you have free opportunities to start in almost all services. By conducting a newsletter, if it is really well done and the base is targeted, it will be able to attract you many more customers and retain existing ones.

Choose best email service impossible . Each of them has its own advantages that you should consider according to your goals. We tried to reveal exactly these advantages.

It's up to you to decide buy email newsletter or use free email service. Find program for sending emails for free in Russian not that hard, much harder to do right choice. We hope you will do it with the help of this article.

One of the most effective methods earnings in the information business are rightfully considered e-mail newsletters. You collect a subscriber base, compose one letter or auto-series, set everything up, launch it and make a profit. But how do you make such mailings? You can’t just take your account, for example, to and send at least 100 letters at a time. You will most likely be banned or simply the letters will not be sent. In addition, you will not be able to see any statistics: who opened the letter, who clicked on which link. But for such purposes there are special email newsletter services. Most of them are paid, but some have limited free access. We decided to scour the entire Internet and make a short review of free email marketing services.

First of all, we are interested in free mailing services. After all, if you can send out a newsletter for free and make at least one sale, that’s very cool! This is already a concrete profit without investments and semi-automatically.

In addition, free access gives you the opportunity to work with the service, understand whether it is convenient to use, and see how effective it is. After all, it would be a shame to pay even 1000 rubles for a month, and then not be able to understand the complex interface or discover that the topic of your newsletter is prohibited on this service. For example, the topic of information business is simply taboo for most.

Free mailing services

Let's start with a list of services for sending mass letters with free access.

Mailing service website Free access period Number of contacts Number of letters unlimited 100 unlimited unlimited 100 1 500 1 month 300 3 000 unlimited 500 2 500 unlimited 500 2 500 unlimited 2 000 12 000

Let’s immediately discuss that the functionality of all email distribution services is the same, plus or minus. Anyone who has ever done email marketing knows that everywhere you can send hundreds and thousands of letters at a time, make autoseries based on a specific trigger (when letters are sent automatically depending on certain subscriber actions, for example, confirming a subscription or opening a letter), set mailing to a queue for a specific date. Can be carried out a-b tests(for example, make one letter with a picture and another without and see which letters have a higher click-through rate). The services also provide various subscription pages, landing pages, etc. And most importantly, you get visual statistics: who opened how many letters, which link they clicked, etc.

Common to all, as we discovered, is the ban on mailing from the domain. This is the policy of the email itself, not the services. So if you don’t have your own domain, you can try registering a mailbox on, or

Now let's go through each in more detail.

How to do mass mailings for free?


Email newsletter service: what to choose?

After conducting our research on email mailing services, we realized that, unfortunately, it won’t be possible to do mass mailings for free. In most cases, you can send only 100-500 contacts (maximum 2000 in mailchimp com), and this, in our experience, does not give significant results and large earnings, which information business gurus often talk about. And paid access is not a cheap pleasure. It will cost you at least 1000-5000 rubles per month.

In addition, there are very few services that do not moderate letters and contact databases and skip the topic of information business. You can be banned at any time, even if you have already paid for the month or year, and the money will not be returned.

A good option is Sergei Bazanov’s program for sending emails from hosting. There is practically no moderation here and it is very cheap compared to other services.

  1. If you have a small database and speak English well, use MailChimp. Up to 2000 subscribers free;
  2. If you're not good at English at all, start with DirectIQ. 500 free contacts is not bad either;
  3. If you have already accumulated a huge database (and also if you bought it or parsed it according to the model of the “Extremely Effective Email Marketing” course) and are itching to check it out, then Sergei Bazanov’s program is suitable for you.

Attention! Addition: MailChimp has changed its policy; now mailings on the topic of information business are prohibited there.

If after this article you have an unbearable desire to see what kind of mailings these “miracle experts” are doing, subscribe to our mailing list, and the letter will not keep you waiting!

