Where in the apartment can you hang an icon. Book by Archpriest Sergius Nikolaev about home iconostasis

An icon is the most important amulet of the house. In this article you will learn which icons you should keep at home.

An icon is not just a lucky amulet. An icon is an image through which a person turns to God. And only if the prayer was read sincerely, will it be able to help, bring prosperity to the family, and protect the home.

Mandatory icons in the house: list

Each icon is considered a prototype of the Saint depicted. Previously, in houses, icons were located in the eastern corners; even in the temple itself, icons are always located in the eastern part. However, today for many believers in apartments and houses the eastern corner may not be in the right place. Therefore, you should choose the most convenient place where you will feel most comfortable praying.

Place at least one icon in your home. We offer you a list of those icons that you can also place in your home:

  • Icon with the image of Jesus Christ. As a rule, it heals serious diseases and illnesses. The icon, which depicts the crucified Jesus, calms, protects from disasters, puts on the right way, supports in hard times. It is necessary to place the icon in a place of honor in the house, to give it the dominant part in the house.
  • Icon with the face of the Holy Mother of God. Mary is considered an image pure love, she forgives, gives patience and humility. Exists huge number similar icons. You can ask the Mother of God for health, a good spouse, children. Mother of God is the patroness of every woman. Consequently, the icon with the face of Jesus is very often taken by brides to get married, and after that they are kept in the house as a family amulet.
  • An icon depicting Nicholas the Pleasant. People turn to him if they want to solve a difficult problem or leave a hopeless situation. They also ask Saint Nicholas to heal a serious illness.

The listed icons are considered mandatory; they protect the family, bring prosperity, and are symbols of harmony. For these icons, highlight a corner or distribute them nearby on the wall. It is advisable that they be in a quiet, cozy place. In order for each family member to have the opportunity in a secluded place to betray his soul before God and the Saints.

  • In addition, an icon depicting Seven Shore Mother of God. It can be placed opposite the entrance or above the door leading to the main room of the house. This image is capable of protecting all household members from scandals, gossip, ill-wishers, and housing from thieves.
  • The face on which the image is depicted will be important. Holy Trinity. The face will bring love and peace to the house. The image also helps in difficult times, resolves numerous problems, cleanses from sins, removes negative state. It is advisable to place the icon in the eastern corner, as well as at the head, so that it provides some kind of protection.
  • Image “Fading Color”. An icon can give you strength and put you on the right path. It also preserves beauty, youth, love, eliminates various temptations, fills the family with confidence, and gives hope for a good future. It is mainly placed in the most comfortable corner where you can pray.

  • Image of a Guardian Angel. This image is considered the most popular. He protects a certain person, can respond to every help. Capable of healing, giving love, saving from sins, if a person asks his protector. You can place it in any convenient place at home or in the room of the person whose Angel is depicted on the icon.
  • The next required icon is the image Orthodox holidays. For example, icon of Baptism or depicting the “Nativity of Christ”.
  • An icon depicting Last Supper. Removes heaviness from the soul, blesses cooked food, and gives peace during severe falls. It doesn't matter where it will be placed. But best places- This is the kitchen and dining room.

What icons should be in the kitchen?

The kitchen is the room where all family members most often gather. In every Orthodox family, first before eating and at the end of the meal, people read a short prayer that blesses. Therefore, you can place a small number of icons in the kitchen:

  • An icon depicting Christ the Savior
  • Image of the Virgin Mary
  • Icon depicting the Holy Trinity

You can select one of these icons or all of them at the same time. You can also hang an image of the Last Supper. A real assistant who helps in preparing dishes - Euphrosynus of Palestine. This saint served completely unselfishly, visited heaven alive, and then returned to earth. In churches, the monks honored the gifts of Euphrosynus, kept them, and distributed them to those who needed help.

Just imagine how much healthier and good your food will become if you hang this particular icon in your kitchen. It is advisable that it be located above the table, so that before eating you can say a prayer to the Saint for blessing.

