A green wallet attracts money. Purse color according to zodiac sign Pisces

Even in ancient times, people noticed that material well-being depends not only on the hard work of a person, but also on the conditions in which his money is kept. The ancestors treated banknotes and coins with respect and performed many rituals to ensure that they were kept in the house. Nowadays, the most pressing question is what color wallet to choose to attract money and how to properly handle this accessory.

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    How to choose a wallet?

    First of all, the wallet should be liked and match the image of its owner. There is a belief that you should not buy a purse with butterflies and birds embroidered or embossed on it, because the money will fly away like them and will not stay in the wallet. However, there is no data confirming this sign.

    All esoteric teachings claim that the ability to attract or repel cash has only the color and size of the “house” in which banknotes and coins are stored.

    According to the Feng Shui system

    Experts in the Chinese Feng Shui system help you choose matching wallet, correlating its color with the last digit of the year of birth:

    • "0" and "1" belong to the elements of metals. Preference should be given to white and silver accessories.
    • "2" and "3" are under water control. Those born in such years are recommended to purchase a purse in blue, purple and black.
    • "4" and "5" correspond to wood. All shades of brown and green are suitable.
    • “6” and “7” are numbers of the fire element. People who belong to this category can afford a red wallet in any of its variations.
    • "8" and "9" are earth. She owns a natural range of colors from beige and golden to brown and orange, terracotta, yellow.

    The size of the wallet is important. The larger it is, the more large sums will fall into the money funnel it generates. If it is not possible to use a large wallet, you can energetically increase the existing one. To do this, just attach a keychain to it on a long thread or chain.

    The ideal wallet is 17-19 cm long and about 2 cm wide. Banknotes should fit in it without folds or creases, and a separate compartment should be allocated for storing small items.

    According to zodiac signs

    Astrologers say that the energies of money and their owner interact in different ways. It matters how a person treats bills. If he puts them in his wallet or pocket, carelessly crumpled, the financial flow will move away. Those who neatly fold banknotes and keep their wallet in order are attracted to wealth.

    Different zodiac signs perceive material wealth in their own way, so in order to always have money, you need to choose the right wallet. Wallet color to attract money, which will compensate for negative character traits and enhance positive ones:

    Zodiac sign Characteristic Color and material
    AriesThose born under this constellation are distinguished by their love of work and earn large amounts. However, their penchant for thoughtless spending does not allow them to save money for large purchases.Men can choose red or burgundy wallets, while women can choose between gold, green and deep shades of brown. It is better to choose a product made from genuine leather
    TaurusMaterial well-being is main goal Taurus. They are thrifty, but do not suffer from stinginessBoth strong and weaker sex It is recommended to purchase classic wallets with a minimum of decorative elements. Colors can vary from pastel green to pale yellow
    TwinsRepresentatives of this sign often provide sponsorship, participate in charity projects. They like gamblingThose who have financial problems should choose a gray or orange wallet; and for those who do not have money for a long time, the wallet of the blue or purple. Natural materials are preferred: leather, suede, nubuck
    CancerCancers are overly economical. They deny themselves small joys, saving a significant part of their earnings for the futureA wallet would be ideal unusual shape, with interesting decor; made of shiny lilac, silver or white fabric
    LionThese people do not have a cult of money. Leos easily part with crisp banknotes - they lend money, buy expensive and branded items, and provide assistance to those in need. But they don’t experience a lack of finances either, thanks to their ability to make money out of thin air.The horoscope advises ladies to keep their savings in bright red, scarlet and purple wallets. For men, burgundy, wine, dark red and black are suitable. Various variations of yellow will harmoniously fit into the money aura of both sexes
    VirgoTo the bearers of this astrological sign you have to work a lot and hard for your well-being. They are not greedy, although they spend wiselyTheir wallet should be, first of all, convenient and practical, and only then beautiful. You can choose from blue, blue and green shades
    ScalesThey don't focus on money. Comfort and quality of life are more important to them, and if they are achieved at the expense of another person (parents or marriage partner), Libra will not even think about making moneyThese people should buy roomy and stylish clutch-shaped wallets. Colors: white, beige, apple green and azure. Men can afford an emerald-colored wallet, also in combination with white or gray
    ScorpionThey easily achieve their goals and become rich with little starting capital. They manage their earnings thoughtfully, never make unnecessary purchases, and invest money so that it brings profit.Scorpios are only suitable for expensive and high-quality wallets made of genuine leather, painted in natural tones of yellow-brown. A man's wallet should be dark - chocolate or coffee
    SagittariusSagittarius can rarely boast of wealth, although fate generously gifts them with finances. They are impulsive, spend money under the influence of momentary desires and impressionsLarge purses in blue, purple and dark green shades will be equally favorable for women and men. It is not recommended to have heavy and bright fittings
    CapricornIn everything related to material wealth, people of this sign are careful and vigilant. They are persistent and diligent, they earn their fortune themselves without any helpThey need to choose classic wallet models. It is good if the accessory is made of genuine leather, however, it is not forbidden to purchase a wallet made of synthetic fabric or polyurethane. Colors: black, dark gray, brown, blue
    AquariusThose born under the constellation Aquarius gravitate towards creativity and freedom, so they often face a lack of moneyWallet self made- this is what they need. Folk motifs, geometric and floral patterns, decorative elements made of copper, wood or clay are welcome. Preference should be given to products in turquoise, lilac, and pearl shades. A combination of blue with white or brown is also suitable.
    FishThey do not put money first and are not willing to sacrifice anything to achieve wealth. They care little about the financial crisis or low wages, the main thing is internal harmonyIt’s worth looking for an antique-style wallet. The material should be pleasant to the touch, soft, and have the color of steel, milk or mother-of-pearl. All shades of blue and turquoise are relevant

