Right brain training. What functions is the right cerebral lobe associated with? Closer to art

How to unlock the potential of your brain and become the darling of fate? The secret is out! It is necessary to develop the right hemisphere...

Imbalance in human development

Managing your own brain¹ is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself.

But history has taught people to pay attention to the external, forgetting about the internal. The same applies to the brain. According to research, on average people use only 3-5 percent of their brain potential!

Unfortunately, most abilities remain beyond the realm of possibility for people, something out of the realm of fantasy. It’s similar with the brain: for most people it works as it should.

A person is not able to fully control his memory and other neural processes of the brain, although this, it would seem, should be as easily accessible to him as the ability to lift a glass into the air. Therefore, we cannot independently solve memory problems, develop imagination, and much more.

It’s the same with superpowers: esoteric texts say that every person can develop these abilities. But he cannot do this due to the underdevelopment of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Why should we strive to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Nowadays people primarily use the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, analysis; the work of this hemisphere is alien to creativity, imagination and creative mental activity. It makes us, at best, good performers.

Only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life; it is responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition.

There are people whose brains spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation, including the right hemisphere. Such people usually make artists, performers, musicians and representatives of other creative professions.

But in science, in technology, and in other types of activity, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere!

We can say that the right hemisphere creates ideas, and the left hemisphere directs, seeks ways of expression.

Right hemisphere potential

Every person is capable of awakening the right hemisphere and developing their mental abilities. And as a result, develop any talents in yourself and achieve success in life.

What is the difference between the activity of the right and left hemispheres?

The human brain is naturally electromagnetic. This activity is expressed by a certain rhythm in which the brain works. It is the rhythm that determines what state we are in.

Electromagnetic oscillations of the brain produce a certain number of repeating cycles per second. The number of such cycles per second is the rhythm of brain activity. Rhythm has its own frequency. For most people, it can range from one cycle every two seconds to forty cycles per second.

Depending on the rhythm of brain activity, there are four main brain states: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm.

For example, when a person is awake, his brain works in the beta rhythm. When he sleeps, and the mind is turned off and does not dream, the brain is immersed in the delta rhythm: it rests in it.

How to develop the right hemisphere?

In easy time relaxation occurs immersion in the alpha rhythm. When falling asleep, the brain is in a state of theta rhythm. And this state is key for development psychic abilities and brain potential.

This state is difficult to catch, and at the same time it can be learned: you need to increase your awareness, and simply train your body to pay attention to this short moment. In the theta trance state, you can receive secret knowledge from the information field of the Universe³, control reality to achieve success in life, fulfill desires, develop superpowers and much more.

Konstantin Yakovlev

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

In this case, the right hemisphere mainly “serves” the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands to the left arm and leg accordingly.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-hemisphere people are more drawn to science. Right-hemisphere people are more eager to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right-brain" people.

Test 1

Name colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left hemisphere reads. This exercise involves balancing the hemispheres and training their interaction. For safety (from user glitches), the test begins and ends with the “correct” word-color combinations.

Optical effects - chiaroscuro form a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph you can see a lunar crater, and if you turn it 180 degrees, you can see a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, the visual habit of the eye to the fact that the daylight of the sun comes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (in the photo on the left) When you rotate the photo 180 degrees (on the right), “mountains” appear in the picture

Optical illusions (optical illusions, glitches) - image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look too long, an aftereffect occurs (by looking to the side, to White background, you can see the same picture). Meditation while looking at a candle has a similar effect - in the central field of vision, within a few minutes, an “imprint” will be visible left on the retina and in the visual cortex of the brain (at first, it resembles a yellow flame on a red and blue ellipse-background with a green halo etc.) B evening time and at night, when the pineal gland (epiphysis, “third eye”) is most active, meditative, including breathing practices of working with energy (yoga, qigong) are effective. In ancient times this system served as a kind of “night vision device” (“second sight”) and to increase sensitivity.

Ordinary, but regular (morning and afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, bends, rotations, stretching upwards, standing on your toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain human field structures (stability so-called astral body etc.)

In case of increase blood pressure, the appearance of headaches and dizziness during training - temporarily concentrate attention on both points E36 (zu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure, to align your energy along the meridians. Ground yourself in a timely manner - through everyday activities, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the “Optical Illusions” pictures for no longer than 15 minutes at a time, so as not to weaken your psyche.

