Health diet for type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is now very common, although in most cases its development can be prevented by changing lifestyle.

If a person is prone to diabetes, then there is no need to live by denying yourself everything. You just need to follow a certain diet, which may include sweets, and you also need to healthy image life.

To begin with, try to lose weight, even with small weight loss (up to ten percent of total mass body) blood sugar levels will decrease, blood pressure will decrease, and cholesterol levels will decrease.

After all, people who are overweight are more likely to suffer from diabetes.

At the same time, doctors pay increased attention to a person’s waist size, which indicates a tendency to diabetes.

Who is prone to diabetes?

The risk group includes:

    women whose waist circumference is more than eighty-seven centimeters,

    men whose waist circumference is more than one hundred centimeters,

    women and men with an “apple” body type (their fat is deposited on the stomach) - to avoid turning into an “apple”, do not consume fructose (it is found in sweetened drinks - lemonade, coffee, energy drinks, etc., donuts, muffins , chocolate bars, candies, etc. This increases your waist size and the risk of developing diabetes).

Causes of diabetes mellitus:

Diabetes mellitus develops due to metabolic disorders due to poor absorption of glucose by the body.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus: develops due to the death of beta cells of the pancreas and insulin deficiency. The main method of treatment is insulin replacement therapy. An auxiliary method of treatment is adherence to a regimen and diet.

Diabetes mellitus type 2: often develops against a background of obesity.

Mild form of type 2 diabetes mellitus: the main treatment method is diet.

Moderate, severe form of diabetes: the main method of treatment is taking medications that lower blood sugar levels or taking insulin; an auxiliary method of treatment is diet.

Even if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, your diet can be balanced, varied, nutritious, and you can even eat sweets.

Few diabetics have a good idea of ​​what they can eat. And you can eat a lot.

The basis of the diet is eight hundred grams of vegetables per day, three hundred grams of fruits per day, fermented milk products (up to 0.5 liters per day), meat, fish - three hundred grams per day, mushrooms - one hundred grams per day, one hundred grams of bread or two hundred grams of potatoes (croup) per day. Sometimes you can eat healthy sweets.

The point of the diet for diabetics is to restore lost insulin sensitivity to cells, i.e., returning the ability to absorb sugar (which is necessary for the absorption of carbohydrates).

Why do cells stop sensing insulin? Because a person’s diet contains an excessive amount of carbohydrates (with abuse of sweets and flour), which causes the blood sugar level to rise.

How to control the amount of carbohydrates entering the body? Using “bread units”.

A bread unit is a “measuring spoon” for calculating carbohydrates.

The fact is that all products containing carbohydrates have significant differences in physical properties, composition, calorie content.

Therefore, it is difficult to determine the required volume daily norm products without special knowledge. To make the task easier, nutritionists came up with a conventional concept for diabetic patients - “bread unit”.

One bread unit contains twelve to fifteen grams of digestible carbohydrates.

When consuming one unit of bread, the blood sugar level increases by 2.8 mmol/l; two units of insulin are needed for their absorption.

A bread unit is important for diabetic patients who receive insulin, since it is important for them to comply with the daily carbohydrate intake, which must correspond to the administered insulin. Otherwise, the blood sugar level will increase or decrease.

Keeping in mind a bread unit (i.e.), people suffering from diabetes can correctly compose their diet and wisely replace some foods containing carbohydrates with others.

1 h.e. = thirty grams of black bread, twenty-five grams of white bread, half a glass of buckwheat or oatmeal, one medium apple, two prunes, etc.

People with diabetes should consume 18 - 25 h.e. per day. They need to be distributed over 6 meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner - 3-5 h.e., snack - 1-2 h.e.

The largest portion of carbohydrate intake should occur in the first part of the day.

Principles of diet for diabetes:

The amount of energy contained in food should be equal to the energy needs of the sick person. But the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates needs to be balanced.

To enhance the feeling of fullness, we eat: vegetables - fresh cabbage, sauerkraut, lettuce, spinach, green peas, cucumber, tomato.

To improve liver function, we eat: foods that contain lipotropic factors (cottage cheese, soy, oatmeal, etc.), limit the consumption of: meat broth, fish broth, fried foods.

I. Eat foods that are high in fiber: while limiting your intake of foods that contain refined carbohydrates: white bread, pasta, rice, lemonade, candy. Replace them with foods that have a high fiber content, from which carbohydrates are absorbed slowly, which helps keep your blood sugar levels at normal levels.

We replace:

    White rice for brown rice

    potatoes (fries, mashed potatoes) on sweet potato, yams, cauliflower,

    regular pasta to coarse pasta,

    white bread for coarse bread,

    sweet cereals to cereals containing fiber,

    oatmeal instant cooking on Hercules,

    corn flakes with bran.

II. You need to imagine what effect food will have on your sugar level. To do this you need to focus on glycemic index products.

What is the glycemic index?

This is a measure of how foods affect your blood sugar levels after you eat them.

The meaning is this: when you eat certain foods, your blood sugar levels increase.

This means you need to find on the Internet and print out a table of the glycemic index (GI) of foods.

According to the GI, products can be divided into:

    Foods that have a high GI and low fiber and protein content: white rice, light pasta, white bread, potatoes, bakery products, sweets, chips, etc. - their consumption is limited.

    Products with an average GI - they can be consumed in any quantity ((vegetables, most fruits (exception: fruit juice, dried fruit, canned fruit)).

    Low GI foods containing a lot of fiber and protein (nuts, seeds, lean meat, seafood, grains, legumes).

It is advisable for diabetics to consume foods with a medium and low glycemic index, while:

    You should not eat a lot of food containing a lot of starch. Instead, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits: apples, pears, peaches, bananas, mangoes, papaya.

    It’s good if you have the opportunity to eat unrefined grains - wholemeal bread, brown rice, natural grain flakes.

    We limit: consumption of potatoes, white bread, premium pasta.

    Avoid eating sweets with high-calorie foods that have a low glycemic index (ice cream). Reduce your consumption fruit juice up to a glass a day. Avoid sweetened drinks.

    Your diet must include healthy foods: beans, fish, chicken.

    You need to include healthy fats in your diet - olive oil, nuts (almonds, Walnut), avocado. But, you need to limit your consumption of saturated fats of animal origin, which are found in dairy products. We completely remove partially hydrogenated fats from the menu (fast food, food products long-term storage).

    Eat three times a day, be sure to have breakfast. You can also snack 1-2 times a day.

    We eat slowly, do not overeat.

III. We control our consumption of sweets, of course, sometimes you can eat dessert, but you need to maintain moderation.

By eating sweets, you add more carbohydrates to your menu, which is why you need to cut down on the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods you consume.

Try to eat desserts containing fats (peanut butter, cheese, yogurt, nuts), because... When fats are broken down, the digestion process slows down and the process of increasing blood sugar levels.

Sweets can be consumed during breakfast, lunch, dinner, but not in between meals, otherwise the blood sugar level will greatly increase.

When eating sweets, enjoy the food, then you will not eat more than normal.

How to reduce sugar levels:...

    We reduce the amount of soft drinks, lemonade, juice, i.e., sweetened drinks consumed.

    When drinking tea and coffee, reduce the amount of cream and sweeteners.

    Consume mostly unsweetened foods - unsweetened iced tea, yogurt, unsweetened oatmeal. Because you will sweeten your food with less sugar than the manufacturing company.

    When cooking, reduce the amount of sugar described in the recipe by one fourth (instead of a glass of sugar, put ⅔ glass of sugar). To enhance the taste, add cinnamon and vanillin.

    We replace sweets with healthy foods (eat a banana instead of ice cream, replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate).

    We eat 1/2 of the usual serving of sweets, and replace another ½ of it with fruit.

