Mole on the middle finger - meaning. Mole on the little finger of the right hand

Birthmarks and moles on the hands are considered paramount in astrology and other related areas. The signs on these parts of the body are for the most part open to the eyes of others and carry a lot of karmic information, and therefore play a more significant role in a person’s fate. If you are interested in finding out what moles on your hands mean, we suggest further reading the interpretation of their meaning.

The meaning of moles on the hands

Firstly, when studying moles on the hands, you need to take into account which hand they are located on. If education is on the “working” hand - for a right-handed person - on the right, and for a left-handed person - on the left, then it is more important for a person. A mole on an inactive arm is less significant. Secondly, it is worth paying attention to appearance moles from an aesthetic point of view. If a birthmark or mole on the arm does not repel you with its appearance, it is good sign, and its owner can be considered lucky.

As a rule, women who have several moles on their left hand are happy in love and marriage. A man with a “marked” left hand, thanks to his perseverance, will achieve any goals he sets for himself. The presence of two moles on or near a man’s left forearm indicates that he is capable of becoming ideal husband for any woman.

Moles on the inside of the wrist occur in emotionally vulnerable people, sensitive to manifestations of inattention and rudeness.

The owner of the spot on the inside of her left forearm looks touching. A woman with such a mole on her hand gives the impression of a gentle, kind, unprotected person.

A lady with a mole on her right wrist knows how to use her visible insecurity as a tool to attract the attention of men.

A woman with a mole on the outside of her forearm gives her beloved affection and attention. Any man will feel comfortable with her. She is energetically compatible with almost any person, but there is a prerequisite - he must sincerely love her.

A man with a mole on his right hand has good energy. Such a man is every woman’s dream. He has “golden” hands, in which any business goes well. At the same time, he does not need to make great efforts - people and things easily obey his will. He is optimistic about life, knows how to act decisively in difficult moments, earn good money and be a reliable support for his loved ones.

Two moles on the right hand are a sign of fidelity. A man who has them on his forearm is able to carry his beloved in his arms all his life.

The meaning of moles on the shoulders

People with moles on their shoulders tend to strong personalities, but they often lack the necessary determination or flexibility to get what they want. Their inherent taciturnity, arrogance, and stubbornness create life problems and obstacles to self-realization. Their virtues are endurance in work, resilience in the face of adversity, as well as loyalty to their principles and loved ones.

Birthmarks and moles on the shoulders symbolize the burden of unresolved problems in the past, and their owner is doomed to bear the heavy burden of the past, to pay karmic debts. A mole on the shoulder, along with the problem it carries with it, can be transmitted along the genetic line; descendants will make the same mistakes until one of them manages to break out of this karmic circle. After all, any of us has free will, which means we are able to radically change our lives.

The meaning of moles on the elbows

A mole on the arm in the area of ​​the elbow joint indicates the vulnerability and worldly inability of its owner. A person with a mole on the elbow, especially if it is located on the inside of the elbow, constantly gets into some unpleasant situations. Such people can be compared to a lightning rod, the only difference being that they attract negative energy rather than lightning. environment. They can often get injured varying degrees, find yourself in extreme or conflict situations, incur material losses for various reasons, become victims on whom others take it out and “hang all the dogs.” They are clearly deprived of fortune, they have a hard time everywhere, they have to achieve everything in life with great effort.

Both men and women with moles on the left elbow love traveling and communicating with friends. Bearers of signs on the left hand from the elbow to the wrist are often known as aesthetes and connoisseurs of all that is beautiful. They prefer free or creative professions and do not tolerate restrictions in their activities.

The meaning of moles on the fingers

Studying moles on the hands, special attention pay attention to signs with negative potential. These include moles on the fingers. They are believed to attract negative energy. Those with moles on their fingers are susceptible to the evil eye, damage, etc. For example, if a person has a mole on his right ring finger, then his personal life may not work out. When getting married, he is recommended to hide the mole under a wedding ring, which is best worn without taking it off. Bachelors and unmarried women should also hide such a mark from prying eyes under some decoration, so as not to remain alone forever.

