Logorhythmics for children: exercises for practicing at home and in kindergarten. Logorhythmics as an effective method of overcoming speech disorders

Numerous linguistic and psychological studies have shown that the rate of speech development at the beginning of a person’s life is much higher than in all subsequent years. So, by about 12 months, a baby’s vocabulary contains an average of 8-10 words, and at 3 years it expands to 1000 words!

In the third year of life, speech development becomes a leading trend. The child not only replenishes his vocabulary, but also learns to clearly pronounce sounds, tries different tempos, intonations, builds speech structures, formulates proposals. The task of parents and teachers at this stage is to help the child master all the diversity of the language. To develop speech and correct disorders that arise in the process, logorhythmics for children has been created - a set of exercises where the movements performed are accompanied by the pronunciation of the corresponding text.

The purpose of logorhythmics

The goal of logorhythmics for preschoolers is to overcome problems of speech development, as well as accompanying difficulties associated with non-speech mental functions. Moreover, such classes not only help improve speech, but also contribute to strengthening the muscular system, the formation of correct posture, as well as active motor and sensory development.

Speech, on the one hand, is closely interconnected with physical activity– the higher the motor activity, the more intense the development of speech. In complexes of motor exercises, speech is one of the leading motivating and controlling factors. Logorhythmics for children is based on rhythmic poetic speech, which contributes to the formation of speech hearing, the correct tempo of speech and breathing.

Relevance of logorhythmics

The relevance of logorhythmics lies in the fact that most parents are focused on the early development of the child’s intelligence, in particular, on learning to read. Practice recent years, marked by an explosion in the popularity of techniques early development, shows that the development of the brain centers responsible for reading, writing, counting “distracts” it from others necessary nuances psychomotor development of the right hemisphere of the brain, and these losses are almost impossible to compensate in the future. And it is precisely the logorhythmics at home and in kindergarten helps the baby develop harmoniously, gradually and in accordance with age.

Logorhythmic exercises

Logorhythmics exercises usually include the following elements:

  • walking with constant changes of direction;
  • exercises that develop breathing, articulation, voice;
  • exercises to develop attention and activation muscle tone;
  • speech exercises;
  • exercises to develop a sense of musical rhythm;
  • exercises that develop fine motor skills;
  • singing.

All these exercises are carried out with mandatory musical accompaniment, which, among other things, also colors classes emotionally. Here are a few simple exercises that your baby will surely enjoy and will help develop his speech apparatus and improve his motor skills:

Game "Gop-Gop"

The child sits on your lap facing you. Toss it at different rhythms.

Hop-hop, hop-hop,

The horse began to gallop.

We toss the child measuredly, in the rhythm of the words (8 times).

I'll water a dashing horse,

I'll nail him a horseshoe myself.

Toss for each syllable (16 times).

Hop-hop, hop-hop,

The horse began to gallop.

The rhythm is the same as at the beginning.

Game "Steam Locomotive"

The child sits on his lap facing the adult.

We take his hands in ours. We make movements back and forth, imitating a steam locomotive, lightly tossing it on our knees.

Here our train is coming,

The wheels are knocking.

Well, well, well, well.

We move our arms slowly.

All the wheels are knocking.

Well, well, well, well, well, well.

The locomotive is moving more quietly,

We quickly move our hands on each stressed syllable.

Stopping means closer.

Movements slow down.

Doo-doo! Doo-doo!

Raise one of the child's arms up. We make short movements up and down.


The handles go down.

Game "Tree"

The wind is blowing in our faces.

Wave the child's arms with the palms facing you.

The tree swayed.

Raise the child's arms up and swing them from side to side.

The wind is getting quieter and quieter,

Gently lower the child's arms.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Raise the baby's arms and pull them up lightly.

The main goal of raising a child at home and in kindergarten is to comprehensive development. He must move well, speak correctly, master hygiene skills, develop creatively, learn the world, learn to overcome difficulties. Logorhythmics for children is a universal exercise containing motor exercises aimed at strengthening muscle tone, exercises for the development of articulation and speech breathing.

