Computer games as an electronic educational resource. Project “Computer games - benefits for development

The basis for preparing a child to use computer technologies in the learning process are the principles of didactics, which determine the requirements for content, methods, organizational forms and teaching aids, focused on achieving the learning goal. From analysis general properties information, its types and functions, influence on the development and education of a person, the requirement follows: information circulating in the educational process must be effectively used at each specific stage of the educational process, at each moment of the activity of the teacher and student. This determines the choice of methods, organizational forms and teaching aids, which should ensure the activity of students’ cognitive activity, when all their attention is focused on the essence of the phenomenon or process being studied, and not on the computer, which acts as a learning tool.

The main task of using computer technology is to expand human intellectual capabilities. Currently, the very concept of learning is changing: the assimilation of knowledge is giving way to the ability to use information and obtain it using a computer.

The use of computer technologies in the modern educational process is a completely natural phenomenon. However, the effectiveness of their use in teaching depends on a clear understanding of the place they should occupy in the complex set of relationships that arise in the “teacher-student” interaction system.

The use of computer technology changes the goals and content of training: new methods and organizational forms training. Updating the content of training is associated, first of all, with increasing the role of humanitarian training and the formation in students of a consistent natural science understanding of the world around them.

The introduction of computer technologies creates preconditions for the intensification educational process. They make it possible to widely use in practice psychological and pedagogical developments that ensure the transition from mechanical assimilation of knowledge to mastering the ability to independently acquire new knowledge. Computer techologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of personal qualities of students.

Historically, pedagogy has always used information means (means of storing, processing and transmitting information) in its activities; their improvement increased the effectiveness of learning. Therefore, the use of a computer as the most advanced information tool, along with the use of a book, pen, TV, calculator, VCR, etc., in studying educational subjects naturally entails improvement of the learning process. The evolution of computers and software has made them quite easy to master for the most unprepared users, including even preschoolers.

In modern pedagogical literature, the concept of “computer education” is increasingly used, i.e. development, education and training of a person in a computer environment, in conditions where the computer is a subject of study, a tool of activity, a means of self-realization.

With this approach, the goals of computer education are clearly defined - the development of higher mental functions, the formation of personality qualities - education, independence, criticality, responsibility, reflexivity. The types of activities in a computer environment are also more clearly represented: the student learns, develops, communicates. Computer in modern conditions not just an electronic computer; it is a source of information, a tool for its transformation and a universal communication system that ensures the interaction of all subjects of the didactic system, including those with whom communication occurs indirectly through a computer program.

The computer has been used as a working tool for a long time and is recognized by society as a necessity. In the field of education, the computer is gaining a strong position. The idea of ​​using computers in teaching children belongs to Professor Seymour Papert. Working with J. Piaget. To develop abstract thinking, you need an environment that allows you to actively create a product, using and creating new abstract concepts. Such an environment could be a computer. The theory of J. Piaget, according to which a child learns by playing with the objects around him, had a strong influence on S. Papert. Recalling his childhood fascination with cars, S. Papert, for example, concluded that it was his interest in them that revealed to him the “object-thought” connection and facilitated his subsequent comprehension of mathematical abstractions. A child, being by nature a very gifted student (S. Papert is convinced of this and finds the basis for his conviction in J. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development), may gradually lose the taste for learning. S. Papert sees one of the reasons for the development of a child’s fear and reluctance to learn in the adopted modern society dividing all people into those capable and incapable of learning, into those inclined towards mathematical sciences and “humanists”. S. Papert believes that it is not a matter of ability, but of the organization of the learning process. For S. Papert, a computer is, first of all, a tool that can give the learning process a natural, unformalized character. In his opinion, a computer can change the nature of learning - not something specific, but learning in general - and make it more interesting and effective, and the knowledge gained deeper and more generalized. In fact, S. Papert proposed the concept of the school of the future, the starting points of which are the natural curiosity of children and the means to satisfy this curiosity. S. Papert is not trying to transfer the functions of a teacher or textbook to a computer. The main idea is microworlds, which are some models real world, which the child himself creates with varying degrees of detail. If a child is the “architect of his own intellect” (J. Piaget), then he should have at hand everything necessary for work, and above all, “transitional objects” that serve us as those metaphors with the help of which we transform the experience of bodily manipulations with things into conceptual generalizations and abstractions. But how do you find out what can serve as a “transitional object” for a child? The progress of computer technology has made such an idea not so fantastic. Now a computer can cope with this task, the essence of which is its versatility and ability to imitate. Because it can take on thousands of faces and perform thousands of functions, it can satisfy thousands of tastes and demands.

A wealth of experience in using computers as a teaching tool has been accumulated in the USA, Canada, France, and Bulgaria. Despite different approaches to the organization and content of computer activities, the results obtained are largely consistent:

  • 1. Sustained attention during computer activities and great interest in it are noted. French researchers state that children are most interested when they achieve better results in computer science. play activity; children are more passive when faced with difficulties in solving assigned tasks.
  • 2. All older preschoolers exhibit perseverance and patience, which are not usually characteristic of children of this age.
  • 3. Several types of motivation for children’s activities at the computer were identified:
    • a) interest in a new, mysterious subject - a computer;
    • b) research motive (desire to find answers to questions);
    • c) the motive for successfully solving cognitive problems.
  • 4.Usage computer games develops “cognitive flexibility” - a person’s ability to find greatest number fundamentally different solutions to the problem. The abilities for anticipation and strategic planning also develop, and visual and effective thinking operations are mastered.
  • 5. At the computer, children prefer to play together, finding a common solution. Adults only help children with advice. Joint computer games can relieve a number of difficulties in children’s communication.
  • 6. The role of computer games as a diagnostic and rehabilitation tool is increasing: currently, computer games are used as a means of helping children with impaired writing skills, due to difficulties in learning to count, to improve coordination, and diagnose spatial abilities. The computer can be effectively used for speech and vision correction, and in working with children with mental retardation. Computer games help anxious and shy children to openly express their problems, which is important in the process of psychotherapy.

