How to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly: features, recommendations and proportions. Apple juice, its benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of apple juice have been well studied by scientists. They believe that if you drink at least a glass of the drink every day, you won’t have to go to the doctor. According to new data obtained as a result of experiments, it is able to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and even inhibit the development of metastases in the intestines and prostate.

The benefits of apple juice for humans are great. It consists of a large number ascorbic acid and antioxidants contained in. They remove toxins from the body and chemical substances, which accumulate due to the use of medications, smoking tobacco, and radiation exposure.

The benefits of apple juice are possible due to the presence of fiber in its composition, which promotes weight loss, regulates cholesterol levels, and prevents heart attacks. Some scientists believe that it slows down the aging of the body.

The benefits of apple juice are known to boost immunity. Important Feature of a product are the enzymes it contains. It is these substances that help the esophagus digest food and remove harmful compounds from the intestines.

Harm from apple juice is possible in very rare cases. Due to the presence of acid, it is not useful for people with high acidity. In addition, it is harmful to take it for people with gastroenteritis, ulcers and pancreatitis.

Apple juice is known to be harmful for those who suffer from allergies to. When making a drink yourself, it is especially important to follow the technology of its preparation, otherwise you may end up with apple cider vinegar instead of aromatic juice.

There is harm to apple juice for our tooth enamel due to its acidity. After using it, it is better to brush your teeth. In addition, you should not take medications with it, it will either neutralize the effect of the drug or cause poisoning. Excessive consumption of the drink can also cause itching, irritation and an allergic reaction.

The benefits and harms of apple juice depend on how you take the drink. If you are going to drink it in medicinal purposes, do this regularly for at least a month. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of the disease.

Today, fruit nectars most often available on sale contain preservatives and a low content of natural extract, which do not benefit our body. When purchasing, it is advisable to pay attention to what is indicated on the product label. It should indicate that the drink does not contain preservatives.

Remember the old saying: if you eat one apple every day, you can forget about going to the doctor forever? Almost every nation has it in different interpretations. Apples are extremely healthy fruits, capable of curing many diseases, cleansing the body of toxins and saturating it with a whole “bouquet” of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. What about the juice from the miracle apple? What properties are attributed to it?

Apple juice is not an onion, but it will also help with seven ailments!

The first thing I would like to say about apple juice is that it is very rich in iron. That is why, for anemia, apple juice must be included in the course of complex therapy. Secondly, this juice is low in calories, as a result of which it can be safely consumed during diets, given to small children or the elderly.

Beneficial features:

Normalization of cholesterol levels
Increased metabolism
Stabilization of peripheral circulation
Overcoming iron deficiency anemia
Strong antioxidant properties
Strengthening of cardio-vascular system
Effective counteraction free radicals
Stimulation of natural gastric peristalsis

Apple juice helps to recover from heavy moral and psychological stress, and successfully overcome physical ones. Just one glass of juice a day almost completely covers the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, protects against the harmful effects of radiation and all kinds of household radiation. This is a faithful “friend” of those who sit at the computer all day, and also, due to their duty, are forced to talk a lot on the phone.

The pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect allows apple juice to be used as a diuretic, so it is recommended for hypertensive patients to drink it. Regular consumption of nectar helps cleanse the bile ducts, prevents the formation of stones and facilitates the removal of existing ones. And according to the stunning results of research by American professors of medicine, apple juice even slows down the development of metastases in the intestines and prostate.

Systematic consumption of nectar triggers healing mechanisms, natural cleansing and self-regulation of the body; it is gently released from toxins and waste. Apple juice lovers do not have to worry about such a serious disease as atherosclerosis and forget about problems with the hematopoietic system forever. It is recommended to use it after heart attacks, with low acidity of gastric juice and vitamin deficiencies.

Periodic table in one glass

Apple nectar contains so many biologically active and nutrients, that it can be compared to a kind of “pantry” in which all the necessary “tools” for the full functioning of the body are stored. An incredible variety of minerals is in harmonious combination with vitamins, exerting a powerful healing effect on the human body.