What icons should be in the living room?

The living room is the main room of every home. Here you can hang the following icons:

  • An icon depicting the Savior. The best among them is the icon depicting the Lord Pantocrator
  • An icon depicting the Mother of God. In this case, give preference to the Kazan Mother of God

Kazan Mother of God for the living room

Place the face with the Lord on the right, and the Most Holy Theotokos on the left. If everyone in your family believes, then place the icon in the believer’s room. If you can’t do this, then buy a folding icon. It can only be installed during prayer.

What icons should be in the hallway?

Leaving home every day, going into the world of temptations and deception, you need to pray to the heavenly patron, ask him to make the path safe and guide you to good people. It is important that you teach this to your own children, who trust all people. It is necessary to thank the Saint for his intercession and for returning home.

You can protect your own home from bad people if you hang the following icons in the hallway:

  • Image of Iverskaya Holy Mother of God
  • Image of the Intercession
  • An icon depicting the Holy Trinity

Choose one icon and attach it above the entrance doors. You can also hang in the hallway the image that is revered by all household members.

What icons should be in the bedroom?

Only certain icons are allowed in this room. However, under the following condition - if the husband and wife legalized their own marriage and got married, it is recommended to hang the following icons in the bedroom:

  • Icons depicting the Virgin Mary
  • Face of the Savior Christ
  • Image of Peter and Fevronia. They are considered the patrons of family happiness
  • Image of the healer Panteleimon
  • Image of Nikolai Ugodnik
  • Icon depicting Spyridon of Trimythous
  • Personal image of the Saint

Place the icons above the bed or on the bedside table. You can also select a corner for prayer in the window, where you place not only icons, but also a lamp for a church candle.

What icons should be in the nursery?

Children who are born into an Orthodox family should learn to pray and turn to the Saints from childhood. In addition, each icon will protect the peace and health of children. Therefore, the nursery should contain its own images.

Such icons are placed at the head of the room. You can choose a personal name or measuring icon. The name should include a Saint who has the same name as your child. The measured icon is ordered when the child is born and is selected according to the height of the newborn.

The following icons would be appropriate in a nursery:

  • Face of the Savior
  • Face of the Virgin Mary
  • Icon depicting the Guardian Angel

May God protect your child

You can also hang other faces that provide health and well-being for your child. Remember that God loves children very much, we are all his children. Therefore, teach your children to pray from a young age.

What icons should be in the office for work?

If certain difficulties arise that directly relate to work, inspiration disappears, envious people overcome, you need to turn to the Saint. The icon should be placed at home in your office or directly at work.

Choose an image based on your own life activities. If your profession does not have its own patron, then put a face with the image of the Patriarch.

We offer you a small list of professions and their patrons:

  • Student. An icon depicting the Martyr Tatiana is suitable. It helps in studies and gives intelligence.
  • Sales worker. The Face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is ideal. Brings good luck in trading.
  • A profession that involves working on the Internet. Best Look the one that shows Mother of God Blessed Heaven. Makes your career successful, everyday affairs successful, brings well-being in material terms.
  • Sailor, motorist, tourism worker. The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Sovereign Mother of God, is suitable. They bring health, make things more successful, and improve their financial situation.
  • Medical worker. Icon with Luke of Crimea. Protects at work, brings good health.

  • Diplomat, postal worker. Best Icon with the image of Archangel Gabriel. Protects you at work.
  • Educator orphanage, nursing home worker. The ideal icon is one that depicts the Baby of Bethlehem. Gives patience and mercy. Gives children physical health.
  • Teacher, researcher. Icon of the Mother of God of Kaluga. Allows you to constantly strive for knowledge and study new sciences.
  • Civil servant. It is better to choose an icon with the image of the Mother of God Economissa. Makes government wise and just.

  • Athlete. Ideal image- Mother of God. Bestows good luck and success in achievements.
  • Aviation worker. The face of the Savior Not Made by Hands is suitable for this profession. Allows you to complete your flight safely and protects you from evil ill-wishers.