What is this

Volkova G.A., Shashkina G.R., Ekaterina Zheleznova studied the positive impact of rhythmic movements on speech together with the pronunciation of words and correct breathing in Russia. From their point of view, logorhythmics is a complex system of motor exercises aimed at eliminating speech anomalies in preschoolers and developing motor skills.

V.A. Gilyarovsky and N.A. Vlasova defined what logorhythmics is differently. In the mid-20th century, they studied the causes and methods of correcting logoneuroses. The main attention was paid to the word as a way to solve speech disorders. Rhythm and movement were given a secondary role. But they noted the usefulness of speech therapy rhythms for intellectual and aesthetic development.

In other words, logorhythmics is an activity that includes marching to rhythmic music, walking to a count, and running. At the same time with physical activity The task is to control breathing, pronounce phrases, sing in a certain intonation, loudly or quietly, etc. Classes are held in an entertaining format, in a group or individually.

Goals and objectives

The main goal of speech therapy rhythm for preschoolers is the correction and prevention of speech disorders by improving motor skills. Logorhythmics also has other related goals - health improvement, physical and spiritual education.

A lesson with elements of logorhythmics poses the following tasks for the teacher:

  • Breathing development
  • Correction of speech disorders
  • Training in control of movements, speech, functioning of the organs of articulation and breathing
  • Improving coordination
  • Development of all types of memory, attention, spatial orientation
  • Cultivating a sense of rhythm
  • Reinforcing spatial concepts
  • Introduction to spiritual values ​​(music)
  • Learning to sing and pronounce tongue twisters
  • Expanding your horizons
  • Increasing vocabulary

Correction of speech disorders

Speech correction using speech therapy rhythms involves solving the following problems:

  1. Development speech processes, their correction
  2. Creating motivation to speech activity
  3. Stimulation of phonemic activity
  4. Activating the dictionary
  5. Development of oral praxis
  6. Development
  7. Development of visual and auditory memory
  8. Teaching the rules of breathing during and without phonation.

Complexes for children 2-3 years old

Logorhythmics for kids involves the creation of special sets of exercises and entertaining activities. Games and exercises are performed using the method of imitation.


  • Helps to get acquainted with the world of animals and birds. Classes involve reading poetry, imitating walking movements, and animal sounds.
  • Kids can walk like a bear, flap their wings like a swan, a sparrow, walk like a duck, etc.
  • Onomatopoeia is required. The teacher asks: “How does a goose scream when it flies?” Pupils should wave their arms and answer: “HA-HA!”
  • Birds are used to help speech therapists and parents.
  • You can use the story with the bear and the cone:

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket...

Children walk with their teacher, roar like a bear, and collect pine cones.

Vegetables and fruits

  • They expand their knowledge of the world around them, the colors of fruits, and introduce them to their names.
  • The following exercises are used for the lesson:

Salt the cabbage.
The poem is read:

We cut the cabbage, cut it,
We chop and chop cabbage...

Children make movements with their hands, pretending to be a knife or a hatchet.

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We press and press cabbage.

And we'll grate the carrots.

They depict how they stir, salt, and squeeze chopped vegetables.

  • Let's go to the garden

Complex for children 3-4 years old

Logorhythmics in kindergarten for children over 3 years old may include the following complexes:

You need to stretch the fingers of both hands, make locks, depict boats, household items, etc. At the same time, poems are recited on various topics:

  • Who sings what?

The cat sings a song:
Meow! Meow! (children petting an imaginary cat).

The clock sings:
Teak! So! (the handles represent ticking arrows).

The piglet grunts:
Oink! Oink! (fingers make a patch - a circle).

The cabin in the river does not sing:
Mmmmm! Mmmm! (press their lips, cover their mouth with their hands), etc.

  • Mushrooms

Children stand in a row and go through the forest to look for.
Massage your fingers without ceasing to walk. The teacher counts, creating a rhythm.

