Source of the Lena River name. Lena is a river of North-Eastern Siberia in the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The Lena River is the largest in Eastern Siberia and one of the largest in Russian Federation, in terms of depth it is in 8th place in the world, and in terms of length – in 10th place. It passes through the territory of Yakutia and the Irkutsk region, partly its tributaries belong to the Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Transbaikal region and to Buryatia, the river flows. Lena in the Laptev Sea.

Popular in Russia female name is in no way connected with the name of the river, it comes from the word “Elu-Ene”, which translated from Evenki means “ big river" This name was given to her by the explorer Pyanda (1619 - 1623), but in the Russian language it became stronger as “Lena”.

The Lena River is the largest river in the Russian Federation, whose basin (2,490 thousand km²) is entirely within the country, its length is 4,400 km. According to the nature of the flow, the river is divided into 3 zones: the first begins from the source and stretches to the mouth of the river. Vitima, the second - is located in the interval between the mouths of the Vitima and Aldana rivers, the third - starts from the mouth of the river. Aldana and ends at the confluence with the Laptev Sea. The source of the river is considered to be a small lake, which is located 7 km west of the island. Baikal. In August 1997, at the source of the river. Lena, a chapel was built with a memorial plaque installed on it.

Lena is one of cleanest rivers peace. Its course has not been changed by people: there are no dams, hydroelectric power stations or other structures on it. And in uninhabited parts the water is so pure that you can drink straight from the river.

Regarding economic use r. Lena, it’s not very intense. This is due to the fact that its shores are not densely populated. But thanks to this, the pristine nature of its nature is preserved. Despite the fact that there are no dams on the river, it is the main transport artery of Yakutia. The largest ports located on it are Yakutsk, Lensk, Osetrovo and Kirensk.

On the right bank of the river. Lena settled down national park“Lena Pillars” is a collection of vertically located elongated rocks. Since ancient times this unusual place Evenks and Yakuts considered it sacred. They believed that these rocks were frozen human figures that were created by otherworldly forces. Therefore, except for shamans and elders, no one dared to approach the mysterious formations. The park stretches along the river bank in Yakutia for several kilometers. It is considered national natural object and is a specially protected natural area.

Another unknown phenomenon is the desert located on the right bank of the river. It's hard to imagine this in the middle of Taiga, but the fact remains. If it were not for the pine trees framing the territory, then the kilometer-long sand hills would create the complete illusion of a sultry and arid area. Until today, scientists have not found an explanation for this miracle of nature.

Brief information about the Lena River.

Lena? What are the features of its hydrological regime? Where is the source of the river? The Lena is one of the largest river systems on the planet, the eighth in terms of depth and length of all existing ones. This will be discussed in our article.

Unique features of the river

Lena is one of the largest river systems in Asia and the world. Total area its basin occupies about 20% of Russia's territory. The width reaches colossal sizes - about 15 km in the middle reaches and up to 20-25 km in the lower reaches. The largest tributaries of the Lena are Aldan, Vilyui, Olekma and Vitim. By the way, the length of the latter is quite comparable to the length of such large European rivers as the Dnieper or Danube.

Where is the source of the river? Lena is an amazing geographical formation. The watercourse boasts several records and surprises many interesting facts. So, very few people know that the beginning of the river is located just twenty kilometers from Lake Baikal. The Lena carries its waters northward, towards the coldest ocean in the world. so big that it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records!

Among other things, the Lena is one of the cleanest watercourses in the world. There is not a single dam or power plant on the river. In many parts of its riverbed, you can, just like two thousand years ago, drink water by simply scooping it from the river with your palm. Lena is one of the largest and most important sources fresh water on our Earth.

Coordinates and height of the river source

The Lena begins on the western slope. By the way, at approximately the same latitude, but only on the other side of Lake Baikal, Vitim also originates - one of the largest tributaries of this river system. What are the exact coordinates of this place? Where is the source of the river?

Lena is born in the mountains. About 20 km from the western coast of Lake Baikal there is a tiny mountain lake. Its exact geographical coordinates: 53° 59′ 33′′ northern latitude and 107° 53′ 01′′ east longitude. It is from this lake, as is commonly believed, that the Lena flows. Near the source of the river, a small chapel with a corresponding information plaque was built.

