Where to make money without education. Where you can make good money without having a higher education

Is it possible to find a good job without experience and higher education? Is it enough in this case to have only desire and some knowledge?

First of all, you need to decide what it means good job just for you. What is important to you to have your knowledge or education valued? Or you want to earn good money and have career prospects. It is worth noting that at first you may be paid very little, the most important thing is to gain the necessary experience, take the first step, and then it will be much easier.

Of course, higher education is a good impetus for starting a career. When choosing a specialty, proceed not only from your own preferences, but also from how in demand and promising the profession is. Will it be able to generate income for you both now and in a few years?

How to make money without education? If you do not have the necessary experience and higher education, then you should try the job of a sales manager. Experience is not necessary here; if something happens, they will teach you everything. True, a higher education is still required, but if you are a student, you will most likely be able to come to an agreement with your superiors.

You can also work as an insurance agent or realtor for a certain percentage. True, it won’t bring you a lot of money, but that’s not the main thing. The main thing is that this work will teach you to look for clients and work with them. This experience will be very useful to you in the future for running your own real estate business.

It must also be said that before individual entrepreneurs not worth the problem. If a person is his own boss and has a head on his shoulders, then he will find ways to make profitable money, focusing on the example of others.

For example, if you have your own car, then skillfully operating it can be a good option for earning money without a higher education. You can enter into an agreement with any company, you can transport market traders, you can organize a business based on cargo transportation. Just keep in mind that to transport some cargo, for example, meat, you need to obtain a sanitary passport for the car.

A good income comes from growing vegetables and seedlings of vegetable and horticultural crops, but this requires greenhouses and hotbeds. This problem is completely solvable, since you can reach an agreement with enterprises and organizations that have empty space in greenhouses, or build a greenhouse yourself.

You can raise animals for sale; this business also does not require a higher education. At the same time, the cost of a purebred puppy can reach several hundred dollars. Demand good cats and dogs are stable on high level. There are known families who have already long time engage in dog breeding and don’t even think about other activities.

And finally, we can’t help but mention one more option: freelancing. Believe me, no one on the Internet will ask you for documentary evidence of the knowledge and skills you have acquired. Here you need to demonstrate only your skills, which you can easily obtain on your own, and not within the walls of universities and colleges. How many self-taught programmers do we have? What about designers? And there’s no need to talk about those people who write custom content. By learning English or any other language yourself, you can also become a successful freelance translator. In a word,

“if there is a desire, there are a thousand possibilities; if there is no desire, there are a thousand reasons”

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Stories from T-Zh readers

Not long ago we asked readers T-J,

Katya Prokudina

read stories

As a result of the discussion, we selected several stories: how to decide to quit pointless university studies, how a diploma in the IT field affects your income, and whether programmers really can learn everything on their home computer.

“If compared with vacancies for Chinese translators, I get one and a half to two times more”

Alexey Faizulin

Who I studied for: translator from Chinese

Who does he work for: sound engineer and sound producer

Income: 150 thousand rubles per month

Since childhood, I was programmed to believe that higher education is essential for success. But making meaningful choices after graduation is difficult: I had seen very little else in life, like my parents, so I just went with the flow. Many friends went to enroll in Tomsk State University, my mother also lived in Tomsk then - in general, I’m from small town Yurgi Kemerovo region, - so I decided that this was a good idea.

Because I really liked them at school foreign languages, decided to enroll in the specialty “Translation and Translation Studies”. I wanted to study English, but I was poorly prepared for the entrance exam and did not score enough points. But I passed Chinese - and Once again I allowed myself to be convinced that this was promising, good money in the future, and so on.

I studied there until my second year. I couldn’t understand why a future translator from Chinese would constantly have to retake a test in ancient culture and mythology Ancient Greece or how performance in physical education can affect your future career.

This pretty quickly killed my desire to learn, despite the fact that the language turned out to be interesting.

I became more and more drawn into my hobby - music. The student loan was mounting, and I decided that I would stop wasting time and money on things that didn’t bring me pleasure. So I dropped out.

