Nude photo shoots. Choosing a studio for an erotic photo shoot in nude style

Nude photo shoot- this is a type of photo art, the purpose of which is not just to demonstrate the naked body, but to create a visual dialogue of such components as the play of light and shadow, forms, and emotions of the model. Now this is a very popular genre, but not many have such a rich portfolio and such experience in working in nude style as our studio.

For what tasks can it be created? Let's take a look standard options such photography.

Regular nude photo shoot

Here are examples of photos from a regular nude photo shoot. As a rule, such photography is performed in a studio. The studio allows you to use various lighting schemes, shoot at any time of the year and save the customer from the annoying glances of others. For the last 5 years we have been working with several leading photo studios in Moscow. For the convenience of clients with different budgets, we have premium interior studios and regular studios with the ability to change backgrounds of different colors.

Nude photography does not necessarily mean complete nudity. It all depends on the client’s wishes, but as a rule, they order a shoot in lingerie or Topless.

Male nude

As it turns out, very few photographers in Russia work specifically with male nude, featuring male nude photography. Very often, such photo sessions are ordered by club striptease dancers, guys involved in bodybuilding, various artists and men associated with the show industry for their portfolio. It happens that such photo sessions are ordered simply as a gift to the ladies of their hearts. Be that as it may, we have a wealth of experience working with men. We know what poses to choose, we can set the light so that the customer’s advantages are demonstrated in the photo. Here are some examples of our work:

Couple nude photo shoots

One of the most common types of such photo shoots in nude stylephoto sessions for pregnant women. Save the wonderful waiting period forever, convey emotions in photographs expectant mother, love, tenderness and care of a father - what could be more beautiful? But often photo shoot in nude style They are also ordered by just couples who want to take photographs together in the studio with elements of flirtation and shockingness.

Veiled about beauty

We, as photographers, are faced with a situation that very often many girls dream of doing a nude photo shoot and are even ready to show some photographs to the public, but they absolutely do not want to be recognized in the photograph. Fortunately, both technical and artistic techniques Photos make this easy! Due to the angle, processing, and play of light, you can make it so that it is not clear who is shown in the photograph. You can show the necessary parts of the body or clothing and hide what is not needed. Our photographers are real experts in this.

Nude photo shoot for professional needs

Is your body a direct source of your income? Agree that in this case, your main advertising asset is media materials: photos or videos. With such a huge assortment, the client makes decisions almost in a second: he doesn’t like the photo, he moves on. It is high-quality photographs that help you stand out from hundreds of others. We have been doing nude photo shoots for similar tasks for over 15 years. We work with the best studios in Moscow, such issues as lighting, posing - we take care of all this. We'll help you take photos that really sell.


1 hour of work - 4000 rubles


Rent of a studio or hotel is paid separately!

Our advantages over competitors:

  • Low prices!
  • The record speed of order fulfillment is 1-2 days;
  • Only TOP professional equipment;
  • Unique discount discount program for clients;
  • Individual approach to each client, gift branded products as a gift when delivering a finished order to a client;
  • We process and carefully retouch about 200-300 photographs;
  • We are ready for additional retouching and processing of individual photographs at the request of clients using specially developed proprietary algorithms. You will receive your photographs with correct color correction, without skin defects or body features that do not suit you in the photograph;
  • We travel throughout the Moscow region and major cities European part of Russia;


Discount system

Note: All the above discounts are valid throughout the year, except for the dates of large seasonal discounts on all our services. You can always find information on seasonal discounts and their validity periods in the right sidebar of our website above the calendar.


Ordering nude photo shoot, You, of course, get 100% quality guarantee! We have been working in the market for more than 15 years, we have extensive experience in working with even the most complex orders, and reviews from our clients only confirm our capabilities. But we have developed a special extended warranty for you, which works since 2015:

Guaranteed punctuality. If our photographer is even a minute late for the shoot, we refund you 300 rubles.

Basic extended warranty. As part of this guarantee, we will send you preview photographs for your review. If you don't like any of the photos, we return your money. Over the 15 years of our work, not a single one of our clients has remained dissatisfied and we have not had a single return.

What do you get?

