Proper nutrition every day - how to achieve your plan? Proper nutrition for every day for girls and men What should be included in the diet.

Everyone knows that a healthy lifestyle significantly increases the body’s ability to fight diseases, makes your health strong and your body beautiful. - this is an important component of this image, since it is food that saturates the body with energy and all the micro and macroelements that the body needs to maintain all its processes in the right mode. Many people mistakenly believe that healthy food is necessarily tasteless, which makes maintaining a healthy diet extremely difficult and painful, but in reality this is not the case.

The best option for a proper diet is traditional meals.

Before you start creating your healthy nutrition menu, you need to understand a few important details. The first step is to accustom your body to the optimal volumes of food consumed.

It is advisable for any healthy person to eat at least 4-5 times a day, pausing for 3 hours between meals. The best option is: breakfast, lunch and dinner, between which two snacks are included.

It is important to follow the established regime and sit down at the table at the same time every day - this will develop the habit of preparing in advance for the arrival of food, which will increase the efficiency of the digestive system and, as a result, have a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. It is undesirable to skip meals, but if this does happen, you should not make up for what you missed during the next meal, overloading your stomach with excess food.

Omissions especially apply to dinner. If the evening meal was missed for some reason, you should not eat before bed - it is better to go to bed hungry and have a hearty breakfast in the morning. It is this kind of breakfast that is welcome from the point of view of a proper diet - it starts the metabolism, telling the body that it is time to wake up.

As for the time of each meal, it is recommended to have breakfast 30-90 minutes after getting up. At noon you need to have a snack, and it is advisable to find time for lunch between the first and third hours after noon. A few hours after lunch, you can have another snack, but if we talk about dinner, then the only recommendation for this meal is the following: you need to eat no later than two hours before you are supposed to go to bed.

A proper diet is based on regular meals every day, and it is important to take care of yourself and not overeat.

The benefits of proper nutrition

The advantage of proper nutrition is the absence of hunger.

By eating right every day you can achieve significant benefits for yourself. For example, lack of hunger - by accustoming the body to regular meals, you can get rid of the following unpleasant phenomena:

  • stomach pain, headaches, fatigue. All these sensations are a companion to poor nutrition and occur when the stomach does not receive the necessary food for a long time.
  • the ability to create your own - having mastered the principles of healthy eating, each person can easily determine what exactly he needs to eat during the day in order to feel good. Thus, even at a party or at catering establishments, you can always find something that will fit within the established regime.
  • a constant feeling of lightness and freedom - knowing the basics of proper food intake, you can avoid overeating and related problems.
  • no strict restrictions - proper nutrition includes certain recommendations about what you should eat and what it is better to abstain from, but these recommendations are not categorical rules and they can always be adapted to a regime that will suit everyone individually.

Of course, the transition to proper nutrition cannot be accomplished in one day. Before the body gets used to regular meals, you will have to make some volitional efforts and attentiveness. It will be especially difficult for people who previously ate as they had to, without observing any discipline in eating food. Proper nutrition has a number of advantages, but it is not so easy to get used to.

A varied menu of healthy foods is the basic principle of proper nutrition.

A healthy diet is not only about properly composed of healthy foods. This is also a certain culture of eating food, which is not so easy to master. To accustom yourself to this culture, you need to have an idea of ​​all its nuances:

  1. thorough chewing: food that enters the mouth, before going to other departments, must undergo good mechanical processing by the teeth, and also be thoroughly moistened with saliva
  2. do not be distracted: you need to eat food slowly, trying to be distracted as little as possible by events in the outside world - this will prevent you from overeating due to inattention
  3. optimal amount of food: you should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, since the brain sends signals of satiety with some delay
  4. exclude water during meals: too much leads to the fact that the concentration of gastric juice will be disrupted and, as a result, the digestive process will worsen
  5. variety: the planned menu should not only be balanced, but at the same time include as many different dishes as possible
  6. moderation: in nutrition, as in everything else, one should be moderate - overeating does not lead to anything good, food should be eaten in such quantities that are optimal for the body

Healthy eating consists of several “basics” that everyone should know.

The basic principle of proper nutrition is switching to stewed, boiled and baked foods.

Healthy food is considered to be one that will provide the body with all the necessary components, supplying them in the correct ratio. The portions of the food consumed should be such that after the meal you feel full, but not overeating.

