The most terrible deaths in history: list, description and interesting facts. Mysterious deaths of Russian celebrities

Looking at famous personalities and reading about them, it seems that the only thing they do is shovel money, party at resorts and live happily ever after. Hearing about the death of these people, you understand how short human life, and that even millions cannot be saved from accidents, fatal diseases and tragic circumstances. Even curses are not avoided.
1. Natalie Wood

"Miracle on 34th Street" Inner world Daisy Clover" and other films, in which Natalie Wood played impeccably, touched the hearts of film critics and viewers of the last century. Natalie passed away in 1981 at the age of 43. Her death is shrouded in darkness, and in the recent past, the drowning case was reopened by the police.

Robert Wagner
On the night of November 30, 1981, Natalie, her husband Robert Wagner and his friend Christopher Walken set off on a yacht off the Californian island of Santa Catalina. Besides them, Dennis Davern, the captain, was on the ship. According to him, that night Natalie quarreled with her husband Robert - allegedly, he was jealous of her Walken. After Walken left the couple alone, they continued to argue. Davern states that he heard sounds of fighting, screams and strange noises. When he decided to find out what was happening, Wood's husband reported that Natalie had sailed away on a boat. However, everyone around the actress knew that she had been terribly afraid of water since 1949, when she almost drowned on the set. This fear was so strong that she refused to film even near a small lake.
When Wood's body was found, she was wearing a nightgown and jacket. The actress had abrasions and bruises on her body, which she received as a result of a fight with her husband. The official version was considered an accident - after drinking too much, Natalie fell overboard. However, witnesses claimed that they heard the woman calling for help.
After the publication of Marty Rally's book "Goodbye, Natalie, Goodbye!", which mentioned the testimony of Captain Davern, the police turned their attention to new evidence. Despite suggestions from witnesses that Robert Wagner was involved in his wife’s death, he officially stated that he would help the investigation and do everything in his power to uncover the mystery of Natalie Wood’s death.
2. Heath Ledger

Who would have thought that the handsome and public favorite Heath Ledger could suffer from depression? He had everything: recognition, roles, love from fans and even a little daughter. And yet, this could not save him from sudden death.
On January 22, 2008, 28-year-old Ledger was found in a New York apartment. The actor was naked and surrounded by jars containing numerous drugs, police said. An autopsy of the body did not show anything, so an additional toxicological examination was carried out. It was subsequently announced that Heath died from taking an inappropriate combination of sleeping pills, painkillers, and tranquilizers.

Heath Ledger as the Joker
IN recent months Ledger's life starred in the film "The Dark Knight". In an interview given to one of the tabloids, the actor said that he slept only two hours a day during filming, and spent most of the time in solitude in order to better understand the character of his character. This filming, against the backdrop of a divorce from Michelle Williams, apparently greatly exhausted the actor. Some put forward incredible versions that he was killed by sectarians, others believe that it was suicide, and others talk about an accident. It should also be noted that Ledger did not seem to be planning to die, because he had an appointment with a friend the next day.
By the way, Heath Ledger in the role of the Joker received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor posthumously, a year and a month after his death.
3. James Dean

Death famous actor and a car racing fan raises many questions, but what happened after it is even more shocking and raises thoughts about a possible curse.
On September 30, 1955, at the age of 24, Dean drove his brand new Porsche 550 “Spider” to the races in Salinas in the company of mechanic Rolf Wütherich. Dean was driving along the highway past the town of Kholame, and a Ford was moving towards him, driven by student Donald Thornspeed. The cars collided head-on. Mechanic Wütherich was seriously injured, and Dean died on the way to the hospital. His last words were: “This guy should have stopped, he saw us.” However, Thornspeed later told the press that he did not see Dean's car on the road.
After purchasing the car, which the actor affectionately called “Little Bastard,” strange things began to happen. A week before Dean's death, his comrade Alec Guinness told James that he would die if he touched this car. Then, three days before the accident, a friend asked Dean not to get into the car or drive it anywhere because she had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. Naturally, James did not pay any attention to this.

After the incident and the death of the actor, strange things continued to happen: a film with his participation, “Rebel Without a Cause,” was released, which included a racing scene; the main actors of the film died under mysterious circumstances. All subsequent owners of the "Little Bastard" either died or remained disabled. In 1960, the car was completely restored, however, after some time it disappeared and has not yet been found.
4. Anna Nicole Smith

The controversial actress and Playboy model died at 39. In addition to her turbulent career, Anna Nicole had an equally turbulent personal life: several husbands, high-profile divorce cases, a son who died of a drug overdose at the age of 20 literally in her arms.
On February 8, 2007, Anna Nicole herself died in a hotel room in the Bahamas. There are many versions of her death. Many claimed that against the backdrop of the death of her son, an unstable mental state and alcoholism, the actress committed suicide. But an autopsy found that Smith had pneumonia, and due to the weakening of her body after childbirth and stress, the disease progressed. There was also a version that Anna Nicole died from one of the varieties of tuberculosis.
The cause of the star's death remains a mystery to this day. The list of assumptions includes suicide, drug overdose, rehabilitation after a failed facelift and many others.
5. Bruce Lee

