Famous Spanish women. Spaniards

Today I decided to write about us girls.
I decided to record my observations about the differences between Spanish (Catalan) girls and our Russian girls.

The first thing that immediately catches your eye is its appearance. Our girls always look simply exceptional, even if our girl went to take out the trash, she will never allow herself to go out in stretched sweatpants and a soiled T-shirt. What if fate awaits her around the corner in the form of a handsome, brutal Spaniard. Therefore, our girl is always ready to meet fate.

But when you look at a Spanish woman, the question arises in your brain: why don’t you love yourself so much? Spanish women do not like to take care of themselves, do not know how to choose clothes for themselves, and therefore look very unkempt in appearance. When a Spanish woman puts on a skirt or dress with heels, her gait does not change at all to a feminine, sexy one, no, she remains the same angular manly. With her legs spread wide to the sides, she rushes ahead and God forbid you stand in her way.

Spanish men love Russian girls very much. They probably love him for all his qualities combined: beauty, tenderness, sexuality and intelligence. Our girl knows how to do everything: cook dinner, hem a shirt, wash the floors, organize everyone and then have a great rest. And this is all not because I have to, but because I can and want to.

The institution of marriage is a partnership in everything that concerns family life and raising children. Spanish men are accustomed to cooking dinners and raising children, but this fact does not at all mean that women then have to bend pipes and mine coal. And this is what happens with Spanish women, feminism has its own reverse medal, femininity, sexuality and tenderness disappear.

And when a Spanish macho tells me, find me a Russian girl, and I ask why Russian, he tells me all of our qualities listed above. Because no matter what nationality a man is, he wants his wife to be smart, beautiful, gentle and sexy.

And it has become quite common for a man to meet a Russian girl after five years of living together with a Spanish woman and marry her a month later. In this case, the Spaniard's family is guaranteed a shock.

Well, how our girls know how to laugh with a sparkling, bubbling laugh. So sincere and infectious that everyone around does not remain indifferent. Spanish women can only cackle, but mostly I haven’t seen a beautiful Spanish woman laughing. There are always strange creaking sounds, vaguely reminiscent of laughter.

We are different and we can easily combine within ourselves a caring mother, a lover, a housewife, and a career woman.

Indeed, Spanish women have a special personality and an incomparable amazing charm. What is the secret of Spanish women and what they do in life, we will tell you in this article.

Spanish women: passionate character and stormy temperament

Legends are made about the beauty and passion of Spanish women. How many beautiful paintings, how many musical and literary works dedicated to beautiful Spanish women.

At all times they knew how to inspire men. What is so special and attractive about these southern women, we will tell you in this article.

What distinguishes Spanish women from residents of other countries? First of all, this is their character. The stereotype about the hot and fiery temperament of Spaniards and Spanish women has quite good grounds.

The inhabitants of this warm and sunny country are indeed particularly emotional. This fully applies to women as well.

For them, all actions and deeds are based on a violent manifestation of emotions.

And there’s nothing to be done about it, Spanish women have this passionate temperament in their blood, it’s in their genes, so heated debates are not alien to them, high-profile scandals and a showdown, and then the same emotional and passionate reconciliation, accompanied by hot hugs and kisses.

Combined with natural willfulness and strong character, this desire for independence helps many women achieve truly high success in the professional field.

We must pay tribute to the state, which not only does not interfere with such women’s aspirations, but also supports them in every possible way.

In Spain, there is even a special Ministry of Equality, which ensures that women's rights are respected in the same way as men's rights.

This trend in modern Spanish society has created a lot of problems and complicated the demographic situation. Trying to achieve tangible heights in their careers and realize their personality, many Spanish women are not at all eager to start a family and have a child.

Given that average duration life in Spain is quite high (eighty to eighty-five years), Spanish women consider it completely normal to give birth to their first child only after forty years.

Unfortunately, in recent years This trend has spread widely, which has already brought its unfavorable results.

The population in Spain is rapidly declining, as old people die and very few children are born. Therefore, this situation causes great concern already at the state level.

Family responsibilities of Spanish women

And yet, despite high level feminization in society, many women in Spain retained their usual ideas about family and marriage.

By their nature, they are true homemakers, good wives and caring mothers. In general, the cult of family in Spain is quite widespread.

