Life goals - the more, the better! What life should be like.

An ideal lifestyle involves order in all major aspects. Pay attention to every area of ​​your existence to achieve harmony between you and the world around you.


Good health is the basis of an ideal life. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to special attention. Even though your body is an amazingly intelligent mechanism capable of self-healing, it needs your help and protection.

Pay attention to how much time you rest and sleep. Give preference not to sitting at the computer aimlessly browsing the Internet in moments of leisure, but active recreation. Spend more time in nature, play different games sports games.

At all, physical activity must be daily. Keep it simple morning exercises, but it will give the body the opportunity to wake up and start important metabolic processes.

It’s worth talking about nutrition separately. Of course, your menu should be healthy and as natural as possible. How simpler dish, the less processed the products on your table are, the better for you.

However, it is also important to listen to your body in order to learn to understand what is good for it. Remember that your body is special, with its own preferences or intolerances, rhythms and metabolic processes.

Respect your body, seek treatment on time medical care, do not ignore the signals that your body gives you, and then your health will be excellent.


Self-expression is a natural human need. If you don't find a way to reflect your thoughts and feelings, develop your own talents and abilities, your life will not be your best.

The ideal way to express yourself is to do so through labor activity. Finding a profession you like means daily receiving joy, pleasure and satisfaction that are incomparable to anything else. Essentially, you won't work a single day. You will create and create.

At the same time, if your job is a burden to you, you will be in a state of unhappiness for most of your life. After all, with standard labor schedule the service takes almost all your time and energy.

Consider finding something you love if you want to live your life to the fullest.

If you are interested in several things at the same time, you may be pleased not only with work, but also with a hobby. Hobbies - great way spend with pleasure free time and develop your abilities.

Personal life

Without love, family and friends, your life may not be complete. The feeling of loneliness when there is no soul mate nearby cannot be fully compensated by any other benefits. Finding personal happiness is not easy: you need to find the right person who has a worldview similar to yours, build a harmonious, happy relationship with him, based on mutual respect and trust, and carry your love through many years.

Therefore, it is important to be willing to work on the relationship so as not to become distant from your loved one or your friends. Support your family members and don't forget to tell them how much you care about them.

Material goods

Financial situation is important for happy life. However, its role in perfect image life is sometimes overrated. Sometimes the desire to make money more money takes everything from a person. Forces you to work at a job you don't like. Does not leave time to communicate with dear people. It does not allow the body to recover and constantly keeps it under stress and tension.

For a harmonious life, you need to correctly assess the importance that money has for you. Determine the amount of income that will provide you with a normal existence, and do not let money blind you to the more important things in your life.

When drawing up a portrait of your ideal life, focus only on your own feelings. You shouldn’t take someone else’s example and try on other people’s values ​​for yourself. Try to bring all aspects into balance and prioritize correctly.

Far Harbor, like the original RPG, it has multiple endings. The main task of the latest DLC today is find Kasumi girl on a distant island. Similar to what happened in the Wasteland, on There are also different factions on the island and the Hero has the power to help some of them, and prevent others from achieving their goals. One way or another, the player’s actions will influence the development of the world and the plot.

We'll go into detail below in the guide. All endings and important decisions in Far Harbor.

In the Far Harbor DLC there is three factions: Children of Atom (Core), Far Harbor and synths (Acadia). Despite the fact that at first glance it seems that they have little influence on the world, this is absolutely not the case. They can be forced to live in peace, they can be destroyed, they can... a lot of things.

Choice of Acadia and synths

Basic solution regarding Acadia synths: destroy them or not. You can tell about them to the Institute or the Brotherhood of Steel (whom you joined in original game), you can even report them to Captain Avery in Far Harbor or Allan (the arms dealer).

If you decide to destroy, then you will receive unique weapon sniper rifle"Lucky Eddie", the "Bane of Acadia" perk and the achievement "The Way Life Should Be".

Kasumi will die during the massacre.

If you want to help the synths– just help DiMe, complete his tasks. Kasumi will survive. We described her fate below.

Far Harbor Choice

If you want to destroy settlement on the pier Far Harbor, then the easiest way is to play around with a wind power plant in the task “ Cleansing the land" As soon as ordered It's better not to remember you will find Capacitor disconnect code, you can immediately start destroying.

Go to the wind farm service building and select Tempest at Terminal 03 and then report to High Confessor Tect in the Core. You will also receive perk “Inquisitor of the Atom”, title “Inquisitor” and armor “Bastion of the Atom” (1 piece) and achievement “Cleansing the Earth”.