The basic principles of a proper menu are to refuse or minimize fried, smoked or pickled foods and switch to stewed, boiled and baked foods. Dishes in this form retain the greatest amount of useful components.

When creating a menu, you need to remember that proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be included in a certain ratio. The optimal amount is 50% carbohydrates, 35% proteins and 15% fats. Porridge, fruits and vegetables boast the highest carbohydrate content. Proteins are mainly found in meat, fish, eggs, cheese and cottage cheese. When including meat in your diet, preference should be given to lean types. A healthy weekly diet should include:

  • chicken or turkey meat, as well as other lean types of meat. Such meat takes a long time to be processed by the body, but it saturates it well and fish does not contain excess fat. This product contains a large amount of fatty acids, which are extremely important for normal metabolism. By eating fish regularly, you can significantly improve your mental abilities. It also stimulates the functioning of the heart and pancreas, and has a positive effect on the health of skin, nails and hair.
  • cottage cheese. This protein-rich product is exceptionally low in calories. It replenishes calcium reserves in the body and helps maintain muscle tone.
  • vegetables and greens. These products should definitely be included in a healthy diet menu, as they improve, stimulate metabolism and normalize the acid-base balance. As an example of proper nutrition for every day, consider the following menu:
  1. breakfast - a hearty meal that consists of porridge boiled in water, or eggs and fruit, as dessert
  2. lunch - a portion of low-fat soup and a vegetable side dish with meat
  3. dinner - it is recommended to include plant foods in this meal. An excellent solution would be: salad, porridge, baked vegetables, two snacks - fruits, nuts, yogurt are perfect for this

Naturally, such a diet is not something categorical. Everyone can easily create a menu based on their own capabilities and preferences, without forgetting the basic principles of proper nutrition. A healthy diet should consist of eating a variety of healthy foods every day.

It is worth giving up various confectionery products.

When creating your own healthy nutrition menu, you must remember that all foods consumed must be healthy. For example, you should not replace the correct lunch option with a chocolate bar that is similar to it.

  1. chips, crackers, fast food
  2. chocolate and various confectionery products
  3. sauces sold ready-made
  4. unnatural juices, nectars
  5. baked goods and white bread
  6. breakfast powders
  7. sweet soda
  8. in immoderate quantities

The prohibition on the consumption of these products is a recommendation, not a strict rule. Of course, it is best to minimize the consumption of such foods. For example, those with a sweet tooth who simply cannot live without their favorite baked goods can first replace them with homemade baked goods, which will contain less sugar and oil. The same applies to fast food. It is extremely important to try to find healthy alternatives to your bad eating habits.

If the correct diet seems difficult and causes periodic breakdowns, it is extremely important not to abandon what you started. You need to set a specific goal for yourself and relentlessly follow it no matter what. If breakdowns do occur, then you need to continue to try to adhere to the established regime, without paying attention to them. Sooner or later, the breakdowns will stop, and the body will get used to the correct way.

While following a proper diet, it is recommended to give up certain foods, the consumption of which does not provide the body with any benefit. A healthy diet is not only a menu composed in a certain way, but an entire way of life in which a person is well versed in what and in what quantities he needs to eat in order to be healthy. There are certain recommendations that explain the intricacies of the correct regime. By observing all these nuances, you can easily accustom yourself to regular healthy meals.

For more information about foods you should avoid, watch the video:

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The idea of ​​taking care of your health has undoubtedly visited everyone. Repeatedly throughout our lives, we promise ourselves to go to bed earlier, exercise more, and eat right. All these plans are falling apart at incredible speed.

When it comes to food, it often seems that healthy eating is difficult to prepare and tasteless. However, if you pull yourself together and try to create a healthy nutrition menu for the week, you will be surprised at how varied your diet can be.

When drawing up a proper nutrition menu for the week, you need to take into account that there should be 5 meals. It is in this case that you will get the right diet.

Preparing healthy food won't take much time, especially if you buy a steamer as your assistant. Usually it comes with a cookbook, making it easy to choose recipes for the week.

Treat creating a proper nutrition menu as an exciting activity, especially if you want to lose weight, because you need to solve a not so simple task - choosing a dish that does not contain an excess amount of calories and that would suit your taste preferences.

The menu also depends on your personal schedule - the last meal should be no later than 2.5 hours before bedtime, but there is also a rule: do not eat after 18.00. Which of these statements is true? Eating after 6 is possible and necessary if you are used to going to bed at 11-12 o'clock.

