Development of recommendations for improving the quality of life of the Russian population - abstract. How to improve your quality of life and increase your vitality

What is quality of life? It can be defined as the degree of a person’s satisfaction with the conditions of his existence, the degree of comfort as his own, privacy and life in society. According to the definition of the All-Russian Health Organization, quality of life is a person’s subjective perception of his own position in life in the context of cultural and social values ​​that are accepted in society.

Everyone wants to live well

Of course, improving the quality of life is of concern to every sane person. Everyone wants to spend their existence in comfortable conditions, to be happy, to enjoy, and not to suffer. People often ask themselves the question: “What do I like in life? What would I like to improve?” Every event in our life can have a positive or negative connotation. Currently, a person is forced to live according to standards imposed from outside. It becomes difficult for him to assess whether this or that event is good for him or is harmful. He finds it difficult to answer a simple question: “What do I really want in life?”

Subjectivity of perception

For example, a mother wants to send her child to additional courses in mathematics. She is looking for a prestigious university and pays a lot of money for classes. With great difficulty, the child is still enrolled in these courses, but later it turns out that the child has difficulty coping with both the main program and additional classes. He completely loses his desire to study. Is then such a “good” as taking courses at a prestigious university an improvement in the quality of life, or, on the contrary, does it worsen the living conditions? Everyone must answer this question themselves.

Often those events that seem to us to be a source of joy can only bring disappointment. As often happens, a girl who has dreamed of getting married all her life is later disappointed in this idea. Having achieved the desired goal, celebrating magnificent wedding, she faces reality Everyday life, not feeling happy at all. “It would be better for me to live with my parents,” she makes a sad conclusion. What was supposed to improve the quality of life turns out to be just another source of difficulty.

Clear harm

However, there are also indicators that can be assessed unambiguously. For example, alcohol or nicotine addiction only brings harm. No matter how the supporters of the “green serpent” try to justify their actions, in fact, such a way of life brings nothing but destruction. Smoking is no less dangerous. The number of those who develop cancer due to this seemingly harmless habit is constantly growing. In addition, cigarettes contain a large number of substances that negatively affect the body’s ability to resist various infections. Therefore, the harm from smoking can be indirect, which further aggravates the situation. There can be no talk of improving the quality of life here. Health is the first condition that is necessary in order to feel happy.

Main condition

One of the main conditions for a quality life is safety. If a person lives in extreme conditions, and the only task that faces him is survival, then it is difficult to talk about the comfort of existence. Improving the quality of life of citizens is largely the concern of the state. And it is political structures that take responsibility for ensuring that the people can live in safety, under the protection of the country’s Armed Forces. Only in peace can we talk about building our future, working and living in good conditions.

Increase income

Another one of important indicators is income. Many people dream that one day a huge inheritance will fall on their head. The girls dream that they will meet a rich prince with a million-dollar bank account. However, improving the quality of life of people depends 99.9% on themselves. It is foolish to dream of prosperity without making any effort to achieve it. The economic situation in the country is constantly changing. There is either an increase in unemployment, then an increase in prices, or a decrease wages. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself, your strengths and skills. How to increase your income, thereby creating conditions for improving your quality of life? Let's consider several options for additional income:

  • Babysitting for small children (nanny job).
  • Writing coursework for students.
  • Opening your own beauty salon.
  • Walking the dogs.
  • Tutoring.
  • Growing aquarium fish.

Financial indicators

To calculate the amount of money that is needed for a quality and comfortable life, you need to include several indicators. Firstly, these are expenses for housing, food, gasoline, purchasing household items, clothing, and money for vacation. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of purchasing household appliances, study. For a comfortable life it is necessary good food, clothing, education, opportunity to attend cultural events. Without all this, it is difficult to say that living conditions correspond to a certain level. It is advisable to have an idea of ​​what the annual amount of expenses will be, because income can change every month even if a person can work at the enterprise.

After this, a person can understand why else he might need money. Typically, after all the expenses required for a comfortable life are taken into account, people begin to think about making their dreams come true. Only at this stage does a person develop a keen interest in making money. And improving the quality and standard of living is only possible if basic needs are satisfied and there is no need to worry about a piece of bread or paying for utilities.

The role of education

Another condition for a quality life is a good education. Without it, it is simply impossible to build a career in many areas. Even if a person somehow manages to gain experience in a particular field without having a diploma, and works better than his colleagues, most employers will require an education diploma to get hired. And even those who have already graduated from university still must constantly improve their skills and improve their knowledge in the professional field. After all, without this, you can work your whole life in the same position. And without a promotion, it becomes impossible to increase income.


