What vegetables should you eat? Kilogram of health

Vegetables are sources of fiber and minerals, pectin and vitamins so necessary for every person. People who consume the healthiest vegetables, steamed or fresh, are guaranteed to receive a portion of the necessary energy for the whole day, protect themselves from viruses and bacteria, and suffer less from various ailments.

If you are wondering which vegetables are the healthiest, here is a list for you to consider: onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, beets, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, legumes, eggplant... Which of them are more useful and in what cases, let’s find out. We will list the 10 healthiest vegetables at the end of the material.

We have compiled a list of “the healthiest vegetables and fruits” and invite you to find out the whole truth about these “wizards”. It is very difficult to identify among them the healthiest vegetable in the world, because each is good in its own way.

Each has its own unique set of microelements. It is suitable for some, but contraindicated for the health of others. To determine the best product, we would need to go into details of human biochemistry, and this is no longer within our competence.

What is better - boiled, steamed or raw?

What vegetables and fruits are healthy, and in what form? Most often, people eat processed vegetables, but heat treatment negatively affects the composition of vegetables, all minerals practically disappear from them, and vitamins evaporate completely.

But processed vegetables cover the gastrointestinal tract well and certainly will not cause harm. What to do? Steam vegetables for no more than 15 minutes, or eat them raw.

Naturally, not all raw vegetables are healthy; there are also those that will harm the body, for example potatoes, they are most useful when baked. Also, raw vegetables are not beneficial in any quantity.

So if you use them without measure, and you read that Fresh beets are good for health; consuming them in unlimited quantities can give you an ulcer or gastritis, as well as an upset stomach. Everything is good in moderation - learn this simple rule for life.


All the healthiest vegetables are recommended to be consumed first in the amount of one teaspoon per day. This will mark the beginning of a raw food diet and replenishing your body with vitamins. It is important to know the contraindications of each healthy vegetable.

If, for example, you have low blood pressure, then fresh beet salad in large quantities is contraindicated for you; it can cause nausea and dizziness, even to the point of loss of consciousness. In this case, it is better to eat a lot of greens and supply the body with energetically powerful vegetables.

The healthiest vegetables for the body are steamed vegetables; this is the best option, in which the stomach will normally accept food and half of the vitamins, minerals, and of course fiber and amino acids will be preserved. And among pickled vegetables, it is best to choose cabbage - it contains the most vitamin C.

The healthiest fruits and vegetables

Benefits for women

Girl with an armful of healthy vegetables

For women, there is a huge selection of vegetables provided by nature itself. You just need to learn to use the healthiest vegetables as gifts of nature for women - wisely. For example, beans and other legumes, especially lentils - these are the most valuable products and it’s okay if you get bloated after it. You can reduce flatulence by drinking a cup of mint tea after meals.

But benefits of legumes underestimated - they help the production of serotonin, which in turn improves the state of the nervous system and fights insomnia. It also prevents osteoporosis. Soy promotes weight loss (contains lecithin) and fights cancer cells .

The healthiest vegetables and fruits for women, such as apples, peppers, apricots, watermelon, pumpkin...you can name them endlessly, but let's focus on some of them.

What vegetables are good for hair, nails and figure?

Green vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli), and - These are products of youth, beauty, as well as sources of folic acid. When eaten every day, the skin is cleansed, the hair becomes stronger and acquires a healthy shine.

The plus is that they are easily absorbed by the body, do not have carbohydrates, which means that if you add broccoli, green beans and other green vegetables to your diet - the healthiest vegetables for weight loss, you will always have a slim figure.

Fresh herbs

Greens are very healthy - they are a source of calcium and vitamins. Be sure to eat fresh and use as spices . These are excellent components of a healthy diet for women.

Pepper is very useful , because it contains capsiacin, vitamins and minerals. Bell peppers of different colors enhance the growth of hair and nails, strengthening them. Recommended for memory loss and loss of strength.

The Power of Vegetables for Men's Health

The healthiest vegetables for men are those that contain a lot of vitamin E, A and C. These include onions, garlic, red pepper, carrots . A celery has long been considered a vegetable that supports and preserves male strength, it prevents prostatitis and improves sperm quality.