    We drink alcohol with caution, even beer and wine, because it is easy to underestimate the number of calories and carbohydrates they contain. Cocktails generally contain a lot of fruit juice and sugar. You cannot drink more than 1 alcoholic drink per day for women, 2 for men. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic drinks on an empty stomach, because they interfere with the absorption of diabetic drugs.

IV. We control the consumption of fats, as they contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Fatty foods are high in calories, so portion sizes need to be controlled.

Harmful fats include saturated fats (animal products - red meat, whole milk, dairy products, eggs), trans fats (these are partially hydrogenated oils created by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oil).

Healthy fats include unsaturated fats, which are found in plant foods, fish, seafood (olive oil, canola oil, nuts, avocados. And healthy Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, tuna, flaxseed oil).

Tips for reducing your intake of unhealthy fats:

    For cooking we use olive oil instead vegetable oil.

    Before cooking, you need to trim fat from meat and remove skin from poultry.

    Instead of harmful products(chips, crackers) we eat nuts, seeds, muesli, nut butter.

    Instead of fried, we eat boiled or baked.

    Instead of red meat, we eat fish three times a week.

    Use avocado instead of cheese.

    When baking, we use rapeseed oil instead of butter.

    Instead of cream, use low-fat milk or sour cream.

V. We eat food regularly, and be sure to keep a diary.

To successfully lose weight, you need to follow a diet, writing down all the foods you eat in a diary.

To regulate blood sugar levels and body weight, eat regularly and consider the portion size.

Breakfast should not be skipped; it will help you maintain your blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Eat small portions, and eat six times a day so as not to overeat.

Monitor your calorie intake, it should be approximately the same every day.

By keeping a food diary, it is easier to lose weight, because you can easily find the problematic aspects of your diet if you consume more calories than necessary. Also, you will get rid of unnecessary snacks.

VI. We do light physical exercises. Why do diabetics need exercise?

To prevent diabetes and prevent its development.

Also, using physical exercise You can lose weight and maintain your weight at the desired level.

To start, you can start walking a couple of times a week for 30 minutes. You can also go swimming and cycling.

Nutrition for pregnant women and diabetics

Let us remind you once again that the diet for type 1 diabetes, like the diet for type 2 diabetes, is selected strictly together with doctors. The endocrinologist should help adjust the menu for pregnant women in order to reduce all possible risks for baby and mother. He must clearly indicate the dose of insulin that the pregnant woman should take.

Unfortunately, 4% of women develop diabetes, which is called gestational. Its occurrence can be caused by obesity, the presence of diabetics in the family, diabetes in the first pregnancy, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. At the first symptoms of increased blood sugar, the doctor must conduct additional tests to prescribe the necessary treatment. Correct treatment and nutrition will reduce the threat to the health of mother and child. It is worth noting that after childbirth, gestational diabetes goes away in most women.

As already mentioned, in the treatment of pregnant women with diabetes, diet plays an important role. It is necessary to reduce the calorie content of foods (to 1600-2000 kcal), the daily diet should contain up to 40% complex carbohydrates, 15-20% proteins and 30-35% fats. This will compensate for glucose levels and remove the threat to the life of mother and child. Meals should be fractional, optimally 6 meals per day. Also, a woman during pregnancy should consume more vitamins and minerals. The diet for gestational diabetes should be combined with exercise and walking. fresh air. In this case, working muscles consume glucose, which helps lower blood sugar levels.

In order to avoid possible complications The menu for pregnant women should include decoctions of nettle, rose hips, flaxseed, and ginseng. They will not affect metabolic processes and will help reduce and maintain normal sugar levels. But before supplementing your diet with such products, you should consult a doctor.

    • We do not buy products that provoke a rise in blood sugar levels (cookies, sweets, cake); instead, eat fruits/berries, vegetables - Bell pepper, celery, carrots, cucumber.

      If you want sweets, you can exchange them for other foods containing carbohydrates. For example, by exchanging bread, potatoes, cereals, fruits, juices for vegetables, you can eat one hundred grams of sweet dessert (we dine not baked potatoes with boiled chicken breast, but boiled broccoli with boiled chicken breast, and do not eat bread and fruit).

      We divide the plate into 2 parts: fill ½ with vegetables and eat them first, divide another ½ of the plate in half: half of which we allocate to proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese), and the second to starchy carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, pasta, whole grain bread).

      When eating carbohydrates with proteins or a small amount of “right” fats (vegetable oil, nuts), blood sugar levels are normal.

      We monitor the daily serving size: no more than one hundred grams of bread or two hundred grams of potatoes, pasta, rice and other cereals. Daily serving of cereals: two tablespoons raw.

      We don’t drink carbonated drinks or packaged juices, instead we drink drinks prepared at home: 1) take one hundred grams of freshly squeezed orange juice, one tablespoon of lemon juice, one hundred grams of Perrier soda, Narzan, 2) you can drink clean water, mineral water, 3) tea, coffee, 4) fermented milk products - before meals.

      When preparing minced meat for cutlets, we do not put bread in it, but add oatmeal, scalded cabbage ground in a blender, grated carrots, and fresh herbs.

      Instead of white polished rice, we use brown rice, instead of fatty cheese, put avocado on sandwiches, instead of muesli, use rolled oats and bran.

      If you can't eat raw vegetables- make pastes from beets, carrots, eggplants. You can bake vegetables for borscht, vinaigrette, eggplant caviar, stew in the oven - they will be more flavorful. You can buy frozen mixed vegetables ( cauliflower, mushrooms, sweet peppers, etc.) - simmer them for fifteen minutes and use them as a side dish.

      We use sweeteners: aspartame, stevia (and saccharin, xylitol, sorbitol have a carcinogenic effect and can damage the walls of blood vessels).

    While eating: do not swallow quickly, chew slowly, because... The brain needs time to saturate. Therefore, stop eating if you feel 80% full. We wait twenty minutes, and then when we feel hungry, we take a supplement.

    Don't look for pleasure in food: grow flowers, listen to music, walk in the park, have pet, take a bath, visit a massage therapist. And you won’t want to eat in excess or consume sweets.

Attention: if you have type 1 diabetes, your doctor will select a diet for you individually, after reviewing your medical history, test results, and asking you about the presence of concomitant diseases (hypertension, gastritis, peptic ulcer).

Authorized products:

    Rye bread, bread with added bran, wheat bread, wheat bread made from second-grade flour - two hundred grams per day, if you eat black bread (you can eat up to three hundred grams per day, with a doctor’s permission),

    You can eat flour products - only the inconvenient ones - only by reducing the amount of bread in your diet.

    Soups: vegetable, cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot soup, meat okroshka, vegetable okroshka, weak low-fat meat broth, weak fish broth, mushroom broth with the addition of vegetables, permitted cereals, potatoes, meatballs (twice a week),

    Meat, poultry: you can eat lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey - boiled, stewed, chopped, or in pieces.

    Low-fat fish: boiled, baked, jellied, sometimes fried (pike perch, cod, pike, navaga), seafood, canned fish in its own juice.

    Appetizers: you can eat vinaigrette, vegetable salad from fresh vegetables, vegetable caviar, squash caviar, soaked herring, jellied meat, jellied fish, seafood salad, low-fat beef jelly, unsalted cheese.

    Jelly, sambuca, mousse, compote, candies with xylitol, sorbitol.

