Cecil Lupan early development method. Cecile Lupan - Believe in your child

Cecile Lupan- Belgian actress, acting teacher, supporter of the idea of ​​early development, mother of girls of the same age, created her own method of education and training, which she successfully adapted to her daughters. Lupan formulated the basic principle of the technique as follows: “Believe in your child.”

She later published a book of the same name.

You can download it by going to this link.

When Cecile became a mother for the first time, she tried to develop her daughter Galya from the first days of her life. The girl’s first lessons were swimming lessons: the Lupan family even attended specialized classes taught by an infant swimming instructor.

Then musical games were added to these activities. The first instrument for introducing the world of non-speech sounds was the xylophone - a mother played various melodies for her daughter, catching her reaction to a particular sound.

And then a fateful day came for Cecile Lupan - she learned about the existence of , which did not leave her indifferent: she attended a whole course of seminars by Glenn Doman, admiring the talents of the children with whom they studied using this method. Inspired by what she saw, Lupan certainly began to put the acquired knowledge into practice in teaching eight-month-old Gali. But, alas, the lessons stopped bearing fruit - the girl simply was not interested in the cards. Then Cecile came up with an idea your way acquaintance with the world of words: cards were everywhere, and the cards were placed on those objects, the word that they denoted (for example, if the word is “chair,” then this card stood precisely on the chair, etc.).

In addition, Lupan came to the conclusion that it is better to start showing cards when the child can already pronounce this or that word. Until one year of age, you need to talk to your baby as much as possible, enriching his sensory and tactile experience. Well, and, of course, give a lot of love and affection.

From the age of two, Cecile recommends instilling the child’s first encyclopedic knowledge. Obtaining information should be interesting to the child himself. So, Lupan initially gave information about unusual facts, and in a playful form - the actress herself came up with funny rhymes, counting rhymes and fun games in which children gained knowledge about history, biology, geography, painting and other sciences.

When her daughter Selina was born, Cecile faced a problem: the girl was not interested in what Galya was interested in. Then Lupan developed a different lesson program for her youngest daughter, sensitively listening to Selina’s wishes.

There was only one thing left - the girls received all their knowledge through the game. The actress even managed to present numbers and the alphabet in an entertaining way. Moreover, each letter was pronounced in a chant, and an incredible story was invented about each letter.

To study the alphabet using the Lupan method, the book “The ABC of Transformations” is perfect, where each letter takes on one form or another:

To practice reading skills, Cecile Lupan recommends making the first book for the baby yourself: sticking a photo of the child, for example, where the baby is eating. On the next page, in large black letters, write the child’s name and the action shown in the photo, for example, “VANYA EATS.” There should be several such reversals.

In addition, Lupan taught children not only to read, but also to write. Or rather, typing words on a typewriter.

Both daughters Cecile perfectly mastered several foreign languages ​​in the first years of their lives. Lupan herself communicated with children in foreign languages, showed recordings of cartoons, sang songs and organized games. Lupan included logic and counting games in her daughters’ daily development program. Moreover, Cecile recommends counting everything around (from 1 to 10). This way, the baby will quickly master numbers and will be more willing to perform addition and subtraction operations with them.

Cecile Lupan’s method is a rather unobtrusive, sincere theory, because it is clear that its author created it with love for her daughters, having gone the whole way on her own, having experienced all the nuances herself. That's why you believe her!

Cécile Lupan was born in Mons (Belgium) in 1955. Having received the profession of an actress in Brussels, she performed on the Belgian stage for five years, where she had great success. As an actress, she is known by her maiden name - Bran. In 1981, S. Lupan went to the USA, where he taught acting. During this same period, she, a young mother, discovered the fascinating world of early “training” and development of children, and since then she has devoted herself entirely to this activity. Currently, Cécile Lupan lives in Paris, often gives lectures, participates in television and radio programs, and raises children...

Cecile Bray-Lupan is a selfless young mother who, while raising her little daughters, is trying in the best way to develop their intelligence, and at the same time, make them psychologically healthy people. Having learned about G. Doman’s method, she tested it on her children. Some things worked out for her, some things didn’t, and, based on Doman’s basic thoughts, she tried to remake this technique in the way that seemed most reasonable to her. Unlike Glen Doman, who observes many children at once, and therefore cannot penetrate their spiritual world, Cecile Lupan, observing only two of her daughters, feels them very subtly and tries to give them exactly that knowledge and precisely at the moment when they want it.