Garlic and green onions

The healthiest vegetables and fruits for men are rich in vitamin C, spinach and citrus fruits. Also, ginger root is considered an enhancer of libido and sexual activity in men, and persimmons and nuts are preferable among fruits.

Top healthiest vegetables for children

Vegetables for children can be viewed from different points of view. For example, how useful for first feeding, which vegetables are good for vision and growth, for children with allergies, good for the intestines. If we sum up all these aspects, we get a list of the healthiest vegetables for a baby:

  • Zucchini is the healthiest vegetable for a child; it is a dietary product, easy to digest, and fights allergies.
  • Potatoes are nutritious, contain microelements and vitamins

Boiled new potatoes
  • Carrots – contains beta-carotene, this is the best vegetable for vision and growth
  • Broccoli – boosts immunity, contains vitamin C
  • Beetroot, pumpkin - good for the intestines
  • Onions, garlic – for viruses and bacterial infections

The healthiest vegetables for pregnant women

Carrots are rightfully considered the healthiest vegetable for pregnant women! After all, like no other vegetable in the world, it can raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is enough to make yourself a salad of grated carrots with vegetable oil and sour cream, and the lethargy disappears and the expectant mother blossoms, she wants to sing and enjoy life. And for the baby in the tummy this is also a portion of vitamin.

Good vegetable - carrots

It is known that some mothers are simply drawn to carrots during pregnancy, this is no wonder - the magical vegetable helps fight depression, boosts immunity and gives strength. And also carrots perfectly stimulate the intestines, which prevents constipation. The healthiest fruits (apples) and vegetables (carrots) are the best combination for pregnant women!

To make the most of an “interesting” state and give more useful things to the child You need to eat carrot and beet juice, eat tomatoes - this is cancer prevention, a good mood regulator and of course a source of all kinds of vitamins. A mother who eats tomatoes during pregnancy will definitely give birth safely and quickly.

Lentils - an environmentally friendly product that is simply necessary for pregnant women, It contains a lot of protein, iron and other elements, is easily digestible and prevents cancer. It also has a beneficial effect on microflora, which is important during pregnancy. Lentil soup is the best solution to stock up on vitamins and balance hemoglobin.

What vegetables are good for the liver?

Most useful vegetable for the liver - beets in boiled form, since it contains a percentage ratio of sodium and calcium of 50 to 5, which is very good for dissolving salts in blood vessels.


Boiled beets cleanse the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract, as it contains betaine, which removes everything harmful and radionuclides from the body. It also has a mild laxative effect and cleanses the kidneys, while beets are not high in calories and contain about 70 calories.

What vegetables and fruits are most beneficial for the liver? The liver “loves” bright vegetables and pumpkin is its second assistant.

Pumpkin is a wonderful product or melon culture, if you like, but it is very, very beneficial for the body. Also has a laxative, mild diuretic and choleretic effect. And the seeds are an anthelmintic. It is good when baked, when it retains the maximum usefulness in its composition. .

Baked pumpkin

What are the healthiest vegetables and fruits for the liver? Among the vegetables and fruits you can also name avocado, orange, prunes, cauliflower and broccoli, fresh white cabbage, as well as greens.

Which vegetables are good for the heart?

The healthiest vegetable for the heart is the tomato. , it contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, amino acids and lycopene - an important component for maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system and a fighter against cancer. This substance prevents the occurrence of myocardial infarction and heart attacks. Eating tomatoes also normalizes blood pressure.

Tomato in the garden

Heart vegetables include asparagus and spinach , they are rich in potassium, iodine, iron, and vitamins. Such products dissolve cholesterol plaques in the blood, cleansing the circulatory system and strengthening blood vessels. Dried apricots and apples are also considered the healthiest fruits for the heart.

What vegetables are good for diabetes?

35 years have passed since the discovery of the concept of the glycemic index by scientist Jenkins, and we have the opportunity to use the discovery that the scientist made then. The fact is that vegetables have a low BG value, which means they must be included in the diet of diabetics.

Potatoes have the highest indicator and you need to be very careful with them, controlling sugar levels and following your norm.

If we talk about which vegetables are the healthiest for diabetics, it is impossible to single out just one among them. This cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage of different varieties, tomatoes, beets, carrots, onions, eggplants, Jerusalem artichoke.

