Since time immemorial, people have been using. Since time immemorial, people have been eating wild fruits and berries that have a unique, unique aroma and taste.

The expanses of our Motherland are beautiful and vast. Its forests, steppes, fields, swamps and mountains conceal enormous natural plant wealth. Among the many plants that are useful and necessary for human life and activity, wild fruits, berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants are important.

They are found in various climatic zones our country, from its western borders to the shores Pacific Ocean, their resources are significant, and collection can be carried out almost everywhere. Forest fruits, berries and mushrooms, thanks to their taste qualities and great content useful substances, are valuable food products and raw materials for food industry. Medicinal plants are widely used in the medical industry to make drugs, which tend to be more effective medicinal properties than drugs made through chemical synthesis.
Since time immemorial, people have been eating wild fruits and berries, which have a unique, unique aroma and taste. They contain a significant amount of sugars, acids, aromatics and other valuable substances. And in terms of vitamin content, many of them are champions. For example, rose hips contain 10 times more vitamin C than lemons and oranges; rowan fruits contain 2 times more vitamin A than carrots. Cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, viburnum, and other fruits and berries are real storehouses of vitamins and other useful substances. Many wild berries and the fruits have medicinal properties and are used as medicine.

Collection of wild fruits and berries

The exceptional diversity and wide distribution of wild fruits and berries allows them to be collected almost everywhere, especially in the forest zone.
Fruits and berries should be collected in dry weather, better in the morning when the dew disappears or in the evening before it appears. Collected wet, they spoil faster: berries picked in hot weather, quickly wither as they contain less juice. You cannot pick unripe berries; it is better to leave them to ripen so that they fill with juice and gain greatest number vitamins Do not collect dry and rotten berries, as they do not contain valuable substances and can cause spoilage of all raw materials.
Berry picking must be done carefully and carefully, trying not to trample the berry bushes. When collecting fruits, trees should not be broken.
It is recommended to collect ripe fruits and berries without stalks. Berries should not be washed, as this shortens the shelf life.
Fresh fruits and berries are used to make juices, preserves, marshmallows, marmalade, jam, fruit drinks, drinks, etc.
Dried berries are used mainly as medicine. Samara hunters, unsubscribe who collects what and where in the Samara region and how they will use it!

Since time immemorial, man has been using healing properties sprouted seeds. Our ancestors in Ancient Rus' They also used sprouted grains of rye and wheat, calling them “grain sludge,” to prepare porridges and jelly in the winter and spring. In Rus', sprouted rye and wheat were fed to both adults and children weakened by illness. The results were immediate. The patients recovered.

A grain of truth...

Surprisingly, out of all the variety of earthly fruits, it was cereal seeds that were chosen as the basis of the food pyramid by almost every developed civilization - be it the Mayans, Incas, ancient Romans or Egyptians.

Simple, absolutely unappetizing in appearance, very labor-intensive to cultivate, it is grain that has taken a dominant position in the diet of every cultural people. Common sense dictates that grain contains everything necessary for human life.

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The healing power of sprouts

Sprouted grain is a good “vaccination” of immunity and effective remedy to obtain biologically active food components: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc., and in a special form that is easily digestible for the body.

What happens when a seed germinates? Under the influence aquatic environment the seed begins to come to life, incredibly, but the amount of vitamins, amino acids and other useful elements increases tenfold, and at a certain stage of germination the sprout reaches its highest biological and energetic activity. Different cultures have their own time, prepared by nature for human consumption.

Having consumed a living sprout prepared by nature itself, a person begins to nourish not only the flesh, but the human energy is restored. What do you think is better to eat - refined products from the shelves of our stores, “cleansed” of everything useful, or a living sprout - a miracle given by nature and the Creator himself?

The well-known formula “we are what we eat” can help answer this question. Regular intake of small amounts of sprouts replaces a lot of expensive medications.

