Ancient names for children: traditions or a tribute to modernity? The meaning of Slavic names for boys and girls. Female names - modern, beautiful, rare and unusual

Among the many names that seem unusual, there are many that have simply been forgotten over time. There are interesting female names, which were born in different eras and are a reflection of ideology, politics, fashion. Parents, trying to highlight their child and make him special, often do not think about how many problems unusual name can bring to a person. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial it was believed that it influences the fate of its owner.

Traditions of antiquity

Since ancient times, names have been given to people not only as a sign of distinction from others. They were a reflection important events, features of life, character, fate, seasons and much more. They were not of a mass nature, so it was rare to meet two or three people who had the same name. When naming the child, parents wanted to endow him with special qualities. Maybe that’s why people lived in peace, harmony, love, wisdom, were hardworking, and brave.

Pay attention to the meaning of some ancient female names:

Augusta - regal, majestic

Astra - star

Vitalina – vital

Glafira – graceful, sophisticated

Ustinya - fair, correct

Forgotten and very rare female names carry a certain mystery. They are beautiful and sonorous. If you want to name your newborn daughter one of the ancient names with deep inner meaning, you should turn to the Orthodox calendar. Every day one of the saints is remembered in the calendar. If you name a child in honor of one of the great martyrs, he will become his patron. Religious leaders claim that the life of a person under the patronage of a saint will be filled with meaning, and life’s troubles will be easier to experience. In addition, old Orthodox names go well with Russian surnames.

Trends of the times

Unusual female names are often dedicated to deities. Muse, Aphrodite, Maya, Aurora - sonorous, beautiful, elegant. They excite the imagination, amaze, delight, and even envy. The custom of naming children in honor of the gods came to us from other countries.

Another tradition causes conflicting feelings - naming girls in honor of events taking place in the country and the world. The most unusual names began to be given to girls after the 1917 revolution. There were so many of them that no one was surprised if a woman’s name was Oktyabrina, Revmira, Idea, Iskra.

IN Soviet time this tradition continued. There were many registered girls who had very strange names: Dazdraperma (Long live May 1st), Pofistala (Victor of fascism Joseph Stalin), Perkosraka (First space rocket). Revolution, Turbine, Electrification, Privatization, Vyborina - understandable, but not in harmony with the female image.

The results of parents’ extraordinary thinking and their excessive imagination are still encountered today. IN last years registered in the archives of the REGISTRY OFFICE: Viagra, Afigenia, Joy, Medmiya, Trishka, Vanna. And their unusual list is headed by: Kalita, Luna, Russia, Tsarina, Milagres.

When calling girls rare and most unusual names, parents should take into account not only their meaning, but also compatibility with the patronymic and surname.

Foreign fashion

From time to time they come into fashion foreign names, previously unknown to us. By the way, opinion polls show that Italians, French and Russians consider female names to be the most beautiful.

In Russia, in recent years, girls have often been called names that are unusual for us: Adele, Aurelia, Isadora, Bazhena, Juliet, Darena, Diodora, Dilia, Iraida, Malvina. Their list can be continued for a long time.

Borrowed names often do not fit well with surnames. And parents should think about this too. After all, problems for children can begin at a fairly early age, when peers begin to pay attention to the disharmony in the sound of their first and last names. These difficulties can make the child uncommunicative, secretive, and shy. Therefore, often, having become adults, many people are in a hurry to change their first or last name.

When are girls named by their month of birth?

Based on the month of birth, many parents give the girl an old, rare, forgotten name, or unusual sounding:

- January. Felicata, Leonidia, Appolinaria, Theodora. It is assumed that their owners will live a long and happy life, they will be lucky in everything.

- February. Pavla, Christina, Aksinya, Rimma. These women are cheerful, active and cheerful. The second marriage is happier than the first.

- March. This month the girls are called Kiras, Christinas, Reginas, Iraidas, Vasilisas. Their life path not always easy. They often marry high-ranking officials.

- April. Women named Praskovya, Feodosia, Vasilisa. Akulina and Matryona are usually happily married.

- May. Glyceria, Muse, Susanna, Euphrosyne. Lukerya. Their happy life Friends are often jealous.

- June. The most suitable names for this month - Martha, Kaleria, Thekla, Theodora. These women are pleasant to talk to, despite their hot temper.

- July. Angelina, Efrosinya, Efimiya, Evdokia will always be in the spotlight.