Vegetables on the table - tomatoes, peppers and herbs

All these vegetables are enriched with minerals, remove fluid from the body, cholesterol, they are low-calorie and, when consumed, do not cause sudden spikes in glucose. And this helps control blood sugar levels.

Studying the information, we still determined top 10 healthiest vegetables for human health:

  1. Carrot
  2. Beet
  3. Tomato
  4. Cabbage
  5. Zucchini
  6. Legumes
  7. Pepper
  8. Spinach
  9. Pumpkin

We hope you liked our material and now you know which vegetables are the healthiest. Add them to your diet and be healthy!

It is generally accepted that you need to consume at least 5 servings of vegetables, fruits and berries per day: only 400-500 g. Many people sneer: it is impossible to eat so much “grass”. But it turns out that it is much healthier to eat 2 times more.

To reach these conclusions, experts at Imperial College London compiled observations of 2 million people over many years in different countries. During this time, 43 thousand cases of heart disease, 47 thousand strokes, 112 thousand malignant tumors, and 94 thousand people died were recorded in experimental subjects. The data is comprehensive. This is a synthesis of the results of 95 studies that assessed fruit and vegetable consumption in different countries.

Even if you consume only 200 grams of them per day, they will provide benefits. This amount is enough to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 13%, cancer by 4%, and premature death by 15%.

But if you eat 800 g - that’s 10 servings (the British count 80 g as one serving), then the benefits will be several times greater:

— the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases will be reduced by more than 2 times and reduced by 28%;

- the risk of cancer will be lower by 15%, which is more than 3 times better than when consuming 200 g per day;

— the risk of premature death will be reduced by 2 times: from a decrease of 15% to 31%.

So, scientists are sure:

- Apples and pears, citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables (lettuce, spinach, endive, etc.), cruciferous vegetables (all) are best for preventing heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases (as well as premature death). cabbage: kale, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.).

— The same green leafy vegetables, green beans, green beans, yellow-orange vegetables (bell peppers, carrots, etc.) and again cruciferous vegetables work best against cancer than others.

Fighting myths

“This is not the first work showing that not 400-500 g of vegetables, fruits and berries are more beneficial for health, as is now commonly believed, but a larger amount: 800-1000 g,” says Konstantin Spakhov, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences. “Unfortunately, people often perceive even the norm of 5 servings of such products negatively. For some reason they are sure that it is impossible to eat so much. These myths sit firmly in the mind. Although, from a rational point of view, even a kilogram is not such an prohibitive dose. Judge for yourself. An English portion of 80 g is a medium tangerine, half a regular banana, a small apple or pear. If we talk about cooked vegetables, then this is about 3 “heaped” tablespoons of beans, broccoli or cauliflower florets, spinach (it can be cooked, not just added to the salad). And an average orange and apple is 150-200 g, a tomato and cucumber is 150 g, a bell pepper is 150-200 g. Thus, if you snack on an apple and an orange during the day, and also eat a tomato salad with cucumber and onion or garlic, you will already gain a dose of 600-800 g. And if you add tomato or spinach to your morning scrambled eggs and instead of potatoes for lunch, eat a vegetable side dish, then you will definitely gain your daily dose. I advise you to eat vegetable side dishes more often instead of pasta, cereals, and potatoes. Be sure to have a salad for lunch or dinner. Prefer cabbage soup and borscht to soups with potatoes and cereals. It's better to add vegetables to any meal. Accompany even a sandwich with a few leaves or slices of tomato and cucumber.”

How to eat fruits and vegetables correctly? None of you need to be reminded of how many benefits fruits and vegetables bring to the human body.

By eating a certain amount of these goodies during the season, our body accumulates the required amount of energy, which it so needs, especially in the autumn-winter period.

But gorging yourself on fruits and vegetables during the season is not enough. Need to know, how and when is the best time to eat vegetables and fruits.

Now let’s try to figure it all out, because proper nutrition will allow you to extract the maximum amount of benefits from these products and not harm your health.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each person when consuming fruits and vegetables. Because one is allowed to eat everything, while the other must observe certain restrictions that will allow him to maintain normal health.

