I dreamed that I was participating in a robbery. How to interpret a robbery in a dream according to leading dream books

What kind of nightmares does our imagination scare us in our sleep? For example, why do you dream about robbery? Such an event in reality can lead to a semi-fainting state, a trance. But no less emotions can be experienced with such a criminal incident in a dream. It is the feelings experienced by the sleeper that will become the starting point in the interpretations proposed by dream books for this vision.

Most of the predictions regarding why a robbery is dreamed of are unlikely to please the sleeper, but there are some pleasant exceptions.

For any sleepy message you need to thank higher powers, because, in this way, they are trying to reason with us, send a certain signal, warn. So in cases of dreamed robbery attacks, we must look for secret meaning. Often this is a warning about upcoming troubles in reality. But if you remember: where it happened, who was in the role of the criminal, then you can real life predict, avoid many mistakes and dangers. And find out: where to expect trouble?

Versions from various sources

You lack independence, so sometimes you dance to someone else’s tune, which has a detrimental effect on your interests and business; this is what dreams of robbery mean, according to Hasse. In the dream book under his authorship it is mentioned that often the dreamer willingly gives up his positions, not wanting to take responsibility.

Sometimes, having witnessed a robbery in a dream, you can count on global changes in fate, Miller’s dream book explains. Moreover, the changes will clearly be to your benefit. But under one important condition. And it is like this: similar dream must appear at the most critical moment, when it seems that things can’t get any worse, so fatally unlucky. But already upon awakening you will feel the first positive changes. And most importantly, now there is no need to fear revenge and other attacks from a strong enemy with full power.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a robbery in a dream is the threshold of the separation of spouses and lovers. And the reason for the collapse of relationships is not that people “didn’t get along.” It’s just that the dreamer (dreamer) had a rival (rival) who took her husband away from the family.

It is interestingly interpreted in Longo’s dream book: why do you dream about a robbery on the street? When a robber behaves quietly, trying to remain unnoticed, the sleeper can actually hope for a promotion and business expansion. But swooping down like a kite in a dream is a sign of inevitable financial losses.

Did you fight off the raiders?

In a night dream, you were attacked by villains who intended to rob, but did you manage to fight them off? The dream book promises bright prospects. So, in reality, you will be able to avoid any adversity thanks to your resourcefulness, enterprise and ability to find common language with people. Remember, these are your trump cards for all time!

The goal of the attackers

A young lady or girl should be pleased with the prediction as to why a robbery is dreamed of. For the dreamer, the vision promises enormous success with members of the opposite sex. In reality, there will simply be no end to the fans. And most importantly, one of the gentlemen will turn out to be the most worthy, wealthy, serious, and a little later will become the groom and husband of the sleeping beauty, the dream book prophesies.

The entrepreneur will also be curious to know what the robbery meant. Moreover, if in his nightly fantasy he was the leader of gangsters. This plot predicts business expansion, mainly due to new foreign partners and markets.

If you are sleeping and see that raiders are robbing a store full of goods. Don't be nervous when you wake up. This picture prophesies in reality an increase in material well-being.

Robbery, robbery - an attack with the aim of taking possession of the property of a potential victim, theft of funds using crude and primitive violent methods. Robbery in a dream means some internal conflict, which, quite possibly, continues in reality.

Scenes with violence, chases, beatings, and robberies in dreams are the most common. Yet, under the veneer of civilization, politeness and good manners, humanity at its core remains an aggressive and evil savage tribe. And that's great. The ability to violence, to achieve goals through overcoming, provides the very progress that takes us into space, forces us to build, invent, master and conquer nature. Not a single humanistic idea has a creative beginning.

If you dream that you are being robbed, this is a reason to strengthen security measures, think through your defense, and take a closer look at the people who were involved in the robbery in your dream. If you are the one robbing, it is quite possible that you are really ready to take the most extreme measures. Think about what you really want to get, and whether it is possible to get what you need with minimal risk, without direct exposure.

Mostly, dreams of robbery mean money. Beggars are not afraid of robbery. Seeing a warning in a dream, you will be able to prepare for aggressive actions and prevent theft.