    Allowed drinks: tea, coffee with added milk, vegetable juice, low-sweet fruits and berries, rosehip decoction.

    vegetables: White cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, zucchini, onions, white onions, green onions, red onion, leek, shallot, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet pepper, rhubarb, turnip, green beans, leafy vegetables, eggplant, celery root, garlic; vegetable dishes (leafy greens, white cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, rutabaga, radishes, cucumber, zucchini, potatoes, beets, carrots) - boiled, raw, baked. We limit the consumption of potatoes, taking into account the norm of carbohydrates; we also take into account carbohydrates in carrots, beets, and green peas. It is best to eat vegetables that contain less than five percent carbohydrates - cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, eggplant. We eat them raw, boiled, baked, stewed, and sometimes fried.

    fruits: apricot, cherry, pear, cherry plum, plum, sweet cherry, apple, citruses, watermelon, melon, mango, kiwi, feijoa, pomegranate, pineapple, Sour fruits and berries, sweet and sour fruits and berries (red currants, cranberries, etc. .) - up to two hundred grams per day raw, you can make compote with xylitol, sorbitol. You can make sweets, specially prepared diabetic products.

    fermented milk products and dairy products - milk (if permitted by the doctor); kefir, yogurt - two glasses a day, up to two hundred grams of cottage cheese a day - natural, cottage cheese, cheesecakes, pudding, low-fat cottage cheese (in limited quantities you can eat sour cream, low-fat cheese).

    egg, egg dishes (two per week - you can eat egg white omelet, soft-boiled egg, add to dishes), yolks are best consumed in limited quantities.

  • herbs, spices, sprouts,

    allowed drinks: mineral water, herbal tea, rose hip decoction, tea with added milk, weak coffee, tomato juice, fruit and berry juice (it is allowed to drink up to five glasses of liquid per day in total).

    Cereal dishes, legumes, pasta - rarely, reducing the amount of bread consumed. We eat the following cereals (within the carbohydrate limits) - buckwheat porridge, barley porridge, millet porridge, pearl barley porridge, oatmeal.

    Butter, vegetable oil (forty grams per day for cooking).

Prohibited products:

    • White flour and flour (bread, pasta, semolina, cookies, pastries, cake), products from butter dough, puff pastry products,

      strong broth, fatty broth, milk soup with the addition of semolina, rice, noodles,

      fatty meat, duck, goose, semi-finished meat products,

      sausage and sausage products,

      canned food,

      fatty fish, salty fish, smoked fish, canned food in oil, caviar,

      cream, yogurt, salted cheese,

      cereals: rice, semolina,


    salted vegetables, pickled vegetables,

    Fruits: grapes, figs, raisins, banana, dates,

    fat sauce, hot sauce, salty sauce,

    grape juice and other industrially prepared juices containing sugar, sugar-based lemonades,

    meat fat, cooking fat,

    It is advisable not to use pepper, horseradish, mustard or greatly limit it.

    sugar and products containing sugar (sweets, chocolate, confectionery, baked goods, honey, jam, marmalade, chocolate, ice cream, condensed milk, sweet curd cheese, etc.). Not a large number of sugar can be allowed only with the permission of a doctor.

    alcoholic drinks - accelerate the breakdown of glucose in cells, causing hypoglycemia in diabetics.

    hot, spicy, salty, smoked,

    lamb fat and pork fat.

The meal schedule is six meals a day, at the same time.

Dinner no later than two hours before bedtime.

You should not skip breakfast as it helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

A diet for diabetics must be followed throughout life to avoid the development of blindness, cardiovascular diseases, and to maintain a beautiful figure.

Diet for diabetes mellitus menu for a week

Day 1Breakfast scrambled eggs quail eggs, asparagus
2nd breakfast salad (squid, apple, walnuts)
Dinner beetroot soup, baked eggplants with nuts, pomegranate
Snack chocolate ice cream with avocado
Day 2Breakfast oatmeal with grated apple, stevia, glass natural yogurt
2nd breakfast melon smoothie (in a blender, mix a glass of peeled melon slices, a handful of cherries or strawberries and a few ice cubes)
Dinner vegetable stew with veal
Snack mango and avocado mousse
Dinner salad (green peas, parsley)
Day 3Breakfast omelet with tomatoes, basil, cheese
2nd breakfast hummus, steamed vegetables
Dinner soup with celery root, green peas, chicken cutlets with herbs
Snack pears with the addition of almonds (½ 2 pears sprinkled with lemon juice, stuffed with fried chopped almonds, garnished with mint leaves)
Day 4Breakfast plum pie without adding flour (take twelve plums, chop, marinate in lemon juice for ten minutes. Melt one teaspoon of butter in a frying pan, add plums, add cinnamon, a tablespoon of stevia. Keep on low heat for ten minutes, cool before serving)
2nd breakfast sandwich, egg salad
Dinner puree soup with cauliflower, broccoli, steak (beef, arugula, parmesan, tomatoes)
Snack fruit and berry dessert (distribute finely chopped fruits and berries in an ice tray - strawberries, cherries, mango, kiwi, freshly squeezed orange juice, freeze)
Dinner Broccoli roll
Day 5Breakfast two slices of low-fat cheese with two slices of whole grain bread, one orange, drink a cup of coffee
2nd breakfast salad (raw grated beets, walnuts, mustard oil)
Dinner salad (salmon, grapefruit), wild rice
Snack fresh berries with low fat whipped cream
Dinner baked red onion
Day 6Breakfast carrot and cottage cheese soufflé
2nd breakfast salad (salmon, spinach, yogurt)
Dinner salad (arugula, chicken breast, cherries)
Snack mousse (take one banana, one kiwi, one hundred grams of raspberries, a tablespoon of natural yogurt, beat in a blender, sprinkle with cinnamon)
Dinner baked cod with spices
Day 7Breakfast baked apple with raisins and walnuts
2nd breakfast salad (celery, pear, kohlrabi)
Dinner tuna salad
Snack fruit dessert with mascarpone
Dinner Vegetable Salad

First week

Day 1BreakfastCottage cheese with added milk, crumbly buckwheat with added butter
Vegetarian vegetable pack, meat and potato stew, one apple
In arena fish, stewed cabbage
100 gr. kefir
BreakfastN sweet rolled oats, tea with added milk
For peasant soup, cooked in meat broth, boiled meat, braised cabbage, dried fruit compote prepared with the addition of saccharin
Boiled fish, fresh vegetable salad
A glass of kefir
In vegetarian borscht with the addition of low-fat sour cream, meat goulash, boiled rice, dried fruit compote with added saccharin
Stir-fried cabbage with added mushrooms
Takana kefir
Breakfast100 gr. fish, 150 grams of boiled potatoes, a glass of tea
Rassolnik cooked in meat broth, with the addition of low-fat sour cream, cabbage rolls, one apple
P stewed fish, viscous buckwheat
With a dose of kefir
Breakfast50 gr. fish, boiled potatoes, glass of tea
In vegetarian cabbage soup with the addition of fresh cabbage and potatoes, meat goulash, pearl barley, dried fruit compote prepared with saccharin
In arena meat, stewed cabbage
With a dose of kefir
Breakfast80 grams of buckwheat, a glass of tea
Rassolnik, cooked in meat broth, with the addition of sour cream, Fried fish, one apple
Sweet carrot casserole with cottage cheese
With a dose of kefir
Breakfast150 grams of cottage cheese casserole, a glass of tea with milk
Vegetable soup with beans, cooked in meat broth, potato casserole with meat, dried fruit compote, cooked in saccharin
M clear cutlet, steamed, stewed cabbage
With a dose of kefir