1470 meters above sea level - this is exactly the height of the river’s source. Lena, largest river Siberia begins right here. It is curious that this outstanding lake, which gave the world such important river, doesn't even have a name. I would like to hope that in the near future he will still have his own name.

Hydrological regime and character of the river

The Lena, like all its tributaries, is fed by rain and melted snow waters. The river is characterized by spring floods and a number of powerful floods in the summer and spring seasons. Lena has one very interesting feature. Due to long distance river from north to south, its bed begins to freeze from mouth to source. The Lena opens up in the opposite direction - from the upper reaches to the delta.

Geographers conventionally divide the river into three parts:

  • upper reaches (before the confluence with Vitim);
  • middle course (before the Aldana flows into the Lena);
  • downstream.

In its upper reaches, the Lena has the character mountain river: winding channel, fast current, an abundance of rocks and rapids. The banks here are high and steep, they are occupied by pine, fir and spruce forests.

Taking in water it becomes much more full. Here Lena is directed to the east, and only in the area of ​​the city of Yakutsk does it change its azimuth strictly to the north. The depth of the river in the middle reaches reaches 10-12 meters. The channel here widens significantly, and small islands occupied by coniferous trees appear in it. This one confidently cuts through the limestone Prilenskoe plateau, after which it emerges onto vast flat expanses.

The Lena in its lower reaches is already a powerful watercourse, the width of which exceeds 10 km, and the depth reaches 20-30 meters. The river banks here are cold and deserted, there are practically no settlements. About 150 kilometers away the vast Lena Delta begins. The area of ​​this unique nature education is 45,000 sq. km.

Attractions and tourism potential

It is very difficult for a tourist not to fall in love with the beautiful Lena. This amazing river captivates everyone with its fantastic landscapes, pure water and the richest fish world. Here you can often see pleasure boats with numerous tourists and sightseers.

Of course, the main and most famous attraction of the river is the geological natural monument - the Lena Pillars. This incredibly beautiful formation is located on the right bank of the Lena in Yakutia. The nearest city is Pokrovsk.

Huge rocky pillars up to 220 meters high hang over the water surface of the river. For millions of years, two tireless masters worked on these sandstone blocks - wind and water. In 2012, Lena Pillars were included in the List World Heritage UNESCO.


Where does it flow, what features are characteristic of Lena? Where is the source of the river? Lena is great river Siberia, flowing from a small lake in the Baikal mountain range. Then it covers a distance of 4,400 kilometers and flows into the Northern Arctic Ocean, forming a huge delta.

This work will characterize the Lena River. It is located on the Eurasian continent and belongs to the great northern rivers Russia, supplying water to an area of ​​2,306,772 square meters. km.

The river carries its waters in rich biological resources region where it is located large deposit gold.

The pool is located on permafrost territory, unsuitable for human life. The region is characterized by extreme temperatures and is almost completely covered with forest (84%).

The region's population is small, concentrated mostly in a single city near the Lena, Yakutsk, the administrative center of Yakutia.

Geographical location

For a greater extent, the river passes through the territory of Yakutia, with its source in Irkutsk region. The landmark is located east of the beginning of the Baikal River.

The tributaries of the Lena begin to flow out in the East Siberian part of Russia.

Characteristics of the Lena River

Like most rivers, the flow is uneven. Shallow and narrow at the source, it can reach 25 meters in depth and 20 km in width.

The fall of the river is 1470 meters. The slope is 0.33. The river is almost completely navigable, with an abundance of fish. Length 4597 km.

Character of the current

The relief features imply the division of the water artery into three parts of different lengths.

In the first part the river has a fast and stormy character- from the source to the widest part of Vitim. After meeting the Vitim tributary, before the Aldan flows into the Lena, the nature of the flow calms down somewhat, the river becomes wider and deeper.

In the third part, Olekma joins the bulk of the water, maximally nourishing and calming the waters until they dissolve in the Laptev Sea.