For the right choice games, you need to know the types of computer educational games and the impact of each of them on a person. Analyzing software, we can say that computer games have great potential for the general intellectual, emotional and personal development of children and their learning.

There are many programs specifically designed for teaching specific subjects: mathematics, fiction and speech development, native and foreign languages, etc. There are also entertainment programs that do not contain pedagogical tasks, but which can also be effectively used for educational purposes thanks to a variety of methodological techniques.

Currently in modern lesson A tool such as a personal computer is widely used. In this case, a personal computer is a universal teaching tool that can be used in educational and extracurricular activities that vary in content and organization. It fits into the framework of traditional teaching with the widespread use of the entire arsenal of teaching tools. A personal computer can facilitate the student’s active involvement in the educational process, maintain interest, and promote understanding and memorization of educational material. Computer-assisted training should provide:

1. Feedback during the learning process;

2. Individualization of the educational process;

3. Increasing the visibility of the educational process;

4. Search for information from the widest sources;

5. Modeling of the processes or phenomena being studied;

6. Organization of collective and group work.

According to the goals and objectives, educational computer programs are divided into illustrative, consulting, training programs, training control programs, and operating environments.

Among the wide range of children's educational programs, the following stands out: large group educational and educational computer games that are specially created for use for educational purposes. These are individual programs and sets of programs, which are presented in the form of separate collections, packages, series - depending on the degree of their “commonality”.

There are many different approaches to systematizing computer games. The classification of games is needed not only for the convenience of the consumer: it is easier for teachers to navigate the entire wealth of games if the headings immediately provide answers to questions like: “What games are there for a certain age of children?”, “Which games contribute to the development of speech, logical, figurative or abstract thinking ?”, “Which games have the required images?”, etc. It facilitates the selection of the required game according to various criteria.

The classification is also necessary for developers: it shows, for example, that there are still no games aimed at developing this or that ability in children, or games in which there would be characters needed for discussion. Games can be divided into subgroups based on different criteria: age, subject matter, level of complexity of the game task, control complexity, development tasks mental abilities and other characteristics. But, first of all, all educational programs can be grouped into the following large classes: educational games, educational games, experimentation games, diagnostic games, fun games.

Classification of computer games.

1. Educational games.

These are “open” type computer programs designed for the formation and development of children’s general mental abilities, goal setting, the ability to mentally correlate their actions to control the game with the images being created, for the development of fantasy, imagination, emotional and moral development. They do not have a clearly defined goal - they are tools for creativity, for self-expression of the child.

Programs of this type include:

Various types of graphic editors, incl. editors for creating images, “coloring books”, designers that provide the ability to freely draw on the screen with straight and curved lines, contour and solid geometric shapes and spots, painting closed areas, inserting ready-made drawings, erasing images, correcting drawings in other ways;

Simple text editors for entering, editing, storing and printing text;

- “environment constructors” with a variety of functionality for free movement of characters and other elements against the backdrop of scenery, incl. those that serve as the basis for the creation of “director’s” computer games; “music editors” for entering, storing and playing simple (usually single-voice) melodies in musical notation form;

- “fairy tale constructors”, combining the capabilities of elementary text and graphic editors for the formation and reproduction of illustrated texts;

Such games require many pedagogical methods for their use.

2. Educational games

These are game programs of a didactic (“closed”) type, in which one or more didactic problems are proposed to be solved in a game form. This class includes games related to the formation of mathematical concepts in children; with teaching the alphabet, syllable formation, writing through reading and reading through writing, native and foreign languages; with the formation of dynamic representations of orientation on the plane and in space; with aesthetic, moral education; environmental education; with the basics of systematization and classification, synthesis and analysis of concepts.

3. Games of experimentation

In games of this type, the goal of the game and the rules are not explicitly stated - they are hidden in the plot or the way the game is controlled. Therefore, in order to achieve success in solving a game problem, a child must, through search actions, come to an awareness of the goal and method of action, which is the key to achieving general solution game task.

4. Fun games

Such games do not explicitly contain game tasks or development tasks (this is evident from the name of the group). They simply provide an opportunity for children to have fun, carry out search activities and see the result on the screen in the form of some kind of “micro-cartoon”. This group, in particular, includes the popular series of programs such as “Living Books”.

5. Diagnostic games

Games that develop, teach, and experiment can be considered diagnostic, since an experienced teacher and, especially, a psychologist will be able to tell a lot about the child based on the way they solve computer problems and the style of gaming actions. However, more strictly, only validated psychodiagnostic techniques implemented in the form of a computer program are considered computer diagnostic techniques. In this case, such a program records the specified parameters, stores them in the computer memory, then processes them and also saves the processing results on disk; later, these results are displayed on the display screen or on a printing device for interpretation by a psychologist) or such interpretation can be pre-programmed and displayed automatically by computer. The diagnostic result can be displayed in the form of recommendations for personnel kindergarten and parents.