A man who devoted his entire life to martial arts and improving his own body died because of a headache pill?.. The death of 32-year-old Bruce Lee still excites the public.
On July 20, 1973, newspapers came out with the message on the front page: “Bruce Lee has died!” It was so unexpected that rumors were associated with the filming in which the actor participated - his character was supposed to die. When later information Li's death was confirmed, and the whole world was taken aback. No one could have imagined that one of the most strong men on the planet can die so unexpectedly.
The first version, announced as official, stated that Lee died of natural causes - from a brain tumor. But of course, a few days later rumors appeared that the actor had been killed. The disappearance of a doctor's death certificate added to the matter without a trace. Several witnesses said Lee was brought to the hospital by his mistress Betty Ting Pei, where he collapsed at her house. Then they began to say that Bruce was taking drugs, from an overdose of which he died in Betty Ping’s apartment. It was also said that Li was a victim of the Chinese mafia organization Triad, which he had crossed paths with in the past.
The most interesting version was that the actor was killed by a killer who mastered the so-called “delayed death technique” - a special blow after which a person can die months later. And some fans believed that Bruce Lee did not die at all, but faked his death to hide from his enemies.
6. Brandon Lee

The son of the legendary Bruce Lee - Brandon Lee - became famous after leading role in the cult mystical film "The Raven". The 28-year-old guy was like his father in many ways: his passion for martial arts, his profession as an actor, and his ridiculous premature death.
On March 31, 1993, Hollywood was shocked by the news of the death of Brandon, who was wounded right on film set gloomy "Crow". Eight hours before filming the fatal scene, Brandon picked up the prop gun, twirled it in his hands, put it to his temple, pulled the trigger - and nothing happened. Some of those present gasped, and Brandon, grinning, declared that this toy would do him no good.
While filming the scene where main character should have died, Brandon was shot from the same fake Magnum. This time, there was only one blank bullet in the pistol, which did not suit his caliber - because of this, the shot turned out to be very powerful, and the actor’s body was pierced right through. Brandon lay on the surgical table for more than five hours, but he could not be saved. Doctors reported that he was “literally bleeding to death, and even if he had survived, he would have remained paralyzed for life.”

Brandon Lee as Raven
As it turned out later, the filming of “The Raven” took place in a tense atmosphere: many claimed that there was a curse on the film. The actors were constantly injured, the scenery broke for no apparent reason, the journalist who wrote about the filming had an accident, and the artist went crazy. We had to finish filming using computer effects and a stunt double.
Brandon tragically died a week before his wedding to Eliza Hutton. He was buried next to his father in Lake View Cemetery in Seattle.
7. Tupac Shakur

The first rapper in the world to have a monument erected was shot dead at the age of 25. Once Tupac was able to survive after being shot five times, but he failed the second time.
Shakur was in a gang and was in prison more than once. He constantly got involved in unpleasant situations and paid in full. So, in 1994, the rapper was accused of rape, however, the day before the verdict was announced, he was robbed and then 5 bullets were fired at him. It was rumored that the assassination attempt was organized by Shakur's main enemies: Puff Daddy and Notorious B.I.G. From that moment on, the “War of the Coasts” began among street gangs.

Puff Daddy and Notorious B.I.G.
In 1996, rumors began to circulate that Tupac intended to leave hip-hop for politics: allegedly, he was tired of his lifestyle, he wanted to radically change his image and even run for mayor.
On September 7, after a boxing match, Tupac and his friend Suge Knight decided to unwind a little, but on the way to one of the clubs, Suge’s car was shot at by unknown assailants. Shakur was hit by four bullets and was taken to the hospital in in serious condition, breathing was artificially supported, but six days later, on the fateful Friday the 13th, the rapper died.
There were many rumors surrounding the murder. Some believed that Suge Knight himself ordered Tupac, others said that he was killed because of a showdown in the casino after the fight. Many still believe that Tupac is actually alive and that his death was faked. But the most likely version seems to be that the eastern group with which he competed, namely the Notorious B.I.G., is to blame for Shakur’s death. and Puff Daddy. The rapper's body was cremated, and his ashes were smoked along with marijuana by his close friends and comrades.

Ekaterina Snyatovskaya

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Death, whatever it may be - tragic, terrible, mysterious or from old age, cannot go unnoticed. And the most mysterious deaths in the world that occurred with famous people and not at all because of old age. After all, many celebrities died quite young. And therefore the reasons for this torment us to this day. Which famous person ended his life mysteriously? Let's figure this out.

