Is it possible to learn telekinesis? Self-teaching telekinesis

After watching the famous film “Telekinesis,” many may have had the idea in their minds of how to learn telekinesis at home, and maybe someone has supernatural abilities hidden deep in their souls.

It is difficult to say with confidence that telekinesis can be developed independently. Some may succeed, but others simply are not given the energy of the mind. We are not talking about human literacy or specifically about intelligence. What is important is the thought process itself and a person’s ability to penetrate deeply into his soul. First of all, believe in yourself.

To begin the process, you need to start with the most important thing - control of the mind or energy. Incorrect alignment will only lead to a pointless loss of strength, and it will take weeks for the body to restore energy. Over time, a person will be able to master the so-called energy recharging; as a result, he can safely extend the duration of the workout.

The ability to move objects seems nonsense, but as scientists say, it is possible and E.I. Bouguer, a spiritualist master, was the first to prove it. So, how to learn telekinesis at home or how to develop the power of the mind?

The first stage of the process is relaxation. No matter how serious the task may seem, a person starts with the important thing - calming the body and collecting information. Let's imagine that the brain is a closet, and in the closet there are shelves. Information is clothing. Your task is to distribute the clothes on the shelves. What would seem simpler? But the process begins and the person does not understand how to do everything correctly, but over time he comes to the conclusion that white should go with white, colored with the like, etc. The same goes for the information received. It must be distributed and the corridors in the brain must be free. Then the person will be able to think about something else and will be able to focus on something specific without any problems.

To begin with, try not to think about anything for at least 20 seconds, and increase the interval over time.

The second stage - mental movement - an important aspect in training - how to develop telekinesis. Papers are suitable for this exercise. Tear the notebook sheet into pieces and lay it out in front of you. Carefully observe the object - the papers. Try to become attached to them, think that this is a part of you, for example, a hand that you can move. Move the object mentally, lift it, “touch it with your gaze.” By the way, experienced experts recommend using light objects, such as paper, to start with.

The third stage is the trajectory. Many people are interested in developing telekinesis and how to learn it. But reaching the 3rd stage and not receiving any results, many give up, but great masters have been pursuing their goals for decades.

The trajectory is the course you set. You need to start by approaching yourself or drawing the paper with your gaze. The best course is the path to your soul, attract the papers with your gaze and try to merge with them into one, feel how you become one.

The exercises must be repeated every day and with great diligence. The fact that you need to do a certain set of exercises is unlikely to help. Man is not a robot, he is living creature and telekinesis is only amenable to flesh. And a trained shell will never know how to learn telekinesis.

The ability to telekinesis is very rare. Only a few can move objects with the power of thought, lift them into the air, extinguish flames and deform durable metal products. And although this intangible effect on physical objects can be studied scientifically, it is not yet possible to fully understand and explain its nature. However, there is an opinion that everyone has telekinetic abilities, because they are absolutely natural for us. But the majority simply do not notice them and do not try to develop them, which is why we so rarely see this phenomenon.

Yes, you can, but subject to important conditions.

First - This is your great desire, perseverance and belief in your success.

Second - the ability to relax and concentrate, since it is impossible to learn telekinesis without the ability to control attention and control your body and mind.

Third - readiness for daily training and exercise. Theoretically, many people can actually influence objects with the power of thought, but only those who make significant efforts in learning will do this.

That's all the rules.

Now is the time to look within yourself and test your potential. Although this will require persistence and consistency in your studies, it will be quite simple to do them, so you can learn telekinesis either under the guidance of a specialist or at home, on your own. The main thing is that nothing distracts you during training.

How to learn telekinesis through working with energy?

Relax, close your eyes and feel the flow of energy that goes through your body. As you exhale, direct it into your hands. Feel how it concentrates in your palms, how it penetrates your fingers to the very tips.

Extend your arms in front of you and turn them with your palms facing each other. Feel how tangible and dense the space between them becomes.