In Doman, everything is more clearly described according to the ages of average children, while in Lupan, everything is described according to the emergence of interest, taking into account the inclinations of the children. Cecile Lupan selects teaching methods more subtly, more individually. At the same time, in his methodology S. Lupan pays great attention to such things as teaching newborns to swim (according to the method of Claire Timmermans). She compiled entire programs for teaching history, geography, art history and drawing, music and other areas of knowledge for children and preschoolers. The results that she achieved and the ways in which she achieved them are described in a pleasant form in her book “Believe in Your Child.” Reading her book, any parent, experienced or beginner, will find a lot of interesting things and, based on her recommendations, will be able to create a development program for their child.

The popularity of her book “Believe in Your Child!” is explained primarily by the fact that the mother wrote about early “training”. Rejecting the views of those who view the accelerated development of infants only as forcing their capabilities, the author offers his own methods based on unlocking the child’s potential and shaping him as an individual. Cecile Lupan talks about her family, which carried out an experiment in early development, about her children, in relations with whom she managed to occupy a very special place. Sharing his “secrets” with us, S. Lupan puts them into the form of a brightly written practical guide. It does not claim to solve all issues of education and does not contain recipes for “raising geniuses.” The purpose of the book is to give advice to parents who want to open the world to their child from early childhood.

In fact, the Lupan method was born from her attempts to teach children according to Doman, unlike Doman, she is more subtle and individual, she connects certain early development methods with the emergence of interest in the child. I reached for the fluffy carpet, let's try to show the difference between fur and silk, leather and other materials. Interested in sounds - let's play different instruments, rattle pots. Pros: Based on Lupan’s book “Believe in Your Child,” you can safely study at home, almost all handy tools are at hand, and you don’t need to buy anything! Cons: Cecile pays a lot of attention to learning to swim from the cradle, this is perhaps the only limitation, because not all mothers decide to “dive”.

Reading by Lupan

Any training for children should be like a fun game. Something as serious as reading can also be approached in a fun way. Cecile Lupan suggests singing the names of the letters to the tune of some suitable children's song. And very soon the baby will remember the alphabet. Then “songs of consonants and vowels” are sung. It is better to start learning to read when the baby starts talking. Lupan invites the child to write each new meaningful word on sheets of paper in large letters. You can write the names of objects on cards and place them in the room. So, a card with the word “sofa” will be placed where it should logically be - on the back of the sofa, and the word “wardrobe” - on the closet door. This will show the child that any word has a graphic representation.

For her daughters, Lupan came up with the alphabet, where each letter is depicted in the form of a funny little man or animal. When such letters are learned, you can move on to normal writing.

When the baby can already read individual words, most mothers are faced with the problem: what next? According to Lupan, “instilling in a child a taste for reading is the best gift we can give him, because reading is the basis of culture. So we need to make it a fun activity in which the child plays an active role.” For this purpose, homemade books are made. And this is truly a brilliant idea! This can be used at the initial stages of reading, when the child can already read simple words quite easily, but cannot yet read texts in ordinary books. Even ABC books with large print are usually not suitable for children. Firstly, the words must be written very large, and secondly, reading should evoke an emotional response in the child. And this is where homemade books with photographs of the baby and his favorite toys come to the rescue. At first, these are simple captions under the corresponding photographs: “Masha is sleeping,” “I am playing with a typewriter,” etc. Well, what kid would refuse to read such a wonderful book about his beloved self? Then you can make a book about going to the zoo or celebrating a birthday, and even come up with a fairy tale story about the baby and his toys. This is exactly what Cécile Lupan does, composing a fairy tale and photographing dolls performing certain actions. Now you need to paste the photos into an album, write a story and - done! This book will become your baby's favorite for a long time. In addition to homemade books, Lupan has a lot of other interesting ideas on how to diversify reading. These include surprise notes, alternate reading, and various word games.