If you decide to help them, then after finding Avery's corpse in DiMa's medical laboratory, you can tell the truth about Avery or not. Tell me– the residents will get excited and rush to destroy Acadia, which will lead to the first point of the material on the destruction of Acadia (the same rewards). Keep quiet- everything will be calm.

Choice of Children of the Atom

Destroying a faction is easy, if you use the key to launch the missiles that are on the submarine where they have settled Children of the Atom and they call this place Core. Go to the center of the submarine, where the High Confessor Tekt lives, and behind his back, insert the flash drive into the terminal. Then quickly leave the Core.

Accordingly, you will receive perk “Far Harbor Resident”+5 to all resistances and achievement "Cleansing the Earth". But, if you decide to help them, you will have to destroy Far Harbor, and the rewards are described just above.

Peaceful (best) ending

But you can do it this way, for the three factions to live in peace with each other. During the mission What life should be like there is a moment for the Hero to tell DiMa about Captain Avery. Say that DiMa did everything right, and he can do the same to the head of the Children of Atom. As a result quest will appear - Reformation. Upon completion of all conditions, DiMa will control the entire island through new proxies and there will be no more bloodshed. The hero receives perk “Defender of Acadia”(in case of severe injury, with some probability you can receive a temporary large bonus to energy and normal damage).

Kasumi will live.

Ending Genocide (bad)

There is a way to destroy all factions. As a result, you will receive only one perk and no more rewards.

  1. Use launch codes to destroy atomic nuclei and explode the Core.
  2. Go to the wind farm and destroy Far Harbor (at terminal 03, select Tempest).
  3. Go to the Brotherhood of Steel and tell them about Acadia. They will send a detachment and destroy the synths.

Of course that Kasumi will die.

Kasumi's fate

Kasumi's story will end after you decide what to do with the island as a whole. She will return to her parents and tell the truth. Talk to her back on the island(before leaving for the mainland) and help me decide whether she wants to return at all or would prefer to stay on the island.

Every person has their own main goal in the life he aspires to. Or even several goals. They can change throughout life: losing their importance, some are removed, and others, more relevant, appear in their place. How many of these goals should there be?

Successful people claim that 50 human life goals is not the maximum. The longer your list of goals, the better you will be able to understand your true desires.

For example, John Goddard, at the age of fifteen, set himself not even 50 vital, main goals that he sought to achieve, but 127! For the uninitiated, information: we are talking about a researcher, anthropologist, traveler, holder of scientific degrees, Member of the Society of French Explorers, Royal Geographical Society and the Archaeological Society, multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records.

On his half-century anniversary, John celebrated 100 of the 127 goals he had set. His rich life one can only envy.

Goals to avoid shame and pain

A happy person is called accomplished and successful. No one will call a loser happy - success is a component of happiness. Famous phrase Almost everyone remembers Ostrovsky from “How I Became Tempered” about how to live my life. The end of the quote is especially striking: “So that it doesn’t hurt excruciatingly...” So that at the end of your life you don’t feel pain and shame for wasted time, you need to set goals for yourself today.

To consider life successful, a person must achieve 50 of the most important life goals in old age. Summing up his life, a person compares what he dreamed of with what he achieved. But it happens that over the years it is difficult to remember many of your desires and goals, so it is difficult to make comparisons. This is why it is so important to write down 50 most important goals in life on a piece of paper and periodically re-read the list.

Another important aspect is to try to write it down. This means that your goals must meet five important criteria: specific, measurable, relevant, achievable, and time-bound.

Human needs

Before making a list, you should understand what is priority and vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep - the 4 most important needs of organic life. The second row comes health, housing, clothing, sex, recreation - necessary attributes of life, but secondary. Unlike animals, humans tend not just to satisfy the basic needs of life; they want to do this while receiving aesthetic pleasure.

It is impossible for a person to live without satisfying primary needs, and without satisfying secondary needs it is difficult. Therefore, if at least one link in this chain is destroyed, the person suffers physically, firstly, morally, secondly. He's unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of an individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. This is such a paradox.

Therefore, the 50 vitally important, priority goals of a person must necessarily include points, through the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.

Adding to the list such goals as “buy your own house” or “take a vacation at sea”, “undergo the necessary medical operation” or “have your teeth treated and inserted”, “buy a fur coat” and “buy a car” may not be so important for complete happiness ( why - will be discussed below), but achieving them makes living on earth more comfortable for people. To satisfy these needs and achieve the goals listed above, an individual needs money. And, when selecting the 50 most important goals of a person, the list must include an item regarding financial condition individual. Examples of such goals:

  • find a high-paying job;
  • open your own business;
  • ensure that the business generates a net income of more than $10,000 per month, and the like.