Second week

Day 1BreakfastCottage cheese casserole, a glass of chicory with added milk
With pack with added meatballs, monastic buckwheat, one apple
In arena fish, vegetables
With a dose of kefir
Breakfast100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of green tea
Ground beef, two hundred grams of vegetables, unsweetened fruits, a glass of green tea
250 grams of steamed fish, salad (cucumber, tomato, bell pepper)
With a dose of kefir
Breakfast2 diet bread, low-fat cheese, a glass of green tea
Cooked rice, boiled chicken breast, unsweetened fruit, a glass of green tea
With alat (greens, fresh vegetables, vegetable oil), boiled chicken breast
With a dose of kefir
BreakfastWith 100 grams of chicory with added milk, one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese
About a soft-boiled chicken egg, salad (boiled carrots, vegetable oil), a glass of green tea
Vegetable oulash (eggplant, tomato, celery, capers)
With a glass of green tea
BreakfastG river, glass of green tea
O cooked chicken breast, vegetable salad, glass of tea
With a salad of fresh vegetables with olive oil dressing, 100 gr. steam fish
With a dose of kefir
Breakfast100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat milk
In vegetarian cabbage soup, turkey stew, dried fruit compote prepared with saccharin
One gram of boiled meat, 150 grams of potatoes, five grams of butter, two apples
With a dose of kefir
BreakfastA piece of dietary grain bread, spread with curd cheese, a glass of tea with milk and xylitol.
A plate of mushroom broth with vegetables, stewed cabbage, meatballs, a glass of green tea
Three times made from carrots and cottage cheese (take seventy-five grams of carrots, fifty grams of cottage cheese, one egg, eight grams of semolina, one hundred grams of crackers)
With a glass of green tea, two apples

Third week

Day 1BreakfastAbout mlette from chicken egg whites, a glass of vegetable juice
M clear meat okroshka with the addition of lean veal and fresh vegetables, a glass of green tea
A small portion of vinaigrette, baked pike perch
With a dose of kefir
BreakfastBran toast, a piece of unsalted cheese, a glass of chicory with milk
Used vegetable broth, boiled potatoes, a couple of pieces of soaked herring
Squash caviar, baked lean beef
With a dose of kefir
BreakfastWith yrniki made from low-fat cottage cheese with fructose, a glass of green tea
Veal borscht, beef jelly
Low-fat fish, vegetables, sweet and sour berry jelly
With a dose of kefir
BreakfastO porridge, a glass of green tea, one apple
O vegetable soup, meat and potato stew, one apple
In arena fish, stewed cabbage
With a dose of kefir
Breakfast1 boiled egg soft-boiled, bran toast, a glass of chicory with added milk
Soup with meatballs, stewed cabbage, compote of fresh sweet and sour fruits and berries
Stir-fried cabbage with added mushrooms
With a dose of kefir
BreakfastOh porridge, two apples
O vegetable soup, fish aspic, dried fruit compote with fructose
Rabbit stew, fresh vegetables, glass of green tea
With a dose of kefir
BreakfastRiver cooked with milk, one boiled soft-boiled egg, a glass of green tea
Rassolnik cooked in meat broth with the addition of low-fat sour cream, seafood salad
Baked vegetables, canned fish in their own juice

A glass of kefir

If you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you need to review your diet.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is enough to exclude foods that affect the level of glucose and insulin in the body.

In fact, you need to follow a special diet that excludes unwanted foods.

What should a diet consist of for type 2 diabetes: menu for the week

The very thought of having to go on a diet pre-programs people’s minds to have a negative attitude towards it. Firstly, the diet is strictly limited, and secondly, you will have to spend a lot of time on cooking. Diet includes simple dishes one of the most regular products. You don’t have to spend a lot of money and time to create dishes.

When using the degree diet, you need to include in the diet:

Vegetable fats High Quality in small quantities;

Fish and seafood products;

Low-fat dairy and fermented milk foods;

Any type of fiber, including grains, bread (whole grain or rye), vegetables, fruits and herbs.

A proper diet should contain the optimal balance of nutrients for diabetics:

Animal and vegetable proteins - 15-20%;

Fats - no more than 30%, preference should be given to vegetable ones;

Complex carbohydrates - can range from 5 to 55%.

What foods should you avoid:



Sauces and mayonnaise;

Sausages - especially smoked ones;

Sweet soda;

Flour products;

Sweets - they are replaced by sweeteners;

Alcohol products;

Semi-finished products and fast food;

Fatty meat - pork, lamb.

When creating dishes, it is very important to remove excess fat from meat, remove the skin - if it is chicken. You need to cook without using oil - steam, stew, bake.

Selection of a menu for a diet for type 2 diabetes for a week

If you have diabetes, you will have to stick to a diet for the rest of your life. But it can easily be made tasty and varied. The second dinner will always be fermented milk - the last meal may consist of a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt without additives of your choice. Sample menu for the week:

1. Monday:

Breakfast - make a salad from grated carrots (no more than 70 g), eat a portion of oatmeal porridge in milk with a piece of butter and wash it down with unsweetened tea;

Second breakfast can consist of any tea without sugar with diet biscuits and half a banana;

For lunch, prepare lean borscht with a slice of bread, buckwheat with steamed beef cutlet and vegetable salad, wash down with berry juice;

Afternoon snack - you can eat your choice of fruit or a handful of berries and drink unsweetened tea;

Dinner - cabbage cutlets with meat, boiled egg, rye bread, herbal tea.

2. Tuesday:

For breakfast there is cottage cheese with dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes, a small portion (up to 100 g) of oatmeal with milk, bran bread and tea;

Second breakfast - ripe apple and jelly;

Lunch - low-fat soup with meatballs, 1 medium-sized boiled jacket potato, beef tongue also boiled, vegetable salad (cabbage, cucumber, herbs) and dried fruit compote;

Afternoon snack - glass tomato juice, vegetable salad from any fruit, a piece of whole grain bread;

Dinner - pumpkin porridge (serving 200 g), a small meat cutlet, vegetable salad, bread, tea or compote.

3. Wednesday:

Breakfast - protein omelet with cheese and a slice of rye bread, chicory with sweetener;

Second breakfast - lemon tea, a couple of diet pancakes;

Lunch consists entirely of vegetable dishes - a portion of borscht, salad and stew, a slice of bread;

Afternoon snack - fruit salad;

Dinner - cottage cheese casserole, with it a portion of peas up to 70 grams, you can drink tea.

4. Thursday:

For breakfast, a little pearl barley porridge (no more than 30-50 g), a soft-boiled egg, cucumber and tomato salad, green tea and an apple baked in the oven;

Second breakfast - banana;

Lunch - vermicelli soup with vegetables, buckwheat porridge, stewed chicken liver with onions, tomato or cucumber, washed down with fruit juice;

Afternoon snack - cottage cheese pancakes and rosehip broth;

For dinner, stew vegetables and make meatballs, drink tea with bread.

5. Friday:

Breakfast - a piece of boiled lean fish 50 g, cabbage salad, unsweetened tea or chicory;

Second breakfast - apple or grapefruit;

For lunch, bean soup, dietary pilaf with chicken meat, stewed vegetables, such as eggplant, bread and cranberry juice;

Afternoon snack - peach or tangerines;

Dinner - a small portion of oatmeal with a fish cutlet, bread and a salad of your favorite vegetables; for dessert, drink tea with lemon and unsweetened cookies.

6. Saturday:

For breakfast, you can treat yourself to cottage cheese soufflé, biscuits, exotic apple and Jerusalem artichoke salad;

Second breakfast - favorite fruit;

Dinner - fish soup, pearl barley porridge with chicken breast, fruit drink;

Afternoon snack - vegetable salad and tea;

Dinner - steamed beef cutlets, some buckwheat and stewed vegetables.

7. Sunday:

In the morning - cottage cheese with a salad of grated carrots and apples, bread and tea;

Second snack - light omelet with bread and vegetables, tomato juice;

Dinner - pea soup, rice porrige with sausage, natural juice without sugar, Olivier salad;

Afternoon snack - fresh cabbage salad;

Dinner - millet milk porridge, bread and fish cooked in our preferred manner, dried fruit compote.

Recipes for preparing dishes for a diet for type 2 diabetes, menu for the week

1. Bean soup. You will need: 2 liters of vegetable broth, a small handful of green beans, an onion, herbs, 2 medium potatoes. Put chopped onions and potatoes into the boiling broth, after 15 minutes add beans. Bring to a boil, turn off after 5 minutes and sprinkle with herbs.