We are ready to work with you at any time and in any conditions convenient for you. After shooting your photos processed within 1-2 days. We provide photographs on a branded disc; at the customer’s request, we are ready to arrange the discs in special beautiful thematic boxes. You can also order a designer photo album from us that will look like a real book! We are ready to work with you and take into account your wishes for retouching each photo!

Until the end of the promotion:

The popularity of such photographs is growing, and this is not at all surprising; many girls and women want to try on the role of a model, with various images, makeup and disguises. There are several points, in addition to lighting, clothing, hairstyle and makeup, that can significantly affect the final result; first of all, this is the ability to pose beautifully, correctly and naturally in front of the camera. This is what distinguishes a real model from just a pretty girl, and this is what we want to help you with today.
We present to your attention a selection of wonderful poses for photographing a glamor photo shoot.

1. A good pose to start a glamorous photo shoot. The pose works well in different conditions For example, the model may be lying on a bed, on the ground, in the grass, or on a sandy beach.

2. Another version of the lying pose. Looks good on a girl of any body type.

(module Yandex direct (7))

3. Indeed good pose. It should be removed from below. Ask your model to lift her hips a little and tilt her head down a little. The toes are extended.

4. The pose at first glance seems simple, but you should carefully monitor the position of the body. The arm that supports the body should be turned away from the body, the stomach should be pulled in, and the toes should stretch forward beautifully. The body is tense, but this should not be noticeable in the photograph. It is best to use this pose with girls of athletic build.

5. Another difficult pose. In order to beautifully photograph a girl in this pose, the photographer must monitor all parts of the body - arms, legs, stomach. Make sure that the stomach is pulled in and there are no folds at the waist.

6. Beautiful pose for outdoor shooting. Ask the girl to arch her back and stretch her legs. Sensual and sexy pose.

7. Beautiful pose lying on the ground. The upper body should be slightly raised, with the model looking over her shoulder. The pose looks great on girls of any body type. Try shooting from different angles, gradually moving around the model, this will help you find the best angle.

8. An easy and simple way to highlight the beauty female figure. It also looks beautiful as a silhouette against a bright background.

9. A beautiful pose often used in painting. The variations are endless, you can change the position of your arms, legs, and head turns.

10. Light and gentle pose. The model should sit on her knees, not fully resting on her legs. Looking over your shoulder.

11. Simple but gorgeous pose. Works well in various conditions: both outdoors and in the studio. Also suitable as a silhouette when shooting against a bright background.

(module Yandex direct (9))

12. An absolutely gorgeous pose if all the conditions are met. Proper placement of your feet and hands is critical. Works very well on all body types. Also note that the shot is taken slightly from above.

13. A very difficult posture, the placement of the legs, is a decisive factor in achieving a good result. It looks beautiful only if the model is wearing high-heeled shoes.

14. Simple and comfortable pose. Make sure three quarters of the model's face is visible. The gaze is directed towards the body, or to the side, conveying a romantic mood. The raised elbow should not be directed towards the camera.

15. Very feminine and gentle pose. Don't forget that a glamor and nude photo shoot does not exclude the use of some props. Sometimes you can use one item or accessory and play it up beautifully. In this case, the model is elegantly covered with a sheet.

16. Good option poses near the wall. Various body position variations are possible.

17. Shot in full height near the wall. Again, various variations are possible with the position of the arms, legs and head.

18. Full-length photo near the wall. One of the options.

19. An elegant pose for slender girls with an athletic build. Many options are possible. Ask your model to arch her body into an S-shape, twist her hips, and change the position of her arms. In this case, you can ask the girl to dance slowly and smoothly, and at this time you will catch the most successful moments.

20. Another option for using fabric. There is a huge field for experimentation and play. Such photographs look very beautiful when taken outdoors, in windy weather.

With very proactive listeners. We finished all the classes with them, and they came into contact with me, saying that we want to continue: to master the highlighting of hair, to fix the modeling light, and so that it is beautiful and on a naked fashion model... We want to learn how to photograph a beautiful Nude. I tensed up a little, because aesthetic, beautiful nudity and nudes are not my thing at all. I would like it to be disgusting, sometimes vicious, but still tasteful. There is nothing to do, I can’t retreat - my authority will fall. He announced a casting for models, selected a photo studio with a bed (to organically place a naked model in the place of a future nude photo shoot). I conducted the lesson, and the guys even achieved something. “Ugh” three times, this time it passed, and again there was silence and grace in my head, but not for long. Customers began to wonder if I could take photographs for money so that I could get a beautiful nude. Eh, no luck, no luck, I’ll have to learn to take beautiful photographs.