The famous actress died at the age of 43 (in 1981). This death is shrouded in darkness, and so far the police have not been able to find out all the circumstances of the actress’s death. Natalie spent her last day of life with her husband and his friend on a yacht. In addition to this trio, there was also a captain on the ship, according to whom the actress’s husband was jealous of her friend, after which between married couple a quarrel ensued. The captain, hearing the noise and screams, decided to find out what was the matter. But he ran into Natalie’s husband, who said that she had sailed away on a boat. But everyone knew that after filming the film, when Wood almost drowned, her fear of water was very great. In addition, some eyewitnesses to the incident stated that they heard cries for help. Therefore, the police assumed that there was a quarrel between the spouses, and then Wood fell overboard. When Wood's body was found, she was wearing a jacket and nightgown and showed signs of beatings. The husband of the deceased said that after the quarrel he went to bed, so he does not know what happened to his wife.

The main version of the actress’s death was an accident due to an alcohol overdose. However, the role of Natalie Wood’s wife in this complicated case was also not ignored. But despite the fact that he was under suspicion, he said that he would help the investigation with all his might. 30 years have passed since this one of the most mysterious deaths in the world. The police decided to resume the investigation, but so far nothing new has been learned.

And this film star, considered a model of beauty and sexuality in the 50s, became the object of the most mysterious death in the world. The actress died in 1962. It is officially believed that Monroe's death was due to an overdose of barbiturates. However, there are many people who consider this complete nonsense - there is a version that the beauty could have become unnecessary to the Kennedy brothers, with whom she had a relationship. Therefore, Monroe could be “removed” so that she would not become a reason for tarnishing the reputation of respectable politicians.

Among the most mysterious deaths in the world is the death of 32-year-old Bruce Lee, who was a famous martial artist. An athletic, healthy man who had perfected his body - how could he die from a headache remedy? His death in 1973 shocked many, because one of the strongest men on Earth had passed away. According to the first version, which was put forward after the death of the legendary master, he died from a brain tumor. There were further suggestions that he took drugs and died from an overdose. The disappearance of the death certificate added even more mystery to this case. The official version is death from an allergic manifestation to a headache medicine. Of course, many disagreed with this, suggesting that Lee was killed by members of a gangster group that he once crossed.

The charming Princess Diana also died in quite a mysterious circumstances V car accident. There are many conjectures and secrets associated with this case. The official version says that a driver who lost control of the car was to blame for the death of Lady Diana, but many believe that the death of the princess was beneficial to the British monarchy. There were rumors that Diana was “in a position” with her friend Dodi Fayeda, which could cast a considerable shadow on the monarchy. Royal family I would hardly have tolerated a break with Charles, much less the birth of this child. Therefore, there is a version that the princess’s death was faked.

Another mysterious one is the death of singer Viktor Tsoi. Fans are still making assumptions about his death. The road accident happened when Tsoi was at the peak of his popularity. How it all happened has not yet been established - all that is known is that the singer died in a car accident. The lack of braking distance gave investigators the opportunity to assume that Tsoi either fell asleep at the wheel or suffered cardiac arrest.

There is a lot of speculation regarding the causes of the death of the lead singer of the group Nirvana, which happened in 1994. He was found shot to death and allegedly had a suicide note on him. Since there were no witnesses, the police did not investigate for long - the official version is that the singer committed suicide.

But his wife (Courtney Love) was blamed for the singer’s death. At that time there were many disagreements between them. Also, drugs were found in Cobain’s body in such a dose that could cause death, but a person would hardly be able to shoot himself with a shotgun in such a state.

This is scandalous famous actress and the Playboy model has died at the age of 39. Moreover, the causes of death are quite vague and surrounded by a lot of speculation. We can say that her 20-year-old son died from a drug overdose right in the actress’s arms. Many speculate that Smith may have committed suicide after this incident. But after autopsying the body, doctors found signs of pneumonia. There are many versions regarding Smith's death - tuberculosis, an unsuccessful facelift, alcoholism and, as a result, suicide.

James Dean

The death of this actor and racing driver can truly be called the most mysterious in the world. Even the events that occur after Dean’s death are shocking and make you think about the presence of some kind of curse. Dean died at the age of 24 - in September 1955, he was driving his brand new Porsche 550 Spider (the actor nicknamed the car “Little Bastard”) along with mechanic Rolf Wütherich to the races. Moving along the highway, his car collided head-on with the Ford of student Donald Thornspeed, who later claimed that he did not notice Dean’s car. The actor died in this accident, and his mechanic was seriously injured.

“Miracles” with Dean’s car began immediately after its acquisition. 7 days before the actor’s death, his friend said that Dean would die if he touched this car. 3 days before the accident, Dean’s friend asked him not to drive, sensing trouble. But the actor did not pay any attention to his friends’ warnings. And after the actor’s death, a film was released in which there were many racing scenes in which the main characters died under mysterious circumstances. The same fate awaited all subsequent owners of the “Little Bastard” (they either died or became disabled. When the car was restored (in 1960), it disappeared somewhere, and to this day it is unknown where it is.