2. Cranberry juice - a glass of berries and 2 liters of water. Do not use sugar. Grind the berries, separate the juice, digest the puree with water, separate the pulp, mix after cooling with the juice that was first separated.

3. Cabbage schnitzel - you will need it cabbage leaves, a little salt, crackers and vegetable oil, 1 fresh egg, which needs to be beaten. The leaves of the white vegetable need to be boiled, squeezed a little, and folded several times. Then dip in egg, roll in breadcrumbs and lightly fry.

Table No. 51. Example of nutrition for the first day


1st afternoon tea Dinner 2nd afternoon tea Dinner

Snack at night

"Milk" 0,5
"Fruits" 1 1
"Starch" 1 3,5 1 2
"Meat" 1 4
1 1
"Non-starchy" vegetables 1,5

It remains to fill the conventional units with specific content.

The first day


  1. Millet milk porridge 250 g (1 glass) and butter 5 g = 2 “starch” + 1 “milk” + 1 “fat”.
  2. Sandwich with two slices of sausage = 1 “starch” + 2 “meat”.
  3. Lettuce salad with olives (4 pieces) and lemon juice (1 glass) = 1 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  4. Coffee 150 ml with sweetened condensed milk 50 ml = 0.5 “milk”.

1st afternoon snack (1st snack)

  1. Boiled egg 1 piece = 1 “meat”.
  2. Medium cucumber 80 g = 0.5 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  3. Apple juice 1 glass = 1 “fruit”.


  1. Soup with meat and vegetables 1 glass = 1 “starch” + 1 “meat”.
  2. Bread, 1 piece = 1 “starch”.
  3. Boiled beets 100 g, boiled potatoes 60 g, stewed meat 90 g = 1 “starch” + 3 “meat”
  4. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots and cucumbers 1.5 cups, seasoned with vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon = 1.5 “non-starchy” vegetables + 1 “fat”.
  5. Orange drink 1 glass (100 g orange - one medium) = 1 “fruit”.

2nd afternoon snack (2nd snack)

  1. 1 banana = 1 “fruit” = 2 “starches”.


  1. Boiled chicken (leg) 100 g = 3.5 “meat”.
  2. Stuffed eggplants 100 g (recipe No. 57) = 1 “starch” + 1 “fat” + 1 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  3. A piece of bread = 1 “starch”.
  4. 1 medium tomato = 0.5 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  5. Tea 150 ml with sweetened condensed milk 50 ml - 0.5 “milk”.

Snack at night

2 crackers = 1 starch

Breakfast 1st afternoon tea Dinner 2nd afternoon tea Dinner

Snack at night

"Milk" 1 0,5
"Fruits" 1
"Starch" 1 4,5 2
"Meat" 5
"Fats" 1
"Non-starchy" vegetables

Second day

On this day we can slightly change the distribution of food units by time of intake.


  1. Herring 60 g - 2 “meats”.
  2. Boiled potatoes, 1 medium tuber (85 g) = 1 “starch”.
  3. A piece of gray bread = 1 “starch”.
  4. Boiled beets 100 g = 0.5 “starch”.
  5. Cottage cheese 50 g with grated apple (100 g) = 1 “meat” + 1 “fruit”.

1st snack

  1. Orange juice 0.5 cups = 1 “fruit”.
  2. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.


  1. Rassolnik (recipe No. 27) 1 serving = 2 “meat” and 1.5 “starch”.
  2. Veal steak (recipe No. 105) = 5 “meat” + 1 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  3. Crumbled buckwheat porridge 1 cup = 2 “starch”.
  4. Lettuce with lemon juice 1 cup = 1 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  5. Cranberry drink 200 ml.

2nd snack

  1. Banana 0.5 pieces = 1 “fruit”.


  1. Stewed vegetables without butter (recipe No. 44) 1 serving = 2 “starches” + 3 “fat”.
  2. Boiled fish 1 serving = 2 “meats”.
  3. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots and cucumbers 1 cup = 1 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  4. Tea 150 ml with condensed milk without sugar 50 ml = 0.5 “milk”.

Snack at night

  1. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.
Breakfast 1st afternoon tea Dinner 2nd afternoon tea Dinner

Snack at night

"Milk" 1 0,25
"Fruits" 1
"Starch" 1 4,5 2
"Meat" 5
"Fats" 1
"Non-starchy" vegetables

Day three


  1. Oatmeal milk porridge (recipe No. 71) = 0.25 “milk” + 1 “starch”.
  2. Strawberry cottage cheese (recipe No. 81) 100 g = 2 “meat” + 1 “fruit”.
  3. Gray bread 1 slice with butter 5 g = 1 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  4. Coffee 150 ml with condensed milk without sugar 50 ml = 0.5 “milk”.

1st snack

  1. Pear 150 g (1 piece, medium) = 1 “fruit”.
  2. Crackers 4 pieces = 1 “starch”.


  1. Borscht with meat (recipe No. 22) = 1 “starch” + 1 “meat”.
  2. Beef Stroganoff (recipe No. 101) = 4 “meat” + 1 “fat”.
  3. Beetroot caviar (recipe No. 12) 1 serving = 1 “starch”.
  4. Boiled rice 100 g = 1 “starch”.
  5. Cucumber and tomato salad 1 cup = 1 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  6. Gray bread G/g piece = 1.5 “starch”.
  7. Orange drink 200 ml.

2nd snack

  1. Fresh apricots (2 pieces) or canned (4 halves) = 1 “fruit”.
  1. Drinking yoghurt 125 g = 1 “milk”.


  1. Kidneys with potatoes (recipe No. 112) = 3 “meat” -2 “starch”.
  2. Leaf salad with olives, lemon juice and olive oil 2 cups = 2 “non-starchy” vegetables + 1 “fat”.
  3. Tea 150 g with condensed milk without sugar 25 ml = 0.5 “milk”.

Snack at night

  1. Low-fat kefir 1 glass = 1 “milk”.
  2. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.


1st afternoon tea Dinner 2nd afternoon tea Dinner

Snack at night


0,5 1 0,5
"Fruits" 1
"Starch" 1 3 3
"Meat" 5
"Fats" 1
"Non-starchy" vegetables 2

Day four


  1. Fried eggs with onions and zucchini = 1 “meat”.
  2. Gray bread with sausage 1 piece = 1 “starch” + 1 “meat”.
  3. Cabbage cutlet (recipe No. 50) 1 piece = 1 “starch” + 0.5 “non-starch” vegetable.
  4. Coffee with sweetened condensed milk = 0.5 “milk”.

1st snack

  1. 1 apple = 1 “fruit”.
  2. Crackers 4 pieces = 1 “starch”.


  1. Potato soup with pasta (recipe No. 31) and meatballs (recipe No. 114) 1 serving = 1 “starch” + 1 “meat”.
  2. Flounder baked in foil (recipe No. 86), 1 serving = 5 “meat”.
  3. Boiled potatoes 2 tubers, medium (85 g each) = 2 “starch”.
  4. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers with olives, lemon juice and olive oil 2 cups = 2 “non-starchy” vegetables.
  5. Rhubarb compote 200 ml.

2nd snack

  1. Drinking yoghurt 125 g = 1 “milk”.
  2. 2 prunes = 1 “fruit”.


  1. Pot Roast (Recipe No. 107) 1 serving = 3 “meat” + 3 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  2. Fresh cabbage salad with carrots, tomatoes, lemon juice 2 cups = 2 “non-starchy” vegetables
  3. Tea with sweetened condensed milk 200 ml = 0.5 “milk”.

Snack at night

  1. Low-fat kefir 1 glass = 1 “milk”.
  2. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.
Breakfast 1st afternoon tea Dinner 2nd afternoon tea Dinner

Snack at night

"Milk" 1
"Starch" 1 4 3
"Meat" 5
1 1
"Non-starchy" vegetables 2

Day five


  1. Spicy cottage cheese (recipe No. 80) 100 g = 2 “meat” + 0.5 “non-starchy” vegetables.
  2. Corn flakes, 3 D cups of milk 1 cup = 1 “starch” + 1 “milk”.
  3. Gray bread with butter 5 g = 1 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  4. Black coffee 1 glass.