If her husband is able to financially provide for the family, she prefers not to work, but to spend time caring for the family, not forgetting about meeting friends and taking care of her appearance.

How do Spanish women spend their leisure time?

The way a Spanish woman spends free time, depends on her marital status And social status. A typical day for the average Spanish woman goes something like this.

In the morning she gets up and takes her husband to work and her children to school. In this case, a dense and delicious breakfast with the whole family, because in Spain there is a real cult of food.

After seeing off her family, the woman leisurely puts on her beauty, and then meets with her friends to chat over a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe.

By lunchtime the woman returns to prepare a lunch as hearty as breakfast for her family. The Spaniards really love to eat delicious food, so the lunch break is sacred for them.

After lunch, a woman can meet with her friends again or devote time to household chores.

Moreover, Spanish women retain this way of life for many years. And elderly Spanish pensioners, like many years ago, continue to meet with friends in cafes in the morning, while they still carefully monitor their appearance.

Spanish women unique. They are unlike women from other countries. They are distinguished by their wayward character, passionate temperament, and, of course, special beauty, which has always attracted men so much.

I worked in a store and 3 Spanish students came to us. And knowing my stupid character, I had to change jobs because I fell in love right away. Girls tall with black beautiful hair, but there is not enough strength for all this. I'm very lucky...
18.05.15 Valery

I talked about Spanish men, so to speak, and destroyed the ideas of my compatriots (and not only) about “hot Spanish machos”. And now an article about women. To be honest, I didn’t intend to write about women (that’s why this article did not appear immediately after the article about men). I wasn’t going to, because I didn’t know what to write about them. Somehow I didn’t pay attention to women and their characteristics in Spain. Actually, this is normal, I have always been attracted to the opposite sex, and it was men that I observed and compared them in different countries.

Having lived in the country for a relatively long time, and also having observed women, I collected material to write this article. So now I will destroy the idea of ​​many men about fiery Spanish brunettes. I will talk about Valencian women for the most part.

1. As soon as I moved to Spain, the first thing that caught my eye was that Spanish women are completelynot beauties. I imagined them all looking like Penelope Cruz - long black hair, big eyes, slim figure. It’s clear that not everyone is like that, but I thought something similar. Alas and ah, my ideas were a complete fiasco. The women here are not Penelope or even Cruz at all. They are not tall, with large butts and breasts, which, by the way, they do not know how to “wear” (meaning, choose the right underwear).

Chest and pWow, that’s not bad at all – many men will tell me. I agree, but there is one “but” - they do not have a waist, i.e. pillar figure. To put it mildly, it’s not a chic shine on the face. Many people have protruding eyes (bulging), large facial features (not at all feminine) and generally large, elongated faces. Well, in general, you can’t look at it without 100 grams. Naturally, not 100% of the population, but on average they are. Here is the very famous actress Rossi de Palma in Spain:

Women in Spain - Rossi de Palma, Spanish actress.

She, with and without makeup:

"Ugly Beauty" by Rossi de Palma

It is clear that one does not judge one person, but, to be honest, it reflects the appearance of many Spanish women very well.

2. The second thing that caught my eye was not the femininity of women. I’m used to Russian women and girls who are slender, well dressed, and confidently walk through life. Wearing shoes with heels to work, walking with children, shopping with such ease, as if in our country girls are already born wearing heels. Always well-groomed, with makeup and everything else. And this is not a festive look, but a daily one.

I’ll tell you a secret, when my husband came to the Russian Federation, he walked with his mouth open and could not stop admiring the beauty of the girls, their slimness, and the ease with which they walked in high heels along the street. He wondered whyto take out the trash and go shopping they look twice as good as in Spain when going to a wedding. I explained to him that every person, in theory, wants to be attractive, that in our country there are very few men and many women, and in order to attract a man, you must always be ready for a fight, even taking out the trash.

I was joking, of course, althoughThere is some truth in this. She explained that life is not so long that you have to wait for a holiday to look good. We must live like it’s our last day. He was delighted when he saw beauties in ordinary grocery store. I was only “for” his “bride”. Beauty should be looked at and enjoyed. We all love to look at nature, the sea, sunsets and sunrises... and beautiful people.

