My right leg hurts. Cause of night pain in legs

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about why leg pain occurs at night, because, probably, this ailment is familiar to many.

I know firsthand that after completing many necessary and useful tasks during the day, many of us dream of finding ourselves in a clean bed and getting a good night’s sleep.

We just want to get a good night's sleep so that in the morning, having gained strength, we can begin to implement our plans.

However, it is not always possible to fully relax, since painful sensations in the legs at night do not allow one to completely immerse themselves in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Leg pain at night

This condition is typical not only for older people, but also for young people and children. Often this problem also accompanied by:

  1. Cramps.
  2. Tingling sensations.
  3. Numbness.

The cause of this can only be determined by visiting a specialist who, after conducting a thorough examination, will be able to make a diagnosis. As for probable causes, then there are a lot of them. These include:

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, such as magnesium, calcium, etc.
  • Childhood and growing pains. At this time, intensive development of bone and muscle tissue occurs.
  • Arthritis.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Vascular diseases such as varicose veins.

IN Lately appeared "restless legs syndrome" , which manifests itself precisely at night, while patients may not remember about it. As a rule, its presence is reported by other halves after the patient constantly moved his lower limbs at night.

Muscle pain in the legs

If the problem with the legs is due to muscles, then there are also many reasons for this condition. The most common are vascular diseases, which are accompanied by fatigue and dull pain.

In addition, muscle pain in the legs may indicate problems with the spine. For example, intervertebral hernia or sciatica can cause irradiation (give) to the lower extremities. In this case, there may not be any unpleasant sensations in the back. Sedentary or, conversely, standing work can lead to muscle problems, as well as:

  1. atherosclerosis of the joints,
  2. thrombophlebitis,
  3. flat feet,
  4. infectious bone diseases,
  5. excessive physical exercise and prolonged muscle strain.

Heel pain in the morning

For many, an unpleasant feeling in the heels most often occurs in the morning, although sometimes it occurs at night. The reason lies in the location of the lesion.

If you feel pain in the back of your heel, this indicates calcaneal apophysitis, which is an inflammation of the nucleus that forms the heel bone.

Also, heel pain in the morning, localized in the back, can also occur with calcaneal exostosis . This disease is very similar to a heel spur.

Usually appears in the middle of the heel achylobursitis, which combines ordinary bursitis and inflammation of the Achilles tendon.

If it hurts, and at the same time you feel numbness or tingling, then you can judge about injury, varicose veins of the foot or compression of the tibial nerve and/or its branches.

In any case, you should not neglect your health and postpone a visit to the appropriate specialist. After all leg pain at night or in the morning may be just the initial symptom of a dangerous disease, which in the initial stages is much easier to cure than in the final stages.

Hello. If you or your loved ones have torsion in their legs at night, then here you will find recipes for ointments and baths that will help get rid of this problem and establish a restful sleep.

Even doctors find it difficult to answer this question. If you undergo an ultrasound of your legs, take tests, and bring the results to the doctor, he will say that everything is fine with your legs. This disease was defined - Restless legs syndrome.

How does it manifest itself? This is such an unpleasant sensation, not like pain or numbness. He just twists his legs so much that he always wants to move them from place to place.

When a person moves his leg, the unpleasant sensation stops, but only for a short time. Constantly moving your legs prevents you from falling asleep, turning it into a nightmare every night.

Based on the number of convulsive movements of the limbs, the level of severity of the disease is determined:

  • light – when 5-20 movements are performed within 1 hour;
  • average - from 20 to 60 movements per hour;
  • heavy – more than 60 movements within 1 hour.

In severe cases, chronic depression may develop, so RLS should not be left untreated.

This disease most often affects women, especially older and middle-aged women.

Causes of restless legs syndrome:

  • Heredity.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Iron deficiency in the body.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Deficiency of magnesium, folic acid, thiamine.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Vascular diseases.

This is only part of the diseases that Ekbom's disease entails.

For people whose legs begin to twist in the evening, it is not so important to know the reason; it is more important to know the way to get rid of this scourge. Let's try to find a treatment for each case.

How to defeat an insidious disease

During pregnancy treatment must be treated with extreme caution. The doctor may prescribe sedatives or iron and folic acid supplements. It is important for a pregnant woman not to worry, to take more walks before bed, to go to bed at the same time, and not to drink coffee or strong tea, especially in the evening.

