To dream of closing the front door. Key in the keyhole

Dreams in which a person happened to lock a door have many different interpretations. The exact interpretation depends on the details of the dream. Closing the door from the outside is a sign of fundamental changes in the life of a sleeping person; from the inside, it is a symbol of an attempt to limit one’s communication with those close to him. New and tall doors promise a new addition to the family and strengthening material well-being. Narrow, shabby and old doors foreshadow big troubles for the dreamer.

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    Door appearance

    It is important to pay attention to what the door looked like, which the dreamer closed in a dream. The meaning of sleep depending on its external features:

    • small - to a new sexual partner;
    • high - to wealth and luxurious life;
    • unsteady - to doubts and lack of confidence in one’s abilities;
    • creaking - to unpleasant guests;
    • burning - to meet old friends;
    • narrow - to big troubles;
    • new - for the birth of a son, a meeting with distant relatives;
    • richly decorated - to unfulfilled desires;
    • crumbling into pieces - to an unpleasant situation;
    • with a beautiful pen - to an interesting acquaintance;
    • black - to support relatives in a difficult situation;
    • white - to good news;
    • round - to complete harmony in relationships with loved ones;
    • broken - to making an important choice;
    • leaky - to the discovery of a big secret;
    • old, but strong - to the desire to isolate yourself from people;
    • boarded up - to being in a state of dead end in life.

      The meaning of sleep depending on the type of lock

      An important point for correct interpretation sleep is a type of lock.

      If a woman dreams that she is locking the door, then this portends her a successful marriage. Her future spouse will prove to be a worthy young man. If the dreamer has lost the key, then she herself will harm her reputation and position in society due to rash and hasty actions.

      A dream in which a person locks the front door of his house predicts decisive actions on his part to ensure his safety.

      Closing the door in a dream with the latch means that in the near future a person will appear who will play a fateful role in the dreamer’s life; closing the latch means ignoring a request for help.

      Closing the door with a hook is not auspicious sign. He says that there is some kind of lie in the dreamer’s life, because of which a person may find himself in an awkward situation. Another interpretation of the dream is that the dreamer will have to answer for a stupid act that he committed in the past.

      The modern dream book claims that closing the door with a bolt is a symbol of avoiding the advances of a person for whom the dreamer does not feel anything. Another interpretation of the dream suggests that the person is frightened by something, but does not want anyone to know about his troubles. Therefore, the dreamer will look for various opportunities for quick solution question.

      Closing an ancient castle of a bizarre shape means gaining the trust of an influential person. In the future, this will have a positive impact on the dreamer’s career.

      If, when trying to close the door, a sleeping person discovers that there is no keyhole in the lock, this indicates that the planned event will be a failure and will not live up to his hopes.

      A padlock is a symbol of sadness, sadness and grief that will be in vain; a barn lock is a sign of receiving unexpected big profits.

      Door location

      The correct interpretation of the dream and where the door was located, which the dreamer happened to close:

      • in the apartment - to betrayal or deception of your best friend;
      • in the room - to improve relationships with family;
      • in the house where you spent your childhood - to great family happiness;
      • in the basement - to reveal a big secret;
      • in the dungeon - to the awareness of one’s guilt for an dishonest act;
      • in the attic - to promotion through the ranks;
      • in the chest of drawers - to unforeseen obstacles in achieving your goals and attempts to overcome them;
      • in the closet - to great wealth;
      • at the factory - to persistent and hard work;
      • in the stove - to an accidental fire;
      • in transport - to the conclusion of an ill-considered marriage;
      • in the car - to commit an adventurous act;
      • in church - to an easy solution to any problems;
      • at work - to possible dismissal;
      • in the store - to make a difficult but correct choice;
      • in the garage - to rethink your life and plan for the future.