— August. Those around you will enjoy the kindness of Concordia, Olympias, Magdalene, Seraphim, Praskovya.

- September. Marfa, Rufina, Domna, and Vasilisa are distinguished by their curiosity and optimism.

- October. Happy love waiting for Evlampia, Ustinya, Zlata, Ariadne, Pelageya, Praskovya.

- November. Coquetry and flirting are inherent in Cleopatra, Glyceria, and Neonile.

- December. Anfisa, Cecilia, and Augusta are distinguished by their nobility of character.

A rare unusual name can make a star out of a girl and set her apart from others, or it can play a cruel joke in fate. Let it excite the imagination, caress the ear, arouse interest, not curiosity. When naming a girl, you should remember the euphony of the name and the harmonious combination with the surname.

The name Eve, according to legend, is considered the most ancient biblical name, and belonged to the first woman who appeared on earth by the will of God, so that Adam would not be bored. Today, women's names number in hundreds of very different variations, and each has found a place in the name book of women's names...

Female names in different cultures of the world

Each country and each culture has its own rules and traditions regarding the naming of future women. Female names are chosen according to different rules: somewhere the basis is centuries-old traditions, somewhere parables and legends, and somewhere, as in Western civilization, names for girls are given only for standard reasons, taking into account such factors as the beauty of sound, speed of pronunciation, fame and popularity.

Take, for example, Slavic culture. There has long been only one single tradition - girls, like boys, were given a name exclusively upon reaching the age of nine, when the child could already be associated with some craft (the name was closely connected with it). Before this, the child could be called by his serial number(how he appeared in the family), or simply “Child” or “Child”.

In Muslim culture there were only a few rules. First, a woman’s name should not necessarily be listed in the name book of women’s names, the main thing is that it should be a word that, in translation, determines fate. For example, the name Aliya was translated as “exalted”, and Samiha - “generous”.

And so in each individual culture there were at one time traditions that they adhered to, giving them a name. Somewhere over time, traditions have exhausted their significance, and somewhere they are adhered to to this day. However, church names, like traditional national ones, are popular to this day. Yes, and legends and signs also have weight in today's modern times.

So, in Iceland there is only one single rule today - a woman’s name cannot begin with the English letter “S” as such, because in the local culture, in the Icelandic alphabet, this letter simply does not exist.

Modern naming traditions

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In Slavic culture, naming traditions have been partially preserved. Thus, a tradition has been preserved, based on which a church female name should be given, taken from the name book according to the Saints, which lists the martyrs and Saints who once defended the formation Orthodox religion. In modern times, this tradition is not followed in every family, and yet, everyone without exception knows about it, especially since during baptism the girl is still given a female Orthodox name from among the Saints.

Catholics have a similar tradition, and in accordance with it, it is also customary to give names to women from the list of those honored in the church. True, it is worth noting that the naming of newborns today in Catholic culture they approach it more responsibly than in the Orthodox.

In Islam it is still considered obligatory to name future woman a name that could determine her fate by its translation. There are no biblical or church names, and in the Koran there is only one single female name. As a result, girls are called those variations that, when translated, mean some quality (generous, bright, noble, etc.), or the name of a flower.

But in France, for example, there is only one tradition - to name children after their ancestors. So, they used to act according to one simple scheme. The girl's name had to consist of the names of her paternal and maternal grandmothers, as well as the saint venerated on the day of her baptism. In modern times, this tradition is difficult to follow. Therefore, mostly single names of relatives are given: godparents, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.

Name and religiosity: the main criterion for division

All “girl names” are divided into several categories and based on them, a large number of subcategories. But the most important criterion of all available is the criterion of religiosity. Based on the issue of religion, the most famous female names are:

  • Orthodox;
  • Catholic;
  • Muslim;
  • Jewish.

How to choose a suitable female name in modern times?

Naturally, ideally one should follow the traditions under which a girl is born. Being an Orthodox family, you need to call Orthodox name, and in Catholic, Catholic and in accordance with the traditions of Catholics. But if traditions are not to your liking, then you can resort to standard schemes that are common throughout the world.

So, in modern times, you can choose a female name based on five important parameters: the patronizing element, the zodiac sign, the year according to the Eastern calendar, the patron planet, and religion.

With the latter, everything is clear - it is desirable that the name relates to the religion to which the family and the newborn girl are directly related. If you belong to the Orthodox category of people, then it is advisable to choose from among the Orthodox female names.