Of course, my hobby did not immediately become a job with a stable income. Therefore, while I lived in Tomsk, I worked at a sawmill, and at a construction site, and as a promoter at MTS, but there was no adequate money there. My mother helped until music began to bring in some income.

I moved to Moscow, started a family and experienced completely different levels of spending. My unstable monthly income from music - 15-30 thousand rubles - did not allow me to live here at all. At first I had to get a job as a cashier at Auchan through an outsourcing company; it was the highest paid vacancy of those that allowed me to work in any schedule convenient for me.

I started by building up a portfolio and honing my skills in my music group, then posted an ad about mixing songs on a thematic forum. One person responded. They started working with him. Someone else heard his work and turned to me - and so on down the chain. The process was slow, but the most honest, I think. In 8 years, I have never used any marketing tools yet.

Now there are about 400 people in my client base, the average income is about 150 thousand per month. And this is far from the limit: especially good months and now there are more than 200 thousand. Plus, you can get into the related field of audio production for videos - you already have experience - and the money there is completely different.

15,000 ‎R

brought a passion for music at the very beginning

If demand increases, I have a choice: either work more, or balance it by raising prices and get more with less work. Hired employees, as a rule, are deprived of this.

Besides, now I have no earnings ceiling and no clear schedule.

If we compare it with vacancies for teachers and translators from Chinese, then I get one and a half to two times more. I think with such a specialty you can only make good money by tutoring. But then, in addition to knowledge of the language, you also need pedagogical skills. Of course, somewhere salaries are higher, but they require experience, luck, and much more.

I believe that The best way gain knowledge - be in a professional environment and experiment. At the university I paid to study for 5 years, including things that I would never need. Here they pay me, and I grow with each completed order, gaining only the necessary skills.

200,000 ‎R

and you can earn more now in good months

I follow what's new in my field, watch or attend our and foreign master classes and try to apply what I learn. If I went to study now, it would be not so much for the sake of knowledge, but for the sake of connections. In my opinion, this is one of the undeniable advantages of higher education over self-education: you communicate with people from your industry, make contacts who can help you in the future. Perhaps I will still study, but in another country. For example, my current specialty is taught well in the USA. But it's expensive.

Of course, there are professions that are impossible without proper education: doctors, engineers, architects, and so on. In other cases, I would rather hire a person with sparkling eyes, but without a diploma, than a certified, but uninitiated specialist.

“If I had a diploma, I would probably go to work somewhere in the outback, in a difficult school with difficult children.”

Ksenia Kuznetsova

Who I studied for: chemist, economist and teacher

Who does he work for: IT project manager

Income: 120–150 thousand rubles per month

At school I was an excellent student, a bookish child, but what a profession was and how to choose one at the age of 16, I had no idea. Of all the lessons, chemistry seemed to me the most interesting, so I entered the Faculty of Chemistry at Lobachevsky State University in Nizhny Novgorod. I studied in the evening and worked. Work was interesting, but school was not, so I spent more and more evenings at work until I stopped going to university altogether. I studied for less than three years.

Second time I entered extramural something economic is already in Murom. It seemed like it lasted for a year. I finally realized that sitting through hours of various boring things for five years for the sake of a crust is not my thing.

The third time I decided to try for real: the unfulfilled teacher in me was eager to come out. I moved to Moscow and entered a pedagogical university. But, alas, interesting job, from which I received money, albeit small, and a return right now, again gradually negated my boring studies. I probably regret this: the conditions at work allowed me to sit through five years of study without any problems. But, apparently, there was not enough motivation: pedagogical education in our country is rather dead, and a diploma is still not enough motivation for me.

I started working completely from scratch in one well-known design studio, where I was hired without experience beautiful eyes, a clear head and a correct understanding of what design is. Then I changed several more studios involved in custom web and mobile development, tried to gradually increase the complexity of the projects - otherwise it was boring - and at some point I unexpectedly hit the ceiling: I discovered that I couldn’t do more complex projects, I just didn’t understand , what people around are talking about, there is not enough programming or engineering experience or education.

It turns out that using excellent communication skills and general erudition is only possible up to a certain point.