Now let there be some object in front of you. Raise your hands above him and create a feeling of warmth in them. As you slowly move your hand closer to the object, concentrate on the sensations. This may be a tingling sensation or a feeling that the space under your palm is shrinking, thickening. Touch the surface of the object and slowly move your hand back. Feel how the energy field under it resists, does not allow you to tear your hand off or raise it. Taking your palm away, rest and relax, let go of all sensations.

Then try to create such energetic contact in any conditions with different objects. Experiment with distances and increase them. Direct the flow of energy from your palm 2-3 meters away from you and “catch” its reflection, returning to you in the form of a push or tingling.

Train your sense of the surrounding space through energy reflection, determine distances from eyes closed, feel surfaces without touching them.

Now start trying to move the object without making physical contact with it.

Mastering telekinesis through visual concentration

First, direct your gaze to one point, it is best to draw it. Free your mind from thoughts, think only about what your eyes emit rays to this point.

When this exercise starts to work out well, add circular movements with your head to it.

Then draw a second point - above the first. Very slowly move your gaze from one to the other, even while feeling an effort - as if with your gaze you are moving the top point down and the bottom point up. These are the first steps in the practice of telekinesis and they are very important for mastering it.

Now move on to real objects. Act on them in the same way as before on the points, moving them from their place with mental effort.

Practice, study and find out if you can learn telekinesis on your own, at home; check - how great are your capabilities and how deeply are they hidden? Maybe you have a rare gift that needs to be “awakened”? Be persistent and patient, because you have a long way to go to find out.

There is no hard evidence for the existence of telekinesis, but your attempts will not harm anyone. If you want to understand the issue, then meditate, learn to discipline your consciousness and practice visualizing different objects. Clear your mind and imagine the object in every detail, and then try to establish a connection with it. Focus clearly on how you want to move the object, then convey your intention to it. The first pancake can be lumpy, so be patient and polish your skills daily.


Part 1

Focus your thoughts

    Believe in the possibility of telekinesis. It is impossible to achieve results if you approach things with a grain of salt. If you convince yourself that nothing will happen, even on a subconscious level, then everything will be exactly like that. Therefore, the first step is to convince yourself that it is possible to move objects with the power of thought.

  1. Focus on your connection to the subject. Once you have learned to control your thoughts and imagine things, focus on the energy that connects you to the outside world. Imagine how matter and energy pass through you, other objects and the entire surrounding space. Try to see how the boundaries between you and the objects around you dissolve, how you become part of one system.

    • This is the idea behind telekinesis: you and the object are one. To try to move an object, learn to see and believe in such a connection.
  2. Clearly imagine what actions you want to perform with the item. What movement should he make? Do you want to pull, move, rotate an object? Focus on the object and mentally imagine how it will move.

    • Imagine only one type of movement. Don't get distracted and don't try to imagine different options. Only one type of movement.
  3. Focus your intention on the subject. Stay focused on the subject. Send your intention to him as if you were moving your hand or foot. Don't let your thoughts wander. You only need to think about one type of movement. You are one with the object, so move it as you would any other part of your body.

    • Don't be discouraged if your first attempts are unsuccessful. Continue to hone your mind control abilities and practice telekinetic exercises.

Part 3

Do telekinetic exercises
  1. Learn to feel the energy that passes through your body. Tighten all the muscles in your arm from your shoulder to your fist for 10–15 seconds, and then completely relax your arm. Pay attention to the sensations as you accumulate, control, and release energy. Use such sensations to better direct force on an object and learn to move it with the power of thought.

    • Unity with an object is the cornerstone of telekinesis, so it is important to feel and understand the energy that forms such a connection.
  2. Try spinning the psi wheel. The psi wheel is paper folded into a pyramid that sits on top of a toothpick connected to a piece of foil. You need to focus on the object, establish a mental connection with it and give it rotation with the power of thought.

    • Trying to simply spin the wheel without it turning over will help you learn to keep your abilities under control.
    • Cover the wheel with a can or other transparent container to prevent drafts from affecting it.

Telekinesis can be developed quickly at home! How? With the help of not very difficult exercises, which hide enormous power of control. You will definitely discover it once you master everything written below. You will have telekinesis!