Seeds contain life, and seedlings, entering our body, are like a spring of life, which, gradually unclenching, gives off its great healing power, displacing and sweeping away everything in its path that could be harmful to health.

When we talk about sprouts as food, this does not mean that they should completely replace our daily food. Nobody calls for eating only sprouts. Sprouts, along with fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, are one of the types of natural plant food products that are not processed, which means they retain all the beneficial biologically active substances. But what distinguishes them is that sprouts are completely special products, which have no analogues and cannot be.

Sprouts are a healing dietary product prepared by Mother Nature herself.

The uniqueness of sprouts is that, in addition to their healing properties, they have a powerful cleansing effect, neutralizing the influence of substances harmful to the body that enter our stomach with other foods. This is the only product that does not lose its quality during storage, but on the contrary, only improves its qualities (up to certain limits, of course). While the sprouted seeds are stored in the refrigerator, they continue to grow there, increasingly increasing their healing power.

Sprouted grains are a good general strengthening remedy for the prevention of many diseases, including cancer. Eating sprouts helps increase hemoglobin and reduce blood pressure, normalize cardiac activity, get rid of excess weight, increase visual acuity, strengthen teeth and hair, etc. The sprouts of all grains are healthy, as long as they are grown without the use of chemicals.

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How to germinate grains

We offer two methods of germinating grains using wheat as an example.

Method number 1.

For germination, take 80–100 g of wheat and wash it in running water 2–3 times. Damaged and unripe grains are thrown away. The washed wheat is spread in a layer of no more than 2–3 cm in porcelain or other dishes. Then fill it with water so that top layer the grains only touched the surface of the water. All this is covered with gauze.

The main thing is to provide the grains with moisture, air and heat - up to 22o C. After 12–30 hours, the wheat will show white sprouts. After they become 2–3 mm long, the wheat must be washed again.

They chew sprouted wheat like this - slowly and carefully. This main process the body receives a natural elixir that is formed in the mouth.

Method number 2.

In the evening pour 2 tables. spoons of wheat (serving for 1 person) with water and leave overnight. In the morning, pour out the water, rinse the grain, drain the water again and place the jar at an angle of 45 degrees, bottom up, after covering the jar with gauze under an elastic band. Since the grains are soaked, they are distributed along the walls of the jar, and the gauze prevents them from spilling out. In a few hours the grains will hatch, they need to be rinsed, and... everything is ready.

You can germinate other grains in the same way.

The beneficial substances of living sprouts improve the condition of hair and nails, soften and refresh the skin, evening out its color and texture, slow down the aging process, maintain and improve visual acuity, maintain concentration, and alleviate the effects of stress.

There have been cases of restoration of the color of gray hair after regular consumption of wheat (and other) sprouts.

Material provided Eco-shop Eco-Mall.

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<< Fruits and berries Nutritional value of fresh fruits and berries >>

Since time immemorial, people have been eating fruits and berries. These are juicy edible fruits of cultivated and wild plants. Fruits are a valuable food product. They contribute to better absorption by the body of all food consumed. Fresh fruits are healthier for nutrition than processed ones.

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“Fruits from different countries” - Cholesterol. Find out the benefits of fruits. Coconuts. Moldova. So it's better to eat fresh fruit. Vitamins. Seasonal supplies of fruits from different countries. Shop. Morocco. Pakistan. Vitamin D. Plums. Polluted air in the lungs. Mental abilities. Pomegranate. How to preserve fruits? Vitamin C. Vitamin A. Promotes strengthening.

“A teacher is a man” - Journal of the Ministry of Public Education No. 7, 1860. Federal law No. 309-FZ “On Amendments...”, Article 9, Clause 6. Adolf Diesterweg 1790 – 1866. Synthesis of tradition and innovation as the basis for the professional growth of a teacher. Priest Pavel Florensky. K.D. Ushinsky 1824 – 1870. V.A. Sukhomlinsky 1918 – 1970.