First of all, you need to know when to stop everything. After all, when this or that fruit (vegetable) ripens, you shouldn’t pounce on it and eat your fill. If you do not follow this, you can get poisoned, and very seriously.

Your diet should be balanced. Also no need to eat several types of fruits and vegetables at the same time. Some of them may not combine well with each other and this will lead to stomach upset.

In general there is a generally accepted daily norm, which should not exceed half a kilogram. Three hundred grams of which can be allocated for fruits, and two hundred for vegetables .

But observing only the weight specification is not enough. You also need to know how to eat vegetables and fruits correctly. After all, there are categories and varieties of these products that are not recommended to be consumed daily.

For example, regarding fruits, You can eat apples every day, pears, peaches And apricots. But it is better to consume pineapple, grapes, melon, mango no more than twice a week.

As for vegetables, then cucumbers, tomatoes,various salads You can eat it literally every day.

Because raw vegetables are very healthy, but those vegetables that can be heat-treated - beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini and others - lose a certain amount of nutrients during processing.

And they have a lot of calories. In this case, it is better to limit their use.

Researchers have long proven that It is better to eat any vegetables and fruits before lunch. The limit is four o'clock in the afternoon. After this time, it is better to refrain from consuming such products. Otherwise, they will not bring any benefit and may harm your health.

These are just three main characteristics for this product category. But each of this category has its own rules of use.

Regarding fruits, the following recommendations can be made::

1) Fruits are most useful when raw and ripe, so you should avoid canned fruits, heat-treated juices and compotes.

2) Your preference should be fresh food. It is also good to drink freshly squeezed juices.

3) Foreign fruits, rubbed to a shine with wax (for presentation and longer storage), bring practically no benefit.

4) The priority should be given to the products that are actually grown. If you don’t have your own bed or garden, then it’s better to buy at the market from gardeners and gardeners who do this.

5) Fruits tend to be quickly absorbed, so it is better to eat them shortly before eating a more substantial meal or a certain time after it.

6) It is good to take fruits in the morning, on an empty stomach. From the very morning you will thus charge your body with vivacity, energy, and strength.

7) Eat fruit as dessert(as is often done here) strongly not recommended. If you eat your main food with fruit, fermentation processes will begin in the stomach, which will lead to discomfort and bloating.

8) Some varieties of fruits bring great benefits when they are eaten with the skin. It is in it that the necessary vitamins are stored.

9) Fruit jams and preserves are good for medicinal purposes. But they contain a huge amount of sugar, which will harm your figure. Therefore, you shouldn’t eat them with spoons and even every day.

Arm yourself with these generally accepted norms for eating fruits and vegetables. But It’s also worth knowing the features of each these products. Let's give a few examples. There are categories of people for whom sweet fruits are contraindicated - diabetics.

Apples You should not eat before taking a more substantial meal. Here pears are great for increasing appetite. Therefore, they should be consumed before eating the main meal. Pear also has a diuretic effect. Don't fill yourself up with it if you're going on a long journey.

This fruit should be excluded from your food list if you have stomach upsets. But for constipation, on the contrary, you need to eat several fruits.

A long-time favorite in our area, foreign kiwi will help well after a stormy feast– relieves heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. But never combine it with dairy products.

Bananas are high in calories. Therefore, you should not eat them on an empty stomach. Their frequent use will also not lead to anything good. This product can be used as a snack substitute. It will satisfy your hunger well and fill your stomach.

It is advisable to eat it freshly picked and do not drink it with water. Otherwise, the same fermentation process will begin in the stomach.

Tangerines And oranges, eaten in the plural, are likely to cause allergies. In addition, due to their acidity, they destroy tooth enamel.

It is best to consume these fruits at least an hour after the main meal. And after eating it would be a good idea to rinse your mouth. This will help your teeth stay intact longer.

Some types of fruits are harmful not only for certain types of diseases, but are also contraindicated for nursing mothers.

Young mothers should forget about such delicacies as grapes, melon, tangerines, oranges, pears, peaches, nectarine,cherries. These products can increase gas production in a child and even cause an allergic reaction.

There are also several rules regarding vegetables..