Where should you not keep icons at home?

There are no specific rules for having a particular icon in the house. Proper placement simply requires common sense.

  • Place the icon in absolutely any room. But in the bathroom or toilet, the icon, of course, will be inappropriate.
  • You cannot place the image near a TV, tape recorder, personal computer or other similar equipment. This is because to perform the ritual of prayer you need to concentrate, and such elements, even if they do not work, will, out of habit, attract your attention and begin to distract you.
  • Also, do not place your face where there are cosmetics, inappropriate books, toys, or various figurines. Posters of singers, actors, and famous personalities should not be placed near the faces.
  • It is also not advisable to place paintings or reproductions near icons, even if they have religious content.

And most importantly, never place icons near any photographs. And it doesn't matter who is in these pictures. The priests categorically forbid doing this.

Video: Where should icons be located in the house?

The choice of icons for a home iconostasis cannot be universal; it is always individual. The believer, listening to the voice of his own heart, chooses which Saints he will turn to daily prayers. When choosing icons, you need to focus, first of all, on ensuring that they are all similar in style and manner of execution.

What icons should be in the house?

Everyone must have an icon of the Mother of God and the Savior in their home. In the iconographic tradition, there is a huge variety of images of the Savior, among which the image of the Lord Almighty is most often chosen for home prayer. Among the many icons of the Mother of God (Theotokos), most often for home iconostasis they give preference to such icons as: Eleusa (Tenderness) - Vladimir, Zhirovitskaya, Pochaevskaya, Yaroslavlskaya and Hodegetria (Guide) - Kazan, Tikhvin, Smolensk.

In the home iconostasis it is also necessary to place personalized icons or simply icons of those saints who are especially revered by family members. Particularly popular is the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who for many centuries has been revered by the people as a great righteous man, as a saint endowed with God’s special grace. Among the images of the great martyrs for the faith of Christ, they most often choose the icons of St. George the Victorious or the healer Panteleimon.

How to hang icons?

There is no strictly regulated order for placing icons in a house, as in a temple. According to long-standing traditions, a special place was allocated in the home of each Orthodox family where icons were placed. Most often it was called “the goddess” or “red corner”.

Traditionally, it is better to hang icons on the eastern side, because it is customary to face the east when praying. But, if due to the peculiarities of the home interior this is impossible to do, then the icons can be placed in the place where it is comfortable. They can be placed on shelves or hung on walls in any convenient place. The main thing is that there should be enough free space in front of them so that the believer can perform the prayer ritual without much difficulty.

For better preservation, it is recommended to place icons in icon cases. These are special cabinets or glass shelves designed to protect icons from dirt, dust and mechanical damage. Thanks to icon cases, the faces of saints are stored in a more gentle microclimate and are less susceptible to negative impact changes in humidity and air temperature.

Church ministers say that it is better to hang an icon in every room of the house. An icon is definitely needed in the kitchen above the dining table, because the process of cooking and meals should be sanctified by prayer addressed to the Holy Images. Since the Lord’s Prayer is traditionally read at the end of the meal, an icon of the Savior is usually hung in the kitchen. Also very often the Last Supper icon is hung above the dining table.

There is a widespread belief that icons should not be placed in the bedroom. But this is not true. Since marital intimacy is not considered sinful, they can be safely placed in the bedroom. It must be remembered that they should only be located at the head of a properly positioned bed. In addition, the holy image must be present in the nursery. Most often, an icon of the Guardian Angel is hung there. Over front door recommend hanging not an icon, but orthodox cross or just a sticker with his image. As a last resort, you can hang a horseshoe above the door.

Icons should be hung in a place separate from the accumulation of other objects. They look out of place in cluttered bookcases, on a dressing table or simply on tables. In addition, it is not recommended to hang paintings, posters and other images near icons, even with biblical subjects. You cannot place photographs of the deceased near them; church canons prohibit this.