This class of programs also includes computer methods for express diagnostics of various functional systems of the child’s body, which make it possible to identify pathology and deviations from the norm in a matter of minutes and then refer children with deviations for further examination or treatment to specialized medical institutions. Computer diagnostic programs can be used to:

Identifying the level of general mental abilities of children;

Assessment of the level of development of mental and psychophysiological properties of the individual, such as memory, attention, perception, mental performance, intelligence, emotional state, neuropsychic status, as well as motor skills, speed of movement, etc.;

Revealing children's creative abilities;

Determining the level of readiness of children to enter kindergarten;

Determining the level of psychophysiological and social readiness for children to enter school (physical development, morbidity, physical fitness, basic physiometric parameters of a growing organism, risk factors);

Express diagnosis of child fatigue during computer classes;

Early diagnosis of deviations in children from normal development.

The model of the pedagogical process is divided into:

Knowledge model

The main task of studying knowledge models is to assess the adequacy of the volume, depth, and accuracy of the educational material presented and to study questions about the relationship between the norms and grades offered in the game and those set by the teacher.

Let us present the main stages of research into knowledge models.

1. At what stage in common system learning game applied?

Updating knowledge; familiarization with new material; consolidation of new educational material; control and recording of knowledge.

2. What are the learning objectives behind the game?

Acquiring Solution Skills simple tasks; practicing motor skills; formation of skills and analysis skills problem situations and decision making; developing the ability to build a sequence of logically correct actions; formation of a system of concepts aimed at mastering theoretical material;

3. Does the educational material contained in the game satisfy the requirements of the scientific nature of the content, the adequacy of the material with previously acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, and the clarity of the educational material.

4. Does the game meet the required level of learning?

5. Is the teacher satisfied with the standard of assessments offered by the game?

Learner model.

The main task of this stage is to consider the possibilities of individualizing learning, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of students. When studying the student’s model for the game, the teacher must find out whether the game provides feedback from the learner to the computer and the possibility of adaptation. If the presence of feedback from the structure of the game allows the teacher to have information about how the student solves the educational tasks proposed to him, then this type of feedback is called knowledge of the result. If, in addition, it is possible to find out what difficulties the student is experiencing, their causes, as well as what auxiliary teaching influences provide right decisions tasks, then we are dealing with information feedback.

An adaptive game can react and, if necessary, automatically change the correctness of the student’s answer, the learning time, the background of the student’s work, individual characteristics the learner, determine whether the game provides assistance, a system for repeating educational material.

The following stages of the learner model can be proposed:

1. Determining the degree of mastery of the material at the moment.

2. Is the requirement of students’ activity and awareness met during the game?

3. Are the psychophysiological characteristics of the student taken into account?

4. What type of feedback does this game provide? Knowing the result; information feedback.

5. Which stage does the game adapt?

Management model

The main goal of this stage of the study is to study the features of interaction between teacher and students in the process of working with a computer game.

Let us highlight the following main stages of research into the management model:

1. Is the nature and method of presenting educational material in this game consistent with the required level of knowledge?

2. Which of the classical teaching methods can games support?

Methods of acquiring new knowledge;

Methods of developing skills and abilities;

Methods for testing and assessing knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Does this game conflict with the form of teaching chosen by the teacher for this lesson?

4. Are the game controls appropriate for the individualization of learning?

Such an analysis allows the teacher to reasonably use a computer game in the classroom.

If a computer game meets all the requirements, it can be used with the greatest efficiency. But, unfortunately, analysis of computer games has shown that not all games meet the requirements. Therefore, it is important, after analyzing the lesson, to highlight those stages of the lesson that require additional consideration. In this case, the teacher will be able to adjust the lesson using traditional teaching methods.

Thus, today there is a fairly wide range of computer educational games aimed at solving a particular range of problems. In order to decide which games to use during the educational process, it is necessary to decide what goal the teacher is pursuing.

1. An educational game is a complex systemic education that allows various ways representation. In particular, it can act as an activity, as a process “woven” into other activities, and as a special form of educational activity. Each of these ideas has its own scope of applicability.

2. Gaming technologies are multifaceted, have their own specifics and influence on pedagogical activity teachers.

3. Design of training programs is a complex, multi-level process with a systematic structure, acting as a link between the theory and practice of computer training.

4. A computer game is a type of gaming activity, possibly using multimedia technologies, as well as virtual or, in other words, alternative reality technology.

5. An educational computer game is a form of educational activity that simulates certain practical situations, is one of the means of activating the educational process, and promotes mental development. In essence, OKI is a didactic game organized at a higher technical level.

6. A special feature of computer games is that the computer is one of the players.

7. All educational computer games can be grouped into the following large classes:

Educational games;

Educational games;

Experimentation games;



Diagnostic games;

Secondly, what form of using computer educational and business games will be convenient in organizing the educational process?

Computer educational and business games are characterized by the three-dimensional realism of the simulated environment, the complexity of scenarios that require huge computing resources of computers. They are implemented on the Internet online, feedback and the network nature of the game require the support of powerful computer resources. Therefore, it is more convenient to place them in educational portals university as a supplement to electronic educational and methodological complexes of disciplines. The online form is convenient for control, and the offline form is most convenient for exercises.


Thirdly, is it possible to improve the interactivity of electronic educational resources using computer educational and business games?

Surely it is possible. Computer educational and business games should be considered as part of electronic educational resources that improve the interactive nature of the dialogue between the student and the learning environment, creativity in the student’s activities. Consideration pedagogical conditions Part of this study will be devoted to the interactivity of computer educational and business games.

