Beyond the distance there are chapters. Beyond the distance is the distance (chapters from the poem)

Tvardovsky A.T. - a writer who, during his short life, left an indelible mark in the memory of readers by writing wonderful works. Among the written works is Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance,” which is an autobiographical work that he began to write, inspired by his travels around our mother country.

Beyond the distance - distance Tvardovsky summary

The work consists of fifteen parts, where the author shares with us his travel sketches, his thoughts, his impressions, telling us about his trip, which began in Moscow towards Far East. To quickly get acquainted with all the small parts of the work “Beyond the Distance - Distance” by Tvardovsky, we bring to your attention summary.

Already at the beginning of the work, the author tells us about the journey and the motives that prompted him to travel. The hero is all excited about the train ride and what awaits him there ahead. We see in the part called “On the Road” the mood of the hero who wants to visit new places. He is in a wonderful mood, he is glad to see every fellow traveler. Next we get acquainted with the part “Seven Thousand Rivers”. This is exactly how the hero speaks about the Volga. The author devoted an entire part to this river. He calls it “the middle of the native Earth,” “Mother Volga alone,” despite the fact that there are more powerful rivers. The writer glorifies the river, talks about how people admire it, how “half of Russia looked at it” and how beautiful and big it is.

Next we are transported to the hero’s memories, where he talks about his native land Zagorye, where he spent his youth in a forge, and then passing through the Urals “I’m driving past, And something sank in my chest: You, as if my native land, I’m leaving behind,” and then “beyond the Urals - Trans-Urals” and already another distance

In the next part, “Two Distances,” the author says goodbye to the Urals and meets a new land, Siberia, introducing us to the landscapes that the hero observes from the window. Here the author has a conversation with us, the readers “Reader! Friend of the very best” “let’s continue the conversation.” And the conversation already continues in the “Literary Conversation” part, where the writer introduces us to his companions, giving them brief characteristics. So the hero tells us about a young couple, a lady in pajamas, a major, and again the hero turns to the reader.

In Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance, the Distance,” the lyrical hero also meets his childhood friend, recalling with him past carefree times in the part “Childhood Friend.” Also, during the journey, the author tells us about the historical military events that took place in the country, which we learn about from the chapter “Front and Rear.” Here the author talks about a dispute that ensued between fellow travelers on the topic of the front “there was a dispute about the front and the rear, - Not which is more important, but which is more difficult.” Next are Angara, Baikal, Vladivostok.

At the end, the author again turns to readers who, in their imagination, together with the hero, have comprehended the distance. The author writes about the readers’ desire to recognize the hero of the poem, but there is no hero as such, or rather, the heroes of the work “You, me, and you and me,” that is, the author himself and the readers. The author ends his work with a farewell to the readers: “Farewell. To a new distance,” calling readers “Old Friend.”

History of creation Beyond the distance of Tvardovsky

The history of the creation of Tvardovsky’s “Beyond the Distance” begins in 1950. I decided to write a poem to the car after I left the magazine “ New world”, and went to travel the country, writing everything down in his diary. The author wrote his work for ten whole years and completed it in 1960.
In my work on Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance” and in my essay, I want to note the great talent of the writer, which allowed us to imagine the greatness of our country.

“Beyond the Distance is the Distance” by Tvardovsky, a brief summary of which is given in this article, is a famous post-war poem by the famous Soviet writer. In this work, the author condemns Stalin.

Creation of a poem

The poem "Beyond the Distance - the Distance" by Tvardovsky - a brief summary allows you to get a complete picture of the plot - was written at the height of the Khrushchev Thaw. In it, the author reflects on the passage of time, the duty and responsibility of the artist, life and death.

The chapter “So it Was” is almost entirely devoted to the cult of Stalin’s personality. And also the consequences that such public policy. The chapter “Childhood Friend” talks about the rehabilitation of people who were illegally convicted during the years of repression in the Soviet Union.

Tvardovsky most vividly presented his idea of ​​sovereignty in this poem. At that time, the idea was very popular, but many adhered to the cult of a strong state. Tvardovsky does not connect this cult with any specific statesman or a specific form of government. This point of view helped him become one of the admirers of the Russian Empire.

Tvardovsky wrote “Beyond the Distance - the Distance” (the content is briefly retold in this article) in the period from 1950 to 1960. The work itself belongs to the lyrical genre, while it has an obvious epic bias.