When creating a healthy nutrition menu for the week, focus on eating cereals, vegetables and fruits. Often people go too far, excluding from their diet foods that are quite healthy when prepared correctly, such as potatoes.

Of course, you should avoid fried potatoes, and you shouldn’t get too carried away with mashed potatoes, but potatoes boiled in their skins or baked with skins in foil in the oven are a healthy product that the body needs. This is an example of the fact that any product can be useful, the main thing is to use it correctly.

Without fail, the menu for the week must include fish., nutritionists recommend consuming it up to 5 times a week, because it is much healthier than meat.

It is unlikely that many will switch to such a diet, but it is worth alternating fish and meat, consuming them in approximately equal quantities. Suitable fish include pike perch, hake, and cod. When creating the right menu for the week, you need to determine how much food you need.

The most difficult thing is to learn to feel the satiety of the body and avoid overeating. Our mentality is that the more you eat, the better. We have lived with these norms since childhood, so it is not easy to give them up. Learn to determine the moment when you are already full enough and can leave the table without feeling heavy. The menu should be drawn up based on this portion.

You should eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast, or rather porridge, with the exception of semolina, as well as fruits. For the next meal (first snack) kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, and vegetables are suitable.

At lunch, combine complex carbohydrates with proteins(fish, poultry) and vegetables. The menu for the afternoon snack (second snack) is similar to the second breakfast.

It's good to eat protein-rich foods for dinner, they will break down fats, so meat, fish, and cottage cheese are perfect.

Sample menu for the week


Breakfast: muesli topped with yogurt, apple (sour or sweet and sour) or pear, coffee or tea.

Lunch: cottage cheese seasoned with low-fat sour cream, a handful of dried fruits.

Dinner: vegetable soup, baked potatoes, fresh vegetable salad, goulash, juice.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad, crackers.

Dinner: boiled poultry fillet, vinaigrette, tea.


Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, tea.

Lunch: apple, yogurt.

Dinner: soup with cereals in vegetable broth, baked fish with a side dish of brown rice, vinaigrette, compote.

Afternoon snack: cocoa with toast and cottage cheese.

Dinner: vegetable stew, ham, tea.


Breakfast: oatmeal, oven-baked apple, tea with honey.

Lunch: yogurt, toast.

Dinner: fish soup, boiled veal with stewed vegetables, juice.

Afternoon snack: yogurt, cottage cheese.

Dinner: meat, brown rice, vegetable salad, tea.


Breakfast: omelette, vegetable salad, toast, tea.

Lunch: banana, kefir.

Dinner: soup with chicken broth and vegetables, vinaigrette, grilled fish, compote.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with sour cream, dried fruits.

Dinner: meat with vegetables, baked in the oven, yogurt.


Breakfast: Rice porridge with dried fruits, coffee.

Lunch: biscuits with juice.

Dinner: borscht, chicken cutlet, buckwheat, compote.

Afternoon snack: yogurt, fruit salad.

A million articles and books have already been written about how to eat properly. But in such a huge information flow, a person can quickly get lost and easily become confused. Therefore, we have collected all the most important and necessary things that each of us should know about healthy and proper nutrition.


If you want to eat normally and not starve, and at the same time be slim and healthy, it is important to know that:

- Food is a metabolic stimulant. The more often we eat, the better the metabolic processes in the body work. This is why all nutritionists strongly recommend split meals (every 2-2.5-3 hours).

- The serving size for women should be 250-300 g, for men - about 400 g. This applies even to the healthiest food: it is naive to believe that a bucket of berries will do you good. Even fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods should be in the required volume.

It is advisable for every meal add lipotropic substances(substances that help normalize lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the body, stimulate the mobilization of fat from the liver and its oxidation). Products with lipotropic effects include spices (turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, fenugreek), oils (milk thistle, sesame, pumpkin, flaxseed, walnut), seeds (linseed, sesame), nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pine, almonds) .

In the human diet all nutrients must be present: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water.

Must be observed correct water regime. Drink 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after. The daily water intake for a person is calculated using the formula: per 1 kg of weight - 30 ml of water. You need to drink little by little throughout the day, not half a liter at once. In hot weather or during physical activity, the daily water intake increases by 20-30%.

There is such a thing as biorhythmics of nutrition. There are foods that “work” perfectly only in the morning, but in the evening there is no benefit from it. And vice versa. More about this below.

