Chromite system. Physical properties and photos of chromite

Chromite - industrial stone


The mineral chromite belongs to the isomorphic series of chrome spinels, which also includes magnetite and spinel. Properties:

  • Chemically, the mineral is chromium and iron dioxide with admixtures of manganese, magnesium, zinc, and titanium. Formula – FeCr2O4;
  • average hardness – 5.5;
  • high density (heavy mineral) – 4.5-4.8 g/cm3;
  • crystal with cubic system;
  • there is no cleavage;
  • black, brownish-black, black-metallic colors (see photo);
  • metallic or semi-metallic luster;
  • opacity;
  • fragility;
  • weak magnetic properties;
  • fire resistance, heat capacity, heat resistance.

The mineral chromite was discovered in 1845 and was named so because of its chromium content. Synonym: chromium iron ore.

Education, deposits

The origin of chromium iron ore is igneous. It is formed in ultramafic rocks in granular masses; small black octahedral crystals are occasionally found; large crystals are even more rare. Satellite minerals are often olivine, serpentine, garnets, and platinum.

Ore-mining countries are Turkey, Zimbabwe, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Kazakhstan, Finland, Russia, Albania, and Cuba.


The scope of the mineral chromite is, without exaggeration, enormous. First of all, chromium is obtained from it, which is used:

  • in metallurgy as an additive to alloy steel. Chrome increases its strength and anti-corrosion properties;
  • to obtain compounds such as potassium, copper or sodium chromite. They are added to paint and varnish products to increase durability. Also, sodium chromite and potassium chromite are used in the tanning process of leather to give it shine and strength;
  • in the manufacture of galvanic coatings that are highly wear-resistant;
  • in the production of high-temperature lanthanum chromium heaters used in electric furnaces (elevator, tunnel, pusher, etc.);
  • in the production of alloys for aerospace vehicles, plasmatrons.

Low-quality stones are used in the manufacture of refractory bricks.

Chromite minerals, due to their properties of fire resistance, low temperature expansion, and heat resistance, are excellent stones for bathhouses. They are non-toxic and do not react with water, so no heavy metals are released into the air.


The magical and lithotherapeutic properties of the mineral have not yet been fully studied, so it is used very little in these areas. It is only known that chromite is a stone of magicians, and ignorant people need to handle it very carefully, since the mineral can both help and harm.

Chromite is a stone so valuable and significant in industry and construction that even its name is used in the names of large enterprises, for example, “Chromitmontazh”. This way you can emphasize the seriousness, competence and power of production.

Chromite is a fairly common mineral belonging to the spinel group and a subclass of complex oxides. It is an extreme member of the isomorphic series of variable composition magnesiochromite - chromite. The name was given in accordance with its composition. In 1945, it was first discovered in southern France. Chemical formula - FeCrO4. Magnesium and aluminum are typical impurities of the mineral. Sometimes the composition may contain impurities of titanium and manganese. The magnesium analogue of chromite is magnesiochromite - MgCrO4. and chromite are characteristic impurities of magnesiochromite, which are isomorphic with each other.

In rocks of ultramafic composition, chromite is presented in the form of rounded grains or continuous granular masses and is very rarely found in the form of small octahedral crystals. Crystallization of the mineral occurs in the cubic system. Chromite is characterized by a black color. Sometimes it is brownish-black. Hardness - 5.5-7.5; specific gravity - 4.2 - 4.8. The line is brown in color. The fracture is uneven. Fragile. The mineral has a metallic luster. There is a lack of cleavage. Characterized by weak magnetic properties. It does not dissolve when combined with acids.

The formation of chromite occurs during the magmatic process. The mineral is formed in rocks of ultrabasic composition, where it is found together with, and. Chromite is resistant to weathering, so it is often found in placers. However, in countries with a hot climate, as well as during the process of serpentization, it oxidizes and is destroyed. In Russia, chromite is mined in the Southern Urals and Yakutia. Abroad, mineral deposits are found in Turkey, Finland, Albania, India, South Africa, and Cuba.