Being a methodical person, I first decided to study the best examples of beautiful nude photography in the world. Wandering around websites, I came across the Empty Citadel group (VKontakte) with a gigantic collection of selected pictures (I do not recommend watching it for children under 125 years old!). I looked through about 10,000 photographs, analyzed them, separated the good ones, from my point of view, from the bad ones, and began to look for patterns. And I found something.

What's remarkable is that if erotic photographers knew the rules used in portrait photography, they could make their Nude photo sessions even more beautiful.
Photo 1: The crop should be above the knee, not below it.
Photo 2: severe ankle deformity. Knee right leg it was necessary to raise it higher.
Photo 3: The beauty Britney has a “shank” coming out of her butt.

Patterns when photographing beautiful nudes.

  • The photo model does not have to be fat (an ingenious solution that allows you to reduce processing time in Photoshop).
  • A fashion model for nude photography must be a young girl. This also reduces processing time in Photoshop. But my customers might not fall under this pattern. But, fortunately, the following pattern was revealed...
  • Total blur The texture of the model’s skin leaves us, mere mortals, no chance to equal their beauty. After all, unlike them, we cannot photoshop ourselves and then go with blur on the face to the store or to work. Blur You will still have to master Photoshop.
  • There are only two places for a model to pose in Nude: on the bed (sofa) and in all other places.
  • The main idea of ​​shooting Nude: a beautiful, young, incomplete, naked fashion model in a beautiful pose.
  • The beauty of the pose consists of the diagonal lines of the main parts of the model’s body. The legs provide a significant proportion of diagonal lines.
  • Shoes allow you to cover the models feet and make the model's essential part even more significant.
  • You need to stretch your toes.
  • Shooting with a shallow depth of field ( bokeh) is used more widely in Nu than in portrait photography. To apply this technique, the model must be shot from an unconventional angle for a photographic portrait - along the direction of the body and, naturally, with an open aperture (photos 4-6).
  • Often the light that paints on the face gives who knows what kind of cut-off pattern. But, the main thing is that on the convex parts of the body (and legs) of the fashion model it gives volume through chiaroscuro.

Using a shallow depth of field when photographing beautiful nudes is a common technique.

Having analyzed best photos in Nude style, I have identified several template poses(photos 7-10), characteristic of a nude photo shoot. Some of them were known to me from portrait photography, (in the photography course I show them, and we shoot them). All our portraits template poses, and their derivatives, gentlemen, students, are also used when shooting Nude! I also calculated new templates, specific to the genre being studied. These are what I had to master in the upcoming photo shoots.

Photos 7-9: one of the template poses often used when photographing nudes. Photo 10 shows a bad example of using this pose: the awkward position of the arms and legs of the fashion model.

Practice shooting beautiful nudes

The mythical creature Gava invited me to assist her in a nude shoot. The model is about forty and in great shape (photo 11). During the photo shoot, I tried to interfere with Gava’s process as little as possible. Mostly he gave advice on working with poses and only occasionally picked up the camera. I was very irritated by the lack of a bed in the photo studio. Be that as it may, we didn’t do a bad photo shoot, although I was dissatisfied with my passivity. Therefore, I decided to conduct the next nude style shoot under my own direction, that is, the camera should be in my hands for most of the photo shoot. By that time, I had already carried out the above analysis and had theoretical knowledge of how to photograph a nude model beautifully and glamorously.

I outlined a plan for practicing poses for the photo shoot. Even during practice, my students and I found out that if a bed has two headboards, then the one closest to the camera interferes with photography for most scenes. Therefore, the studio was chosen with a bed with only one headboard. Our next model for Nu is a little over thirty, slim, with beautiful breasts and an interesting face.