It often happens that a person loses his job for reasons beyond his control. For example, in a region where most of the male population works in the mines, suddenly the policy changes and the mines begin to close. What should an adult who has a family and children to support do in this case? There is only one way out - to get a new education. That is why, in order to improve the quality of life of the population, it is necessary to create as many opportunities for study as possible, including retraining.

Success depends on ourselves

But in many cases, education alone is not enough for success. Many graduates even prestigious universities often earn less than their former C-grade classmates. This is due to the fact that to achieve success you must also have practical intelligence. Many scientists mediocre Those who have a fairly high IQ remain undetected forever. The reason for this is the inability to communicate with people, express one’s opinion, achieve a goal and apply the acquired knowledge in practical life. Therefore, no matter how important education is, a person’s quality of life largely depends on his own actions.

Verified: on myself, on my family and friends, on clients. By applying these simple, straightforward rules throughout the day, I felt that my quality of life was not just getting better. I was convinced by my own example that this is a real opportunity, gradually, step by step, to get closer to a state where you can feel joyful, happy and harmonious.

Try and apply these secret rules. After all, little will change in our lives from the fact that we learn the next piece of information.

But having started put into practice what you are reading about now, you will one day go up to the mirror and see that your eyes are shining with joy, that you have become much younger and more attractive, that you are simply admiring yourself.

Just imagine that our cells are completely replaced with new ones within a year, bone tissue within 2-3 years, and skin within several months! So why then do some people grow old day by day, while others remain in the same pore? long years. And when you see some people whom you have not seen for ten years, you suddenly notice with amazement that over the years the person has only become more beautiful and pleasant, despite being over 40-50! How could he change the quality of life so much? What is the reason?

When we are in a joyful, peaceful state, we release the so-called joy enzyme. Then our cells receive this very enzyme of joy, and metabolic processes occur easily. Toxins are completely removed from the body, and nutrients be absorbed completely.

And then each cell gives rise to the same healthy and elastic cells. Otherwise, shrunken, diseased and flabby cells are produced. And the person as a whole looks the part.

Our whole life is made up of individual days. Our sense of happiness depends on how we live every day. and the very quality of life . If you live your day every day by doing certain rules, consistently and systematically, you can notice how our lives begin to change for the better. And then the realization comes: I am the Creator!

1. We change the quality of life with the beginning of each new day

First, try, when you wake up and before getting out of bed, say your passphrase(prayer, affirmation mood). For example: Today is the best day of my life.

My Daily Prayer: Lord, I thank you endlessly for all your treasures that are valid, permanent, unchanging and eternal! In my soul there is joy, peace, harmony, gratitude, forgiveness and love

2. Every day is a new life from scratch.

Allow yourself as much as possible joy and new elections already this morning and throughout the day.

Start your day with greetings. Choose any that suit you rituals to start the day and be sure to use them daily without missing a single day.

For example me, I greet myself every morning, looking in the mirror, before taking a shower, saying: “Hello, sunshine, I love you”

Greetings to my beloved husband, sincerely rejoicing that we are celebrating the morning together! We hug, exchanging joyful energy. And now for the third month we have been going on our favorite cycling and energy walk, recharging ourselves with energy and good mood for the whole day.

It is very important to convey a charge of love and gratitude also to awakening children, kissing them and rejoicing that they exist!

Another wonderful ritual in the morning - my husband and I in front of the fireplace We drink tea and talk about spiritual topics. From my own experience, I am convinced that it is these daily tea parties in front of a fire (or candles) that create for us that harmonious mood for the coming day, which helps us relate to any events and circumstances of our lives from a philosophical point of view. With the understanding that vanity and production issues(whether in the family or at work) are always resolved easily and naturally if we understand the main thing: we are Here on Earth, in order to develop, enjoying life and having fun!

Allow yourself today, even something small but unusual. After all a new day is a new blank sheet of your own book of life! So allow yourself to write your own beautiful page today with your own actions.

For example, allow yourself to go to work not along the usual asphalt road, but along a neighboring street where young birch trees grow, which are now painted golden. Or leave 15 minutes earlier when taking your child to kindergarten, and don’t rush him, as usual, but live all these extra 15 minutes with him, feel every moment. Consider the reflection of clouds in a puddle, or a maple leaf with figuratively carved teeth. Talk in these extra 15 minutes about what is so important to him: why the leaf turned yellow, how the holes formed inside, why the castings fly from the trees in the fall and why the clouds slowly change their shape... And you will come to work in a completely different mood, filled with gratitude to your young beloved companion: after all, today he stopped the meaningless vain rush of your thoughts and filled you with a new understanding of the Great Mystery of Life with eternal questions"For what?" and why?".