Chromite is the main mineral of chromium ores used in the production of ferrochrome. Ferrochrome is widely used in high-quality metallurgy. Low grade chrome ores are used to make fire bricks.

In jewelry, chromium is used in alloys as an alloy. It is used to coat metal jewelry to avoid corrosion and provide a beautiful appearance. This coating process is called chrome plating. Well-formed crystals of the mineral, which are very rare, are of particular interest to collectors.

In 1845, the ore mineral chromite was discovered in southern France. Having determined the composition of the product, experts classified it as a type of complex oxides of the spinel group. The formation of this mineral occurs at the moment of magmatic action. It is formed together with other natural products, such as magnetite, talc, dolomite and even the solvent metal - native platinum.

In 1845, the ore mineral chromite was discovered in southern France.

Chromium iron ore is a bright mineral among the ores of the chromium group. It contains a significant amount of this element, in addition, it contains iron oxide. Depending on where the product belongs, aluminum, magnesium, zinc or manganese can be found in it. Its typical color is black; from time to time you can find natural chromite of a brownish-black hue. In rocks it is mined in the form of a single granular mass or large rounded particles. The rock is fragile, endowed with a metallic luster and a slight magnetic property.

Chromite is often found in placers. This is due to the fact that it is resistant to weathering.

Chromium iron ore is a bright mineral among the chromium group ores.

In Russia, chromite is most often found in deposits in Yakutia and the Southern Urals; foreign minerals are found in Turkey, India, and the crystal is mined in Albania, Finland and Cuba. The mineral is used in the production of ferrochrome, which, in turn, is necessary in metallurgy for lining furnaces. Chromium ores are used in the production of refractory bricks. The stone is also used in jewelry. Using this mineral, craftsmen coat metal products with a chromium alloy to prevent corrosion and give the manufactured product a presentable appearance. Chromium iron ore is used in the manufacture of chemicals containing this element.

How chromites are mined (video)

Gallery: chromite stone (25 photos)

Healing and magical properties of the mineral

There are different opinions about the healing properties of the mineral. It can be found rarely in traditional methods of treatment. Some healers believe that chromite, a mineral with a complex composition, can alleviate a person’s condition with colds and reduce the process of pain in certain pathologies.

Traditional healers claim that the crystal helps to gain strength during the fight against illness, provides energy and optimism.

Astrologers and magicians have been studying the unusually powerful properties of the described crystal for many decades. There are magicians who believe that the stone has not only a positive, but also a negative effect on the keeper. For example, a person who has this mineral may be lucky in his business activities, but at the same time feel lonely.

In Russia, chromite is most often found in the deposits of Yakutia and the Southern Urals, foreign minerals are found in Turkey, India, and the crystal is mined in Albania, Finland and Cuba

This is explained by the fact that the stone does not have much power; it takes them from people and returns them back, but only to one single point. Mediums suggest not using this natural product for practical magic, so as not to harm a person.

Astrologers, in turn, cannot determine which zodiac sign this crystal is suitable for.

Chromite (video)

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An ore from the group of oxides, consisting of chromium and iron, is the mineral Chromite. Found in sauna heaters. The high structural density of the stone ensures the functionality of the walls of the room and allows it to be used in various areas of human life.

general characteristics

Chromite is a black mineral with a brown tint and does not dissolve in acid. The specific combustion temperature is much higher than the maximum limits. The formula of the substance is Fe Cr2 O4. The composition contains iron - 35% and chromium - 65%. Under natural conditions, it is practically never found in its pure form.

The crystal is classified as a dense, weighted structure with uneven fracture and no cleavage. The origin is igneous. In rock deposits it is often found in the vicinity of platinum, serpentine, and chrysolites. Natural chromite minerals always contain magnesium and aluminum. Resistant to weathering, oxidizes under high temperatures.

Main characteristics:

  • density – 4500 kg/m3;
  • fine-grained structure;
  • compressive strength 300-700 MPa;
  • thermal expansion – 3.32;
  • heat capacity 0.92.

The main mining areas of the mineral are: East of Yakutia, the Urals, Murmansk region, Altai, India, Turkey.