Installed drawing And filling light for shooting on the bed. Damn, the sofa in that photo studio looks more glamorous. He spat on everything and moved the light to the sofa. I decided to use a black and white drawing " It's a nasty day" For this purpose the crane carried painting light above the sofa, and as high as possible to get more uniform vertical lighting of the scene. This did not eliminate the slight overexposure of the wall at the top of the frame, but RAW format + Local Adjusments in RAW converter Capture One easily dealt with this problem. Unfortunately, it was not possible to reach the device to the center of the sofa (vertically) - the reach of the crane rod was not enough. Having taken test shots at medium (2 stops) and high (without fill light) chiaroscuro contrast, I decided to stop using fill light, since I liked deep shadows more.

The model was worried and hesitant. Tactfully, but firmly, invite her to be naked. I lay down on the sofa, picked up and showed the initial pose with which I wanted to start photographing. I noticed that even though the girl is slim, the folds on her stomach still appear when her body bends. At first I thought that I would remove them in Photoshop, but I decided to test the idea that came to me right away: I asked the model to bend her back a little. The idea worked - the wrinkles were gone. I widely used this technique for combating belly folds throughout the photo shoot ( An important discovery for me!).

Because painting light was on a crane, it was difficult to control it. Therefore, I was looking for a position of the model’s head that would create one of the portrait portraits on her face. black and white drawings.

The first part of Nu's shooting took place on the couch.


In fact, it was planned as the main location for the photo shoot. Installed painting light a little further than usual, about three meters from the center of the bed. This is necessary in order to obtain more uniform lighting of the scene. Fill light with two levels of contrast gave volumetric light and shade with the transparency of the shadow that was suitable for shooting in high key. A light bedspread, pillows, headboard and walls also helped create high key, a popular style for shooting romantic nudes.

I'm not a supporter artificial production diagonals, which are often created by novice photographers by turning the camera at a certain angle (photo 12). Therefore, we put a fashion model and diagonalize as many parts of her body as possible. Everything is exactly the same as with portrait photography.

But with bokeh I didn't manage to work. I forgot the 70-200 mm lens at home, and the 105 mm one. With the lens that was on the camera, it will not be possible to get strong blur. Well, never mind, I'll try to imitate bokeh in Photoshop. And at the next photo shoot I’ll work with bokeh for real.

Thus, I managed to work out two standard poses of a fashion model lying on the bed and find several positions for the hands that are typical when shooting beautiful nudes.

The second part of nude photography. Bokeh simulated in Photoshop.

Assignment for the next nude style shoot:

  • consolidate the work with the completed template poses of a fashion model when photographing nudes.
  • Practice two more template poses from my collection of the best poses for Nude.
  • Work with bokeh.

Wait for the continuation about processing this shooting in Photoshop.

You have decided to take part in an erotic photo shoot with us, what to do next?

Before shooting, try to wear something that is not tight so that there are no marks or redness on the skin. Moisturize your face and body.

Processing your nude photos

We would like to note that only the photographer and retoucher can see your photos. Professional retouching is included in the cost of services and you do not have to worry about any defects such as pimples, stretch marks or some body contours. We provide the most complete and detailed processing that will improve and turn your photos into a work of art. At your request, we can remove a scar or tattoo, make you slimmer or enlarge your breasts.

All captured photographs will undergo basic processing: color correction, light correction, cropping and elimination of minor defects, toning, etc. We upload photos that have undergone basic processing to a personal folder on a “cloud drive” on the Internet, from where you can view and download them from any device, anywhere.

From the processed photos, you select 10-20 pieces (depending on the tariff) for hi-end retouching (in Russian - artistic, detailed processing). We also upload the retouched photos to your personal folder on the cloud drive.

Processing and retouching photographs in the Nude style takes up to 3 weeks (this is the most time-consuming part of the work), we try not to delay the process and post pictures as soon as they are ready. If you want to do hi-end retouching of additional photos, this can be easily agreed upon by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp.

* Expedited retouching is possible with an additional payment of 30% to the cost of the photo shoot.

Below is an example of our portrait retouching to give you an idea of ​​what it is. Pay attention to the resulting quality of the skin of the body and face, the uniformity of color on all parts of the body, the tummy and folds of skin on the back, breast size, background, etc. Each of these little things creates the overall picture. By eliminating defects that people don’t notice in everyday life, but that are obvious in photographs, we show you as natural, beautiful and alive!