    Numerology is a science that connects all events in a person’s life with the date of his birth. It is believed that the energy message sent by a man or woman into space directly depends on the vibrations that are generated by numbers. When someone thinks about money or makes transactions with it, his energy resonates with the financial flow (and then wealth increases) or creates dissonance (thus provoking poverty, misery).

    To determine the color of the wallet that will attract money, numerologists have developed the following algorithm:

    1. 1. Take the date of birth (not the month or year).
    2. 2. Determine the major and minor numbers in it.
    3. 3. From higher number take away the smaller one.

    For those born on the 11th or 22nd, you can use any colors and shades.

    For others, the following restrictions apply:

    Money number Color Matching
    "1" Gold, yellow, caramel, orange, beige, copper, sand, café au lait, tannin, brick, umber
    "2" White, rich green, bright mustard, pistachio, apple, meadow grass color
    "3" All shades of purple, hot pink, raspberry, fuchsia
    "4" Muted blue, grey, cornflower blue, Bristol blue, Malibu, cobalt, ash blue
    "5" White, grey, pale yellow, pearl, ivory
    "6" Blue, green, pink, as well as their combinations in any combinations
    "7" Pink, pastel blue, lilac, mint, turquoise, petrol, bright plum, majolica, jeans color
    "8" Black, dark blue and deep green shades
    "9" Red and all its variations

    For more precise definition colors can be combined using the numerological method with recommendations based on the zodiac circle.

A wallet has long become indispensable for a person, being within his biofield for most of the day. The sages of ancient and modern times believe that the energy of money has a certain intelligence and strives for radiations familiar to it. These are different talismans, and certain colors that have a spectrum of colors similar to it. Knowing what color your wallet should be can bring abundance and prosperity into your life.

The wallet itself is a symbol of wealth. The energy of abundance will be extremely uncomfortable in a shabby, dirty cosmetic bag or a cheap oilcloth wallet. The owner, opening it for payment, will experience unpleasant feelings that are incompatible with the warm and abundant energy of wealth. Therefore, it is important to know not only what color attracts money, but also the quality requirements for a symbol of well-being.