The cause of RLS in pregnant women may be a lack of vitamins B, C, E. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, the doctor prescribes vitamin preparations.

Simple gymnastics can help:

  • Stretch your legs, pull your toes towards you, and try to pull your heels away from you.
  • Alternately tilt your feet, then to the left, then to the right.
  • Do these exercises immediately before bed.

These exercises should be performed not only by pregnant women, but also by anyone whose legs hurt or ache. Be sure to add the bicycle exercise. Contrast baths help a lot.

What to do if Ekbom syndrome begins to bother you little children. If you notice signs of this disease in a child, try to help him quickly. Warm baths before bedtime help almost everyone. Pour warm water into the basin, but not hot water, let it sit in it until you feel pleasantly relaxed. You will see by the baby's condition.

From personal experience. For a very long time I was looking for a product that would help get rid of torsion in my legs. It turned out to be a simple drug called Glycine. Before going to bed, you need to put a Glycine tablet under your tongue and that’s it, a restful sleep is guaranteed. Only you don’t need to take the tablet, but simply dissolve it. Children can also be given Glycine tablets at night, as they relax the body well, promoting restful sleep.

Adults can take medications such as Valerian, Novo-Passit at night. There are stronger drugs: Madopar, Mirapex, Nacom, which are prescribed for Parkinson's disease. If you don’t get carried away with these drugs, then nothing bad will happen, but you won’t be able to twist your legs anymore.

My knees won't give me any rest

If your joints ache at night, the cause may be excess weight, arthritis, arthrosis, or osteoporosis. These are very serious diseases and cannot be left untreated. If a person feels pain in the knee at night, it means arthrosis already exists.

If your joints react to the weather, then most likely you are developing osteoporosis. It is the joints that begin to ache when the atmospheric temperature changes.

If your feet and knees hurt, this indicates venous dilatation of the veins or blood clots in the vessels of the legs. If left untreated, this pathology can lead to ulcers and gangrene. To find out the cause of night pain, you need to undergo a vascular ultrasound, especially for the presence of thrombosis. This is important, since any normal squatting can lead to a blood clot breaking off, which means more serious problems.

If there were injuries to the limbs and your legs ache at night, these are old wounds that remind you of themselves. will help you proper nutrition, physiotherapy.

Muscle cramps can keep you from sleeping. The muscles are deprived of a sufficient amount of oxygen, so they are twisted. Lack of movement can be the first cause of seizures.

What do the calves “scream” about?

If the pain occurs suddenly, do not ignore it. The calves can be very painful with thrombophlebitis, and this is the most dangerous consequence varicose veins

Try to notice exactly how your calves hurt.

  • With thrombophlebitis, they hurt incessantly. At first the pain is throbbing, then turns into a burning pain, the skin over the veins turns red, becomes painful, and thickened.
  • When a process occurs in the deep veins, swelling of the lower leg begins. Swelling is dangerous because it can help the blood clot break away.
  • The danger is atherosclerosis of the arteries. It can be recognized by the pain in the calves when walking. Another symptom is icy feet even in a warm room.
  • If the pain radiates to the muscles, then the process is underway diseases of the spine, although the spine itself does not hurt.
  • With inflammation of the blood vessels, weakness is felt in the calves.

How to independently determine the degree of the disease:

  • If the pain subsides when the legs are elevated, there are problems with the veins;
  • Legs go numb, tingling - problems with the spine;
  • The pain goes away slowly when you lower your legs down - problems with the arteries;
  • There are often cramps - deficiency of iron, calcium, magnesium.
  • An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a detailed examination of the patient. The main thing is not to ignore the “bells”; often it is the soreness of the calves that becomes a signal of the development of serious ailments.

For prevention purposes

You can try to use the methods of our grandmothers.

  1. Heaviness in the calves can be removed by taking a bath: pour a handful of mint or linden blossom into 1 liter of boiling water for 30 minutes. Soak your feet in the infusion. A herbal bath will protect against varicose veins.
  2. Herbs will help with the feeling of heaviness and unpleasant fullness: plantain, nettle, coltsfoot. The infusion is prepared as in the first recipe.
  3. Cottage cheese wrap will help relieve swelling. Mash the cottage cheese without additives, wrap the swollen area, and leave for 4-5 hours. Course - 4-5 procedures.

What if they hurt often? calf muscles, put everything aside and definitely visit a doctor.

