Watch the best jokes about cats. Funny cats, fresh funny videos with cats and funny videos with cats and cats are funny to watch

Well it can't modern man do without pets! Almost every family has dogs, hamsters, fish and even cold-blooded snakes! But, no matter what anyone says, the most popular animal is the cat! Therefore, jokes about cats that make you laugh until you cry are especially popular on the Internet.

For what merits do we love these animals? Why did people always like them so much? Mentions of cats are found in ancient writings! People domesticated this naturally wild animal and taught it to work for good. Farmers have used and continue to use this animal as a hunter of small rodents that spoil the harvest, and other cultures even worship the mustachioed predator!

Cats became so accustomed to humans that they lost their hunting skills and became dependent on humans. If cats used to be breadwinners, now they are lazy fluffy balls that love to be scratched behind the ears.

By the way, more than 700 breeds of cats have now been bred! Each breed has different external characteristics and its own temperament. This temperament becomes the source of jokes that sometimes happen to cats. You will see this when you look a funny video below.

Fun with cats 2017

Those people who have a cat in their house have probably witnessed the crazy games that these animals sometimes play. This especially applies to kittens. Funny moments with kittens happen regularly! These little pranksters are real “energizers” who rush around the house and destroy everything around them.

These are exactly the kind of videos with cats that you can find on the Internet, and in huge quantities! Keeping up with updates is very problematic, because jokes with cats happen regularly. We decided to select the funniest videos on YouTube and show you only high-quality material. Let's start watching already best videos with cats and cats for 2017!

These are such funny animals! If you liked the jokes about cats, then like this post and share it with your friends on social networks, and we, in turn, will show you many more interesting videos.

The cat video fun category will give you an unforgettable experience and real joy from watching free videos. This category is perfect for viewing with your family. Your children will be simply happy watching the unique, unpredictable and most amazing animals on earth - cats. Cats are independent, each has its own unique character, on which their hobbies and habits depend - exactly what encourages people to love, care for and cherish them. Watching videos in this category only gives people positive emotions. Watch with us how kittens play online, run and jump around the apartment. Now Tim's kitten is already running around and jumping into his favorite paper bag, he loves to put it on his head and walk around the apartment with the bag on his head. Caring owners film all this and post it on the Internet with the mark download for free. Lisa the cat loves to jump on the bed and tumble on the floor, this is how she moves around the house and even goes down the stairs when her owners call her to play. Our pets love to run after a laser pointer; they are hunters by nature, their main natural function is to catch prey for food, which for them is a pointer or a candy wrapper on a string. Crazy, wide eyes, a characteristic roar and lightning-fast movements of the paws - this is hunting. Jokes about cats You definitely need to film it, give moments of happiness not only to yourself, but to everyone around you.

A lot of funny cat videos come from their unpredictability. Funny cats love to run and jump, meow and purr. They sleep in the most unexpected positions, jump on the sofa and tear up the wallpaper. Look how cleverly the kitten runs away from the dog and hides on a lamppost. She is no longer able to climb back down the completely vertical pole. Sympathetic people, hearing a plaintive meow, called rescuers. When trying to lasso a cat in order to lower it to the ground, the cat, guided only by its thoughts, jumps down with its paws outstretched. Having successfully landed, he chirps into the nearest yard, flashing his heels and bushy tail; on the Internet, this video is known as the flying cat. They say that when cat walks with her tail raised, she feels confident in her territory, where she considers herself the mistress. But as soon as a domestic cat or cat goes outside, they are sure to immediately encounter the yard seasoned predators. Domestic cats, and indeed non-local cats in general, are not given a warm welcome by the community of barn cats. How often do we hear the drawn-out uterine: “Meow!” This means that the meeting of two furry strangers is in full swing. Rarely, when it comes to pawing, it is usually resolved with the help of diligent meows and fortitude. The loser leaves the battlefield and retreats. But the sounds that the cats make during these skirmishes are unlike anything else and are always different. Random witnesses try to record on video these interesting moments in the life of cats.