Test 2

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryakde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solve. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not read every book in isolation, but all together.

Test 3

What do you see? If you are a girl, your right hemisphere of the brain is developed. If the old woman left

Test 4

Find the man's head in this picture

If you have completed the task:

  • in less than 3 seconds then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people
  • within 1 minute - this is a normal result
  • if within 1-3 min. - your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein.
  • if the search took you more than 3 minutes - not good...

Test 5

Below is a picture, when viewed, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, rotate around its axis either clockwise or counterclockwise. So...

Clockwise or counterclockwise. If you see this girl moving clockwise, then your right hemisphere is active this moment. If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some may see it moving in both directions.

Try to make her move in opposite direction using the other hemisphere. Can you do it.

Experiments have shown that two different areas of the brain are responsible for different types mental activity. Below these activities are broken down by hemisphere.

Left hemisphere:
  • Logical processes
  • sequential or consequences
  • Rational
  • analytical
  • objective
  • when a person looks at individual parts rather than the whole
The right hemisphere is active when working with something:
  • chosen at random, random or disorderly
  • intuitive
  • holistic
  • synthesizing
  • subjective
  • looks at the whole rather than individual parts

Usually people use only one hemisphere, characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. So schools that develop the left hemisphere focus their attention on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. While the right-brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

Effective gymnastics for brain development will help heal the body and develop the left and right hemispheres.

  • Man is a rational being. He perceives things differently than, for example, animals. the world and has special thinking and logic. To understand how to develop your brain, you need to know its functions.
  • The brain can be called a computer, because its capabilities are limitless. Throughout the entire period of life, a person learns something new; a lot of information can be stored in his head. He remembers only what he needs, and what is never useful is “removed” forever
  • The brain consists of two hemispheres - right and left. Each side is assigned its own functional features - everything is analyzed in strict order, remembered or deleted

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The left side is responsible for logic. Language skills, solving logic circuits, mathematical operations, calculating integers and fractions, keeping track of time - all this is the work of the left half of the brain.

Therefore, to improve children's performance in school or to improve overall development, we must develop the left side of our “computer”.

So, how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? The following must be done:

  • Work on developing logic - study mathematical algorithms, practice logical thinking
  • Solve complex geometric problems. Studying a science like mathematics is impossible without a well-developed left half of our brain
  • Solve puzzles and crosswords - the left hemisphere works better than the right when analyzing actions and composing words
  • A left-handed person needs to do everything right hand: write, draw, eat. It is necessary to use the right side of the body
  • Take to improve brain function

Important: Try not to focus on the development of one half of the brain. It is the work of both halves of our brain “computer” that is valuable. Develop the left and right hemispheres of your brain at the same time.

How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Above, we figured out what the left half of the brain is responsible for; now we need to work on developing intuitive abilities and creative thinking.

The right side of the brain processes data that comes from the senses. It allows you to synthesize existing data in your head, so a person can solve puzzles and act according to his own plans, and not according to compiled templates.

By developing the right half, we cultivate a holistic view of the world and reality. How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? Do the following:

  • Listen to music - it should be classical music, not rock or pop
  • Dream, meditate alone. It is better to do meditation on the seashore or in the forest, where you connect with nature
  • Draw, write poetry, compose music. Any creativity helps the development of the right half of the brain

Advice: Get creative, believe in your capabilities, and the result will not take long to arrive.

From birth, a baby's brain is wired to learn new things. Therefore, even such ordinary actions as feeding, walking and changing diapers are educational.

Advice: Don’t invent anything new in order to develop your baby’s brain. Don't get hung up on doing any special activities.

In order to properly develop a child’s brain, it is necessary to provide him with only proper care.

Important: Talk to your baby even when you are picking up mail from the mailbox or making tea. Such comments help to interest the child, which means he begins to think and develop.

Reading books together, playing games, mother's songs, dancing with the baby in your arms helps well in development. Even a regular massage and rocking before bedtime will develop the child’s brain.

Psychophysiologists work hard to create methods for harmonizing and developing the brain.

Each hemisphere is responsible for its own hand, so musicians and pianists will improve both hemispheres of the brain. After all, they play on musical instruments with both hands, which helps to develop the two halves of the brain well.