Teaching logic and counting using Lupan

Lupan brings mathematics and logic together because “ultimately mathematics goes back to pure logic.” The games described in the book for the development of logic in children from 2 to 6 years old are interesting: antonyms, family connections, classification, generalization, etc. Children enjoy playing such games that allow them to get to the bottom of difficult concepts and phenomena. And every time Lupan proves how early children are able to understand many complex things, and what an amazing thing children's logic is. So naive and wise at the same time.

Cecile Lupan convinces parents to tell their baby about everything in the world without worrying that the baby doesn’t understand something. She is sure: knowledge precedes understanding. And the sooner the child KNOWS, the sooner he WILL UNDERSTAND. This also applies to the account. First, the baby is introduced to the first ten, counting together with him any suitable objects. He will quickly remember the serial count and very soon discover the essence of this process. The child gets acquainted with the number “zero” by answering comic questions: “How many cows do you have in your pocket? How many crocodiles are there in our bathroom? Then there are exercises on counting backwards, explanations in an understandable form of what negative numbers, division and multiplication are, and interesting games with clocks are described. When learning to count, it is important to remember the main rule: you should move on to numbers only when the baby has learned to name numbers and count. The main thing is to teach the child to understand and “feel” numbers, and graphic symbols can be mastered much later.

Cecile Lupan's method is based less on scientific research and more on observations of the natural development of children. The creator of the technique, S. Lupan, is a native of Belgium; she was born in 1955. The girl was a popular actress, but after 5 years of successful work she decided to devote herself to starting a family and raising children. Soon Cecile got married and gave birth to two children one year apart. It all started with the fact that a young mother decided to try Glen Doman’s method on her daughters; she went to America to attend practical seminars on this method, but later came to the conclusion that this method was not suitable for the development of her children, because her children were not interested in learning, and began to remake this technique for herself. She abolished the rigid principles that Doman proposed and made her technique more emotional and entertaining. Cecile shared her technique, as well as the results after the classes, in her book “The Believe in Your Child Guide.”

Basic principles of the S. Lupan method

In this technique you can find the principles that it drew from the Doman technique, namely:

  • Cecile also believes that for children, their parents are the best teachers.
  • Cecile shares the opinion that a child's education should be in a playful way, and should end before the child feels tired.
  • Cecile supports Doman that you shouldn't have your child tested
  • Cecile agrees that curiosity in children can be stimulated by novelty and speed.

Lupan, based on the main principles of Doman, her observations and a bunch of literature she had read, began to develop a set of games and exercises that contribute to the development and formation of the child’s individuality. Lupan canceled teaching children according to the strict schedule that Doman proposed, and suggested starting classes with the child when he is interested. She met this principle in the Montessori Method. Cecile argues that it is necessary not only to load the child’s brain with facts, but to play with this information. For example, don’t just teach colors with your child, but come up with interesting stories where this or that color appears. The child will not only be more interested, but he will have broader associations with one color or another. The main principle of her methodology, Cecile outlined the idea that learning should bring joy to both children and parents. In this situation, training should take place in an easy and interesting way.

In addition, Lupan calls the main idea of ​​his methodology the observation that children do not require care, but need interest. Children may mistake obsessive learning for a violation of personal space. Parents must understand that in order to teach a child they do not need to engage with him at any given moment. The child must simultaneously learn independently and explore the world in a natural way. When working with a child, it is important to remember that the parent must provide not only knowledge, but also his love and care. Therefore, kisses and hugs cannot be excluded during classes; if a child knows his worth and understands that he is loved, then his development will proceed faster. The child himself will strive to learn more, and he will also perceive the world with great interest.

S. Lupan says that in order to achieve the effect of her technique, it is not necessary to perform every single exercise and follow all the advice, since you need to be flexible in teaching your child. She acquired this opinion after her second daughter was born, and she realized that each child is individual and different from others.

The main tasks set by S. Lupan during training according to the method up to 12 months of age

  • It is necessary for the child to understand himself and his environment from a positive side. The main aspect here is parental love. There is no need to hide your feelings from your child; showing him your love is simply necessary.
  • It is important to stimulate all of your baby's senses. You need to do this from birth, because... With the help of these senses, children gain an understanding of the world around them.
  • develop the child’s motor activity.
  • lay the foundations of the language.