1. Only a small amount of vegetables can be eaten raw - carrots, beets, cabbage, salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes. Therefore, you need to cook vegetables properly. You should not overcook them, as they lose all their beneficial properties. It’s better to undercook it a little so that the vegetables crisp up;

2. Baked and overly fried vegetables do not provide any benefit to the body; on the contrary, they can even cause harm;

4. Steam vegetables whenever possible. This method of processing products allows you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and elements necessary for the human body;

5. It is better to use natural products as a dressing - lemon, garlic, onion;

6. Eat more freshly picked vegetables - radishes, onion, cucumbers,tomatoes.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are very healthy and necessary for the human body. Learn to eat them correctly to get only benefits for your body!

With pregnancy comes not only joy, but also new questions. For example, what about nutrition? What can an expectant mother eat, how much and when? Vegetables are healthy, but which ones should a pregnant woman eat, and which ones should she avoid for now?

Eating for two doesn't always mean putting twice as much on your plate. The main thing is that the food is rich in nutrients necessary for the expectant mother and child. Vegetables in this sense are an ideal option: they contain vitamins, microelements, fiber - everything that a pregnant woman and unborn child need.

Eating vegetables during pregnancy is not only good for the baby, but also important for the pregnant woman herself, because she wants to stay healthy and strong.

The benefits of a diet rich in vegetables are obvious: healthy weight gain during pregnancy, without excess or underweight, control of chronic diseases (for example, a vegetable diet helps control high blood pressure), and prevention of anemia and gastrointestinal problems. Even those women who are planning to become pregnant in the near future should reconsider their diet towards more vegetables.

And, by the way, vegetables are not always boring, believe me. The main thing is to learn how to cook vegetables and love the taste of salads, and not to interrupt it with conventionally natural “sauces”, which are presented in abundance on supermarket shelves.

Vitamins in vegetables: the best for pregnant women

Beta carotene

necessary for the development of cells and tissues, especially the organs of vision, and is involved in the formation of a healthy immune system in the newborn.

  • carrot
  • pumpkin
  • spinach
  • leaf salads
  • red cabbage

Vitamin C

important for healthy bones and teeth development, for the formation of connective tissue (tendons, cartilage).

  • Brussels sprouts
  • broccoli
  • spinach

Folic acid

important for the proper formation of the child’s nervous system and spinal cord; You need to start taking folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning.

  • salads
  • cucumbers
  • spinach
  • asparagus
  • broccoli

helps balance fluid levels, regulate blood pressure, relieve swelling, and fight leg cramps.

  • potato
  • beet
  • carrot
  • beans
  • peas
  • spinach

Carrots are a cheap, tasty and accessible source of vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and B6.

It is these substances, and in a similar combination, that help the healthy development of the child’s bones, vision and teeth.

Carrots also contain a lot of fiber, which helps prevent constipation, which is common in pregnancy.


Broccoli is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. There are several reasons for this. First of all, broccoli contains large amounts of vitamins A and C, folic acid and even some calcium - all of which are very important during pregnancy. In addition, broccoli is easy to cook - steamed, boiled, stewed and fried, and what’s more, you can even eat broccoli raw. And finally, broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family, and, according to the latest scientific data, cruciferous vegetables contain substances that not only protect, but also help fight malignant tumors.

The healthiest broccoli is firm and dark green, pay attention.

bell pepper

When choosing bell peppers, look for the brightest ones - red, yellow, green, orange - they contain the most vitamins.

Bell pepper contains a huge amount of vitamins B6, A and C, antioxidants and microelements.

It is great raw and can be stewed, fried and pickled.

Spinach is known for containing record amounts of iron and folic acid. Iron is necessary for both the expectant mother herself, so as not to suffer from anemia, and the child for the proper formation of the circulatory system, and a lack of folic acid can cause deformities in the fetus.

One of the main advantages of spinach is its low calorie content, and you can eat it in any form you like; It is believed that all the beneficial properties of spinach are best absorbed in combination with vitamin C (add oranges or lemon juice to the spinach salad).

Those who have only heard about the keto diet or LCHF (low carb high fat) and those who have just started following it are often captive of misconceptions. And completely opposite. Vegetables at LCHF are still a bone of contention. Let's figure out which vegetables you can eat on a keto diet and which you really can't.