Newsletter by email It is considered a convenient and inexpensive way to attract customers. It is actively used by Internet entrepreneurs and others. How to make a newsletter via Email, how to increase its effectiveness, what myths are associated with it - read the article.

Basic misconceptions

It is generally accepted that mailing is easy and simple. It is enough to have a database of addresses and regularly send letters with offers to buy this or that. However, look in your drawer. How many emails do you send to spam? How much do you delete without even opening it? When you're in last time Did you buy something after receiving such a letter?

Technical knowledge on how to make mass mailing Email is clearly not enough to achieve a good result.

Firstly, the address base must be legal; subscribers purchased or received from a partner will not meet your expectations. Ideally, a target audience should be gathered.

Secondly, the letters should contain interesting and useful information. The form of presentation of the material is no less important. You need to write in such a way that you want to read the letter. Headlines are extremely important, otherwise no one will open the newsletter.

The plan is important. You should know in advance when and what you will tell your readers about.

A simple conclusion follows from this. You need to learn how to do an email newsletter correctly. Read books, take part in trainings and, of course, try in practice, look for your own approaches and methods.

How to send email campaigns correctly

The purpose of letters from a company is to sell your product. But this can be achieved in different ways.

  1. The first way is play. A certain fictional character is created - the hero of the letters. Stories are told on his behalf, and he can also share his opinion or impressions about something. The purpose of such letters is, first of all, to entertain the reader, but also to offer a product. Playing and selling must be kept separate. As an analogy, we can recall interesting program with advertising blocks.
  2. The next path is educational. This is exactly the strategy that is followed in the Megaplan newsletter. Letters is a kind of business magazine filled with useful information. Articles are written by the authors or reprinted from other sources. Thanks to this approach, audience loyalty and an expert image of the company are formed.
  3. The third option is direct sales. It is considered the most ineffective of all possible. These are the emails that most often end up in spam. Even with this approach, only 20% of the information should be selling, and 80% should be useful. Otherwise the method will not work.

How to form a database and not become a spammer?

When choosing a newsletter, you find yourself on a slippery slope. Letters are a real invasion of personal space. People don’t like this, so they click the “Spam” button and complain. It is important to ensure that the information is interesting and relevant to readers.

How to make email newsletters useful? Don't write about your company or how good your product is. Take on broader topics that will hook your audience. About success, about life around you, share working secrets and techniques. Let your emails help people solve problems, even if they haven't purchased anything yet.

The effectiveness of mailing is directly related to the quality of the database. Accept the fact that a maximum of 20% of addresses will be working, and 80% are dump boxes that are not even checked. The database will be of higher quality if it includes people who signed up themselves because they were interested in something. To collect just such addresses, you need to treat mailing as a serious project that requires an investment of effort and time.


Naturally, you need to contact your audience regularly. If you don't plan for it, then you shouldn't start. Most often, letters arrive once a month or once a week. It is better to send high-quality material, but less often, than low-quality material, but often.

It is believed that the most effective frequency is in the range of two letters per week to one letter every two weeks. Frequent calls are perceived as a sign of importunity, and if you remind yourself too rarely, they may completely forget.

Technical points

So, you have decided on the content of the letters and the frequency, and have collected a database of addresses. What's next? How to send a newsletter by email?

If the database is small, then a very real task is to send letters without using paid services. How to make an email newsletter yourself? Very simple.

When you finish your email, fill out the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. Addresses must be separated by commas. There is a limit on the number of recipients. For example, in there cannot be more than thirty of them.

In addition to the fact that this method is time-consuming, there is another danger in it. Spam filters emails with a large number recipients are perceived as undesirable. To bypass this protection, you need to send messages not in bulk, but send each one separately. With a large database, this is simply impossible to do manually. How to make an email campaign yourself in such a situation? You will have to resort to the help of special mailing services.

How to send email to everyone: links to services

There are three most popular today: SmartResponder, Subscribe, UniSender. All three are domestic. Thanks to this, they have a Russian-language interface and Russian-speaking technical support, which is very convenient.