The main plot of the poem revolves around the theme of the road. The lyrical character sets off on a train journey across the country. Already at the beginning of the story, the reader learns that initially this route runs through the Urals and Siberia. He had been dreaming about this trip for a long time.

On the way, the lyrical hero indulges in memories; the difficult everyday life of war, devastation and hunger, which overnight consumed the entire country, come to mind.

One of the entertainments along the way is carriage disputes. And also the changing landscapes outside the window. They serve as an additional background to this work. At the same time, the author reflects on the pages of the poem about career growth, actively encourages the younger generation to go and explore distant and uninhabited Siberian lands.

In the poem “Beyond the Distance, the Distance” by Tvardovsky, a brief summary of which is conveyed in this article, grandiose plans for the development of the Siberian expanses are specifically mentioned. The poet describes the process of constructing a hydroelectric power station on the Angara River.

The lyrical poem ends with the arrival of the train at the very eastern point countries - to Vladivostok.

15 chapters

There are only 15 chapters in the poem “Beyond the Distance - the Distance” by Tvardovsky. The summary begins with an introduction. It and the very first chapter tell about the motives that prompted the lyrical hero to set off on this journey.

The author describes in detail his impressions of what he saw outside the window during his trip. He talks at length about the distances in anticipation of upcoming joyful events. Initially, when leaving Moscow, the lyrical hero expects something important and meaningful from this trip.

The chapter “On the Road” describes the author’s mood and his great desire to get new sensations in unexplored places of his vast homeland. In Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance, the Distance” (a chapter-by-chapter summary allows you to get acquainted with the work in detail), the lyrical hero sincerely rejoices at every meeting, any new travel companion.

The vast Volga

Tvardovsky’s lyrical hero is especially amazed and admired by the vast Volga, which he sees from the window of his train.

He writes about the Volga as an omnipresent river in which half of Russia could see itself. He examines the river with undisguised delight, immediately forgetting about everything he was just doing.

In the chapter “Two Forges” the author turns to his youth, which passed in Zagorye in the Smolensk region. He grew up in his father's forge. And then he was forced to come to the Urals. The two forges that he encountered are a clear reflection of the image of his father and the Urals miner, which was called the forge of the entire power.

Calling the Volga mother, the poet calls the Urals father.

Hello Siberia

An important role in this work is played by the chapter “Two Distances”, in which the lyrical hero says goodbye to the Urals and welcomes Siberia. He describes its landscapes and everything that comes into his field of vision.

In fact, in Tvardovsky’s “Beyond the Distance, the Distance,” the main characters are not specific people, but historical eras and the places that the lyrical hero of the poem passes by train.

The author is delighted with what he sees outside the carriage window. The poet put deep meaning into this chapter. He reflects on the present and past of his country. For recent years he and his people had to endure many trials. These include the sorrows of war, tragic losses at the fronts, joy from new buildings, and general enthusiasm from the restoration of cities.

But still there are many more sad memories.

Dialogue with the reader

A distinctive feature of this poem is the dialogue with the reader, which the author conducts in almost every chapter. This gives additional liveliness and unusualness to the entire text.

In the chapter "Literary Conversation" he talks about the protagonist's fellow travelers. He has been spending three days in the same carriage with them. This is an officer Soviet Army with the rank of major, a young romantic couple and a lady in pajamas. The poet carefully describes the characteristics of each of the characters, adding his own conjectures and assumptions about their future fate.

On a trip, the lyrical hero meets his old friend. They remember the past, how they played together as children, herded cattle and burned fires. They had not seen each other for seventeen years, but met suddenly and by chance. They only have five minutes to do everything about everything at the Tayshet station.

Memories of the war occupy a special place in the poem. In the ten days that the trip lasts, the author manages to cover a huge geographical and historical layer.

The poet spent a lot of effort working on this work. In Tvardovsky's poem "Beyond the Distance - the Distance" - the contents are set out in chapters in this article - the author's most innermost thoughts and ideas are expressed.

Analysis of the poem "Beyond the Distance - Distance"

Deep meaning put into the concept of distances Alexander Tvardovsky. “Beyond the Distance is the Distance” - the analysis of the work is given in this article - with incredible skill it conveys descriptions of valleys, rivers and lakes, the author’s memories and his thoughts about the present and future life.