      Door material

      To correctly interpret the dream, you should remember what material the door that needed to be closed was made of:

      • armored metal means that the dreamer has people who will always support him in a difficult situation;
      • glass portends the appearance of false information and gossip about the dreamer and his family members, and also warns that the sleeper may be drawn into a scam that will have extreme consequences. negative consequences. It is necessary to reduce communication with unfamiliar people and not succumb to the temptation to accept tempting commercial offers from unverified business partners;
      • stone promises a long and happy life;
      • worn out, dilapidated means that the decision cannot be postponed important problem, since any delay will have disastrous consequences.

      The dreamer's actions

      If a person dreams that he is trying to lock the door, but it still won’t close, then this is an unfavorable sign. He speaks of the presence in the dreamer’s immediate environment of a person who negatively influences him. You need to try to limit communication with unpleasant people. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the condition nervous system sleeping.

      If, when you try to close the doors, they open again on their own, this is a favorable sign. He says that new prospects will appear before the dreamer. He can get a higher interesting position that will bring moral and material satisfaction.

      Closing the door from inside the room is a symbol of the fact that a person wants to protect himself from communication with the outside world. It is necessary to learn to adequately perceive all the events that happen in life. If, after the dreamer closed the door from the inside, he saw that he was in a room without windows or doors, this is a favorable symbol. The sleeper will have enough strength to forget about unpleasant events from the past.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 18th lunar day. Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true on the 20th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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DOOR – Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you enter a door, this foreshadows your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

The only door that you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you happiness in the future and an environment of kindred souls.

If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings.

Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order, for peasants and politicians this dream is full of particularly bad omens.

If the door unexpectedly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it, and in the process injures someone, the dream portends danger to your friends.

DOOR – Modern Dream Interpretation

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles.

If doors themselves open for you in a dream, then this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you.

A dream about an open door foretells a woman that she will soon have a new lover.

Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened.

Seeing new doors in your home means adding to your family or changing your lifestyle associated with new problems. For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son.

Doors that slammed in front of you, and those that you could not open, are a sign of failure.

Searching and not finding the door to your own home is a sign of obstacles in business; For patients, such a dream predicts that their illness will last a very long time and may end in death.

Stopping near a closed door in a dream and ringing it or making a phone call means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect to be disappointed. A dream in which, after your calls, the door opens and you enter it, should be considered successful.

Seeing open doors in a dream means a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident.

Locks on the doors mean the machinations of ill-wishers.

Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women.

If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly swung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and loss loved one. For some, the dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creaking of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit.

A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will receive with open arms.

Burnt out doors in a dream foreshadow a great misfortune that could happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream.

A dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses.

Walking through a door in a dream is a sign that you will do something that will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dream that in a dream you entered the door of your parents’ house, then your worries will subside and your soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones.

A dream in which you saw a door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person. For spouses, such a dream means divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse).

Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Expect bad news - this is trouble knocking on your home.

If you dream that you are trying to close a door and it falls, then beware of an accident. If a door falls on someone in a dream, then that person is in danger in reality.

Unpleasant people come to your door - your financial affairs will be upset, it will not be easy to put them in order.

You knock on the door with your fist - you will commit actions for which you will later be ashamed.

You close the door in front of someone, don’t let someone in - they will turn to you for help, but you refuse.

Your door breaks off its hinges - your friends are in danger. Your loved ones will make some complaints against you, and you will only make things worse if you go ahead. If you give in, you will only win, and at the same time you will laugh at the enemy.

A closed door means that you will not get what you think you deserve.

On the contrary, an open door indicates a favorable environment.

DOOR – Slavic Dream Interpretation

Open - unrequited love, generous offering; locked - an obstacle; last minute - visit of friends; new ones - for the birth of a son.

DOOR – Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

Big and tall - wealth and nobility; open - wealth; the doors swing open unexpectedly - happiness and benefit, good luck; replacing doors with new ones means the birth of a noble offspring; doors fall into pieces - there will be an unpleasant situation; break down, become unusable - a great misfortune; seeing that there is no one behind the doors is a big trouble; a small door into the room opens - predicts a love affair.

DOOR – Indian Dream Book

Seeing them burning means death; The absence of doors at your home is an obstacle in business.