Rules for placing icons relative to each other

When placing icons, you must remember the hierarchical principle. The main place in the home iconostasis belongs to the icons of the Mother of God and the Savior. Most often, they are larger in size than others and there is an opinion that they must be hung higher than others. This is indeed correct, but it is not at all necessary. They can be placed on the same level as the other icons, but they will only be placed incorrectly if they are lower than the others. According to Christian canons, this is considered indecent.

To the side of the main icons or below them are placed personalized icons or, for example, faces of saints who enjoy special veneration among family members. It is recommended to place wedding icons in the red corner.

The main thing you need to remember is that the number of icons in a house or apartment does not matter at all, there may be only one. A haphazard selection of simply beautiful images of saints can negatively affect the spiritual state of the residents of the house. The main thing is that the icon should be a revered relic of the whole family, because it is not just a talisman capable of protecting against all troubles and adversities of life. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right place where you place it in your home. It should help you carry out your daily religious practices. The place in front of your iconostasis should be something like a home altar, where you will interact with God every day with enthusiasm, morning and evening.

The correct placement of icons in the house helps you open a window to the bright and spiritual, illuminating your home with joy and light.

How to correctly place the faces of saints in a home and, in particular, is it possible to place icons in the bedroom? What images to choose for your home?

Each person's home iconostasis is individual. A believer himself chooses icons for his home, listening to the voice of his heart, because only he can decide to which Saint his daily prayers will be directed.

However, when choosing icons for your home, you need to ensure that they are all similar in execution and style. Let's try to figure it out.

Images in the house

Church ministers recommend having icons of the Savior and the Mother of God in your home. The iconographic tradition contains many variants of images of the Savior, but for prayer within the walls of the house, the image of the Lord Almighty () is most often chosen.

And the most suitable image of the Mother of God is the following:

  1. Eleusa (Tenderness):
  • Zhirovitskaya;
  • Yaroslavskaya;
  • Vladimirskaya;
  • Pochaevskaya;
  1. Hodegetria (Guidebook):
  • Smolenskaya;
  • Tikhvinskaya;
  • Kazanskaya.

In addition to these images, it is customary to place in the bedroom and in the house personalized icons of its residents or images of those saints who are especially revered by family members.

The most popular icons are:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • St. George the Victorious;
  • healer Panteleimon.

The face of a saint in the bedroom

Many people think that it is impossible to place icons in the bedchamber, because this is the most intimate room in the house. But this is absolutely not true. Intimacy between spouses is not considered a sin, and therefore you can safely place holy scriptures in the bedroom. But you need to know that the images should be exclusively at the head of the bed.

And when is it the bedroom of an unmarried couple? It is impossible to hide sin from God without placing icons in the room. God is omnipresent and he sees everything, always, and in no case through images. So feel free to place pictures of saints in your bedroom and pray!

An icon must certainly be present in a child's bedroom.

The price of this image is small, but the result is the spiritual education of the child

Correct placement of holy scripture

Images of saints can be placed in different ways, where there is free space and where you can safely take evening and morning prayers so that you are less bothered.

The place with the images is called:

  • red corner;
  • front corner;
  • holy corner;
  • icon case;
  • goddess;
  • kivot.

Icons can be in any room in the house, and the bedroom is no exception. In the nursery, it is advisable to place a dimensional icon (a dimensional icon is a personal custom-made holy scripture, the height of which corresponds to the height of the child at birth), a personal one, an image of a Guardian Angel or Savior.

How to choose a place

  1. Icons must be placed on the eastern side of the room: in a corner or on the wall, because when you pray, it is customary to face east (even Orthodox church built with the altar facing east).
  2. Also, the faces of saints can be placed opposite the entrance to the room on the right.
  3. If this is a children's bedroom, then the icons would be appropriate in front of the eyes of a child waking up or falling asleep in front of the bed. This will be a call or reminder to pray, turn to the depicted prototype, and give thanks.
  4. In the corridor, if you decide to hang an image, then you need to do this from the front door to the right or above it.