To develop your newborn's vision, Cecile offers several tips:

  • When playing with the baby, you can support his head, so it is more convenient for the baby to see the parent’s face or the objects shown to him.
  • newborns are interested in watching faces, so when playing with the baby you need to make faces - stick out your tongue or open your mouth, and all this can be accompanied by various sounds.
  • You need to choose toys of bright colors for kids, children concentrate more attention on them.
  • In the first month of life, you need to decorate the baby’s crib with bright objects, and you can also hang a mirror on the wall of the crib. In it, the child will see his movements and this will expand his horizons.

To develop a newborn’s hearing, you need to let him feel sound contrasts. The child needs to sing a lot, but the songs should be different: quiet or loud, cheerful or melodic, slow or rhythmic, etc. When talking to a child, you need to change your intonation and make different sounds that may interest him. Let the child feel the difference between the sounds, for example, you can ring first a small bell and then a large one, or first hit a crystal glass with a spoon and then an iron mug, etc. When the child is left alone, you need to play classical music, songs and other musical works. In order for a baby to develop his sense of touch, he needs to be forced to experience different sensations. For example, you can gently massage the skin, stroke it, and then gently pat it, and so on.

In children's stores you can now find educational rugs made from pieces of fabric that differ in texture. You can make such a rug yourself, adding buttons and details of different shapes and sizes. You can also sew bright and comfortable gloves for your child, in which he will try to reach different objects. Watching the bright gloves, the child will gradually realize that he has hands and he can control them.

To develop the baby's taste and sense of smell, you need to sew fabric bags and fill them with various natural flavors, for example, dried herbs, vanilla sugar, sea salt, and so on, sew them and let the child smell one by one, while naming what the bag smells like . It is necessary to let the child play not only with special toys and rattles, but also with household items, for example, a ladle, a wooden spoon, and so on. It is important to develop a child’s motor activity from birth. The best position for this is lying on your stomach. The baby should often be in free space so that he feels freedom and this encourages him to move. When the child grows up, it is necessary to do gymnastics with him. Gymnastics can be performed lying down, standing, using a rubber ball and other attributes. It is important to exclude the child from being in the playpen, since he does not develop motor activity, on the contrary, it dulls it. It is necessary to develop balance in the child. Let him take his first steps, holding onto the wall of the crib or the edge of the sofa. When the child grows up, in addition to gymnastics, you need to add outdoor games. Walking up the stairs and the Swedish wall will also help with the development of motor activity. You can also exercise on a gymnastic ball, learn to do somersaults, and walk on your hands. More detailed exercises and descriptions of gymnastics can be read in the book by S. Lupan.

It is necessary to develop speech from birth, and not when the child begins to speak. Before the child utters the first word, the process of learning human speech occurs in his head. As soon as the child begins to speak, you need to constantly explain to him what is happening around him, what he sees, and what he hears. For example, parts of the body can be studied during a massage, when the child plays with objects, you need to tell him about them, use various pictures and cards when studying objects. You need to tell your child interesting fairy tales, for example, to explain to the baby that a sock is put on the foot, you need to come up with a fairy tale in which the foot will be the main character. There is a misconception that you need to talk to a child only in adult conversation, without using children's diminutives. Cecile suggests using both conversations, since the child needs to learn all types of speech. An indispensable assistant for learning speech are songs, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, rhymes; they need to be endlessly told to the child. Lupan offers a variety of educational exercises for both babies up to one year old and children from 1 to 6 years old. Considering S. Lupan’s technique, we can say that it has flexibility and can be applied to all children. The technique is distinguished by its gentleness, giving the child freedom of choice. But at the same time it is effective.

Cécile Lupan was born in Mons (Belgium) in 1955. Having received the profession of an actress in Brussels, she performed on the Belgian stage for five years, where she had great success. As an actress, she is known by her maiden name - Bran. In 1981, S. Lupan went to the USA, where he taught acting. During this same period, she, a young mother, discovered the fascinating world of early “training” and development of children, and since then she has devoted herself entirely to this activity. Currently, Cecile Lupan lives in Paris, often gives lectures, participates in television and radio programs, and raises children...

Cecile Brai-Lupan is a selfless young mother who, while raising her little daughters, is trying in the best way to develop their intelligence, and at the same time, make them psychologically healthy people.