As for the other parameters, everything is simple. Every zodiac sign and every animal from Eastern calendar influence certain names in their own way with their energy.

In the same way, each name can have different energy in conjunction with one or another sign. The element is determined by the sign of the Zodiac and the date of birth of the child, but in the same way, each name is protected by one or another element. It is advisable to select a name that will correspond to all the named parameters without exception.

By the way, on our website, in the list presented, you can sort out names by elements, zodiac signs, years, and even seasons.

Modern families who are expecting a girl are wondering how it is possible. This choice is a very serious decision, so it should be approached extremely responsibly. Deeply religious parents can turn to the church calendar for help and name the girl in honor of the holy great martyr.

For others, it’s easy to find an option to suit every taste. , rare and beautiful, can not only make their owner unique, but also reward her with the necessary character traits. The choice must please both parents, be consistent with the patronymic and surname, and also have a good meaning.

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Beautiful and unusual

They carry a special mystery and mystery, endowing their owner with tenderness and wisdom. Russian names are mostly of Slavic, Greek, Roman or Scandinavian origin. Most beautiful female names are becoming very popular, and more and more foreign and rare ones are being added to them. But you should always remember that the chosen the name should not become a reason for ridicule from others of people. Below are the most unusual and original names, which were recorded on the territory of Russia.

  • Moon. It is of Latin and Arabic origin and translates as “passionate.” It is a symbol of the tendency towards movement and change. At an early age, a girl named Luna is distinguished by her restlessness and curiosity. And this does not go away in adulthood. Intolerance to constancy, love of changing places often becomes the cause of loneliness. But this state of affairs does not burden the Moon at all. After all, loneliness for her to some extent means freedom and independence.
  • Chelsea. Comes from the Scandinavian languages ​​and means "victory of the ship." Its bearer is very attractive in appearance. Chelsea is distinguished by belligerence, courage, and has a large reserve of energy. She prone to lightning-fast mood swings. Often gives the impression of a fragile and dreamy personality, cannot tolerate pretense and envy. The loyalty, flexibility and strength of mind that characterize Chelsea find outlet in altruistic deeds.
  • Ocean. This extremely unusual name is of Greek origin and means “lovers of the ocean.” Its owner has a penchant for the lifestyle of an ascetic. She is capable of making sacrifices even for small goals. As a child, he gives away his favorite toy, mature age may give up his own happiness for the well-being of another person. There must always be someone next to the Ocean who will accept these sacrifices. Otherwise, life for her will be devoid of any meaning.

Most beautiful names quickly become popular

Old Russian names

All Slavic names, female and male, in our time are considered rare, beautiful and unusual. Before the adoption of Christianity in Kievan Rus, girls were called epithets that reflected character traits, appearance etc. Among the Slavs were Kudryana, Molchana, and Krasa. After baptism, Old Church Slavonic nicknames began to be replaced by church ones. An interesting fact is that in ancient times in Rus' two paired names were often used. The first was chosen for use by strangers, while the second was kept strictly secret, and only the closest people knew it. The Slavs believed that this way they could protect the girl from evil spirits and other evil spirits. But over time, this tradition faded away.

All Slavic names are rare and beautiful

Attention! Slavic names reflect everything best qualities that should be present in every girl. Russian female names are always beautiful and unusual by nature, and some are extremely rare.

  • Darina. There are several versions of its origin. Co Old Slavonic language translated as “given life.” Endows its owner with accuracy and balance. At an early age she is cheerful and sociable, although she has poor health and appetite. An adult woman, Darina, is distinguished by her charm and a certain cunning character. She is smart, has excellent taste and knows her worth. She is also very jealous and capricious. Choosing original, but simple names for girls, you can safely stop there. Just don’t confuse him with Daria, because they have different energies.
  • Dobrava is originally Old Slavonic and means “good”. Its bearer with early childhood has a kind and cheerful disposition, she is very sociable and inquisitive. Characterized by a high degree of independence and self-will. In adulthood, character traits such as responsibility, determination and resourcefulness help Dobrava take leadership positions. She rarely needs outside support, preferring to achieve everything on her own.
  • Eupraxia. It is rightfully included in the list of the rarest and most unusual female names. Given name comes from Greece and means “prosperity”, “well-being” and “happiness”. Eupraxia is accustomed to living only at the behest of her heart, which brings her both dizzying happiness and bitter fall. She is very successful in all areas of life and has many good friends. Never take your time when choosing a solution, always thinks rationally, guided only by his own views and principles. Name days are celebrated on January 25 and October 29.
  • Vesta. This name is of Slavic origin and means "news". Its bearer is an original person with a well-developed intellect and analytical mind. She knows how to control her emotions very well, so in appearance she seems to be an extremely calm and balanced person. Vesta is eccentric and quirky, and doesn’t really fit into society. She hates dullness and routine, she is very mobile and sociable. She always finishes what she starts. Prefers to stand out from the crowd.