There are also positive aspects to having a mole on your fingers. Those marked with this sign have very dexterous hands, thanks to which they are reputed to be great skilled in matters of fine art. self made. Often such moles on the hands are found on magicians, and are also found on cheaters and thieves of various stripes. There is a sign that people with moles on their fingers attract money to themselves like a magnet.

The meaning of moles on the palms

Birthmarks and moles on the palms have a fateful significance. Some signs may appear and disappear throughout life. It should be noted that any marks on the palms: moles, lines, spots are within the purview of palmistry - the art of determining a person’s character and predicting his fate based on the lines and signs on the palms. The basis of palmistry is astrology.

Palmists pay special attention to the depth, clarity, and appearance of the lines on the palms, by which they predict the future and determine a person’s characteristics and predisposition to disease.

According to astrologers and palmists, moles on one of the main lines of the palm are considered especially important.

  • A mark on the Life line can represent dangers to life and illness;
  • On the line of the Head (Mind) - the threat of accidents, head injuries, mental disorders;
  • On the Heart line - cardiovascular diseases and disappointments in love are possible. The owner of a mole on this line is characterized by temperament, hot temper, and a tendency to jealousy;
  • A mole on the line of Fate is a bad sign. A person's fate may not work out. The likelihood of financial trouble and loneliness is the least that awaits with such an arrangement.

Moles located at the intersection of lines are considered the most fateful, since they comprehensively affect several areas of life at once. A problem in one thing can lead to negative events in another.

Often people who have a mole on the palm withdraw into themselves, withdraw from society, and become hermits who deny traditions and generally accepted norms.

It is worth noting that the owner of a mole on the palm basically builds his own destiny. Having taken the path of self-improvement and struggle with circumstances, he is able to radically change his life.

Next in importance are moles on the so-called tubercles or hills of the palm of the hand.

What do moles on the hands, located on the hills of the palm, mean:

  • A mole on the Mount of Mercury is a sign of curiosity, an inventive mind, but resourceful or cunning, often criminally oriented. This sign is used to mark swindlers, thieves, notorious liars, and merchants;
  • A mole on the Mount of the Sun (Apollo) promises career success, recognition of talents, and an authoritative position. However, there is a possibility of deprivation of a high position. Those with a spot on the Mount of the Sun are creative and passionate;
  • A mole on the Mount of Saturn - in most cases this is not auspicious sign, meaning constant problems, troubles, an unstable situation in life. Breakdown may occur inner rod, if any;
  • A mole on the Mount of Jupiter is an indication of problems of a moral, ethical or religious nature. Sometimes a formation on this tubercle communicates the unscrupulousness and low aspirations of its owner. Such a person can be destroyed by laziness, love of money and pride;
  • A mole on the lower (positive) mount of Mars indicates a person’s determination, courage and strength. But if it is dark, painful and is on the active hand, then its wearer may suffer, be injured or cause harm due to haste, carelessness in actions, and poor self-control;
  • A mole on the upper (negative) mount of Mars either directs a person’s active energy and strength in a negative direction, or suppresses them;
  • A mole on the Mount of Venus usually speaks of problems in relationships with the opposite sex, quarrels, unrequited or unrequited feelings on the part of the object of sympathy.
  • A mole on the hill of the Moon is a sign of emotional disorders, mental tossing, changeability in mood, disappointment in people. Relationships with parents may be upset. An individual marked with a “lunar” mole has imaginative and sensitivity.

In conclusion, I would like to remind the reader of the free will given to us by the Creator. And regardless of whether there are birthmarks and moles on the hands, face or somewhere else on the body, your fate, if not entirely, then largely depends on you!

Palmistry has been known since ancient times. Even the Chaldeans of ancient Babylon gave the reading of hand signs a mystical character, closely connecting it with astrology, the influence of planets and signs on this person. Some believe that an indication of the significance of the lines of the hand is in the Bible, namely: “God put a seal on the hand of every person, so that all people would know his deeds” (Book of Job 37-7).