Healthy dietary fiber, easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins? Please! A record amount of minerals (and in very decent dosages)? Easily! And we can talk about the vitamin composition for hours, because there is simply a huge amount of them in apple nectar. Add to this the low calorie content – ​​only 50 kcal per 100 grams of apple juice, and you will get the perfect health drink!

Only ascorbic acid in juice contains 2 milligrams per 100 grams, and potassium - as much as 120 milligrams! And we haven’t yet mentioned calcium (8 mg), magnesium (5 mg), sulfur (4 mg), sodium (5 mg) and phosphorus (8 mg). Iron, zinc, copper, iodine, molybdenum and manganese also have completely “working” dosages. There are no less vitamins in apple juice: PP, H, C, E and all “representatives” of group B.

Let the day not start with coffee!

Replace your morning cup of hot coffee or tea with a glass of apple juice. The tonic effect will be similar, but the “rollback” period, when the effect of energy drinks stops and the feeling of fatigue is again mixed with an unbearable desire to sleep, will come much later and will not be so pronounced.


It is advisable to drink apple juice through a straw. The acid contained in nectar softens tooth enamel, as a result of which it becomes more vulnerable to mechanical damage. As a last resort, if you don’t have a straw at hand and you just drink the juice from a glass, you should rinse your mouth immediately after drinking it. warm water. Dentists also remind that drinking apple juice puts a “veto” on brushing your teeth - this can be done no earlier than half an hour after taking it.

Harm? Or, rather, the features of the reception?

To say that apple juice can be harmful is simply baffling. Yes, when consuming it you need to follow some recommendations, but nothing more. For example, it is undesirable to drink large amounts of apple nectar if you have ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, as it can cause an exacerbation of these diseases.

Reasonable restraint should be exercised by those who suffer from obesity. Apple juice has quite a high glycemic index, therefore, its consumption can cause a sharp jump in insulin in the blood, which will lead to uncontrollable hunger. It is for this same reason that it is taken in small portions for diabetes mellitus.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications to apple juice. It’s just that in some cases you should adhere to reasonable boundaries when using it.

Do you know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? It is known that all phytonutrients from them begin to evaporate immediately after cooking. And vitamin C, in contact with metal parts of the juicer and air, is completely destroyed within half an hour. That is why such juices should be drunk immediately! The only exception is beetroot drink.

In the sunny south

While vacationing in Crimea, many people pay attention to the sale of fruits. For example, in the city of Yalta, at the central market, sellers sell pomegranates and at the same time make fresh juice out of it on the spot. People ask them to make them juice from this delicious fruit and drink it within a couple of minutes. Some people purchase and immediately consume a ready-made drink that has been sitting on the counter under the sun for an unknown amount of time.

There are clients who buy juice with the words “I’ll go home tomorrow and take it to the children as a gift.” Apparently, they don’t know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. After all, after half an hour, all the vitamins in them disappear, they begin to sour and turn into a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria. What will they bring for the kids? Dark red liquid with germs?


How to drink fresh juices correctly? Consuming these drinks provides an effective and easy way to get your daily dose of vitamins from vegetables and fruits. Since there is no fiber in fresh juices, fructose from it is absorbed by our body very quickly, which can upset the sugar balance in the blood.

Drinks made from vegetables (with the exception of carrots and beets) do not have this negative effect. Therefore, doctors advise drinking more vegetable juices and limiting fruit juice intake to one glass per day.

It is known that from 3-4 oranges you can prepare one glass of juice, which will contain up to 8 tsp. Sahara.


Not everyone knows how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. You shouldn't be afraid to experiment. Most people do not want to consume such juices in mixed form. But it is known that it is necessary and possible to combine them. Not everyone can drink pomegranate or lemon juice due to sweetness and acidity. If you mix them with others, you get a delicious cocktail of minerals and vitamins.

Of course, not all drinks can be combined thoughtlessly. Many of them, when combined, cause fermentation. By the way, you cannot add sugar and salt to fresh juice. If the juice tastes too sour, add a little honey to it, and if it is sweet, dilute it with another juice or water.


Are you interested in the question of how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? Do not try to consume them during or immediately after breakfast. Fresh is a concentrate of active substances. It begins to ferment, reacting with food. As a result, a person develops bloating, heartburn and many side symptoms of flatulence. In addition, he asks himself: “What did I eat?” There is a simple answer to this question: fresh juice must be consumed on time.

If you have high acidity, you should drink such drinks an hour after breakfast or lunch, and if you have low acidity, you should drink them an hour before meals.

A few rules

Nobody taught you how to drink freshly squeezed juices in the morning? Let's try to understand this issue. Everything and fruits should be consumed on an empty stomach. After all, fruits are digested in the small intestine. If there is a lot of food in the stomach, then, upon reaching it, the fruit becomes trapped and begins to ferment.

Not everyone can start their day with a glass of citrus juice. Each of us has our own ailments - taking this drink in the morning will bring benefits to some, and complications to others! For example, people suffering from gastritis or ulcers are prohibited from consuming citrus juices on an empty stomach. This rule also applies to those who have pain in the gallbladder or pancreas.

Pineapple juice is considered one of the sweet drinks. That is why it is impossible to lose weight with it. It breaks down proteins, not fats. Nevertheless, it contains a colossal amount of amino acids that improve human digestion.

Physicians' statements

Doctors say that drinking juices that have not been sterilized is harmful to health. They claim that raw fruits and vegetables contain pathogenic microbes that can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even kidney failure. Doctors do not recommend drinking freshly squeezed water for pregnant women.

Sterilized drinks sold in stores contain not only harmful microorganisms, but also “live” vitamins. Think for yourself, what can remain after heat treatment? Moreover, such drinks contain various dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other food additives.

Apple product

Now let’s find out how to drink a freshly squeezed one correctly. Many practitioners believe that the healthiest cocktail is an apple-carrot drink. It is well absorbed by the body, enriches it with carotene and iron. The sugars in fruits combined with the microelements contained in vegetables bring great benefits to humans.

If your stomach reacts negatively to juice, try diluting it with water in a proportion that will be harmless to you. The most simple recipe It is considered to take a freshly prepared apple drink 30 minutes before breakfast (about half a glass).

In addition, you can make any cocktails from vegetable juices, using apple juice as a basis.


It is rare to find information on how to properly drink freshly squeezed beet juice. We will talk about this now. Beets can be stored for a long time, so you can use them all year round prepare juice. The tops of this root crop are also useful, and many squeeze life-giving moisture from it. To obtain a healing drink, a red beet variety that does not have white veins is suitable. The extracted juice is kept in the refrigerator for several hours, the foam is removed from it and mixed with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:4.

Pure beet juice can cause unpleasant reactions: dizziness, nausea, diarrhea. In this way it cleanses the body. Experienced people are convinced that it is better to start drinking mixtures with those in which carrot juice predominates. They say that the share of beetroot should be increased gradually. Instead of carrot juice you can use pumpkin.

If a person wants to be treated with beets, then he should take one glass of the mixture twice a day. When his body gets used to it, you can start drinking pure beet juice. It should be taken for up to two weeks, then take a break for the same amount of time, and then repeat the course again.

If a person is healthy, he can drink beet juice with lemon, carrot, currant, tomato, apple, and pumpkin juice. You can add honey, kefir or bread kvass to the mixture.

Some people mix 50 ml of beet juice with the yolk of one egg and 4 tsp. Sahara. Then a couple of pickles are ground on a fine grater and the resulting substance is added to the mixture. Next, salt the cocktail to taste and fill half the glass with it. Then add a little lemon, mix and cool. The drink is served on the table with parsley, ice and green onions. This amazing dish eat with a spoon.

carrot product

Did your grandmother tell you how to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice? First you need to remember that such a drink retains its useful qualities within a very short time. Therefore, it is important to drink it immediately after preparation. You cannot prepare this juice from evening to morning, since there is no point in storing it even in the refrigerator. It must be prepared immediately before use.

If you want to store carrot juice, it can be frozen. As a result, he will retain all his useful vitamin composition without changes.

Carrot juice can be combined with dishes containing vegetable and animal fats. Thus, all its beneficial components are completely absorbed in the body. You can simply add a little yogurt or sour cream to the drink. But starchy or floury dishes should not be combined with it.

To improve the taste of carrot juice, you can add orange, beetroot, apple or pumpkin juice to the cup.


You can’t find information anywhere on how to properly drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice? We will help you figure it out. Grapefruit juice is used both for the prevention of ailments and in their complex treatment. If you have poor digestion, weak intestines, or suffer from hypertension, you should add a little honey to this drink and drink half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

So, now you know not only how to properly drink freshly squeezed beet juice and other healthy vegetables and fruits, but also how to consume these drinks. What freshly squeezed juice is considered the healthiest? The one you liked the most. Therefore, experiment - come up with your own unique recipes, mix and combine vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to drink up to 3 glasses of vegetable and unsweetened juices per day, and sweet fruit juices - no more than one glass. Now let’s list the rules for taking the most famous drinks:

  • Apricot juice can be drunk 2 hours before meals (it is prohibited for those who have diabetes);
  • You should not drink orange juice on an empty stomach;
  • pineapple is taken with meals (it should not be consumed by those who suffer from peptic ulcer or gastritis);
  • cherry is drunk to bind fat during meals (it is prohibited for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and high acidity);
  • Grape juice is taken 2 hours before meals (it is prohibited for those who have chronic bronchitis and diabetes mellitus);
  • Pear juice is consumed 10-15 minutes before breakfast or lunch (it should not be drunk by pregnant women or those who suffer from colitis);
  • pumpkin, tomato and juice black currant you can drink whenever you want;
  • plum is taken with meals for weight loss;
  • potato should be consumed between meals, excluding fish and meat products for this period;
  • With the help of cabbage juice, you can lose a couple of kilograms in 2-3 weeks and cure an ulcer (drink 1 liter in small portions throughout the day).

Nutritionists recommend eating 1-2 ripe apples per day to maintain your health at the proper level and normalize the functioning of all organs and systems of your body. Or, if you don't really like apples, drink fresh juice from this fruit.

The healing properties of these fruits are highly valued by specialists. Apples are rich in iron, healthy natural sugars, and pectin. And their antioxidant properties are used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's find out what healing properties What apple juice has and what benefits it has, let’s find out its contraindications. And also consider the recipe for its preparation.

What are the benefits of ripe apple juice?

Everyone who loves this drink admires its pleasant taste and aroma of fresh fruits. But besides, of course, wonderful taste qualities, freshly squeezed juice brings invaluable health benefits and helps in the treatment of many diseases. After all, it is a real natural pharmacy that fits in one cup.

In it we will find many nutrients and beneficial substances: vitamins C, E, H, PP, group B. In a cup of juice we will find minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. It is famous for its high content of iron, pectin, useful acids and natural fiber.

This entire rich composition makes apple juice useful in treating a diseased liver, stomach (with low acidity). It is useful for the normal functioning of the intestines, kidneys, gall and bladder.

Can't help but notice him most important quality- protect cells and blood vessels of the brain. Regular consumption of a fresh drink is an effective preventive measure against the development of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. To do this, it is enough to drink 1-2 glasses per day.

This natural remedy is very useful for maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels. If you drink it regularly, you can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. The juice reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which helps restore normal heart function.

Saturating the body with vitamins, it helps to quickly recover after hard physical labor and mental stress. It will help get rid of constipation if you drink it on an empty stomach in the morning (if there are no contraindications). It is a fairly effective diuretic and choleretic agent.

It quenches thirst well and has a refreshing effect on the body. Strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of deposits in the kidneys.

How ethnoscience, and professional doctors recommend drinking it for iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency. It is useful in restoring the body if a person has suffered serious illness, protects against radioactive radiation. Apple juice is especially beneficial for children's health.

It is useful to include it in the diet when infectious diseases, as it effectively destroys harmful microbes, fights bacteria and infections.

Freshly prepared juice from ripe fruits is useful for gout and other joint diseases. It is useful to drink it after heavy meals to improve performance digestive tract. Drinking it at night will help you fall asleep better and faster.

It can also be taken for diabetes. Only in this case, it is better to cook it from their green varieties.

To get rid of stones in gallbladder, kidneys, you can also use apple juice. To do this, they drink it according to a certain scheme: For three full days, drink 200 ml of juice every two hours. We start reception at 8 o'clock in the morning and end at 8 o'clock in the evening. During treatment, nutrition is minimal. You can eat little by little, and only fresh or boiled (stewed) vegetables. No other food, including bread, is allowed.

Juice recipe

A very important point should be noted right away: Juice can only be prepared from fresh, undamaged and healthy fruits. It is best to use apples from your home garden. They are more useful than the “glossy” store-bought ones. We take only ripe fruits that have already accumulated all the necessary useful material. Unripe or overripe fruits are not suitable for health.

It's very easy to prepare. You need to wash the fruits, remove the core and pass the apples through a juicer. If you don’t have it, you need to grate them and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.
The finished drink is drunk immediately after preparation. It cannot be stored, as the vitamins are destroyed very quickly. It is better to drink through a cocktail straw so as not to damage the enamel of your teeth.


Despite the high medicinal properties, apple drink has contraindications. For example, you should not drink it if you have gastritis, ulcers with high acidity, especially during exacerbation of the disease. There are contraindications for use in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

But also healthy people You should not overuse juice. You cannot drink more than 1 liter. per day. Increasing this volume will not bring any benefit; on the contrary, it may negatively affect the digestive organs. If you have increased tooth sensitivity or diseases of the oral cavity, drink the drink, diluting it with boiled water.

And, of course, remember that a single dose of apple juice will not bring any healing effect. To feel better, you need to drink at least 1 glass of juice per day for 1-3 months. Be healthy!

Apple juice is the most economical, available at all times of the year and therefore the most popular among children and adults.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of apple juice should be well known to parents of infants, because it is often the first product introduced into the baby’s diet.

The article will discuss the benefits, harm and application, features of its preparation and storage.

Composition and calorie content of apple juice (freshly squeezed)

The composition of the juice prepared by yourself will be almost the same as that of the fruit itself.

The only difference is the reduced content of fiber and dietary fiber, if we're talking about about a drink without pulp. It’s easy to understand the benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice after learning about the huge amount of vitamins and minerals it contains:

  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Molybdenum
  • Cobalt
  • Beta-carotene, carotenoids
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Alpha tocopherol
  • Vitamin H
  • Vitamin PP
  • B vitamins

The main difference between apple drink and similar products is the presence of rare trace elements (boron, chromium, iodine) in high doses. It also contains enzymes that have a positive effect on digestion.

The juice from the fruit is rich in phytoncides, flavonoids, organic acids, polysaccharides, tannins, and pectin. The calorie content of the product is low - 47 kcal, therefore, systems

Freshly squeezed apple juice: benefits and harms

It is enough for an adult to drink 250 ml of apple juice per day (for children - 50-150 ml) to feel it useful action. It is valuable for diseases of the heart and blood vessels:

  1. Eliminates arrhythmia
  2. Removes cholesterol
  3. Strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels
  4. Reduces ischemic phenomena
  5. Prevents heart attacks, strokes

With poor digestion, gastritis with low acidity, constipation, decreased intestinal motility, stagnation of bile, apple nectar can also have a beneficial effect.

Ultimately, it affects appearance– the skin brightens, cleanses, nails and hair become strong. Apple juice is popular among people, the drink treats anemia, increases immune defense, and fights infections.

Other beneficial features product:

  • Recovery after surgery
  • Treatment of vitamin deficiencies
  • Rejuvenation of the body
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Fighting tumor cells
  • Treatment of dementia, nervous pathologies
  • Normalization of fat metabolism

Contraindications for taking apple juice

Having described the benefits of apple juice, the harm is also worth noting.

  1. You should not take the drink during an exacerbation of an ulcer, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, and in the remission stage there is no need to abuse the product.
  2. People who have increased acidity stomach, it is better to dilute it with water.
  3. Apple juice for diarrhea can provoke an increase in the unpleasant symptom.
  4. A contraindication to taking apple drink is any form of allergy to the product, which is quite rare.
  5. If you have diabetes, it is better to choose sour apples for making juice.

Can a nursing mother have apple juice?

For normal lactation, a woman should drink more fluids, and also consume plenty of vitamins and minerals. Apple juice at breastfeeding satisfies both conditions.

Moreover, it extremely rarely causes allergies in a child; it is the first fruit recommended for introducing complementary foods.

Apple juice is useful for infants because it saturates the body with iron, ensures good functioning and rapid development of the central nervous system, has an antioxidant effect, and helps improve digestion.

Therefore, a nursing mother must drink freshly squeezed apple drink, but in the first 3 months - in moderation (no more than half a glass per day).

IN specified period It is also advisable to dilute it with water twice or cook it in a juicer, because children early age a concentrated product can cause intestinal colic.

During lactation, you should only drink juice from green apples without pulp - it is the healthiest for mother and baby.

Is it possible to make juice from unripe apples?

Unripe apples, according to scientists, have special benefits. Apple juice concentrate was given to mice with intestinal tumors, and the vast majority of them were healed.

This is due to the presence large quantity polyphenols in unripe apples, and they have an anticancer effect.

Nectar from unripe fruits can be prepared by squeezing it in a juicer, after washing the apples and removing the seeds. Add 100 g of sugar per liter of liquid, but sugar is better not to use it at all - it’s much more useful.

When used, it can be diluted with water. It is forbidden to boil such a drink; you can only heat it to 60 degrees, pour it into jars, and store it in the cold.

Apple juice for the winter (through a juicer)

Natural juice can always be available if you have a juicer. You can drink it, make mash from apple juice and various other drinks.

Moonshine made from apple juice is popular among men - a high-quality drink that is not inferior in taste

To make an apple drink, you need to take the juiciest varieties of fruit, without damage or signs of disease. Apple juice for the winter from a juicer will require a little sugar - approximately 100 g per 5 kg of fruit.

The fruits must be washed, cleared of seeds, and passed through a juicer. To prevent the drink from darkening, add lemon juice (optional).

The resulting liquid with sugar must be put on fire and heated until the first bubbles appear. Pour it into sterilized jars, bottles, and roll it up. The product can be stored for up to 2 years.

By the way, there is no need to throw away the pulp from apple juice: it makes excellent pancakes, marmalade, purees, porridges, muffins, and casseroles.

Recipe for tomatoes in apple juice without sterilization

It is better to take a home-made product - from a juicer, or, as a last resort, use a purchased drink.

Products per 3 liter jar: – 1.5 kg, juice – liter, salt – 40 g, – head. Tomatoes in apple juice for the winter are prepared as follows:

  • Wash the tomatoes, remove any wrinkled or overripe ones, and pierce them with a needle in the place where the stem attaches.
  • Place the tomatoes in a jar, do not press down.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for half an hour.
  • After half an hour, pour out the water and add chopped garlic onto the vegetables.
  • Boil the apple juice and add salt before boiling.
  • Pour the boiling drink over the tomatoes and roll up.

How to cook apple juice in a juicer

Apple drink is considered very healthy if you prepare it in a juice cooker - a convenient device for “extracting” liquid even from hard fruits and vegetables. To prepare the drink, it is better to take sweet or slightly sour fruits.

How to make apple juice is quite simple:

  1. Pour about 2 liters of water into the device (up to the mark).
  2. Place a second one on top of the first pan to collect the juice.
  3. Place clean apples on the third container - a sieve with a lid (in quarters or slices - whichever is more convenient, with seeds).
  4. Depending on the hardness of the fruit, set the cooking time to 50-80 minutes.
  5. After this time, open the tap and pour the finished apple drink into a jar.

It’s easy to preserve apple juice for the winter using a juicer. To do this, pour the finished drink into a saucepan, add 2 heaped tablespoons of sugar for each liter of liquid, bring to a boil, and immediately remove from the heat. Pour the drink into sterilized jars and roll up.