Slavic names reflect all the best qualities of a woman

Aristocratic names

Individuals of royal and royal blood, as well as aristocrats, were usually called in a certain way. Aristocratic names for women are particularly refined and majestic. Almost all of them reward their owner with the energy of power and good aristocratic taste. Below is a list of the most “strong” names.

  • Anna. Has Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, and also Orthodox origin. In Hebrew it means “courage,” “strength,” and “sacred grace.” Often translated as "the grace of God." Its bearer is extremely truth-loving and uncompromising. Over the years, she becomes very wise and reasonable. Anna seems to radiate kindness. She happily takes care of animals younger brothers and sisters. He loves to help with housework and will always help out in difficult times. The owner of this name never succumbs to the influence of others and has an analytical mind. And thanks to his innate charm and sociability, he easily wins people over to his side. Anna tops almost every list of modern beautiful female names.
  • Wilhelmina. Translated from ancient German, this name means “protector.” Women so named are phlegmatic, they never do anything in a hurry. They like to stand firmly on their feet and almost never fly in the clouds. It is often impossible to understand what she is thinking. Wilhelmina gives the impression of a timid and shy person, although in reality has a huge energy reserve. He has a strong will, but it is not always enough to achieve certain goals in life.
  • Catherine. Remembering old names for girls, one cannot help but mention Ekaterina. From Greek it is translated as “pure” and “immaculate.” The owner of the name Ekaterina has been since early age distinguished by its intellectual abilities. Does not always recognize the superiority of other people in something. The girl named so loves to dream and fantasize. She has a fairly easy-going character, and this makes her very popular among friends and acquaintances. Catherine's whole life is full of movement and colors, and this does not change even in her declining years.
  • Louise. Translated from the Celtic language as “light” and “shining”. Its bearer is distinguished by her slowness and seemingly limitless patience. She can do it well adapt to any changes in life. In some situations, Louise can be cunning and resourceful. The owner of this name is very kind, affectionate and hospitable to everyone. She does not know how to take revenge, she is not vindictive. Louise celebrates her name day several times a year: February 1, March 15, May 1, September 18.
  • Sophia. It is not one of the rare female names; on the contrary, it is always quite popular. Translated from ancient Greek it means “wise.” IN Kievan Rus this name came after the adoption of Christianity, and at first only girls from aristocratic families were given it. From an early age Sophia was very active, sociable and inquisitive, awarded with a rich inner world. IN at a young age Sophia acquires a special attractiveness, thereby attracting the opposite sex. Capable of heroic deeds. Sophia celebrates Angel Day several times a year.

Every name once invented by people carries a meaning. Old Russian female names are distinguished by their beauty and uniqueness, because they appeared in different periods long-suffering story Ancient Rus'. The wealth of female names has appealed to modern parents, and many girls already have beautiful old names. Melody and deep meaning attract not only Russians, but also other nations.

It is impossible to find out the origin of absolutely all ancient names, but research does not stop. Names are a source of history and traditions; with their help you can learn about the life of your ancestors, their views, and look at the world through their eyes. Names help contemporaries know how their ancestors treated people.

It is even more difficult to research Old Russian female names, because they usually had several meanings and interpretations. In different regions, one name could mean various phenomena and things. Therefore, today there are several versions of one name.

Names and traditions

In the old days, children were called by names that characterized their habits or appearance. This was an ancient tradition, because people have long believed that the name contains a fateful code. This is how the girls’ names appeared: Krasava and Razumnitsa.

It is worth noting that such a tradition was not only among the Slavs. The Indians and Chinese also named children according to traditions. In India they gave characteristic names, like Ayashi (small), Evoti (great). The Chinese tried to give a child a terrible name, because they believed that bad spirits might covet a beloved child, and if they named him almost offensively, the spirits would think that this child was not loved. This was more true for boys, although girls were sometimes given strange names.