Some of the most insightful are front-line episodes that the poet took from his own memory. Perhaps the most important thing in this poem is the comparison of times, the joy and sadness of the inhabitants of the era, their awareness of the coming new time.

Tvardovsky seems to carry these memories throughout his entire life, harmoniously inscribing them into this poem, which he considered one of his key works.

This is a true literary masterpiece of the 20th century.

A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance, the Distance” (1950-1960) took a long and difficult time to develop. In it, the event plot is weakened to a minimum - just travel sketches, impressions, thoughts of a person traveling from Moscow through the whole of Siberia. And yet the poem is full of drama. All the acute contradictions that make up the conflict node occur in the mind of the author traveling to the Far East. As a result, “Beyond the Distance”

- far" can be called a poem of reflection. The lyrical-epic nature of the poem allows the reader to visually imagine the immensity and greatness


And there is another distance,

What will turn into a new distance.

And finally, the final goal of the trip:

Not just another, distant land,

And the Far East.

The Volga, Ural, Siberia, Angara, Baikal and other regions are capacious metaphors that reflect the historical fate of the people, with its difficulties and mistakes. That is why the reflections of the lyrical hero are so tense and dramatic. Events of the most narrow, private, personal nature are correlated with a historical past full of tragic intensity. An unexpected meeting at the Taishet taiga station with a friend from his early youth, illegally repressed in the 30s and now returning

On the contrary, it gives birth to an image-symbol of a complex historical era:

And I remembered you, childhood friend,

And those years of dull pain.

In the central chapter “On the Angara,” connected by the theme of the stellar future, the poet remembers another friend, whose life inseparably merged with history, revolution, literature, victories and mistakes, and the pain of whose loss still does not subside in the poet’s heart:

How I missed you

My friend, gone forever.

Who else is like you in the world?

I could rejoice to tears at these speeches, eyes and people!

Personal memories are transformed into vivid pictures of the past, associated with the dramatic circumstances and consequences of the era of Stalin’s personality cult:

That's how it was. Quarter of a century

A call to battle and labor

The man's name sounded

Along with the word Motherland.

We called - will we be disingenuous? –

His father in the country - family.

That's how it was on earth.

Without running away from the past, the lyrical hero appreciates and defends the pride of a person who, together with the people, experienced harsh years and involvement in great achievements:

Yes, everything that happened to us -

That's with us here.

Already in these memories, next to the majestic and sorrowful past, the individual destinies of people, friends of childhood and youth, one can feel the extraordinary figure of the lyrical hero himself. The scale of his personality matches the epic events that he passes through his consciousness. On the soul of the lyrical hero there is additional

burden - he is a poet. And therefore, he bears a special responsibility for everything that happens in the world, his duty is to tell the truth in the name of the future, in the name of descendants:

Who else but the poet

Descendants will not allow us to remain silent.

Him to a harsh answer

The court will require a special one.

I'm not afraid of such a judgment

And maybe I’ve been waiting for him for a long time,

Let that word not be mine yet,

What is most capacious of all, it is given to say.

Mine - from the heart - not to the wind,

It is ready for anyone;

I lived, I was - for everything in the world I answer with my head.

The author's journey, in which three images merge: the poet, the storyteller (narrator) and the lyrical hero, lasts ten days in the present tense. But it absorbs the last two centuries of the country, decades of heroes and the author, and prospects for the future are outlined.

The capacity and globality of time, the spatial scope embodied in the poem “Beyond the Distance is the Distance”, determined another feature - the type of fellow traveler of the lyrical hero.

Tvardovsky, by the nature of his talent, always focuses on dialogue. In this poem this direction takes on special meaning. For the first time, a diverse reader appears here. Conversations with him are full of contrasting, sometimes ironic, sometimes playful, sometimes serious intonations. But in the end, the conversation with the reader reaches deep trust and revelation. The poet values ​​his opinion and expects the same from him.

The poem ends on a high note of parting with a friend-reader:

We waited for the end of the road together,

But there is no time to idle.

So, goodbye. Until a new distance.

See you soon,

And the general tone is not tempting,

Neither at first, nor later.

In his work, the author managed to “stand above everything that came before, without renouncing himself, his nature and breed, to find new colors and new compositional subjects and opportunities for expressing the already accomplished fact of a new vision of the world” (A. Surkov).