It is believed that with this the oldest type Fortune telling can determine the state of health, the character of a person, find out his past and predict the future.

In the Middle Ages, palmistry (“mantle” in Greek means fortune telling) received strong development and turned into the science of chirology (“logo” is translated from Greek as teaching or knowledge), which for quite a long time was one of the main methods of medical diagnosis of a condition human health.

In this article on our website we will talk about what moles on the hands mean, or, more precisely, moles on the fingers and birthmarks on the nails. Let's start with the shape of the hands, which different people quite different. In particular, by the shape of the fingers, the width of the palms and its flexibility. The shape of the hand determines a person's inclinations. According to these inclinations, it is possible to predict for a person those activities or services that are suitable for him. According to various authors, there are from seven to eighteen main forms of hands. There is also a form called mixed - it is formed by combining the main forms.

The fingers are also very different and can be:

  • spatulate;
  • corner;
  • conical;
  • ovoid.

Spatulates have a wider upper joint of the fingers. Angular fingers are usually the same across their entire width. In conical fingers, the upper joint resembles the appearance of a truncated cone. The ovoid fingers are thicker in the middle. According to palmistry, people whose fingers are longer than the palm are more prone to mental work; they have a predominant spirituality. If the palm is longer, then such people are more prone to physical labor; when the length of the fingers and palm is the same, these are very balanced people. Having been illuminated by an idea, they can always persistently achieve its practical application and are able to solve any of their problems on their own, that is, thought and action for such people are harmoniously combined.

Chirology and human fingers

A general rule for interpreting birthmarks on the fingers: a mole near the nail (third phalanx) foreshadows events in childhood and adolescence, on the second phalanx - in mature age, closer to the palm (first phalanx) - in old age.

The structure of the phalanx serves to characterize a person and his inclinations. The signs on the phalanges (dashes, intersections, crosses, grids) can change periodically, while the wavy lines that we are all familiar with like fingerprints remain the same throughout our lives. Also, events occurring in certain months are recognized by the phalanges of the fingers.

A thumb with a strongly developed, dominant first phalanx most often belongs to a person with a strong-willed character, whose life is dominated by unambiguous and firm attitudes. The same finger with a longer second phalanx indicates that its owner has a weak will, he is timid, and at the same time he may have a well-developed intellect. If the first and second phalanges are equal, this means balance, intelligence, and the person is successful in fulfilling his plans.

By the index finger one can recognize a person’s character, by the middle finger - what is connected with fate and does not depend on the person himself, by the ring finger - in which area one can succeed, by the little finger - mental inclinations and cunning.

The first phalanges give an idea of ​​spirituality, the second - about practical abilities, the third - about material concerns and physical condition. If the hand has longer third phalanges, then such people, according to classical chirology and palmistry, love to live more for themselves, to indulge their body, and the material environment is extremely important for them. If the middle phalanges are longer, the person shows an interest in invention and is creative in any work and everyday affairs. The material and spiritual spheres are equally important to him.

People with smooth fingers are more sensitive. Knobby fingers most often occur in sensible people, with fairly rich life experience. Such people do not give in to feelings and instincts too easily.

If the upper phalanx of the fingers is sharp, this means speed in business, excessive haste.

The upper square shape of the fingers is the ability to foresee and plan. The spade ending is more common among those who strive to succeed and benefit from everything.

Moles on fingers. The meaning of moles on fingers

External side
In general, this arrangement of moles (without taking into account the specific location on the finger, etc.) should be considered less favorable signs than on the inside of the fingers.

Quite often, the presence of several moles on the outside of the fingers can mean that this person will have a lot of disappointments in his personal life. It is even possible that the owners of such moles will have a very hard life with many negative experiences and events. Depending on the location, such signs of fate can predict repeated divorces, troubles in family life, breaks in friendships and even family relationships.

There is even a belief that when getting married, it is advisable for owners of such moles to cover them with jewelry or disguise them with makeup - which, it is believed, can sometimes neutralize them negative impact. Moreover, according to the same folk beliefs, constant, without removing, wearing can neutralize the signs of fate wedding ring. And for unmarried people, it is advisable to cover such moles with rings, rings, or the same makeup in order to successfully marry.

