The wife of hockey player Evgeni Malkin showed her figure after giving birth. Evgeni Malkin’s wife: “Ovechkin likes to shock, my husband is more modest

The most titled Russian hockey player in the NHL, owner of super statistics and three Stanley Cups. Right now he is fighting for the fourth cup: main ice battle The NHL begins in May, with the final match taking place in June. If the powerful Pittsburgh takes off - although there is practically no chance of this - we will see Zhenya at the World Hockey Championship, which is also in May.

August 7, 2006, Magnitogorsk. Russian national hockey player Evgeni Malkin wakes up after a night that he would later call the worst of his life. The day before, negotiations with his native Metallurg about a new contract dragged on. There was something to argue about: it was obvious to everyone around that Zhenya was ready to move to the American National Hockey League. Pittsburgh is already waiting for him, but the management of Magnitogorsk insists - one more year, it’s really necessary.

As a result, at the eleventh hour of negotiations, Malkin succumbs to the persuasion of management, signs an annual contract and goes to bed. But in the morning he still realizes that he made a mistake and makes a fateful decision - to call the agent, refuse the contract and go to the States. “You can’t do this to people, you can’t force them to sign contracts at three in the morning,” Zhenya will later say disappointedly in an interview. Despite accusations of unpatriotism and skepticism from “well-wishers” regarding his future overseas career, the long-awaited event for Zhenya and fans of his talent soon took place - in September Malkin made his debut for the Penguins.

Around the same time in Moscow, Anya Kasterova, an excellent student from Zelenograd who had studied to become a psychologist, was on the verge of making a very important decision. The thought was pulsating in her head that she had had enough of management and work alien to her heart - it was time to realize her childhood dream and become a TV presenter. I started sending out my resume to everyone, and the answer came from Rossiya 24. However, without experience and specialized education, Anya was offered only a free internship: to go on set with the channel’s star correspondents, carry a microphone behind them, carry out small assignments, at the same time watch how they work, and quietly shake her head. She had to stay in this status for two years - and this after a quiet office job in a financial company!

“Yes, before television I managed to try myself in several areas at once. But usually everything I took on worked out. Well, I’m not a stupid woman,” - thin, tall and tanned Kasterova contains not only a funny contralto, but also a healthy dose of self-irony.

“Kris Letang is also a good guy, sometimes you can be friends with him,” Zhenya adds. But overall, Pittsburgh is a small town, with a population of three hundred thousand. It used to be the center of the steel industry, but since it moved to third world countries, it has been looking for itself in high-tech and biohoney. For now he’s just looking, so there’s nowhere to spend his leisure time here. The nearest metropolis, New York, is seven hours by car - too much for Zhenya’s schedule, in which there is a maximum of one and a half days without games or training. Las Vegas?

I wasn’t there, but Evgeniy? - Kasterova looks questioningly at her husband. - And Evgeniy loves Vegas! - Malkin booms about himself in the third person with hussar enthusiasm, but it immediately becomes clear that this is still bravado. He was only in Vegas a couple of times, and then for work: he played with a local team. - It’s probably cool to go there on vacation, listen to concerts, play in the casino. But when the season ends, I usually want to go to the sea, plus this year I need to show my great-grandson to my grandmother. So sometime later. Homesickness in their situation, of course, rises to full height. They fight it as best they can: sometimes they watch domestic channels (his favorite film is “Operation Y”, hers is “Cruel Romance”), more often they go to a Russian store for bagels, at the peak of nostalgia Malkin bought Russian billiards. In Magnitogorsk, he loved playing it and has now seriously raised his level of skill. Sports where you have to score something somewhere are definitely his.

In Pittsburgh, Anya misses Moscow friends, relatives and friends, as well as the city’s infrastructure. “But I knew what I was getting into,” she says, “and I consciously made a choice in favor of my future husband, family and his career. And this decision was not easy for me, it was not without tears. Then entertainment, you know, is not the main thing in life. But for athletes, for example, Pittsburgh is ideal - there are no distractions.”

And indeed, Malkin is clearly not distracted by anything. For the Penguins, Gino (his American nickname, a derivative of his name, is written Geno) is a leader in the broad hockey sense of the word: he has the most goals scored, points in the “goal + pass” system and the best utility indicator (ratio of missed pucks to goals scored) while he is directly in the game).