Brain exercises for adults and preschool children that involve two hands are very effective:

EXERCISE: Grasp the tip of your nose with your left hand and your left earlobe with your right. Then lower your arms and clap your hands. Switch hands and repeat the exercise

EXERCISE:Sit at the table and place a piece of paper in front of you. Take a pencil in both hands and begin to draw symmetrical mirror drawings. Let them be simple at first, such as letters or numbers. If it is difficult to do this with both hands, you will have to first perform the exercise with each hand separately.

EXERCISE: Take a piece of paper with both hands and wave it, using not only your hands, but also your elbows and shoulders

EXERCISE: Place your left hand on right shoulder, turn your head in this direction, focusing your gaze on an object. Slowly turn your head towards your left shoulder and look over it. Repeat the exercise, placing your right hand on your left shoulder

EXERCISE: Place your hands on the back of the chair - this is a support. Step one leg back. Move your body forward, bending your other leg. Transfer your body weight to it. Raise your heel slightly behind your standing leg. Now smoothly shift all your weight onto your back leg. Lower her heel and lift the toe of the other foot. Repeat 5 times, then change legs.

EXERCISE: Write the words on paper different colors. Repeat them as quickly as possible, and without hesitation

Chess, checkers, puzzles, Rubik's cube, puzzles and crosswords help in brain development.

Gymnastics for the brain - Olga Troitskaya

The exercise systems program was developed back in the 70s. Scientists of that time conducted research with their students, each of whom performed gymnastics every day. Since then, the system has spread throughout the world and brought excellent results.

Olga Troitskaya is a successful psychologist. She great importance pays attention to brain development, because thanks to a clear mind a person can be happy and successful.

Important: Exercises increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, and massage biologically active points allows you to make both halves of the brain work.


  • Crawl on the floor like a child. You can just march when you feel lethargic and don’t want to do anything. The feeling of cheerfulness will come instantly


  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart
  • Bend over, bringing your shoulder to your hip, not your elbow to your knee.
  • The head turns slightly as the action progresses
  • The mouth is not clamped, the lips are free. Only all muscles and the lower part of the face are tightened


  • Place two fingers under the collarbones (there are 2 holes in that place). The second hand is placed on the navel
  • Lightly massage the pits
  • Change hands
  • You also need to massage the dimples located between the 1st and 2nd ribs under the collarbones. This is a powerful neuro-lymphatic zone with large vessels coming from the heart


  • Grasp the top of the ear and massage gently, as if stretching back and turning each point of the ear
  • Turn your head to the left as far as possible. Massage your ears, allowing your head, looking back, to go further and further. Do the massage from top to bottom. When your head turns to the limit, stop doing the exercise.
  • Turn your head to the right and repeat all the steps again as with turning your head to the left


  • Grab your left shoulder in the middle with your right hand
  • Turn your head slightly to the left
  • Start warming up - as you exhale, squeeze your fingers and say “UH.” Widen your eyes and look like an owl
  • Turn your head slightly from side to side
  • Then grab your right shoulder with your left hand and repeat the exercise


  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees straight and slightly bent. The body is relaxed
  • Bend one arm at the elbow and extend it forward. The thumb points up. Fix your gaze on him. The thumb is on the midline of the body.
  • Imagine a circle in front of you and draw a lying figure eight in it.
  • Switch hands and repeat the exercise
  • Then do it with both hands together - to the left and up


Part 1 of the exercise:

  • Intertwine your legs
  • Stretch your arms forward with your palms facing outward
  • Place your palms together, interlocking your fingers and turning your arms toward your chest
  • Lift your tongue and press it to the roof of your mouth
  • Look up. You need to do the exercise for as long as you feel comfortable

Part 2 of the exercise:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Place your hands down and clasp them with a boat at the level of your lower abdomen
  • Lower your eyes, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth

Below is a video with Olga Troitskaya’s brain gymnastics. It only presents the exercises themselves.

Video: Brain gymnastics - become successful at any age! Olga Troitskaya. Exercises only

The brain fitness system is specially designed exercises that help develop and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain and develop hand motor skills.

Finger exercises for the brain bring many benefits. It must be done daily.

Video: What is Brain Fitness and Finger Gymnastics?

Video: Brain fitness

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #2 Money Cards Two Barrels

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #3 Crazy Crocodiles

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #4 Tie your fingers in a knot

Gymnastics for cerebral vessels - Nishi

Japanese healer Katsudzo Nishi created a system of exercises to improve the health of the body. This is done through training the capillaries.