Top quality

It’s logical that a wallet shouldn’t be cheap, but it doesn’t have to be incredibly expensive if it doesn’t fit into the family budget. But it’s worth spending a little more than planned to create a beautiful house for the constant residence of monetary energy. There are certain quality standards that must be followed Before you buy the right wallet:

At the same time, there are a number of unacceptable parameters. There is a possibility of losing money or even the source of its income. The wallet should not be:

  • dilapidated, dirty, scratched;
  • round or oval;
  • too small;
  • with a common pocket for change and paper money;
  • wrong color.

The main thing is symbolism

Inside it is necessary to have spacious compartments: separately for small items and several compartments for bills (the latter must be placed unfolded, with the front side facing the owner). It's good if they are sorted in order from small to large, and there is a large zippered pocket at the back for storing high denomination banknotes. This symbolizes that the influx of money is constant and growing, and there is a sufficient reserve in stock.

Banknotes should be taken with the left hand and given with the right. This is an old sign that always works. First of all, you should spend wrinkled or glued paper money if you accidentally find it in your hands. Regular cleaning of your wallet from old checks and notes is mandatory for successful person. You should not store photographs of loved ones there, this makes them less spiritual and down to earth, but small reproductions of icons are very useful, because it will work as a talisman.

The following work great as a symbol that attracts money:

  • three coins tied with red thread;
  • 2 cents given by a rich person;
  • dollar folded into a triangle;
  • mint or clover leaf;
  • runes or hieroglyphs with the meaning of wealth;
  • A large denomination banknote.

Any of the amulets can be placed in a special “window” inside the wallet and this will make it a magnet for attracting money, but the main thing is to decide on the color.

Rainbow of abundance

Having set out to choose the right wallet to attract money, first of all you need to focus on the colors of the element to which the person belongs. You can find out by date of birth.

Multi-colored horoscopes

According to Eastern and Western horoscope, each zodiac sign and year of birth corresponds not only to an animal, but also to a certain element. Nowadays everyone knows their zodiac sign, so making a choice will not be difficult.

If you take eastern horoscope, then there is more consistency in the choice of elements and colors. Sometimes they coincide with the color of the zodiac sign, making it easier to choose the color of the wallet by date of birth, and if not, the colors can be combined or rely on inner feeling what is needed right now. You can easily determine the desired element by looking at the last digit of the year of birth:

  • zero, one - metal (silver, gold, white-gray);
  • two, three - water (blue, blue, black, violet);
  • four, five - wood (all shades of green, coffee);
  • six, seven - fire (pink, bright scarlet, orange, purple);
  • eight, nine - earth (yellow, dark brown, red, sand).

The colors of water are dangerous for everyone except those born under its protection. The rest, using a purple or black wallet, will spend more than expected and will be left without funds.

If a person combines the opposite forces of nature, for example, Aquarius (air), born in the year of fire, you can combine the main colors and purchase a white-orange or gray-red wallet. The only exceptions are combinations of shades of elements that destroy each other. Combinations to be avoided:

  • water with fire;
  • wood with metal;
  • land with water;
  • metal with fire;
  • tree with earth.

Traditional shades of wealth

Not everyone believes in horoscopes, because the science of Feng Shui is much more ancient, and its methods of controlling the creative power of the Universe are time-tested. The Chinese art of attracting money highlights certain colors that can attract wealth with their own vibrations, consonant with qi energy:

The Emperor's Secret

Color will work faster when combined with the required form. According to Feng Shui, a rectangle symbolizes wealth, which is why both banknotes and wallets traditionally correspond to it. Square, the sign of metal, is also favorable. But the masters in ancient China knew the secret meanings of not only colors, but also sizes that attract good luck. Emperors used items measured with a special prosperity ruler. Nowadays, imperial sizes regularly perform their function and it will be useful to know which ones contribute to enrichment.

  • A wallet of any color will become an instant magnet for money in sizes from 17.5 to 19 cm. Feng Shui masters use just these, even if they have to make them to order.
  • A money house measuring from 11 to 16 cm will attract deceivers and thieves. The money won't stay here for long.
  • A length of 19-20 cm means a successful and kind son, and a wallet of this size is ideal as a gift for the heir.
  • Size 20−21.5 cm brings general monetary luck.