Having learned about G. Doman’s method, she tested it on her children. Some things worked out for her, some things didn’t, and, based on Doman’s basic thoughts, she tried to remake this technique in the way that seemed most reasonable to her. Unlike Glen Doman, who observes many children at once, and therefore cannot penetrate their spiritual world, Cecile Lupan, observing only two of her daughters, feels them very subtly and tries to give them exactly that knowledge and precisely at the moment when they want it.

In Doman, everything is more clearly described according to the ages of average children, while in Lupan, everything is described according to the emergence of interest, taking into account the inclinations of the children. Cecile Lupan selects teaching methods more subtly, more individually. At the same time, in his methodology S. Lupan pays great attention to such things as teaching newborns to swim (according to the method of Claire Timmermans). She compiled entire programs for teaching history, geography, art history and drawing, music and other areas of knowledge for children and preschoolers. The results that she achieved and the ways in which she achieved them are described in a pleasant form in her book “Believe in Your Child.” Reading her book, any parent, experienced or beginner, will find a lot of interesting things and, based on her recommendations, will be able to create a development program for their child.

The popularity of her book Believe in your child!"is explained primarily by the fact that a mother wrote about early “education.” Rejecting the views of those who view the accelerated development of infants only as forcing their capabilities, the author offers her own methods based on unlocking the child’s potential and shaping him as an individual. Cecile Lupan talks about to her family, who carried out an experiment in early development, about her children, in relations with whom she managed to occupy a very special place. Sharing her “secrets” with us, S. Lupan puts them in the form of a brightly written practical guide. It does not pretend to solve all the issues. education and does not contain recipes for “raising geniuses.” The purpose of the book is to give advice to parents who want to open the world to their child from early childhood.

In fact, the Lupan method was born from her attempts to teach children according to Doman, unlike Doman, she is more subtle and individual, she connects certain early development methods with the emergence of interest in the child. I reached for the fluffy carpet, let's try to show the difference between fur and silk, leather and other materials. Interested in sounds - let's play different instruments, rattle pots. Pros: Based on Lupan’s book “Believe in Your Child,” you can safely study at home, almost all handy tools are at hand, and you don’t need to buy anything! Cons: Cecile pays a lot of attention to learning to swim from the cradle, this is perhaps the only limitation, because not all mothers decide to “dive”.

Reading by Lupan

Any training for children should be like a fun game. Something as serious as reading can also be approached in a fun way. Cecile Lupan suggests singing the names of the letters to the tune of some suitable children's song. And very soon the baby will remember the alphabet. Then “songs of consonants and vowels” are sung. It is better to start learning to read when the baby starts talking. Lupan invites the child to write each new meaningful word on sheets of paper in large letters. You can write the names of objects on cards and place them in the room. So, a card with the word “sofa” will be placed where it should logically be - on the back of the sofa, and the word “wardrobe” - on the closet door. This will show the child that any word has a graphic representation.

For her daughters, Lupan came up with the alphabet, where each letter is depicted in the form of a funny little man or animal. When such letters are learned, you can move on to normal writing.
When the baby can already read individual words, most mothers are faced with the problem: what next? According to Lupan, “Giving a child a taste for reading is the best gift we can give him, because reading is the basis of culture. Therefore, we need to turn it into a fun activity in which the child plays an active role.” For this purpose, homemade books are made. And this is truly a brilliant idea! This can be used at the initial stages of reading, when the child can already read simple words quite easily, but cannot yet read texts in ordinary books. Even primers with large print are usually not suitable for children. Firstly, the words must be written very large, and secondly, reading should evoke an emotional response in the child.

And this is where homemade books with photographs of the baby and his favorite toys come to the rescue. At first, these are simple captions under the corresponding photographs: “Masha is sleeping,” “I am playing with a typewriter,” etc. Well, what kid would refuse to read such a wonderful book about his beloved self? Then you can make a book about going to the zoo or celebrating a birthday, and even come up with a fairy tale story about the baby and his toys. This is exactly what Cécile Lupan does, composing a fairy tale and photographing dolls performing certain actions. Now you need to paste the photos into an album, write a story and - done! This book will become your baby's favorite for a long time. In addition to homemade books, Lupan has a lot of other interesting ideas on how to diversify reading. These include surprise notes, alternate reading, and various word games.