Top-top - five steps (children step to the rhythm of the poem),
And there are five mushrooms in the basket (we count our fingers),
Fly agaric – red (we stretch the index finger),
He is very dangerous.
And the second fox (we touch the next finger),
Red pigtail.
Pink ear (touch the ears)
The third mushroom is the trumpet mushroom.
And the fourth mushroom is a morel (we pull the ring finger),
Bearded old man.
Well, what is the fifth mushroom?
White! (put your hands in a lock and play with your fingers).

  • Singing

Music lessons are used. Children are learning. You don't have to sing songs, you can sing along individual sounds, imitate animals while doing physical exercises at the same time.

  • Outdoor games to music

Logorhythmic exercises are performed with musical accompaniment. Words and movements are learned, attention and memory develop. You can use balls, passing them around to each other in a circle, chairs, toys to hide and quickly find, etc. Logorhythmics tasks for children 3-4 years old can be slightly complicated and used for games with the older, preparatory group.

Complex for children 5-6 years old

    It is better if the children themselves come up with movements to the poem that the teacher reads:

We will go to the forest today (the children are walking),
Who climbed the tree? (raise their heads up)
Cuckoo? Cuckoo? (put hands to lips, repeat words)
I'll find you anyway

  • Physical warm-up

Physical education to music. Are used poetic form commands, Children gradually learn it by heart and pronounce it themselves.

The mouse ran quickly (we move one after another, slowly),
The mouse wagged its tail (we repeat the movements of the animal),
And she dropped the testicle (bending down - lifting up),
Look, oh, I broke it (we shake our heads, put our palms to our cheeks).

Logorhythmics in preschool educational institutions is used in any lesson: physical education, speech therapy, music. Teachers should pay attention to the pronunciation of auxiliary poems and words by children, and to the correct breathing of children during exercise.

  • Shape the lesson load according to the age and development level of preschoolers
  • Give a lesson in the afternoon
  • Change the topic of the lesson every week
  • When selecting material, rely on lexical topics
  • Use fairy tales and cartoons for speech and music exercises
  • Exercise every day
  • Accurately and clearly demonstrate to children the movements of their hands, body, and lips during phonation. Monitor the quality of assignments.

To solve a child’s speech problem, it is not necessary to wait for help from an institution preschool education, work with your child at home. The logorhythmics technique is easy for any parent to learn.

Fedorova Ekaterina

speech therapist-defectologist

As a form of speech correction for younger children preschool age with delayed speech development.

In our kindergarten there is an early assistance group for children with speech delays. The group includes children aged 2 to 3 years. The work is carried out according to the program of Piskunova L.N., Sidorenko E.G. “Speakers”.

Goal of the work:

Provide psychological-pedagogical support for children early age with speech disorders, which includes a set of diagnostic, correctional and developmental and organizational and methodological measures aimed at creating optimal conditions psychophysical and social development a young child with speech pathology, stimulation of his potential in the process of specially organized interaction of the child with his parents and the outside world.

Job objectives:

Timely identification of a set of causes leading to disturbances and delays in the child’s speech;

Warning possible complications and secondary disorders of the child’s psycho-speech development;

Creating conditions for providing comprehensive correctional and developmental work based on the results of medical, social, psychological and pedagogical;

IN Lately problem of delayed speech development in children younger age becomes especially relevant. A large number of Children already at birth have various microorganic lesions or pronounced pathology, which in turn affects the development of the baby’s speech.

In the third year of life, the child’s speech becomes the dominant line of development. Normally, the vocabulary is quickly replenished, the ability to construct sentences is qualitatively improved, and the sound aspect of speech is improved. Young children with disabilities vocabulary stand out quite clearly among their peers. As a rule, these are children in the “Risk Group” for speech pathology, which consists of:

  • Children with organic lesions of the central nervous system of any etiology,
  • Premature and low birth weight babies with a birth weight of less than 1.5 kg.
  • Children with birth asphyxia
  • Children in the intensive care unit
  • Children with anatomical and physiological defects of the speech apparatus

The main feature of the speech of these children is a pronounced deficiency of expressive vocabulary and the associated delay in speech development.