It is considered a good sign to buy a new wallet a little larger than the previous one, clean it with salt and ask it to work as a magnet for money and a repository of personal success. It is worth buying it if the previous one does not make a profit or has fallen into disrepair. A well-chosen wallet needs to be cared for and cherished, cleaned regularly and put in salt once every few months to remove negativity.

If it is no longer possible to use it, then you need to throw it away without regrets, but with gratitude, on the growing moon, but not in evening time. You shouldn’t take risks and buy a wallet of a different color if it’s obvious that red or green regularly brings good luck.

It is favorable to purchase a wallet on the first days of the New Year. On a new moon, you can charge it to attract finance by filling it with silver coins and placing it on the windowsill so that the light of the Moon falls on them. You can pray and ask Higher powers help in financial difficulties or read a spell, and then leave the wallet there all night.

You cannot give an empty wallet as a gift; this blocks access to the energy of money for both the giver and the one who receives. If they gave it as a gift, then you can correct the situation with gold coins or very large bill, which should be put inside for a week, and the wallet itself should be hidden from prying eyes.

The main thing is that the house for money should energetically match the owner, please him and inspire him to replenish with new banknotes. Taking it in your hands, you need to feel the flow of power and a positive response. Only then will he become a good helper and keeper of an endless financial flow.

The wallet should be special, because financial success largely depends on it. Nobody wants to lose money, so many turn to bioenergy and numerology for help.

Numerology will help you find out how your date of birth is associated with a favorable color for your wallet. The fact is that financial fortune depends not only on active actions, but also on the situation, on the correct “weapons”. Your thoughts, your appearance and, of course, the appearance of your wallet are very important things.

General information

Feng Shui experts say that the wallet should be red. There is undoubtedly some truth in this, but if we take into account all the research in this area, then the best way to attract good will be a wallet of your special lucky color, which will contain a red ribbon. This way you will kill two birds with one stone.

Round wallets should be avoided. Let it be square or rectangular. A standard form works best to help the owner prevent financial problems. Your wallet should never run out of money. There must always be at least one coin and one bill left. The denomination does not matter at all. You should have a small talisman that will always be in your wallet. Do not put photographs, maps, or business cards there. To do this you need to use other devices. A wallet is a place only for money. At the same time, it should always look fresh. If abrasions or, worse, holes begin to appear, then you need to change it as soon as possible.

Numerology and color choice

Based on your date of birth, you can determine which color of wallet will bring you good luck. You need to calculate your personal number. For example, you were born on November 17, 1998. Add all the numbers until you get a number from 1 to 9. 1+7+1+1+1+9+9+8=37. 3+7=10. 1+0=1. Unit in this case will be the number of fate.

Numerologists and bioenergy specialists identify only three main colors for a wallet: red, blue, black.

Purse red color. Red color should be chosen by those who have destiny numbers 3, 5, 7 . You need red because that's your character. You seek inspiration from ambition and need a constant supply of energy. In this regard, red, of course, will be ideal. The energy of this color will go well with your aspirations and wishes, dreams and thoughts. According to numerology, your destiny numbers are the most greedy for inspiration.

Wallet black color. This is the color of wisdom, not strength and pressure, like red. People with numbers need a black wallet 1, 2 and 8. People like you make the best use of their life experiences. You are adherents of common sense, not intuition. Black color perfectly helps to set yourself in the right mood, to get rid of everything unnecessary. This does not mean that you do not use your sixth sense - it just does not occupy the first place in your consciousness. Your character is strong, your resilience is high. The black wallet will be in complete harmony with your inner world, you will become one.

Blue. Blue can be replaced with purple, but not with cyan. Blue color awakens the sixth sense in a person. Your strength is random luck and hunches. Blue color is ideal for activating almost everyone internal resources if you were born under the auspices of numbers 4, 6 and 9. You have a very developed spiritual component. You are able to find a way out of the most difficult situations, and such a wallet will give you even more confidence.

There should be only one wallet, so don’t be lazy to look for a color that would be ideal for you in terms of bioenergy. You shouldn’t go with a different wallet every time. This is a very important accessory that is tied to your biofield.