The following images would be appropriate:

  • Pokrova (with cover);
  • Seven-shot (with seven arrows);
  • Oranta (with raised hands or also called the Unbreakable Wall).

Errors when placing images of saints

  1. It is necessary to avoid the proximity in general, or at least the close proximity of icons to a tape recorder, TV and other home appliances.
  2. You cannot mix an icon with any decorative item:
  • figurines;
  • panel;
  • figurines;
  • pictures, etc.
  1. You should not allow holy scripture to be placed on a bookshelf where books are stored that contradict Christianity and have nothing in common with Orthodox truths. There is no place for images in a bookcase with secular literature, and especially on shelves with cosmetics.
  2. It is forbidden to place photographs near icons, especially of deceased people..
  3. The proximity of images to a wall calendar, a poster of some stars or another idol is unacceptable. There should be no paintings or reproductions between the images of saints.
  4. It is best to place images on a shelf rather than hang them (to avoid associations with hanged people).

Placement of holy scriptures

  1. When you have decided on a place, you need to put a shelf-case there (you can buy one in a church store). An icon case is a special cabinet or glass shelf that is designed to protect icons from mechanical damage, dirt and dust. The icon case ensures that the face of the saint is stored in more gentle conditions and is less susceptible to the negative consequences of changes in temperature and air humidity.
  2. It is better to place the shelf slightly above eye level or level.
  3. Images of saints can be placed on a shelf or hung on the wall if there are many of them.
  4. The bottom of the shelf can be covered with embroidery or a beautiful white canvas (veil).
  5. The icon of the Mother of God should be on the left, and the image of the Savior should be on the right (this is provided for by the classical iconostasis).
  6. This option is possible: place the image of the Savior above the others in the center. On the left side place the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or John the Baptist, on the right - the face of the Mother of God. Or you can combine all these icons in one - it is called Jesus Christ the King of Glory.

  1. Only the icon of the Holy Trinity or the Crucifixion can be installed above the composition of images.
  2. Next to the face of John the Baptist there is an icon of the Archangel Gabriel. Next to the image of the Mother of God is an image of the Archangel Michael.
  3. There may be other saints in the iconostasis:
  • Panteleimon;
  • Peter Pavel;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker, etc.

But we must always remember the principle of hierarchy: no saint can be placed above the image of the Virgin Mary, the Savior, the Holy Trinity and the Apostles.

  1. Further on the sides and a little lower you can place images that relate to personal, family, hereditary.
  2. It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis with a cross.
  3. Before prayer, you can light a candle or lamp and place it in front of the faces of the saints or hang it. A burning candle is a symbol of your burning towards God, your prayer.
  4. It is customary to decorate the holy corner with embroidery or fresh flowers. You can do embroidery for decoration yourself.


Pay attention! The number of images in the bedroom or in the house plays absolutely no role. There may be only one icon. When simply beautiful images of saints are haphazardly chosen, this can have a negative impact on the spiritual state of the family.

The most important thing is that the faces of the saints should be revered relics of all residents of the house. After all, images are not a simple amulet that can protect against all life’s adversities and troubles.

Therefore, the most correct place to place the holy image will be the place in which it will be convenient for you to perform your daily prayers. This should be the place of your home altar, the place where you will communicate with God.

The video in this article will help you find more detailed information on this topic.

Although not immediately, he managed to find the image of the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God on the bell tower of the monastery. The most popular are the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Shots” and “Goalkeeper”. This amazing image was first discovered in the 17-18 centuries in the Vologda region. There is a wonderful story connected with the Seven Arrow Icon.

I work as a seller, and I have encountered the following problem in relations with customers: despite all my goodwill towards them, only a small part of people are ready for friendly communication. The behavior of a sales worker in the Christian understanding is regulated by honesty and politeness.