The famous rapper died at the age of 25 - shot by unknown assailants who fired at his car. Once the singer managed to survive after being wounded, but this time he was unlucky. Shakur's killer has not been found and many mysteries revolve around this death. Many even believe that the singer is alive - he allegedly simply faked his death.

No less mysterious is the death of the king of rock and roll, who died in his bathroom. The investigation was unable to put all the available evidence into one whole, and therefore today there are many rumors about Presley’s death. It is known that at the end of his life the musician took a considerable amount medicines, an overdose of which could have led to Presley’s death. But there are people who believe that he faked his death and lived somewhere on the border with Canada, and allegedly his death occurred not in 1977, but in the 90s.

Favorites of the public, stars pass away with noise and a lot of theories about their death - people do not want to believe that their idols died an “ordinary” death. Most often, such assumptions are nothing more than an attempt to come to terms with the loss. But sometimes both doctors and police throw up their hands - we will talk about such cases in our selection.

Mysteries of the death of Michael Jackson

The unexpected death of Michael Jackson was a tragedy for many. It is too early to put an end to his case, since from time to time new circumstances are revealed and new versions appear.

The date of Jackson's death is June 25, 2009, the exact time is 14:26. Doctors who arrived on call personal doctor pop idol Conrad Murray, who found Michael lifeless on the bed, could not help.

During the autopsy, strong painkillers were found in Jackson’s stomach, and in huge quantities. In addition, the singer was severely exhausted: with a height of 178 centimeters, he weighed only 51 kilograms.

Corners put forward three versions. The first implied the death of Michael Jackson from hypoxia. Numerous surgical interventions constant stress, physical activity, exhaustion, addiction to painkillers - these factors could impede the access of oxygen to the brain.

However, suspicion soon fell on Conrad Murray. The star’s security guard even testified against Jackson’s personal doctor, who recalled that while trying to resuscitate Michael before the ambulance arrived, he suddenly stopped and began hiding the ampoules scattered around. And an acquaintance of the singer remembered that the day before he saw him cheerful and healthy.

Murray eventually admitted that, shortly before his death, he had given Jackson powerful sedatives and injected him with propofol for insomnia. In 2011, Murray was sentenced to 4 years in prison for manslaughter.

It would seem that the point has been made in the matter. But fans of the king of pop were haunted by a phrase from one of Jackson’s managers, which he said in the presence of... producer Yana Rudkovskaya. “There will be no concerts [tour of 50 shows]. On the eve of them, Michael will disappear. And the whole world will tremble from the most grandiose scam of the century!” the woman quoted him as saying.

At first glance, there is little logic here. But, as the singer’s relatives said, in 2009 he planned a grand tour to pay off multi-million dollar debts. Shortly before it started, the singer felt unwell. The managers were scared: tickets worth a total of $450 million were already sold out, and if Jackson canceled the tour due to health, the money would have to be returned...

So there is a third version of Michael Jackson’s death - deliberate murder for money. Or - as particularly ardent conspiracy theorists believe - on the day of Jackson’s death, it was not his body that lay in the bedroom, but the singer actually ran away with the money and “lay low.”

Cause of Bruce Lee's sudden death

Bruce Lee's death was as swift as his life. A martial arts legend, he seemed to surpass the limits of human capabilities, and who knows what heights he could have achieved if he had not passed away so young - at 32 years old.

Bruce Lee's Superhuman Abilities

The most common version of Bruce Lee's death is an ordinary headache pill. The drug Equagesic, a mixture of aspirin and the weak drug meprobanate, could cause cerebral edema in a master unaccustomed to drugs. No one wanted to believe that the great Dragon was destroyed by such a trifle...

Therefore, rumors immediately spread in the press. “Bruce Lee was on drugs” is the most absurd of them, because the athlete led the maximum healthy image life. It was assumed that he could have died from overwork, from daily merciless training, which lasted almost around the clock, or from “intimate” overstrain - something, and he had plenty of women.

It was rumored that he was poisoned by actress Betty Ting, his mistress, who gave him the fatal pill.

There is also a completely crazy guess - supposedly Bruce Lee died from an “energy blow” from nine dragon spirits, who were irritated by the athlete’s irrepressible desire for self-improvement.

It is quite possible that Bruce’s death was revenge from the mafia, with whom, as his relatives claimed, he had contradictions. After Lee's death, it turned out that his house was registered in the name of the butler, who, according to the will, also received 80% of the shares. There was an assumption that the butler was assigned to Bruce Lee by the same mafia.

One way or another, on July 20, 1973, the great Bruce Lee left us, leaving a successor - his student Chuck Norris.

Suicide of Marilyn Monroe

After a long investigation, the death of the unsurpassed Marilyn Monroe was regarded as suicide. Decades later, this fact is still questioned. Sex symbol of the 50s, mistress of the president, femme fatale– was she a victim of a whim of fate, her impulsive nature, or cold-blooded murder?

She was found dead, with a telephone receiver in her hand, on the night of August 4-5, 1962. On the bedside table lay empty jar from sleeping pills. No suicide note, no farewell calls, nothing that would reveal more about the nature of her intentions.