“Composition and importance of food” - Healthy nutrition is the most important condition for longevity. The conference was prepared by: Nutrition: The importance of minerals. During long-term storage, the nitrate content in vegetables decreases. Conference "Nutrition and Health". Fats supply the body with energy. Folk wisdom. Biological significance individual nutrients.

“Healthy food” - We live in a very polluted world today. And then, products are not burned in our body! We are all familiar from school course biology food chain concept. Now the second part of the rule: cook for one meal, do not reheat food. The calorie theory is generally a misconception that came to us from the century before last.

The mushroom season has already begun. There should be a lot of mushrooms this year. In this regard, I would like to give some recommendations to mushroom pickers, to remind the seemingly common truths, so that along with mushrooms they do not bring misfortune into their home. Man began collecting mushrooms from time immemorial, using them for food and making drinks. Of the many thousands of species of mushrooms, only a few are suitable for food. cap mushrooms. About eighty species grow on the territory of Ukraine edible mushrooms, however, less than thirty are used for food. Mushrooms, as a food product, are very useful, as they are rich in proteins, mineral salts, microelements, vitamins, and contain fats and carbohydrates. In addition, mushrooms have a pleasant specific smell and taste. Attractive and their appearance. Mushrooms can be boiled, fried, salted, pickled. They make excellent snacks, sauces, and side dishes. They are good on the table and in mushroom season, and in winter.

The nutritional and gastronomic values ​​of mushrooms, however, pose a threat to the health and even life of everyone who eats them. Here it is appropriate to make a comparison with the very poisonous fish fugu, which is considered a delicacy by the Japanese. Despite mortal danger, it is eaten, but the Japanese allow cooking fugu only to cooks who have completed special courses, passed an exam, and received the appropriate permit. We are not Japanese, almost everyone who picks mushrooms considers himself a mushroom connoisseur... And as a result, several thousand mushroom poisonings are recorded annually, and up to two hundred cases of them end in death. Therefore, we again have to remind you that mushrooms require the closest attention and caution, starting from the moment of their collection, sorting, processing, culinary preparation and even directly when eating them. Ignorance or non-compliance with these rules can be the cause of the most tragic outcomes. Mushrooms, as a food product, must be treated very carefully. There were times when the word "mushroom" equated the word "death." This happened when, out of ignorance, negligence, or even malicious intent, edible mushrooms were confused with poisonous ones. Back in ancient Rome Emperor Claudius died after “eating” on mushrooms prepared by Agrippina, thereby opening the way to the throne for her son Nero. They are very wary of mushrooms in the United States, where the population believes that mushrooms growing in forests are not edible and are poisonous. And champignons grown on specialized farms are edible. Almost the same opinion exists in Western Europe. Reception poisonous mushrooms very often leads to death and almost always leaves a person disabled for the rest of his life. In Europe, there are up to 100 species of fungi that are dangerous to human health. It is not possible to list them all; we will only mention that they are all divided into three groups: conditionally edible, inedible and poisonous. Inedible mushrooms are called mushrooms that have bad smell, bitter or acrid taste. Such mushrooms do not cause poisoning, but can cause digestive disorders and discomfort. Conditionally edible are mushrooms containing toxic or irritating substances, which are usually destroyed by special types of processing. And finally, the group of poisonous mushrooms includes mushrooms containing toxins that are present in them at all stages of development of the fruiting body of the mushroom. And these toxins are not destroyed by any methods culinary processing, at the same time causing poisoning when taking mushrooms. The most poisonous, deadly dangerous mushroom counts pale grebe and two similar mushrooms: white fly agaric and the fly agaric is smelly.