“My legs drag at night” - you can often hear this complaint from older people and young people who have suffered injury or spinal disease. But it is not the only reasons the occurrence of discomfort in the legs, they are often noted by patients with relatively good health.

Why does this happen?

Pain in the legs at night is not in itself the main symptom indicating the disease, however, sometimes this symptom is used in the process of differential diagnosis.

You can “pull” your legs when:

  • mineral deficiency of the body, vitamin deficiency: in particular, deficiency of magnesium, calcium and their combinations;
  • pathologies of the spine and spinal cord: vertebral hernias, pinched nerves;
  • vascular diseases: atherosclerotic changes, hemorrhoids;
  • systemic diseases: diabetes mellitus, intoxication, chronic neuropathy;
  • pregnancy;
  • honorary pathology;

As you can see, the range of diseases is wide and is not limited to this list. So why do your legs hurt at night in each specific case of the above?

Vascular diseases

Vascular pathology is most often the cause of this problem. Moreover, pathology can occur both when there is a disruption in the functioning of large vessels and capillaries. For example, varicose veins, in which the wall of the vessel loses its elasticity, stretches and becomes a reservoir for stagnation of blood with metabolic waste. The same mechanism characterizes diseases such as (closing the lumen with plaques), thrombophlebitis (accumulation of blood clots in the cavity of the vessel), and various. These conditions are dangerous both due to mechanical effects on nearby nerve endings and toxic poisoning tissues accompanying the vessel. All this together causes night pain in the legs.

At the first manifestations of the disease, the presence of a problem in close relatives or suspicion of it, you should immediately contact a vascular surgeon.

Attention! The article test is for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate, but to immediately seek qualified help!

Vitamin deficiency, mineral and microelement deficiency

The body can react with frequent and even cramps in the lower extremities at night, not receiving enough vitamins and microelements. In particular, cramps occur from a lack of magnesium. The exact answer is given by a certain type of blood test, which evaluates the quantitative content of these substances.

To overcome the problem, vitamin therapy is used, and within a week the patient notes a significant improvement, the disappearance of myalgia.

Spinal diseases

Pain due to osteochondrosis and hernias are aching in nature, they are long-lasting and difficult to relieve pain. They occur predominantly when the lower parts of the spine are affected. Often accompanied by discomfort in the lumbar region and cramps. Their localization can be bilateral, but most often only one leg hurts, and their occurrence does not depend on the time of day or physical activity of the patient.

With adequate treatment for the underlying disease, this symptom quickly disappears. But we should remember the importance and effectiveness of early detection and treatment.

Intoxication of the body

During acute and chronic intoxication processes in the human body, a disorder occurs in the functioning of all systems. However, manifestations of the influence of pathology can occur both simultaneously and separately.

Intoxication can occur when excretory processes are disrupted - systemic diseases of the skin, kidneys, lungs, liver. All this leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in muscle fibers throughout the body - lactic acid, ketone bodies, etc. They trigger processes of breakdown or hypertrophy in the muscles, which leads to pain.

In this case, treatment is carried out in a hospital or intensive care unit.

Restless legs syndrome

Most often, this syndrome affects women and people of pre-retirement age. This disease appears with constant hypertonicity of the muscles of the lower extremities, mental instability, and depression. This is a complex of symptoms that are inextricably linked with damage to the human psyche due to stress.

It can both arise against the background of overwork and lead to nervous breakdown. The patient constantly wants to move his legs, even at night, the muscles do not relax, and there is severe night pain in the legs.

IN modern world this syndrome is increasingly affecting young people. Constant stress, irregular working days, and after them the habit of relaxing with the help of alcohol, excessive consumption of animal fats - all these factors, in combination with mental instability, are catalysts for the development of restless legs syndrome.

The risk group includes people with a hereditary history of mental illness who work “on their feet” - salespeople, store consultants, flight attendants, as well as athletes, dancers, presenters.

Treatment of this syndrome is complex and, depending on the stage, can take place in a hospital. But, first of all, the cause should be identified and eliminated. If you notice hypertension and pain for the first time, but the symptoms soon recur, try to find a suitable set of exercises to relax the muscles and restore normal contraction, analyze what factors could contribute to this condition and, if possible, eliminate them. During the period of the first manifestations, you should take a break from your stressful job, take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle and recharge yourself with a positive attitude.

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