A balanced human diet should look something like this :


In the morning, a person needs energy, so we eat healthy carbohydrates, for example, porridge. It is better to give preference to gluten-free ones - buckwheat, rice, corn; the more expensive ones are quinoa and amaranth.

Add lipotropic additives to the porridge: 1 tbsp of any oil, 1 tbsp of spices and sprinkle with any seeds (all from the list above).


Before lunch, it is safe for your figure to consume carbohydrates, which include vegetables, fruits and berries. Therefore, for second breakfast we take 250-300 g of berries or fruits (approximately 3 small apples or a large plastic glass of berries).


At lunch, we switch from carbohydrate stimulation of metabolism to protein. Lunch can be the richest and most voluminous meal (women are allowed to increase the portion to 300-350 g), since at this time a sufficient amount of enzymes have already accumulated in the stomach, capable of processing any food. So it’s better to plan any feasts for lunchtime. Or if you want to give yourself some slack, do it at lunch.

And if you eat as usual, choose meat, fish and vegetables.


For an afternoon snack, fermented milk products are recommended: kefir, sourdough, yoghurt, fermented baked milk - all without sugar, since in the afternoon you need to limit yourself as much as possible in consuming carbohydrates.

Nuts are also great as a snack, but their portion should be 30-40 g (a handful).


For dinner we eat light protein. This can be cottage cheese, white cheese (mozzarella, feta), fish, eggs, seafood. Legumes (beans, lentils, peas) and mushrooms are also good choices. These products can be supplemented with vegetables, but not starchy ones (discard potatoes, carrots, and zucchini in the evening).

Is illness a problem? Absolutely yes. Why do we get sick? People rarely think about the nature of this phenomenon, often “attributing” all their diseases to genetic predisposition, poor environmental situation, artificiality of products, and simply bad fate. However, the reason for the appearance of illnesses is sometimes much simpler - the lack of nutritional culture, namely: overeating, fasting, unbalanced diet, consumption of junk food, and so on. You will be surprised, but proper nutrition is a “medicine” that is included in the course of treatment for many diseases, as well as a kind of “vaccination” against all sorts of ailments. How to create a healthy nutrition menu and understand food culture?

Step No. 1 – learn to recognize the feeling of hunger

Oddly enough, many people sometimes cannot explain why they want to eat. "How is this possible?" – you will be surprised, and completely in vain. Remember how often it happens that you overeat, succumbing to the general mood that reigns during a feast, or the frustration that gnaws at you in the evenings because of unfulfilled desires, or the fear that you won’t cope with something at work? Even when your refrigerator contains food for proper nutrition, you are still looking for something special - tasty, in order to calm your appetite.

You are crazy about fast food and sweets, and your menu sometimes consists of hamburgers, pizza, Coca-Cola, chocolates and cookies. Have you noticed such “sins”? This means that the correct diet is unfamiliar to you, most likely for the reason that you do not know how to recognize hunger. How to learn this?

  • The feeling of hunger and appetite are different demands of the body.

Many people confuse these concepts and therefore overeat. Hunger is an “SOS” signal sent by the human brain when your body needs to “refuel” – replenish with nutrients. Appetite is a kind of whim, your hidden desire to pamper yourself somehow. To understand the differences between these two sensations, it is better to consider an example.

So, evening. You feel like you want to eat. We cooked buckwheat porridge, grilled fish and ate. This, by the way, was an example of proper nutrition in the evening. We washed down our dinner with herbal tea and went to read before bed. So you were hungry because you were satisfied with healthy foods prepared in the right way. Second situation. You come home in the evening, look into the refrigerator, you see buckwheat, steamed cutlets, vegetables, fruits, but you don’t want to eat it all.

Serve you pizza, Pepsi-Cola, a hefty piece of cake with buttercream, and then another pack of chips while watching a TV series and a pack of ice cream in bed while surfing the Internet. This is a vivid example of satisfying your appetite according to the principle of “tasty and plenty.” Conclusion: if the proper nutrition menu does not satisfy you, it means that you are not hungry, but are following your whims.

  • Hunger or thirst?

Often (about half the time) people confuse these two sensations. How to learn to distinguish them? It's simple: every time you want to eat, drink a glass of water, if after 20 minutes you are still hungry, then you can sit down at the table. “Why drink so much?” - you ask. Don’t worry, a minimum of 8 glasses of water is required per day for the normal functioning of the body, but would you agree that you don’t adhere to this norm?!

