Why do you dream about paper dollars? Interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream interpreter

Why do you dream about dollars?

According to the spring dream book

If you dreamed of dollars, then you are just a dreamy person, but your dreams are not yet feasible.

According to the summer dream book:

Seeing dollars in a dream that you are trying to exchange for another currency means losing your financial savings. It is worth protecting yourself from unnecessary expenses.

According to the autumn dream book

A dreamer who sees a lot of dollars may end up in debt.

Dream Interpretation by Y. Longo

One dollar or several, it doesn’t matter how many banknotes you dream about, it can only mean your desire to get rich quickly without putting in any effort. You don’t think at all about what could become a source of wealth, because you are in dreams. But they are not feasible if we continue to do nothing. Nobody will make you rich.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev:

In this dream book, dollars can supposedly mean your own self-interest. You may even be ready to sell your own love.

Eastern dream book:

A dollar in dreams should be interpreted as a symbol of future problems. If you hold money in your hands and realize when recalculating that there is a shortage, then you should be prepared for big expenses. When the dreamer considers banknotes, then this only means that the fate of every person, and in particular financial situation, in the hands of everyone. If in a dream you are lucky enough to find dollars, then in real life it's worth waiting for change. Trouble and failure will be replaced by success. Holding fake dollars in a dream means it is actually difficult to deceive you, you are very perceptive, but caution never hurts.

Newest dream book

The dollar may dream of diseases internal organs. You need to listen to your condition. According to modern times, a dream about a dollar can indicate a quick profit, a likely receipt of a large inheritance. Buying dollars or receiving wages in this currency means the realization of personal plans. A monetary loss in a dream can be interpreted as your lack of understanding by society. It will be difficult for you to talk with others, but this will not last long. Very soon you will succeed and the people you are interested in will be able to contact you. When you see a dollar in your dreams, you should think carefully about whether it is worth starting a new business in real life? Since most often it symbolizes difficulties and failures that may be difficult to survive. Finding a dollar in your dreams means receiving a gift in reality.

A dream that predicts various changes in the value system or in the material environment of a person. If ordinary paper money, with which you can buy a lot of things, is easy to interpret, then if you dreamed of any dollars, expect success.

However, you won’t be able to use it right now, as there will be various obstacles and troubles. To understand what it means to see dollars in a dream, pay attention to the place where you saw them, as well as what you did with them.

It also matters whether they are real or not and what exactly happened next. This is what dollars mean most often in dreams to different people and in different circumstances.

American currency

In a dream, paper money does not always mean gains or losses in the material sphere. They can also be dreamed of as a sign of values, self-esteem and the moral value of a particular issue, event or person.

If rubles can show a person’s inner circle, what is valuable to him in own country, then the dream book interprets any dollars differently.

Seeing them in the era of the 90s, when the Iron Curtain collapsed in Russia, means Western values, advantage and success. Most likely, you will be much ahead of your acquaintances and friends in some ways.

Why do you dream of swimming in them, receiving large quantities of them, or wasting so much money? The dream book writes that seeing such pictures in a dream means ruin and that you overestimate your strength. It is possible that success will be less than you previously thought, and real money in life will slip through your fingers.

In a dream, perform various circus tricks with money in a crowd or see how they appear in the air on their own and collect what does it mean in a dream? If the banknotes are real, then such a dream means creative values ​​and the fact that others appreciate you.

Sometimes a dream with such a plot predicts troubles for you, as well as envy and resentment.

Why do you dream of dollars that someone throws away and you pick up? This dream predicts unexpected joy for you, imitation of someone very successful and significant, as well as favorable circumstances in life.

Also modern books they say that someone will simply have a magical influence on you, thanks to their own wealth and wealth.

It is for this reason, as they write modern dream books, you will spend a lot of money on creating the desired image. Therefore, there is no need to strongly imitate even very strong and significant people, since you can lose your own face and yourself.

Why does a girl dream of jumping, as in American films, into a bathtub with dollars, and also into a swimming pool? Such a dream predicts strong disappointment and many troubles for her.

Also, modern books advise not to have your head in the clouds and try to evaluate your own capabilities realistically, as they are.

Therefore, a bathtub with dollars often predicts severe disappointments, especially if they disappear or turn out to be ordinary pieces of paper from a carnival that have nothing in common with real bills.

Dreaming of a dollar suggests that in the near future you will receive a large inheritance. If in a dream you earned or bought dollars, you will not be able to implement your plans. If you see a dollar in a dream, think carefully before you take on any business - you will not have enough strength to see it through to the end, and you will have a hard time experiencing your failure. Losing dollars in a dream means that in reality you will be very upset because you cannot find common language with others. But you will not be upset about this for long and will soon be able to find mutual understanding with the people you are interested in. If you find a dollar in a dream, you will soon receive a valuable gift.