So, let's return to Spain. I haven't seen anything like this here. I was amazed at how unfeminine the women here are. Their appearance basically “terrifying.” There's no talk of heels. And this is not the fault of the women of Spain; for me, Europe generally dresses like potatoes - shapeless sweaters, dresses, pants, which have been worn by more than one generation, excuse me, shoes - which have clearly already “weeded” the potatoes. That is why I try to dress in the Russian Federation or look for stores here with non-European fashion.

An ordinary woman in Valencia wears pants, a jacket, sports shoes or ballet shoes. And this is how you will see her at work, in a store, in a bar or in a club (!). No difference. On the head, usually “I fell out of the hayloft, I braked with my head,” i.e. a ponytail or a braid at best, but always uneven, slid to one side, with poorly tucked strands sticking out, or loose hair, but it definitely hasn’t been combed in the morning. This is the picture I have in my head when talking about Spanish women in Valencia.

3. Spanish flu can't walk in heels. In fact, they don’t wear them, like most of Europe. It's sad, of course, but alas. Spanish women are not tall and would benefit from a heel. As I wrote in one of the articles, it is basically impossible to buy normal high-heeled shoes in Valencia. There are a lot of shoes, but you can’t buy them. She is so uncomfortable that you feel like a Chinese woman who was stuck in a special suit. The shoes are three sizes smaller (as was once fashionable - the smaller a girl’s feet, the better). The shoe last is so uncomfortable that even I, with many years of experience wearing heels, was unable to walk in Spanish shoes.

This may have influenced the fact that Spanish women do not wear such shoes. The maximum that Spanish women wear on holidays is 3-4 cm, which is not a heel (in my understanding). A 10-15 cm heel was not seen here, and if it was seen, it was as a strange exhibit, not intended to be worn. But that doesn't matter. Something else is important. Yes, you can see a Spanish woman in heels - at a party, in a nightclub, but it’s better not to see her. The cow on ice is a real professional compared to the Spanish woman in heels. This is a very pathetic sight. How can you not be able to walk in 3 cm heels?!

And it’s very simple, I’ll tell you. For some reason they buy shoes 1-2 sizes larger. And this is not a joke. Apparently because they are not comfortable, they buy shoes with heels bigger size to ease your lot, so to speak. At the same time, they don’t understand that they are only making things worse. I think all of us - women and men - at least once in our lives tried on and tried to walk in shoes that were not our size, but let’s say larger. The shoes are falling off! So Spanish women manage to wear this. And the main thing is visible! You can see that 2 fingers can fit between the shoe and the heel! And she, poor thing, drags these shoes behind her, because you can’t walk gracefully in this, and when you don’t know how, it turns into a “circus tent” show.

4. As for the clothing style, as I already said, Europe with its robes that hide a slender body and make a woman three sizes bigger kills me. Spanish clothing style can be defined as bad taste. Of course, this is my opinion and hundreds of people will disagree. I write as I see it. For me, the way Spanish women dress has no logic. I don’t understand how you can wear shorts, a T-shirt and thick leather autumn boots in 30-35° heat! Or how you can wear a fur coat (or a warm jacket), a hat and flip-flops with heels in winter! Very extreme people (mostly elderly) wear fur coats at 20-25°. Really in a thick fur coat! I understand that there is wind (20° in Valencia is not 20° in the Russian Federation, it’s cool), but there is also a lot of sun - it’s not a fur coat! I even took photos of such “frames”, but it’s somehow inconvenient to post such photos here - still privacy person. So the style here is very bad.

The situations I described to you are, of course, out of the ordinary, but they exist! In general, clothes are not suitable in fabric, style, style, size and figure - the fatter the lady, the tighter the clothes are; the slimmer, the wider the potato sack on her. In general, I don't understand people.

By the way, this also applies to men. It seems like it’s easier for men to get dressed – jeans, a shirt, whatever. Oh no! They manage to match the style of their ladies. Flip flops on socks, that's understandable. This is not only in Spain. Another thing that hurts my eyes is when they wear a long-sleeved T-shirt under a short-sleeved shirt. This looks so bad, there are no words. And when there are also problems with color, it’s just terrible.For example, a thick black long-sleeve T-shirt and a summer thin blue sleeveless shirt on top. I fought with my husband for a very long time about this, explained, begged, shouted: “I won’t go out with you in this form to embarrass myself on the street.” And he told me: “Before whom should I disgrace myself? Everyone walks like that on the street!” Really! Although, it must be admitted that only a few men here wear cheap tracksuits. There are a lot of such “stylish” people in the Russian Federation. At least it was.