1st snack

  1. Apple juice 1 glass (240 ml) = 2 “fruits”.
  2. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.


  1. Kharcho (recipe No. 34) 1 serving = 2 “meat” + 1 “starch”.
  2. Boiled chicken 100 g (recipe No. 121) = 3 “meats”.
  3. Potato zrazy (recipe No. 47) 1 serving = 2 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  4. Gray bread 1 piece - 1 “starch”.
  5. Cucumber and tomato salad, seasoned with lemon juice, 1 cup = 1 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  6. Rhubarb compote 200 ml.

2nd snack

  1. Salad of 1 banana, pineapple (0.5 cup) and drinking yoghurt 125 ml = 1 “milk” + 1.5 “fruit”.


  1. Fried liver (recipe No. 103) 1 serving = 3 “meat” + 1 “fat”.
  2. Stewed cabbage (recipe No. 45 without pork belly) 1 serving = 1 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  3. Buckwheat porridge 0.5 cups = 1 “starch”.
  4. Green tea 200 ml.

Snack at night

  1. Low-fat kefir 1 glass = 1 “milk”.
  2. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.
Breakfast 1st afternoon tea Dinner 2nd afternoon tea


Snack at night

"Milk" 1 0,5
"Starch" 3 3
"Meat" 5
"Fats" 1
"Non-starchy" vegetables 1,5

Day six


  1. Boiled pasta (recipe No. 67) with grated cheese (30 g) and butter (5 g) 1 serving = 1 “meat” + 4 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  2. Leaf salad with tomatoes, olives and the juice of two lemons = 2 “non-starchy” vegetables
  3. Coffee with sweetened condensed milk 1 glass = 0.5 “milk”.

1st snack

  1. Grapefruit (0.5 medium) = 1 “fruit”.


  1. Simple cabbage soup (recipe No. 23) 1 serving = 1 “starch”.
  2. Chicken breast with vegetables (recipe No. 124) 1 serving = 5 “meat” + 1 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  3. Salad of cucumbers, green onions, radishes, celery (greens) 1.5 cups = 1.5 “non-starchy” vegetables.
  4. Gray bread 1 piece = 1 “starch”.
  5. Rosehip drink (recipe No. 132) 200 ml.

2nd snack

  1. 1 pear, large = 1.5 “fruits”.
  2. Drinking yoghurt 125 g = 1 “milk”.


  1. Carrot salad (recipe No. 14) 1 serving = 1 “starch” - 1 “fruit” + 0.5 “non-starchy” vegetable.
  2. Fish goulash (recipe No. 88) 1 serving = 4 “meat” + 1 “fat” + 1 “starch”.
  3. Gray bread 1 piece = 1 “starch”.
  4. Tea with sweetened condensed milk 1 glass = 0.5 “milk”.

Snack at night

  1. Low-fat kefir 1 glass = 1 “milk”.
  2. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.
Breakfast 1st afternoon tea Dinner 2nd afternoon tea Dinner

Snack at night

"Milk" 1 0,5


1 1
"Starch" 1 4 2
"Meat" 5
"Non-starchy" vegetables 1,5

Day seven


  1. Rice milk porridge 1 cup = 2 “starch” + 1 “milk”.
  2. Sandwich with side dish (recipe No. 3) = 1 “starch” + 1 “meat” + 0.5 “non-starchy” vegetable + 0.5 “fruit”.
  3. Cottage cheese 50 g with black currants 0.25 cups = 1 “meat” + 0.5 “fruit”.
  4. Black coffee with sweetener 1 glass.

1st snack

  1. Orange 1 piece, medium = 1 “fruit”.
  1. Gray bread 1 piece = 1 “starch”.


  1. Fish solyanka 1 serving (recipe No. 36) = 3 “meat” + 2 “starch” + 1 “fat”.
  2. “Vegetable frying pan” (recipe No. 52) 1 serving = 2 “meat” 4- 1 “fat” + 2 “starch”.
  3. Fresh cabbage salad with cucumbers 1.5 cups = 1.5 “non-starchy” vegetables.
  4. Apple drink (recipe No. 135) 1 glass.

2nd snack

  1. Drinking yoghurt 125 g = 1 “milk”.
  2. Banana 0.5 pieces = 1 “fruit”.


  1. Vegetable casserole (recipe No. 58) without butter 1 serving = 2 “starch” + 1 “meat”.
  2. Boiled meat (recipe No. 97) 2/3 servings = 2 “meats”.
  3. Lettuce salad with tomatoes, olives and lemon juice 2 cups - 2 “non-starchy” vegetables.

Snack at night

  1. Low-fat kefir 1 glass = 1 “milk”.
  2. Cracker 2 pieces = 1 “starch”.

As you can see, starving is the same as complainingThe monotony of the menu components does not matter. True, I don’t think that in real life you can cook so variedly: usually we cook a pot of soup for 2-3 days at once and make a frying pan of cutlets or stuffed peppers for approximately the same period. Of course, this is not the most the best option, but a working person often does not have the opportunity to stand at the stove for 2 hours every day. Besides, it won’t be a big problem if you eat the same thing for two days, the main thing is that the proportions are respected. My task was to show that people following a diet indicated for diabetes are not in danger of starvation, even if they have to simultaneously struggle with overweight receive not 2000 kcal per day, but, for example, 1200 (we will look at an example of a weekly diet for 1200 kcal when we talk about obesity).

There is no need to be afraid of preliminary calculations: you won’t have to do them every day. The meal plan is drawn up once and for a long time They hardly change it - that’s why it’s convenient. An adjustment will have to be made if concomitant problems arise during diabetes: disorders of the fatty (cholesterol) composition of the blood progress, abnormalities in kidney function appear, or digestive organs, as well as during fasting days in people who are obese.

Trial diet for those who do not take pills

It will be more difficult for those patients with type 2 diabetes who do not take any glucose-lowering medications. Here the carbohydrate restrictions will be stricter. But to what extent can you rely only on your own strength and how do you know if you can do without pills? For this purpose, a trial diet is offered.

This daily diet includes foods containing 300 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of proteins and 60 g of fat. All together this gives 2300-2500 kcal. This diet is recommended for 2-3 months, no more.

If the blood glucose level does not normalize, switch to treatment with glucose-lowering drugs. Of course, when the initial sugar (at the time of diagnosis) is high, drug therapy is prescribed immediately, but if the deviations from the norm are small, a trial diet will help answer the question of whether it is possible to do without pills.

Trial diet menu

(according to M.I. Pevzner)

Here is a menu for a test diet for type 2 diabetes (according to Pevzner M.I., 1958). Sugar - 20 g for the whole day.

Rye bread - 250 g per day.

Breakfast (8.30)

  1. Herring - 30 g.
  2. Boiled potatoes - 100 g.
  3. Butter - 5 g.
  4. Cabbage salad with apples: cabbage - 250 g, apples - 50 g. Lemon juice or vinegar, salt to taste.
  5. A glass of coffee with 50 ml of milk, sugar from the daily norm.
  6. Bread from the daily norm.

1st afternoon tea (11.00)

  1. Semolina porridge with milk: cereal - 20 g, milk - 100 ml
  2. Ground wheat bran - 50 g.

2nd afternoon tea (12.00)

  1. A glass of rosehip decoction.

Lunch (14.00)

  1. Fresh meat cabbage soup: cabbage - 20 g, onion - 20 g, tomato - 15 g, meat broth - 300 ml.
  2. Stewed meat - 60 g (oil for stewing - 10 g).
  3. Buckwheat porridge with meat broth: cereal - 40 g, meat broth - 50 ml, meat gravy - 100 g.
  4. Tomato - 100 g.
  5. Apples 100 g or dried fruit jelly.