Sample list of 50 goals

Spiritual self-improvement:

  1. Read the collected works of J. London.
  2. Complete English courses.
  3. Forgive offenses against parents and friends.
  4. Stop being jealous.
  5. Increase personal efficiency by 1.5 times.
  6. Get rid of laziness and procrastination.
  7. Write at least 1000 characters daily for your unfinished novel(personal blog).
  8. Make peace with your sister (husband, mother, father).
  9. Start writing personal diary every day.
  10. Attend church at least once a month.

Physical self-improvement:

  1. Go to the gym 3 times a week.
  2. Go to the sauna and pool weekly.
  3. Do a set of exercises every morning;
  4. Every evening, take a walk for at least half an hour at a brisk pace.
  5. Completely abandon the list of harmful products.
  6. Once a quarter, go on a three-day cleansing fast.
  7. In three months I will learn to do the splits.
  8. In winter, go on a ski trip to the forest with your grandson (son, daughter, nephew).
  9. Lose 4 kilograms.
  10. Douse yourself with cold water in the morning.

Financial goals:

  1. Increase your monthly income to 100,000 rubles.
  2. Raise the TIC of your website (blog) to 30 by the end of this year.
  3. Go to the level of receiving passive income.
  4. Learn to play on the stock exchange.
  5. Learn how to make custom websites yourself.
  6. Repay your bank loan early.
  7. Entrust all housework to automatic machines in order to save time for earning money.
  8. Save on pointless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
  9. Purchase all products from wholesale stores, except perishable ones.
  10. Buy a summer house for growing fresh organic products.

Comfort and pleasure:


  1. Contribute monthly to orphanage 10% profit for gifts for children.
  2. Arrange for orphans New Year's performance with gifts from the local theater - to finance.
  3. Do not pass by those asking for alms - be sure to give alms.
  4. Help a homeless animal shelter by donating money to feed the dogs.
  5. For the New Year, give all the kids at the entrance a small present.
  6. On Elderly Day, give all pensioners a set of groceries.
  7. Buy a computer for a large family.
  8. Give unnecessary things to those in need.
  9. Build a children's playground in the yard.
  10. Help the financially talented girl Tanya go to the “Light Up Your Star” competition in Moscow.

Demand as the main component of happiness

In addition, for complete happiness of an individual, something else is necessary. And this “something” is called recognition. Only when in demand does a person feel his importance, pleasure, and happiness. Each person has their own criteria for recognition. For some, a simple “thank you” for preparing dinner is enough. Others feel a feeling of complete happiness from manifestations of tenderness sexual partner- this is recognition, highlighting an individual among all others.

For some, it is enough to bring sterile cleanliness to the house and hear words of admiration from their neighbors, while others need to see delight in the eyes of those they meet when they see their appearance, figure, outfit, hairstyle. For others, it is important to recognize them as excellent parents. For the fourth, recognition on a broader level is necessary. These fourth people do not limit the circle of people with whom they want to be recognized, relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passers-by.

These are scientists, pioneers, major businessmen, creative people and a number of other professions. The most successful are people who receive recognition both from their loved ones, friends, children, neighbors, and from colleagues, fans, viewers, readers - a wider circle of people. It is important to add the appropriate items to the list of “50 goals in my life.” Examples of such goals could be:

  • find your soul mate to create a family, who (who) will be such and such, for whom I will feel respect, love (passion), feelings must be reciprocated;
  • help my son successfully finish school;
  • give children higher education;
  • defend a dissertation;
  • release your own collection of stories (disc of songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.

Intermediate goals

Achieving global goals requires actions to help move forward. Therefore, you need to write intermediate goals related to advanced training, education, and acquisition of skills. And in the list of “50 human life goals” examples of these can be:

  • read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
  • reading manuals for businessmen, authored by John Rockefeller (for example, "" success;"
  • studying life stories and the paths to success of major figures in science and culture;
  • learning a foreign language;
  • obtaining a second education.

This list can be continued at your own discretion, based on the main goals.


To achieve the main goals, incentives are needed that occupy the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list by designating; “50 intermediate human life goals”. The list of these goals includes the following items:

  • go on a trip around the world;
  • buy a new laptop;
  • make repairs in the apartment;
  • update your wardrobe for the new season.