This plunged me into terrible sadness, because I categorically did not want to become a techie; it always seemed to me that my best talent was the ability to balance between techies and business. In this state existential crisis I was found by my current employer. Now I have an ideal job: on the one hand, the world of IT is familiar and dear to me, on the other hand, I don’t have to pretend to be someone I can’t yet be.

I was invited to work for a large IT company by an old friend, the director of one of the divisions that deals with custom development and implementation. Any director in such a job sooner or later discovers that he is mainly engaged in making money, has little time to look after current client projects, and generally does not have time to build and establish any internal processes. The internal infrastructure is decrepit, regulations are becoming obsolete, no one really remembers why in 2008 they decided to count this indicator this way and not otherwise, everyone is whining, everything is inconvenient for everyone. You need a separate head that will not be distracted by client tasks - a priori more important ones - but very few places have that. I do this here. Formally, my position is called “deputy director,” but, in essence, I am an internal project manager.

My income is now somewhere around 120-150 thousand and should continue to grow. If I had technical education- not just a diploma! - and if I were a technically savvy project manager, then the salary would be higher.

I could already earn 200 thousand or more: the market in this area is generous.

All the most complex, promising and highly paid programming is now associated with mathematics: data analysis, neural networks, robots, artificial intelligence, and so on. At the same time, programming, in the sense of coding, is an applied thing, you can learn it on your home computer. But to master mathematics at home at the level at which it is taught somewhere like the Computational Mathematics Complex of Moscow State University is difficult, and at some point, purely technically, there will no longer be enough capacity. And it turns out that if you need a programmer to write code, you take an experienced, adequate one and don’t look at where he studied or whether he studied. And if you need a star to move you somewhere in the direction leading edge modern technologies, then you are screening candidates from a very short list of universities and faculties.

Several times I thought about going somewhere into education, but I don’t have enough diploma for this: in the field of education everything is very strict with formalities, especially at school. If I had a diploma, I would probably go to work somewhere in the outback, in a difficult school with difficult children, in some kind of boarding school: all this asceticism in the spirit of the populists of the late 19th century is very close to me. But no, it’s already clear that it didn’t work out, I definitely won’t try for the fourth time.

200,000 ‎R

there would be a salary if you had a technical education

“If I were offered the chance to go back to 2013, I would still go to university.”

Nikita Trofimov

Who I studied for: IT-specialist

Who does he work for: programmer

Income: 175 thousand rubles per month

Until about 10th grade, I thought that I would enroll in economics, since many in my family worked in financial sector. I was actively preparing to take mathematics, I had an experienced teacher. He advised me to go into IT, since, having an education in computer science and mathematics, you can find application in any field.

We chose a university taking into account not only its history and significance, but also modern trends in education, cooperation with large companies like Yandex or Mail-ru. We considered Plekhanovka, MESI and RANEPA, but HSE was the priority - in the end I entered the budget at MIEM NRU HSE, Faculty of Applied Informatics. But I didn’t study very responsibly, I skipped a lot, and after the first year I was expelled for poor academic performance.

Despite this, I really liked the IT field, and I studied website layout using various tutorials on the Internet.

Then he re-entered the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics at the faculty mathematical economics, statistics and computer science (FMESI). I studied well, and in my second year I started working part-time. First, I found a person on Avito who needed to support the online store and create new ones. I worked with him for about three months: the relationship did not work out, since he began to pay less than the amount that we discussed, and we worked without contracts, on our word of honor.

After that, I joined the team that developed websites. The work was remote, so it was easy to combine it with studies. They paid responsibly, 10–15 thousand a month - for me it was just right, considering that I lived with my parents and did not spend that much.

After two courses in Plekhanovka, I decided to move to Krasnodar: my girlfriend, now my wife, lived there. My relatives supported me, and I transferred to Kuban State University to the faculty computer technology and applied mathematics for the 3rd year. To do this, it was necessary to pass 17 disciplines.

I continued to work remotely with the same guys and, of course, did not stop improving my skills: I was already learning programming in Javascript.