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The poem "Beyond the Distance - Distance" was written in the post-war period, its author is outstanding writer, lieutenant colonel and simply a person who is not indifferent to the Fatherland. His life was thorny and short. When creating this work, he did not spare himself, giving himself up to wanderings and setting out wartime tragedies on a piece of paper.

A little about the author

In 1910 in the Smolensk region. His father earned his living as a blacksmith and often organized evenings reading works of great poets: Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and others. This was the first decisive impetus in the literary development of the creator. Alexander Trifonovich’s mother was very sensitive and caring, he repeatedly mentioned this in his poems and notes. The poet also graduated from the Institute of Literature in Moscow (MILFI). Tvardovsky's first poem was written back in early childhood. During the war, he was in the ranks of the soldiers from the very beginning until the victory in the fight against the German fascists. For which he was awarded orders and medals more than once. The war touched the poet’s soul in a special way, which is impossible not to notice after reading at least one poem by Tvardovsky. In recent years, Alexander Trifonovich was the editor-in-chief of the literary magazine “New World”; they tried to remove him from this position for a long time and using various methods. Alexander Trifonovich was unshakable until his deputies were fired, replacing them with enemies. After leaving the magazine, Alexander Trifonovich settled down at the dacha with sadness about the past, and then decided to travel around his motherland. Great poet He did not live long, leaving an indelible mark in the memory of readers and fellow writers. Tvardovsky died in 1971.

"For distance -far" ( Tvardovsky): summary

The work is classified as a lyrical genre of writing with an epic slant. It consists of 15 chapters with a smooth transition from one to another. The inspiration for the poem was a trip to Russia, including Siberia, the Urals, and the Far East. The poem is autobiographical in nature, there are dialogues and descriptions of the landscapes of the homeland. At one of the stops, the author meets his childhood friend, to whom he devotes one of the chapters of the poem. In short, the basis of the work is reflections, memories and descriptions of the views from the carriage window.

"Beyond the Distance - the Distance" (Tvardovsky): history of creation

The reasons for creating the work were the author’s departure from the magazine “New World” and the difficult events experienced during the war. For ten long years Tvardovsky wrote the poem “Beyond the Distance, the Distance.” The summary should be preceded by an explanation of the motives for its creation. The poet, in doubt and bitter memories, decides to travel around Russia, starting from the Urals, then to Siberia and the Far East. All these travel sensations make up the travel diary “Beyond the Distance - the Distance.” On one of his trips, Tvardovsky meets a friend to whom one of the sections of the poem is dedicated. The author also does not forget to mention his small homeland. After its publication, the work became a leader among modern poems. But it did not receive much criticism or discussion.

More information about the chapters of the poem

The introduction and the first chapter tell about the motives of the writer’s journey. Reflections from the carriage window about the distances and anticipation of the events ahead are framed by the cheerful disposition of the author. Saying goodbye to Moscow, the lyrical hero happily expects something from this trip. The chapter “On the Road” shows the author’s mood and desire for new sensations in unexplored places of his homeland. Alexander Tvardovsky rejoices at every new travel companion and image outside the window. "Beyond the Distance - the Distance" describes chapter by chapter the order of trips to different corners countries.

Next, the writer describes the vast Volga, calling it “Seven Thousand Rivers.” He writes about the Volga as an omnipresent river into which “half of Russia looked.” Everyone looks at the river with undisguised delight, forgetting even what they were doing. By calling her mother, the poet wants to convey the majesty and beauty of the Volga. Truly, it runs along a large part of the Russian land and fills many lakes.

The chapter “Two Forges” reflects the author’s memories of his youth in Zagorye, where he grew up in his father’s forge, and his arrival in the Urals. Two forges as a reflection of the father-producer in the family and the Urals-producer, the blacksmith of the entire state. In the poem, the writer calls the Urals father, which also speaks of his motives to glorify and honor the Russian region.

Comparison of "two distances"

In the section “Two Distances,” the author says goodbye to the Urals and welcomes Siberia, describing its landscapes and everything that falls into his. Imagining one and observing the second distance, he is both delighted and sad. The poet put into this chapter more of the past and present of the country: the sorrows of war, tragic losses and the joy of new buildings, boiling labor, restoration of the state. But the memory is filled with the grief experienced, which Tvardovsky wrote about quite emotionally.