When working with such children I use various techniques and techniques. For example this effective method overcoming speech disorders as logorhythmics.

What is logorhythmics?

This is a form of active therapy in which overcoming speech disorders occurs through the development of the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music.

Speech development is closely related to the child’s motor activity. The relationship between general and speech motor skills has been studied and confirmed by researchers I.P. Pavlova, A.A. Leontyeva, A.R. Luria. Precise, dynamic execution of exercises for the legs, torso, arms, and head prepares for the improvement of the movements of the articulatory organs: lips, tongue, lower jaw, etc.

Logorhythmics influences the general tone, motor skills, mood, promotes training of the mobility of the nerve centers of the central nervous system and activation of the cerebral cortex (V.A. Gilyarovsky); develops attention, its concentration, volume, stability, distribution and memory, visual, auditory, motor (E.V. Chayanova, E.V. Konorova); rhythm has a beneficial effect on various deviations in the psychophysical sphere of children with speech disorders (V.A. Griner, N.S. Samoilenko, N.A. Vlasova, Yu.A. Florenskaya).

The purpose of logorhythmics:

Overcoming speech impairment through development and correction of the motor sphere

Logorhythmics problems:

To develop coordinated movements of the arms and legs in children while walking and running;
to form correct posture, the ability to navigate in space, imitative movements;
eliminate tension, constraint, cultivate freedom of action;
develop speech and auditory attention;
learn to switch attention, including changing movements;
continue to teach listening to music, distinguishing the tempos of melodies, singing according to the sound of the music (quiet, loud);
develop physiological breathing;
develop the articulatory apparatus;
develop voice power and expressiveness of speech and singing;
develop fine motor skills and precision of movements;
develop facial expressions;
form correct articulation of sound.

The most important task that determines the special significance speech therapy rhythms as one of the components of correctional speech therapy work, is the formation and development of speech, sensory and motor abilities in children with systemic underdevelopment.

In the logorhythmic activity of young children with delayed speech development, two links can be distinguished:

1. Development and correction of non-speech processes: auditory attention, auditory memory, optical-spatial representations, visual orientation to the interlocutor, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm and tempo in movement.

2. Speech development and correction of speech disorders: creating a motive for speech activity, stimulation of speech activity, expansion and activation of impressive vocabulary, development of tempo and rhythm (first without speech, and then with speech), development of oral praxis, prosody, phonemic hearing.

The basic principle of building all listed types works close connection between movement and music. In addition, the use of logorhythmic means requires the mandatory inclusion of speech material.

Each logorhythmic activity is built in compliance with the thematic principle of planning, subordinated to a single plot with the obligatory inclusion of various games (finger, facial expression, speech, movement, since only in the game can a young child develop all mental functions (including speech). Vividly , emotionally, in a festive atmosphere, children learn many interesting things.

It is in the game that it is possible to create a situation that stimulates the child’s speech, activates the speech vocabulary, and enriches the sensory experience.

Game exercises are carried out by imitation. Speech material is pre-learned. This is due to the characteristics of young children: the chances of getting a child’s response within the framework of the material known to him are quite high.

During logorhythmic activity, children stand in a circle or sit in a semicircle. The advantage of this arrangement is that everyone can see everyone, i.e. it is possible to see the articulation of an adult and at the same time hear speech, performing actions (movements) after or together with the teacher.

Logorhythmics are conducted by me once a week together with the music director and the group teacher. It is possible to use music recordings on digital media.

When planning logorhythmic activities for young children with developmental disabilities, I highlight the following: areas of work:

  • formation of correct breathing - exercises aimed at forming, developing and practicing correct physiological and speech breathing. (Game "Salyutiki").
  • development of a sense of rhythm - exercises, musical - didactic, rhythmic games, speech games with movements aimed at developing a sense of rhythm and phonemic perception, voice strength (Games: “Funny Sounds”, “Airplanes”, “Crows”).
  • development of general motor skills - dynamic games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting general motor and coordination functions. (Game “Snowflakes”).
  • development of articulatory and facial motor skills - exercises aimed at developing articulatory praxis and facial muscles. (Articulation gymnastics).
  • development fine motor skillsfinger games and exercises with speech accompaniment or the use of various objects aimed at the development and correction of fine finger motor skills (Game “My Family”).