Worth paying attention! Did you know that lack of water prevents the body from burning fat, slowing down metabolic processes? If you want to lose weight, you don’t need a strict diet, proper nutrition, the menu of which includes one and a half liters of clean water - this is the best recipe for correcting your figure.

  • Hunger is like a lack of nutrients.

When you are hungry or your diet is not balanced correctly, the body begins to send “SOS” signals, but in a very original way - in “your language”. How does this happen? For example, you really want chocolate.
What does this indicate? Your body does not have enough magnesium. “But why is he asking for chocolate?” - you are curious.

It's simple: the body tries to get the desired element with the product it is used to. You indulge him much less often with dishes containing beans, fruits or hazelnuts, which are also rich in magnesium? So why be surprised if the body finds vital elements in what is present in your diet?! How to teach a “naughty little girl” to get nutrients from the right foods?

Focus on such signals - if you want:

  1. baking means there is a lack of nitrogen, which you can find in meat, fish and nuts;
  2. smoked meats, which indicates that you have a lack of cholesterol, so it’s time to add avocados, olives and red fish to your menu;
  3. fatty foods due to a lack of calcium, so you should pay attention to cheese, broccoli, legumes and sesame;
  4. sour, which indicates a deficiency of vitamin C, the deficiency of which you can compensate for with lemon, rose hips, cranberries, strawberries and kiwi;
  5. sweets, because the body needs glucose, which you will find in fruits/berries and honey, and not in candies, cakes and bars, as you might think.
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Step No. 2 - change the diet

Before you know the proper diet for the week, you need to accustom yourself to the optimal eating regimen. A healthy person needs to eat 4-5 times a day, taking three-hour breaks between meals. The most proper nutrition: breakfast, lunch, dinner, plus 2 snacks.

Skipping meals is prohibited, but if this does happen, you should not make up for lost time during the next meal by eating a double portion. The only exception is dinner. If you didn’t have time to eat in the evening and came home at midnight, then head not to the refrigerator, but towards the bed. It is better to have a good meal in the morning than to load your stomach before bed. Moreover, a hearty breakfast welcomes proper nutrition, because it is a kind of “alarm clock” for the body, triggering metabolism.

The optimal time for a morning meal is 30-90 minutes after waking up. Around noon (depend on the situation), you should definitely have a snack, ideally fruit. Lunch should take place between 13.00 and 15.00. After a couple of hours, you can treat yourself to tea. As for dinner, the debate on this topic does not subside, since many nutritionists advise stopping eating in the evening from 19.00, but what about those who are on the way home from work at this time? It’s okay if you eat later, the main thing is that the meal takes place at least 2 hours before going to bed.

This is important to know!

What caloric distribution implies proper nutrition for every day? Breakfast should be 25% of the total food consumed per day, snacks - 10%, lunch - 30%, dinner - 25%.

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Step No. 3 – learning to eat again

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Why do some people, having learned the proper nutrition menu for a month, quickly “go away”? Because learning the list of allowed foods is not enough; you also need to modify the process of eating. So, what basics do you need to learn?

Step No. 4 – create a menu

  • Monday:
  • breakfast - oatmeal, tea;
  • snack - fruit;
  • lunch - cabbage soup with a piece of black bread, a portion of baked meat;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, tea with rosehip;
  • dinner – buckwheat and grilled fish, salad.
  • breakfast – omelet, crackers, coffee;
  • snack - berries;
  • lunch – borscht, cutlets;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • dinner - vegetable casserole, turkey.
  • breakfast – oatmeal, coffee (possibly with cream);
  • snack – cottage cheese casserole;
  • lunch – pea soup with crackers, hard-boiled eggs;
  • afternoon snack – a handful of nuts, kefir;
  • dinner - pilaf, salad.
  • breakfast - oatmeal, tea;
  • breakfast – millet porridge, herbal tea;
  • lunch - soup with chicken and noodles, bread;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese soufflé with berries;
  • dinner - beans with meat.
  • morning – scrambled eggs with a slice of ham, coffee;
  • snack - fruit jelly;
  • lunch – borscht, cutlets;
  • lunch - broth with pies;

dinner – turkey with fresh vegetables.

  • Monday:
  • Sunday:
  • lunch - soup of your choice, black bread, broccoli casserole;
  • afternoon snack – curd pudding, coffee;
  • dinner – rice with meatballs, salad.