Gymnastics for brain vessels Nishi:

  • The simplest exercise to improve the condition of capillaries and blood circulation is called "Vibration". In the morning, without getting out of bed, lift your legs and arms up and shake them for 2 minutes. This kind of massage of the capillaries also helps to redistribute lymphatic fluid, which allows you to cleanse the body of toxins
  • Exercise « Gold fish» . Lying on a flat surface, place your hands under your neck, at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra. Pull your toes towards you. Tense yourself very hard and make vibrating movements with your whole body, like a fish.

Such exercises help reduce tone nervous system, and increase vascular tone. Active blood circulation begins throughout the body, blood vessels actively work and strengthen.

Here's another effective exercises to strengthen blood vessels and improve brain function:

Video: Exercises to strengthen blood vessels

  • Older people also need a lot of their body if they want to live their lives in health
  • Therefore, it is necessary to start doing brain exercises and exercises for the elderly today. Exercises from Olga Troitskaya, which are presented above, have a very good effect on brain function.
  • All the exercises that are suitable for older people are suitable for younger people and children. Just do them slowly and do as many reps as you can
  • Thanks to constant exercise, lethargy and laziness will disappear, and the vestibular apparatus will be activated. Old man will be able to achieve full brain function

Brain synchronization - 25 exercises

To start developing your brain, follow the tips below:

Advice: Get rid of physical inactivity - this is a problem for sedentary people. Move more - don't spend a lot of time at the computer and TV. If you don't move, the blood vessels become clogged with cholesterol plaques, which leads to problems with brain activity.

Advice: Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol kills neurons. But, if you choose between vodka, wine and beer, then beer has significantly less harm on our brain.

Advice: Drink 2 liters of water per day. People who are overweight should drink up to 4 liters of pure still water per day. It helps remove waste and toxins.

Advice: Doing any homework, do it fun and with irony! The brain loves good emotions.

Having fun cleaning - both hemispheres of the brain work

Just as a person works on developing his muscles, he should also develop his brain. If the brain is not given daily work, it will become decrepit.

Important: If daily stress is present, then the number of gray cells increases, new capillaries appear and new synapses are formed between neurons.

By following these tips, you will help your brain: it will not “get bored” and will constantly develop:

  1. Walk around the house with eyes closed- it helps develop coordination of movements
  2. Determine the denomination of coins that are in your pocket by touch
  3. Master Braille - Reading and Writing for the Blind
  4. Write with your left hand if you are right-handed, and with your right if you are left-handed.
  5. Buy clothes that are unusual for you and wear them
  6. Change your hair color or make short haircut if you previously had long hair
  7. Travel, get to know new cities and countries
  8. Change the interior of your home and office more often
  9. Come up with new phrases to answer questions: how are you, what's new?

Important: Why do this? Habits bore the brain, and it gets tired of routine. He is interested in everything new: emotions, words, actions and places.

BRAIN WORKOUT: Do the exercises with your eyes closed:

  • Breathe calmly and deeply 10 times
  • Slowly count out loud from 1 to 100, and vice versa, from 100 to 1
  • Imagine a pink circle in your head, then, using a spread, mentally transform it into a square, triangle, trapezoid and rhombus
  • Say the alphabet, making up a word for each letter, for example, “A is for watermelon.”
  • Mentally look at yourself from the outside. Take a closer look at all the details of clothing and accessories. Think about what you smile
  • Read any text backwards

Brain synchronization - warm-up

EXERCISE “EMERGENCY”: On a piece of paper, write the letters of the alphabet, and under them L, P or V. The letters from the upper lines are spoken out loud, and those from the lower ones are done with your hands (L - left hand rises up, R - right hand rises up, B - both hands rise up). Doing all this at the same time is difficult, although it seems simple at first glance.











Now let's remember exercises from physical education lessons, which, as it turns out, help develop the brain and make it work synchronously:


  • Reach the elbow of your right hand to the knee of your right leg, and the elbow of your left hand to the knee of your left leg - repeat 12 times


  • Reach the elbow of your right hand to the knee of your left leg, and the elbow of your left hand to the knee of your right leg

It will take only 2 minutes to complete these exercises, and the effect will be felt immediately - your head will become “fresh” and “lightened.”

Specialists and experts in the field of brain development give very valuable advice to those people who are working on synchronizing their brain. If you do them at least once a week, progress will definitely appear.