My first official job, with work book, is a front-end developer at Breffi Group, which develops information solutions for medical companies. Found a vacancy on the “My Circle” platform, passed test, talked to the team leads - and they hired me. The salary was 50 thousand rubles after taxes, which was excellent for a 3rd year student.

10,000 ‎R

paid per month for website development at the beginning of my career

I decided that technical skills were important when applying for a job, and education was not so important, and I dropped out of university to focus on practice and building a reputation in the IT field.

Although the decision was not easy.

All my peers continued to study, and the opinions of others weighed heavily on me.

Since then he has worked in several other places. For example, in a German startup in the field of gastronomy and food delivery. Salaries in foreign companies are much higher. At the same time, it is also profitable for them to work with us: in Europe, a mid-level developer receives approximately 18 euros per hour, and I was paid 10 euros, which is 115–120 thousand per month, which is very good for a mid-level developer in Russia.

They didn’t ask me about higher education: they were interested in the projects I did and my experience working in a team.

In general, I had a lot of interviews, and many of them were unsuccessful. But I consider them one of the points self-study. Therefore, I interviewed for other companies, even when I did not intend to change jobs, and tried to choose higher positions. This allowed us to understand where what qualities and skills are needed, draw up a list of requirements and realize our weak spots. I was asked questions about education very rarely, and then mostly for the sake of interest; it did not affect the result. Mostly, a diploma is needed in state-owned companies; others don’t care. This is a huge advantage of the IT sector: skills are more important than education.

Now I am moving to Moscow, I will work at the I-Teco company in the position of “senior Javascript developer”. There my salary will be 175 thousand rubles. This is several times more than that of peers who received a diploma.

Many of my peers are now studying for a master’s degree and earning 40–50 thousand rubles.

But if I were offered the opportunity to go back to 2013, I would still go to university. Firstly, preparation for the Unified State Exam and the desire to enter strengthens. Secondly, only there I understood how education works, what it is the main problem and why I can achieve more without it and in a shorter time.

On the downside: most universities teach outdated technologies that are no longer used. But the problem is that those who are actively developing in the IT sector do not strive to stay in universities to teach others, but move to large companies for a higher salary. This problem is solved by online and offline courses - not only in programming, but also in marketing, business, and so on.

18 ‎€

what a developer earns per hour in Europe

I had to not only master a certain area on my own, but also learn how to study. I mostly studied everything from video tutorials, since there are many of them and they are free. True, filter good lessons It was difficult, there were a lot of amateurs. I supported the video tutorials with articles from Habrahabr and Medium, I simply Googled questions that required answers. And, of course, you need to try to find a job as quickly as possible, by any means, because it is very difficult to give yourself tasks. But real projects require high-quality execution, and the team will always help and advise. But the main thing is the opportunity to see the result of the work real life and quickly fill out your portfolio.

Having moved to Moscow, I plan to recover in Plekhanovka and finish my studies, if it is possible to combine it with work. It's hard to say why I want to do this. Of course, I missed studying at university a little.

Good day, dear readers. Gone are the days when jobs for people without education were limited to manual labor options. Talent, skills and activity are valued much more than pieces of paper and crusts. Everyone has a chance to receive 10, 20 or 30 thousand a month in addition to their basic income. What the amount depends on and what to do with yourself will be discussed in this article.

A little history

Fourteen-year-old Ashley Qualls had already earned her first million dollars by the age of 17. She offered the world a site where you could download background images for pages in in social networks. The girl just loved to draw and this is the result.

Timothy Sykes, aged 21, gives advice on gaming on his own blog. stock exchange and receives $150,000 a month. He is interested in politics and knows how to predict the future.

One advertising post on the blog of traveler Sergei Dolya, an amateur photographer from Kharkov, costs about 150,000 rubles. And although there are not many such publications per year, about 10, the amount accrues is considerable. He travels the world. I hope you understand where he gets the money for this?

About how to please people

There is a 10% rule. Whatever you do or say, 10% of people will like it. What you do can be loved and large quantity of people.

Look, a simple example, you are preparing borscht. No matter how you cook it, 10 out of 100 people will like it. Accelerated development makes it possible to increase this figure. Thanks to courses, schools and self-improvement, you will learn secrets, learn from other people’s mistakes, gain your own experience and see that so quickly they start asking you for more portions.