  • If you dream that someone is robbing you in your home, rummaging through tables, safes and drawers in your absence, looking for jewelry, documents, designs, manuscripts - someone in reality is hunting for your designs, property and what you value it more than anything. Robbery of a home is a sign of self-doubt and vulnerability. Consider your security policy. It may be a good idea to separate the location of any public meetings from your place of residence.
  • In some cases, robbery is not associated with material assets. For example, someone has his eye on your wife, for whom you buy diamonds, has pity on her tender heart and dreams of improving his own at her expense. financial well-being. Perhaps she herself will ask for a nice and hard-working guy. In this case, you may well see in a dream how a nice guy is rummaging through your pockets. Pay attention to such moments.
  • If you dream that a robbery scenario is happening at work, they are trying to trick you and steal your achievements and successes. Perhaps the robber does not belong to your company, but to your competitors.
  • Rob a bank in a dream. Perhaps you have watched Westerns and become infected with the romance of the Wild West. Enter gracefully, shoot at the ceiling - This is a robbery! Everyone lie down! Darling, please put the money in this bag - a tempting get-rich-quick scenario. You are a romantic. It's a pity that in modern world Such scenarios don't work. But in your sleep you can enjoy it. This is a dream about a dream and light childishness. In reality, guys with big guns rarely lived past 25. A dream about a bank robbery can mean lucrative business offers.
  • A store robbery is a wonderful dream, especially if there is good choice goods and cash register. In reality, this means entering new markets and advising you to adhere to an aggressive marketing policy.

Strange robberies in dreams

Since a robbery is a sign of confusion, uncertainty, and doubt, dreams often appear with an absurd mixture of plots, when robbers make threats, steal a car, try to come to an agreement “on good terms,” demonstratively damage and break property, and behave illogically and inconsistently.

Such dreams generally show a complex attitude towards oneself, disregard for material values and at the same time a lack of funds, internal struggle. You need to calm down, buy yourself some ice cream, relax, go to the movies. If your sleep continues to bother you, go to a psychologist and sort it out together with a professional. Help from a professional is always a great time saver. Almost everything can be done on your own, but it will take longer and worse.

Interpretations of robbery according to authoritative sources

  • Miller's dream book claims that a robbery in a dream means your own helplessness and insolvency, your readiness to act on the advice of others, and to listen too much to outside recommendations.
  • Hasse's dream book believes that a robbery in a dream will allow you to avoid the wrath of the big boss in reality. Keep your nose to the wind and the storm will pass by. Don't talk about premonitions and prophetic dreams - everyone will run away and you will be left alone with an angry boss.
  • Longo's dream book pays attention to street robberies. If you are interested in a professional whose approach you didn’t even notice, this promises good career prospects. If you are the robber, be extremely careful in reality and, of course, refuse illegal measures. Finally, go to training on “how to manage people” and practice regularly on your own boss.


Robbery is a common dream plot, characteristic of complex, turning points life. Perhaps your worldview needs to change. Some people will lose your trust, you will make new friends and, quite possibly, make enemies.

The best enemies are made from former friends who suddenly lose access to free benefits. Hold your tongue, don't talk too much.

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Why do you dream about robbery?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Robbery – Get rid of evil attacks

Why do you dream about robbery?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you are robbed on the street portends unpleasant worries about your health.

If you were robbed on the way (on the train) - in real life this could result in an accident; in particular, you should be extremely careful when active activities sports.

Why do you dream about robbery?

Everyday dream book

Seeing a robbery in a dream means that you will soon have to face big troubles. You will be put in a position from which it will be difficult to get out without damaging your reputation or your financial situation.

What does a robbery mean in a dream - If you dreamed of a robbery of your home, then expect a cooling of relations with your partner in the near future: quarrels and scandals can even lead to divorce. Relationships with children will also be complicated - you will feel disrespected towards you and at the same time you will not be able to do anything.

If you had a dream in which you yourself are participating in a robbery, then in reality you will deliberately or accidentally put another person in a difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you were caught during a robbery and will now be judged, then it’s time to think about what methods you use to achieve success. Think about the fact that the result is not always worth the means you use to achieve it.

What does a robbery mean in a dream - It’s also worth thinking about the fact that all evil usually returns to the one who created it, and if you have ever set someone up in your life, then in the near future you will face retribution. But at the same time, the dream only warns of impending punishment, and if you have time to correct your mistakes, then troubles may pass you by.

Why do you dream about robbery?

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

If you saw in a dream that you were robbed, then this predicts you a happy deliverance from torment or the end of unpleasant affairs.

See also: why do you dream about robbery, why do you dream about robbers, why do you dream about theft.