To date, there is an insufficient number of works on didactic and business games in which the use of a computer in a game is considered as a way of control by the teacher leading the game. This position gives an incomplete picture educational activities student, it is necessary to identify the conditions under which computerized business games will be pedagogically effective in solving several didactic problems.


Fourthly, what is the difference between computer educational and business games from business games, didactic games and computer games?

As you know, business games began to be used in 1932 and were initially aimed at simulating production situations. And currently in business games computers may be used. But the main feature in them is still considered to be training activities, the psychology of communication, and the fulfillment of role obligations between the participants in the game.

Didactic games are games used in teaching certain educational skills and abilities.

Computer games are entertaining games on the computer, of which educational games still make up a small part. Computer games are still characterized by fragmentation and limited content of the game. The analysis of these games will be carried out in the text of the dissertation. The computer educational and business games we offer appear at the intersection of educational and computer games, implementing most of all role-playing, adventure, and strategic actions in a specific subject area.

The educational potential of games is high. This is evidenced by numerous dissertation studies and advanced pedagogical experience.

A computer educational business game has the general features of the game as a whole, but when used as a teaching method, it also exhibits its own specific specifics. Unlike other games, including educational games, computer educational and business games have individual, unique features, without which the game cannot be considered a business game.

The specifics of the computer educational and business game are determined by the following provisions:

· simulation of conditions in a computer game professional activity, as close to reality as possible;

· Team work game participants performing the roles provided for by the game conditions;

· self-development of a situation in a computer game, as a result of which the completion of tasks at the previous stage influences the course of the subsequent one;

· a compressed time scale that makes it possible to reproduce in a matter of hours or even minutes what in real conditions might take months or years;

· control of playing time;

· *presence of a specially developed system for assessing the progress and results of the game.

The use of computer educational and business games to stimulate the effectiveness of solving professional problems in the training of bachelors requires the fulfillment of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions. Consideration of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for designing computer educational and business games with organizational, methodological and content components will allow us to holistically model the educational process using the didactic capabilities of computer educational games.

Teachers, psychologists, designers and programmers participate in the development of a computer educational and business game. There is research into creating educational computer games, but they are intended mainly for natural science subjects.

Stimulating the development of information professional competence of bachelors will be implemented using a variety of computer game forms of training.

Based on the duration of their implementation, computer educational and business games are divided into:

occupying part of the lesson,

occupying part of the training course,

· longitudinal (up to a whole academic year).

Games that take up part of the lesson can be used to reinforce new material and repeat the material covered. These games are aimed at developing certain skills and testing knowledge.

Based on the number of participants, games are divided into individual and network games with the participation of several players. Network games solve several pedagogical problems: jointly solving game situations, conducting group forms of training, and are similar to social games, which in Lately became the most preferred.

Depending on the time the games are played, they can be online or offline. Although the same game can be played both online and offline, they will serve different pedagogical purposes. When the game is played online, it requires time restrictions and the player’s focus on quickly completing game learning tasks. The offline game provides for acquaintance with new educational material; there is no limit on time or speed. The main thing is a deep study of theoretical approaches and conducting certain educational research.

Based on the genres of gaming technology, computer educational games can be divided into simulators, quests, adventures, and strategies.

By simulators we mean simulators for pilots, for metro drivers, in a word, transport simulators. Then there are economic simulations in which students play the roles of stockbrokers, accountants, investors, and so on. War simulations are similar to games like Wargames (war games).

Quests are associated with the search for certain objects, phenomena, substances, and therefore are very useful for natural science disciplines, such as chemistry, physics, biology, physiology, and so on.

Adventures can be successfully used in humanities, such as literature, history, pedagogy, philosophy, linguistics, psychology. The design of the user interface of a computer educational business game, music and sound effects, animation, design of the virtual space (the use of various transformation options depending on the time factor of the player’s action/inaction, the correctness/incorrectness of answer choices, the transition from 2D to 3D image) is created based on the specified pedagogical conditions, the effectiveness of which was proven during the ascertaining experiment. Effective ways to use computer educational and business games in teaching can be presented in the form of a model of the educational process of a university (Fig. 1).

Managing the learning process in an educational computer game consists of five stages. This:

· - development of a computer game;

· - execution of the script by a computer;

· - execution of the scenario by the player;

· - evaluation of the results of the player’s actions;

· - analysis of player training.

The teacher prepares a model scenario for a computer educational game. This model can represent the mechanisms of all stages, except for the execution of actions by the player. Therefore, in many computer educational games, restrictions are placed on the execution of game actions. Either it will be choosing an answer, comparing options, arranging fragments in order, “insert a word” actions, constructing a diagram; or working with ready-made action algorithms. But models with arbitrary actions of players have not yet been defined. Conditional voluntary actions can occur in limited game spaces (for example, playing football, ContrStrike, etc.).


Performance assessment strategies are complex, but they are built on the principle of cumulative points. Analysis of training will allow for adjustments to the educational process taking into account the requirements for a university graduate.

When creating computer educational and business games, it is necessary to select the most appropriate assessment strategies in accordance with pedagogical technology. Here are the evaluation criteria.

1. Free use of the available playing space or solving problems according to plan, algorithmic actions.

2. Select one of the positions:

· educational material is absorbed in a linear order,

· educational material is absorbed in a non-linear order.

3. Using a hint:

· 1 time for one task,

· 2-4 times for one task,

· more than 5 times for one task.

4. Time to work with introductory educational material:

· limited,

· unlimited.

We highlight the following pedagogical functions of computer educational and business games:

· formation of professionally significant skills and abilities,

· development of creative activity of students,

· prospects for learning,

· development of communication skills.