They also all provide official documents for services, which is extremely important for legal entities.

UniSender and Smart Responder are democratic. If the database is small and there are few letters, then you are given the opportunity to use the services for free.

In addition to email, you can send SMS messages through these services. It is also very important that you have access to statistics: how many emails were opened, how many were sent to spam, how many people clicked on the site, etc.

Another advantage of the services is that they are actively involved in training their users on how to make sending emails to unfamiliar subscribers effective. You will receive articles and books the very next day after you complete the registration procedure.

Now you not only know how to create a newsletter based on Email, but also have information on how to make it interesting, effective and help promote your business.

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since I wrote anything in the E-mail marketing section, although there are a lot of interesting topics. And I want to talk now about one of them - email mailing programs. Quite a lot of people do not use online services like MailChimp, but rather PC programs.

In total I know several programs and services:

  • . English-language e-mail newsletter service. I am using it now and am completely satisfied;
  • UniSender. Paid online service, but there is also a free plan. And technical support is at the level;
  • Epochta Mailer. Paid program For e-mail newsletters, but there is also a free, stripped-down version. Installed on PC. It is in certain demand, as it is almost the best option. I have experience working with it;
  • . In November 2016, this email newsletter service was closed. Reason for closure: stopped bringing pleasure and satisfaction from work to its creator. In short, the creator got tired of Smartresponder. However, the service was the most convenient and practical among all others, in my opinion;
  • AMS Enterprise. Direct competitor to Epochta Mailer. Shareware program.

By the way, recently a new player appeared on the domestic email marketing market - the Falconsender service. The project was created from scratch by guys who are very for a long time were working on another large service.

When you first meet you, you will be struck by a convenient and accessible interface and the presence of all the functionality necessary for mailings. We are pleasantly surprised by the prices, one of the lowest on the market: with a base of up to 1000 subscribers, you can use the service absolutely free, and a tariff with a base of up to 10,000 subscribers will cost only $14!

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting that the service is just beginning its journey, so there are some minor shortcomings.

The support service responds very quickly and tries to listen to all requests.

If you need stable service at a reasonable price, then this is an excellent choice.

Of course, there may be much more best options, but I only know these, and have only worked with a few. I have already written about two online services (Smartresponder and MailChimp), and today I would like to tell you about the Epochta Mailer program.

You can buy/download the program. Cost - 2900 rubles. But you know that there is always a way out 😉

Benefits of the program

I became acquainted with this program when I was still quite green, when I was just starting to access the Internet. Then it was planned to find clients through e-mail newsletters, but for some reason it didn’t work out for me (I don’t remember exactly why). I worked with it for literally a week, but already during this time I saw a number of advantages that the paid version has (I somehow managed to crack the program):

  • Unlimited number of e-mail addresses;
  • SPAM test. A very useful thing;
  • Clear interface;
  • Ability to monitor the effectiveness of mailings;
  • Detailed reports;
  • The program supports HTML message format;
  • Well, and a few others.

And this is what the Epochta Mailer interface looks like:

Click on the image and it will enlarge. As you can see, it’s convenient to form letters here and send letters too - just make a couple of clicks. However, before sending it is necessary to make a number of settings, without which the program will not be able to work.

Setting up Epochta Mailer

In order to be able to send letters, you must have an SMTP server - a protocol designed for simple sending of letters. Epochta Mailer has a built-in one, but it will not be enough for full-fledged work programs. But we can use other options:

  1. SMTP server of your Internet provider. To use it, you need to check with your provider whether it provides SMTP. Most likely there are strict restrictions on the number of letters sent. In some places you can send 500 letters, and in others less;
  2. The hosting provider's SMTP server can also be used for sending via Epochta Mailer, but most likely there will also be limits here, but much more expanded. For example, certain providers allow you to send up to 3,000 emails per day. For many this will be enough;
  3. Free email services from Yandex, Google, Anyone can use it, the main thing is to have an account in the system whose SMTP you want to use. In this lesson we will use Yandex;
  4. Renting an SMTP server. There are special services that allow you to rent servers and send out messages.