Cat videos are perhaps our favorite category, because so many kind and sincere stories cannot be found in any other. The communication between cats and dogs is very interesting to watch. Not all dogs are at odds with their cat brother. If pets live with the same owners since childhood, there are no problems at all. In this case, the dog and the cat, best friends, don't spill the water, as they say. Cats make us laugh for free every day, which is why these fluffy, mustachioed creatures dominate all the pets that people love to keep. They love to hunt for mice, butterflies and flies. Proud of the work done if caught, a domestic cat will never start eating right away. She will first take her trophy to her owner to get her share of praise and ironing. Black cats are not so lucky. In Russia it is generally accepted that a black cat crossing the road will definitely bring trouble. Therefore, they are not favored and many superstitious people, when meeting them, try to instantly take countermeasures, use an anti-omen that should save them from “imminent disaster.” Black cats and kitties in general are the object of everyone's attention, despite the fact that they behave the same way - they love to play with a ball, run, jump and much more. Download funny cat videos, watch them cat videos You can do it on our portal completely free of charge. British, fold, Russian blue cats - you will find them all here in large quantities, because we have a huge archive of video clips dedicated to our beloved mustachioed household members!

F1 - calls up Windows Help or the help window of the active program. IN Microsoft Word The key combination Shift+F1 shows text formatting; F2- renames the selected object on the desktop or in the Explorer window; F3- opens a search window for a file or folder on the desktop and in Explorer. The Shift+F3 key combination is often used to search backwards; F4- opens a drop-down list, such as the address bar list in the My Computer window or in Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts Alt+F4 in Windows is used to close applications, and Ctrl+F4− is used to close part of a document or program (for example, tabs) ; F5 - refreshes the active window of the open web page, desktop, explorer, etc. Microsoft PowerPoint F5 starts the slide show from the beginning, and the key combination Shift+F5− starts from the current slide; F6 - switch between screen elements in a window or on the desktop. In Explorer and Internet Explorer - move between the main part of the window and the address bar; F7- checks spelling (in Word, Excel); F8 - when loading the operating system, selects the boot mode. In the Word editor, enables advanced text selection. Selecting a fragment from the initial to the final cursor position occurs without holding down the Shift key. Pressing F8 again highlights the word closest to the cursor. The third is a sentence containing it. The fourth is a paragraph. Fifth - document. You can remove the last selection by pressing the key combination Shift+F8. You can disable the mode using the Esc key; F9-- in some programs updates the selected fields; F10- activates the full menu, and the key combination Shift+F10 activates context menu; F11 - moves the window to full screen mode and back, for example, in Internet Explorer; F12 - goes to selecting file saving options (File -> Save As). On a standard PC/AT keyboard, the alphanumeric block consists of 47 keys and includes keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation, arithmetic operations and special characters. The effect of these keys depends on the case (lower - upper) in which these keys are pressed. The control keys Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt) are also called modifier keys, since they are designed to change the actions of other keys. Shift (read “Shift”) is an uppercase key (non-fixed switching). Used in conjunction with other keys, such as the alphanumeric block keys for typing capital letters and uppercase characters. Additionally, the Shift key is used as a modifier in keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks. For example, to open a link in a separate window in a browser, you need to click on the link with the mouse while holding down the Shift key. Ctrl (read “control”) - used in combination with other keys, for example: Ctrl+A- in Windows, selects all text in the window; Ctrl+B- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “bold-normal”; Additionally, the keyboard shortcuts Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift are commonly used to switch keyboard layouts. Windows combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc brings up the Task Manager. Tab (read “Tab”) - in text editors, enters a tab character and works with indentations, and in graphical interfaces moves focus between elements. For example, moving between the desktop, Start button, Quick Launch, taskbar, and system tray. The AppsKey action is equivalent to right-clicking the mouse and brings up a context menu for the selected object. Line feed key Enter (Enter) - used to enter a line feed when typing text, selecting a menu item, issuing a command or confirming an action, and so on. Backspace (read “Backspace”) - in text editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor, and outside the typing area - returns to the previous screen of the program or web page in the browser. Delete (read “Divide”) - deletes the selected object, selected text fragment or character to the right of the input cursor. The Insert key (read “Insert”) is used to switch between insertion modes (the text appears to be expanded) and replacement modes (new characters replace existing text) when editing text. The Ctrl+Insert key combination replaces the “copy” command, and Shift+Insert replaces the “paste” command. In the Total Commander and FAR Manager file managers, the key is used to select a file or folder. Alt + Tab keys allow you to switch between open windows. A panel appears in the center of the screen with all open applications, and when selecting the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times. The combination Alt + Space (spacebar) opens the window system menu, with which you can restore, move, maximize, minimize and close the window without using the mouse.