Magic properties

The property of chromite is that it brings good luck to its owner in a certain area, but at the same time it closes his possibilities for development in a different direction. Having reached the maximum in work, a person remains deeply unhappy in personal relationships with other people.

The mineral does not provide additional strength, but realizes the capabilities of its owner. Stones of this kind redirect the energy flow in the right direction, leaving the energy window empty for another area of ​​life. The impact of the talisman is determined by the inner owner.

You can't wear it all the time. Having achieved success in something, put it aside and use the power of your talisman. People with a weak energy ring should not use it. The stone will harm your health, and your desires will remain unfulfilled. It will take a long time to restore health after using it.

Medicinal properties

Chromite stones are effective against colds, increase immunity, improve mood, and help avoid stressful situations.

The action is that the body concentrates all its forces on achieving a certain result, and the disease quietly recedes. Using the stone wisely, you can cure the disease and continue your activities without compromising the work process.

Chromite is useful in the presence of nervous disorders accompanied by sleep disturbances. Place it under your pillow and you can fall asleep quickly. It helps those who are overcome by constant fatigue to feel a surge of vigor and get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Recommended for short-term wear by people who have suffered serious losses that have shaken self-confidence, balance, and disrupted life cycles. In the first days of use, people may constantly fall asleep while walking. This is how the effect of the mineral manifests itself. It will help a person get proper rest and restore nerve cells.

Scope of application

Applications of chromite:

  • chromium production;
  • in the metallurgical industry, as a refractory;
  • creation of anti-corrosion coatings;
  • in the medical field it is used to create artificial bones and joints;
  • in the construction of baths, saunas.

Chromite is ideal for building bathhouse walls. Even after repeated heating and cooling, its structure remains intact. Chromite is characterized by increased heat resistance, low thermal expansion, and does not emit toxic fumes when heated. The chromite coating is stronger than diamond and does not wear out or wear off.

Being in a bathhouse with chromite walls has a positive effect on reproductive functions. Black color can protect against the influence of dark forces. In lithotherapy, the treatment procedure in a chromite bath is considered the most effective. By steaming, the minerals release the accumulated energy to the patient, which improves his condition. In magic, chromite is used as a material that enhances the effect of amulets. Protective stone figurines are displayed in a prominent place.

Stone compatibility according to horoscope

In relation to zodiac signs, Chromite is considered loyal. Unlike magicians who claim that only strong personalities can wear it, astrologers convince people of the opposite. The crystal is suitable for anyone who loves black. It will have a special influence on each zodiac sign and will help you set priorities in life.

  1. The component has the greatest influence on earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. They are characterized by rationalism, but they are kind, romantic natures. The talisman enhances their positive qualities. Allows you to achieve great success in your career. Black color is considered the color of the Earth, which nourishes its wards.
  2. For fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries), a chromite talisman will give self-confidence. It will allow you to moderate your unbridled nature and correctly distribute energy. It is especially important to wear it for those suffering from infertility and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  3. Water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio), purchasing jewelry from Chromite, will have the opportunity to see their purpose in life. A chromite ring is able to point out mistakes to the owner, sending prophetic dreams. It will be a pleasant bonus for those who want to achieve financial independence. Having bought it, make a wish, and it will certainly come true.
  4. Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius and Libra) will learn to manage their emotions and stop plotting and scheming. Using the stone will improve your health. Reduces the negative effects of stress. Chromite jewelry has a positive effect on the character of air signs.

Stones and minerals and semi-precious stones of the world
Spinels (oxides): Chromite

Diagnostic card.
On the picture. Rare chromite crystals from Rio Creves (Italy)

Fe Cr 2 O 4
Cubic system
Hardness 5.5
Specific gravity 4.5-4.8
No cleavage
The fracture is irregular, conchoidal
Black color
Powder color brown
Semi-metallic luster

Chromite (chromium iron ore) is an oxide of iron and chromium with permanent impurities of Mg, Al, sometimes Ti, Mn, V. Metallic luster, opaque. Color black, brownish-black. The trait is brown. The fracture is conchoidal and fragile. There is no cleavage. Chromite deposits are genetically related to ultrabasic igneous rocks (dunites, etc.). Crystals (cubic system) are rare, most often dense, granular masses. The most important ore is chromium. Deposits: in Turkey, Greece, CIS, Zimbabwe, Cuba, South Africa.