Friend of youth as an echo of the past

Tvardovsky's poem "Beyond the Distance - the Distance" is filled with colorful and sensual reflections. In each of the chapters, the author conducts a dialogue with the reader, which adds liveliness to the text. In “Literary Conversation” he talks about his fellow travelers, with whom he has been traveling for three days now: there is a major, a young couple, and a lady in pajamas. Without losing sight external features each of them, adds his own conjectures and assumptions about their further actions. There is also a dialogue with the reader.

During the trip, Alexander Trifonovich meets his old friend, with whom he strikes up a conversation. They remember their childhood, how they herded cattle together, lit fires in the forest, school and the Komsomol. Comrades of their youth, having not seen each other for 17 years, have five minutes to talk at the Taishet station. Friends part with insane sadness. This meeting leaves a note of sadness in the author’s soul.

Fragments of memories of the war

The entire trip lasts ten days, but includes a century of the history of the people and a large-scale description of the territory of Russia. Here are the cold mighty Urals, and Siberia - “the factory and granary of the state,” and the Far East. Historical military moments are described in the chapter “Front and Rear”. Playing with thoughts and images, the poem “Beyond the Distance is Distance” (Tvardovsky), the summary of which is quite voluminous, because the work itself has a deep meaning and a long period of writing, combines the past and real life people.

Tvardovsky treated this work as if it were his last, putting all of himself into writing the poem “Beyond the Distance - Distance.” The summary does not contain even a small fraction of all the charms and subtleties of the work. After reading at least one passage, the reader will be transported into the deep thoughts and memories of the author. In the last chapters about the journey back to Moscow, the writer on the sheet salutes fate for such a decisive step in his life.

The deep meaning of the concept of distance in the work

Analysis of Tvardovsky's poem "Beyond the Distance - Distance" is a story about the incredible skill of describing the forests and valleys, rivers and lakes of the great homeland, about the life and memories of the author, about fragments of the war taken from the poet's memory. But more important essence century-old work is a comparison of times, sadness and joy of the inhabitants of the era and the awareness of the coming new century. It’s as if the author carried the memories throughout his entire life, harmoniously placed them in the lyrical epic poem “Beyond the Distance, the Distance,” adding the scale and beauty of the state. This is how the masterpiece of Russian poetry of the last century turned out.

Year of publication of the poem: 1967

The poem “Beyond the Distance” was written by A.T. Tvardovsky for 10 years - 1950-1960. The circulation of editions of this work is measured in the millions. And the poem itself is called the most famous and successful work of the writer after “Vasily Terkin”.

Poems “Beyond the Distance” summary

Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance” begins with the author setting off on a journey in a direction he has never been to before, although he has traveled halfway around the world. The hero travels at night, but cannot sleep, because he is sorry for the time. He goes to the Volga, then the Trans-Volga region, the Urals, the Urals, the Trans-Urals, Baikal and Transbaikalia. The author says that behind every distance there will be another distance. He talks about how terrible the war is and how hard the work of the country's defenders is. He says that although the war is over, it will always be remembered, it is like a wound that, although healed, hurts when the weather comes.

On the road

The author writes that the poet’s work brings him joy. The most important thing in life - youth, and you need to cherish it while you have it. The poet, having achieved recognition, loses his passion, he just needs youth. He is ready to get off the train at any of the stops and stay there indefinitely. This man does not believe in the boredom of distant places, and he admires the trip. The author asks you not to judge the poem right away, but to read at least half of it.

Seven thousand rivers

Through a dream, the hero hears someone talking about the Volga. He approaches the window, where a crowd of people has already gathered. Smokes. Shouts are heard everywhere: “She!” And now the Volga is already behind us. Next, the author describes the greatness of the Volga. Volga is the middle of Russia. There may be longer and larger rivers in the world, but the Volga is dear to the author.

Two forges

The writer talks about the forge in Zagorje, where he spent his childhood. About the sounds of the anvil, which still ring in the hero’s head, reminding him of his former, poor life. There were always people in their forge and there were always conversations about everything in the world. The forge was a joy, a break from everyday life for all visitors. The writer was proud of his father because he could create useful things with a few blows of a hammer. And on the way, the writer had a chance to see the main sledgehammer of the Urals.