"The Magic of the Glass"

Buy an ordinary glass (plastic). Place it on a flat surface, on its side. Try to use maximum volitional effort to move it from its place. Rearrange the glass and repeat what you did before moving the object. Do the exercise three times a week (minimum).


Draw several large and bold dots (about the same size). Draw one point at the top and the second at the bottom. Focus first on lowest point, and then go to the top (smoothly and slowly). Return to the previous point and focus your attention on it again.

"Match plus water"

Take any deep bowl from the kitchen cabinet. Fill it up clean water(boiled or from the tap). Throw a regular match into the water. Give it all your attention and concentrate all your energy. Move the match using any mental image.

"Pen and Pencil"

Take a pen, pencil and thread. Tie a feather to one end of the thread. You need to attach a pencil to the other. Place the pencil on the neck of the jar so that the feather hangs calmly and freely on the thread. The thread and feather should move not from your breath, but from telekinetic influence. Use telekinesis along with your gaze.

"Two palms" training

Sit comfortably on any sofa or on any bed. Place your palms facing each other (they should be in the air). After a few seconds you will feel the energy. Collect it from all over the body and direct it to the solar plexus area. Send the collected energy into your palm. Start driving it through the arm area, through the forearm. Relax after a few minutes.

"Connecting with Energy"

Relax your whole body (totally). Close your eyes and try to “grab” the flow of energy. Breathe in. Exhale. Release the air and direct the resulting energy into your palms and arms. You will feel how it “saturates” your fingertips and fingertips. Place your palms in front of you. Connect them together. Place any object between your palms. Raise your palms up (above the object). Bring your palms closer to it when you feel at least a slight warmth. Focus hard. Soon you will feel a gentle tingling sensation. Touch the object with your hands and move them to the side (arms). Try to catch the feeling of resistance. That is, you should feel that the object does not want to let go of your hands. Rest, relax and release the accumulated energy like a breath of air.

"Void Movement"

Sit in the position in which you will feel maximum comfort. Find any point in space that you like. Look around her and focus on her completely (with your whole body, with your whole gaze). Imagine that you are trying to move the void. This exercise will help improve your concentration.

"Radiation of energy"

Find a cozy place. Spend some time meditating and relaxing. Open your eyes. Leave your hands and other parts of your body in a relaxed state. Imagine that there is a vessel in the center of your forehead. Try to imagine that your entire head has also turned into a large vessel. Imagine that you... Water! You slowly melt into your own body... Slowly spread over your arms, legs, neck area…. Flow out of the body and fill all surrounding objects. Return to the body (sharply, sharply). Feel the pulsation of an imaginary vessel (located on your forehead). Switch from one subject to another. You “play the role” of a large water jet. Repeat the exercise twice a day.

"Rotation - independently"

Take a small saucer. Place a standard match in it. Go to the sink. Open the tap. Fill the match saucer with water. Place it in the very center of the table. Sit down opposite the vessel and wait until the flogging match stops swaying. Relax and “empty” your head of thoughts. Forget about emotions, because you must be absolutely calm and cool. Direct the energy into a static (non-moving) match. Imagine that it breaks away from the water a little and comes back. Feel the match begin to spin. Remember every feeling you have.

"Hollow Image Training"

Imagine something that can move (example: a car). Imagine this video this way - remove the entire landscape from the picture so that what remains in your imagination is a car driving along the road. Remove the road from the landscape so that the car moves in an unclear way. Then remove the car itself. Did it work? Then detach yourself from your own body! Come out of it in the form of your soul.

"One pin"

Take a small piece of paper. Fold it (perpendicularly). Place a needle in the middle of the paper. Take the plastic cap and stick a pin into it. Try to move the needle and pin at least a millimeter. Repeat the attempt several times, since the majority of experimenters do not succeed at all on the first “jerk”.

Do not allow excess energy consumption in your body. To do this, you need to recharge it.

But if you have heart problems, then you are strictly prohibited from “recharging.”