3rd afternoon tea

  1. Potato cutlets with wheat bran: potatoes - 200 g, wheat bran- 50 g, onion - 20 g, oil - 10 g.
  2. A glass of coffee with 50 ml of milk.
  3. Sugar from the daily norm.

Dinner (19.00)

  1. Fried meat cutlet 45 g in finished form, oil for frying - 5 g.
  2. Stewed cabbage - 100 g, oil - 5 g, tomato - 5 g.
  1. Cheese - 5 g.
  2. Rye bread from the daily norm.
  3. A glass of tea, sugar from the daily norm.

4th afternoon snack (at night)

  1. Hard-boiled egg - 1 pc.
  2. Rye bread - from the daily norm.
  3. Kefir - 100 ml

Protein - 103 g, fat - 64 g, carbohydrates - 302 g, calories - 2255 kcal

In diabetes mellitus, metabolism is disrupted, so glucose is poorly absorbed in the body. For patients with the non-insulin form of the disease, nutrition plays an important role, which is the main method of treating mild forms of the disease. Type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs mainly due to obesity, so taking insulin is not necessary here, but proper nutrition will become a kind of treatment. Nutrition for type 2 diabetes has some principles, which we will learn about below. It is not difficult to follow them, and the result will be impressive.

Features and principles of nutrition for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus causes a drop in glucose concentration and a lack of energy in the cells of the spinal cord due to insufficient supply of glucose to the cells of the patient’s body. Diabetes mellitus of this type develops in elderly or mature age and it is directly related to the aging of the body or obesity. The task of a person with type 2 diabetes is to lose weight, then he will get rid of the disease. This will greatly improve insulin levels in the blood, so you should follow a low-calorie diet.

The main energy in the human body during nutrition comes from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Large quantity Energy contains fats, almost twice as much as carbohydrates or proteins, so an effective low-calorie diet for type 2 diabetes would be a significant reduction in fats in the menu. To remove as much fat as possible, you should follow several dietary rules:

  1. Remove fat from meat and skin from poultry before cooking.
  2. Carefully read the information on the product packaging, it will show the fat content.
  3. Avoid frying foods in vegetable oil. It is better to use stewing, baking or boiling.
  4. Adding mayonnaise or sour cream to salads significantly increases their calorie content.
  5. Try to eat more raw vegetables than cooked ones.
  6. Avoid chips and nuts - they are high in calories.

Permitted and prohibited products

In the diet for type 2 diabetes, there are both permitted and prohibited foods. The list of allowed foods is varied, so if you have diabetes, eating tasty food is possible. Nutritionists allow diabetics to eat low-fat fish, meat, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. Especially indicated in fruits and vegetables that reduce sugar levels, as well as “bad” cholesterol:

  • Grapefruit
  • Persimmon
  • Pomegranate
  • Apples
  • Dates
  • Lemons
  • Pumpkin
  • Cabbage
  • Ginger

Doctors have clearly identified foods that need to be excluded for type 2 diabetes. All diabetic patients should know this list firmly. Alcohol, fatty, spicy, sweet foods, as well as:

  • Sugar containing products. Instead of sugar, you need to use sweeteners.
  • Puff or butter dough.
  • Bananas, strawberries, grapes, as well as raisins, dates, figs.
  • Marinated, salty dishes.
  • Undiluted freshly squeezed juices.
  • Smoked meats, lard, butter and fatty broths.

How to properly plan your diet

Meals for type 2 diabetes mellitus should be fractional, the daily diet should be divided into 6 small portions. This will help the intestines efficiently absorb food, supporting the gradual release of glucose into the blood. All foods for diabetes should be consumed according to a schedule, and in order to control blood glucose, the daily menu should contain fiber. Nutrition for type 2 diabetics is formulated by experts from foods that keep the body under control, but most patients find it difficult to change their eating habits.

Doctors for type 2 diabetes strongly recommend dishes that contain dietary fiber: these are particles plant origin that do not require digestion. They have a hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering effect, and their use also allows you to slow down the absorption of fats in the intestines, gradually reducing body weight.

Low-carb diet for stage 2 diabetics

A low-carbohydrate diet is effective for obese diabetics. The results of her study showed that if a diabetic patient consumes no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day, then within six months he will have low sugar levels and will be able to completely stop taking medications. This diet is suitable for people with an active lifestyle. Within two weeks, a patient with diabetes mellitus improves arterial pressure, lipid profile. The most popular low-carb diets:

  • Mayo Clinic

The main product for patients with type 2 diabetes is fat-burning soup. It is prepared from six onions, a couple of tomatoes and green bell peppers, a small head of cabbage, a bunch stalk celery and two cubes of vegetable broth. This soup must be seasoned with hot pepper (chili or cayenne), due to which it burns fat. You can eat it in unlimited quantities, adding fruit to every meal.

  • South Beach

The main goal of this diet is to control the feeling of hunger in a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus, reduce weight, maintaining it at a normal level throughout life. At the first stage of such nutrition, there are very strict restrictions: you are allowed to eat proteins and strictly defined vegetables. At the second stage of the low-carbohydrate diet, when the weight decreases, other foods are introduced: fruits, fermented milk, lean meat, complex carbohydrates. This diet is more popular among type 2 diabetics.

  • Glycemic diet

The proposed diet helps patients with type 2 diabetes avoid sudden changes in insulin levels. It is based on a strict rule: 40% of calories in the body come from unprocessed foods. Therefore, juices are replaced fresh fruit, white bread is replaced with whole grain bread, and so on. 30% of the body's calories should come from fat, so the weekly diet of a type 2 diabetic includes daily lean pork, fish, and chicken. 30% of your diet should come from low-fat dairy products.

Table for calculating the required amount of carbohydrates

To make it easier to eat if type 2 diabetes occurs, experts have developed a special table for calculating the required amount of carbohydrates. In laboratories, various products were studied for carbohydrate content, and in order to convey the results of the research to people far from science, a special bread unit of measurement (XU) was invented.

It compares foods based on carbohydrate content rather than calorie content. Conventionally, XE contains 12-15 g of carbohydrates, and it is convenient to measure various products in it - from watermelons to sweet cheesecakes. Calculating bread units for a diabetic patient is simple: on the factory packaging of the product, as a rule, the amount of carbohydrates per 100 g is indicated, which is divided by 12 and adjusted by weight.

To calculate XE in home cooking, a diabetic patient needs a calculator, a recipe and a XE table. So, for example, if 9 tbsp were used for 10 pancakes. l. flour (1 tbsp - 1XE), 1 glass of milk (1XE), 1 chicken egg (no XE) and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (no XE), then one pancake is one XE. Diabetics over 50 years of age are allowed to consume 12-14 XE per day, with diabetes mellitus and obesity degree 2A - no more than 10 XE, and with diabetes mellitus and obesity degree 2B - no more than 8 XE.

Table of bread units

1XE is found in the following products:

  • 25 g of any bread;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour, starch, crackers;
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiled cereals;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. l. boiled pasta;
  • 35 g fried potatoes;
  • 75 g mashed potatoes;
  • 7 tbsp. l. any legumes;
  • 1 medium beet;
  • 1 saucer of cherries or strawberries;
  • 70 g grapes;
  • 8 tbsp. currants, raspberries, gooseberries.
  • 3 pcs. carrots;
  • 70 g banana or grapefruit;
  • 150 g plums, apricots or tangerines;
  • 250 ml kvass;
  • 140 g pineapple;
  • 270 g watermelon;
  • 100 g melon;
  • 200 ml beer;
  • 1/3 tbsp. grape juice;
  • 1 tbsp. dry wine;
  • ½ cup apple juice;
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat dairy products;
  • 65 g ice cream.