Two distances

Another distance, where the grass is not thick and the landscape is sparse - Siberia. The hero plunges into memories of how he learned to read and write. He rejoices that his fate is ordinary, that he is not special. The author asks you to read until you get bored. Meanwhile, the train stopped at Taiga station. And right after the stop it’s completely different climate - winter, everything around is covered in snow.

Literary conversation

On a long journey, according to the author, everything is important down to the smallest detail, the weather, the conductor’s samovar, and the radio. That you need to make friends with your neighbors in the compartment, because all the people traveling in the same carriage are connected by a common direction. The writer ponders where the newlyweds standing at the window can go. At night, the author has a strange dream where he talks to his editor about his works.

Lights of Siberia

Tvardovsky's poem "Beyond the Distance" chapter "Lights of Siberia" is full of descriptions of the power of the Siberian region. Five Europes can be placed on this territory, says the author. The hero travels through Siberia for several days, he cannot take his eyes off the starry sky. The lights of Siberia last forever. The poet falls in love with Siberia: “I love it! ... you can’t stop loving.”

With myself

Life has endowed the writer with everything in full: his mother’s songs, holidays, and music; just like in his youth, he loves long conversations and nightly thoughts. And sometimes it seems to him that all the youthful fervor has not yet left him. Promises the reader not to violate the terms of friendship. The poet says that it will definitely be difficult for him in the future, but he will never be afraid.

childhood friend

In this chapter of the poem “Beyond the Distance” you can read about the writer’s old friend, his peer, with whom he herded cattle, lit fires, and was together in the Komsomol. The author could have called this person his first friend, if not for their separation. After seventeen years of separation, the hero met his old friend at the station. One was traveling “Moscow-Vladivostok”, the second “Vladivostok-Moscow”. They were glad to meet, but did not know what to talk about, so they just stood and smoked. The train boarding whistle sounded and five minutes later they parted ways. The pain and joy of that meeting crowded into the writer’s soul for more than one day.

Front and rear

Although the war ended long ago, a bitter memory of it remained in the souls of the people. A dispute ensued between the passengers of the carriage about the front and the rear, during which they tried to find out whose fate was more difficult. Surkov argued the most, because he hated those who had not been in battle at the front. And the Major, who was traveling with the writer in the same compartment, said that he had gone all the way from a simple soldier to a major and could conclude that it was easier at the front than in the rear. But not everyone agrees with his opinion. The author draws a conclusion similar to that of Fyodor Abramov: the rear and the front are twin brothers.

Moscow on the way

The poem compares the carriage with communal apartment. The author recalls the newlyweds, who later became involved in a conversation and the entire carriage gathered around them. The young husband admits that he did not want to leave Moscow, but those benefits are not worth his conscience. His wife said that where they are, Moscow is there. And now it was time for the newlyweds to leave, the whole carriage wished them well. The poet envied the young in his soul.

On the Hangar

The hero remembers the time when he had a chance to visit the Angara during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. People in dump trucks drove onto the bridge and unloaded concrete cubes into the river to block the water's path, and so on many times. Many people, Siberians, gathered to watch what was happening. They called themselves that, although they were from different countries. The efforts of the people were not in vain and in the end the river gave up and flowed in the right direction. Soon, in place of the mighty river, only a stream remained, which the bulldozer operators successfully dealt with. That day remained in the writer’s memory as a holiday of labor.

To the end of the road

The hero is grateful to fate for the right choice of travel. Now Moscow and Siberia sound like the name of the country for him. He doesn't need to look for his life goal in distant lands, because every destiny is also a distance, it is a unique path. The author loves his compatriots and believes that they deserve peace in their land through the blood and grief of their mothers. The writer cannot count how many beautiful and unique regions there are in his country.

That's how it was

The poet turns to his old friend, saying that they cannot escape their memories, and that they still belong to years that have long passed. The person’s name always stood in line with the word Motherland. The writer thanks his Motherland for the happiness of being on the same path with Russia.

To a new distance

The short summary of the poem “Beyond the Distance” ends with the author arriving in Vladivostok. There are only two in the book hero-writer and reader. At the end, the poet asks the reader to evaluate his travel notebook. And says goodbye to them.

The poem “Beyond the Distance” on the Top Books website

Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance” is popular to read largely due to its presence in the school curriculum. This ensured her a high place among , as well as a high place among . And exactly school curriculum will ensure that the poem “Beyond the Distance” will be included in our subsequent ratings.

You can read Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance” online on the Top Books website.