The creation of scenarios for computer educational and business games is based on the activity approach, as it is most adapted for adventure and strategy games.

Conducting master classes, seminars for teachers, and creating online communities of teachers contributes not only to the better use of computer educational and business games, but also to the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience in e-learning.

The use of computer educational and business games contributes to the formation creative thinking:

· staging problematic issue in the form of game situations,

· consolidation of educational material in the form of completing quests, adventure tasks of a computer game.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that alternative scenarios for a computer educational business game should take into account the mechanisms of interaction between the student and the game system, consistent with the mechanisms for managing the scenario, executing the scenario, assessing current learning results and analyzing learning results.

The study allows us to expand and deepen scientific and pedagogical ideas about the possibilities and characteristics of human communicative activity in the virtual environment of the Internet and e-learning.

history and social studies teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7 Monchegorsk

Computer games as an electronic educational resource.

An ancient Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget,

Show me and I will remember, let me try and I will learn.”

In the 90s of the twentieth century, there was a persistent call in the press, on radio and television: “Buy your child a computer, and everything will be fine with his education!” Many people bought and nothing happened. After some time, a new slogan: “Connect your home computer to the Internet, and all your study problems will be solved!” We connected it, and again nothing happened.

The problem, of course, was the lack of appropriate Electronic Educational Resources (EER) at that time. The student played computer games, had fun in chats and forums, and this only distracted him from his studies.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a new call appeared: “The Internet is safe!”, since the use of the Internet by children has become not only useful, but also unsafe. Practice shows that students use computers and the Internet mainly not for learning, but for communication and entertainment.

In fact, computers and digital games have enormous educational potential. They force several channels of student perception (vision, hearing) to work at once; they are interactive. Intellectual computer games have long been used to train drivers, doctors, pilots, and managers. The teacher’s task is to interest students in intellectual computer games, using them in educational process, as an educational resource that helps them learn, explore the world, think and create.

Number of home computers and ICT - preparation Russian schoolchildren are quite high today. After the all-Russian school computerization program, all teachers have the opportunity to use new technologies in their lessons, enriching the teaching and educational process.

Statistics. Internet research proves that students who listened or read material forget it 13 times faster than those who mastered it through gaming activities. If a child simultaneously listened to information, had visual images in front of him, and had the opportunity to act, he absorbs 90% of the material. Anyone who only acted (did not listen to the text, did not look at the pictures) absorbs 80%. Observers – 40%. Listeners – only 20%. Meanwhile, in a regular lesson, children listen first.

The main educational goal of introducing a computer into a child’s world is to develop the child’s motivational, intellectual and operational readiness to use computer tools in their educational activities. The teacher’s task is to effectively use this potential in teaching the child.

Computer games included in the educational process contribute to comprehensive development child's personality.

A computer game is a form of educational activity that simulates certain practical situations and is one of the means of activating the educational process and promoting mental development. It is necessary to take into account that game-based learning is not the only educational work with kids. It does not form the ability to learn, but, of course, develops the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, contributes to the development of independence and creative abilities of students.

In computer didactics, two types of games are mainly used. Didactic games, which are used as a means of developing children’s cognitive activity, are games with ready-made rules that require the student to be able to solve, decipher, unravel, and most importantly - know the subject, and games - exercises, games - training using entertaining situations.

During the child’s intellectual play activity, enriched with computer tools, the following develops:

Theoretical, practical and imaginative thinking;

Imagination, perception;

Voluntary memory and attention;

Hand-eye coordination;

Cognitive motivation;

The ability to predict the outcome of an action;

The ability to build an action plan, accept and complete a task.

The student masters a new way, simpler and faster, of receiving and processing information. Educational computer games make students more emotionally and intellectually ready for further development mental and creative abilities.

Practice shows that the use of computer games in the educational process

Arouse children's interest and desire to achieve their goals;

Help them better master knowledge in different types of activities;

Develop positive emotional reactions in children;

Identify gaps in certain types of educational activities;

Ensure that students achieve a certain level of intellectual development and master the material they have learned necessary for further educational activities.

The use of educational computer games as opposed to other computer games

(“Shooting games”, “Sports simulators”, “Racing”, “Strategies”, “Role playing games”, “Adventures”, “Adventure games”, “Logic”), under the guidance of a teacher, do not cause computer addiction, since:

firstly, in the educational process, games are used strictly regulated, taking into account age and individual characteristics;

secondly, the scope and role of the game in the lesson is strictly verified;

thirdly, if computer gaming activity is combined with practical, real activity, then computer gaming activity does not lead to addiction.

The simplest computer games are various simulators, and children clearly prefer computer training to working with a textbook; specially designed educational games will be useful to everyone.

In my history, geography and social studies lessons, extracurricular activities we use intellectual computer games. When creating them, we gave preference to Microsoft Office applications, using the program Power Point. This application provides conditions for productive work of students with the possibility of self-testing, self-control and mastering theoretical material. These are exactly the tasks we set when creating computer educational games, using templates computer presentations Internet networks, creating their own on their basis, filling their content with studied or studied educational material.

Our methodological piggy bank contains the following games: game - geochance "Hydrosphere"

(Appendix 1), game - geochance "Atmosphere", geographical game "Lithosphere", historical lotto "Era of Peter I", intelligence game "Moscow Rus'", game - quiz "Basic Law", game - quiz "Elections of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation."

The use of well-designed and adapted educational games for age groups brings a positive emotional coloring to the lesson and increases its effectiveness by intensifying the educational process.

