Small round nuts. Nuts - benefits and harms, use in folk medicine

Walnut is a plant known to us since ancient times. Even in the Middle Ages, it was considered an essential food due to its nutritional value and calorie content. What are they? Do they have any contraindications? You will find answers to all these questions in the article.

Varieties of nuts

IN modern world nuts are as popular as they were in the Middle Ages. And given their diversity, even the most picky person will be able to find something to suit their taste.

So, what kinds of nuts are there? Today there are many varieties of them. They are as follows:

  • Peanut.
  • Gretsky.
  • Cashew.
  • Water.
  • Chestnut.
  • Cedar.
  • Coconut.
  • Cola.
  • Macadamia.
  • Almond.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Pecan.
  • Pinii.
  • Pistachios.
  • Hazelnut.

These are the types of nuts. Walnut is especially popular in our country because it is quite easy to get and has a low cost. The nuts, the names of which we listed above, bring both benefit and harm. This will be discussed further.

benefit and harm

Peanut is a short annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the legume family. It grows in countries where a warm and humid climate prevails.

Peanuts are nuts, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a very long time. What can you say about them, other than that they are delicious? are that it contains a huge amount of unique amino acids and vitamins (A, B1, B2, D, E, PP). There are also lionic and folic acids, fats obtained from plants.

Peanuts contain 35% protein and approximately 50% fat; there is no cholesterol.

Due to the optimal ratio of amino acids in peanut proteins, they are well absorbed, and fats can have a slight choleretic effect on the body, which significantly helps in the presence of stomach ulcers or gastritis. In addition, regular consumption of peanuts improves memory, hearing, vision, and increases potency in men. And the folic acid contained in peanuts promotes cell renewal.

It has been noted that in America, doctors prescribe peanuts to people who have problems with nervous system, there is insomnia or constant loss of strength.

But despite the apparent benefits, peanuts can also cause harm.

As a rule, eating raw peanuts leads to problems with the digestive system. In addition, its peel is one of the strongest allergens, so this type of nut is best eaten roasted.

It is strictly forbidden to eat peanuts for diseases such as gout, arthrosis and arthritis.

Since peanuts are quite high in calories, their excessive consumption is fraught with problems with excess weight.

Even if a person only eats roasted peanuts, it is very important to store them properly. In places with excess humidity, it can become covered with a fungus, which, when entering the body, causes significant damage to internal organs.

The benefits and harms of walnuts

Walnut is a tree from the nut family, reaches a height of 4 to 25 meters, the trunk diameter is about 1.5 meters.

Each part of this tree has a whole list of useful microelements:

  • the bark contains triterpinoids, steroids, tannins and vitamin C;
  • leaves contain essential oils, alkaloids, vitamins PP and C, aromatic hydrocarbons and much more;
  • pericarp - carotene, tannins, vitamin C and much more.

Distinctive feature walnuts is that, despite the presence of a large amount of fat in their composition, they help to significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Several years ago this was even confirmed by American scientists.

Walnuts are very high in calories - 654 kcal, which is two times more than the calorie content of premium wheat bread.

Walnut decoctions have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, in case of abrasions and scratches, it is recommended to make lotions from this infusion.

Nuts, the names of which you know so well, may not be entirely beneficial for the body. Among the harmful properties of walnuts, the following can be noted:

  • the product contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is not only poorly absorbed by the human body, but also causes an allergic reaction;
  • The consumption of this type of nut is contraindicated for people with psoriasis or eczema, since the substances contained in the product can contribute to the exacerbation of diseases;
  • You should not eat more than 100 grams of nuts during the day, since their excessive consumption can cause swelling of the larynx, inflammation of the tonsils and migraines.

Benefits and harms of hazelnuts

Hazelnut is a nut obtained from hazel or Lombard. That is, hazelnut and hazelnut are one and the same thing. Its main area of ​​use is confectionery.

Hazelnuts contain even more calories than walnuts - about 700. If we draw an analogy with other products, then this is 8 times more than milk. This nut contains acids that lower cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce the likelihood of vascular diseases.

In addition, the Lombard nut includes large number vegetable protein, B vitamins, as well as C and E, many minerals - potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and others.