Why is education needed? In order to quickly bring the process to a result that will satisfy everyone. Why spend years inventing a wheel when you can learn how it is made and start making a profit within a week.
Studying at universities means nothing now. You don't have to go to classes and pass the exam thanks to a lucky ticket.

People who read books, find continuing education courses on their own, and want to learn something new are the ones who truly succeed.

What to do?

Think about what you can tell people about. Each of us is talented and interesting in some way. What makes you unique?
In one of the Hollywood films main character I just found an old cookbook and wrote about one of the dishes on my blog every day. This is how she perfected her discipline and accidentally became famous.
Try it too.

If you think that your literary skills are not sufficiently developed, you can get free lessons for a subscription to a copywriting school. Thanks to them, you can quickly achieve an average level of knowledge, which will already be enough to work on the Internet.

Once you improve this skill, think about your own project. Thanks to blogger school You will not only learn the skills of creating your own portal, but by the end of the course you will become the owner of your own project. All that remains is to develop it. See own mistakes more difficult than obtaining abstract knowledge. At school they will show you what you are doing wrong. This helps you achieve much more and quickly.

If writing is not your thing, then you can make money from video. Now both a schoolchild and a person of advanced age can learn to make high-quality clips and video stories in a few weeks. How exactly? All answers Here.

If you, your mother or grandmother are interested in knitting, sewing or making jewelry self made, then you can sell them very profitably using Instagram, even abroad, where prices are much higher! To do this, you don’t need to create your own website, just take a photo and press a few buttons on your own phone. High-quality service will help increase the chances of concluding a profitable deal. SocLike.

A Here, gain skills in working with Photoshop. By the end of school, you will be able to turn any photo into an advertising shot: add sharpness, even out light and shadows, remove unnecessary elements, and much more! You know, this is very interesting. See how after several manipulations the picture becomes completely different.

About the importance of money

Free time can be spent usefully. No better motivation than material gain. Even the most favorite things get boring and one hobby changes to another. Only money, even if small, provides additional incentive to develop and create further. One clever man said: “Working for free is like dying young for a beautiful corpse.”

There are so many interesting things in our lives, so why should you waste it on a job you don’t like or limit yourself to something? Give yourself a chance to make money using what you know better than others or what you are drawn to.

Play your own role, do what you like and get more than just pleasure from it. Even if you have no education, but have talent or desire, listen to yourself. Pay attention to your own unfulfilled needs and develop in this direction. You will be able to receive much more moral and financial satisfaction.

Good luck in your endeavors. I really hope that this article is useful to you and that you find yourself and then achieve great success. If you liked this article, you can subscribe to the blog newsletter. Then I will send you information about my new and interesting publications.

The Russian labor market is such that work without education can be more profitable than employment with higher education. Just a few years ago, most employers required a university diploma, often without paying attention to the specialty. Now the most progressive companies are moving away from this formality. Enterprising people have more and more opportunities to get money without spending 5 years at a university where they do not provide guarantees for the future. We tell you about the most popular professions where you can earn money without a higher education.

Sales Manager

Where can I get a job if I don’t have a higher education diploma? A fairly popular and in-demand profession is sales manager. Most employers are ready to hire such a specialist without education. The main quality that is required to make money in this direction is the ability to attract clients and sell.

This skill has nothing to do with university: many, having graduated from a specialized faculty, still cannot sell effectively, while others have no problems finding mutual language with the client and sell him even what he did not want to purchase. For example, remember the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” - most of its heroes did not learn sales, but achieved success only through perseverance. Selling can be learned, but success in this work is largely related to personal qualities. Trainings and seminars can motivate you to work more efficiently, but they are not of decisive importance.

How much you can earn: from 12 thousand rubles per month.

Bistro worker

Often the answer to the question of how to find a job without education and experience is employment in a fast food cafe. This business is very developed in Russia: in any city there are several dozen chain cafes and restaurants. Cooking in them is put on stream and occurs according to step by step instructions. Therefore, a chef's education is not required to prepare dishes here.