Brain synchronization - watch on the other hand
  • Advice: Finger gymnastics helps develop the neural functioning of the brain. Open and close your fingers, complicating the task and doing the exercise through one finger
  • Advice: Rearrange items on your desktop. This will force the brain to look for new solutions. But don't do this too often so that your brain doesn't get used to it.
  • Advice: Say out loud twenty female or male names. Mentally imagine these people and how they smile at you. Wish them all a good day
  • Advice: Once a week, go to bed with your head towards the other end of the bed. This is unusual for the brain and it will not be able to fall asleep quickly, but you have to try.
  • Advice: Change the hand on which you wear the watch. At first you will experience inconvenience, but then you will no longer notice it. After 7 days, change your hand again
  • Advice: When cleaning the house, put things away nicely, but out of place. After this, the brain will have to work and remember where things and objects are after cleaning
  • Advice: Solve various logic problems. They can be found in collections, children's magazines or on the Internet.
  • Advice: Once a week, think about what you have achieved during the week. Make plans for the next week, highlighting the main events
  • Advice: Sometimes write letters to yourself about the mistakes you made during the week. Don’t feel sorry for yourself, write down even minor troubles so that you can become even better next week


  • Sit on a chair and cross your legs
  • With the foot that is on top, draw circles in the air clockwise
  • After this, draw a circle counterclockwise with the finger of your right hand - the leg continues to move clockwise


  • Take a blank sheet of paper and use paints, a felt-tip pen or pencil to color it completely with one color
  • List all the associations that you have with this color. For example, red - cherry, watermelon, flag and so on


  • Count to 20 and back, but skipping a number that contains, for example, 3 or that is divisible by 3


  • Pick up a newspaper and read the first word you come across
  • Make ten with this word different offers, quickly and without hesitation
  • Place both palms on your stomach - left hand on right
  • Exhale as if you were blowing out a candle.
  • You need to do this exercise for one minute.


  • Sit on the floor and spread your legs wide
  • Now stand up sharply without using your hands
  • During this exercise, both hemispheres of the brain begin to work in concert. A sense of balance is important. WARNING: You may fall during this exercise.


  • Close your eyes and imagine any letter in your head
  • Name out loud up to twenty objects starting with this letter, for example: one is a tank, two is a tractor, three is a throne, four is oatmeal, and so on. The faster you say the words, the better


  • Extend one arm forward, straighten thumb and draw 8 in the air
  • Do 4 such repetitions. Change your hand
  • At the end, do gymnastics with both hands


  • Raise both hands up
  • Draw a square in the air with one hand and a star with the other
  • As soon as the exercise starts to work out, change hands. To complicate it, come up with drawings of other shapes

Now let's learn how to do physical exercise to synchronize the brain. After performing such gymnastics, both hemispheres of the brain will learn to work simultaneously.


  • Sit on a high table so your legs swing freely
  • Spread your fingers and touch your fingertips to each other, holding your hands in front of you
  • Perform swinging movements with your arms. Your fingertips should meet each other

Important: If you want to make this exercise more challenging, point your toes together. Swing your arms and bring your fingertips together and spread your legs. With your arms apart, bring your legs together.

Brain Synchronization - Crossing Arms and Legs


  • First, swing your arms in front of your body at shoulder level. Palms should be facing the floor
  • After a while, start doing swings and crosses behind the body - at the level of the buttocks
  • Continue with the exercise, adding movement to your legs.
  • When driving to the right, drive left leg in front of the right, and right leg in front of the left when moving left

Another similar exercise:

  • Cross your legs while moving
  • Step to the side - cross your left leg behind your right
  • One more step with your right and plant your left foot
  • Repeat the movement in the opposite direction


  • Stand straight with your feet together. Place your arms above your head. Jump and swing your arms out to the sides and back, spreading your legs. Jump back to the starting position
  • Perform the previous movements with your feet, and extend your arms in front of your body, moving them up and down.
  • Use your arms to move to the sides, and your legs to jump back and forth from one foot to the other, just like when walking.


  • Play any classical music
  • Stand in the same position as a conductor standing in front of an orchestra.
  • Raise your arms at shoulder height, with one arm higher than the other
  • Draw lying figure eights in the air: the left hand writes to the left, the right hand to the right
  • After this, draw an internal arc and repeat all exercises in the opposite direction.