A Siberian giant moving across the ice at supersonic speed, an archetypal Russian hero who will come and, saying two words with a characteristic accent, will solve all problems - this is how Malkin is perceived in the States. And Penguins fans also see him as the reincarnation of Mario Lemieux, the legendary No. 66 who led their then second-rate club to two Stanley Cups in the early nineties. In this component, by the way, Malkin has surpassed Lemieux: he already has three cups - in 2009 and in the last two seasons in a row. And this year there are serious chances to take the fourth. But in the regular season, Pittsburgh's performance is more modest. Why?

“After two Cups in a row, most opponents play against us with a special attitude,” says Malkin. “On the one hand, they are afraid, on the other, they want to beat at all costs.” For Zhenya personally, this means increased attention from defenders. And not always within the rules. Hockey provides plenty of scope for aggression: 26 types of violations, for which you are sent off for two minutes, and another 15, for which you are sent off for five. There are simply no matches in which Malkin has not experienced at least one of them. This, of course, is not the story of Pavel Bure, the main Russian NHL star of the previous generation. Bure, nicknamed the Russian Rocket, could not have entered the court at all without his “bodyguards” Odzhik and Brashear - his opponents would have simply smeared him across the ice.

With 191 cm and almost 90 kg Zhenya, such a trick, of course, will not work. He himself is not a fool to jostle around - he also has plenty of penalty minutes - and even to fight. But the straightforward and complacent Malkin does not know how to hit on the sly and cannot tolerate dirty playing techniques. When provoked, he does not hesitate to strike first. Magnitogorsk-style!

From a combat point of view this may be good, but from a strategic point of view it is a disaster.

Gino could easily be removed before the end of the match, and Pittsburgh will be left without its main sniper. To decide this problem, before the start of this season, the club acquired the black bully Ryan Reeves, who knocked out six opponents in six months - more than a decent result. This allowed Malkin to reduce the number of his deletions by fifty percent. But in February, the “party line” changed, and Reeves was traded for reinforcement for the third line. Apparently, in the playoffs the Penguins will need glasses more than black eyes under their opponent’s eyes. However, Evgeniy still has his own personal, loud-voiced and blue-eyed Ryan Reeves at home, his name is Anya.

When she once again pulls Zhenya and me back and encourages us to move on with the interview questions, I notice that Anna is not relaxed at all. “This is my usual state,” Kasterova calmly states. But Malkin is relaxed, he jokes, shines with new punchlines, laughs. Thanks to his tireless wife, all his worries begin and end on the hockey ice. And this at a time when their son Nikita is one year and eight months old (very soon he will demand food with the final siren and announce the end of the interview) - a difficult period in the life of any young family! It is not surprising that under such conditions, Gino recently broke the 900-point mark in the NHL. It is not unreasonable for the fans to expect him to play to at least one and a half thousand, or even two.

When asked whether they were going to return to Russia after finishing their career, Malkin was already beginning to speak positively in a booming bass voice, but then Kasterova’s contralto burst in to cut him off with a well-spoken wording: “We are still in dialogue on this topic. A lot will depend on the children.”

At this moment it becomes clear: as long as Anya is around, Zhenya will never sign anything unnecessary again, no matter who and no matter how much pressure is put on him. Not at three o'clock in the morning, not at five o'clock in the morning. Happy man.

The Russian public has been comparing such hockey players for many years the highest level, like Evgeni Malkin and Alexander Ovechkin. The media have repeatedly written about the rivalry between the stars, although they themselves have never confirmed it.

Anna Kasterova, the wife of three-time Stanley Cup winner Evgeni Malkin, believes that her husband and alleged competitor are playing completely different conditions, and only those who do not understand hockey can compare their statistics. The popular blogger gave her assessment based on her opinion about the human qualities of her opponents.

“They are different, it’s difficult to compare them. Alexander likes to shock, my husband is more modest. On the one hand, it helps in life, on the other hand, the public probably wants more shocking stuff from him. But I think that he is unique and does everything very correctly,” Kasterova said in a recent interview.