Moreover (and this is no longer folk sign, and the interpretation of moleosophy), people with moles on the outer side of their fingers are to a much greater extent than everyone else, susceptible to the evil eye, damage and generally the influence of evil spells and dark energy. The positive influence of such moles is manifested in the fact that their owners are almost always skilled in all those types of activities where the fingers are involved - and this can be anything, from a virtuoso ability to sew and up to an equally virtuosic use of an artist’s brush or the poet's pen. By the way, “sleight of hand” is no exception, inherent not only to magicians, but also... to pickpockets.

Inner side
But moles on the inside of the fingers should be regarded for the most part as good signs, promising their owners success or good luck. If we talk about women, this is success in any social activities, in work related to people; for men – everything related to communication in one way or another.

Thus, the ring finger in chirology is the finger of the Sun, and a mole on the inside of it means either virtue, the religiosity of its owner, or a high position in society, which he will certainly and rightfully occupy over time.

The middle finger in chirology is considered the finger of Saturn, and a mole on the inner side of a woman promises her a materially secure life; for a man with such a mole - the acquisition of not only wealth (material sphere), but also spiritual growth.

Moles on the inside of the fingers may portend receiving a rich inheritance, luck in gambling or a bet and other similar gifts of fate.

But, despite the fact that in general these moles are a good sign, they can also indicate their owner’s penchant for alcohol or drugs, frequent attempts to get rich at the expense of others, through dishonest means.

Moles on the hands: the meaning of some specific locations of moles on the fingers

Mole on the right index finger
For men - wealth, a calm, measured life, a dignified old age. For women - a significant position in society, an established life, happiness in family life.

Mole on left index finger
For men – a tough, even sometimes cruel character, the ability to go headlong towards one’s goal, head-to-head, aggressiveness, both in business matters and in relationships with loved ones, even in the family. For women - a calm character, often a penchant for religion, but at the same time - laziness and an arrogant attitude towards people.

Mole on the right thumb
For men - a high position in society, authority among friends, strong family ties and a successful marriage (sometimes of convenience). For women with the same mole - a restless and fickle nature, a tendency to squabbles and scandals, and very often a failed personal life.

Mole on left thumb
For men - an unfavorable sign. Can predict need, illness, a series of troubles, both in the family and in business during the first two-thirds of life. If a person can overcome all this, he will live the rest of his life calmly and in abundance. For women, the same mole is, on the contrary, a very favorable sign. successful marriage strong family, stable social and financial position, sometimes (depending on other signs of fate on the body) – success and even fame.

Mole on left ring finger
For men, life is not very easy, problems in the family, and often alcohol abuse. For women, the same mole portends the exact opposite: respect from others, peace and happiness in family life, absence of material problems.

Mole on the right ring finger
For both men and women, the interpretation of this sign is a mirror image of the meaning for a mole on the left ring finger.

Mole on the right little finger
For men - a stable financial, family and social situation, but at the same time a tendency towards excitement, risk, and endless love interests. For women - instability of character, excessive emotionality (often also sensuality), while not a very successful marriage, but good financial situation.

Mole on left little finger
For men - constant failures in business, discord in the family (often several divorces), lack of a practical outlook on life prevents one from gaining material well-being and a worthy place in society. For women, the same mole portends happiness, success in any endeavor, loving husband and children, a secure and peaceful old age.

Stains on nails

Spots on the nails appear and disappear spontaneously, without staying long. They happen white(in the vast majority of cases), but sometimes there are dark ones, even black. There are many shades, so for simplicity we will continue to talk simply about “light” and “dark” signs. The importance of spots on nails is not attached to all esoteric teachings, but in astrology and morphoscopy they are taken into account when drawing up a general prognosis for a person - despite the fact that these signs, as already mentioned, are very short-lived.