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Often such dreams predict betrayal or betrayal in the family, or professional problems. What else could portend the appearance of a door in a dream?

Symbolic dream book

A closing door can symbolize your attitude towards your profession. This applies most of all to intellectual or advertising work. Make sure that no one can steal your work if the door is closed, and even strengthened with something.

If you dreamed that you closed the door yourself, this could be a warning about theft or robbery.

Women's dream book

According to the dream book, if a woman closes the door, she will soon get married.

If a girl closes the door, she will meet a wealthy man. With him she will be happy in family life.

Was there something in your life that you don’t even want to remember? These memories bring negative emotions and prevent you from living? You may have a dream in which you close doors. He will confirm your desire to erase the past from your life.

The desire to part with what oppresses and worries you will be expressed when you close the door from the outside. Find the strength to overcome your fears.

Home dream book

This dream book claims that closing a door in a dream means making some kind of decision.


You intend to close the door, but it comes off and falls right on you, which means that you and your close friends should be afraid of something.

You can’t get inside because the door is closed - make sure you don’t do anything rash. Cancel unnecessary meetings.

Closing the door in a dream means future troubles and disappointments.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

The forces of your enemies greatly exceed your capabilities. Danger awaits you. Gather your strength, you will need great courage to get out of this with dignity. difficult situation. A dream in which you close a door warns about this.

In general, a dream about a door symbolizes the existing opportunity to analyze your inner world.

Open door- You can safely start your own business. If I dreamed closed door, then take your time with it. You just need to wait for the right moment.

Did you have a dream that you forgot to close the door? Be extremely careful and careful. You may suffer losses and lose money. And this will happen solely through your fault.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you had a dream in which you close doors, it means that you simply need to speak out. You shouldn’t keep what hurts inside you.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles. If doors themselves open in front of you in a dream, this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you. A dream about an open door foretells a woman that she will soon have a new lover. Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened. Seeing new doors in your home means adding to your family or changing your lifestyle associated with new problems. For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son. Doors that slammed in front of you and those that you could not open are a sign of failure. Looking for and not finding the door to your own home is a sign of obstacles in business; for patients, such a dream predicts that their illness will last a very long time and may end in death. Stopping near a closed door in a dream and ringing it or making a phone call means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect to be disappointed. A dream in which, after your calls, the door opens and you enter it, should be considered successful. Seeing open doors in a dream means a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident. Locks on the doors mean the machinations of ill-wishers. Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women. If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly swung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and loss of a loved one. For some, the dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creaking of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit. A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will welcome with open arms. Burnt out doors in a dream portend a great misfortune that could happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream. A dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses. Walking through a door in a dream is a sign that you will do something that will cause you a lot of trouble. If you dream that in a dream you entered the door of your parents’ house, then your worries will subside and your soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones. A dream in which you saw a door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person. For spouses, such a dream means divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse). Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Expect bad news - this is trouble knocking on your home. If you dream that you are trying to close a door and it falls, then beware of an accident. If a door falls on someone in a dream, then that person is in danger in reality. See house, fire, key.

Why do you dream about a door according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

An intricately decorated door in a dream:
Seeing a door decorated with intricate designs in a dream is a sign that brilliant, exciting prospects will open up before you.

Opening a door in a dream:
Opening a door in a dream is a clear indication that you are not confident in the stability of your job, and therefore are trying in every possible way to find an additional source of income. If you fail to open the door, then your assumptions about the unreliability of your financial situation are correct, but, unfortunately, in the near future you will not be able to find a new source of income.

Closing the door in a dream:
Closing the door in a dream - the dream speaks of your desire to be alone, alone with your thoughts, which is unlikely at the present time, because you have not yet finished the difficult work you have begun.

Instead of a door in a dream there is an empty opening
Seeing empty space in a dream in the place where the door should be is a harbinger of a romantic acquaintance while on vacation in exotic countries. Perhaps this acquaintance will develop into a strong and great feeling.