It was precisely because of internal shyness that after winning the Stanley Cup, Malkin published only one photo with the legendary prize. That celebration took place privately, in a circle of close friends, and then smoothly flowed into a meeting with children from orphanage and autograph sessions. Alexander Ovechkin celebrated his team’s victory more vigorously last season, sharing his joy with fans and friends.

Last year, the NHL announced a list of the top 100 players in history. Evgeniy did not get into it, which his wife considers unfair. But Alexander Ovechkin was on the coveted list, which is once again hints at rivalry between the attackers. Kasterova believes that the competition took place many years ago, when both athletes first entered the NHL. She suggests that the situation worsened when Malkin managed to win the Stanley Cup in 2009, and Ovechkin waited until 2018 for his triumph. But outwardly, Anna never noticed the negative attitude of the stars towards each other.

“It’s difficult to be close friends when you have such important matches. I can’t say anything bad, I know that in my youth there was some kind of conflict, but they seem to have made peace. They congratulate each other on holidays and the birth of children, so there is social communication,” Anna explained.

The Malkins couple watched some matches of the World Cup in a large group, along with the Ovechkins, Kovalchuk and Radulov. Later they met in a restaurant, which Anna considers correct, saying that hockey players “are smart enough to maintain friendly relations.”

Anna Kasterova and Evgeni Malkin are one of the most popular couples in the world of Russian sports. The wife supports the hockey player in all his endeavors, goes to matches and cheers for him.

Regardless of whether there is a real rivalry between Ovechkin and Malkin, both of them demonstrate decent behavior when meeting. Undoubtedly, Alexander and Evgeniy remain one of the most successful hockey players of recent years, which Anna Kasterova emphasized in a recent interview for sport-express.

Anna: I try to instill in my family – my son, my husband (Anna’s husband is hockey player Evgeni Malkin. – MS).

I grew up in a big and friendly family. In our house it was not customary to raise your voice, scold, or forbid anything. My parents raised me by example. For example, if at school they handed out candy for some holiday, I always brought a few pieces home to treat my mom and dad and my grandparents. Nobody taught me this, it was just the way it was in the family. If everyone had one piece of chocolate, it went around in a circle: everyone took a bite and the last one remained untouched - each of us wanted the other to get it.

Elena: Anya has always been a self-sufficient girl. At school I got straight A's, won competitions, and at the same time managed to attend several clubs - embroidery, drawing. From the age of ten I dreamed of becoming a TV presenter - in front of a mirror with a comb instead of a microphone, I repeated their text after the announcers. Therefore, when I decided that I would go to study journalism, I was not even surprised.

Anna: I wanted to master a serious profession. Although many friends predicted a career as a model. And to be honest, when in high school I received an offer to try myself in this field, I, having heard enough stories about beautiful life fashion models, was about to agree, but my mother, fortunately, dissuaded me. Mom always knew how to find an approach to me. She knows that I need arguments. And the argument is that with good education All doors will be open to me, it worked.

I was terribly worried: I imagined what a tragedy my prank would be for you.

Elena: I'm lucky to have you. I never controlled you. I knew that you were so serious and responsible that if I asked you to come at 21:00, you would not be late for a minute so that your mother would not worry.

Anna: You are probably forgetting one incident. Do you remember, at the age of 16 I had very long hair- below the butt. While my classmates were getting their hair cut and dyed, I was forbidden to do the same. You said: no scissors, you have gorgeous hair! This bothered me... And one day after school, the girls and I were walking from school, and I saw large scissors near one of the flower beds - the gardener was trimming the bushes and forgot the tool. A minute later, my friend cut off my tail... I walked home, terribly worried, imagining what a tragedy my prank would be for you. And you were right: you were very upset and even took offense at me for some time. But after that there were no taboos regarding appearance.

Elena: Maybe also because I gave birth to a son just then - there was one more object of attention in the family. Although you were never jealous of him, on the contrary, you tried to help. By that time, I had already forgotten how to bathe the baby, change diapers, and you and I did everything together, which brought us even closer. Other girls at this age go on dates, but you were messing around with your brother.