Many people fail to master telekinesis on their own. If you are one of them, then don’t shed your tears in vain! You probably have other extraordinary talents and abilities that you don’t even know about! “Dig deep” into yourself to find out for sure what is in you that would be worth developing.

Don't miss it. . .

How to learn telekinesis?

Telekinesis (or psychokinesis) - in parapsychology, refers to a person’s ability to influence objects with the power of thought: move them, lift them into the air, etc. Telekinesis is possessed by people with developed psychic abilities. Mass manifestations of telekinesis could be observed during numerous spiritualistic seances that took place in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Eyewitnesses to the sessions observed the phenomena of levitation, materialization and dematerialization of objects. All this was done by mediums who had access not only to the physical, but also subtle world. Is it possible to learn telekinesis? Can. To do this, you need to be patient and believe that sooner or later you will achieve the desired result.

Before you start training, answer yourself a simple question: why do I need telekinesis? If you just want to amaze others by moving objects with your eyes, then think carefully about whether the game is worth the candle? Remember that in the process of telekinesis it takes large number your psychic energy. Do you want to waste it? If you are interested in developing your superpowers, discovering new talents and self-improvement, then feel free to get down to business.

How to learn telekinesis? Exercises

In order to master telekinesis, you need to have quite strong energy, since this phenomenon itself is associated with large expenditures of energy. First of all, you need to have excellent health and good vitality. You can also try yoga, qigong, meditation and other spiritual practices. You need to be in complete control of your physical and etheric bodies (more subtle bodies will not be discussed here). There are some exercises that can help you prepare for telekinesis. If you are interested in how to learn telekinesis, videos on the Internet will be a good help. For example, you can watch the video attached to the article.

How to quickly learn telekinesis? Telekinesis is a very delicate and complex matter, so it will not be possible to truly master such a skill quickly. It may take months to learn, so don't be discouraged if these exercises don't work for you. Sooner or later you will learn to manage your energy.

  • Energy accumulation exercise. Keep your palms open facing each other. Visualize your energy flows. Gather all the energy in your body at the solar plexus point. Send all the energy into your palms. Mentally imagine how energy, according to your will, flows from palm to palm, flowing along your forearms and shoulders. Do this procedure several times. After a few sessions you will feel how your energy has increased.
  • Development of will, training of gaze (perform for a month or more).
  1. Draw a black dot on the glass or mirror. We fix our gaze on this point and imagine that rays are stretching from the eyes and from the bridge of the nose to the point. The body should be in a comfortable and relaxed position. You need to start with 5 minutes of concentration on an object and increase the time to 15 minutes.
  2. We do the following exercise: while concentrating our gaze, we slowly rotate our head in a circle, while our gaze should remain concentrated on the point. You need to perform the exercise for 15 minutes.
  3. Draw 2 dots at the top and bottom at a short distance from each other. Fix your gaze on the top point. After this, very slowly and without losing concentration, move your gaze to the bottom. Then from bottom to top, etc. At the same time, you should feel an effort, as if with the power of thought you are moving the top point down and vice versa. You may feel that your gaze seems to “fall through” into the object in question.
  4. Exercise with a glass. Buy plastic cup. Sit on the floor, place the glass on its side on a chair with a flat surface. Create a flow of energy in your palms. Make movements over the cup as if you were rolling it. You move the glass by force of will. You can imagine how the wind blows from under your palms, moving the glass. perform for 10 minutes. The first results may appear in 5-7 days. Then you will be able to move heavier objects.
  5. Hang the match on a silk ribbon. Do everything as in the previous exercise. Now your task is to turn the match around its axis with the energy of your thoughts. Perform the exercise for 10 minutes.
  6. Telekinesis technique on water. Take a deep bowl and fill it with water. Throw a match into the water. Focus your energy on the match. It needs to be moved using various mental images (choose which one you like best). For example, you can imagine that an invisible hand (actually the hand of your etheric body) is moving a match.

Now you know several techniques on how to learn telekinesis at home. Start training right now! Good luck!