As for the color of clothes in general. This, as I wrote somewhere, is a feature of the country. Favorite colors are black, brown - all shades, gray - from dark to light, the color of childish surprise with its shades, beige, white. In general, colors that have never been in my wardrobe and I can’t stand them (except black and white, of course). The stores are just drab.

To be continued in the next one.

Copyright of the article belongs to the head of the company "SPAIN INVEST" and the author of the text - Anna Lepshina. Copying an article to other sites without permission from the author is strictly prohibited

The violent temperament, beauty and sexuality of Spanish women have always captivated men. The sexuality and willfulness of Spanish women are legendary. At all times, they knew how to inspire and conquer men. Today we will tell you about the sexiest Spanish star girls, whose beauty fades even before the stars.

Clara Lago

Photography by Clara Lago

She is only 23 years old, but she has already eclipsed many women with her beauty. Having starred in the sequel “Three Meters Above the Sky,” Clara not only discovered her talent as an actress, but also made half the world fall in love with her. In the film, the actress positioned herself as an excellent dancer and singer.

Penelope Cruz

Photo of Penelope Cruz

Who doesn't know this sultry Spanish woman? We can definitely say that Penelope is the most popular, highly paid and sought-after actress not only in Spain, but also in Hollywood. The actress always skillfully emphasizes her appetizing forms and large brown eyes. Famous directors want to get her in their films, offering to play temperamental and daring beauties.

Monica Cruz

Photo by Monica Cruz

This girl is not far behind her famous and attractive older sister. She acts in films, although not as successfully as Penelope. Together with her sister, she is the face of the famous Mango brand. For a long time Monica performed as part of the world famous troupe of Joaquin Cortez.

Maria Valverde

Photo of Maria Valverde

Another Spanish girl who became famous thanks to the romantic melodrama “Three Meters Above the Sky.” Over her 26 years, the actress managed to play in more than 20 films. Even if not all the roles were major, they were memorable and more than successful.

Sarah Carbonero

Photo of Maria Valverde

Sarah is a model, TV presenter, sports journalist and every man's dream. Moreover, nothing can compare with her beauty and charm. Sarah's appearance skillfully combines dark skin, dark hair and emerald eyes. Plus, she can’t live without football.

Maria Clara Alonso

Photo of Maria Clara Alonso

Argentine actress, singer and TV presenter, best known for her role as Anji in the Disney Channel teen television series Violetta. She has sophistication, sexuality, beauty and femininity. Everything about her appearance attracts: eyes, lips, shape, hair. It is not surprising that she is invited to participate in beauty contests and star in youth TV series.

Almudena Fernandez

Photo by Almudena Fernandez

Almudena is a famous Spanish model. Her photographs have graced the covers of many popular magazines, including Elle, Marie Claire, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Madame Figaro, etc. She always looks luxurious and attracts the attention of men, thanks to which she does not give up her position and is one of the sexiest Spanish stars.

Ariadne Artiles

Photo by Ariadne Artiles

Another model with a beautiful mythical name, with an attractive appearance and ideal parameters. Ariadna has become the face of Spanish brands many times and graced the covers fashion magazines and captivated men all over the world with her beauty.

Eugenia Silva

Photo by Eugenia Silva

One of the most successful Spanish models who began her career in 1992 when she was 16 years old. Evgenia has graced the covers of fashion magazines more than once and participated in shows of famous brands. Often a girl can be seen on social events in the company of wonderful young people.

Lara Alvarez

Photo by Lara Alvarez

A dazzling sports TV presenter who does not hesitate to star in erotic photo sessions, delighting men with her perfect figure. Lara makes an unforgettable impression on all men, but she went to only one - the Spanish football player, defender of the Real Madrid club Sergio Ramos.

Sunny Spain is associated with bullfighting, passionate flamenco dancing, a love of football, delicious food and the fiery passion that seems to be in all Spaniards' blood. But Spain is especially famous for its women, who stand out from the rest of the European fairer sex. In previous ratings we have already told you about the most beautiful Jewish women Indian women, French women, Turkish women, Chinese women And Italians. Continuing the tradition, it was the turn of sultry beauties from Spain.