Anna: At that time I had little interest in the opposite sex. I was busy - the boys ran after me, but somehow I took my studies and clubs very seriously and did not pay attention to the boys. Plus I tried to spend more time with my brother, to walk with him. Such a close connection with my family led to the fact that I had a very hard time moving to the States to be with my husband. At first, I missed my loved ones impossibly. It became easier when my son was born. Now, when I come to Russia, I try to spend as much time as possible with my family to make up for lost time.

Elena: When you left, I admit, I almost fell into depression, I missed you so much. My family and I didn’t even turn on the TV, because we were used to seeing you there. But, as in the case of a slice of chocolate, they shared their experiences, and they set you up for the positive - that everything is for the best, family is the main thing!

In the summer, Katerina and Alexey managed to get married, spend their honeymoon in Paris and the Maldives, and most importantly, move to the USA. While the hockey player was preparing for the new season, his wife was exploring New York. From " Big Apple“Katerina was delighted. It seemed that everything was going just fine for the couple in America, when Bereglazov was sent to the Hartford Wolf Pack farm club. Let's hope that Alexey will soon return from Connecticut back to New York.

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Dadonov is in the best line in the league, Bereglazov can return, and it’s still too early for Vorobyov to join the “pilots” team.

Anna, wife of Evgeniy Dadonov (Florida Panthers)

The Dadonovs spend every summer in Florida, where the couple has a house, and this year they did not have to return to rainy St. Petersburg. In the new season, Evgeniy will play for the local team in the NHL.

Anastasia, wife of Alexander Ovechkin (Washington Capitals)

In the summer, the country's main hockey pair played gorgeous wedding, and at the end of August, the Ovechkins traditionally went to Washington, where Anastasia will run the household and help her husband once again become the strongest hockey player on the planet.

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The new contracts of Kuznetsov and Orlov ate up the advantage of the capital.

Anastasia, wife of Evgeny Kuznetsov (Washington Capitals)

In July, Kuznetsov signed a contract with Washington for fabulous money for ordinary people- $62.4 million for eight years. Already in the new season, Evgeniy will have to prove to the Capitals management and fans that this was not done in vain. His wife Anastasia and daughter Sasha will do everything for the striker to achieve success.

Varvara, wife of Dmitry Orlov (Washington Capitals)

Like Evgeny Kuznetsov, in the summer he extended his agreement with Washington for a substantial amount ($30.6 million for six years). And a difficult season awaits him in the US capital, but his beloved wife will be nearby. Varvara herself will continue to participate in photo shoots and help her family with their business.

Varvara Orlova: at matches I shout “hold”, and Nastya Ovechkina - “throw it”

The wife of Russian national team defender Dmitry Orlov, Varvara, talks about her husband, figure skating career, life in America, friendship with Ovechkin and the 2017 World Cup.

Alexandra, girlfriend of Andrei Mironov (Colorado Avalanche)

In the offseason, the 23-year-old hockey player surprised not only with his decision to leave for the NHL. Andrei went on vacation in the company of the charming Alexandra, a student at Plekhanov University. With such a girl, Mironov will definitely conquer all the peaks!

Olga, wife of Sergei Bobrovsky (Columbus Blue Jackets)

Sergey is an example of an ideal athlete, Olga is an example of an ideal athlete's wife. The girl once admitted that she did not have the time and energy for self-realization. She compared the wives of hockey players with Sancho Panza, Don Quixote's squire. According to her, she would like to do something creative, but not to the detriment of her husband’s interests. This is love!

Anna, wife of Evgeni Malkin (Pittsburgh Penguins)

In June, Evgeniy won the third Stanley Cup in his career, and his wife Anna Kasterova called her beloved “101st in the NHL,” hinting that her husband was completely undeservedly not included in the list of the 100 best players in the history of the league. For Anna, as for many fans in Russia, Evgeniy is the best in the world.

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Malkin and Co. will show where the Stanley Cup spends the winter.

Margarita, wife of Nikita Zaitsev (Toronto Maple Leafs)

Margarita and Nikita liked living in Toronto so much that they decided to stay there for another seven years - Zaitsev extended his contract with the Maple Leafs in the summer. The couple recently had a second child. They decided to name the girl Vera. Now the Zaitsev family and their children are settling down in Toronto and preparing for the new season.