  • The right hand is on the head, the left hand is on the stomach. Pat the top of your head and stroke your belly in a circle at the same time
  • Stroke your stomach clockwise with your left hand, and stroke your left collarbone in the other direction with your right hand.


  • Imagine a pencil on the tip of your nose
  • Draw figure eights in the air
  • When you succeed in this exercise, write your first and last names in the air.


  • Prepare lemon and stool
  • Lie on your back, place a chair behind your head. Squeeze a lemon between your feet
  • Raise your legs so that you can place the lemon on the chair
  • Lower your legs, then raise them, and take the lemon from the chair, returning to the starting position

Advice: Young people are in good physical fitness They can place the lemon not on a chair, but on the floor behind their head.

Important: It is good to perform the “birch tree” and headstand along with this exercise. This exercise will help stimulate cerebral circulation.


  • Sit on a chair and relax, your back straight. Place your index finger and middle fingers right hand on the bridge of the nose
  • Use your ring finger to lightly close your left nostril and inhale slowly through your right nostril for a count of 8.
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Then press with your thumb and close your right nostril while exhaling slowly through your left nostril for a count of 8
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds and inhale again, counting to 8, but now through the left nostril


  • Sit cross-legged on the floor and close your eyes
  • Take a few breaths, directing the air flow deep down your abdomen. The diaphragm must work
  • Focus on your breathing. Say “OM” out loud as you inhale, and “AH” as you exhale.

Strengthen your memory - yawn widely


  • Close your eyes and yawn widely
  • Simultaneously massage tense areas in the lower and upper jaw
  • The yawn should be long and loud. Repeat the exercise 3-6 times


  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Place your hands under your head and interlace your fingers. Without unclenching your arms, rise and at the same time turn around, resting your elbow on the floor
  • Left elbow to the right knee, right elbow to the left knee. Repeat this exercise 5 times in each direction

EXERCISE TO DEVELOP MENTAL ABILITY(helps improve precision of movements):

  • Find the depressions on the forehead, above the eyebrows
  • Apply gentle pressure with your fingertips for one minute. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times

Stay healthy and don't forget to share useful information with your friends and relatives. After all, perhaps this will help them prolong their lives and live it happily and successfully!

Video: 3 minutes lesson for life! Harmonization of the right and left hemispheres of the brain

Video: How to develop your brain?! How to become much smarter than those around you?!

For normal functioning, the brain, like the entire body as a whole, needs to be trained. Especially with age. As you know, the human brain uses its working potential to a maximum of 10%. People often notice that it becomes more difficult to absorb the information they receive over time.

But there are a lot of situations when this is necessary. For example, responsibilities at work or a completely new position, specialty, moving to another country, which requires mandatory knowledge of the local language, and so on. All these changes sometimes require turning on the brain to the fullest. However, a person often notices that other than stupor and fatigue, his attempts lead to nothing. What to do in such a situation? How to develop the brain, or rather, increase its potential?


As you know, every person has two hemispheres - left and right. Eat general techniques for development, as well as special exercises aimed at training a certain part of it. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? The simplest and in an accessible way is reading. Thanks to the book, visual memory develops and replenishes lexicon, the nervous system calms down, the ability to concentrate increases. In addition, horizons broaden and literacy improves qualitatively. Since the left hemisphere is responsible for the ability to read, this can be considered an excellent exercise for training it.

Language learning

How to develop your brain? You can start studying foreign language. This knowledge not only activates the “main computer” of the body, but also contributes to the expansion of personal abilities.

For example, knowing at least a little language, you can visit the corresponding country, get acquainted with its culture, and make interesting acquaintances. By the way, people who are able to speak even different dialects are less likely to develop diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and others.

Unusual ways of doing ordinary activities

How to develop your brain? Doing ordinary things in an unusual way is beneficial for the body as a whole. For example, reading text upside down. At first it will puzzle your brain, but after a while it will seem not such a difficult task. It is also useful to introduce variety into absolutely everything that surrounds a person. You should change your route from home to work more often and rearrange your home. Explore new places.

How to develop your brain in the usual ways? Now we'll tell you. As it turned out, this is not particularly difficult. The next level of training contains special exercises that have a specific effect on the hemispheres of the brain. But first you need to figure out who is responsible for what, as they say. The hemisphere of the right side perceives data in the form of images and symbols, is responsible for fantasy, musical abilities, creativity, as well as sexual activity.