Dream Interpretation Longo Dollar

Large quantity dollars seen in a dream symbolizes your desire to get rich. At the same time, you want to become filthy rich so that you can throw green pieces of paper left and right without thinking at all about their source. It is unlikely that your dream will be realized, since you are not taking any action to somehow get rich. Sit and obediently wait until someone comes and makes you rich. But you can wait forever for weather by the sea, remember this.

Your personal dream book Dollar

seeing dollars in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If, after counting dollars in a dream, you notice that some amount is missing, it means that you are in for a waste that you were not prepared for. If in a dream you carefully examine a bill, then in reality your wealth will depend only on you and your work. Finding dollars in a dream means success, which will begin after a streak of bad luck and failures. A dream in which you see in your hands not a real dollar, but a fake one, indicates that you are an insightful person and a subtle psychologist, so it is quite difficult to deceive you.

Dreams very often are not empty, but turn out to be prophetic. If a person dreams of dollars, this is a good sign, since such a vision foreshadows changes in life, a sudden improvement in financial well-being, or even a change in place of residence.

What if you dream about dollars?

Most modern dream interpretation specialists believe that seeing dollars in a dream is a good sign, unless, of course, a person loses them in his vision.

Dollars are, first of all, money. Finding them in a dream or counting even bills means suddenly getting rich in reality and improving your financial well-being. Perhaps the person will be offered another job, promoted, or simply given a higher salary.

Dollars are also the currency of another country. That is why dreams in which a person dreams of such banknotes often foreshadow trips to other countries. If a person sees a lot of dollars in a dream, perhaps he will be offered a job abroad or he will very soon leave for another country for permanent place residence.

Receiving dollars from someone in a dream means in reality taking advantage of friendly help from one of your close friends or relatives.

Losing a wad of dollars in a dream is a bad sign. In this case, the sleeper will face serious disappointments, financial collapse or even ruin.

When in a dream a person lent money to the sleeping person, you need to remember in what mood he did it. If he smiled or even laughed loudly, perhaps his intentions were not the most selfless. In this case, it is worth considering whether you need to accept help from him.

If a person has to lend money to someone in his visions, in reality, most likely, someone will be in great need of his help. In this case, it is also important to remember in what mood the sleeper gave his friend money. If this was done with a calm soul, most likely in real life he will help someone who really needs it. If in a dream you gave away dollars with a heavy heart, in reality you should not lend money to your acquaintances. Most likely, this will not end well. Problems may arise with debt repayment.

If a person sees wrinkled, dirty dollar bills in a dream, this is a bad sign. Such a vision foreshadows losses and financial collapse, disappointment in your soulmate. A dream in which a person sees torn dollars is considered especially unfavorable.

Dreams in which people see counterfeit dollar bills do not bode well. It is quite possible that in reality they will have to face lies and deception.

What does it portend?

Stealing dollars in a dream means having problems with justice in reality. Perhaps a person wants easy money and commits an illegal act, but very soon he will be caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

If in a dream a person counts dollars and at the same time discovers a shortage of them, unintentional expenses await him in reality. Some interpreters consider such a vision a sign. Perhaps a person should limit his spending.

If a young girl dreams that a man gives her dollars, it is quite possible that she will have a rich groom. He may be a citizen of another state or work for an international company.

If a person dreams that he keeps his dollars in a safe or box, in reality he will save a lot. Perhaps this saving will seem like ordinary greed to some. But don't pay attention to public opinion. You need to follow your own principles, but, nevertheless, know when to stop in everything.

Seeing dollars in a dream is a good sign. It is believed that such a dream leads to an improvement in financial situation. The vision may also portend a trip to distant countries or a change of residence. Losing dollars in a dream means losses, despondency, and the collapse of all hopes.

Money plays an important role in the life of any person. Dreams in which a person sees money are important. The direction of a dream can be completely different, depending on what kind of action with money takes place in it. A person receives either a warning, or news, or information for thought, or a signal to action. Why do you dream about dollars? Let's take a closer look.

Types of dollars in a dream

As you know, there are two types of money: paper bills, gold or silver coins. Sometimes you dream about one type of currency, sometimes you dream about it mixed with others. Each case speaks about its meaning:

  • If you dream of banknotes, then most interpretations agree that this is a sign of bright changes in life. It is not a fact that they will be related to finance. Some dream books say that green bills come to ruin in a dream. All interpretations agree on one thing - what more money in a dream, the larger the scale of what is happening.
  • It also happens that dollars are dreamed of together with other currencies. Here, most likely, we are talking about an important choice that will greatly affect your entire life. In this case, a person is advised to carefully review all the nuances of his situation and properly calculate possible outcomes of your decision.
  • Coins in a dream can be seen in silver and gold. The first ones will talk about the self-interest of the person who dreamed about them. If you dream of them together with a person, then this means that self-interest is tied to him. The latter means that in the near future a person will consciously commit an unseemly act.