Seven-shot icon

Only prayer and regular confession... There is no need to live like “brother and sister”; in this case, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives. What should I do - believe this woman or not? So what should I do? Hello, father. Secondly, with blessing is given grace, which will help in a good deed and protect from temptation. Alexey, icons should be in the most honorable place in the house, away from the toilet and TV.


And what really can be done in such a situation? You need to ask the Lord to strengthen you in good intentions and help you cope with sinful passion. Is it possible to listen to the Gospel that I downloaded from the Internet in audio format? Father! Now the deceased person is being escorted to last path drinking - this is understandable, but why do they sprinkle grain along the road and around the grave? A Christian is seen off on his last journey with prayer, and is remembered with kutia and pancakes, not vodka.

Daria, the Lord told us “Don’t swear at all...” so as not to fall into sin. Repent in confession of your foolish oath, and swear no more. “Ace” is translated as “devil”... Moreover, this program, a solitaire game, is installed by default on all computers. Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to place two icons of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners” and “Sovereign” next to each other in one room (children’s room).

Hello, Irina. Indeed, everyone has their own guardian angel, but the “intercessor icon” is already folk art. We will not follow this. You can hang as many icons as you want - which ones you venerate, which roads. And is there a chance of seeing them after your death? Answers to such questions are resolved in the family not through obedience, but in the spirit of love and mutual understanding. Sometimes there is no way out and everyone has to work.

What kind of icon is hung above the front door: the meaning of holy images

Often believers think about hanging an icon above their front door. Clear the space in the place where you plan to hang the icon; do not use other amulets and talismans.

It is not advisable to place icons near photographs of family members, as well as other images and household appliances. For some people, placing an icon above the door is just another fashion trend or some tradition passed down from the older generation.

Regardless of the reason why you decide to use such a symbol, the icon carries with it a certain semantic and energetic load. First of all, it is generally accepted that it helps a person maintain a spiritual connection with God and higher powers. The icon also serves as a kind of amulet against bad influence from the outside, especially if it is located directly in front of the entrance.

Where can I forge the icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows?

For example, some of them are able to positively influence a person’s character and prevent quarrels in the family, while others are responsible for health and heal illnesses. First you need to choose which icon to hang near the front door. To do this, you need to pay attention to its meaning and the properties attributed to it.

One of the most widely used images of Saints is the icon of the Mother of God with Swords. It depicts the Mother of God alone. She holds swords in her hands, seven or six of them, depending on the variation of the icon, they seem to be piercing her chest. This arrangement is a kind of symbol of the Mother’s suffering.

Where to place the icon in the house?

For a home, the Seven-Shot Mother of God is valuable primarily because it is able to protect it from the penetration of thieves and other ill-wishers. In addition, it improves the emotional situation and prevents the occurrence of domestic quarrels; its alternative name directly indicates these properties. The power of the icon does not depend on whether it was consecrated or not; it is such a strong image that even an ordinary copy or an embroidered picture can be used.

Seven-arrow icon: meaning, what it helps with and what its purpose is.

According to legend, she guarded Kyiv and while the Holy Face was in the city, it was never conquered. The properties of this image are attributed to miraculous power aimed at protecting the home. It helps protect your home from ill-wishers, thieves, and evil spirits and witchcraft.

Another win-win option when choosing a suitable icon for placement at the entrance to the apartment is the face of your personal patron or guardian angel. Why not Feodorovskaya, not Kazanskaya, not Vladimirskaya, but Semistrelnaya. Everything turned out to be simple and prosaic.

Icon of the Seven Shots: meaning and where to hang

Lord have mercy, I thought. You have to be so blind (in the literal sense of the word), and illiterate, and not knowing your faith, to say something like that. So here it is. The veneration of this icon has a completely opposite meaning! Read carefully and remember. There is no talk of any sorcerers here. Not seeing it is just madness. Praying in front of this icon, we ask God to soften our hearts so that sin will cease to be committed, remembering that this causes wounds to both Him and His Mother.