Then follows the orange-red poisonous spider web, the most special spider web..., the red fly agaric. All these killer mushrooms belong to agaric mushrooms, so it would be reasonable to refuse to collect these particular mushrooms. Fatal poisoning with toadstool can be obtained from eating one, half or even a third of the mushroom! The fast-acting toxin phalloidin, contained in toadstool, affects the liver and kidneys, as does the even more toxic, but slower-acting amanitin. The poisons of the toadstool are 10 times more toxic than potassium cyanide and hydrocyanic acid, the lethal dose is 20 mg! All these mushrooms are found in the Kyiv region, and in each area they may differ slightly from the accepted description of appearance. Therefore, they can sometimes be easily confused with some edible mushrooms, in particular champignons. There have been cases where this similarity was so strong that even experienced mushroom pickers made mistakes when identifying mushrooms. All past years have been replete with cases of mushroom poisoning in all regions of Ukraine; the sad martyrology is extensive and has no end.

It is necessary to dwell on this type of mushroom, such as the shimmering and inky dung beetle. This mushroom should not be consumed with alcoholic beverages, as the toxin it contains easily dissolves in alcohol. When drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, the toxin is quickly absorbed into the blood and after an hour or two causes characteristic features poisoning This property of dung beetle, by the way, is used in narcology in the treatment of alcoholism.

You should know that poisoning can also be caused by eating even good edible mushrooms if they are collected overgrown, worm-eaten, or have already begun to decompose or deteriorate during storage or transportation. It is noticed that with all other equal conditions Young mushrooms are less toxic, but in hot, dry summers the toxicity of mushrooms increases. Poisoning caused by mushrooms canned at home - "twists" - is dangerous if they were prepared without taking into account the necessary rules of hygiene and sterilization regime. Here, in addition to poisoning from mushroom poisons, you can also get severe poisoning from botulism toxin! There are plenty of cases of such poisonings in Ukraine. In markets, low-quality mushrooms (dried, canned) are sold by hand. But most often, accidents occur due to the similarity of poisonous mushrooms with edible ones. That’s why it’s so important to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones, so that you can safely pick mushrooms without fear for your health. It should be especially noted that there is NO reliable single sign of poisonous mushrooms by which they can be distinguished from non-poisonous ones! Some people think that onions or garlic can turn brown if they are boiled with mushrooms, some of which are poisonous. Onions and garlic can indeed change color, but only if the mushrooms contain tyrosinase. This enzyme, however, is found in many mushrooms, including edible ones. On the other hand, there are poisonous mushrooms that lack tyrosinase. It is sometimes believed that all mushrooms with pink plates are edible, and that if a silver spoon or coin placed in a pan with boiling mushrooms turns dark, this indicates the presence of poisonous mushrooms; this is again not reliable. Pink plates may also have non-edible mushrooms, such as, for example, poisonous enthonema or yellow-skinned champignon. A silver spoon or coin darkens under the influence of certain amino acids contained in mushrooms, both edible and inedible. The statements that fly larvae and slugs do not eat poisonous mushrooms, that all poisonous mushrooms have an unpleasant smell and taste, that all mushrooms at a young age not poisonous... You must remember that poisonous mushrooms are dangerous at any age! The basic rule that you need to know to prevent mushroom poisoning is not to pick mushrooms that you don’t know. Do not collect mushrooms about which there is even the slightest doubt. Don't take risks! Remember, the price of risk is life! Don't collect old ones wormy mushrooms. Be sure to sort the mushrooms on the day of collection. All mushrooms, no matter how you cook them, boil for 15 - 20, or even 30 minutes, draining the water. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary risks. It is very useful, when you find yourself in a new area, to go mushroom picking for the first time with an experienced local mushroom picker. Due to lack of space, unfortunately, it is not possible to dwell on the characteristics of individual types of mushrooms and their distinctive features.

Not all poisonous mushrooms, however, are completely lethal. For example, red fly agaric has toxins that have hallucinogenic properties. From time immemorial until the advent of alcoholic beverages, peoples northeastern Siberia, in particular the Chukchi, used to make intoxicating drinks, and drank them in holidays ritual celebrations. (Isn’t this one of the reasons for the many jokes about the Chukchi?!). And nowadays, around Moscow (and not only) within a radius of 200 kilometers you will not find a red fly agaric.