Penelope Cruz

It’s simply impossible not to start this rating with Penelope. Large brown eyes, black expressive eyebrows, thick dark hair. The beauty of the actress is the embodiment of all women of the south. Penelope, born in Madrid, became the first Spanish actress to win an Oscar for her supporting role in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, ​​and is one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood.

Paz Vega

Another burning beauty, the look of which makes your heart skip a beat. Paz was born in Andalusia. The actress became famous in 2004 after her role in the Hollywood film Spanish English, in which (48) became her partner.

Monica Cruz

The younger sister of actress Penelope Cruz, like a true Spaniard, has a love of dancing. Monica graduated from The Royal Academy of Dance and the Institute classical ballet in Madrid, also performed as part of the world famous troupe of Joaquin Cortez.

Ines Sastre

Ines was born in Valladolid, and has been the face of the covers of such famous magazines as Marie Claire, Elle, ¡Hola!, Vogue, Telva, Rolling Stone, Woman, Femme, ES, Blanco y Negro (Spain), GQ, Cosmopolitan, Linea. His debut in his acting career took place in 1988 in the film “Eldorado” by Spanish director Carlos Saura. Ines is an ambassador for the UN Children's Fund and has a nine-year-old son, Diego.

Sarah Carbonero

This blue-eyed beauty captivated not only the famous football player of the Spanish national team Iker Casillas (33), but also a good half of football fans after the 2010 World Cup. According to FHM USA, Sarah was recognized as the sexiest reporter in the world, which is not surprising. In 2014, the TV presenter gave Casillas a son, Martin Casillas-Carbonero (1).

Adriana Ugarte

The actress was born in Madrid, and this Spaniard also has Basque blood in her blood. In Russia, the actress is known mainly for the film “Studies for Three.” And in her homeland, Adriana is one of the greatest hopes of modern Spanish cinema.

Clara Lago

Largo was born in Madrid. WITH early childhood the actress was fond of dramatic art and, at the age of ten, starred in the TV series “Partners.” She gained worldwide popularity after her role in the second part of the romantic film “Three Meters Above the Sky. I want you."

Maria Valverde

Another star of the film “Three Meters Above the Sky” was born in Madrid in creative family. The actress's father is an artist by profession, and her mother is a sculptor. Since childhood, Maria dreamed of becoming an actress and already at the age of 10 she played her first role in a play. On at the moment the actress is one of the most beloved in Spain.

Blanca Suarez

Since childhood, Blanca dreamed of becoming an actress and attended acting classes at the Artes Escénicas Tritón School of the Arts. Her dream came true in 2008 after starring in the film Shivers. In addition to his acting career, Suarez enjoys figure skating and gymnastics.

Eva Gonzalez

The former lover of Spanish footballer Iker Casillas (33), Eva Gonzalez was born in Seville. In 2003 she became the winner of the Miss Spain contest, which made her an overnight a real star. Gonzalez is not only a model, but also a TV presenter.

Patricia Rodriguez

A recognized beauty, winner of the titles: “Miss Tenerife - 2007”, “Miss Spain - 2008”, “Miss Universe - 2013”. And in 2008 she entered the top 15 of Miss World. Patricia was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on Canary Islands. In 2010, the model admitted her gay. Patricia's lover was the DJ and singer Vanessa Klein (28).

Elena Anaya

My acting career started at age 19, after which she entered the Royal High School of Dramatic Arts in Madrid. Career success came to Anaya after her role in the film “Talk to Her” by Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar (65). The actress also starred in the music video for the song “Sexy back” by world famous musician Justin Timberlake (34).

Almudena Fernandez

She was born on January 1, 1977 in Benavente, Spain, but now lives in New York. While still a high school student, she took part in the “Supermodel of the World” competition and took second place. After this, young Almudena definitely decided that she would connect her life with modeling business. Her amazing beauty helped her become the face of the Aquaflore Carolina Herrera fragrance and the French Organza Indecence perfume from Givenchy. In 2001, she participated in the fall-winter collections of Antonio Miro, Armando Basi and other designers.

Andrea Duro

This dark-haired Spaniard is best known for her roles in films such as Yoli and 3 Meters Above Sky. In 2013 she was included in the top 100 most beautiful Spanish women. She has also appeared on the covers of FHM and Overlay magazines.

Josie Toledo