After an autopsy, doctors diagnosed death from an overdose. But there were no tablets in the stomach. Let’s say that her body, accustomed to the drugs, could quickly digest them. But the water in the house was turned off at that time - how could the girl drink it?

Marilyn Monroe wishes Kennedy a happy birthday

Nevertheless, the version of suicide seemed as plausible as possible. The previous break with President John Kennedy had a heavy impact on the emotional woman, literally obsessed with her lover-president. She sank into depression, aggravated by alcohol and pills. Sessions with a psychoanalyst were of little help; the actress spent two weeks in the “yellow house”.

However, as time passed, new facts became woven into the case. For example, it turned out that before her death, Marilyn called actor Peter Lawford, but suddenly ended the conversation mid-sentence and hung up, which led some to believe that she might have been killed. There were rumors that the FBI, at the behest of the Kennedy clan, was keeping an eye on the girl even after a disagreement with John. It might have been easier to eliminate her than to allow her to be vilified good name president.

Another version - medical error her psychotherapist Ralph Greenson. "I have become the most important person in her life. This was my mistake,” he later wrote in his memoirs.

Or maybe the psychotherapist knew much more: the police learned about Monroe’s death when he called the police station from her apartment that night. The call was recorded at 4:25 am. As the actress’s housekeeper, who was at home calmly washing clothes on the night of the murder, recalled, she stopped responding to Marilyn’s voice at 3:00.

In 1982, the investigation officially ended. The last review took 3.5 months, after which the US Attorney General announced that the case was closed.

Death of Princess Diana

The death of the beloved Princess Diana was a tragedy for the people of Great Britain. The wife of Prince Charles was adored and called the most influential woman in the world.

On August 31, 1997, she died in a car accident while driving through the Alma tunnel in Paris. It is known that the princess at that time had an affair with Dodi al-Fayed, the son of an Egyptian billionaire. It is believed that Princess Diana was going to divorce Charles and enter into a legal marriage with her lover.

The British high society could not tolerate such impudence, and therefore it is widely believed that the accident was staged by the British intelligence services. Thousands of people attended Princess Diana's funeral

It later turned out that the famous photojournalist and star hunter James Andanson was driving the Fiat. They could not prove his involvement in the accident. In May 2000, his body was found in the charred wreck of a car somewhere in the Alps. The police dropped the case, saying that the man had committed self-immolation.

In a word, the story is mysterious - a fatal accident, revenge on a traitor, or a conspiracy against the royal family?

If you were interested in this article, we suggest you also read a selection of fatal accidents that led to death.
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Some mysterious deaths cannot be solved by doctors, police or private detectives. Here are ten fatal cases that still excite the minds of lovers of secrets and conspiracy theories.

Tom Thomson

On July 8, 1917, the famous Canadian artist Tom Thomson went fishing in a canoe. Two hours later the boat washed ashore - empty. Two Thomson spinning rods also disappeared. All that was found on board was an untouched bag of food and one of two oars.

At first, they didn’t give any attention to his disappearance - Tom was a creative person and could easily go ashore somewhere on a remote island and admire nature all day long.

Three days later, a group of rangers was finally sent to search for him. On July 16, the body of a 40-year-old painter was found floating on the lake surface 115 meters from land. The examination showed that Tom's body found itself in the water on the 2nd day of his absence, but there was no water in his lungs. There was no visible traces drowning like dried foam around the nostrils.

There was a narrow 10-centimeter bruise on the deceased's temple, and his ankle was wrapped 16 times with fishing line, tightly embedded in the skin. The coroner made the seemingly obvious conclusion - an accident. The artist got tangled in the gear, slipped and hit his head.

Mark Robinson close friend Thomson and one of the rangers involved in the search stated that when he cut the fishing line from the deceased's leg, it did not appear to be randomly twisted around the leg. He was sure that it had been wrapped on purpose - tightly and neatly. Relatives also did not accept the version of accidental death, because Thomson was an experienced fisherman and simply could not get tangled in the fishing line so stupidly.

In addition to the suicide theory, many other hypotheses have been expressed: he could have been killed by fugitive laborers or poachers whom Thomson accidentally saw, or by “enemy spies” hiding in the forest. There was even a version that did not stand up to criticism, about a local tornado that took the artist by surprise. One way or another, what Tom Thomson died from is unknown to this day.

On April 15, 1926, member of the Australian Parliament Frederick MacDonald disappeared without a trace, leaving a suicide note. His colleague, parliamentarian Thomas John Lee, was suspected of his kidnapping and murder.

Lee, according to other senators, was a scoundrel. In 1925, he, who had recently received a seat in parliament, offered MacDonald a bribe of 2 thousand dollars so that he would refuse to take part in the next elections. Frederick “suicided” right before Lee’s hearing.