To train it, there are simple and fun exercises that even children can do. The first is to alternately grab the lobe of the opposite ear with your left hand, and your nose with your right hand, then vice versa. Here's how to develop your right brain. If this method turns out to be too easy, you can complicate the task. To do this, you need to add clap to your hands between changing sides.

Draw with both hands

Now let's look at how to develop the brain, both hemispheres at once.

We will describe the second exercise. For it you will need a sheet of paper and a pencil. If a person is right-handed, then you should start drawing with your leading hand. You can write letters, draw patterns and whatever you want. The second hand should almost simultaneously repeat the pattern in symmetrical reflection. It is better to start with simpler options and gradually complicate the task.


How to develop the hemispheres of the brain with games aimed at coordination? A simple exercise is familiar to many from childhood and is called the “ring”. To do this, you need to connect the thumb of one hand with the index finger of the other. And vice versa. While moving your fingers in this way, the speed should be gradually increased. This is a simpler version of the exercise.

If it seems easy, you can try to complicate it. To do this, you need to alternately attach the index, middle, ring and little fingers to the thumb of one hand, forming a ring. Games that develop the brain not only help to activate the thinking process, but also provide variety during leisure time. After all, there is nothing difficult in performing such exercises.

Fun activity

How to develop the brain? Also fun entertainment, and at the same time an effective movement, is the simultaneous stroking of the stomach with one hand and tapping on the head with the other, familiar to many from childhood.

This is another way of developing the brain, designed for children too. You can perform this movement at speed by organizing fun competitions. By the way, laughter and humor are wonderful and effective way improve brain activity, as well as general state body. It turns out that useful things are simple and pleasant.

Developing the left hemisphere

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? This topic should be considered in more detail. To start short excursion, what this area is responsible for. The left hemisphere is actively involved in processing information received in the form of numbers and signs. This information is then subject to step-by-step analysis. Most people on the planet write with their right hand. So, the left lobe of the brain is responsible for this order of things.

To develop it, you should solve mathematical or logic puzzles. Alternatively, stop using a calculator and do the math in your head. By the way, representatives of past generations were deprived of all kinds of computer technology, so until old age they had a clear mind and excellent memory. How much did it cost to remember the long-distance numbers of all relatives, but Notebook was not always at hand.

Crossword puzzles and games

Also in a good way is solving crossword puzzles, especially since it perfectly activates the memory. Next, it’s good to do familiar things with your right arm and leg. This may seem difficult for lefties, but that is the essence of the exercise.

There are also games that develop the brain. Moreover, many of them can be taken from a number of familiar ones. This technique is excellent for left-handed people, as it will be more effective due to the unusual position. For example, great game- badminton. The racket should be taken in the right hand and used only with it. At first it may seem difficult, but after a while the brain will get used to it and begin to follow commands. The movements will be more coordinated. Table tennis, bowling and others will also be suitable games.

An excellent game that also perfectly develops brain activity, especially the left hemisphere, is chess. Thinking through a strategy and calculating probable moves effectively activate the work of the “main computer”.


How to develop the brain of a child and an adult? There are several other methods. These include:

In order for the brain to work well, do not forget about good nutrition and proper drinking regimen. Also, quality rest and 7-8 hours of sleep are important for productive activity.


Now you know how to develop your brain. As you can see, there are many methods. Therefore, do not forget to develop it. Good luck!

The brain is the most important and the hard part central nervous system. With its help, all processes associated with thinking and evaluating information obtained from external environment. The brain has two hemispheres - left and right, each of which is responsible for certain processes. The work of both hemispheres must be harmonious and coordinated so that a person can adequately carry out all types of life activities.

The principles of operation of both hemispheres are still under study, but for now the theory of interhemispheric asymmetry dominates the world. The essence of the theory is that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the right hemisphere for creativity. And although many experiments have proven that each hemisphere is, to one degree or another, responsible for both aspects of thinking, the theory still continues to exist, being the leading one at the moment.

What are the functions of the left hemisphere of the brain?

The left hemisphere of the brain dominates in the following areas:

  • Coordination of movements of the right side of the body;
  • Control of speech, reading, writing, recognition and understanding of mathematical symbols, as well as remembering names and dates;
  • Logical analysis of facts received from outside;
  • Only a literal understanding of concepts;
  • Stage-by-stage processing of any information received;
  • All mathematical manipulations;
  • Orientation in time and feeling of one’s own body;
  • The concept of one’s own “I” and its isolation from the environment;
  • Predominance of introversion in character;
  • Logical, symbolic and sequential thinking.