Named for the chemical element it contains. A typical mineral of ultramafic igneous rocks. Chromite is an oxide of iron and chromium. If it does not contain other elements, the chromium content is more than 50%. In fact, it almost always contains some magnesium and aluminum. The mineral crystallizes in the cubic system; but its showy crystals (usually small octahedra, black and opaque) are extremely rare. Mostly massive granular accumulations are found. The luster is semi-metallic, the color in the powder is brown. There is no cleavage, the mineral is brittle, hard, and heavy.

Diagnostic signs.
The brown color of the powder and the fact that chromite exhibits weak magnetic properties help distinguish it from magnetite. The latter also has a black powder color, and its dust particles are easily attracted by a magnet.

Chromite is characteristic of a number of igneous intrusive rocks rich in olivine. These are peridotites and dunites, which are separated from the main magma in the early stages of its crystallization. This phenomenon is called "magmatic segregation." Chromite also occurs in serpentinized rocks formed due to the transformation of igneous rocks. In addition, as a result of weathering and destruction of chromite-containing rocks, the mineral can accumulate in alluvial-type deposits, the so-called placers.

Place of Birth.
Large deposits are being actively developed in Turkey, South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Philippines. Finally, chromite is mined in Macedonia and Albania (Kukoš zone).

Chromite is the main ore mineral for the production of chromium, which is necessary primarily for the manufacture of some stainless steels and hard alloys used in metal processing, which requires the presence of characteristics such as luster, polishing and resistance to corrosion.

Chromite. Ural, Russia. Photo: A.A. Evseev.

Chromium– a vital element that in the human body activates enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates; in the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol and proteins (these are what the human body consists of). Chromium regulates blood sugar levels, increases insulin activity, people with high levels of chromium in the body are less susceptible to diabetes and atherosclerosis. It affects the processes of hematopoiesis and the breakdown of fat, promotes the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques (acrylic), reduces cholesterol on the walls of the aorta, and protects myocardial proteins from destruction. A supply of chromium helps overcome stress.

Chromium levels decrease in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. This chromium deficiency may explain gestational diabetes, although this is hardly the only cause. Chromium deficiency in the body, in addition to increasing blood glucose levels, leads to increased concentrations of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood plasma and, finally, to atherosclerosis. Chromium compounds enter the body with food, water and air.

The bioavailability of chromium from inorganic compounds in the gastrointestinal tract is low, only 0.5–1%, but it increases to 20–25% with the introduction of chromium in the form of complex compounds (picolinate, asparaginate). Hexavalent chromium is absorbed 3-5 times better than trivalent chromium. Dietary factors influence the bioavailability of chromium. Thus, chromium absorption increases in the presence of oxalates and decreases in iron deficiency. Absorption is influenced by physiological factors, such as exercise or aging.

Chromium improves muscle tone, performance and physical strength. It helps weightlifting and bodybuilding enthusiasts build muscle (cell volume that retains water in the body) and improve strength endurance. Lack of chromium leads to growth retardation, causes neuropathies and disruption of higher nervous activity (brain), and reduces the fertilizing ability of sperm (in men). Abuse of sugar increases the need for chromium and its loss in urine. Zinc and iron in the form of chelating compounds can act as chromium synergists. Chromium is necessary: ​​for diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis.

Signs of chromium deficiency. Anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, neuralgia and decreased sensitivity of the limbs, impaired muscle coordination, tremors in the limbs, glucose intolerance (especially in patients with diabetes and in middle-aged and elderly people), changes in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia), increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus, defective metabolism of amino acids, increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood (increased risk of developing atherosclerosis), increased risk of developing coronary heart disease, changes in body weight (weight loss, obesity), reproductive dysfunction in men. Chromium deficiency is quite common today. Chromium deficiency can develop in people consuming diets high in simple carbohydrates (mental brain work, computer work).