This nut is indispensable for preventing cancer, heart and vascular problems. It is also worth noting that with regular consumption of hazelnuts, the male power. And the high calcium content in this nut helps strengthen human bones.

Among negative impact hazelnuts have the following effects on the human body:

  • it is forbidden to give to children with various kinds liver diseases and diabetes, since an exacerbation of the disease may occur;
  • is a strong allergen;
  • If you consume more than 50 grams of hazelnuts per day, a migraine may occur.

It is imperative to buy hazelnuts with shells, since they allow the nut to long time save beneficial properties.

The benefits and harms of eating almonds

Almond is a small tree that belongs to the Plum family. For many years, there have been disputes among gardeners regarding the identity of almonds; some claim that it is a nut, while others classify it as a stone fruit. In appearance, peanuts and almonds are not at all similar, as many claim. The latter very much resembles a peach pit. Peanuts are smooth and more regular in shape.

Almonds contain a large number of various minerals and vitamins, including vitamin E, which has strong impact on blood lipids. In addition, this type of nut is an excellent substitute for animal protein. Widely used in folk medicine if problems with the kidneys and digestive system are detected.

Combining almonds with sugar improves memory and cleansing internal organs. In addition, this combination is used to treat ailments such as insomnia, cough, and anemia.

Quite often, almonds are prescribed in the diet for intestinal problems (walnuts also cope well with some problems, such as constipation).

Among the harmful factors of this nut are the following:

  • high calorie content - prohibited for overweight people;
  • turns out direct influence on cardiovascular system, so people who have this kind of problem should avoid this product;
  • Raw almonds contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to the human body.

Positive and negative effects of pine nuts on the human body

Pine nuts are small pale yellow grains that are found in cones growing on cedar pine trees.

This nut contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. According to information received from scientists, 100 grams of pine nuts contain the daily dose of manganese, copper, and zinc necessary for the body.

Pine nuts are simply an irreplaceable thing for those who have switched to vegetarian food, since its consumption provides the body with all the missing protein.

It is strictly forbidden to buy peeled ones because they may contain a fungus dangerous to human health.

It has been noted that after eating these nuts, a large number of people feel bitterness in their mouths.

Benefits and harms of pistachios

Pistachio is evergreen tree from the sumac family.

It is a high-calorie variety of nuts and contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

Recommended for use as an astringent. Decoctions of these nuts are widely used for external use, namely in the form of compresses for burns and weeping ulcers. It has been noted that tinctures and decoctions from this tree help even with diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

It is strictly prohibited for women to use during lactation. In addition, pistachios should be avoided if you have hypertension, kidney failure, or a tendency to edema.

Beneficial and harmful properties of pecans

Pecan is the closest relative of the walnut. Their taste is quite similar, but pecan is softer and more delicate.

One of the most high-calorie foods, approximately 200 grams contains about 1700 kcal, which exceeds the daily requirement.

The benefit of this nut is that if consumed regularly, it can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

It is a strong allergen, so children are generally prohibited from consuming this nut. If there is this product in large quantities, then digestive problems may occur.

Benefits and harm to the body from cola

Cola is a nut that grows on an evergreen tree of the Steculiaceae species.

This product effectively reduces blood pressure. And decoctions from it help with hepatitis and rheumatism.

Excessive consumption of cola can cause stomach problems, heartburn, vomiting and nausea.

Now you know what nuts are, their benefits and harm to the body. Stay healthy.

Pecan...have you heard of this one? Pecan nuts are rightfully classified as superfoods. Today you will learn about the benefits and harms of this amazing product for the body. Pecans are one of the most popular edible nuts in the United States and are native to North America and Mexico. Pecan trees growing in the South Central region North America, were used as a food source by Native Americans for many centuries before the arrival of the colonists. Pecans were not domesticated until the 17th century; the first plantations of this plant appeared in Mexico. The pecan tree is a large deciduous tree belonging to the nut family and can bear fruit for 300 years. Nuts appear in autumn.

What does a pecan look like?