Teacher-initiated students can play computer games Mind games not only in the classroom, but also at home, for example, on the Internet.

In 2011, from January 5 to February 5, students of Monchegorsk took part in the First International Intellectual Internet game “BATTLE OF CITIES - 2011”, which was also played by teachers, parents and schoolchildren from Russia and foreign countries.

(Appendix 2)

We plan to continue working on the use of Intellectual computer games in our teaching activities in the future. (Appendix 3)

The use of educational computer games in the educational process of a secondary school

graduate work

1.1 Educational computer games, their role and place in the educational process

Currently, many different games of supposedly educational nature are increasingly appearing on the market. But are all of them useful and acceptable for use in school? First, let’s clarify what an “educational game” is.

An educational game is a complex systemic formation that allows for various ways of presentation. It can act as an activity, as a process “woven” into other activities, and as a special form of educational activity. Each of these ideas has its own scope of applicability.

It is known that the game, as a method of education, has existed since ancient times, and was used quite widely to transfer experience from the older generation to the younger. Currently, with a sufficiently large concentration of material, an active and intensive educational process, gaming activities can be used in the following cases:

As independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic or section of an academic subject;

As elements of a larger technology;

As a lesson (lesson) or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, control);

Depending on how the teacher understands the functions of the game and classifies them, the elements of the game and learning are combined, and the place and role of gaming technology in the educational process also depends.

By type of activity, games can be divided into physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological. Based on the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

b) cognitive, educational, developmental;

c) reproductive, productive, creative;

d) communicative, diagnostic, professionally oriented, psychotechnical, etc.

The following components of teaching can be distinguished in the game:

motivational, cognitive, orientational, content-operational; value-volitional, evaluative.

Motivational - is associated with the attitude of students to the content and process of the activity; it includes the motives, interests and needs of students in the game.

Cognitive - includes the acquisition of new knowledge.

Orientation - includes the goals of educational and cognitive activity accepted by students during the game.

Value-volitional - provides a high degree of purposeful cognitive activity, includes attention, emotional coloring of the game.

Evaluative - compares the results of gaming activities with the purpose of the game. In the process, its self-government occurs.

All of these components of the game are interconnected with each other; they cannot be separated from one another, since they all determine the structure of the game, the elements of which can be:

Game rules;

Game situation;

Game actions and results;

Typology pedagogical games the nature gaming techniques quite extensive - subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation and dramatization games.

The gaming environment also greatly influences the specifics of gaming technology: there are games with and without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on-site, computer and with TSO, as well as with various means of transportation.

Range of target orientations:

Didactic: expanding horizons, cognitive activity; application of ZUN in practical activities; formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities; development of general educational skills; development of labor skills.

Educating: nurturing independence, will; formation of moral, aesthetic and ideological attitudes; fostering cooperation, collectivism, sociability, and communication.

Developmental: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasies, creativity, empathy, reflection, ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, optimal solutions; development of motivation for educational activities.

Socializing: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions; stress control, self-regulation; communication training; psychotherapy.

Now let's define what a computer game is.

A computer game is a type of gaming activity, possibly using multimedia technologies, as well as virtual or, in other words, alternative reality technology.

An educational computer game is a form of educational activity that simulates certain practical situations, which is one of the means of activating the educational process and promotes mental development. OKI in all respects corresponds to the definition of a didactic game, which it essentially is, only organized at a higher level

OCI is characterized by a two-pronged nature: on the one hand, the player performs a real activity, the implementation of which requires actions related to the solution of very specific, often non-standard tasks, on the other hand, a number of moments of this activity are conditional in nature, allowing one to escape from the real situation with its responsibility and numerous associated circumstances. Through visualization and simultaneous influence on various senses, “getting into the image” and other methods, it facilitates the assimilation of material and activates cognitive activity.

It is well known that uncontrolled computer gaming activity leads to gaming, computer and Internet addiction. Effective methods There is no treatment for this kind of addiction in the present era. According to experts, these types of addiction are much more difficult to treat than tobacco, alcohol and even drug addiction.

In the case of competent use of sports and educational computer games under the guidance of a teacher, addiction does not occur. There are many reasons for this, let’s highlight the main ones.

Firstly, in the educational process, games are used in a strictly regulated manner, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Secondly, the scope and role of the game in the lesson is strictly verified.

Thirdly, if computer gaming activity is combined with practical, real activity (duplicated, for example, by the process of additional awareness of gaming activity - analysis of gaming situations, etc.), then computer gaming activity does not lead to addiction.

It follows that if a child is actively involved in sports, for example, football or chess, then using a computer game under the control of a teacher or parents as a means of advanced training does not lead to undesirable consequences.

A child who learns the joy of OKI under the guidance of a teacher will also choose computer games correctly at home and wisely devote time to them.

It should be noted that such wonderful teachers as: V.F. attached great importance to the fruitful influence of gaming activities on the learning process. Shatalov, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko teacher - psychologist V.V. Davydov, and French scientist physicist Louis de Broglie notes that even the simplest games have many elements in common with the work of a scientist.

The computer provides endless opportunities to organize learning in a playful way. So, for example, when studying a rather complex section of computer science - programming, you can give a minimum amount of knowledge in the programming language being studied, ensuring reference materials and samples, pose to students the problem of creating the simplest computer game or life necessary program. Another approach when studying the “Programming” section is to present the learning process itself in a game form. For example:

Updating background knowledge carried out using automated computer programs that mark and analyze errors;

Use puzzles when creating listings;

Make mosaics when studying reference material;

Apply training and test tasks, programmed in a game form;

Instruct the preparation of questions to test the knowledge of another student with the subsequent exchange of questions;

Create an assignment with plans documentaries, cartoons, presentations about programming in the target language;

Create an assignment with making presentations about programming in the language you are learning, etc.