Source and mouth of the river

The beginning of the water artery is considered to be located on the Baikal ridge, near the lake, the waters of which feed the Angara and Yenisei.

Its source begins at an altitude of about one and a half kilometers; it is a small swamp, where there is a memorial inscription.

The Lena flows into the Laptev Sea, with its mouth located in the northern part of Yakutia.

In which direction does the Lena River flow?

First, the water artery tends to the northeast, where it joins the first tributaries, whose upper reaches are located near the Yablonovy ridge and parallel mountain ranges east of Baikal.

The flow of the Lena River (click to enlarge)

Next, the Lena turns north along a large arc, goes around the Aldan Plateau, turning south, where the largest tributary, the Aldan, flows into. Then Lena outlines the relief of the Verkhoyansk Range towards the east. Here it flows through the plain, joined by large tributaries, for example, the Vilyui.

Where the bulk of the water merges with the Aldan, at a distance of 1300 km from the sea, the river becomes very wide, sometimes reaching 8 km in diameter. The delta, covering 31,672 square kilometers, is the largest in Russia and the third largest in the world. The delta is formed by numerous islets, swamps and sandbanks.

Large islands (hundreds of square kilometers in area) are covered with damp, mossy tundra and frozen lakes, which prevent the construction of roads. Communication between permanent settlements is carried out using dog sleds.

Lena River regime

Lena is covered with ice for 8 months of the year. The ice thickness reaches 136 cm in the south of the river, 231 cm in the delta.

The annual high water level is irregular: in spring and summer, the volume of water increases 10 times compared to the winter months. Thus, the development of hydroelectric projects in the basin is difficult; there are two large reservoirs in Vilyui.

Right and left tributaries of the Lena

Important flow-in water arteries from left: Kuta, Vilyui, Molodo.

Tributary Vitim

Important inflowing water arteries on the right: Kirenga, Chaya, Vitim, Aldan, Olekma, Chuya.

River power source

Type of food – mixed. The main supply is considered to be snow, the volume of water increases due to precipitation in the form of rain. Groundwater makes a small contribution in the form of 2% of total number water. A significant part of the nutrition is provided by tributaries.

Since the Lena is half fed by melting snow, spring thaws lead to catastrophic floods. Hummocks river ice change the terrain and destroy nearby settlements.

Economic use

In the area closer to the mouth, shipping is developed, continuing until freezing, in warm year the movement does not stop for 6 months.

Lena has great value in the organization of tourism infrastructure. Every year there are excursions, boat rides, boat trips along the river, winter time years of dog sledding.

Shishkinsky rocks, located upstream, are popular among lovers of antiquity. Tourists can study examples of rock art. There is an ethnographic museum of the 17th century in the Lena Pillars reserve.

Lena is rich in fish. Main types:

  • Lenok;
  • Omul;
  • Taimen;
  • Zander;
  • Tugun;

Many commercial fish species are listed in the Red Book; harvesting of others is permitted with a special license.

Exists interesting legend about the origin of the name. At the beginning of the 17th century, researcher Pyanda P.D. compiled a description of Lena, calling it Elyuene in Yakut, translated as Big River. Over time, the name changed and became Lena.

What cities are located on the river? Lena

The surroundings of Lena are unsuitable for a comfortable life. Nature is harsh to humans.

The only significant city is Yakutsk. Among the settlements along the river, it is worth noting Olekminsk, Elanka, Kachikatsy, Pokrovsk and Dzhardzhan.

The river is considered one of the cleanest on Earth; its bed was laid under the influence of completely natural processes. The free flow is not hampered by the construction of dams and hydroelectric power stations, which makes Lena stand out.

Closer to the confluence with the Laptev Sea, the water is polluted. Oil emissions pollute the Arctic Ocean every year. Although most of the basin is closed to fishing, threats from poaching, illegal grazing and forest destruction remain.

Lena- a river flowing through the territory of North-Eastern Siberia in the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Refers to
The Lena River ranks tenth in length among all rivers in the world and eighth in the world in terms of fullness. The Lena River - flowing under one name - its length from source to mouth is 4400 km.