Sample menu for the week

Patients with type 2 diabetes need to adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet throughout their lives, but the food should be quite varied, for example:

  • Meals for Monday, Wednesday, Saturday

Breakfast: carrot salad 70 g, forest oat milk porridge 200 g, bran bread 50 g, unsweetened tea 250 g.

Lunch; apple, unsweetened tea.

Lunch: low-fat borscht 250 g, vegetable salad 100 g, roast 70 g, bran bread 50 g, still mineral water 250 g.

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes 100 g, unsweetened rose hip decoction 250 ml.

Dinner: cabbage-meat cutlets 150 g, soft-boiled egg - 1 piece, bread, unsweetened tea.

Second dinner: low-fat fermented baked milk – 250 ml.

  • Meals for Tuesday, Thursday

Breakfast: cottage cheese 150 g, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge 150 g, black bread, unsweetened tea.

Second breakfast: unsweetened compote 250 ml.

Dinner: chicken bouillon 250 g, boiled lean meat 75 g, stewed cabbage - 100 g, sugar-free jelly - 100 g, bread, mineral water 250 ml.

Afternoon snack – apple 1 pc.

Dinner: vegetable stew 150 g, meatballs 100 g, cabbage schnitzel - 200 g, bread, unsweetened rosehip broth.

Second dinner: drinking yogurt– 250 ml.

  • Meals for Friday, Sunday

Breakfast: boiled beets 70 g, rice porridge 150 g, low-fat cheese 2 pieces, bread, coffee drink.

Second breakfast: grapefruit 1 pc.

Lunch: fish soup 250 ml, squash caviar 70 g, boiled lean chicken meat 150 g, bread, lemon drink.

Afternoon snack: cabbage salad with carrots, unsweetened tea.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge 150 g, fresh cabbage 170 g, bread, tea.

Second dinner: low-fat milk 250 g.

Diet recipes

Recipe No. 1. Peas with onions and beans.

This dietary dish Effective for type 2 diabetics, as it quickly saturates and reduces sugar levels. For this you will need some food: green pea and frozen or fresh beans. To be preserved in products useful material, they should be cooked for no more than 10 minutes. Ingredients:

  • Peas, onions and green beans.
  • Butter.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Garlic.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Tomato.
  • Salt, herbs.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the peas, which are fried for 3 minutes. Then green beans are added, covered with a lid and simmered until cooked. The onion is sautéed separately in oil, and after sautéing, flour, tomato paste, lemon juice, herbs and salt are added to it. The whole thing is simmered for 3 minutes, after which it is added to the prepared beans, peas and grated garlic. Serve with tomatoes.

Recipe No. 2. Grilled fish.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you should eat lean fish more often because it is a source of complete, easily digestible protein, which helps and also promotes tissue restoration, which is especially important for diabetics prone to trophic disorders. Protein nutrition will also help cope with obesity.


  • Lemon.
  • Mackerel carcass.
  • Spices, salt.

Clean the fish, rub with salt, spices and stuff with sliced ​​lemon. Place on the home grill, frying until done.

Recipe No. 3. Salad with squid.

Doctors recommend that people with diabetes consume more seafood, because they contain microelements that are not found in any other foods. Squids are especially valuable for type 2 diabetics, because their qualities not only completely replace meat, but also contain many unsaturated fatty acids, and they are completely free of cholesterol. You should definitely include shellfish - they lower insulin levels.


  • Apple.
  • Squid.
  • Egg.
  • Onion.
  • Low-fat yogurt.

The squid is boiled in slightly salted water for 4 minutes, removed from the film and cut into strips. The boiled egg and onion are chopped, the apple is peeled, sliced ​​or grated. Everything is mixed and seasoned with yogurt.

Find out more about what it is - real story fight diabetes

When a person finds out that he has diabetes, he immediately adjusts to a half-starved diet with a restriction of all goodies. In fact, the diet for diabetics is quite well designed, and foods that are not very healthy even for healthy people are banned.

Features of diet 9 table

Diabetes mellitus is of 2 types:

  1. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which is responsible for releasing sugar from the blood.
  2. The pancreas produces enough insulin; the problem is in its absorption. The cells became insensitive to it. The patient is forced to limit calories and eliminate glucose.

With type 1 diabetes, strict dietary restrictions are not required, except that it should be healthy. The patient must count the amount of carbohydrates in order to administer the correct dose of insulin. If there are problems with counting, then the doctor individually draws up a diet and calculates the dose; the patient can only strictly adhere to it.

Table 9 is designed for feeding people with type 2 diabetes.

What does following a diet give:

  1. Maintaining normal blood sugar levels.
  2. Reducing the risk of developing side diseases and complications.
  3. Normalization of weight, which is vital for people with diabetes.

The main goal is to normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism. If a person with diabetes does not want to review his diet, then no treatment will help him. Also, the “9 table” diet is used to prevent disease and is prescribed to people who have high sugar in blood. Type 2 diabetes can only be cured in this way.

The list contains a fairly large list of permitted products. At the right approach and if desired, the menu can be made tasty and varied.


With constant and correct adherence to this diet, the body's metabolic processes can be normalized, and the person will get rid of the disease. The essence of the diet is to limit carbohydrates and fats and completely eliminate sugars.

Basic rules and principles of the diet:

At first glance it may seem that there are a lot of rules, but in fact here are essentially general principles healthy eating and healthy eating behavior. Some healthy people use them to get rid of excess weight.

What foods can you eat?

  1. Vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, carrots.
  2. Greens and green salads.
  3. Unsweetened fruits and berries.
  4. Cereals: buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, oatmeal.
  5. Dairy products with low fat content.
  6. Bread made from dark flour and bran.
  7. Lean meat, poultry, fish.

What products are prohibited?

  1. Flour products made from wheat flour.
  2. Sugar and products containing it.
  3. Semi-finished meat products, sausages.
  4. Ready-made sauces, margarines, animal fats and butter.
  5. Fast food, products containing preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers.
  6. All foods containing large amounts of fat and salt.

Delicious diet menu No. 9

The menu for diabetes can be made tasty and varied. It is not necessary to eat only porridge and kefir. You can create it yourself, or you can use ready-made options. Every day should have 3 main meals and 3 snacks.


  • Breakfast: zucchini pancakes, low-fat sour cream, tea
  • Lunch: borscht with beans, a slice of bran bread, pumpkin puree
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, chicken cutlet, tomato


  • Breakfast: millet porridge, milk, chicory
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, pearl barley porridge, cabbage salad
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage, boiled fish


  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge, compote
  • Lunch: millet soup with turkey, a slice of dark bread, cabbage schnitzel
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, piece of boiled chicken, rose hip decoction


  • Breakfast: squash caviar, boiled egg, yogurt
  • Lunch: sorrel borscht with sour cream, beans in tomato with mushrooms, bread
  • Dinner: merchant-style buckwheat with chicken, cabbage salad


  • Breakfast: millet porridge, cocoa
  • Lunch: pea soup, meat zrazy with cheese, bread
  • Dinner: cauliflower casserole with minced chicken


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, chicory
  • Lunch: pumpkin puree soup, 2 eggs, fresh cucumber, bread
  • Dinner: zucchini boats with minced meat and vegetables


  • Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, fruit jelly, cocoa
  • Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup with mushrooms, sea fish stewed in tomato, bread
  • Dinner: pepper stuffed with meat with vegetables

Snack options for diet table No. 9:

  1. Fermented milk products with the addition of bran, berries, rye bread crackers.
  2. Fruit salads seasoned with yogurt and lemon juice.
  3. Salads made from raw or boiled vegetables, vegetable purees.
  4. Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic or with fruits and berries.
  5. Special bars, candies, cookies and other products for diabetics.

As you can see, the menu is quite varied and consists of tasty and healthy dishes.