Why do you dream about a door according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a door, you will have opportunities to implement plans and plans; you can get bad and good news. A closed door is an obstacle on the way. Open the door - you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Someone breaks down your door - danger, betrayal. The door is locked - meet unpleasant people. A creaking door is an unpleasant visit; the door is engulfed in flames, friends will come to you. Not finding the door is an obstacle in business. If you close the door with a latch, you will refuse to help your neighbors.

Why did you dream about the Door (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

A door or gate is the embodiment of the border between the familiar and unknown world, otherworldly forces. Any dreamed door symbolically protects a person and gives him access to something new. The door represents the transition from light to shadow, a rite of passage, shelter and protection of ancestors, and the problem of choice. The door opens up the possibility of new contacts and gives freedom. Doors in Christianity embody faith, hope and mercy.

Why dream of closing a door - a symbol of protection, rejection, imprisonment, isolation and at the same time an invitation to open it, pick up the key to it. If a door in a dream is an insignificant symbol, you should not pay attention to such a dream. But in order to judge the door as a central, important image of a dream, it is necessary to consider all the nuances of the dream.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about Doors?

  • Seeing a door that represents the female genital organs is a multi-valued symbol. When the door is locked, you hesitate to intimacy with his girlfriend because of shyness.
  • To see that you pulled the handles and the door opened - your woman herself dreams of making close contact with you.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you have lost the keys to the door in a dream means that in reality you pay little attention to the woman you love.
  • Knock on a door where there is someone behind, but there is no answer - you are close to parting.
  • Why do you dream front door- the dreamer tries to get rid of envious people to no avail.
  • If the door flies off its hinges when opening, take care of your loved ones, a threat hangs over them.
  • Why do you dream about the door of your home - prosperity, success, personal happiness.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about the Door?

  • According to the dream book, to dream that a man opens the door to the street when it rains? He is about to have a romantic meeting.
  • A man polishes a door and repaints it in a dream? The dreamer is unreasonably jealous. This may lead to rupture.
  • A man in a dream sees an open door to the fact that he cannot forgive a woman for her previous affairs.
  • Does the girl dream of pictures of her locking the door? She will soon receive a marriage proposal.
  • Close the door slightly - to a new admirer.
  • Why did you dream about a miniature open door? The romance of secret meetings with a new lover awaits you.
  • Seeing a door in a transport means a quick marriage. The appearance of a new door promises the couple the birth of a child.
  • Going outside through the door means you are tired of your current relationship.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Gates were dreamed

The door is a highly differentiated and ambivalent symbol. It is necessary to determine in what context it fits. In any case, the image denotes indecision both in relation to the positive and in relation to the negative. The image of a door leaf is a frequent symbol.

  • If a person opens a door, this expresses a desire to enter into a new business or new romantic relationship, or indicates a desire to get away from an unpleasant situation.
  • If a person closes a door, then this most often means a desire to end a certain relationship, that is, to close it at a certain point in his life. It symbolizes barriers, especially if there are locks on it.
  • When a person tries to open a door lock, this reflects his desire to overcome obstacles that separate him and other people and do not allow him to achieve a certain goal. It is also possible - this is a designation of a person’s desire to study all the nuances of a situation - to open the door to the truth.
  • If a person finds that he cannot open the door lock, this is a symbol of fear that does not allow him to overcome barriers to decision-making.
  • If someone helps a person open the door, this indicates his dependence on someone, his need for someone to assist him in some matter. Thus, the symbol is less important than the action that is performed with it.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

What does the Door symbolize in a dream?

An ambivalent symbol associated with a specific action. It separates two spaces, which in turn are connected with time (from past to present and future). Therefore, the direction of movement through the door, its location and the degree of effort required to overcome it are important. Female symbol. Symbol of the boundary of a part of consciousness.