When drawing up creative tasks, it is necessary to take into account the inclinations and capabilities of specific students. It is not always possible to quickly reveal creative inclinations. In such cases, a smooth, gradual transition from reproductive tasks to tasks with elements of creativity is necessary, and only then to full-fledged creative tasks.

Analysis game programs educational purpose shows that students show greater interest in the case when the training program acts not so much in the role of a strictly teacher, evaluating every step of his student, but in the role of a friendly and unobtrusive assistant. Help is considered in the form of:

Hierarchies of subgoals for successful completion of a game task;

Answering student questions in an interactive manner when the need arises;

A traditional help system about the program with the ability to search for information by key terms, by sections, by the most frequently asked questions, etc.;

Emotional assessment of actions performed in the background.

The number of emotional assessments should be sufficient to ensure, together with an arbitrary automatic choice in a certain category according to the game situation, the illusion of a real, “thinking” teacher. Same type, standard, compiled without taking into account age characteristics and in a game situation, statements cause despondency, irritation and the effect of an intrusive assistant.

The duration of educational computer games should not exceed the duration of the period efficient work child in class. For younger children school age The duration of the game should not be more than 3-5 minutes, for middle school students 10-15 minutes, and for high school students 20-25 minutes.

A significant role is played by the plot, characters and their role, clarity, effectiveness and dynamics of the educational game, which should contribute to the preservation of health, determine the manifestation of abilities and stimulate the desire to perform educational tasks. An important role is played by the influence of positive emotions on the desire to perform exercises effectively and efficiently. When assessing the impact of a computer program on a student, three types of criteria can be used:

Physiological (health);


Emotional (comfort, convenience, acceptability).

Psychologists and doctors have complained about games with an imposed course of play and games in real time, which allocate time specified by the authors for the student to perform actions. In this case, individual characteristics are not taken into account, which leads to unsatisfactory results, nervous breakdowns and refusal to complete tasks.

It is recommended to alternate the game form of learning with other forms. At the end of the year, you can hold a student conference at which students will discuss the best projects and exchange experiences both between students and between students and teachers.

Thus, students’ self-esteem will increase and there will be additional incentives to study computer science not formally, but with an applied bias. In such cases, the game, coupled with research work, becomes a prof. orientation work is an element of health-saving technology, and the learning process is meaningful and presentable.

Of great importance for the organization of scientific research in gaming activities is the creation and implementation of mechanisms for public examination of proposed solutions. Among them, in addition to the student conferences already mentioned above, we can recommend:

Discussion of current and final results of work on classroom hours, pedagogical and methodological councils, school website, school television, in periodicals;

Organization of interschool scientific and practical conferences with the involvement of students who took an active part in the development of educational games;

Involving scientists and teachers in organizing and conducting research, followed by summing up the results;

Personal exchange of experience with innovative teachers and educational scientists;

Organization of teleconferences, live broadcast on educational television, on radio broadcasts;

Carrying out open lessons with the participation of student works, etc.

During practical classes in computer science, students spend most of their time at the computer, which has an adverse effect on children’s health. Therefore, a computer science teacher needs to plan a lesson in such a way as to divide the teaching load into absolutely necessary exercises performed directly on the computer and tasks that can be performed without its participation.

It should be noted that an educational and methodological complex has already been created for the course of computer science and ICT, its author L.L. Bosova. Published Toolkit“Informatics Lessons in Grades 5-7”, it not only provides various planning options, detailed lesson developments, didactic materials, as well as answers, instructions for assignments in workbooks and textbooks. Its authors are L.L. Bosova and A.Yu. Bosova.

The use of well-designed and adapted educational games for given age groups brings a positive emotional coloring to the lesson. A strictly verified scope of application of educational computer games increases its effectiveness by intensifying the educational process.

Thus, from the listed conditions proposed above, we can judge that gaming technologies are multifaceted, have their own specifics and influence on the teacher’s pedagogical activities. All this will also be typical for computer educational games, as a special case. gaming technologies. Therefore, in further research, when considering the problem, one cannot help but rely on the points highlighted in this paragraph.

1.2 The influence of educational computer games on the learning process of schoolchildren

Modern trends make adjustments to the living conditions of society and influence changes in its specifics. Information technologies are being introduced into many structures of human activity, and also have a huge impact on such areas as education. The computer has firmly taken its place in the educational process. It is used for various purposes, influencing the methodology of conducting various disciplines.

Previously, we discussed the fact that gaming technology has a huge impact on children's learning. Taking into account the specifics of the modern impact of information technologies on the education system, the structure of gaming technologies is changing. At the same time, various aspects of the influence of gaming computer programs on the development of students, their mental and psychological health, thinking, memory. In the highlighted aspects, the opinions of scientists and teachers were divided: computer educational games in the educational process - what is it: benefit or harm? Some believe that their use is harmful and has negative aspects, while others suggest using them more often in educational activities, sometimes greatly overestimating their capabilities. But even the best computer educational game must be used in the learning process at the right time, in the right place (i.e. at the right stage of the lesson) and in the required quantity, observing medical requirements.

A game is understood as a type of activity that is characterized by the interaction of players whose actions are limited by rules and aimed at achieving a goal.

The peculiarity of computer games is that the computer acts as one of the players.