Why do you dream about robbery?

Astrological dream book

If you dreamed of a robbery, then you need to pay taxes.

Why do you dream about robbery?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, robbery warns against excessive gullibility, special attention Look to those closest to you, they are preparing to deal you a crushing blow.

Bandits attacked you on the streets of the city - your well-being will make you very worried.

If you become a victim of robbers on public transport - be careful, there is a high risk of sports injuries.

If in a dream you became the head of a gang that is attempting to rob a bank, this is a reflection of the fact that you expect gratitude from those to whom you provided a colossal service, but it was taken for granted, and this really hurt you .

The dream book interprets the robbery of an apartment as a sign that in reality you lack a sense of security, it seems to you that you are defenseless in front of the outside world, and this is due to resentment or fear hidden deep in the subconscious.

If you dreamed of a house robbery - you worry too much about events that are unlikely to take place in your destiny, but are obsessive negative thoughts may materialize, so drive them away.

If you dream that you organized a store robbery - be careful when concluding contracts, and also beware of incurring the wrath of your superiors, refrain from making purchases and serious investments.

Why do you dream about robbery?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

To see that you have been robbed means to be robbed by the people closest to you.

If a person sees that he has been robbed, this foreshadows the loss of his parents.

Seeing that you have been robbed foretells the deprivation of a relative.

Dreams are a reflection of a person’s inner state.

Often they are prophetic.

Some people are very lucky and can see dreams every night, others are less fortunate and only have dreams to warn them of an approaching danger or a joyful event.

Why do you dream about robbery, what does this dream mean? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about robbery - basic interpretations of sleep

Nobody wants to become a victim of a robbery. This is a situation that can only bring trouble. Troubles both material, physical and moral. What are we talking about? The point is that becoming a victim of a robbery a person can end up in a whole series of failures. Since losing money can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, dreams in which a person has become a victim of a robbery do not carry anything positive - only negative aspects.

Theft in a dream is regarded by some dream interpreters as the theft of energy from a person in reality. This means that someone is trying to significantly damage a person’s reputation or literally take away energy from a person in an illegal way. Such a dream is regarded as a warning and it is better to heed it. Often it symbolizes the beginning of a destructive process and that period in a person’s life when everything can still be changed for the better.

It is also worth understanding the source of future troubles. Where the trouble will come from - so to speak. What nuances of a dream should be betrayed? special meaning:

The place where the robbery took place;

The emotions and experiences that accompanied it;

Who exactly committed the robbery and how.

So, why dream of a robbery if a young girl’s house was robbed? Such a dream, contrary general interpretations promises her extraordinary success with guys. As they say, they will steal you as a bride. What is most interesting is that in many dream books you can find an addition to the interpretation - a young man will be a worthy match for a girl and quite wealthy.

If a businessman dreams that he personally robs a bank, in reality he will hit a huge jackpot in business. He himself will receive extra profit. He can also easily expand the boundaries of his business by opening a branch abroad.

If you dream that a store is being robbed before your eyes, in reality you will live in abundance, and need will not visit you. If you robbed a store, it means that you are jealous of someone in reality, and this envy will destroy you. You should be vigilant and control your emotions.

If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, it means that you have complexes regarding your attractiveness. Your inner world worth rebuilding. It is better to open up to life and live than to constantly be afraid of change. Troubles do not affect only those who are open to new achievements.

Why do you dream about robbery according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller’s dream book indicates that dreams about a robbery indicate that in reality a person is influenced by other people’s opinions. Independent decisions are really difficult for him. If a man had such a dream, it means that his significant other makes the main decisions independently.

Miller also points out that if you dreamed that you were robbed at sea, it means that you are heading in the wrong direction. If the robbery occurred during a storm, quarrels and financial losses await you. If there is calm, the situation will level out, but not without outside help. Many people ignore such warnings, and in vain. It is worth really thinking about the appropriateness of the actions taken.

If a woman dreams that she was robbed close person- this means that it depends on love relationship. The feelings that she experiences for her chosen one are affection, but not love. If a girl dreams that she herself robbed her man, she is looking for new love subconsciously, but is afraid to admit it to himself.

Why do you dream about robbery according to Freud's dream book?

Freud sees an exclusively psychological aspect in such dreams. If a girl dreams that she was robbed, it means that she is afraid of being deceived in reality. At the same time, she expects deception and trickery not only from her significant other, but also from those around her. She should really think about whether she is harming herself with such actions.