A couple of years after MacDonald's disappearance, another of Lee's opponents and also a member of Parliament, Hyman Goldstein, threw himself into the sea from a cliff. Shortly before his death, Goldstein invested in Lee's company, which was soon accused of fraud. Outraged, Goldstein organized a committee to investigate Lee's activities, but... a couple of days before the first hearing, the honest politician's body was caught by a fishing trawler.

But there was no direct evidence of Lee's involvement in two deaths that looked like suicide, and the senator went unpunished. In 1946, he moved to London, where he again showed his bestial nature: he strangled his girlfriend's lover and hid his body at a construction site. He was declared insane and placed in a prison hospital for the insane. After a year of imprisonment, he died, taking the secret of Frederick MacDonald's death to his grave.

William Briggs

In 1930, a man named Alfred Rose tried to fake his death to collect insurance money. He found a victim of suitable build, hit him on the head with a hammer, put him in a car and set him on fire. Rose was exposed and sentenced to death by hanging. But who was his victim?

For a long time It was believed that the man Rose killed was William Thomas Briggs, who disappeared at the same time the ill-fated car was set on fire. In addition, his height and build resembled a killer. It was only in 2014 that Briggs' relatives did a DNA test to put an end to this mysterious murder.

When the results came back from the examination, it turned out that the DNA of the relatives did not match the DNA of the person who was burned in the car. Thus, there were two mysteries: where did Briggs disappear and who actually burned in Rose’s car?

One of the most mysterious crimes of the past is the murder of Julia Wallace. Historians called it "a case worthy of a Jack the Ripper mystery."

On January 20, 1931, the Liverpool Chess Club received a call from someone introducing himself as R.M. Qualtru, and asked Julia's husband, insurer Herbert Wallace, to come on the phone. “Tomorrow, at 19:30, I will be waiting for you at number 25 East Menlove Gardens to arrange insurance for your daughter..

Delighted by the client who had fallen from heaven, Wallace went home, and the next day he went to the appointed address. A surprise awaited him: there were three Menlove Gardens streets in this area: North (“North”), South (“South”) and West (“West”). Even the locals had never heard of East Menlove Gardens.

Late in the evening, disappointed, he returned home. When his wife did not open the door for him, he tried to open it with the key, but in vain. The back door was also blocked. Calling his neighbors, he began to break down the back door when it opened easily, although it had been locked a couple of minutes ago.

In the living room, a horrifying sight met his eyes: the bloody corpse of his wife lay on the living room floor.

During the police inspection of the house, curious facts emerged. £4 disappeared from the bookshelf, but the family's main savings, kept in a tin on a nearby shelf, were untouched. The criminal visited Julia's boudoir and threw her pillow into the fireplace and turned inside out two handbags and three hats that were stored in the closet, which, like the bedside table and dressing table, were locked. A fireplace poker, the suspected murder weapon, was missing from the living room.

The examination did not find keyhole the front door showed signs of forced entry, as did the back door lock. The investigation accused Wallace of murdering his wife and sentenced him to death by hanging. But later, the court - for the first time in British history - decided that it was impossible to send a person to the noose without a single piece of evidence, and released Wallace. In 1932, he told the press that he knew the name of Julia's killer, but for some reason was afraid to divulge it.

Laetitia Touro

On a Parisian evening in May 1937 at 6:27 p.m., 29-year-old Italian Laetitia Norriset Touro boarded the metro at Porte de Charenton station. She was the only passenger in the first class carriage.

When the carriage doors opened a couple of minutes later at the next station, Turo was still the only passenger, but now she was dead. There was a dagger sticking out of her neck.

The girl's death was mysterious, like her life. In the eyes of society, she was a simple widow, barely making ends meet by working in a glue factory. At night, she transformed into an informant for the Parisian police and spent time in seedy nightclubs in search of information.

She was also credited with having an affair with famous journalist right-wing Gabriel Jeantette, who smuggled weapons for the influential terrorist group Comite secret d'action revolutionnaire (Secret Revolutionary Committee).

Its members called themselves Cagoule ("hoods") and wore hoods to hide their faces. The “Hoods” were financed by the pro-government elites of Paris. They were responsible for at least seven murders, two terrorist attacks and the creation of an armed militia.

In 1937, two “hoods” ended up in the police, where they were interrogated with passion in the Turo case. Both admitted that the girl was killed by their killer. Later, one of the bandits changed his testimony. The second one was beaten half to death by an unknown person and could no longer testify due to health reasons.

Some conspiracy theorists say that Laetitia Turo was killed because she found out terrible secrets Mussolini, because killing with a dagger in the neck was the favorite method of Italian killers.

Harry Oakes

Harry Oakes, the richest man in the Bahamas, was found dead on July 8, 1943. Someone beat him to death with a spiked baseball bat, doused him in gasoline, and covered him in pillow feathers. The killer tried to set fire to the corpse, but for some reason the flames did not start.

Oakes made his fortune in gold mines in Canada before fleeing to the Bahamas to avoid paying taxes.