Working in a fast food cafe is neither easy nor highly paid. It is more correct to consider it as a temporary option or a step in a career. After working for some time as a distribution worker, a specialist has the right to apply for a more senior position, administrator or manager. The advantage of such companies is that the chances of moving up career ladder really big here.

How much you can earn: from 80 rubles per hour.

You can earn good money without a university degree


A nanny, a nurse or, in modern terms, a “babysitter” is a good job without a higher education. Some clients require a pedagogical education, but most have already realized that a teaching diploma does not guarantee quality work. This kind of work is only suitable for women; men are not nannies and caregivers.

This is difficult work with high responsibility. It doesn’t matter whether the nanny is with a child or caring for an elderly/sick person: his health and safety are under her control. Often this is “dirty” work, where you have to clean up after another person. Many are not ready for this. Sometimes nannies and caregivers serve as maids.

From such workers, clients expect composure, attentiveness, friendliness, quick response and the ability to take responsibility. The skill to provide first is welcomed medical care and give injections.

How much you can earn: from 150 rubles per hour.


There is a lot of debate on the Internet about how much photographers earn. More precisely, everyone agrees that they earn a lot and argue whether such prices for their services are justified. The question is really difficult. On the one hand, it seems that everyone can take photographs. It is enough to buy a more expensive camera and you can accept orders. On the other hand, pictures need to be taken correctly, take into account the client’s wishes, and also be processed and retouched.

Most people forget about this side of the profession.

Photography needs to be learned. Some are able to learn on their own, others need courses and professional help. Competition in the market is very high, it is difficult for newcomers to compete for orders. In addition, you need to purchase equipment, the total cost of which is 100 thousand rubles. You need to create a strong portfolio and choose a specialization (wedding photography, personal photo shoots, product photography, food photography).

How much you can earn: from 1 thousand rubles per hour.

Working as a film or theater actor requires talent and education. The number of “self-taught” people here is extremely small and, in the end, they still receive specialized education. But working as an extra is quite suitable for any person, even without professional skills.

“Extras”, “third” and “fourth” roles can become a source of additional income. This kind of work is quite simple; you don’t need to learn words or get used to the character. Main disadvantage earnings in the crowd - seasonality. It’s difficult to constantly find filming locations, especially if we’re not talking about Moscow and St. Petersburg. It’s definitely not worth considering it as a source of permanent income. Moreover, filming often takes several days, drags on past midnight, and the same simple takes have to be repeated dozens of times.

How much you can earn: from 500 rubles per shooting day.

Nannies, caregivers and maids can work without special education, provided that they have all the necessary skills


Writing books is the same talent as acting in films. But if a person really feels that he can write a book that other people need and are willing to pay for it, he should definitely act. Genre doesn't matter: it could be fiction, non-fiction or even a textbook.

When the book is ready, it is sent to publishing houses, trying to sign a contract and achieve publication. If the editors like the book, it will be published and the circulation will be distributed to bookstores. Many people can write a book, but only one in a thousand can print it, much less sell it.

How much you can earn: it’s difficult to even name an approximate amount; it depends on the publisher’s interest in the book.


To register as an individual entrepreneur and run your own business, you do not need any education. Theoretically, after only finishing school and waiting for their 18th birthday, anyone can start their own business. The only question is whether you will be able to earn money without having a specialized education. Many people think that the solution is to buy a franchise: the franchisor will give all the necessary instructions and help with the opening. This is true to some extent. But, firstly, opening a franchise requires investment, and secondly, there are no guarantees that the opening will be successful and will not ruin the franchisee.

A good option is to provide services without employees (at least in the first stages). Manicurists, hairdressers, makeup artists, seamstresses, and needlewomen can easily earn money without graduating from university, provided that they are professionals in their chosen industry.

How much you can earn: from 15 thousand rubles per month.

Entrepreneurs and freelancers can do without university, but must be hardworking and easy to learn


How can you work without education? The popular answer is to be a freelancer, that is, to work via the Internet without official employment. Most often, freelancers work through exchanges or special services. There are many options for work: from simple actions like entering captcha to website development.