Teaching logic and counting using Lupan

Lupan brings mathematics and logic together because “ultimately mathematics goes back to pure logic.” The games described in the book for the development of logic in children from 2 to 6 years old are interesting: antonyms, family connections, classification, generalization, etc. Children enjoy playing such games that allow them to get to the bottom of difficult concepts and phenomena. And every time Lupan proves how early children are able to understand many complex things, and what an amazing thing children's logic is. So naive and wise at the same time.

Cecile Lupan convinces parents to tell their baby about everything in the world without worrying that the baby doesn’t understand something. She is sure: knowledge precedes understanding. And the sooner the child KNOWS, the sooner he WILL UNDERSTAND. This also applies to the account. First, the baby is introduced to the first ten, counting together with him any suitable objects. He will quickly remember the serial count and very soon discover the essence of this process. The baby gets to know the number “zero” by answering humorous questions: “How many cows are in your pocket? How many crocodiles are there in our bathroom?” Then there are exercises on counting backwards, explanations in an understandable form of what negative numbers, division and multiplication are, and interesting games with clocks are described. When learning to count, it is important to remember the main rule: you should move on to numbers only when the baby has learned to name numbers and count. The main thing is to teach the child to understand and “feel” numbers, and graphic symbols can be mastered much later.

Cecile Lupan is known to many mothers as the mother-author of the development method and, in which she describes an individual approach to the development of her daughters. In her biography, she indicates that she left her career as an actress, devoting herself to raising children. Perhaps this step will cause someone to sympathize with the author, but I admit it doesn’t bother me. In the article I give my assessment of the suitability of Cecile's approach.

Let me start by saying that this article is not for ecstatic parents who perceive the use of any early development method as a great blessing. I'm picky in this regard. My opinion about the approach and the author is clear - Cecil is insane! (for ardent supporters of Cecile, I explain: Cecile, with her extremely overloaded program, simply did not allow her children to develop harmoniously, like many other parents who excessively were/were interested in various techniques. Read more about this with the opinions of experts in the post:) In order for readers to be able to assess the scale of the disaster themselves and form their own opinion regarding its approach, I present in the article in a condensed form the load recommended by Cecile for children. The book “Believe in Your Child” (I assume that this is Cecile’s only work that was published) consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part contains the story of her acquaintance with development methods, including Doman, Cecile’s experience in infant swimming, learning to read and write. The second part of the book contains a collection of practical exercises for classes.

Cécile Lupan | Exercises for kids by age

  • An interesting fact: Cecile herself writes in the book that her daughter Galya, with whom she worked so carefully, began to read independently in 4 years 7 months! A natural question arises: was it worth tormenting yourself, the child and the whole family from the age of one and a half years?
  • The approach does not provide for the development of fine motor skills, sensory skills and ordinary non-erudite games (hide and seek, catch-up, etc.).
  • While reading the book, the impression that the author is describing facts does not go away self-evident and for the most part uses exercises that are recommended by teachers when studying these disciplines within the framework of traditional education. For example, reading nursery rhymes and poems is recommended from any source. The study of fables is practiced in the school curriculum.
  • When reading the book, you should not confuse the concepts personal and individual. Because there is little individuality in the approach, but there is a lot of personal experiences and emotions. I would not call the shift in age limits in the study of most of the materials offered individuality.
  • Since personal experience (including stories, emotions and other digressions) is difficult to formalize, the first part turned out to be unsystematic, with duplicate information in its different parts. The second part is also far from the accuracy of manuals published by specialists with pedagogical education. You can find recommendations in different parts of the book about performing the same exercise at different ages.
  • The value of the book “Believe in Your Child” lies in the fact that it contains personal maternal experience and perhaps this is why it deserves the attention of mothers;
  • A simple language accessible to all mothers, without pedagogical concepts and terms;
  • Variety of recommended exercises.

I outlined my attitude to the approach at the beginning of the article. I hope that reading it allowed you to form your own opinion, this is my message to readers! Finally, I would like to bring you to my article about Doman’s technique “Turn on your heads and leave your ambitions. Children are not toys. If you take on teaching, then follow the child’s desires and interests.”