When developing any logorhythmic activity, I take into account the main principle of achieving efficiency in work - an individual approach to each child, taking into account his age, psychophysiological and speech capabilities. And also for more successful implementation of logorhythmics, I fulfill psychological and pedagogical conditions: creating a favorable psychological atmosphere, constantly attracting the attention of children and awakening their interest in performing the exercises. It is important to properly organize communication with children. A friendly, attentive attitude towards each child is the key to successful work.

One of necessary conditions to get good results - . Speech games, finger games, dynamic pauses can be used by the teacher and psychologist in their general educational activities. I offer these same exercises and games to parents as recommendations for reinforcement at home.

Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm. The change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more are subject to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the human brain.

As a result of using logorhythmics towards the end school year Positive dynamics of speech development are observed in children. Practice has shown that regular logorhythmic activity contributes to the development of speech in young children. They form a positive emotional attitude, teach communication with peers, and much more.

Therefore, LOGORITHMICS becomes a holiday of speech for children!

Borovaya Elena Vladimirovna,
teacher speech therapist

Used literature.

Doctors have repeatedly talked about the relationship between movement and health: studies from the middle of the last century confirmed that regular movements in a certain rhythm improve well-being, elevate mood and can even overcome a variety of diseases. This is how logorhythmics appeared - a specialized speech therapy technique that helps speech development children.

Advantages of logorhythmics

As you know, speech is a complex process in which several “elements” are involved: breathing, work of the oral cavity, interaction nervous system and organs of perception. And the failure of at least one of these components, as a rule, causes problems in the operation of the entire mechanism. Thanks to logorhythmics, it is possible to restore the integrity of the system and make its operation more stable.

Among the advantages that logorhythmics provides, it is worth noting that it trains memory, attention and perception (especially auditory) and has an extremely positive effect on physical state child, helping him learn correct motor skills.

Logorhythmics classes also develop motor skills (gross and fine), speech breathing and normalize muscle tone. In addition, it is an excellent “regulator” of the psycho-emotional state of children: it calms easily excitable children, and, on the contrary, activates slow ones.

When is logarithmics needed?

There are several situations where logorhythmics will be especially effective. These include cases when:

  • the child has a stutter or a hereditary predisposition to it;
  • the child has excessively fast/slow or intermittent speech;
  • the baby has insufficiently developed motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • The little one gets sick often;
  • The child is characterized by dysarthria, delayed speech development, and impaired pronunciation of certain sounds;
  • for children who are in a period of intensive speech formation (usually between the ages of 2.5 and 4 years).

How to study: alone or in a group?

An additional advantage of logorhythmics is the flexible format of the method: you can study with your child at home or send your child to one of the groups that operate at children's clinics and medical centers. The choice is up to you and your child.

Of course, he will have much more fun among his peers, and there are many more options for outdoor games. But even the most attentive teacher will not be able to give as much care to your baby as you yourself: when studying with your little one at home, you will always act in your own way. individual program. But do not forget about another hidden danger: being in a familiar environment, the child may relax and simply refuse to do your tasks - and the mother’s “weighty word” will be perceived at the level of an ordinary game, but not a serious exercise.

An effective option would be if you introduce your baby to logorhythmics at home: he can master basic movements, learn to understand music, and hear rhythm. And then, having prepared a little, you can send your child to specialists.

Reade set Go!

The main feature of logorhythmics is its simplicity. All tasks are so simple and clear that they do not require any special skills or training to complete them. However there are several general rules, which will be useful for parents to study before starting regular classes.

The main rules of logorhythmics:

1. All exercises are based on imitation: the adult shows and the child repeats. In this case, you do not need to specifically memorize speech material: just repeat the text from lesson to lesson, let everything take its course. At first, one of the parents reads the task, later, when the child can repeat all the phrases in the correct rhythm and without mistakes, he can take the role "leading".