Some may write the items “to have facial plastic surgery” or “to perform abdominoplasty.” After all, for many, improving their appearance is a hidden desire, which they are sometimes ashamed of. But when compiling a list of motivating goals, you must definitely write down those that will give a person pleasure in life. These goals do not have important life needs, but without joy and pleasure a person languishes, he is bored with life, and the meaning of achieving his main goals is lost.

As long as people have existed, debates continue about what constitutes human life what it should be. According to philosophers, psychologists, cultural experts, and simply caring people, life is more than just eating food, going to bed on time, washing Marya Ivanovna’s bones from the accounting department or switching to new level even in the most addictive computer game.

You can rise above everyday life, make your life active, bright, full of interesting events, if you understand and imagine why you live, and adhere to certain values. What exactly to focus on in life, everyone decides for themselves. Life ideals different people may vary. At the same time, there are universal human values ​​(truth, goodness, beauty, love for one’s neighbor), to which everyone should be involved.

Throughout history, people have had different ideas about what ideals are and what an ideal person should be like.

The ideal of man in culture

Ideas about the essence of man are not the same in cultures of different historical eras.

Ancient world

For the first time they began to think about man in time immemorial. Thus, ancient Greek philosophers considered the concept of calocogathia, the essence of which was self-knowledge and perfection. Aristotle paid special attention to the fact that a perfect person adheres to moral standards, does not allow himself to commit bad deeds, and strives for the beautiful for the sake of the beautiful.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the ideal of man was considered in the context of serving God. It was believed that perfection is achieved through discipline, meekness, obedience, and asceticism. This ideal of education was preached by church ministers. However, at this time, natural sciences also developed, education gradually acquired a secular character, and accordingly, ideas about man and his capabilities changed. It was believed that man could master the secrets of nature and acquire new knowledge through experience.

Another ideal of man during this period was the noble and valiant knight. Knights united into orders, created their own codes of honor, and organized tournaments. Each knight had his own “Beautiful Lady” (real or imaginary), to whom victories on the lists and feats performed were dedicated.


Ideas about the omnipotence of man were developed during the Renaissance. The focus is on the person from the point of view of his nature and capabilities. But people still realized that not everything depended on them, and this contributed to the emergence of ideas about freedom and necessity. Similar views existed in the era of Antiquity, but now they were actively rethought and brought to life.

During this period, the relationship between man and God is explained differently. It is still believed that God created man, but man from birth is endowed with activity, the desire to transform the world and himself, therefore he can and should become the master of his life. At the same time, initial ideas about the differences between people are formed.

New time

During the Enlightenment, German classical philosophy influenced the formation of ideas about the ideal of man. Thus, Immanuel Kant wrote that the main thing in life is to be able to use your reason. The ideal of that time was a reasonable person, organized according to the laws of logic and capable of changing the world around us according to reason. People of this era still believe in God, but free-thinking ideas appear in the minds of some of them.

With the development of capitalism, the ideal man becomes a working man, and the true values ​​are labor discipline, diligence, professionalism and relatively healthy competition.

Ideal Soviet man- this is a hero. In those years, the utopian idea of ​​building communism was actively promoted, and one had to be “always ready” for this construction, that is, to fight, to move forward to the detriment of own desires, needs or even at the cost of your life. A similar view of reality was demonstrated by the example of pioneer heroes, leaders in production and other individuals capable of sacrificing themselves to achieve a common goal.

However, such ideas about the ideal person were rather of an official nature. In reality, the ideal was conscience, when it is much more important to “be” rather than “have.” People helped each other, shared their last piece of bread, and sympathized not only with family and friends. However, life in conditions of fear, repression, restrictions on freedoms was also a kind of heroism.

Man in the culture of different nations

Ideas about the ideal of a person depend on the living conditions of a particular people and are reflected in works of folklore: fairy tales, legends, traditions, epics, songs. So, a Russian girl is certainly a beauty, for the Circassians (and not only for them), the main thing in a person is his honor and dignity. The peoples of the Caucasus are famous for their hospitality, and the Chukchi for their ability to hunt. But, whatever the differences, all nations agree on one thing: the ideal of man is national hero, possessing good health, fortitude, intelligence, hard work, and responsiveness.

The ideal of man in art

Historically established ideas about the ideal of man are reflected in works of art.


The ideas of this period about the perfect man are embodied in the statues of gods, heroes and conquerors Olympic Games. In essence, the ancient Greek gods were ideal people, and people were likened to gods. The statue of Myron “Discobolus” is widely known. The prototype of the sculpture is real person, strong, healthy and self-confident, as a true citizen of Hellas should be.