The Lena River flows from south to northeast, and after the city of Yakutsk to the north. It originates near Lake Baikal (Baikal Range) 145 km from the village of Kachug, Kachug district, Irkutsk region of Russia. It flows through the Kachugsky, Zhigalovsky, Ust-Kutsky Kirensky districts of the Irkutsk region, then flows through the Lensky, Olekminsky, Khangalassky, Urban Okrug - Yakutsk, Namsky, Kobyaisky, Zhigansky Bulunsky districts of the Republic of Yakutia. The Lena River flows into the Laptev Sea 160 km from the settlement of Chekurovka, Bulunsky district of Yakutia.

The largest settlements on the Lena River from source to mouth: Changur, Kachug, Verkholensk, Zhigalovo, Ust-Ilga, Orlinga, Omoloi, Ust-Kut, Kirensk, Chuya, Vitim, Peleduy, Hamra, Lensk, Chapaevo, Olekminsk, Khorintsy, Markha, Sinsk, Elanka, Kachikatsy, Bestyakh, Pokrovsk, Yakutsk, Maimaga, Sangar, Bakhanay, Zhigansk, Jarjan, Siktyakh, Kyusyur, Chekurovka.

The largest ports on the Lena River: Osetrovo, Kirensk, Lensk, Yakutsk, Olekminsk, Pokrovsk, Sangar, Tiksi.

There are few large cities near the Lena River. Many settlements are located only in the Yakutsk region. Many villages are abandoned or are small rotational camps.

Routes (access roads).
At the source is the P-418 Irkutsk-Kachug highway, a network of roads near the village of Zhigalovo, Zhigalovsky district, Irkutsk region of Russia. Further, there are good access roads near the city of Ust-Kut, highway P-419 and highway 25K26. You can also drive directly to the river near the village of Kirensk. The P-501 highway runs near the city of Yakutsk. In addition to the main highways and highways, there are many towns and villages along the river, connected by smaller roads.

Main tributaries.
The largest left tributaries of the river: Kuta, Vilyui, Molodo.
The largest right tributaries of the river: Kirenga, Chaya, Vitim, Aldan, Olekma, Chuya.

Smaller tributaries:
- from left: Anay, Chanchur, Ilikta, Inda, Kulenga, Yamny, Rudovskaya River, Meneevsky, Ilga, Trofimovka, Fedorovka, Maly, Boty, Late, Nizhnyaya, Elovy, Nemtanka, Nizhnyaya Golovskaya, Ilinga, Bear, Nizhnyaya Sarafanikha, Atalanga, Kukhta, Upper Katyma, Lower Katyma, Selenga, Nora, Kokara, Shulaga, Mokchenikha, Turuka, Rassokha, Half, Goose, Elovka, Dry, Killed, Upper Bochakta, Melnichnaya, Baranovy, Kazimirka, Potapovka, Semiga, Chembalovka, Zakharovka, Piluda , Ichera, Stepanikha, Bobrovka, Peleduy, Tabalak, Konek, Djerba, Namana, Markha, Sinaya, Tyugene, Lunakha, Tympylykan, Khoruonka, Molod, Eekit, Olenekskaya.
- on the right: Anga, Bolshaya Rechka, Tutura, Ziminskaya, Malaya Balakhnya, Zharkov, Distillery, Berezovka, Kovtorov, Elovenky, Beacha, Botovka, Kuzmin, Vyatkin, Zybunya, Balaganny, Talovy, Larch, Efremkov, Chichapta, Dyadin, Verkhnyaya Sarafanikha, Suhusha, Zakobeninskaya river, Orlinga, Iga, Shapkin, Tayura, Ulkan, Chechuy, Parshinka, Yukte, Tuolba, Buotama, Belyanga, Dyanshka, Undyulung, Sobolokh-Mayan, Menkere, Jarjan, Besyuke.

Relief and soils.
The upper reaches of the Lena River and most of the basins of its right branches are located in the mountainous areas of the Baikal region, Transbaikalia and the Aldan Highlands. The main part of the left bank river basin is located on the Central Siberian Plateau. The most depressed section of the river lies in the middle (Central Yakut Lowland) and lower reaches of the Lena.