  • Entrance to the dungeon. The path to awareness of unconscious instinctual impulses.
  • Why do you dream about the door to the attic? The path to awareness of the Superego or the formation of a religious worldview.
  • Enter the door. The desire to start a new business, including courtship, or to get away from an unpleasant, including erotic, situation.
  • Close the door. The desire to end a specific stage of life or relationship, including erotic ones.
  • Opening the door lock. The desire to study the details of the situation, to overcome obstacles to achieve the goal.
  • Inability to open the lock. Fear that prevents you from overcoming a barrier or making a decision.
  • Someone helps open the door. A situation of dependence on this person or a desire for such dependence.
  • Breaking the door. The situation of experiencing the loss of virginity, rape or fantasies on this topic in connection with masochistic fixation.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a door mean in a dream?

  • Dreaming of opening a door with a key means luxury, unjustified expenses.
  • Seeing open doors in a dream means happiness, benefit, good luck.
  • The creaking of doors means an unpleasant meeting.
  • Dreaming of closing a door in a dream means danger...
  • Dreaming of a knock on the door - to the upcoming important events in life.
  • The doorbell rings - bad news; if you open it and there is no one behind the door, it means big trouble.
  • Seeing a beautiful doorknob in a dream means that you will soon have an interesting acquaintance.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a door in a dream?

  • Entering the door is a vain attempt to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.
  • Looking at the door at night in the pouring rain means unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings.
  • Seeing people entering or leaving the doorway means difficulties in putting things in order; For peasants and politicians, this dream is full of bad omens.
  • If the door suddenly breaks off its hinges, your friends are in danger.

Maly Velesov dream book

Door in a dream

  • Closed doors mean failure, obstacles.
  • Open doors - you will achieve the best, guests, success.
  • New doors - a son will be born.
  • Broken doors mean getting into prison.
  • Creaking doors are unpleasant guests.
  • Searching and not finding doors are obstacles in business.
  • Opening and not opening, opening and not closing doors - the desired will not come true.
  • Why do you dream of burning doors - friends will stay or your wife will die.
  • Squeezing through narrow doors is a big hassle.

Idiomatic dream book

The door - what symbolizes what you saw

  • “Doors wide open” - imprudence, hospitality.
  • “Wait with the doors open” is an invitation.
  • “All doors are open for him” - complete favor and success.
  • “Peeking through the door lock” is an intrusion into someone else’s life, indecent curiosity.
  • “Close the door in front of your nose” - sudden rejection; miss an opportunity, a chance.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Door from your dream

Gate - A clear sign of obstacles and opportunities; protection; transition to new (or old, previous) states and spaces of one’s consciousness, other energy levels. It can also symbolize the openings in our body (anus, vagina, mouth).

  • Why do you dream about an open door or whether it opens itself - a new perspective, favor, luck.
  • A locked door and does not open is an obvious prohibition, an obstacle, an obstacle in a relationship (the inability to “reach out” to another person).
  • A small door opens - sexual intercourse (for a man).
  • Doors shake, open slightly, come off their hinges - danger; internal discord, doubts, mental discomfort.
  • Being locked and not being able to get out the door is a dead end in life.
  • Stove door - To sadness.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Door mean, taking into account your date of birth?

  • In the spring, why do you dream about the door (door) from the stove - you turn off the lights, love barely glows in you. Wardrobe door - To treason. Why do you dream of a closed closet door - to some kind of secret.
  • In the summer, dreaming of a closed door means frivolity. An open door means that you are always welcome to have guests. Hearing someone banging on your door and experiencing insane fear is a sign of unexpected joy and good news from people from whom you no longer hoped to hear anything. Peephole - In a dream, to see a door peephole - to a watchful eye, you are being watched.
  • In the fall, why dream of opening the door - your soul is wide open. If you dream that you are standing in front of a closed one, you are holding a stone in your bosom. And if you close it yourself, you have closed all your escape routes. Drumming (knocking) - Hearing someone furiously drumming on the door, and you know for sure that it is a stranger - you will be robbed. I dreamed about the peephole - to mistrust on the part of the spouse. Peephole - Ill-wishers are watching you.
  • In winter, why do you dream about the door from the stove - If in a dream, after lighting the stove, you forgot to close the door, and fire bursts out - this means a fire. If the closet door barely closes, this means wealth.