Light spots on nails

  • On the thumbnail - success in business; the appearance of a new friend or new love.
  • On the nail of the index finger - new job, good luck in financial sector.
  • On the nail of the middle finger - a profitable deal, meeting the right person.
  • On the nail ring finger: in work - success, in family - discord.
  • On the nail of the little finger - success in business or study, meeting with an old friend.

Dark spots on nails

  • On the thumbnail - a quarrel in the family or with a person of the opposite sex.
  • On the nail of the index finger - problems at work, in the financial sphere, a quarrel with a close friend.
  • On the nail of the middle finger portends danger: either illness or the loss of something very important.
  • On the nail of the ring finger - conflict at work or with relatives.
  • On the nail of the little finger is the most unfortunate sign. Problems can arise in any area of ​​life without exception, and from where you least expect them.

In conclusion, a couple more words about the short duration of such signs. Many authors point out that the time during which the signs on the nails should or will not come true is limited to a maximum of six months from the moment of their appearance. So if the sign is bad, but nothing bad has happened in six months, you don’t have to worry. It is also necessary to take into account the medically proven fact that spots on the nails can be the result of poor nutrition or banal vitamin deficiency.

Moles on the outside of the fingers they say that a person literally has “golden hands.” Such people will achieve great heights if they engage in some kind of manual labor, for example, sewing, drawing, playing the piano. However, such people are more susceptible to the evil eye than those whose moles are located on the inside of the fingers. If you have moles on the inside of your fingers, try to avoid ogling people, otherwise there may be problems in financial terms and in your personal life.

Moles on the inside of the fingers

This sign is more favorable. People with moles on the inside of the fingers sociable, sociable, they are accompanied by success and good luck in all endeavors. Money comes to them quite easily. But, along with positive characteristics, moles on the inside of the fingers indicate a person’s tendency towards alcoholism or drug addiction. Sometimes such people earn money through dishonest means.

What do moles on fingers mean?

· Mole on right thumb

It speaks of good luck and fortune in all matters, and also indicates a fairly high material well-being. But such people have complex character, love to make trouble and argue.

· Mole on left thumb

Men with a mole on their left thumb, in their youth, faced with a large number difficulties, but in adulthood they achieve success. Women with this sign are usually successful. Happiness awaits them in their career and personal life.

· Mole on the right index finger

Speaks of a good material position, strong marriage and a happy personal life.

· Mole on left index finger

Men They are characterized by a strong, strong-willed character; they are leaders by nature. They are also characterized by passion, perseverance and despotism. Women They have a gentle character, they are calm, gentle, spiritually developed, but lazy and dream a lot.

· Mole on middle finger

Mole on middle finger talks about spiritual development, religiosity. It also indicates high material well-being and position in society.

· Mole on left ring finger

Men With this sign they face many problems in life, but by overcoming them they become successful. They may also be predisposed to alcoholism. Women those with a mole on the left ring finger are usually financially secure and have a successful personal life.

· Mole on the right ring finger

Men are usually financially secure. Fate protects them from many life problems. Women, on the contrary, are constantly forced to overcome obstacles. If you get out of them with dignity, you can achieve success. Also, women may be predisposed to alcoholism.

· Mole on the right little finger

Such natures are quite loving, full of passion, fall in love easily, but also easily lose interest. They are very emotional and artistic. Usually financially secure.

· Mole on left little finger

Men with this sign they are unsure of themselves, they are haunted by failures and disappointments, family life doesn't add up. Women successful, financially secure and happily married.

It is believed that a person has a huge number of signs, symbols, and marks on his body, by which one can read a person’s fate, find out his character, and talents.

A mole is unique. Almost every person has at least one mole on their body. It is very rare to find a person without moles. Since ancient times, people have believed that a mole is a special sign from above, a sign of fate. Therefore, it was believed that the location, type and even color of a mole has its own meaning and purpose.
A mole, even a very small one, carries its own meaning. Every person who has a mole can find out its meaning.

There are common meanings for moles on the hand. But there are also meanings for a specific hand - right or left, and there are also differences - a man or a woman has a mole on one hand or another. Let's try to deal with the moles on the right hand.