In the Irkutsk region, through which the Lena River flows, the soils are mainly represented by eluvial and deluvial deposits covering bedrock and Quaternary strata.
The soils are mostly podzolic; there are also chernozems and marshy areas. There are saline and solonetzic soils. The mountainous regions of the region are characterized by mountain-forest podzolic and mountain-tundra soils with outcrops of bedrock and rocky placers.
In central Yakutia, through which the river flows, there are frozen chernozems. Previously, they were called meadow-chernozem soils of above-floodplain terraces, similar in their properties to ordinary chernozems.

Part of the territory is covered with coniferous forests and endless taiga. The territory is rich in pine, spruce, firs, larches and cedars.
Along with dense taiga forests and low-growing tundra bushes, near the river there are meadows covered with steppe vegetation (fescue, wormwood, etc.). The taiga forests of the Lena River basin consist mainly of pine, larch, Siberian cedar and birch trees, these forests are often called the “Green Gold of Russia.”

Hydrological regime.
The length of the Lena River is 4400 km. The drainage basin area is 2,490,000 km2. Maximum width floodplain 30 km. Maximum depth 21 m.

According to the nature of the flow, the Lena River is conventionally divided into 3 sections: the first section - from the source to the mouth of the Vitim River; the second section - from the mouth of the Vitim River to the confluence of the Aldan River and the third section (lower reaches) - from the confluence of the Aldan River to the mouth.

Upper reaches of the river. Upper part The river practically occupies a third of its length. It covers the territory of the mountainous Cis-Baikal region. Water consumption in the area of ​​the city of Kirensk is 1100 m³/sec. The width of the valley ranges from 1-2 km to 10 km, sometimes the channel narrows to 200 m. The slopes of the river are steep and rocky, up to 300 m high.

Middle course of the river. The middle flow includes a section of the Lena River bed between the Vitim and Aldan rivers, with a length of 1415 km. In its middle reaches, the Lena River is already full-flowing. The depth of the river reaches 10-12 m. The Lena greatly increases in size after the confluence of the Olekma River. The channel width is up to 2 km, the valley width is up to 30 km, there is a wide floodplain with a large number small lakes. The river valley is not symmetrical: the left slope is more gentle; the right slope is represented by the northern edge of the Patom Highlands, it is steeper and higher. Below the Olekma River (to the city of Pokrovsk), the Lena River valley is narrow with steep and dissected limestone slopes, which are individual rocks of amazing shape (Lena Pillars). Below the city of Pokrovsk, the Lena River begins to flow across the plain. As a result, there is a sharp expansion of the Lena River valley. The current speed slows down greatly - 1.3 m/s and drops to 0.5-0.7 m/s. The river's floodplain is 5-7 km wide, in some places up to 15 km, and the entire valley is 20 km or more wide.

Lower reaches of the river. Below the city of Yakutsk, the Lena River receives 2 large influx- Aldan River and Vilyui River. After them, the Lena River turns into a giant water stream. Even where the river flows in one channel, its width reaches 10 km, and its depth exceeds 16-20 m. In places where there are many islands, the Lena expands to 20-30 km. The banks of the river in this area are deserted.
About 150 km from the Laptev Sea, the vast Lena delta begins. The area of ​​the Lena delta is larger than the Nile delta and is about 30,000 km 2. The dimensions of the Lena delta are noted in the Guinness Book of Records.

According to various sources, the annual river flow approximately ranges from 489 to 542 km³, the average annual flow at the mouth from 15,500 to 17,175 m³/sec.

The Lena River is fed almost the same as all its tributaries - it is melted snow water - 50% and rainwater. Due to permafrost within the catchment area, the river is poorly fed groundwater, the only exception is geothermal sources. Groundwater accounts for only 1-2% of the Lena River's recharge.
The Lena is characterized by spring floods, several large floods in the summer and low autumn-winter low water levels of up to 366 m³/sec in the lower reaches of the river.