One day, a peasant who was looking for relief from his ailments had a vision in a dream, and he was told to go to the nearest monastery and find a miraculous image. The monks, not knowing about it, believed that it was a simple board. After the Seven-Arrow Icon was cleaned and restored, the peasant offered a prayer in front of it and received the long-awaited healing. For the second time in history, Semistrelnaya appeared in the first half of the 19th century, when a cholera epidemic began in the Vologda region.

For all Orthodox believers who worship miraculous icon The Mother of God of Seven Arrows, her significance is extremely great. Regardless of which icon you choose, it will in any case have a beneficial effect on your home and create positive energy. Someone collects all the icons in one place in the apartment, forming a family iconostasis.

Housing Orthodox Christian impossible to imagine without icons. However, you shouldn’t thoughtlessly buy all the images you like, because they also need to be placed in a house that has limited space. Thus, the number of icons in the house should be within reasonable limits.

How to hang icons in the house correctly? Photos and basic explanations can be found in the article below.

Basic rules for placing icons

According to church traditions, believers should pray facing the east. Therefore, it is recommended to place icons on the eastern side of the apartment. If you have such an opportunity, place the iconostasis in the east.

However, in many cases in the east, modern buildings have doors or windows and, accordingly, then it will not be possible to place the image there. But how to properly hang icons in an apartment in this case? Choose any other wall, because changing the location of the building in modern conditions impossible.

It is important not only the location of the wall relative to the cardinal points, but also its freedom and accessibility. Standing in front of the icons should be convenient for all family members, especially if the family practices joint prayer.

Where should icons be placed in the house?

It is allowed to place images on the walls (including at the head of the bed) and on the table. It is ideal when shrines are placed in icon cases. Candles, lamps, prayer books, in a word, everything that helps in prayer can be adjacent to the icons.

At the same time, it is undesirable for secular paintings, figurines, posters with images of athletes, politicians, musicians, and so on, to be located next to icons.

Let us add that paintings, even those with biblical scenes, cannot be placed next to icons. The fact is that an icon is a means through which believers communicate with God, the Mother of God and the saints; You can’t pray in front of paintings.

Where to put icons in the apartment

Can they coexist with home appliances? This is undesirable and, if possible, such proximity should be prevented. However, if, for example, a computer in a particular family is a means of work, then placing an image next to it is quite normal, because before, after and even during work you can and should pray by asking God's blessing to your actions.

By old tradition, the Red Corner in the house was often decorated with the means available at that time: fresh flowers and skillfully embroidered towels. It is not a sin to maintain this tradition today. Therefore, if you have such a desire, feel free to decorate your iconostasis and single-placed icons.

So, where to hang icons in the house? Let's summarize:

  • It is advisable to place them on east wall Houses.
  • Availability.
  • Icons can be hung on the wall, placed on tables and shelves, or placed in icon cases.
  • Icons and decorative objects should not be placed nearby.
  • Icons can be decorated with flowers and towels.

Sequence of icon placement

Now you know where to properly hang icons in the house. However, in what order should they be placed?

When placing icons in a church, church ministers take into account many of the requirements of the Charter. However, the rules for placing shrines on the home iconostasis are by no means so strict. The main ones include:

  • Thoughtful composition and systematic placement.
  • Above all should be placed the images of the Holy Trinity, Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icons of the apostles (if any) can be placed under them. Then it is necessary to place images of saints.
  • should be placed to the right of the person praying, and to the left.
  • Uniformity of styles.

It is desirable, but not strictly necessary, that the images be executed in approximately the same manner: otherwise the variety of styles may distract from prayer work. However, this does not apply to images - family heirlooms. They should definitely be placed on the home iconostasis, regardless of whether they fit into general style images or not.

So, now you know how to properly place icons in the house, photos and text will help you in this good deed. We hope that our article will help you create a canonically correct and aesthetically pleasing iconostasis!