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Cécile Lupan | child development: 13 comments

  1. Tatiana

    I’ve already read several of your articles, and, for some reason, they all turned out to be somehow sharply negative. I agree that any technique should be subjected to sound criticism before being applied, and not followed fanatically, but about insanity - this is clearly too much. Moreover, Cecile Lupan does not offer anything that could be characterized by this word. I am familiar with her book, and the books of other authors, whom you also criticize excessively (in my opinion), and her methodology is aimed at clearly harmonious and comprehensive development, without going beyond the boundaries. I got the impression that you are looking for a super-method and jumping from one author to another, being disappointed in each of them. There is no such technique, because we are all different, and the children are all different, and we just have to look for what suits us in each of them and come up with our own (which is what you are doing quite successfully, your detailed descriptions of the selected and adapted exercises are very interesting. and, by the way , Cecile Lupan advises exactly this. Its practical part is exercises that you can borrow and modify, and not take a book and methodically run your child through all the exercises from morning to night), however, the fact that these methods do not suit you entirely, doesn't make them bad. It turns out that you are encouraging others not to even try. It seems that you have a generally negative attitude towards early development, but for some reason you are doing this. It’s not very clear... your articles are quite interesting, but too categorical. and in general the site is very good, I’ve been studying all evening)))

    You are a theorist, but without practice your theory is nothing, and in life everything is not like in books. It’s as if I, with my pedagogical education, were arguing that vendors, Microsoft certified specialists in server database technologies are still trying to sell FC-based solutions to our corporate IT workers, although iSCSI is already eclipsing it in terms of speed and, even more so more, for the price.))))

  2. Angelina

    You know, you have neither the necessary special education nor reliable experience as a mother to write articles on pedagogical and psychological topics. When your daughter is more than (at least) 10 years old or at least one more child appears, it will be strange and funny for you to read some of your articles)) You are young and arrogant, but children are not taught or raised from books. You (in terms of educational activities) still have a lot ahead of you - and the first year of your child’s life will seem like baby talk compared to the volume and scope of further development.
    To the Nikitin family, Zaitsev’s method, is it also permissible for you to say MAASMATICIANS?? After all, echoes of each of these techniques can be found in Lupan. Maybe you’ll develop your own methodology, and we’ll sort it out piece by piece???

  3. Angelina

    Dear author of this article!
    I also got the clear feeling that you are senile. You are denying interested mothers even the chance to get acquainted with the Lupan method, based on your understanding: modern teacher-innovators are also senile (for example, Shichida, Ibuka, etc.). because the formation and development of neural connections that allow the brain to be flexible and voluminous occurs to a greater extent in a period limited for productivity - childhood up to 5-7 years, and early development COMPLETELY contributes to this process. And about “pumping up encyclopedic knowledge,” I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with Shichida’s works and you will be able to deepen your knowledge in such matters. Your experience (apparently) still does not give you the right to write an article with a loud analysis of the methodology with the main emphasis on denial since you are posting your thoughts in the “dorm” of the availability of materials. Only a parallel comparative analysis can somehow give your similar creativity the right to life.

  4. Irina Snatkina

    I wonder if this book is on my extensive reading list. Perhaps time will come to her and I will be able to form my own opinion. In general, I perceive such books as a source of interesting ideas and games with a child, but not as a strict system and guide to action. And many things are done intuitively: singing songs and nursery rhymes, showing pictures in books and describing them, joint activities with the mother (in my opinion, participation in the ordinary everyday activities of parents, even in the role of an observer at first, is generally the best way for a child to develop)) )) and so on.

  5. Marusya

    Thanks for such a detailed description! I haven’t come across this book, and most likely I never will ;)

  6. Irina

    I haven't read the book. And in your presentation it doesn’t look like such a disaster. In addition, we must take into account that it is somewhat outdated. And perhaps a couple of decades ago it was not customary to work with children as much as it is now, or at least half as much.
    What I saw in Cecile’s method is simply a well-structured description of the actions that every parent performs with their child. She just sorted it into items. We all show trees, tell stories, animals. Only we don’t think when going to the zoo that we are now having a biology lesson. Or when we teach a baby parts of the body, that we are having an anatomy lesson, etc.
    I also want to make books; in the video about learning to read from Umnitsa they also talk about them.
    And about blowing in the face, did you single it out or Cecile? We are still blowing.