Luck will be with you no matter what if you allow your thoughts to materialize freely. Don't be afraid to dream, because this is your real chance for success in the financial sector, as in any other. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.10.2017 03:44

Financial situation largely determines our mood and attitude, because when we are constantly haunted by problems...

A wallet is a generator of monetary energy. To get rid of financial difficulties, you need to choose the right wallet, and first of all pay special attention its color.

Appearance and the condition of the wallet affect its energy, and it depends on whether your wallet will attract money or, conversely, scare it away financial luck. If you are thinking about replacing your wallet, experts at daillyhoro.ru recommend that you find out what color attracts finances. With the right wallet, you can get rid of financial problems once and for all.

What color of wallet attracts money?

Black. Many people believe that black color attracts negativity, but this is a wrong point of view. A wallet of this color will become your main assistant in getting rid of financial difficulties. Since ancient times, the color black was considered a symbol of fertility. It can not only attract money, but also increase existing income.

Red. This color has the strongest energy, which can attract not only money, but also good luck into your life. In addition, the wallet is bright red or fiery color gives its owner confidence. It is worth considering that red is the color of luxury. Therefore, if you want to buy a red wallet and use it to increase your income, then you should not save on your purchase.

White. This color symbolizes comfort, so money in a white wallet will linger for a long time. However, this accessory has a small disadvantage. Due to the fact that a white wallet can quickly get dirty, you need to constantly monitor its cleanliness. A dirty and unkempt wallet will repel financial success.

Silver, gold. Shades noble metals themselves are symbols of wealth, which is why with a wallet of one of these colors, you can get rid of material difficulties very quickly. To enhance the energy of a silver wallet, put a silver coin in it, and a gold coin in it. Do not under any circumstances spend these coins even if necessary, otherwise the energy in your wallet will become weaker.

Green wallet. The main magnet for monetary luck is considered to be green. Its harmonious energy enhances cash flows and does not allow money to leave your wallet forever. You can strengthen the biofield of such a wallet using paper dollar, but the bill should be kept separate from other money you might spend.

Which wallet attracts money

In order for a wallet to become a real magnet for money, it is necessary to take into account other nuances when choosing and using an accessory.

You should not buy a cheap wallet made of low-quality material. Firstly, such a wallet will not last long. Secondly, the place where you are going to store money should be of the highest quality, otherwise the finances will not stay there for long. An expensive wallet will allow you to attract money much faster.

If you want to save money to make your dream come true, put a photo of the desired item in your wallet. The energy in your wallet will help make your dreams come true.

Since ancient times, aromatic oils have been used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to attract money. A few drops will boost the energy in your wallet. You can find out which essential oils attract wealth by clicking on the link.

If your wallet is damaged, you should not continue to use it. Any defects destroy the energy of the item, which means that your wallet is more likely to scare away monetary luck.

Any effort should be rewarded, and the best reward for hard work- This is a salary increase. But sometimes management refuses to encourage the employee’s efforts, and in this case, you can turn to proven conspiracies for help. We wish you wealth and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2018 08:25

Do you dream of being rich? This is right. Everyone needs money. However, many choose the difficult path to wealth...

The type of your wallet is very important to attract money. A Feng Shui wallet must have a certain shape, size and color. We will tell you in detail how to choose the right wallet according to Feng Shui in this article.

Choosing a form

There are many different types of wallets, but the correct Feng Shui wallet should have a classic rectangular shape. Paper money should fit in it unfolded, without folding or creasing. Such a wallet symbolizes stability, stability, prosperity and material abundance.

Choosing a size

As already mentioned, according to Feng Shui, the size of a wallet should allow the entire paper bill to fit. In addition, we need to remember the so-called “imperial” sizes, favorable for attracting various benefits, including financial ones.

According to Feng Shui, wallet sizes starting from 17 cm 55 mm are considered successful. Length up to 18 cm 55 mm – good option for those who need new sources of income. Length from 20 cm 25 mm to 21 cm 5 mm – attracts good luck in the financial sector. Length from 22 cm 95 mm to 24 cm 3 mm is a help for receiving cash prizes in various drawings and lotteries.