Yana, wife of Vladimir Tarasenko (“St. Louis Blues”)

Yana Tarasenko is called ideal wife. The girl raises two sons, dances, takes care of her husband and maintains comfort in the house. Yana’s eldest son plays hockey professionally. Well, here Vladimir, who in free time trains his son.

Ksenia, wife of Ivan Barbashev (“St. Louis Blues”)

Ivan performs successfully in exhibition matches and, in all likelihood, will start the season with St. Louis. Barbashev is only 21 years old, but he has been an exemplary family man for several years. His wife Ksenia, according to the hockey player himself, is his main fan. Young woman for a long time couldn’t get an American visa and watched all of Ivan’s games on the Internet, despite early time broadcasts. Now the couple lives happily in St. Louis.

Yulia, wife of Anton Slepyshev (Edmonton Oilers)

During the training camp, Slepyshev injured his ankle and was out of action for a month. During this difficult period, Anton is supported by his wife Yulia, because the season ahead is difficult for the hockey player - Slepyshev’s rookie contract is expiring, and in order to receive a solid agreement in a year, he must perform successfully in this.

Anastasia, wife of Nikita Kucherov (Tampa Bay Lightning)

The best Russian in the NHL last season intends to churn out goals this year as well. Kucherov has already stated that Tampa’s goal is to win the Stanley Cup. And he himself is ready to do everything for this. His wife Anastasia, in turn, will help Nikita achieve success.

Name: Evgeni Malkin

Age: 32 years old

Height: 191

Activity: hockey player

Evgeni Malkin: biography

Evgeni Malkin is a Russian ice hockey player who plays as a center forward, an alternate captain for the NHL's Pittsburgh Penguins, and a member of the Russian national team. The famous athlete has 3 Stanley Cups and 2 world championship gold medals.

Childhood and youth

The famous hockey player Evgeni Malkin was born in Magnitogorsk on July 31, 1986. His father Vladimir Malkin instilled an interest in sports in him. At one time, Vladimir played hockey and decided that his son should become a professional athlete.

In 1994, parents send the future hockey star to sports school"Metallurgist". At first, the guy didn’t succeed, and he even planned to quit the sport. But despite a number of failures, Zhenya, at the cost of enormous efforts and titanic work, proved to everyone that he would become a professional hockey player.

At the age of 16, Malkin was taken to the youth team of the Ural region, where he became one of the best in the team. This was his first step on the path to international success. From this moment on, famous mentors who coach hockey clubs around the world begin to take a closer look at Evgeniy.


In 2005, Evgeniy goes to the USA, and later to Canada, where he receives 2 silver medals. Success came to Malkin in 2006 at the World Youth Championships held in Canada. He played a decisive role and won 2nd place for the Russian team. The athlete himself admits that this result was achieved at the cost of fantastic efforts. At the same time, he was offered to start playing in the National Hockey League, Malkin took to the ice for the first time as part of the Penguins (the nickname of the Pittsburgh Penguins club).

2006 becomes a turning point for Evgeni Malkin. At the Olympics in Turin, Italy, as part of the Russian team, he acts in conjunction with Alexander Kharitonov and Maxim Sushinsky. Fans will call this line one of the best in the tournament. The forward was remembered at the competition gross violation rules In the 3rd period in the game against the Canadian team, Evgeniy hit Tampa Bay Lightning forward Vincent Lecavalier with his skate. As a result, the Russian missed the semi-final match with the Finns.

Malkin scored 6 points (2+4) in 6 games, but Russia was left without medals at all. Also at the end of 2006, the forward was awarded the title of best player of the season, and he became the owner of the Golden Helmet. After several days of deliberation, Evgeniy decides to connect his life with the NHL.

Hockey player Malkin becomes a player for the Pittsburgh Penguins club. From the first game he managed to show himself as a real professional, and his statistics in the league become the main proof of his skill.

The 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 seasons were the most successful for “Gino” (Malkin’s nickname). 106 points (47 goals 59 assists) based on the results of the forward’s 2nd season with the Penguins is a phenomenal figure. In the 2008/2009 season, the Russian already scores 113 points (35 goals and 78 assists). Going forward, the statistics wouldn't be too stellar for the center forward, but he would still score 109 points (50 goals and 59 assists) in the 2011/2012 season.