In appearance, the pecan resembles the familiar walnut to all of us, but the size of the pecan nut is larger. The nut itself has an elongated oblong shape and a smooth shell surface. Behind the golden-brown shell lies a beige kernel with a grooved surface. The kernel occupies from 40% to 60% of the internal space of the nut. Nuts have a characteristic soft creamy, buttery taste and texture due to their high content of monounsaturated fatty acids. Their rich, buttery flavor makes them suitable for use in both sweet and savory dishes. The famous pecan pie is a classic South American dish that features pecans as the main ingredient. Raw nuts Pecans can be salted or sweetened and used as a healthy snack. In America, pecans are widely used in the confectionery industry as an additive in cookies, candies, pastries, and cakes.

What are the beneficial properties of pecan nuts?

Pecan Benefits: The Amazing Benefits of Pecans for Skin, Hair and Health

Like most other nuts, pecans contain various nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, which are responsible for the wonderful health benefits of this nut.

1. Benefits for the cardiovascular system:

Pecans are rich in healthy dietary fiber, which lowers bad cholesterol in the blood and improves heart health, reducing the risk of coronary artery disease, and also has a preventive effect against certain types of cancer. The oleic acid (monounsaturated fat) contained in pecans, combined with phenolic antioxidants, also supports healthy heart function by preventing unwanted oxidation of blood lipids and helps prevent coronary artery disease and strokes.

2. Benefits for digestion:

The beneficial dietary fiber contained in pecans normalizes intestinal function and improves peristalsis. This allows the intestines to work more efficiently by cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, pecans prevent constipation and reduce the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hemorrhoids.

3.Helps in weight loss:

Research has shown that a diet containing nuts such as pecans helps in weight loss. This is because consuming nuts increases satiety and increases metabolism.

4. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer:

5. Benefits of nuts for bones and teeth:

Pecans are rich in calcium and phosphorus. Phosphorus is one of the most abundant minerals in the body after calcium. About 85% of phosphorus is found in bones and teeth, while the remaining 15% is found in cells and tissues. Phosphorus, along with calcium, promotes healthy bones and teeth. This mineral is vital for the growth and repair of cells and tissues, as well as the production of DNA and RNA. And finally, it prevents muscle pain that can occur due to high physical activity.

6.Anti-inflammatory properties of pecans:

Pecans are rich in magnesium, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that increased magnesium intake reduces indicators of inflammation in the body such as CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and IL6 (interleukins 6). Helps reduce inflammation in artery walls, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and other inflammatory diseases.

7.Reduces blood pressure:

Magnesium present in pecans helps lower blood pressure. Although pecans cannot cure hypertension, they help reduce its symptoms.

8. Reduces the risk of stroke:

Studies have shown that consuming 100 milligrams of magnesium per day reduces the risk of stroke by 9%. Pecans can be a good source of magnesium if included regularly in your diet.

9.Anti-cancer properties of pecans:

Pecans are rich in phytochemicals such as polyphenolic antioxidants, ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds play an important role in removing toxic free radicals from the body, thereby protecting it from diseases, cancer and infections. Ellagic acid has antiproliferative properties, inhibits DNA binding to carcinogens such as nitrosamine and polycyclic hydrocarbons, thereby protecting the human body from cancer.

10.Strengthens the immune system:

Pecans are high in manganese. This trace element is a powerful antioxidant. Manganese helps boost immunity and protects nerve cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Adequate intake of manganese is vital for nerve conduction and brain function.

Pecan benefits for skin:

Pecans, like most other nuts, are rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, folic acid and phosphorus, which play an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Key Benefits of Pecan Nuts for Skin:

11.Prevents skin problems:

The appearance of our skin depends on how we nourish it from the inside. Thus, proper nutrition is very important to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin problems. Toxins inside our body slow down the metabolism in the skin, disrupt the functioning of its cells, causing inflammatory rashes, acne, increased oiliness, and unhealthy complexion. Pecans are a good source of fiber, which can do wonders for our health and therefore our skin. Fiber helps in removing toxins from the body, thereby improving appearance skin.

12.Helps relieve inflammatory skin manifestations:

Thanks to the high content of zinc, which is also involved in maintaining skin health, it protects the skin from all kinds of infections. Vitamin A: acts as an antioxidant on the one hand, but on the other hand it has a beneficial effect on complexion.