If a man dreams that his car was robbed, it means that he is not ready for serious relationship, but is looking exclusively for fleeting encounters. Although on a subconscious level he would like to start a family, but the experience of the past, the experience of his parents does not allow him to do this. What should you do? Understand the source of the contradictory situations created. Find the cause of psychological blocks and eliminate them.

Why do you dream about robbery according to the everyday dream book?

The everyday dream book claims that a dream about a robbery promises serious troubles and it is impossible to avoid them or avoid the negative consequences from them. This dream is especially dangerous for those who are involved in business. In this case, you should expect a trick not only from competitors, but also from loved ones.

Seeing your home being robbed means quarrels that will disturb the peace and tranquility between spouses. Even a serious breakdown in relationships, discord, or, in extreme cases, divorce is possible. Disrespectful behavior from children is also possible. They will show their disrespect for their elders in every possible way. Do this yourself conflict situation will be very difficult to resolve.

If you dream that you are personally a participant in a robbery, you will put someone else in an awkward position, you will set up a colleague, without meaning to. If in a dream you had to see that you were caught and convicted of robbery, the methods you have chosen to influence other people have a negative result and harm your reputation.

Also, such a dream may indicate that if you have set someone up, it’s time to pay the bills. It's time to think about whether your actions towards another person were legal. Perhaps you undeservedly accused another person of all sins.

Why do you dream about robbery according to other dream books?

According to Hasse's dream book to see a robbery in a dream, especially if a person has started black stripe– get support and avoid further attacks. Soon everything will stabilize, and life will return to normal.

Tsvetkov also insists that robbery in a dream promises disagreement with a loved one. It also indicates a high probability of appearing in life loving woman a rival who plots intrigues and, as a result, conflicts occur. There is no point in relaxing in this situation. You need to gather your thoughts and act actively, now is not the time for offense - it’s worth reconsidering your relationship with your man.

Longo in his dream book he indicates that being robbed on the street should be interpreted based on the behavior of the criminal. If the robber behaves quietly and secretly, it means that the person will soon receive a promotion or promotion.

If the attack occurs rapidly, with threats, shooting - possible financial losses, it is simply impossible to avoid them. Finances will literally flow out of your hands. If an attempt was made to rob, if you escaped from the criminal and did not suffer losses, unpleasant events will occur in your life, but they will be temporary and will lead to further wonderful events, a break in relations is possible, as a result of which new relationships will blossom.

A. Vasilyeva points out in her dream book that dreams of robbery mean that:

It's time to pay the bills;

It's time to pay off debts;

Pay taxes;

Pay attention to your family, who have long been deprived of affection and love.

If this is not done in the near future, the situation will worsen and there will be negative consequences. Thus, the dream does not promise negative events, it simply warns in advance about the possibility of such incidents.

You should be attentive to your dreams. They are often guides through difficult life. They take a person out of difficult situations, warn about incidents. Sometimes they promise wonderful events. Many people think that to see prophetic dreams is a gift, but signs can come to everyone in a dream. Why do you dream about robbery? Regardless of the interpretations, it is worth taking a closer look at whether a person lives correctly; perhaps he lived for too long exclusively for himself, did not listen to the needs and desires of other people. He may be tormented by remorse, which he casts aside in reality, and they remind themselves of themselves in a dream. Perhaps it's time to pay attention to your soulmate and give her love.

To see in a dream how you rob someone yourself is a sign of wealth.

The meaning of the dream “Robbery”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Thief in the house.

Why do you dream about Robbery?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are being pursued by night robbers, this also portends in reality a complication in relations with your opponents. Such a dream warns you of the need to be careful, especially in relation to people you don’t know well. To suffer greatly from robbers is to receive an invitation to participate in something. See yourself...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Robbery, robber

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be robbed - you are tormented by anxiety about your future, it seems to you that you will feel bad and uncomfortable, you are constantly looking for reassurance in memories. In fact, everything is not as scary as you imagine. Be calmer, less pessimistic...

What does the dream portend: Robbery

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing how you were robbed - violence is directed against you; you participate in the robbery - to a change of heart.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Robbery?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see that you have been robbed means to be robbed by the people closest to you. If a person sees that he has been robbed, this foreshadows the loss of his parents. Seeing that you have been robbed foretells the deprivation of a relative.

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