To say that people earn money here without education is not entirely fair. This requires specific skills. From the simplest, like recognizing a captcha or evaluating a request, to complex ones, like creating websites and filling them with content (texts, images, videos). Freelancing is a promising direction in which it is worth developing.

How much you can earn: from 10 thousand rubles per month.


Trying food or drinks for money seems to be not a job, but a dream. Tasters make money by trying different products and evaluating their taste, quality, and so on. This rare profession, there are very few such vacancies. In addition, there are serious demands placed on tasters, in particular increased sensitivity of taste buds and sense of smell. Tasters most often work with alcohol, coffee, food and perfume.

How much you can earn: from 20 thousand rubles per month or 1,500 rubles per hour (if working part-time).

Tourism manager

A tourism manager is a specialist who advises clients of travel agencies and sells them tours. No special education is required for this, although some employers prefer to hire employees with a diploma in tourism or marketing.

This profession is similar to a sales manager: some people easily sell travel packages, while others cannot convince a client to decide to travel. The work involves a lot of contact with different people

, “cold calls” and presentation of services. Suitable for sociable and friendly people.

How much you can earn: from 15 thousand rubles. Work on a construction site - as an auxiliary worker, plasterer or painter - a good option

work without education

Another option where you can work without education is to work on a construction site or in an organization as an auxiliary worker. Almost without exception, it is only suitable for men. Involves hard physical labor. Auxiliary workers do not need special education, but they do require professional skills, endurance and efficiency.

This type of work can be seasonal or permanent. Can be considered as a temporary part-time job or permanent employment. Finding vacancies is usually not a problem, although you can’t count on high pay.

How much you can earn: from 10 thousand rubles.


A more advanced option for making money on construction and repair work is to become a plasterer or painter. Strictly speaking, they are also taught, but most employers neglect the level of education when hiring. Like the profession of a auxiliary worker, it is hard work. True, he is paid higher.

An experienced master can try to work not only in teams, but also find orders on his own. They pay a lot for quality repair work. People tend to recommend the artists they like to their friends, so in the future you can even create your own business.

How much you can earn: from 20 thousand rubles per month.


A college degree does not guarantee a lucrative job. Now you can earn money and even build a career without going to university. At the same time, people have such an opportunity of different ages and gender. Work without education can become a part-time job, a temporary option “until better times” or the beginning of a career. The main thing is to work hard and prosperity will definitely come.

Nowadays, it is believed that you can get a well-paid job only if you have a higher education, and sometimes even several higher educations. But for those who did not receive higher education for various reasons...

First of all, don’t get upset and give up. There is always work. And those who seek will definitely find. Now, in the conditions of the rapid and full-scale revival of the industrial capacities of our country, you can get a working specialty and successfully get a job in some kind of production (especially now the country’s policy is aimed at employing young workers).

Moreover, wage workers have always had somewhat more than, say, engineering workers (this has been the case since the days Soviet Union, which, in principle, is economically justified).

Working in production, having proven yourself to be a good worker, you can go and get a higher education by correspondence. Once you receive it, paths will open up for you to move up the career ladder (engineering positions are getting higher and higher).

Since trade is one of the most popular areas in our country, you can try to get a job in it. This does not mean that you immediately need to go trading on the market. There are many companies involved in grocery delivery.

How to make money if you don’t have a higher education? Business ideas here: website

They have many specialties (receivers of goods, stackers, loaders, merchandisers). All these specialties, of course, will not bring you fabulous means of subsistence, but sometimes it is so important to get hooked on some kind of work at the beginning, and then it will be easier.

One of the new, so to speak modern, types of earnings is earnings in worldwide network. This does not mean work that requires special skills and education from you (for example, SEO specialists, website developers, there are quite a lot of them now). The best option for you may be to work as a copywriter or rewriter.

This job does not require any special skills from you, much less higher education. All you need is a little imagination and the ability to express your thoughts competently and beautifully. You can find a job (offers from employers) on specialized websites. Earnings from such a job can initially range from 10,000 rubles with fairly measured work...