13. Pecans prevent aging of the body:

Healthy skin and hair are a sign healthy body. Hair follicles require sufficient nutrients to maintain their proper functioning and prevent hair problems. Nutritional value Pecan nuts make them beneficial for healthy and beautiful hair.

14. Stimulates hair growth:

Pecans are an excellent source of L-arginine, an amino acid that, when applied topically, helps treat male pattern baldness and also promote healthy hair growth. Strong blood flow to the hair roots is vital for healthy hair growth. L-arginine is beneficial in this regard, the amino acid improves the condition of artery walls, making them more flexible, reducing the tendency to form blood clots that can block blood flow.

15.Prevents hair loss:

Anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss. This is caused by a deficiency of iron in the blood. Pecans, being a good source of iron, can be included in your diet to improve iron levels in the blood and hence fight hair loss.

Pecan nut beneficial properties video:

Pecan nutrition facts

Pecans are quite high in calories, but most of these calories are 90% unsaturated fatty acids, and pecans do not contain sodium. Let's look at the calories in pecans.

Pecans are harmful. Side effects

Pecans are safe for most people, without any side effects related to its use. However, people with hypersensitivity to this product may have an allergic reaction to pecans. In case allergic reactions to pecans, the immune system reacts to the proteins contained in the nut, and causes symptoms such as hives, vomiting, laryngeal swelling, shortness of breath and dizziness. All of these reactions are associated with the output chemical substance histamine.

Nut classification

Nuts - separate group food products. In science, nuts are the fruits of plants of the nut family, and in cooking they are edible parts of plants, mainly fruits, seeds, and cuttings.

What types of nuts are there?

Fruits from the order Beeceae

1. Hazelnuts belonging to the Birch family. The fruits are true nuts!

1) Hazelnut (hazel)- a delicious treat. The nut has a high nutritional value, so it easily replaces meat during fasting periods and in the diet of vegetarians.

2) Hazelnut (Lombard).

3) Turkish nut (bear).

To find out whether it can be eaten or not, shake the fruit:

  • if the nut rattles, then it is spoiled;
  • If the nut is held tightly in the shell, then it is ready for consumption!

2. Typical nuts, which are divided into edible (Walnut family) and inedible (Beech family).


1) Walnut- one of the most common types of nuts both in consumption and in cultivation.

Places of growth:

Useful properties:

  • relieves gum inflammation;
  • fights skin diseases;
  • heals wounds;
  • increases mental abilities.

2) Pecan- a type of nut that tastes like a walnut. Homeland of growth - USA.

Useful properties:

  • Increased hemoglobin levels;
  • increased attention;
  • increase in performance.

4) Manchurian;

5) Bitter nut.

Inedible - not considered nuts in cooking

1) Chestnut;

2) Beech nut;

3) Acorn.

Nuts from other orders

These nuts are not true nuts, or incorrectly called nuts.


1) Almonds(family Rosaceae) - the seed of the almond tree.

Homeland is Western Asia And North Africa. There are two types of plants:

  • bitter almonds, from which a spicy aromatic oil is obtained;
  • sweet almonds.

What are almonds used for?

  • As a seasoning in various dishes.
  • Almond shells are used as a coloring for wines and in the production of cognacs.
  • Almond oil is used as a skin care product.
  • To add to perfume.
  • To treat diseases:
  1. insomnia;
  2. cough;
  3. headache;
  4. seizures;
  5. anemia.
The Sumacaceae family is divided into the following species:

1) Cashew- a cutting of the fruit of the cashew tree, and not a nut at all!

Cashews are never sold raw because they require long and difficult processing - roasting over fire, since the nut shell contains resin that causes skin irritation.

Cashews can be stored for a long time:

  • up to 7 months in container;
  • 1 year in freezer.

2) Pistachio - close relative cashew.

How can you tell if a pistachio is ripe? ABOUT The edge should be slightly open at one end. HI eat the greener the nut, the riper it is.

Family Legumes

1) Peanuts (groundnuts)- a fruit of the legume family.

It is a nut with a thin pinkish skin, located in pods with thick walls.

The homeland of this species is Latin America.

Peanuts are very nutritious and healthy nut, because it contains unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of protein, carbohydrates and sugar.

2) Fenugreek.