Chromium affects lipid metabolism, causing the breakdown of excess fat in the body, which leads to normalization of body weight and prevents obesity. The effect of chromium on lipid metabolism is also mediated by its regulating effect on the functioning of insulin. Considering the above, chromium is of great importance for the prevention of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Chromium improves muscle tone, performance and physical strength. It helps weightlifting and bodybuilding enthusiasts build muscle and improve strength endurance.

Chromium is necessary: ​​for diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis. Lack of chromium leads to growth retardation, causes neuropathies and disruption of higher nervous activity (nervous activity of the nerve trunks from the brain), and reduces the fertilizing ability of sperm. It must be emphasized that sugar abuse increases the need for chromium and its loss in urine. Chromium deficiency impairs the ability to incorporate 4 amino acids (glycine, serine, methionine and aminobutyric acid) into the heart muscle.

Excess chromium in the body can lead to significant impairment of human health. Despite the fact that chromium is a vital element, when in excess of the human body, chromium compounds are very toxic. The main manifestations of excess chromium: inflammatory diseases with a tendency to damage the mucous membranes (perforation of the nasal septum), allergic diseases, in particular asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma; dermatitis and eczema; astheno-neurotic disorders, increased risk of cancer.

Chromium is present in the form of a natural complex in brewer's yeast, and in this form it is absorbed almost completely. When taken orally in the form of mineral salt, only 3% is absorbed. A catalyst for the breakdown of sugar (brain fuel), a lack of chromium in the body is a disease of mental workers. Chromium absorption increases in the presence of oxalates and decreases in iron deficiency. Assimilated chromium is excreted from the body through the kidneys (80%) and to a lesser extent through the lungs, skin and intestines (about 19%). Absorbed inorganic trivalent chromium is excreted by the kidneys, in small quantities through hair loss, sweat and bile. Large amounts of chromium can be lost in bile.

Food sources of chromium: beer, brewer's yeast; cheese, dairy products; meat, veal liver; eggs; mushrooms (champignons, porcini mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, honey mushrooms); vegetables: potatoes (especially with peel), white cabbage, hot peppers (chili), sweet peppers, radishes, beets, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic; greens: green onions, chives, parsley, rhubarb (stalks), arugula, dill, garlic, spinach; legumes and cereals: beans, peas, corn, oats, millet, soft wheat, durum wheat, rye and other whole grains, beans, lentils, barley; black pepper; fruits: quince, pineapple, cherries, figs, viburnum, sea buckthorn, peaches, feijoa, persimmons, cherries, blueberries, mulberries; dried fruits: raisins, dried figs, dried apricots, dates, prunes; nuts and seeds: peanuts, sesame, poppy, macadamia, almonds, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds (watermelon), pistachios, hazelnuts (hazelnuts); vegetable oils: corn oil, olive oil; red algae (cinnabar). Chromium is present in the form of a natural complex in brewer's yeast, and in this form it is absorbed almost completely. When taken orally in the form of mineral salt, absorption is 3%. To reduce chromium deficiency, avoid sugar, carbonated drinks, candy, refined white flour products, and dry cereals sweetened with sugar substitutes. With excess sugar consumption, the loss of chromium in the urine increases, and the need for it increases.

ADR 5.1
Substances that oxidize
Risk of violent reaction, fire or explosion from contact with flammable or flammable substances
Do not allow the formation of a mixture of cargo with flammable or combustible substances (for example, sawdust)
Yellow diamond, ADR number, black flame above the circle

Corrosive (caustic) substances
Risk of burns due to skin corrosion. May react violently with each other (components), with water and other substances. Spilled/scattered material may release corrosive fumes.
Hazardous to the aquatic environment or sewerage system
White upper half of the rhombus, black - lower, equal-sized, ADR number, test tubes, hands

Name of particularly dangerous cargo during transportation Number
Chromium nitrate, see CHROME (III) NITRATE2720 5.1
Chromium trifluoride see CHROME FLUORIDE SOLID1756 8
Chromyl chloride see CHROME OXYCHLORIDE1758 8
CHROME (III) sulfate basic2923 8
CHROME nitrate see CHROME (III) NITRATE2720 5.1

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