If the mole is on the right hand, plus it is dark in color, then this means good luck in the life of the owner, as well as success in all endeavors. In general, it is believed that moles on the hands are a symbol of money, something material. Therefore, the owner of such a mole on his arm should have everything in order financially. But on the other hand, there is reverse side- probably, in some situations, a mole on the hand is a symbol of bankruptcy, fraud and even theft.


Moles on the fingers of the right and left hands are very rare, but it still happens.

When a mole is located on a person’s right hand on the thumb, then this is a sign of success and good luck throughout life path. Success is not only material, but also, for example, with the other sex. When a mole, albeit small, is located on the right hand in the area of ​​the index finger, then this sign will tell us about such qualities of a person as a leader, even a leader, or a leader. Such a person is very smart and capable. If a mole on the right hand is on the middle finger, then this speaks of a person who always wants to somehow stand out, to be at the epicenter of events. When is a mole on the smallest finger - the little finger? right hand, this symbolizes the fact that such a mole is a symbol of success in the material sphere of a person; everything is in order with money for such a mark owner.

To some extent, a symbol of loneliness is a mole on the ring finger of the right hand. A belated marriage, a lonely life awaits this owner of a mole. And constant disappointments both in my personal life and at work, constantly changing jobs.

A mole on the palm of the right hand can be seen very rarely. Here, the meaning of such moles depends on the location. For example, it can be located on the palm, on the fingers. Then the meaning of such moles is the same.
If the moles are located on the innermost part of the palm of the right hand, then the meaning is completely different.
The meaning depends on the shape of the mole on the palm of the right hand.

For example, if a mole is round, this is a sign of joy in a person’s life; if a mole looks like a line, then it is a symbol of danger, perhaps a warning. Sometimes a mole can be in the shape of a crescent, then it symbolizes adventures, adventures and travel.

The meaning of a mole on the right hand

Moles on the right hand, as well as on a person’s hands in general, can tell us general meaning. A symbol of some kind of talent associated with human hands. For example, needlework, DIY crafts, perhaps even magic tricks - anything that involves dexterity of the hands and fingers.

The size of the mole located on the right hand also changes the meaning. For example, a mole that is located on the palm and is small in size is fortunately a sign of positive energy. It is believed that more mole, the more negative energy it contains. Same with color. A mole that appears on the palm of the right hand is light - this means good events in a person’s life. Dark moles are a symbol of failure. A mole on the right hand, which has pinkish tints, symbolizes happiness and kindness of the owner. Happiness is in love and marriage, and in general - with the opposite sex.

When there are several moles on the right hand, especially on the palm, this can indicate a person’s special character. Such a person is sensitive, always worries, and takes all events to heart. But such a person will achieve his goal, no matter what, because he has strong energy.

A mole on the right hand, as well as on the entire human body, does not necessarily appear from birth. Most moles appear throughout life, sometimes some fateful events influence their appearance. A mole on the right hand may appear or disappear.

The mole on the right hand, although on the hands in general, changes in color and size throughout life, sometimes disappears. It is believed that all this depends on the very character of the person, as well as on his actions and deeds.

People born in spring or summer have the most moles on their arms. This is a symbol of something dear.
A mole on the right hand with large size, gives a kind of energy to the owner. How larger size moles, the more energy.

Thus, observations of people and palmists have shown us that the location of moles on the right hand have their own meaning, carry their own characteristics and meaning. Every human mole is unique.

The presence of birthmarks on the palms has great value in a field such as palmistry. Experts say that they can tell a lot about a person’s fate and his individual character traits.

Regardless of the location, color and size of moles, all their owners are extraordinary, talented people and often have psychic abilities. They subtly sense the energy of those around them and know how to concentrate their willpower, directing it to achieve the tasks they have set for themselves. Some moles may appear and disappear during life, which foreshadows some imminent event. And those that are constant characterize a person’s character traits and speak about his fate as a whole.

Temporary moles

They may be light brown, brown or black in color. The former are harbingers of joyful events, for example, an imminent wedding, receiving material profit, or the birth of a child. The dark color of moles, on the contrary, indicates impending troubles - illness, loss of property, separation from a life partner.