Family Lecithisaceae

1) Brazil nut- famous for its highest content of selenium, which, when consumed daily, has a powerful immunomodulatory effect.

2) Paradise nut.

Family Proteaceae

1) Macadamia.

2) Chilean hazelnut.

3) Philippine canarium(Burzeraceae family).

4) Tropical almonds(Combretaceae family).

5) Malabar chestnut(Malvaceae family).

6) Mongongo(family Euphorbiaceae).

Palm family

1) Coconut- tropical fruit, differs from other types of nuts by its large size and the presence of liquid. Used:

  • to restore strength;
  • for the treatment of inflammation.

2) Seychelles walnut(royal).

Pine nuts

Pine nut(Pine family) - cone seed cedar pine. It was named nut because it has a nutty flavor and oiliness.

Everyone knows that pine nuts are a medicine that can cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many of us buy pine nuts in shelled form. But to extend their storage time, experts advise following the following rules:

  1. buy pine nuts unshelled and from trusted sellers;
  2. Store in tight, sealable containers:
    1) in the refrigerator - about 2 months;
    2) in the freezer - up to 4 months.

Real nuts and imaginary “nuts” diversify the human diet and are an excellent source of trace minerals that are beneficial for health and the treatment of many diseases.

Nuts are a very tasty and nutritious product that has a beneficial effect on all human life systems. However, this product today is expensive enough that absolutely everyone can afford to eat it in sufficient quantities. Exists large variety this product, so you need to know what nuts are and what benefits you can get from them.

Nuts are very useful product. It contains more calories than our usual everyday foods: apples, chocolate, wheat bread etc. There are 520 kcal per 100 grams.

Nuts contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which the body needs to maintain normal metabolism. The product contains various groups of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, amino acids, glucose, and spices. Their composition depends on the variety of nuts that grow in different latitudes.

When consuming nuts in large quantities, signs of an allergy may appear, so they should be eaten in moderation. The fruits are collected from both trees and bushes.

Almost all omnivorous animals feed on them, since this product contains the necessary substances to maintain the body in good shape.

Nuts can be stored for a long time in a dry place. They can lie in the ground for a long time and germinate over time if they appear to do so. favorable conditions. Nowadays this product is mainly used in confectionery products as a filling or decoration.

Video “Views”

From the video you will learn what types and varieties of nuts there are.


Nuts in general have a good effect on the human body. A large amount of calories allows you to quickly make up for their deficiency by eating a small handful of peanuts or almonds.

There are few carbohydrates in this product, so it is an excellent help for overweight people. Nuts contain about 70% fat. Only in this case we're talking about not about the usual fat that gets into our digestive system together with meat, but vegetable. They do not contain cholesterol, but only special fatty acids that help normalize metabolism in the body, do not clog the bile ducts, and do not increase the load on the enzymatic organs (liver, pancreas).

Almost all varieties of nuts contain vitamin E, which is necessary for humans to actively break down fat. Vitamin E also prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits and blood clots.

Walnut has a positive effect on circulatory system, thinning the blood and maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels. It contains vitamins A, B, and P. For obesity, nutritionists recommend eating 30-40 grams of almonds per day.

Compared to meat or most vegetables, nuts contain 2-3 times more vitamins and minerals. Of course, you can’t eat half a kilogram of them, but per 100 grams of weight this product is richer in nutrients.

The composition contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, which are necessary for everyone’s vital important systems human life activity. Improves heart function, digestion, nervous and musculoskeletal system. Amino acids have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that most of the nutrients and beneficial properties are lost after heat treatment product.

All types of nuts are healthy in a certain dosage, unless people have contraindications to their consumption (for example, a peanut allergy).


In nature, there are many different types of plants, the use of which can affect the human body both positively and unfavorably.

Let's talk in more detail about the most popular types of nuts that are eaten. You can usually buy them in large supermarkets where they have good choice.


Peanuts are high in proteins, vegetable fats, vitamin E and folic acid. Counts leguminous plant. The entire fruit is covered with a dense shell, where the peanuts themselves ripen. You can eat it to prevent many serious diseases: gastritis and ulcers, ischemia, diabetes mellitus, cancer pathologies and immune system disorders.

Sometimes you can see pots of flowering peanuts on people's windowsills; they bloom beautifully.

Pine nut

One of the best varieties– pine nut. It has many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Useful for pregnant women.


This is a good choice for those who adhere to proper nutrition who do not want to get excess carbohydrates from food. These nuts are rich in nutrients without starch. This variety is rich in vegetable fats. Almonds contain a large number of substances that help the heart function. It is believed that it is best to consume raw almonds; they contain much more vitamins.


Cashews have a dense shell, which is removed by heat treatment. It is better to give preference to dried fruits. They can be stored for quite a long time if placed in a separate airtight container.


Pistachios grow in a strong shell. When it opens slightly, it means the fruits are ripe. The nut itself has green The greener it is, the tastier it is.
Contains a lot of vitamin E and B. It is not recommended for use by people who have a tendency to allergies of various kinds.


Walnut is the most common in our country. Rich in various nutrients and microelements. Positively affects reproductive system men, considered a natural aphrodisiac.


Hazelnuts are completely covered with a strong, thick shell, in which they ripen. When the fruit begins to rattle, it means that it is ripe and can be eaten. Contains vegetable fats, fiber, folic acid. Suitable for pregnant women, as it does not contain complex compounds and enzymes.


This name is quite rare. Eating macadamia small quantities, you can help the body with cholesterol. The composition contains zinc, thiamine, potassium, iron, magnesium.


Pecans are considered to contain the highest amount of fat. It is thanks to this that this variety saturates our body very quickly. It has long been assumed that it is a good source of energy and saturates the body well. This is due to the high fat content. Of course, pecans are rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

There is another unusual variety that we can’t help but talk about – gray walnut. Gray walnut is a long-livers, capable of growing for more than 300 years. The fruits will begin to appear 10 years after germination. The gray nut has tasty and buttery kernels when the outer shell is peeled. Gray walnut is also called Manchurian. Gray walnut got its name because of the color of the branches, not the fruits.

Video “Useful properties”

From the video you will learn about the benefits of nutritious nuts.

Peanut, another name for groundnut. This is a very nutritious and satisfying product, widely used in cooking. It contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins.

. Essentially these are the seeds of a very large tropical tree. Brazil nuts grow in clusters of 15-20 pieces, in a nut similar to a coconut. This large nut is very difficult to crack. They are used in cooking.

. This nut comes in two types - bitter and sweet. Sweet is most often grown; it is mostly used in cooking. And bitter is mainly used in cosmetology. Almonds contain more arginine and fiber than other types of nuts.

. This nut is a relative of the walnut. The main difference is the sweeter taste.

. There are about 15 varieties of walnuts. All of them are used for food, but the most common variety is English. These nuts have been used for a long time, and not only in cooking, like others, but also for medicinal purposes.

. This is a valuable and nutritious nut, essentially a seed. They have a very high content of nutrients.

is a nut that grows on the coconut palm. Unripe coconuts contain delicious juice, and when the nut ripens, the juice becomes pulp.

. These nuts are native to Australia, but they are also grown for sale in Hawaii. Macadamia nuts taste a little like hazelnuts.

. Cashew nuts are sold shelled; the substance found under the shell is harmful to the skin. Cashews contain less fat than all other nuts. Eastern and Indian cuisine uses cashews in many dishes.

. These nuts are not eaten raw due to the tannin content in large quantities. They are baked on coals or used as a component of various dishes. Chestnuts are even used to make flour from which pies and pancakes are baked. This nut contains a lot of starch.

. In China, pistachios are called lucky nuts because of their slightly open shells. A crack in the shell resembles a smile. You can cook pistachios directly in the shells. They are served as a side dish, and unsalted pistachios are added to desserts.

. Wild hazelnuts are called hazelnuts. Hazelnuts contain the highest folic acid content among nuts. The delicate, pleasant flavor of hazelnuts is used mainly in baked goods and desserts. In the pie, hazelnuts can successfully replace almonds. Hazelnuts are also eaten raw.

Nutmeg. Nutmeg flowers and the nutmeg itself are very similar in appearance. taste qualities and aroma. But the flower has a fresher smell with a slight hint of the aroma of the roots. These nuts are used in medicine, cosmetology, perfumery, in the kitchen and in many other activities. Nutmegs very helpful.