In 2007, Pittsburgh Penguins hockey players play with representatives of the Washington Capitals club. Here the athlete also manages to stand out by showing results. Malkin influenced the outcome of the match.

After one game with a club from the US capital, Evgeny came into conflict with an equally famous hockey player who represented the Capitals. Malkin pointed out that Ovechkin constantly plays hard against him on the ice. The confrontation between the Russians lasted several matches. Both forwards repeatedly accused each other of violations and forceful techniques.

Soon, the Pittsburgh captain joined the conflict, saying that “the team will come to Malkin’s defense if someone crosses the line.” Fans suggested that the Canadian had a personal interest in this confrontation, since the forward, who previously played for the Capitals (nicknamed the Washington Capitals), spoke in an interview about Crosby as an “average hockey player.”

In 2007, Malkin participated in the World Championship as part of the national team. In Moscow, fans expect from already famous athlete brilliant game. The center forward represents the first line together with Alexander Frolov and. Even the fact that the team contains NHL stars does not help the Russian team - the team does not show the best result.

The media called 3rd place at the home championship a complete failure. This statement sounded too categorical, since the Russians suffered only one defeat in the tournament. In the semi-final match with Finland Russian hockey players lost with a score of 1:2, and the winning goal was scored by the “Lions” (the nickname of the Finnish hockey team) only in overtime.

Malkin shows good results at the championship. In 9 matches the forward scores 10 points (5+5). There are no particular complaints about the striker; journalists call the athlete the best according to the results of a fan poll, including him in the symbolic team of the championship.

By 2008, Malkin, despite his effective actions, was still not a leader in his club. In the American media, Eugene is often called “the shadow of Sidney Crosby.” This attitude towards the Russian forward is considered wrong. In some seasons, the hockey player showed better results than the Canadian, and the Russian’s play on the spot near the opponent’s goal delighted ice arenas throughout North America.

In January 2008, Sidney Crosby, captain of the Pittsburgh team, was seriously injured. A sprained ankle prevents the Canadian from taking to the ice and he misses 21 matches. Such a situation could have led the guys into decline, and the Penguins would not have been able to show a brilliant game without a leader, but Evgeni Malkin had his say. “Forever second” has retrained as a charismatic team leader. The Russian showed how capable he is of becoming a good assistant. 59 assists per season is one of the best in the league.

Evgeni Malkin with the Pittsburgh Penguins

Sportswriters believe Crosby's absence helped Malkin reach his potential. Without Sidney, the team won many matches in the NHL, and Malkin managed to score 17 goals in 13 matches. Russian experts have repeatedly noted that the graduate of the Magnitogorsk hockey school has greatly improved his technique, since he more than once took the initiative on the ice at decisive moments in matches.

Everyone in the USA noticed such a brilliant game by the Russian forward. He is selected to play in the NHL All-Star Game. On the best team in the Eastern Conference, Malkin takes the ice with teammates defenseman Sergei Gonchar and forward Jordan Staal. The presence of leading hockey players on the roster helps the East representatives defeat the Western Conference team with a score of 8:7.

In 2008, Malkin reached the Stanley Cup playoffs with Pittsburgh. In the same year, Evgeniy becomes the owner of the Art Ross Trophy (a prize awarded to the best hockey player who scores the maximum points in the season). In 2010, a new regular season in the NHL begins, but it is not going well for the hockey player. Malkin received a knee injury, after which he was unable to play fully, but the following season the athlete again won the Art Ross Trophy.

In 2012, the next world championship was held on ice rinks in Finland and Sweden. Experts considered the championship hosts the favorites, predicting success for the Finns and Swedes, but both teams showed extremely negative results. In turn, the Russian team under management became a triumphant of this championship, beating the Slovak team in the final match.

Malkin demonstrates a brilliant performance during the championship. In 10 matches, the forward scored 11 goals and made 8 assists. He was recognized as the most valuable player of the World Cup at the end of the tournament.

In mid-2013, Evgeni Malkin’s contract with the Penguins expires, but he renews the contract again. The amount of the new agreement is $76 million, which the club is obliged to pay to the athlete over 8 years.