The unlimited possibilities of man were sung by Sophocles, Homer and other poets. The image of a beautiful hero, a bearer of moral ideals, was also demonstrated in the ancient Greek theater.

Medieval art

As mentioned above, the life of people in the Middle Ages was greatly influenced by the church. Therefore, in contrast to the ancient tradition, man was understood as a blade of grass, a grain of sand, a small particle of the Universe, subject to the will of God. Similar views are reflected in works of art: it is not the person himself who is elevated, but the spiritual power that unites him with God. A striking example the ideal of man in the art of the Middle Ages is the iconographic image of Job, a sick biblical character who meekly accepts the will of God.

Somewhat later, ideas about man became more optimistic. Gradually, the image of a worker, creator, and creator begins to form in people’s minds. Work is no longer perceived as a punishment for sins, but as a person’s main responsibility. These views are reflected in the images of Christ the martyr and the description of his life on Earth. Jesus Christ in the paintings of painters of those years personifies a humiliated, suffering, but essentially divine man.

Man in Renaissance Art

During the Renaissance, artists were no longer interested in the divine, but in the earthly essence of people. Art is gradually becoming secular, and the methods of creating portraits and works fine arts other genres are scientifically substantiated. This leads to the fact that the person in the masters’ canvases becomes natural. The viewer can determine the character and mood of the hero of the picture. An example of this is the world famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.

Despite the development of ideas of humanism, Renaissance masters continued to use religious themes, but the images of Christ, the apostles and the Virgin Mary were more reminiscent real people. This was probably done in order to show a person his essence through well-known plots. Thus, Raphael in the image of the Sistine Madonna embodied beautiful woman who loves her son and worries about him.

Man of new times

During the Age of Enlightenment, realistic art continued to develop. The replacement of the feudal system with a capitalist one and the development of industry contribute to the emergence of the so-called new breed of people. A person becomes more down-to-earth, concerned about his problems, but at the same time, educated, trying to use his own mind to solve life’s problems. This is how he is shown in paintings and in literary works. As an example, we can cite the paintings of J.B. Chardin, W. Hogarth, A. Watteau, treatises by Diderot, Rousseau, novels by J.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, etc.

The image of a person in socialist realism

IN Soviet times Shock workers, advanced collective farmers, noble milkmaids, caring mothers of families looked at people from paintings, propaganda posters and television screens. Representatives of the authorities positioned the USSR as a country in which there is no exploitation of man by man, and people show heroism exclusively voluntarily, guided by the desire to build a bright future as soon as possible. Therefore, in the art of socialist realism, the worker became the ideal. In addition, a Soviet person must have a prosperous family, good GTO indicators, as well as excellent combat and political training.

All of the above is reflected in the paintings of P. Smurkovich “On Skis”, V. Kutilin “The First Field”, T. Yablonskaya “Bread”, poems by V. Mayakovsky, A. Tvardovsky, K. Simonov, prose by M. Gorky, M. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev, songs with words by V. Lebedev-Kumach, etc.

The ideal of man in religion

In addition to culture and art, the ideal of man is represented in all religions of the world. Common to religious teachings is love for one's neighbor, the victory of good over evil, truth over lies and light over darkness. A person must profess these values. But every religion has its own ideas about the ideal. Let's look at this in more detail.


The ideal person in this religion corresponds to the image of Jesus Christ. The virtues of a Christian are kindness, meekness, humility. He who professes the Christian faith strives for God, and therefore fulfills his will, tries to maintain peace in his soul, build friendly relationships with family and friends, and not cause harm to anyone.


According to Muslims, an ideal person should drive away sinful thoughts and commit good deeds, strive for knowledge, be kind, modest, patient and clean. Also, a true believer does not smoke, drink alcohol or gamble.


Here the ideal person is considered to be the Buddha, who was originally an ordinary person, but was able to achieve enlightenment (Nirvana). Followers of Buddhism believe that you can get closer to this state by engaging in spiritual practices and doing good deeds. In Islam and Christianity, the ideal of man is unattainable.


Followers of this teaching believe that ideal existence can be achieved only by freeing oneself from karma - the cycle of events, births and deaths in which a person finds himself. Having become free, the soul reunites with one of the deities or remains on its own. Yoga helps you achieve liberation faster. Only a select few are capable of true freedom. All that remains for mere mortals is to clear their karma (prayers, good deeds) in order to be born more successfully in the next life than in this one.