The governor of the islands was good friend Oakes, so he hired two private detectives to get to the bottom of the truth. Soon his son-in-law Alfred de Marini was accused of murdering the businessman. Oakes hated his daughter's husband, believing that he was just waiting for his death in order to inherit his fortune and live happily ever after. In addition, Marini’s fingerprint was found at the crime scene. A significant motive is that the young man was put on trial.

It later turned out that the print was slipped by detectives who wanted to say goodbye to the complicated case as soon as possible. Marini was acquitted, and a new suspect appeared in the case, Oakes' business partner, Harold Christie.

Christie owes Oakes a significant amount. There were witnesses who saw him leaving the deceased's house around the time Oakes' body was supposed to burst into flames. Christie himself claimed that he slept in his room all night. The police sent him home.

Lilly Linderstorm

Lilly Lindestorm, a 32-year-old divorcee from Stockholm, lived in a tiny apartment and made a living as a prostitute. On May 1, 1932, she was discussing plans for the future in the kitchen. May holidays with 35-year-old Minnie Jenson, a neighbor and fellow sufferer.

Neighbors called Lilly “call-girl” not only because of her profession, but also because she was the only one with a telephone installed in the whole house. The conversation between two friends was interrupted by a telephone call. Lilly received a call from another client, and Minnie retreated to her room. Half an hour later, Lilly stopped by Minnie's to borrow some condoms. When Minnie decided to visit her friend again a few hours later, no one answered the door. Deciding that the date was continuing, the woman left.

Three days passed before Minnie decided to call the police. Law enforcement officers broke down the door and saw a completely naked girl lying face down in a pillow. She was killed with three shots to the head. Lilly's clothes were neatly folded into a pile.

I had this one already creepy story absolutely crazy aspect. There was a gravy boat stained with blood in the room. As shown forensic examination, with this gravy boat the killer collected blood from Lilly’s wound and drank it.

The police interviewed 80 of Minnie's clients, but all of them were above suspicion. The name of the Atlas vampire is still a mystery.

Mary Mauney

Late on the evening of September 24, 1905, the mangled remains of a young woman were found on the tracks of a tunnel in southeast England. At first, the police considered the death a suicide, but further examination showed that she had first been strangled with a scarf. The body found by the railway guard was still warm - barely half an hour had passed since the death. The murdered woman, Mary Mauney, was identified by her brother Robert.

The police tried to reconstruct Mary's last actions. It turned out that at about 19:00 she was talking with a friend, telling her that she was going for a walk and would return soon.

There were two witnesses who saw Mary at the station that evening. There were also those who noticed her in the first class carriage in the company of a man. Another witness reported seeing a man matching the previous description exit a first class carriage alone. The train passed through the same tunnel at 22:19. The body was found at 22:55.

The police naturally decided that Mary's lover threw her out of the carriage on full speed ahead. But after checking all the male surroundings of the girl, they just shrugged - everyone had an irrefutable alibi.

Three relatives of Charles were suspected: his wife Florence, who was tired of her husband’s cruel, perverted harassment, her ex-lover James Halley and the maid Miss Cox, who was about to be fired. A version was also put forward that Charles Bravo planned to poison his wife, but by mistake he himself drank the poison intended for her.

Gunter Stoll

The mysterious death of the German Gunter Stoll occurred on October 26, 1984. He, still alive but badly maimed, was found early in the morning in a car in a ditch near the highway. He died on the way to the hospital without regaining consciousness.

Stoll’s wife recalled that on the eve of the murder he told her: “Now he’s in my hands!”, after which he wrote this note, took it with him and left the house.

Over the following years, two noteworthy versions were expressed that could shed light on the mystery of YOGTZE. This could be a reference to the TZE additive used in yoghurts (Gunther was a food technologist). Or the word did not use the letter G, but the number 6 - YO6TZE, a radio signal used in Romania.
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Sometimes celebrities die under such strange circumstances that speculation about what really happened does not subside for a long time. Many believe that Marilyn Monroe was poisoned on the orders of the Kennedy brothers, Michael Jackson was deliberately sent to the next world by a doctor, and the accident in which Princess Diana died was arranged by the British royal family. the site recalled the most mysterious deaths of world famous people.

Alexander I

The Russian emperor died in Taganrog on December 1, 1825 from a severe fever, which he caught during inspection rides on horseback through the cities of Crimea.

Death of Alexander I in Taganrog

Some time after the death of Alexander I, a beggar old man named Fyodor Kuzmich appeared in Siberia, who surprised those around him with his knowledge of several languages ​​and knowledge of court affairs. Rumors spread that this was the autocrat who had hidden from everyone. The elder never directly denied these rumors. After Kuzmich’s death in 1864, a marriage certificate for Alexander I and a hand-drawn monogram in the shape of the letter “A” were allegedly found in his belongings. Genetic examination of the remains has not yet been carried out.