2. Try to adhere to a certain schedule - it is better to practice logarithmics twice a week, in the afternoon. If the baby stutters, the load should be increased to 3-4 times a week. Don’t expect instant results: the first changes will be noticeable in at least six months or a year.

3. Show your imagination - you need to interest the child as much as possible so that he does not get bored or distracted. Use pictures, toys, bright clothes and carnival costumes in your classes - or any other items that will make your little one happy!

4. Do not rush to cover as many tasks as possible - each exercise must be repeated many times (from lesson to lesson), and only when it is completed “perfectly”, move on to the next one. If some task categorically “doesn’t work,” put it aside, but be sure to return to it after a while.

5. Your assistant is music. Change compositions at each stage of practice. You can use both classical melodies (waltzes are suitable for the slow part, marches for the more active part), and use children's songs from your favorite cartoons and recordings of nature sounds.

6. Don't be afraid to change things and experiment. If the task turns out to be too difficult for your child, simplify it or break it into short blocks. If you notice difficulties in a specific task, add the number of exercises to practice the required skill. The main rule is to maintain the unity of music, movement and speech.

7. Be patient: your baby feels all your emotions, and even if you don’t openly express your dissatisfaction, he may withdraw into himself. Perhaps your child just needs a little more time to master the chosen task. Be an example yourself: if you start studying with a baby, see it through to the end, supporting and motivating your child.

From 0 to 2.5 years

Logorhythmics is also suitable for little ones, so you can practice from the cradle! It’s just that until the age of two, all exercises will be passive in nature. Rhymes and songs will come to the rescue: while reading the text or humming a melody, simultaneously clap the rhythm with your palms. Then pass the move on to the baby: help him raise and lower his hands when he hears certain words, or clap his hands to the beat of poetry or music.

From 2.5 to 4 years

In order to find out what logorhythmics is for kids, you should define the concept itself. This word refers to a method of teaching children with speech disorders and delayed psycho-speech development. Logorhythmics is a form of therapy that is a synthesis of music, speech and movement. This technique can be used at any age. As a rule, classes are conducted by a speech therapist teacher together with a music director.

Intensive development of speech occurs in children starting from the age of three. Logorhythmics for kids not only helps with their development, but also strengthens the muscular system and forms. Thanks to the synchronization of movements with the text, this technique allows you to form the basics of speech tempo. It also plays an important role in the formation and development of motor coordination.

Logorhythmics for kids helps the expressiveness of facial movements, teaches children to recognize and show emotional states, synchronizing them with music. It is both a preventive and corrective method. If he pronounces phrases in fast pace, swallowing endings and not differentiating sounds, such activities will benefit him.

Early is now a rarity. If twenty years ago most children at the age of one and a half to two years old recited short poems with expression, today there are very few such children. The majority of children begin to speak more or less coherently only by the age of three. There are no explanations why this happens. Perhaps because it has become fashionable to develop children from the cradle, to brag that already at the age of 4 a son or daughter can perform simple mathematical operations and read fluently.

During the preschool period, the child develops right hemisphere brain, and the left is responsible for connections between letters. Therefore, by intensively developing the wrong thing, parents ensure that the child may have problems in the future: he will read perfectly, but will not be able to perform sound-letter analysis or find cause-and-effect relationships.

Many adults believe that their mission is over as soon as they send their child to a child development center. However, only through interaction and cooperation with its employees are positive results achieved in raising children. Such an institution differs from a regular kindergarten in the selection of specialists working with the child and the number of services provided. And if in ordinary kindergartens logarithmics for children is very rarely carried out, then in the development center these classes are in demand and popular. They are carried out there for preventive purposes, which in the future helps to avoid complex speech disorders in the child. It is advisable to conduct these classes independently at home. To do this, you just need to consult with a speech therapist on how to correctly perform certain exercises. An experienced teacher will suggest and show the elements of this technique that are most accessible to parents.