You can check which hemisphere is more developed by analyzing how clearly the above-described qualities are realized in Everyday life. The following techniques will also help with determining the dominant hemisphere:

  • If, when the fingers are interlaced, the thumb of the right hand is on top, then the left hemisphere dominates and vice versa;
  • When clapping your hands, the hand that is on top is coordinated by the opposite hemisphere;
  • When crossing your arms over your shoulders, the dominance of the left hemisphere is indicated by the right hand lying on top.

In newborns, the work of the right hemisphere of the brain predominates. After speech and other skills actively begin to develop, the left hemisphere turns on. Due to the educational system and social structure, the vast majority of children eventually begin to dominate the left hemisphere, eclipsing the right.

It has been experimentally proven that left-handers have dominance of the right hemisphere. However, parents, so that their child does not differ from others, try to retrain him. Doing this is extremely undesirable, since the consequences can be unpleasant, manifesting themselves in various disorders of brain function.

What is the danger of damage to the left hemisphere of the brain?

In case of any damage to the left hemisphere of the brain, disturbances, disappearances or deformations of its function are noted. The following pathological conditions may occur:

  • Impaired ability to generalize received data;
  • Impaired ability to build logical chains;
  • Various lesions of the speech apparatus (misunderstanding of speech, loss of the ability to speak, etc.);
  • Damage to the written analyzer (failure to understand what is written when perceiving oral speech or the inability to write with normal speech);
  • Combined lesions of speech and writing;
  • Impaired time orientation;
  • Impaired ability to build in correct sequence tasks that need to be completed to achieve a goal;
  • Inability to draw conclusions from available facts.

It is often impossible to completely restore lost abilities. In some situations, it is not possible to achieve even minimal improvement in one or another area of ​​damage. Special meaning in this situation, there are left-handed people whose speech center, like some others, is in the right hemisphere.

The fact that the center of speech is located in the frontal lobes of the left hemisphere was proven in the mid-19th century. After which it almost immediately became clear that the predominance of the left hand in writing is closely related to the center of speech in the right hemisphere. In 1861, the concept of “motor aphasia” was formulated, which implies understanding speech, but the inability to speak. This condition appeared after the destruction of certain zones in the left hemisphere. In 1874, “sensory aphasia” was discovered, which is characterized by the ability to speak, but the inability to understand speech. The phenomenality of these disorders is that in left-handed people these zones are most often located in the right hemisphere.

Exercises for brain development

During the development of children, parents should monitor the harmony of both hemispheres. Ultimately, for almost everyone except left-handers, the left hemisphere will be dominant. Therefore, exercises for the development of the left hemisphere are not relevant. In addition, the child will receive sufficient development of logic and consistency in educational institutions. However, for left-handed people it will be useful to perform some exercises designed specifically for the left hemisphere.

Basic exercises:

  • Daily solution of several problems, preferably of a mathematical profile with a logical component;
  • Solving crossword puzzles (there are also special puzzles, riddles, etc. for children);
  • Perform as many movements as possible with the right half of the body (for left-handers only).

Much more important are exercises aimed at improving the connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Development methods include:

  • A very simple exercise involves simultaneously stroking your stomach with your right hand and tapping your head with your left hand. You should do it slowly at first, carefully monitoring the movements of each hand, and then gradually speed up.
  • The next exercise also requires arm work. Having placed them in front of him, a person should draw a square in the air with one, and, for example, a star with the other. At the same time, as soon as he notices progress, that is, it becomes easier to perform the exercise, he should change hands.
  • A more complex coordination exercise involves holding the tip of your nose with one hand while holding the opposite ear with the other. The training method is to change hands as quickly as possible.
  • Depending on whether a person is right-handed or left-handed, you should try to do familiar things with your opposite hand, such as brushing your teeth or eating.
  • Dancing classes, in particular tango, help develop both hemispheres at the same time.
  • Also useful exercise consists of drawing the same picture with both hands at the same time. Moreover, the images should turn out to be mirror images.

Important for normal life harmonious development both hemispheres of the brain, each of which will be activated in a specific, appropriate situation. Excessive dominance of the left hemisphere blocks the path to creativity and creativity. Excessive activity of the right makes a person uncollected, too absent-minded.