NHL matches are often accompanied by fights. As Evgeniy explains, conflicts mainly occur at the final games of the Stanley Cup. The nerves of all players are tense to the limit, since there is only one step left before receiving the coveted reward. The impulsive Malkin often becomes a participant in such clashes, but he tries to take all the fights to the ground, since he puts performance on the ice, and not scandalous skirmishes, at the forefront. In addition, unnecessary fines can deprive the team of a valuable player.

For a long time, Evgeni Malkin was preparing for the main sporting event of 2014 - the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Malkin joined the Russian national hockey team. Initially, the hockey player doubted that the Pittsburgh management would let him go to a large-scale sporting event, but there were no problems with this.

Evgeni Malkin played for the Russian national team in Sochi together with famous partners Alexander Ovechkin, Ilya Kovalchuk and. Such a star-studded lineup instilled fear in the opponents, and the fans believed in future success their favorites, but no miracle happened. The team's performance was announced by media representatives for all Russian hockey.

About achievements in sports, unknown facts Russian television viewers learned about the biography and professional career of a hockey player on May 7, 2016 on Channel One, when he was presented documentary"Evgeni Malkin. Russian among the Penguins.

Personal life

Evgeni Malkin’s personal life began to improve while still in Magnitogorsk. A prominent athlete (Malkin’s height is 190 cm, weight is 84 kg) always attracted the attention of girls. At one time, Zhenya dated a student from Ufa, but the romance did not last long, as his lover tried to get on the screen without devoting time to the relationship.

After a while, he meets Oksana Kondakova. She is 4 years older than him, but this fact did not prevent the emergence of a new romance. The couple begins dating and moves to live in Moscow. The hockey player buys an apartment for the girl in an elite area of ​​the capital and helps Kondakova enter the Moscow Institute of Television. Later, Evgeniy leaves for America, but this is not an obstacle to the development of relations.

4 years passed, the girl hinted that she was ready to become the wife of a talented athlete, but his family reacted negatively to such an initiative. Eugene’s relatives recommended not to rush into marriage and having children. It seemed to the parents that their beloved was interested in their son only as a person with great financial resources. As a result, Kondakova and Malkin broke up.

Now Evgeni Malkin is married to a TV presenter. The wedding ceremony took place in 2016. The couple formalized their relationship in the United States, and the newlyweds celebrated their wedding in their homeland.

Russian media have repeatedly reported that Evgeniy and Anna are expecting a child. In May of the same year, the couple had a son, Nikita.

The hockey player often shares events from his life in his "Instagram", pleases subscribers sports photos and family chronicle.

Evgeni Malkin now

Evgeni Malkin does not lose his leadership position in the Pittsburgh Penguins club. In 2017, together with his teammates, the Russian won the Kharlamov Trophy. The hockey player’s financial achievements are also progressing. According to Forbes magazine, the athlete took 6th place in the top ten rankings Russian celebrities. His net worth is estimated at $9.5 million.

After the defeat of the Russian team at the 2014 Olympics, Evgeni Malkin planned to take revenge at Olympic Games in Korea. But the NHL management decided not to release players to international competitions at the end of February 2018, at which time the regular hockey league championship was scheduled. The Russian expressed regret about this. According to the player, this was his last chance to win the Olympics, although he does not lose hope of doing this in the future.

At the beginning of 2018, the athlete became interested in politics. Evgeny became a member of the Putin Team movement, created in support of Alexander Ovechkin. The team also included Ilya Kovalchuk, and other athletes, actors and media personalities.

In 2018, Malkin had to miss the series match with the Washington Capitals due to an injury received earlier in the game with Philadelphia. Between the seasons, the athlete was able to fully rest; the accumulated recent years fatigue: winning two Stanley Cups in a row influenced physical condition all Pittsburgh Penguins players.

Now Evgeni Malkin is full of strength and plans to remain at the top for at least 5 seasons and lead the team to winning the Stanley Cup twice more.

Awards and achievements

  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia
  • Three-time Stanley Cup winner
  • 2005 – bronze medal at the World Championships in Austria
  • 2007 – bronze medal at the World Championships in Russia
  • 2010 – silver medal at the World Championships in Germany
  • 2012 – gold medal at the World Championships in Finland/Sweden
  • 2014 – gold medal at the World Championships in Minsk
  • 2015 – silver medal at the World Championships in the Czech Republic