The ideal of a modern man

Precisely define the ideal modern man not possible. Our time is quite complex and contradictory in terms of values, moral standards, permissions and prohibitions.

Today it is “not fashionable” to be highly moral, to build your life in accordance with spiritual values ​​and high ideals. Pragmatism, the thirst for consumption, the desire to have fun and not make efforts come to the fore.

Modern society places high demands on people. Today it is simply necessary to look in the latest fashion, have a super prestigious job, and achieve success in business. Anyone who does not try to achieve career heights causes misunderstanding.

At the same time, it is still impossible to call everyone living on Earth inveterate pragmatists. A significant number of people read fiction, visits temples, does charity work, and practices downshifting. It seems that the ideal of a modern person has not yet been formed, but I would like to believe that this will happen in the near future.

All people strive to get something better and more than they have. at the moment. This is not surprising, because if you don’t want more, you can consider life empty and uninteresting. After all, only goals and dreams make each of us move forward. Now I would like to talk about what an ideal life is and what its criteria are.


Initially, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed next. So, how can you understand this term for yourself? If you believe explanatory dictionary, then the ideal is the highest goal of the aspirations and activities of an individual or group of people. An ideal is what everyone strives for. But the following question immediately arises: are there criteria for this concept as such? It is safe to answer that there is no objective interpretation in this case. Ideal is a subjective term, that is, personal, special. After all, for one person the ideal is one thing, and for another it is completely different.

How the concept of an ideal life is formed

We need to start with the fact that today an ideal life is the product that modern magazines, TV shows or movies give us. For many people, the unattainable peak is red carpets, expensive outfits and decorations, exclusive cars, yachts and huge estates. But is this really so? In order to understand what the ideal is for an individual person, you must first listen to yourself, your “I”. After all, it often happens that the image of an ideal life is created not even by celebrities, but by close relatives, most often by parents. After all, they want their child to become a doctor, a firefighter or a banker. But is this an ideal for the child himself? Not always. And as a result, a visible ideal life, even if it is just before one’s eyes, does not bring any pleasure or spiritual satisfaction to an adult, and all because the criteria for achieving success were once set incorrectly.

About setting criteria

An ideal life is the image of the future that a person has created for himself, regardless of the opinions of relatives, friends or other influential persons. This is what the soul, the nature of a person, wants, and not his immediate environment. To understand what you really want from life, you just need to listen to yourself. After all, a person does not always need a well-paid job to be happy. It is enough to do what brings real pleasure. No wonder they say that best job- This is a hobby for which you also get paid extra.

Rules for creating an ideal

In connection with the above, I would like to highlight a few simple, but important rules that should guide you when creating your ideal life.

  • You only need to listen to yourself and your heart.
  • The opinions of others are not important. Even if these are the desires of the closest people. Life is given to a person once, and you need to live it the way your heart desires.
  • The most valuable thing is not material at all. This should not be forgotten. After all, there is even a saying: “the rich also cry.”
  • And the main rule is that there are essentially no rules.

To summarize, I would like to note: in order to achieve your ideal, you need to work hard and persistently, without being distracted by nonsense. After all, all the most valuable things are gained through self-improvement and transforming the world around us into something good, bright and kind.

A little about ideal people

It is also important to remember that concepts such as an ideal life and an ideal person are inseparable from each other. When planning to achieve your ideal in life, you also need to decide what an ideal person should be like: what he should have and what he should know and be able to do. Again, here the question arises about the material and the spiritual: this must be strictly distinguished. Generally speaking, the ideal person is the person who tries to do good without demanding anything in return. We should not forget that Buddhist monks are often called ideal people today: to whom the desire for material wealth is alien.

Ideal family

And of course, I would like to talk a little about what an ideal family life should be like. What is important for this? No one will argue that you need to have your own home, money in order to give birth and raise children. But still this is not the most important thing. After all, in family relationships there must be love. But everyone already puts something special into this word. One thing is for sure: the family will be strong if people value each other, give in and think not only about themselves (which is also important), but also about loved ones. “Do with people as you would like them to do with you” - this rule also works in family life. And the good ones good people They always achieve a lot together, including material well-being.

And as a small conclusion, I would like to note that an ideal life is exactly what a person desires for himself with his soul. In this case, it is important to listen to your “I”, discarding the opinions of even the most dear and close people. After all, live your life perfect life Only the person himself can do it, and not someone else. You shouldn't forget about this.