When you dream of all the money at once: different currencies, bills and coins at the same time (as in a pirate chest), this means confusion. Here you can read the dream by other components: the action taking place (received, given, lost, exchanged, etc.), other people involved in it, and by the feelings of the person himself in the dream.

What dream books say

Different sources interpret the same dreams differently. For example, in one dream book, paper dollars mean wealth, in another, they mean debts. If you dreamed of a bundle of dollars, some interpreters will say that this means a significant quick profit, others - a tempting and risky offer that needs to be treated with caution.

Let's consider the main interpretations of why paper dollars (a lot) are dreamed of:

  • a lot of dollars in your hands means getting into debt (“Big Dream Book”);
  • seeing yourself exchanging currency means irreparable costs (“Dream Book of Dream Interpretation”);
  • many agree that if you dreamed of dollars, and a lot of them, then this signifies a person’s desire to get rich. According to Longo’s dream book, such a dream symbolizes a passion for wealth without the opportunity to bring it to life. To get closer to your dream, you need to start doing something to achieve it, and you won’t go far with fantasies alone;
  • the famous “Miller's Dream Book” gives a detailed explanation of different variations of dreams with money: paying dollars - luck will turn away from you; losing money means future troubles; receiving money - a bright future; counting your dividends is a fear of losses and the desire to control everything. If you see that you are stealing money in a dream, this means that you are in an unsafe situation and you need to be more attentive to what is happening. Counting a million dollars means having your fortune and happiness for the foreseeable future. Whereas coins dream of minor frustrations and dissatisfaction at work. Getting money on credit means new worries and a false sense of well-being. If you counterfeit money in a dream, this is a very bad sign. Usually speaks of the danger that awaits a person and the need to act;
  • The Psychological Dream Book says the following: if you find dollars, then this is a great joy. Lost dollars - to problems in life. Paying dollars is a fiasco. If your dollars are stolen, danger is coming, and saving money in a dream means wealth in reality. Swallowing dollars - to the development of selfish interests; and if they ask you to borrow money - to new difficulties in life;
  • Vanga also spoke about dreams with money. For example, she considered finding money a sign of great failure. And she warned not to take them for anything, because it is in this way that evil passes from bad people to the good ones. But if you are given money in a dream, then this is a sign of support and love from other people. Torn money is a bad sign, and counting dollars is a sign of pettiness and the need to reconsider your attitude towards money in general;
  • Freud's Dream Book talks about money in relation to a person's ego and potency. Big money in a dream, for example, signals a person’s desire to subjugate others to his will, raising the ego to the absolute. Monetary gain is the willingness to get what you want by any means necessary. Monetary losses - loss of meaning, doubts about goals and their importance;
  • Mr. Loff had an interesting theory about money in dreams. He believed that dreams about banknotes implied control, power and strength. And therefore he paid close attention to all participants in the dream with money. And how, with what feeling, money exchange occurs;
  • “A self-instruction manual for dream interpretation” suggests considering money only in the context of the details of a dream. In each specific case, dollars carry their own meaning: masculinity, strength, knowledge, power. When receiving something, a person spends his energy, and sometimes even his health. Therefore, when a person loses money in a dream, symbolically it means a loss of values, such as power, strength, position. Acquiring money means promotion, wealth and increased power.

It makes sense to pay attention to the strength of a person’s feelings, which manifests itself in each specific dream. It is as important as what happens in it.

The emotional component of the dream

It is important what feelings you experience in a dream. For example, accepting dollars with a feeling of weakness and powerlessness means a sacrificial position, an attempt to get rid of a difficult decision, which will lead to the formation of new difficulties. If you find dollars in a dream, but do not feel surprised or happy, this signals that life has become an uninteresting routine for you and it’s time to change something.

If in a dream you are in debt, but you can’t give them away, this is a symbol of an uncertain future and vague beginnings. For everything to end well, you need to conduct business honestly and be extremely involved in the process. When you receive money in a dream with a feeling of calm and gratitude, it means support in hard times. And when you give a lot of money without feeling loss or sadness, it is a positive action that will pay you back handsomely.

Reflection of a man

When reading a dream you should pay attention to what is a priority in life for the dreamer. If this is a material and down-to-earth person, then the sign of money in a dream should be associated with the material world. If a person lives and thinks in spiritual riches, then everything seen in a dream should be attributed precisely to these values, and not to money in the literal sense of the word.

For example, for a material person to see donated money in a dream means profit in real life. And for a spiritual person, money donated in a dream means the support of people around him, a blessing and the addition of spiritual values.

Almost all dream books unanimously interpret saving money in a dream good sign and promise prosperity and well-being to the dreamer in the future. Not last place The currency nomenclature plays a role in the interpretation of dreams with money: large bills dreams of profits, small change - of tears.

Summary reading of all dream symbols about money will give the most complete and comprehensive idea of ​​the signs that it carries with it. When reading dreams, it is better to turn to experienced people or several sources of knowledge at once, so that the decoding is objective and accurate, and its conclusions help the person and not hinder him.

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