The Lena River is different from other Russian rivers ice regime and powerful freeze-up. A strong and thick layer of ice on the river is formed in conditions of a very cold, long and little snow winter. The river remains ice-free in the south for about 5-6 months, in the north for 4-5 months. On the Lena, freeze-up occurs approximately 10 days later than on its tributaries. In the upper reaches, the Lena begins to freeze from the end of October, in the lower reaches it freezes from the end of September. The ice begins to break up in mid-May - in the upper reaches and in early June in the lower reaches. Spring ice drift is very powerful, ice jams often occur and, as a result, large areas are flooded. First of all, at the end of April, the spring flood begins in the area of ​​​​the city of Kirensk, which is on the upper Lena and gradually moves north, advancing on the still ice-covered river. The spill reaches the lower reaches of the river around mid-June. During a flood, water rises 6-8 m above the low-water level. In the lower reaches, the water rises up to 18 m. The Lena annually carries about 41 million tons of dissolved substances and 12 million tons of suspended sediment into the Laptev Sea.
The highest water temperatures in the upper reaches of the river are 19°C, in the lower reaches of the river about 14°C in July.

Among the fish species found in the river are: lenok, grayling, whitefish, omul, pike, taimen, catfish, pike perch, tugun, perch, whitefish, burbot, dace, carp, roach, bream, crucian carp, ruffe, carp, ide.

Water quality.
The turbidity of the river water is no more than 50-60 g/m3. The degree of mineralization of water varies - from fresh to salty. Water river Lena is characterized mainly by low and medium mineralization. The average mineralization of water in Lena is from 80 to 100 mg/l during floods and floods. During low water it reaches up to 160-500 mg/l. By chemical composition water belongs to calcium bicarbonate water.

Use, tourism and recreation.
The Lena River is the main transport artery of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Yakutia. The Kachug pier is considered the beginning of navigation. Upstream from the port of Osetrova, small ships pass along it. The navigation period lasts from 125 to 170 days
On the Lena River there are cruises on a motor ship, fishing, swimming, boating, rafting, hiking to historical places and many other types of entertainment are popular.
Of the attractions, the most famous place in the upper reaches of the Lena are the Shishkinsky rocks with well-preserved drawings of ancient people. This is the only place in the world where creativity is so vividly and widely represented. primitive people.
Also popular among tourists are the Lena Pillars - these are geological formations and natural park on the right bank of the river. It is located in the Khangalassky district of Yakutia, 104 km from the city of Pokrovsk.
Near the river there are two historical settlements: Sottintsy is the historical and architectural museum-reserve "Friendship", the site of the original founding of the city of Yakutsk. And the settlement of Zhigansk was founded in 1632.

Background information.

Length: 4400 km.
Basin area: 2,490,000 km².
Pool: Laptev Sea
Source: near Lake Baikal, Baikal ridge.
Location: 145 km from the village of Kachug, Kachug district, Irkutsk region of Russia.
Coordinates: 54°0′51.12″N. latitude, 108°4′16.76″ e. d.
Mouth: Laptev Sea.
Location: Bulunsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Coordinates: 72°36′15.1″ N. latitude, 128°23′32.79″ e. d.

The Lena River is the largest in Eastern Siberia and one of the largest in the Russian Federation, in terms of fullness it is in 8th place in the world, and in terms of length - in 10th place. It passes through the territory of Yakutia and the Irkutsk region, some of its tributaries belong to the Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Transbaikal territories and Buryatia, the river flows into. Lena in the Laptev Sea. A popular female name in Russia is in no way connected with the name of the river; it comes from the word “Elyu-Ene”, which translated from Evenki means “Big River”. This name was given to her by the explorer Pyanda (1619 - 1623), but in the Russian language it became stronger as “Lena”.

Lena River, Lensky district. Photo by A.L. (loading) Wikimedia Commons

One of the longest rivers on our planet is the mighty Lena River. The river is fed by rain and melted snow. Floods occur in the spring. Since the Lena is located in the northern part of the Russian Federation, due to permafrost, the river cannot be saturated with groundwater. Unlike other Russian rivers, the Lena is characterized by strong ice accumulation. In spring, ice drift is especially powerful and jams often form, which is why serious floods occur. In spring, the water level can increase to almost ten meters.