In an educational computer game, you can acquire and consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities through activities according to given rules. They need to highlight two components: educational and gaming. In a lesson, one of the components may predominate, i.e. there can be play while learning and learning while playing.

If the educational component predominates, then the game provides ample opportunities associated with the perception of knowledge, its consolidation, and application. If the gaming component predominates, the game can be used as a means of clarity and increasing motivation for learning.

All educational games can be divided into three types:

1. Trainers: reinforcing and controlling, practicing the child’s skills.

2. Educational games are games that can help a student acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Educational games - games that help identify and develop various abilities and skills in students.

4. Combined games - games in which all the types described above are intertwined.

Before using a game during a lesson, it is necessary to determine what type it belongs to, because this can determine where it fits into the lesson where it will be more appropriate and more effective.

In a traditional lesson for learning new material, there are four main stages:

1. Updating knowledge.

2. Familiarization with new material.

3. Consolidation of educational material.

4. Control and recording of knowledge.

Knowing the structure and levels of a computer game, you can fully realize its capabilities in the classroom.

Any computer game used by a teacher in a lesson must first of all be analyzed based on the following questions:

1. At what stage of the lesson is this game used?

2. What are the learning objectives behind the game?

3. Which of the classical teaching methods can games support?

4. Does the material contained in the game meet the requirements of content and adequacy of the material, previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities?

5. Does the game provide feedback from the student to the computer and the ability to adapt the acquired knowledge?

6. Are the psychophysiological characteristics of the student taken into account?

7. Are the game controls appropriate for the individualization of learning?

Such an analysis will allow the teacher to effectively and reasonably use computer educational games in the classroom, and not only as a computer science teacher, but also as a teacher of any other subject.

However, we should not forget about the psychological and pedagogical problems of computer training, including computer games for educational purposes. There are three groups of psychological and pedagogical problems of computer training.

The first group includes problems of a theoretical and methodological nature, the second - those related to the development of educational technology, the third - those related to the design of training programs.

The formulation and solution of problems of each of the identified groups in relation to computer games has its own characteristics.

Thus, in addition to revising and clarifying many traditional concepts of educational psychology and didactics of problem solving classified in the first group, it is also expected to clarify ideas about the nature of the game and its psychological and pedagogical features.

The main requirement that should be taken into account when using a game in the educational process is that the achievement of game goals (winning, prize, record, etc.) also implies the achievement of certain educational goals.

The second group of psychological and pedagogical problems is associated with the development of computer learning technology, that is, a system of tools and methods of their application that would allow the effective use of conceptual concepts in solving specific pedagogical problems. Two problems are of particular importance here. This is the management of educational activities and clarification of the place and functions of the game in the educational process.

Management of educational activities should be indirect and delayed. The emphasis is on general comments, wishes, metaphorical statements, etc. The amount of assistance provided to the student should be less than when solving non-game educational problems. However, after completing a complete fragment, direct indications of mistakes made, the optimal course of action, and the implemented strategy are also possible.

It is worth paying attention to the following two points:

1. Identification of a variety of educational goals for achieving which the use of a computer game is most effective. The advantage of a computer game is usually associated with increased motivation, stimulation of initiative and creative thinking, involvement of almost all students in educational activities, their acquisition of experience in cooperation and systemic concepts, “structuring of knowledge” that can be applied in various fields, their integration into a complex and balanced picture peace.

2. This is the establishment of an optimal balance between gaming and non-gaming forms of computer training. With frequent use of the game, it becomes “saturated”, and it becomes more and more difficult to maintain motivation.

Optimization of the ratio of gaming and non-gaming forms of computer training is associated with the use of a computer gaming environment. It does not limit actions to a strict set of rules, but gives the child a large “field of independence” and the opportunity to choose between playing and not playing.

Designing training programs is a complex, multi-level process with a systematic structure, acting as a link between the theory and practice of computer training. The resulting product “at the output” of this process is a program written in a programming language or in machine code that implements certain ideas about the theoretical model and technology of training and, consequently, contains in filmed form all the previous stages of the development of educational computer programs.

Available approaches to the analysis and development of gaming computer games, as a rule, take as a starting point the game characteristics or features of the educational material on which the educational game is based and the effective assimilation of which it should contribute. At the same time, the specifics of educational games as a special form of educational activity are not taken into account enough. Moreover, it cannot be taken into account fully enough, since this requires reliance on a developed psychological and pedagogical theory of learning educational games. Design is a creative process that requires special training. This applies not only to mastering special knowledge and skills, but by organizing collective activities with other developers of computer game programs. It is advisable to organize special training for design, designed for various professional groups of developers-programmers, teachers, psychologists, lecturers, as well as students and students, which can be built in the form of creative training.

The study of a set of problems associated with the development and use of games using a computer for educational purposes is one of the most important areas of research in computer learning. Therefore, an important prerequisite effective application games for educational purposes is to ensure - while maintaining the emotional appeal of the activity - the transition from indirect products of activity to direct ones, that is, perceived by students as the goal of their activity. The computer provides more options to meet these requirements. Using a computer, you can successfully implement educational games, the subject of which is the students’ actions themselves, the way they reason, the process of forming strategies for solving a particular class of problems, and here there is the possibility of a quick comparative assessment of various strategies, and the implementation of the principle of free decision-making.

Thus, we can say that computer games do not yet have a clear answer to the question of their place in children’s education; there are many open questions that have been little studied to date and require careful study. However, as with any other type of activity in the lesson, when organizing games it is necessary to determine the type of game, purpose and place in the lesson.