As I already said, we will use an SMTP server from Yandex. The limit is 150 messages per day, as far as I remember:

  1. Open the program and fill out a short form. It opens when you first start the program:
    Be sure to fill in all fields, otherwise sending letters will not work;
  2. Next, on the top panel, click on the “SMTP Wizard” button:
    In the window that appears, select “Use external SMTP”:
    This way you can use all available free SMTP servers. Click "Forward";
  3. Next, click on the “Add” button:
    A window will appear in front of you with a list of all available servers. Select that server postal service where you have an account. I will choose Yandex (
    In the same window we see limits on the number of messages per day;
  4. Then double-click on the SMTP server in the selection window, after which another window will open with server parameters, where you will need to specify the login and password of the account from which letters will be sent and SMTP will be used:
  5. Click OK and then Finish.

This completes the setup. Now you can create a letter to send to subscribers. The editor here is such that it won’t be too difficult to work with him. Everything is extremely simple and clear:

Sending letters

Before sending a letter, you need to upload addresses for mailing. This can be done through the “Addresses” item:

The finished database can be downloaded by importing a .xls or .csv file, or via Google Sheets:

According to statistics, people delete approximately 25% of emails without even opening them. And about 75% of messages sent to an email address are simply not read if they are inconvenient to open on the phone.

Most often emails are opened from public organizations(about 50%), but mailings from commercial enterprises and stores are extremely rare (27.5%). It’s hard to imagine successful email marketing without good service. Here are the 10 best.

TOP 10 e-mail mailing services


Great service formailing letters, which allows you to combine email, SMS, Web Push and Viber. Distinctive feature– Automation 360, which makes it possible to create and automatically send email chains depending on user actions: abandoned cart, purchase, registration, etc.


  • Free plan, which allows you to send up to 15,000 letters if your base does not exceed 2,500 subscribers;
  • Convenient form builder with a huge number of functions, even in the free plan;
  • Sending emails via SMTP and API;
  • Huge selection of letter templates;
  • Statistics that give you all the necessary data to analyze your newsletter;
  • A/B testing.


  • Automation 360 is only available as a paid plan.

A simple and intuitive service for email newsletters. Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses: online stores, services, manufacturing and educational projects. The first letter can be created and sent in 15 minutes. Everything is fast and convenient. The service is well suited for companies that want to start selling via email without bothering with setting up complex trigger mailings. Support responds quickly and around the clock.


  • A clear interface that even a beginner can understand;
  • There is a free plan that allows you to quickly test the service;
  • Great library ready-made templates for beautiful letters;
  • Ready-made email chain templates;
  • Ability to add subscription forms to the site to collect contacts;
  • The 24-hour support service is a solid “A”;
  • Reliable storage of contact database;
  • Email delivery rate is 99.9%.


  • With the free plan, you can send up to 1,500 emails to 100 contacts monthly;
  • The block editor will take a little figuring out, but technical support is always ready to help.

Overall an excellent service for sending emails. Ideal for small business owners because the platform includes only the most essential features. And there are no extra features - no need to overpay. If you have less than a thousand subscribers, then the service provides you with free use. Although the price is already several times lower than that of many similar services.

Main advantages:

  • Technical support work is 5+;
  • the interface is simple and clear, so using the service is very easy;
  • up to a thousand subscribers – the ability to use for free and send an unlimited number of letters;
  • excellent quality at the best price;
  • availability of all necessary functions and tools.


  • To confirm your account, you must have your own website;
  • Sometimes the link automatically goes to pages with English, so you have to select the language again.

Very solid and professional service for sending letters a large number subscribers. It's worth noting that here you can find online training on available features and tools. This is a big plus because you don’t have to spend a lot of time searching for tips and answers on the Internet.