It is impossible to imagine the northern expanses of the country without the beautiful river. Coniferous forests and dense taiga spread their expanses along the banks of the Lena. It is thanks to it, and several other mighty rivers, that Russia is considered one of the richest states in the world. The river gives its state diamonds, gold and furs.

Length of the Lena River

Lena River. Scheme // Photo

Lena begins not far from Lake Baikal. Heads towards Yakutsk, makes a big detour and moves to northern regions Russia. The Great Lena is more than 4000 kilometers long. It flows through the Irkutsk region, then goes through the Lensk and Olekminsk urban districts, as well as through the regions of Yakutia. The maximum depth is 22 meters.

Source of the Lena River

A small lake adjacent to Lake Baikal is the source of the Lena River. The small body of water that gives life to the mighty river currently has no name. The lake is located ten kilometers from Baikal and rises almost 1,400 meters above sea level. In other words, Lena takes its source in a small mountain reservoir that does not have a name, which is located on the territory of the Baikal ridge.

Chapel at the source of the Lena River/ / photo www.

A small church was erected not far from the beginning of the river. Many tourists come here to see the source of the Lena River and also enjoy the surrounding picturesque views. The Shishkinsky Mountains are the most famous places in the upper reaches of the river. On the most ancient rocks, drawings of primitive people who have historical significance. Here you can see depicted scenes of sacrifices, hunting and other rock “writings” of ancient peoples. These places are the most extensive areas where you can get a broad idea of ​​the life of primitive settlements.

Tributaries of the Lena River

Lena River // Photo:

Most of the river's tributaries belong to the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Transbaikal territories and Buryatia. The left tributaries include the Anai, Nyuya, Kuta, Turuka, Kukhta, Verkhnyaya Kytyma and others. And to the right tributaries are the Anga, Chichapta, Kirenga, Cherepanikha, Bolshoy Patom and many others. The main tributaries are Aldan, Vilyui, Vitim and Olekma. The Vilyui tributary is considered the largest and longest tributary of the river among its left tributaries.

Mouth of the Lena River

Lena River and tributaries // Photo:

Having passed its way through Yakutsk, the river receives two main tributaries - Vilyui and Aldan. Now this is not a calm river, but a powerful one water element with a width of up to 21 km, and a depth exceeding 20 meters. The banks of the Lena in these places are very dangerous. There are small settlements here. The water avalanche moves and flows into the Laptev Sea. About 100 km from the sea the river transforms into huge delta, consisting of 780 tributaries and islands of various sizes. Three main channels of the river reach the sea - Olenekskaya, Trofimovskaya and Bykovskaya. Vessels that have important industrial significance for the entire country sail along the channels. The picturesque delta amazes with its flora and fauna. Here you can meet rare plants and more than 120 different types birds.

Cities of Russia on the Lena River

The Lena River flows // Photo

The banks of the Lena do not serve as a home for large quantities large cities of Russia. Mostly populated areas are located in the Yakutsk region. Today, many villages are empty or serve as places for rotational camps. But, nevertheless, Pokrovsk, Siktyak, Kyusyur, Chekurovka and some other settlements founded their houses on the banks of the river.

Unique natural park Lena Pillars. Lena River // Photo: www.mosturflot.

In the Haagalas region there are unique Lena Pillars. The picturesque natural park is fraught with a lot of interesting things for every visitor to this place. Two historically important settlements spread out on the banks. Sottintsy and Zhigansk. Sotnitsy is the original foundation of Yakutsk. The Lena River offers cruises, boat rides and hikes to local attractions. Lena also offers a lot of other entertainment, so many travelers prefer to relax on the banks of the mighty Lena.

Lena River in folk culture

Many historians believe that Vladimir Ulyanov named himself Lenin in honor of this powerful element. The river is of great importance for every inhabitant of its banks. Local residents compose songs and poems in honor of the nurturing river and paint pictures. The beauty of river landscapes has been sung by many world poets. Lena is also immortalized on some famous paintings by artists. The power and greatness of Lena also inspires our modern creators.