Now you know what proper nutrition should be for a week. It is important to hold out for this period, then it will become easier for you, since your stomach will decrease in volume and you will get used to the new diet. Based on the example given for a week, you can already imagine what proper nutrition will be like for a month. The main thing is not to include harmful foods in the menu and follow all the above recommendations.

What caloric distribution implies proper nutrition for every day? Breakfast should be 25% of the total food consumed per day, snacks - 10%, lunch - 30%, dinner - 25%.

Step No. 5 - joining secret knowledge

Modern nutritionists not only develop menus, but also share secrets with their patients on how to reduce appetite and not “go astray” - healthy eating. So, what secret knowledge can be useful to you in your quest to maintain health, slimness and beauty?

Eating healthy isn't as difficult as you might think, is it?! As a reward for your patience and consciousness, you will receive excellent health and a perfect body.

What caloric distribution implies proper nutrition for every day? Breakfast should be 25% of the total food consumed per day, snacks - 10%, lunch - 30%, dinner - 25%.

Video consultation with a professional nutritionist: how to eat healthy

Proper nutrition– this is a whole set of rules and recommendations, if followed, you can increase your performance, level up your metabolism, lose excess weight and improve your health.

The main thing in the article

The main aspect of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

By eating right, you take care of your body for years to come, because with a stable menu of “good” foods, your metabolism works like clockwork. Also, proper nutrition is a panacea for almost all diseases:

  • Diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Premature skin aging, dermatological problems (acne, pimples), allergic reactions.

Proper nutrition, in addition to preventing diseases, gives the body a feeling of lightness, you will no longer remember about excess weight, forget about swelling and morning bags under the eyes.

To switch to proper nutrition, you need to prepare your body: giving up light carbohydrates and heavy fats occurs gradually. You should also create a balanced menu, which will contain the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the chemical composition of the diet will meet the needs of your body.

Basic rules of healthy eating

There are 10 rules of healthy eating, which are as follows:

  • A variety of food daily. You can’t eat only apples or meat; your diet should contain products of plant and animal origin. Also in the chemical composition are heavy carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein.
  • Caloric content of the diet. Reduce the calorie content of your diet by excluding animal fats and light carbohydrates from it - white bread, flour products, and it is better to replace sugar with honey.
  • Fractional meals. You have 5 meals a day, the last one 3-4 hours before bedtime. Get into a routine, eat at the same time every day, spending 15–20 minutes.
  • Say "No!" snacks and dry meals. Snacking is the main enemy of a slim figure, and it is better to stock up on a handful of hazelnuts than candy. And once a day you should eat a liquid dish with meat or vegetable broth.
  • Vegetables and fruits. By eating vegetables and fruits with skins, you fill your body with fiber, vitamins and minerals that improve digestion.

  • Water. Maintain a drinking regime by drinking 2.5 liters of free liquid per day.
  • Protein for breakfast and lunch, fish or vegetables for dinner. Protein is perfectly absorbed in the first half of the day, and it’s better to have something light for dinner, not forgetting a bowl of vegetables. A bowl of vegetables is vegetable salads at every meal; carrots, beets and cabbage are especially healthy.
  • Fasting days. One fasting day a week will be enough, but under no circumstances starve. Choose 1 product, for example, kefir, buckwheat porridge or apples, and eat it throughout the day. A fasting day helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Movement. Try to move more, because your diet now contains a lot of protein, and it is the “building blocks” for building muscle mass.
  • Replacement of products and refusal of alcohol. Proper nutrition cannot be combined with alcohol, so we eliminate the latter from the diet forever. And replacing foods will help you replace your favorite sweets or dishes with similar ones, but less high in calories and more healthy.

Healthy eating for weight loss: basic principles and menu

When planning a healthy nutrition menu, you need to write down the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each day.

The diet is compiled based on the body’s daily calorie needs, taking into account the need for weight loss. You can calculate the norm using an online calculator. Typically, we subtract 500 kcal from the recommended 1800 kcal for women, reducing it by a third.

The basic menu looks like this:

Breakfast 7.00–8.30: 1 dish, fruit and tea

  • Porridge cooked in water with the addition of butter, nuts, dried fruits. Porridge is a source of fiber, will energize the body and start the metabolism.
  • Cottage cheese, curdled milk or kefir, which contains animal protein.
  • Tea without sugar and 1 fruit. The fruit will “give” light carbohydrates to the body, and tea will help them assimilate.
  • Second breakfast at 11.00: 1 apple, natural fruit jelly or 200 ml of fermented baked milk.