The press is frightening with the horrors of low-carb diets: keto diets are often put on a par with the Dukan diet (it is, of course, low-carb, but also low-fat) and “cutting”, and popular nutritionists like to frighten impressionable citizens with diets WITHOUT carbohydrates AT ALL.

But low carb, low carbohydrates, is far from zero. Even the strictest keto option is 10 g of carbohydrates per day, that’s almost a kg of spinach. Do you think baby girls eat a kilogram of greens every day? Most people on keto eat 20-30 and up to 50 g of carbohydrates. It's just that it's usually not just spinach.


A simple LCHF rule for vegetables is this: we eat what grows above the surface of the earth.

But let's start with the main thing. Who are you and why are you following the keto diet?

OK, you are a healthy middle-aged person who wants to lose a few, even 20 kilograms. You realize that doing it quickly, as many diets suggest, is a bad approach. But you don’t want to spend as much on losing weight as you spent on gaining weight – about 10 years. Then you should pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates, exclude “sweet” vegetables like beets and starchy ones like potatoes, and concentrate on greens and zucchini.

Let's say you are a pregnant woman (congratulations!). Your LCHF diet can (and should!) change. No, you can't have cake. But Andreas Enfeldt, founder of the most popular LCHF resource dietdoctor.com, writes that during pregnancy you should abandon the strict LCHF diet and prefer a liberal one - 50 g of carbohydrates per day. And nutritionist Sally-Ann Creed, one of South Africa's banting experts, believes that a pregnant woman's diet should include more starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes. And a carbohydrate component, be it a vegetable or a tuber, must be included in every meal. So, dear future LCHF mothers, a cup instead of breakfast - not for you. But you can screw beets!

Maybe you, thank God, are a healthy person, lost and stabilized your weight on the keto diet and feel great. Dr. Eric Berg, another keto expert, gives an example.

Let's take beets again. It is a vegetable that grows underground, which means it is not healthy for us lowcarbers. A cup of beets contains 9 g of sugar and almost 4 (3.8) of fiber. Lots of sugar. And excellent dietary fiber content. “If you're trying to stay in ketosis, eating beets isn't a good idea. But if you are happy with your weight, like me, for example, eat beets - they contain many beneficial substances for the liver, in addition, they have cleansing properties.”

It's easy to live in a #pp world where everything is regulated - oatmeal is good, lard is bad, low-fat cottage cheese is food, but lamb is not. Easy, but not tasty and not healthy.

LCHF is a healthy diet that assumes that you have abandoned stereotypes and roughly understand how your body works.

This means that it is difficult to create a universal list of vegetables allowed on a keto diet.

Now let's look at specific vegetables - we will talk about them in general, and you can try them on your body and draw conclusions.


A universal formula for how to distinguish a low-carbohydrate - allowed - vegetable from a high-carbohydrate one: “grows above the surface of the earth.” Most nightshades are suitable for this. This:

    • eggplant
    • white potatoes (not sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes)
    • paprika
    • bell pepper
    • cayenne pepper
    • chili pepper (not black pepper)
  • tomatoes

Their inedible relative, belladonna, is a poisonous plant, and what many people deliberately poison themselves with every day is nicotine.

Nightshades contain alkaloids (lectin, saponin and capsoicin), which the plant produces to protect against insects. Alas, some citizens are unlucky: like the caterpillar, eggplant makes them sick.

Alkaloids can affect the functions of the neuromuscular and digestive systems in animals and humans, and negatively affect joint health. Nightshade vegetables contain a small amount of alkaloids compared to nightshade herbs, and cooking reduces the content of questionable substances by 40-50%.

Some researchers believe that nightshade alkaloids contribute to excessive bone calcium loss and deposition in soft tissue. For this reason, it is recommended to exclude nightshades from the diet of patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. But there are no accurate and conclusive studies proving the effect of nightshades on joint diseases.

What is known: Nightshades cause serious joint pain in horses and cows. However, avocado is toxic to horses, birds and cattle, but we can eat it as much as we like. No matter how much we sympathize with horses and humanize them, it is not at all necessary that their intolerance to nightshades automatically means that we should give up these vegetables.


Nightshades may cause problems for those struggling with an autoimmune disease. Some people are simply sensitive to them. A simple way to determine whether these foods are bad for you is to eliminate them for a period of several weeks to three months, and then introduce them into your diet one at a time and monitor how you feel.

The vast majority of people do not have problems with nightshades. All of these vegetables are low in sugar, high in fiber, and provide plenty of imagination for those who like to come up with LCHF recipes. The only exception is potatoes. But we’ll talk about it separately in the “tuber crops” group.

Here's a great recipe for those who can eat nightshades.


One of the largest group of vegetables today in terms of cultivation volumes. It includes:

    • sweet potato
    • potato
    • Jerusalem artichoke
    • Yacon

These are exactly the same guys that grow underground, which means that they are not comrades for most who follow the keto diet. They all contain starch, a polysaccharide that breaks down into glucose.

At the same time, they should not all be lumped with the same brush. For example, potatoes and sweet potatoes (yams).

Close relatives. Now let's look at carbohydrates.

One potato is really sweet, the other contains 2 times more starch. We have already talked about – a product useful for microbiota and not digestible by us. It can form in both types of potatoes if the tubers are first boiled and then cooled. But its quantity will be small, and the usual amount will remain decent.


If you don't want to fall out of ketosis, if your goal is to lose weight, if you have insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes or obesity, this group of vegetables is not for you.

If you're at a stable weight, have high insulin sensitivity, and are keto-adapted, or you're healthy and pregnant/nursing and want potatoes until you cry, then a small amount of sweet potatoes, especially ones that have been cooked and left in the refrigerator overnight, won't kill you.

But you better prepare instead of French fries.


In these types of vegetables, the part of the root system that accumulates nutrients for the plant itself is eaten. This:

    • carrot
    • parsnip
    • radish
    • turnip
    • radish
    • beet
  • garlic

Most root vegetables contain quite a lot of carbohydrates, so their consumption should be limited. When cooked, carrots and beets slightly change their nutritional value and the amount of sugar they contain increases. The amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams of root vegetables is on average 8-15 grams. The exception is radishes. It has a lot of fiber and little sugar.


They can be consumed, but in limited quantities, keeping an eye on the portion size and, for example, in cooking. If you follow a liberal LCHF (up to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day) or are active in exercise, you can include root vegetables in your diet.


Most lowcarbers eat much more vegetables than phyto-shells and pp-shells. We choose those that are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.

You can memorize names and make lists, but everything is much simpler: the greener the vegetable, the better, leaf salads can be eaten in large quantities (with butter, sour cream or homemade mayonnaise, for example). Most of them contain an average of 5-6 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product, of which 3 grams are fiber. That is, by eating 500 grams of green leafy vegetables, you will consume only 15 grams of carbohydrates. Great for a strict keto diet.

We eat from the heart, from the heart:

    • Basil
    • bok choy
    • Broccoli
    • Mushrooms (not a vegetable, but let's not quibble)
    • Kale (aka kale)
    • Zucchini
    • Cabbage
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Cauliflower
    • Kohlrabi
    • Cucumber
    • Olive
    • Arugula
    • Salads (romaine, frisee, iceberg, kir, cress...)
    • Celery
    • Asparagus
    • Pumpkin
    • Green beans
    • Zucchini
  • Spinach

UPD: Pumpkin raised a lot of questions when discussing a post about vegetables on Instagram; it was suspected of being starchy. We studied the issue further.
Ripe hard-rind table pumpkin is not starchy. But if you pick it ahead of schedule, it may actually contain a polysaccharide. Feed crops contain a lot of starch, but if they sit for a long time (more than 1.5 months), then it breaks down into sugars. All that remains is to understand whether it is realistic to distinguish canteen from fodder, ripe from unripe and stale from fresh. Pumpkin experts, share your knowledge in the comments!


Vegetables are an important part of a keto diet. Be sure to include lettuce leaves and green vegetables in your menu every day and don’t worry too much about counting the carbohydrates in them. If you eat them with fatty dressing - oils, , fat sour cream, , bake or stew them in fat, you are unlikely to eat too much, but the microbiota will thank you.

Here, for example, is an incredibly tasty version of lamb with, and here – .