F1 - calls up Windows Help or the help window of the active program. In Microsoft Word, the Shift+F1 key combination shows text formatting; F2- renames the selected object on the desktop or in the Explorer window; F3- opens a search window for a file or folder on the desktop and in Explorer. The Shift+F3 key combination is often used to search backwards; F4- opens a drop-down list, such as the address bar list in the My Computer window or in Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts Alt+F4 in Windows is used to close applications, and Ctrl+F4− is used to close part of a document or program (for example, tabs) ; F5- refreshes the active window of an open web page, desktop, explorer, etc. In Microsoft PowerPoint, F5 starts showing the slide show from the beginning, and the key combination Shift+F5− from the current slide; switches between screen elements in the window or on the desktop. In Explorer and Internet Explorer - move between the main part of the window and the address bar; F7 - checks spelling (in Word, Excel; when loading the operating system, selects the loading mode in the Word editor). from the initial to the final position of the cursor occurs without holding down the Shift key. Pressing the F8 key again selects the word closest to the cursor. The third sentence contains it. Fifth - document. You can remove the last selection by pressing the key combination Shift+F8. You can disable the mode using the Esc key; F9-- in some programs updates the selected fields; F10- activates the full menu, and the key combination Shift+F10 activates the context menu; F11 - switches the window to full screen mode and back, for example, in Internet Explorer; F12 - goes to selecting file saving options (File -> Save As). On a standard PC/AT keyboard, the alphanumeric block consists of 47 keys and includes keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation, arithmetic, and special characters. The effect of these keys depends on the case (lower - upper) in which these keys are pressed. The control keys Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt) are also called modifier keys, since they are designed to change the actions of other keys. Shift (read “Shift”) is an uppercase key (non-fixed switching). Used in conjunction with other keys, such as the alphanumeric block keys for typing capital letters and uppercase characters. Additionally, the Shift key is used as a modifier in keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks. For example, to open a link in a separate window in a browser, you need to click on the link with the mouse while holding down the Shift key. Ctrl (read “control”) - used in combination with other keys, for example: Ctrl+A- in Windows, selects all text in the window; Ctrl+B- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “bold-normal”; In the Windows operating system, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc opens the Task Manager. Tab (read “Tab”) - in text editors, enters a tab character and works with indentations, and in graphical interfaces moves focus between elements. For example, moving between the desktop, Start button, Quick Launch, taskbar, and system tray. The AppsKey action is equivalent to right-clicking the mouse and brings up a context menu for the selected object. Line feed key Enter (Enter) - used to enter a line feed when typing text, selecting a menu item, issuing a command or confirming an action, and so on. Backspace (read “Backspace”) - in text editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor, and outside the typing area - returns to the previous screen of the program or web page in the browser. Delete (read “Divide”) - deletes the selected object, selected text fragment or character to the right of the input cursor. The Insert key (read “Insert”) is used to switch between insertion modes (the text appears to be expanded) and replacement modes (new characters replace existing text) when editing text. The Ctrl+Insert key combination replaces the “copy” command, and Shift+Insert replaces the “paste” command. In the Total Commander and FAR Manager file managers, the key is used to select a file or folder. Alt + Tab keys allow you to switch between open windows. A panel appears in the center of the screen with all open applications, and when selecting the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times. The combination Alt + Space (spacebar) opens the window system menu, with which you can restore, move, maximize, minimize and close the window without using the mouse.