Permanent moles

These “marks” most often carry information about a person’s entire life, but sometimes they tell about certain periods of it. Light moles indicate incredible luck. The owner of such spots can count on the favor of fortune in gambling, on success in solving many life issues, including financial ones. Dark color signals a tendency towards psychoanalysis and depressive state. Such people should not isolate themselves; they are advised to constantly surround themselves with positivity.

Moles on the right palm

Visually divide your palm (excluding fingers) into 4 parts. An explanation of the designation of birthmarks will be given depending on the square in which they are located.

  • Top right - developed intelligence, analytical skills.
  • Upper left - talent for music, literary gift.
  • Bottom right - organizational skills, a person by nature a leader.
  • Bottom left - optimism, the ability to achieve success even in hopeless matters.

Moles on the left palm

As is the case with right palm, share left palm for 4 squares.

  • Lower left corner of the palm: such a person is the “darling” of fate, he has a strong guardian angel.
  • Bottom right - great ability to learn languages.
  • Upper left - talent for manipulating people, ability to hypnosis.
  • Upper right - foresight, practicality, frugality.

Moles on the fingers of the right hand

The little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger each have three phalanges. Thumbs - two. Depending on this, transcripts of the localization of moles will be presented. The phalanges should be counted starting from the palm, for example, phalanx No. 1 is the one closest to the palm.

Mole on the little finger of the right hand

  • The first phalanx of the little finger is the ability to defend one’s position.
  • The second phalanx of the little finger has an unusually attractive appearance.
  • A mole on the third phalanx of the little finger is a sign of wise men.

Mole on ring finger

  • The first phalanx is enormous willpower, inexhaustible internal potential.
  • The second phalanx is attractiveness, charm, charm, sense of taste.
  • The third (upper) phalanx of the ring finger is a romantic nature, a “broad” soul.

Mole on the middle finger of the right hand

  • On the first phalanx (closest to the palm) is the “mark of the lords.” Man will be the first in everything.
  • On the second phalanx is the ability to win over, sociability.
  • On the third phalanx of the middle finger there is an impetuous character, the person is a maximalist.

Mole on the index finger of the right hand

  • On the first phalanx is a sign of fame, publicity and success.
  • On the middle phalanx of the finger - a tendency to introspection, excellent memory.
  • At the top of the index finger are material goods that will “go into your hands.”

Mole on the right thumb

  • In the lower half it means kindness, sincerity, and a subtle sense of humor.
  • The top indicates sporting achievements, endurance and endurance.

Moles on the fingers of the left hand

Mole on the little finger of the left hand

  • A mole on the lower phalanx of the little finger means erudition, oratory abilities, powerful intellect, luck.
  • On the middle phalanx is the “soul of the company,” generosity, selflessness.
  • On the first (upper) phalanx of the little finger is the “mark” of psychics.

Moles on the ring finger of the left hand

  • At the base of the finger is a sign of Don Juan for a man, and a sign of a femme fatale for a woman.
  • On the middle phalanx - a person is a competent strategist and tactician and will excel in the political field.
  • At the top of the ring finger - well developed logical thinking, ability for exact sciences.

Mole on the middle finger of the left hand

  • On the lower phalanx of the finger there is powerful energy, abilities for magic and fortune telling.
  • On average - rich inner world, philosophical views.
  • On the upper phalanx for a man it is a sign of an excellent family man; for a woman, a woman is a faithful wife and an excellent housewife.

Mole on the index finger of the left hand

  • On the lower phalanx - the ability to change one's destiny.
  • On the middle phalanx: the man is a pioneer, he has the gift of leading people.
  • On the top - an easy fate, luck in all areas of life.

Mole on left thumb

  • At the bottom of the finger is the ability to adapt to any life circumstances and bring any idea into reality.
  • On the upper phalanx - good health, the talent to see what is hidden from others.

Moles on the palms are powerful signs left by fate itself. Their owners gravitate towards self-knowledge and self-improvement, which gives them the opportunity to independently shape their own destiny.