Main advantages:

  • payment is strictly fixed;
  • pay only for the number of emails sent;
  • a wide range of different functions and large number designs for letters;
  • the ability to choose both regular and transactional messages, as well as many others;
  • ability to distribute subscribers into groups based on various factors and signs, you can also track down inactive ones and remove them.


  • there is no way to test the capabilities of the service in test mode, you can only view the presentation;
  • the pricing policy is quite high;
  • There is no option to pay only for the number of letters sent.

Quite a popular service that is used both in Russia and abroad. The only caveat is that it is entirely written in English, so technical support if necessary, you will have to communicate in it.

Main advantages:

  • the interface is created with humor, so understanding the service is easy and interesting;
  • the possibility of free use if you have less than two thousand subscribers and the mailing list does not exceed 12,000 letters per month;
  • a large number of features and functions;
  • high speed of letter delivery;
  • many message templates.


  • in fact, there is only one minus - the English-language interface and communication with technical support only in it.

A Russian-language service that leads in the number of mailings in Russia. If you are the owner of a large store, then you will appreciate the global mailing settings feature. That is, you can choose both email and SMS newsletters.

Main advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • numerous parameters that allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the mailing;
  • you can create a special procedure for mailings, in accordance with the actions and financial parameters of subscribers;
  • A distinctive feature of the service is surveys for subscribers.


  • unimportant video training on how to use the service;
  • There is no way to view letters before sending.

Some may be wary of the service being written in English, but Russian-speaking users just need to select a language, everything is provided for this. It is very popular, and its ease of use and minimalistic interface make it accessible even to beginners.

There is a free plan with a minimum package of functions, which is quite suitable, for example, for the owner of a small store. Paid plans are also quite affordable.

Main advantages:

  • there are many screenshots with tips on using the service, so even a beginner can handle it;
  • nice design and decoration;
  • quick response from technical support;
  • conveniently edit letters;
  • the ability to link RSS to the newsletter;
  • easy to track statistics;
  • Very rarely do emails end up in spam.


  • lack of features;
  • work with text is limited;
  • The mailing may be refused if it is considered spam.

Service with expensive tariffs. It is considered a professional platform with high-speed sending of letters. The great thing is that it can send out a huge number of letters at once - more than 2 million per day.

Main advantages:

  • Free trial version available after preview;
  • the ability to conduct statistical research and analyze the actions of subscribers;
  • easy to use interface.


  • very high pricing policy;
  • Sometimes there is a limit on the letters sent out per month.

The most understandable, convenient and easy-to-use service in Russian.

Main advantages:

  • unobtrusive, laconic design and ease of use;
  • a large number of functions and capabilities;
  • the ability to create landing pages;
  • you can organize a webinar;
  • More than 500 different message templates available.


  • When registering, you need to fill in many fields.

Again, a Russian-language service in which you can send unlimited quantities. One of the features is cloud support. A trial version is available for two weeks and the ability to send about 500 emails, so you can fully test the operation of this service.

Main advantages:

  • displayed on all types of devices;
  • Great functionality for triggered mailings;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of marketing operations;
  • regular updates and new features.


  • there is no way to pay for the number of subscribers;
  • messages are checked for spam.

The service is quite simple in design, and the functionality is clear to everyone. It is possible to test the platform in free mode and sending out 2,500 letters. The interesting thing is that you can choose an email template that matches the design of your website. Convenient for both beginners and professionals.

Main advantages:

  • even with a free plan, you can use all the functions and capabilities of the service;
  • there is an opportunity to receive free bonuses;
  • the service can be configured specifically for a Russian-speaking user;
  • effective and efficient work of the support service;
  • the ability to send both email and SMS;
  • the ability to visually analyze the effectiveness of the mailing.


  • you will not be able to review the email before sending.


Well? Now you have a choice of the most convenient and easy-to-use email marketing services. Discover, test, use and choose what you like best.