Choosing a color

According to Feng Shui, a money wallet should have a color that matches the element of its owner.

The colors and shades of the Earth elements are universal - they attract money and prosperity for everyone.

How relevant is a black wallet to Feng Shui? Deep black color characterizes the Earth, and black with blue would not be the best option.

Determining the element

It is better to determine your personal element according to Feng Shui using special tables. In addition, anyone born after February 20 can pay attention to the last digit of the year of birth. People born before February 20th need to look at the last digit of the year of the previous year of birth. The numbers 0 and 1 indicate that their owner belongs to the element of Metal; 2 and 3 – characterize the element of Water; 4 and 5 are numbers of the Wood element; 6 and 7 – belong to the elements of Fire; 8 and 9 – personify the element of Earth.


It is better for everyone who belongs to this element to choose metallic colors (silver, gold, copper, etc.) This also includes white ivory, muted yellow, gray and black. A special case is the color black. These shades attract money for representatives of the metal element.


This element is characterized by blue-blue, blue-green and blue-lilac color schemes. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to buy a blue wallet in order to cash flow did not leak “through your fingers”. However, great value has a green color, it is favorable for the financial sector, try to choose a wallet in a blue-green color scheme.


The main colors of this element are brown and green. This also includes peach, white, soft pink and purple. According to Feng Shui, a brown wallet is one of the most suitable options because given color also belongs to the element of Earth. Additionally, bright green, peach, and pink are good choices.


The color scheme of this element includes all shades of red and orange. Each of them is perfect for a wallet - it charges financial sector active fiery energy. A red or orange wallet attracts attention. In this regard, additional decor on it will be unnecessary. For those who do not like to attract attention, we can recommend a light coral shade, burgundy or muted red.


This element includes brown and yellow colors, as well as beige, golden, green, apricot, black. According to Feng Shui, a brown or yellow wallet is considered best choice for the people of this element. In addition, you can purchase a wallet with a natural pattern or animal print. Another suitable option would be a product made of corrugated leather (crocodile, python, etc.).


When choosing a new wallet according to Feng Shui, do not forget to buy a money talisman for it. This will immediately turn on monetary energy and help smooth out the influence of parameters (color, size, shape) that are chosen incorrectly.

Which talisman is the most powerful? IN this issue rely on your own intuition - buy the one that inspires the most confidence and creates a feeling of joy.

The most common talismans are considered to be a trio of Chinese coins and a small mirror (the sides of which have imperial size according to Feng Shui) - they are designed to triple or double your income. To keep money, mint leaves, horseradish root, and a cinnamon stick are also placed in the wallet.

The coin you earned for the first time has a symbolic meaning of profit. In addition, you can put a dollar bill in your purse as a talisman - it is believed that it fully meets the requirements of Feng Shui.

  • Choosing a wallet according to Feng Shui is sometimes complicated by practical considerations. For example, for little ones women's handbags I need miniature wallets. In such cases, choose the right color of your wallet - brown, yellow, red, orange, and in addition, be sure to put a money talisman in it.
  • Never delay buying a new wallet. If the old one is torn or has lost its former beauty, this means that the financial flow needs to be activated. Try to buy something even more expensive and better than it was - this way you will create conditions for stable income growth.
  • The quality of the wallet is a priority (this concerns materials, decor, painting, seams, etc.). Traditionally, one of the indicators of quality is genuine leather, but today there are a lot of alternative materials whose characteristics are no worse. According to Feng Shui, a wallet must be of high quality.
  • There should be exemplary order inside the wallet. To do this, it must be equipped with the required number of compartments and pockets. You should not store anything extraneous in it - only money and a money talisman. Try to throw away receipts and shopping lists on time, and find another place for photographs and business cards.
  • There is one more selection criterion, and it is no less important than all the others. Whatever the purse is: purple, beige or gray, rectangular or round, large or small, the main thing is that you like it in appearance and touch, fit comfortably in your hands and inspire the brightest hopes.