Lunch at 13.00: first and second course with side dish, juice

It is recommended to cook the first course in vegetable or meat broth. If the second course is fish with vegetables, then the first is vegetarian borscht or bean soup. After lunch, drink a glass of fruit juice made from unsweetened apples and berries.

Afternoon snack between lunch and dinner: in between, you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink, eat a handful of nuts or fruit.

Dinner at 18.00: meat, side dish, unsweetened tea and dessert

A light dish is suitable for dinner - it could be fish with stewed vegetables, tea and dry cookies. Another menu option consists of porridge, a piece of chicken breast and juice.

Healthy eating for children and teenagers

A healthy diet for a child under 16 years of age should consist of 4 meals, and the results of the daily calorie intake are divided according to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast – 25%.
  • Lunch – 40%.
  • Afternoon snack – 10%.
  • Dinner – 25%.

Chemical composition of a healthy diet calculated based on the child's body weight. For 1 kg of weight you need:

  • 2 g of protein, of which 50% plant and 50% animal origin.
  • 15 g carbohydrates.
  • 50 ml of clean liquid. The need for water in children is higher than in adults. Therefore, offer your child teas, compotes, juices and decoctions.
  • Regardless of weight, the menu is enriched with 100 g of fat, of which 30% is animal and the rest is vegetable.

Healthy eating program for every day

Of course, if you are on a strict diet, your fortitude is strengthened, not your health. But if you follow proper nutrition, you need endurance and composure - the regime becomes an important part of your life.

The healthy eating program does not have significant restrictions, but dictates certain conditions, for example, refusal of purchased ready-made food. You should approach proper nutrition gradually, adjusting your menu day by day.

If you suddenly stop eating, you will give your body a signal, and it will begin to actively store fat. There is not enough food, we need to save ourselves! And a gradual rejection of light carbohydrates and flour products will help reconfigure the body in the right way.

Remember that proper nutrition is food without a crispy crust, fried in a lot of oil. Prepare meat, fish, vegetables and dietary desserts by steaming, baking or stewing.

Regardless of your goal - losing weight or restoring health - the basic diet consists of 5 groups of mandatory products:

  1. Vegetables and fruits contain fiber, vitamins and microelements.
  2. Fermented milk drinks and products– protein and unique bacteria.
  3. Meat, eggs and fish– protein and Omega-3.
  4. Porridge– an invaluable source of fiber.
  5. Nuts– an irreplaceable source of fats.

You can cook absolutely anything from this basic set; we bring to your attention several delicious and healthy recipes.

Healthy eating - recipes

Vegetables under a cheese cap in the oven

  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 PC. potatoes.
  • 100 g colored tomatoes.
  • ½ half a large carrot.
  • Low-fat sour cream.
  • 50 g cheese.
  • Butter.

Cut the vegetables into cubes of the same size, then grease the pot or mold with oil and lay the vegetables in layers: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and peppers, and pour sour cream on top, cheese on top of the sour cream. Cover the future dish with 2 layers of foil and place it in the oven at 220C for 40 minutes.

Vegetarian rice with pineapple

  • 250 g boiled rice.
  • 4 pineapple rings.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of corn.
  • 150 g hard cheese.
  • 80 g feta cheese for piquancy.

Grate the cheese, mix 40 g of feta with 80 g of hard cheese. Now take the rice and corn, the remaining cheeses and carefully move them around, adding a little salt. Cover a baking dish with foil and lay out the rice-corn mixture, sprinkle cheeses on top and cover with a “cap” of a whole pineapple circle. Bake in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes.

Meringue crumbs

  • 4 squirrels.
  • 2 tsp. sweetener.
  • Vanilla, lemon zest.

Beat the whites with sugar until an elastic foam forms, at the end add the zest and vanilla. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, spoon out the meringues, and place them in the oven at 110C for 1 hour. After cooking, do not pull out the dessert; let it sit in a warm oven for 20 minutes, otherwise it will fall off.

There are many dietary systems that help you lose weight. After all, dietary nutrition is a purely individual matter, it helps to lose 10 kg, but after finishing the diet they return with friends. If you really decide to take the path of fighting excess weight, then proper nutrition will help you. As you can see, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty!