Melania Trump: favorite jewelry of the first lady of the United States. Donald Trump's favorite women Melania Trump's outfits are sometimes just weird

She is called the bravest first lady of the United States. Her style is alternately compared to Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana herself. Some people make fun of her because of her excessive seriousness and inability to smile, while others, on the contrary, admire her endurance in the difficult role of the wife of the first person of the country.

Biography of Melania Trump

A simple girl from Eastern Europe, who became the full-fledged mistress of the White House. This story is about Melania Trump, the only non-American woman in the last hundred years to become the first lady of the country, admired by the entire fashion world.

Melania Knavs was born on April 26, 1970 in the provincial town of Novo Mesto in Yugoslavia. She spent her entire childhood and adolescence in the city of Sevnitsa with a population of no more than five thousand inhabitants.

Now in Sevnitsa they show the house of Melania’s parents to visiting tourists, but in the 70s the life of the Knavs family did not promise them anything unusual. His father sold used cars, and his mother worked in a textile factory. A family huddled in the most ordinary high-rise building.

Now the parents of the first lady of the United States have moved to New York, but neighbors still remember them and Melania with great warmth.

School teachers echo the neighbors, remembering what a diligent student Melania was. Always polite, courteous and reserved. It was as if she had sensed from childhood what role was destined for her. By the way, being a girl, Melania was even embarrassed about her appearance. Until she was sixteen, she was rather thin and lanky, but later she truly blossomed, which was visible even to the naked eye.

After school, young Melania entered the Ljubljana Institute at the Department of Design and Architecture.

In her first year, she met photographer Stane Erko. Without guile, we can say that this meeting was fateful! Yerko was amazed by the girl’s appearance and simply begged her to act as a model for him. Without thinking twice, Melania agreed to this adventure and was right.

After the first photo test, it was clear that the girl simply needed to think about a modeling career, she looked so organically in the frame. This is exactly the advice that Yerko, enchanted by her beauty, gave to Melania.

Being a far from stupid girl, Melania listened to her friend’s advice. After finishing her first year at the institute, she changed her last name to “Knaus,” which sounded more European, and headed to Milan to conquer fashionable Olympus.

By the way, America is still heatedly debating the education of the first lady. Rumor has it that when Melania realized that she could earn much more from her beauty than from architecture, she never returned to study.

In Milan, the newly minted Knaus did not sit without work for long and plunged headlong into all the delights model life. Endless castings, photo shoots for glossy magazines and fashion shows for fashion shows changed at cosmic speed.

To consolidate her success, Melania did not disdain to go under the surgeon’s knife. And again I made the right decision.

After successful rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, her “ target audience" has only expanded. The girl began to be invited to shoot in men's magazines.

Filming in GQ and MAXIM magazine dotted all the i’s in the model’s career, and her name became known not only in Europe, but also beyond its borders. In the mid-90s, Melania decided that since she had conquered Europe, now it was time to try her luck overseas. In 1996 she moved to New York.

In the USA, Melania continued to build her modeling career and was also successful.

At one of the parties at the New York club KitKat in 1998, she met Donald Trump - very rich and very married.

In an interview, the billionaire admitted that that day his friends wanted to set him up with a model. In those years, Trump was the owner of the Miss Universe beauty contest. And the girls were ready to do a lot to get to know him personally with all the consequences. Approaching the table where the model with whom Trump was supposed to be introduced was sitting, he was speechless, staring at her companion. It was just Melania. That evening Donald never left her side again.

When asked “can I get your phone number,” Melania refused, demanding that he give her his. She understood perfectly well who Donald Trump was and that he was married. And she didn’t want to become his next “girl on call.”

History is silent whether Melania called Donald back, but the fact remains a fact. From 1998 to this day they have never separated.

Their relationship received loud publicity in the media after Trump called Melania “the love of his life” in 1999. live on the radio. Before that he was married twice already :-)

After the relationship was declassified and Trump divorced his wife, Melania became the official girlfriend of the billionaire. In 1999, they even starred in a provocative photo shoot for New York Magazine, where they said with all their appearance: “Yes, we have big difference aged, but now we are together and we don’t care what you think!”

Since Melania's name began to be associated with Donald Trump, her career has taken off significantly. Harper's Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In StyleWeddings, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vogue - all these publications wanted to see only Melania Knaus on their covers.

Just then, in the early 2000s, she starred in that very famous erotic photo shoot completely naked. It was this that, almost 20 years later, Trump’s opponents tried to use against him during the election campaign.

But this was not the first and not the last provocative photo of the future first lady. In the 2000s, its popularity grew, and there was no shortage of offers from magazines. One of these proposals was advertising campaign in GQ magazine.

Melania's photo appeared on the cover, but it didn't stop there. The entire photo shoot was included in the issue.

By the way, photographers who worked with Melania in those years noted that despite the fact that she was not actually a TOP model and she had quite a lot of competitors, on the set she always gave her best and behaved very professionally , and was generally quite a pleasant person.

Fashion critics believe that in the 2000s, Melania committed, perhaps, all the fashionable crimes.

But who didn’t make them in the 2000s?! I think a woman who is rightfully called a style icon today can be forgiven a lot!

From too deep necklines...

...before experimenting with hair color.

The main thing is that Melania quickly returned to the right color!

After a six-year candy-bouquet period, Donald Trump finally proposed marriage to his beloved. They say that Melania, tired of waiting, even suggested that Trump break up, but he realized that he was not ready to lose this woman and quickly put an engagement ring with a 12-carat diamond on her finger for almost $2 million.

After such a sincere impulse, Melania could not resist!

The Trump wedding surprised everyone - both the media and the guests. The celebration cost the billionaire $45 million, which put their wedding in the ranking of the most expensive in history, along with the wedding ceremony of Princess Diana, and later Prince William and Kate.

Melania's Dior dress was decorated with a four-meter veil and a five-meter train. It was real couture. It was hand-embroidered with 1,500 pearls and cost about 200 thousand dollars.

The wedding was widely covered in the press and on television, and VOGUE even featured happy bride Melania on its February cover. Melania was 34 years old at that time.

A year later, Melania gave birth to her first child, son Barron. This was Donald's fifth child.

WITH modeling career had to quit and Mrs. Trump devoted herself entirely to family affairs and social activities.

In 2006, Melania Trump finally received her long-awaited US citizenship.

2008 2009

Donald Trump's announcement that he is going to compete for the presidency of the United States created a sensation.

During the election race, he had to face many troubles. Competitors were looking for incriminating evidence absolutely everywhere they could find something. Melania got it too.

In the summer of 2016, an American blogger and the British newspaper Daily Mail wrote that in the late 90s, the future first lady worked part-time as an escort. In August of the same year, Melania Trump filed a lawsuit for libel. An apology followed immediately. Both the blogger and the management of the Daily Mail offered her a public apology and retracted their words.

But the persecution of Trump through his wife did not end. That same summer of 2016, the New York Post published an issue with a naked Melania and the slogan “You’ve never seen Melania like this before.”

It later turned out that these photos were taken before meeting Trump in the mid-90s.

Donald reacted like a real politician, saying: “Yes, such photos were very popular in Europe in those years, there is nothing wrong with that. In the end, it’s even beautiful.”

No more incriminating evidence was found on the wife of the future president. But they didn’t stop poisoning. The Slavic accent, which even stars like Gigi Hadid did not hesitate to parody on stage, and the dubious modeling past - all this only provoked the public, which was sharply opposed to Trump.

But we must pay tribute to Melania, who supported her husband in every possible way throughout the election race and proudly walked past the baseless accusations that poured on their family like from a cornucopia. Even their son, whom the tabloids called autistic, got it. But Melania did not stand on ceremony, but again filed lawsuit for libel and won.

Later, at one of the press conferences, Mrs. Trump even stated that the first thing she would deal with as First Lady was the situation related to bullying on the Internet. Especially among teenagers.

When the election results were announced, she accompanied her husband in an immaculate white dress. The fabric was not very thick, which once again emphasized that the president’s wife was in brilliant shape!

Meanwhile, in Sevnitsa, Melania’s homeland, Trump’s election victory was celebrated by the entire town. Overnight, Melania Knaus became the property of now Slovenia.

A cake has already been named in her honor and the day is near when one of the streets will be named after her. At the school where she studied, her photo is already hanging in the most visible place. Still: simple girl practically from the village - now the wife of the president of one of the most powerful countries!

Melania's image at the presidential inauguration literally put everyone on edge. In a matter of minutes, the photo of the first lady went viral social media. The elegant blue suit captivated both fashion critics and mere mortals.

The image of Melania was clearly inspired by the image of his wife young president USA. Trump, by the way, is the oldest.

The color, the style, the gloves, and even the hair at the back of the head were reminiscent of the famous pill at the inauguration 56 years ago.

Having chosen for herself an image dear to MILLIONS of Americans, Melania hit the mark!

Legend and style icon Jacqueline Kennedy had to make room for her throne.

During the change of families in the White House, Melania presented Michelle Obama with a box of the coveted turquoise color. Netizens spent a whole year wondering what was in the box. There were even suggestions that there were jewelry Trump home and congratulated the first lady on her excellent publicity stunt. A year later, Michelle herself revealed the “secret” in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres. She admitted that there was indeed Tiffany in the box. It was a "very frame" :-)

At a party in honor of the president, Melania again captivated the audience with her outfit. Shortly before this, she hired stylist Evre Pierre (before that he had worked with Balmain, Oscar de la Renta and other famous fashion houses). Together they came up with a dress in a delicate cream shade, with open shoulders and an asymmetrical pleat. European polish, packaged in an American shell.

Fashion critics applauded, Trump's opponents fell silent in shame. No one could take their eyes off the First Lady.

And the first lady took another right step by hiring a French stylist with American citizenship. The president's wife should consume only domestic products :-)

By the way, in November 2016, all the newspapers trumpeted that designer Sophie Thealle, who once dressed Michelle Obama, refused to provide similar services to Melania Trump and called on her colleagues to do the same.

Melania didn’t show it, but I think she laughed in her heart. Being Sophie Theallet's client is another pleasure. Do you still remember Michelle's outfits? And I'll remind you :-)

Pierre Evreux dresses the First Lady of the United States to this day. And, it should be noted, he does his job perfectly. Melania looks PERFECT!

After the presidential ball, Melania was in no hurry to move to the White House, but returned to her apartment - the Trump Tower on 5th Avenue. For my son's sake. She drops him off and picks him up from school herself, cooks his lunch herself, and helps him with his homework herself.

She is in no hurry to get to the White House, putting New Yorkers in a disadvantageous position. Traffic on the street is constantly blocked, and White House spends $1 million daily to ensure the safety of the president's family.

After the elections, Melania began recruiting personnel for her team. She chose her old friend Stephanie Winston as her advisor and personal assistant - former employee Vogue magazine. Who else could the style icon employ? Only people from Vogue, no less!

Melania understands perfectly well - they are greeted by their clothes, and escorted by their intelligence. And she does it very well. If everything is obvious with “clothes” (Melania is beautiful), then no matter how evil tongues argue about the unfinished higher education first lady, she has never once given reason to doubt her intellectual abilities.

Patriotic Melania prefers American designers to all others: she happily wears Michael Kors Collection, The Row and Calvin Klein at official events. And even though Karl Lagerfeld himself sews custom dresses for her, most of the time she remains faithful to the domestic product.

The best images and outfits of Melania Trump

Let's take a look at best images first lady!

By the way, she looks great in jeans too!

Trying on the first lady's wardrobe

Tell me honestly, would you like to become the president's wife? Personally, I don't. In general, publicity makes me terribly nervous; I’m homely and shy.

But trying on the First Lady’s wardrobe was interesting! It’s just a pity that my legs didn’t grow from my ears :))))

I have two style icons among status wives - Melania Trump and Meghan Markle. These girls are burning, leaving the dull style far behind, deftly maneuvering between modern clothing and a draconian protocol dress code :-)

Melania Trump, Washington March 7, 2019

Mrs. Trump deserves to be awarded the title of the main Stepford wife of our time: well-groomed, fit, sexy. But such cloying (or would it be more correct to say feigned?) perfection is boring, and in the context of modern fashion, not experimenting or experimenting with the wrong things means staying outside of it and completely ignoring the feminist agenda. Let's take a closer look at what's wrong with the style of the First Lady of the United States.

Melania Trump's outfits are not always appropriate

Let's start with the main principle of choosing an outfit - its appropriateness. In Melania's case, her infamous heeled trips to flooded Texas and devastated Puerto Rico in late August and early October, respectively, come to mind. True, both the first and second time Trump changed her shoes on board the plane, but Twitter was still seething with the “hurricane chic” of the first lady.

Melania and Donald Trump fly to Texas, August 29, 2017

This choice of shoes received different reviews, but they all have a negative connotation - from rather harsh irony to real black humor. The question arises: why was this pair of 12-centimeter stilettos needed in the first place? To proudly walk along the lawn in front of the White House, splashing the red soles of your favorite Louboutins or Blanks in the puddles?

Melania and Donald Trump fly to Texas on August 29

The choice of shoes, I must say, is not the only “ pain point» Melania Trump. On September 20, she addressed world leaders from the stage at the UN on the fight against violence. Don't you think the $2,950 pink Delpozo neoprene coatdress she chose for the event is more attention-grabbing than the victims of violence Melania is speaking on behalf of?

Official dress code requirements for women are not as strict as for men, but a style that includes a neon pink dress still extends far beyond the business agenda. If for the stronger half at meetings at the UN even a handkerchief in a jacket pocket is considered impermissible and inappropriate panache, then what can we say about such bold outfits for the weaker half?

Melania Trump's outfits are not always successful

Melania Trump at the UN, September 20, 2017

Melania and Donald Trump arrived in Poland, July 6, 2017

From appropriateness to elegance. As we already said, main problem Melania's style is its refinement. But even in such a situation, the first lady manages to make quite simple and obvious mistakes. For example, the navy dress with an asymmetrical pattern on the skirt from Delpozo (definitely not a Joseph Font brand for Trump) that she chose for her trip to Poland. The optical illusion that this drawing creates visually enlarges the lower part of Melania's figure and focuses all attention on it. The situation could be corrected with a necklace, but Melania demonstrates considerable asceticism in the selection of accessories. She wears almost nothing, and the only permanent jewelry is her engagement ring with a 13-carat diamond.

Not all of Mrs. Trump’s latest outfits can be called a complete success either. For example, this coat from Fendi, in which Melania blended in with the stairs of the plane, then with the paint on the walls, or with something else - it is unlikely that the first lady was achieving just such an effect. Or, say, her burgundy Delpozo outfit, which she chose to attend South Korea a day later - this style, alas, is not best decoration Mrs. Trump's chiseled figure.

Melania and Donald Trump arrived in Japan, November 5, 2017

Melania Trump and First Lady Republic of Korea Kim Jonsuk

Melania Trump's outfits can be outrageously expensive (and that's a bad thing)

For the First Lady of the United States, already quite far from the problems of the American middle class, the price tag of an outfit is not so important. The public is no less interested in the number of zeros in the price tag than the name of the designer. And here Melania “punctured” at least twice: remember the famous “floral” coat from Dolce & Gabbana, which she chose for the G7 summit in Sicily in May of this year? Its price is not just indecent, but blatantly obscene - 3 million rubles! 3 million, Karl! It’s clear why voters are outraged by such extravagance of their own first lady: the cost of this coat is higher than the annual salary of average Americans, and they, by the way, are the core of Trump’s electorate.

Melania Trump in Sicily, May 27, 2017

Caption: “Melania Trump wore a coat worth more than most Americans earn in a year.”

“When Michelle Obama put on a dress for 2 thousand dollars, it was a scandal, when Melania Trump put on a coat for 51 thousand dollars, it was a success,” the Americans said ironically

Another example is the black two-piece suit from Michael Kors, embroidered with shining crystals, which Melania chose for her husband’s meeting with Congress. The price for a jacket and skirt from an American designer turned out to be much more symbolic than for a coat from Domenico and Stefano - only “some” 10 thousand dollars. But it truly sparkled like a million: NBC correspondent Homa Bash wrote on her Twitter: “Let’s forget about politics, I just really like this black jacket on Melania Trump.” However, not all spectators shared her delight, and some advised the first lady to learn the difference between a social event and an official event.

Melania Trump at Donald Trump's speech to Congress, February 28, 2017

And the point is not that the first lady is “chic” with taxpayers’ money. Many designers (including the designer of the set, Michael Kors) would consider it an honor if the American first lady wore their clothes. And even if they don’t, then multi-million dollar fortune Donald's wife will allow Mrs. Trump to buy any dresses at any price. Reproaching someone for spending their money (or their husband’s money) is stupid and envious, but there is a huge difference between Melania Trump, the wife of a billionaire, and Melania Trump, the first lady! The first one can really afford not to refuse anything. The second, no matter how pretentious it may sound, is the face of the nation, and thousands of luxurious outfits are not at all what this very nation would like to see on Mrs. Trump.

Melania Trump's outfits can be banal and boring

Melania Trump studies calligraphy in Japan, November 6, 2017

Melania Trump and Bridget Macron, July 13, 2017

Deliberate minimalism is, in principle, characteristic of Mrs. Trump’s style. However, it cannot be said that it decorates her - rather, on the contrary, it forgives and does not emphasize all the advantages of the outfit. In addition, it does not tell anything about the preferences of the first lady of the United States - in much the same way as a blank canvas cannot tell anything about its artist.

Melania Trump's outfits are sometimes downright weird

A pink dress from Delpozo and, oddly enough, a gray fitted suit from Ralph Lauren, in which she and her husband met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire. That day, Melania apparently decided to show a little casualness in her outfit and added an untied black tie to it. However, the black strip of fabric hanging around her neck against the background of the starched collar of her buttoned-up shirt played a strange cruel joke on her. It is clear that the first lady wanted to say something with this outfit, but what exactly will apparently remain a mystery.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire at a meeting with Donald and Melania Trump at the White House, October 11, 2017

No less strange is the image of the “Sicilian widow” at the meeting with the Pope last spring. According to Catholic canons, acceptable attire for an audience is a dull dress that reveals a minimum of the body. The head must be covered, but trousers are allowed. And although Melania’s dress can’t really be called bright, the dramatic lace is still a strong irritating factor that doesn’t exactly add anything but modesty to the image.

Melania plants seedlings on the White House lawn, August 27, 2018

Melania on St. Patrick's Day, Washington March 17, 2019

The year 2018 did not go by without yet another fashion blunder. In October, the first lady of the United States set off on an important trip for her - her first solo tour of Africa. Here, the imprudent Melania was again overtaken by a problem: one day she appeared in an image complemented by a pith hat. The outfit turned out to be extremely scandalous and controversial: such hats were worn by colonialists, oppressors and slave owners in the 19th century. The slave owner's outfit, as users of social networks quickly nicknamed it, hurt the reputation of the first lady of the United States and was actively discussed even after Melania returned from the tour (

Melania Trump is deservedly considered one of the most stylish First Ladies in the world. Her images are always images of a business-like, self-confident woman, who at the same time does not forget that she is first and foremost a woman, and only then a wife, mother and First Lady.

Melania knows how to wear clothes in such a way as to have an aristocratic appearance: nobility, good manners, sophistication - echoes of these qualities are reflected in her stylish outfits.

Mrs. Trump is good at autumn sets with beautiful outerwear. Let's take an example and learn from Melania how to dress in the fall to be at your best!


How to adapt narrow leather trousers to the office dress code? - With the help of an elongated jacket! Melania's image is emphatically business-like, but at the same time not at all banal.

If you can wear business casual in the office, be sure to try this ultra-stylish combination!


A warm, dark-colored coat is a must-have in every woman’s fall wardrobe. It can be universal, or have an interesting and unusual cut, but thick material and rich color are your “must-haves”.

Melania has such a coat and she expertly combines it with spectacular high boots of flesh color.


Knowing full well that pastel shades visually youthful and refresh the complexion, Melania often uses this. The delicate white and pink image makes this strong-willed and strong woman deceptively touching and feminine. And yes - the rejuvenation effect worked great!


If your fall wardrobe seems too gray and boring, just buy a bright coat. Melania proves by her example that a red coat can be worn with the most inexpressive shades and still look very impressive!


This shade of white is very complimentary to Mrs. Trump's appearance. Her face just lights up! To achieve a similar effect, you need to not be afraid to experiment with cold and warm colors when choosing things that seem to be the same color. When you find yours, you will immediately understand it - the proof of your rightness will be a shining reflection in the mirror.

Of course, a white coat is not the most suitable thing for autumn, but if you also have another one, then why not buy light-colored outerwear in case of dry and sunny weather?


Yellow is one of the top shades this fall. But in fact, Melania tried on this stylish look back in the spring, predicting fashion trends.

The image is enlivened not only by the bright shade of the sweater and coat, but also good combination brown+yellow (a variety of shades of autumn foliage will help you when choosing the right one) color range outfit for autumn). Naturally, shoes with a trendy leopard print fit perfectly into the yellow-brown ensemble.


A versatile trench coat is a simple and proven way to look good in bad weather. Minimalism in pure form always helps business women!

With a trench coat you can wear laconic plain dresses of various shades, trouser suits, a set of blouses and skirts.

This outerwear can be used not only within a business wardrobe; a trench coat is a basic item, so it goes with literally everything. And Melania knows this very well!


Melania also wears leather leggings! But he just does it very vulgarly.

The contrast of materials within the image plays an important role. But pay attention to this “delicious” combination of autumn shades: it would seem that there is nothing unusual, but how the color “pulls out” the entire outfit!

Just a few years ago, everything was different in the Trump family: Donald was more busy with beauty pageants than political career, and Melania released own collections jewelry and didn’t hit the news as often as it does today. Since Mrs. Trump became the first lady of the United States, there has been genuine interest in everything that her hand has touched, including her own jewelry. A closer look at Melania's jewelry collection, as well as her own jewelry box, reveals that she adheres exclusively to the traditional style in jewelry and for years has preferred jewelry that is, as they say, “timeless” - the kind that will remain classics ten years from now. or twenty years. In other words, Melania's box can become a source of inspiration for those who want to put together a versatile and luxurious jewelry collection for themselves.

Stud earrings

Miniature stud earrings are a universal accessory for any style. Melania is not modest with the size - these are quite large square-shaped diamonds, and she has not changed these earrings for several years in a row. It was in these that the first lady wore them to Donald Trump's inauguration in an elegant blue Ralph Lauren outfit - this look with all its details will undoubtedly go down in fashion history.

SL earrings with diamonds (order)

Diamond bracelets

According to Melania, laconic design bracelets with diamonds are her favorite decoration for every day. Having reviewed many of the first lady's images, we realized that she really is not lying: in her personal collection there are several models of sparkling bracelets, which she wears like... evening events, both for the day, and certainly in the amount of several pieces.

Bracelet SL (top to bottom): first ; second ; third (order)

Earrings with clear stones

We noticed that Melania Trump is completely indifferent to neck jewelry, but likes large flower-shaped earrings when we're talking about about jewelry for evening wear. Massive sparkling earrings focus attention on the look and at the top of the image become the brightest details - the image is not overloaded and remains laconic and more than luxurious (after all, we suspect that these are real diamonds!).

SL earrings with cubic zirconia (order)

Men's style watches

The First Lady, unlike many wealthy celebrities, does not strive to make her jewelry collection huge and change jewelry accessories almost every week. So, we noticed that with regard to such a useful accessory as wrist watch, Melania Trump is faithful to two models - these are men's style watches made of ceramics or with a classic leather strap. The first model is an evening version, which is accompanied by Melania's favorite diamond bracelets, and the second is more casual, which Trump included in her jewelry collection and dedicated this model to New York.

SL watch with ceramic case (order)

SL watch with leather strap (order)

Hoop earrings

Hoop earrings are a timeless earring model that suits absolutely any face type (although you can experiment with sizes based on individual features), any style and any hairstyle. Melania Trump and her collection of ring-shaped earrings confirm this - we have before us the ideal beach jewelry accessory as well as a formal weekend jewelry accessory.

SL hoop earrings with cubic zirconia (order)

My modeling career Melania Trump started at less than 17, running away from her first year at the University of Ljubljana to Milan. By the age of 47, she became America's First Lady. More than half of the famous designers boycotted her, refusing to collaborate with the “modern Eva Braun.” Well, over 30 years, Melania has developed her own view of style. She knows exactly how to look her best. Not a single stylistic mistake in six months! Learn!

Lesson 1: Style is everything

Photo by Getty Images

Twenty years ago, at the dawn of her acquaintance with Donald, Melania once dreamed out loud: “If I ever become the first lady, I will be very traditional - like Betty Ford or Jacqueline Kennedy.” Her words were destined to come true. Having become the mistress of the White House, Melania showed the world a new self. No cleavage, no mini, no provocation. Meet Jacqueline Kennedy in a modern interpretation. Girls from high society prefer Lady like style. Compare the official photo shoots of Carla Bruni, Princess Charlene of Monaco and Melania. The perfect bow will take your breath away! What characterizes this style, which has become a classic in high circles over the past 50 years?

Let's start with the silhouette. No frilly details, ruffles or excessive draperies. Minimalism. The main emphasis is on the clear line of the shoulders and waist. The length, as required by the protocol, is “10 centimeters below the knees.”

Perfect cut and fit. Notice how the fitted and tailored suits fit on Melania. Like a glove! As one of the critics aptly remarked, “you can’t slip a credit card…”

Invoices. Fabrics. Only noble ones! Cashmere and silk have no competition here. Accessories feature laconic shape geometry and natural materials highest quality. If there are gloves, then they match the suit; if there are glasses, then they are horn-rimmed. The shoes and bags speak for themselves.

Lesson 2. Play of colors

Photo by Getty Images

The Lady like style relies on natural shades and pure tones. Blue, light beige, white, gray and rich red. And of course, Melania’s favorite emerald and sapphire shades! The First Lady is well versed in national and religious traditions. This allows her, while remaining within the color code, to win the sympathy of foreign partners. In this sense, meetings with royal family Jordan, the rulers of China and Israel. In Jordan, Melania appeared in an emerald green suit. This color harmonizes perfectly with the color of her hair and stands out against the background of the dark suits of other officials. At the same time, green is a tribute to the Muslim traditions of the host country. At a meeting with the Chinese delegation, Melania relies on bright red - a symbol good luck and happiness.

Lesson 3. Hairstyle. Find your stylist!

Photo by Getty Images

“Darling, don’t spare money on your hair! There’s no such thing as too elegant” – it seems that Melania adopted the motto of Joanne Collins’ character from the series “Dynasty” back in the distant 80s. She has impeccable hairstyle and a perfectly chosen shade by the colorists. Her curls cost a fortune! Well, the game is worth the candle. You won't find photos of the First Lady with messy bun or regrown roots. Her hairstyle, color and length are always perfect. And this is no coincidence. The First Lady's hairstyle has its own political connotations.

Melania Trump always appears with her famous "doll" curls and side bangs - this choice symbolizes the stability that Melania confidently represents. Only once - during the inauguration of Donald Trump - Melania appeared with an elegant bun instead of her signature curls. The hair shouldn't distract from her blue Ralph Lauren outfit.

For more than 10 years now personal stylist Melania Trump is Turkish-American Mordechai Elvau. They met on the set of one of the Japanese glossy publications. Elvau admitted that when working on the image of the first lady, he was inspired by black and white cinema, the heroines of Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve and Sophia Loren.

Lesson 4. Shoes should be comfortable

Photo by Getty Images

Melania, how successful model, feels confident in stilettos. With a light walk from the hip, she parades in pointed pumps from Manolo Blahnik or Christian Louboutin. A carpeted path, a green grassy lawn or asphalt wet from rain and snow - everywhere it is graceful and elegant. But! Depending on the context, Melania - perhaps the only living person of this status - allows herself to change her stilettos to flat ballet shoes. The image of the “Easter fairy” reading fairy tales to children made the rounds in all the tabloids. Agree, with a height of 180 centimeters, Melania can afford it.