The sudden death of Alexander I gave rise to a lot of rumors among the people

Glenn Miller

The popular American jazz musician and leader of his own orchestra disappeared while traveling from England to France in 1944. Miller was going to play for the troops who had just liberated Paris. However, few people knew about the musician’s disappearance at that time. The fact is that on the same day the Germans launched their last major offensive against the Allied forces, called the Ardennes Operation. News of these events captured the front pages of newspapers.

Glenn Miller while serving in the US Air Force

What happened to the plane Miller was flying on 10 days before Christmas remains a mystery. There was thick fog that day, eyewitnesses said that even birds landed on the ground. The most logical version is that the plane crashed into the English Channel, but no traces were found to prove this. There were rumors that the musician was captured by the Nazis, who tortured him for a long time. The version that the plane was shot down by the Germans was not confirmed, since there were no flights that day. Miller's death was a huge loss for the entire American musical culture.

Marilyn Monroe

The legendary actress, a sex symbol for many generations, had problems with drugs and alcohol.

Marilyn Monroe in one of the last photo shoots, July 1962

However, when Monroe was found dead at the age of 36, the cause of death was said to be a drug overdose. Another version is a murder ordered by the Kennedy brothers, whose mistress was Marilyn.

The disappearance of Harold Holt shocked the world as much as the Kennedy assassination.

Harold Holt

It doesn't happen often that a sitting head of state disappears without a trace. But that’s exactly what happened to the Prime Minister of Australia on a December morning in 1967. The official went for a swim near Portsea, Victoria. No one saw the prime minister again.

Harold Holt and Lyndon B. Johnson, October 1966

Two days later he was declared dead, and John McEwen took over the post. Naturally, all rescue forces were sent to search for Holt; the search operation became one of the largest in the entire history of the country. As a result, not even the body of the politician was found. Many rumors have arisen around Holt's disappearance. They said that the minister committed suicide or faked his death in order to run away with his mistress. There were also the most outlandish versions. Can you seriously believe that the country's prime minister was abducted by a Chinese submarine or UFO? Most likely, the reasons for the disappearance were quite natural - 59-year-old Holt was not entirely healthy, and these places are famous for strong and dangerous currents.

Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin died on March 27, 1968 during a training flight with test pilot Vladimir Seregin in the Vladimir region. The official version, which was reported to the head of state Leonid Brezhnev by a member of the commission investigating the disaster, Dmitry Ustinov: the plane entered a deadly dive after a sharp maneuver that the pilots made to avoid a collision with a weather balloon.

Soviet cosmonauts: Pavel Popovich, Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova in a television studio, January 1, 1964

Already at the final stage, Leonid Brezhnev ordered the investigation of the disaster to be stopped so as not to “disturb Soviet people" Most of the case materials, numbering 29 volumes, are still classified.

Bruce Lee's son passed away no less strangely than his father

Bruce Lee

On July 20, 1973, newspapers came out with the message on the front page: “Bruce Lee has died!” It was so unexpected that rumors connected it with the filming in which the actor participated - his character was supposed to die. When information about Lee's death was later confirmed, the whole world was taken aback. No one could have imagined that one of the strongest men on the planet could die so unexpectedly.

Bruce Lee with his son Brandon, 1966

The official cause of death was brain swelling caused by a headache pill. According to another version, after taking the pill, the actor smoked hashish, and the combination of the drug with a painkiller had a fatal effect. Another version is that Li was killed by one of the Chinese martial arts masters for revealing the secrets of kung fu to the world.

Elvis Presley

On August 16, 1977, the body of the 42-year-old “King of Rock and Roll” was discovered on the floor of the bathroom in the Graceland estate by Presley’s friend Ginger Alden. Officially, Elvis died of acute heart failure due to an overdose of sedatives and painkillers.

Elvis Presley with his parents, 1958

According to skeptics, the musician, tired and beginning to lose shape, faked his death in order to calmly live out the rest of his days in one of the warm countries. For some reason, the investigation into Presley's death was conducted in secret. The only photo of his body wandering around the Internet is most likely a fake (that is, none of the skeptics saw him dead). Two hours after the official announcement of the singer’s death, one of the fans allegedly took his autograph at the Memphis airport, and an examination allegedly showed the authenticity of this signature.

The cause of Diana's death still haunts the hearts and minds of many people.

Princess Diana

Prince Charles's wife and heir to the throne, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in a Paris tunnel in the summer of 1997. Many fans of the princess do not believe that the death of their idol was an accident. It is officially recognized that Diana died due to paparazzi following her car in high speed. The driver lost control when entering the tunnel.

Princess Diana, 1995

According to another version, the accident was set up by the British royal family, which was not happy with Lady Di’s affair with Arab-born businessman Dodi al-Fayed.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson passed away under mysterious circumstances in the summer of 2009. His body was mutilated with injections, and an autopsy showed that the “king of pop” had been injected lethal dose medicines.

Michael Jackson, 1988

The court found Jackson's doctor guilty and sentenced him to prison for murder.