They are collected by “chemists” to obtain a hallucinogenic extract, and the mushroom itself, after extraction, is eaten like russula. Some fly agarics have a significant anthelmintic effect; bears and cows “know” this and use it widely. The toxicity of mushrooms, which are known to be poisonous, sometimes inexplicably disappears; we can try to explain this by a favorable combination of circumstances that cannot be recreated again. And is it worth the risk? This includes the material of the dishes - metal, ceramics, temperature and duration of processing, additions of salts, spices, herbs, aeration of thermally treated mushrooms and much more. And last but not least, how, with what, and in what quantity they eat mushrooms. For information, I would also like to mention that for some people certain types of mushrooms are not poisonous. For example, for 80% of the population, stitches are not poisonous when properly processed. There's nothing special about it. We are not surprised by the individual intolerance of some people to such, for example, food products, like crayfish, raspberries, smoked meats, eggs. Simply, here it is an allergy, and in relation to mushrooms it is fatal poisoning. The only difference is that here no one will voluntarily experiment with their lives and mushrooms. And from the outside, sometimes you hear that someone, somewhere, is constantly eating some kind of mushrooms, and a family came, collected mushrooms, cooked them, ate them and... got poisoned... And everyone wonders why? In the last decade, there has been a sudden, inexplicable change in the properties of certain types of mushrooms in almost all regions of Ukraine. One can only guess what caused this. Some are inclined to think that this is connected with the explosion Chernobyl nuclear power plant and subsequent soil contamination with radionuclides. It is difficult to refute this. It is possible that under the influence radiation factor There have been mutational changes in some edible mushrooms, or maybe the “pseudo-edible” mushrooms have mimicked even more and become practically indistinguishable from their edible counterparts!? One way or another, this is observed. In addition to radionuclide exposure, chemical contamination of products is also observed everywhere. industrial production. And although now almost all industry is lying down, the chemical pollution over the past decades is such that it will last for a century, they are just beginning to appear, and we have no idea about much of what was happening and what was being contaminated with it. The second Chernobyl factor, which negatively affects the quality of mushrooms, is due to the fact that radionuclide contamination with long-lived isotopes covered the territory of Ukraine everywhere. Radionuclides hit forest floor, which under natural conditions, if NOT DISTURBED, sinks into the depths of the soil at approximately a rate of one centimeter per year. Thus, the Chernobyl radiation layer (water-insoluble) is now located at a depth of ten centimeters from the surface. This is exactly the layer where the mycelium is located, where the ground part of the mycelium is formed in the summer-autumn period - the reproductive organ - the fruiting body, the mushroom itself. Thus, the mushroom grows due to the juices obtained by the mycelium precisely from the radiation layer. And secondly, when a mushroom comes out of the ground, the likelihood of contamination of its surface with soil contents increases. By the way, did you know that 1kg. mushrooms contain as much radionuclides as 400 kg. potatoes, not far behind mushrooms and blueberries .

Signs of poisoning:

Poisoning manifests itself depending on the type and quantity of mushrooms eaten: after half an hour, satanic mushroom, false mushrooms, red fly agaric, 8 hours - for the pale toadstool and up to two weeks - for the cobweb, after they were eaten...

Poisoning begins with sudden, increasing intensity of sharp abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, sweating, falling blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, salivation, diarrhea, general weakness. After a few days, acute dystrophy of the liver and kidneys may develop, leading to the death of the patient. It must be remembered that against the background of a progressive deterioration of the patient’s condition, at some point there may be a period of imaginary improvement, which then very quickly gives way to a sharp deterioration and fatal. Mortality rates from mushroom poisoning can range from 10% to 90%.