The Slavs gave great importance family and occupation, some names are even associated with the sequence of birth of children. So Lydia will mean “first”. The name Pervusha was popular.

The Slavs believed that the name is the key to inner world and gave the girls two names. This is how the tradition of choosing a name for people and for the family arose. The first was told to everyone, but the second was known only to those closest to them, and it kept a secret good meaning. The first was usually ugly and repulsive, but it made it possible to protect the true from bad tongues.

The second name was given only at a certain age, when the teenager showed character. However, the tradition did not take root - usually the girl was as her first name characterized her. The second name, due to not being used, lost its meaning.

Church calendars

After the adoption of Christianity, names were entered into church calendars, and as if they were giving the child to the protection of a guardian angel. As you know, not all Slavs willingly accepted the customs of Christianity, therefore for a long time children, in parallel with Christian names, were given old pagan nicknames. Later, many of them became modern surnames.

However, the pressure of Christianity was great. Closer to the 17th century, many Old Russian female names went out of use. They were replaced by the names of states that spread Christianity or were influential at that time - Byzantium, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Syria. Many names were transformed into the Russian style, and, for example, instead of Avdotya it turned out to be Evdokia. Today, many people would be surprised at how their names sounded in the original.

Only the names of the saints remained unchanged. Ancient tradition Giving a child two names also took root in Rus', but the second name given at baptism was usually not used. The second name was often Greek.

The church list provides a large number of female names to choose from. Both Christian believers and atheists can choose names. Moreover, the calendar allows you to select a name by month and even birthday. To name a child according to the Saints means to give him protection from the saint revered on this day. There is another tradition, choosing a saint on the eighth day after birth. If there are no Saints on the birthday, then choose the name of the saint honored on the fortieth day. Previously, it was on this day that a child was baptized.

It is also allowed to use a male name if there is no female name according to the Saints. That's why there are so many genderless names (Evgenia, Alexandra, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav).

Types of Russian names

The Slavs definitely loved beautiful two-basic names. For example, Svetozar, Miroslav, Lyubomir, Dobrognev, . Often girls were called names that emphasized certain traits of their character. This is how the names Arina (calm), Dobrava (kind), Varvara (wild), Svetlana (bright), Arsenia (courageous) appeared. Since the Slavs revered the cult of animals and plants, many girls’ names are taken from the world of flora and fauna. These are Azalea, Akulina, Pike.

There were names borrowed from the gods. The famous one was considered the goddess of the dawn, Apollinaria - the goddess of the sun (about the ancient Greek sun god Apollo), the goddess of beauty and love Lada. Some original Russian names were modified participles (Bazhena). IN separate group included names for princely children (Vyacheslav).

Today you can find Old Church Slavonic names that in reality only had a Slavic root. There were names that translated Greek and Roman.

It is impossible to compile a complete list of beautiful names of antiquity, but here are a few of the most popular:

– summer.

- giving.

Agnes is chaste.

Vesta is the keeper of the hearth.

– chosen one.

Bela is beautiful.

Ada – decorating.

- serene.

Bogdana – given by God.

Agnia is immaculate.

Dobrava - kind.

- reigning.

Beatrice - blessing.

Eupraxia is a virtue.

Kazimira - showing the world.

Ariadne - sleeping.

– protector.

Joy is joy.

Svetlana is bright.

Milana is sweet.

Joy - joy.

Goluba is meek.

Mstislava - revenge and glory.

Lyubomila – love and peace.

- cold.

Ladoslava - okay.

Lubomudra is loving wisdom.

Ognevlada is bright.

Arrow - arrow.

Mlada – young.

Snow White - snow-white.

Milonega – sweet and gentle.

Diva - divine.

Domoslava - glorifying the house.

Chaslava - aspiring to glory.

Radmila is a sweet joy.

Slavunya – glorifying.

Lyubogneva – who loves to be angry.

Rusana is fair-haired.

Delight – sweet.

Beautiful - beautiful.

Virtue - one who does good.

Vesnyana – spring.

Zhdana – desired.

Jaromila - Yarlu's sweetheart.

In the 19th century, many Old Russian names were half forgotten. Russian versions of foreign names have come into use:

- someone else's.

- comforting.

Ursula is curious.

Irma is neat.

- black-eyed.

Nellie is inattentive.

– honest.