Help for poisoning:

If mushroom poisoning occurs, then, first of all, it is necessary to immediately contact (deliver) the victim to a medical facility. It must be transported in a supine position. It should be especially noted that you should seek medical help at the slightest suspicion of mushroom poisoning, especially if you suspect poisoning with toadstool! In no case should you wait in doubtful cases - “Maybe it’s not mushrooms? Or maybe it will pass?” It won't work!!! Delayed treatment of the patient results in a death sentence, even in cases where the poisoning might not have been fatal. Efficiency of emergency medical care largely depends on the duration of action of the toxins. After they enter the blood from the stomach, the simplest and effective methods combating mushroom poisoning will be ineffective. If poisoning is suspected poisonous mushrooms We must try to free the gastrointestinal tract from eaten mushrooms. To do this, the victim is given large number warm water, and then, mechanically irritating the root of the tongue, the back wall of the nasopharynx, “putting your fingers in your mouth,” induce vomiting. More effective - gastric lavage a large number water, but this manipulation can be performed by health workers. In order to facilitate diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to leave uneaten mushrooms, samples of vomit and rinsing water for laboratory testing. It is also necessary to give laxatives, preferably castor oil, to speed up the evacuation of intestinal contents. Cleansing enemas are indicated. To remove toxins that have already entered the bloodstream, choleretic and diuretic drugs are prescribed in the first stages of poisoning. In no case should patients be given alcoholic drinks, which can only speed up the absorption of toxins. When signs of cardiovascular dysfunction appear, cardiac tonics are given, as well as hot, strong sweet tea, coffee, and plenty of fluids to warm the patient. In a medical hospital, the victim must be given a large amount of fluid, including intravenously. It is necessary to administer drugs from the group of low-molecular plasma-substituting solutions that have detoxification properties due to the binding of toxins into complex compounds and subsequent excretion through the kidneys. These are drugs from the group of low molecular weight polyglucin - "Reopoliglucin", polyvinylpyrrolidone - "Hemodez". Due to the fact that fungal toxins have a selective toxic effect on parenchymal organs - liver, kidneys, the use of artificial hemodialysis (artificial kidney), hemosorption, plasma replacement therapy up to 1.5 liters is effective until a certain stage of poisoning. per session, with total number up to 5-7 transfusions, but these methods are complex, expensive, scarce, time-consuming, and in the current economic conditions of Ukraine, with almost zero healthcare funding, are hardly available in a timely manner to all victims. I don’t want to dissuade mushroom lovers from giving up forest delicacies, but they need to know how things really are in order to consciously decide what to do.

Did you know that: * The toxicity of toadstool is 10 times higher than potassium cyanide. Lethal dose mushroom toxins - 20 mg. * Freshly picked mushrooms can be stored for no more than 12 hours. * Mushrooms are not indicated for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, and liver diseases. Mushrooms are not recommended for people with kidney disease, pregnant and lactating women, and children under 7 years of age. * The most effective anti-crisis measure of the current CIS rulers would be to increase the number of mushrooms that can be considered edible

16.10.2018 >>

Since time immemorial, people have been eating wild fruits and berries that have a unique, unique aroma and taste. Cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, viburnum, and other fruits and berries are real storehouses of vitamins and other useful substances. Rose hips contain 10 times more vitamin C than lemons and oranges; rowan fruits contain 2 times more vitamin A than carrots. Fruits and berries should be picked in dry weather. Collected wet, they spoil faster. Berries picked in hot weather quickly wither as they contain less juice. You cannot pick ripe berries; it is better to leave them to ripen so that they fill with juice and gain the greatest amount of vitamins. Do not collect dry and rotten berries, as they do not contain valuable substances and can cause spoilage of all raw materials. When picking berries, you must be careful and careful, try not to trample the berry bushes. Break trees when collecting fruits. Dry the fruits by first drying them in ovens in the sun. To prevent the berries from burning and caked in the sun, they must be mixed. Dried berries are used mainly as medicine. _______________________________________________ Extract from text of the word, in which there is an alternation of vowels in the root of a word, supplement them with your own examples, formulate a rule