Or, during your lunch break, don’t sit as usual, eating your sandwich in the company of older female employees who “know everything about everyone” and wash everyone’s bones. And allow yourself to go for a walk in a nearby park and just breathe some air. Or sitting right on the street in the park, and looking into the incredibly blue autumn sky with white clouds of a bizarre shape, allow yourself to drink a cup of your favorite coffee, nourishing yourself with the smell of autumn leaves and the beauty of the unique autumn sky, and the wisdom of existence descending on us along with gold falling leaves. And right this evening you will suddenly notice for yourself what interesting events you allowed yourself to experience during the day! And how in a new way, calmly and with dignity you reacted to a specific situation, and at the same time you felt, as they say, higher in your own eyes!

3. Water is the source of youth and health

Water is what 80% of us are made of. Our every-minute choices and the quality of life in general depend on how our inner water is configured!

In the morning, before drinking tea, coffee, and especially before any food, we definitely drink clean water, which we charge with the help of magical Mandalas, we make ourselves with the children.

The easiest way to cheer up and finally wake up is, of course, a shower. I love contrast showers! And for more than ten years I have been using this invention of mankind. I always douse myself with cold water at the end. It is the cold water at the end that gives the feeling that the body is not just warm, but hot! And rubbing myself with a towel, thus doing a kind of massage, I feel Once again reborn, cheerful and ready for new achievements! Try it, it's just great! You can start the day with any water procedures. At one time, in school years, living in the north in wooden houses on stilts, where there was no shower and was not supposed to, my mother and I ran out into the street and instantly doused ourselves with a bucket cold water. It was amazing! Since then I have been friends with cold water. And that’s probably why I was never sick at all at school.

Immediately after my shower, I slowly drink a glass of charged structured water, saying “Thank you, love” with each sip. Nourishing, thus tuning every cell to gratitude!

I also drink enough water throughout the day. Sometimes, some time after eating, you get the misleading impression that you want to eat again. But it’s enough to drink a glass of water to understand that the body just wanted to drink. It's drinking clean water throughout the day is a great way to balance our energy and allow it to flow freely through our body.

Speaking about water, I would also like to talk about such a miracle that gives a feeling of cleanliness, health and youth, like a bathhouse! All year round, in the summer, and especially in the winter, we definitely take a bath 1-2 times a week. Our bathhouse is located right in the house. Now you can buy a sauna cabin and probably even place it in your apartment. And this is an excellent resource for maintaining your beloved body in health, youth, beauty and pleasure!

4. Breath is the great source of life.

And besides, breathing is an excellent tool for restoring youth and health.

Choose the ones that suit you and are pleasant to you breathing exercises and be sure to start your morning with the simplest breathing exercise, which is very good to combine with.

In the morning I do “breathing into the sky” through the heart center for 2-3 minutes. That is, looking at the sky (it’s better to be on the street, but you can also be on the balcony, in front of the window, where you can see at least a piece of the sky), we take a deep breath, imagining that the air fills and renews our heart (for 4 counts), hold our breath for 4 counts, imagining how the energy rejuvenates our heart and our entire body, and exhale for 4 counts. And so 3-4 times. And then, on a bike ride, I awaken and balance all my energy centers full, which makes me feel great throughout the day! And of course I see and feel an improvement in the quality of life in the area of ​​health.

In the case of any illness, which happens to me extremely rarely, I take 7 to 15 minutes, and the illness goes away.

5. I DO NOT judge, I do not compare, I do not evaluate

No matter what happens during the day, I try not to express my judgments, which lead to comparison and evaluation (good-bad). I am lucky that our wonderful Teachers, our twin boys, are growing up next to us and teaching us. They are completely different. And their achievements are different. And mistakes on different issues were expressed in different ways.

But my husband and I decided for ourselves: every person can be more successful in something, less successful in something. Everyone can like something different. And that's great! TO everyone develops in their own way and in their own directionand pace. We tried to transfer this attitude towards our beloved boys to everyone around us. Every person is a deity and a treasure. And absolutely each has its own advantages and disadvantages. We do not judge or evaluate! Because we want to be young and healthy. And for this, our biochemistry must work in the best mode for us. That's why being angry, indignant, being dissatisfied is harmful! We do not participate in any talk that involves "washing the bones."

I have learned to calmly leave the room where these kinds of conversations are taking place. Without being irritated by the source of negativity, with a feeling of love and understanding that all people are at different stages of their development, or, more simply put, playing their own games.

I tell myself: “It’s none of my business why this happened to other people. Everyone goes through their own lessons. And I I have no right (unless I am asked) to interfere.

My task is to understand how I react to all this, and to develop my reaction to any event. If I have to go through negative emotions- I give them a way out different ways and I wonder: “Why do I need this now and what am I studying now?”

I train myself to react to what is happening with humor. When emotion prevents you from reacting calmly, I ask myself send gratitude.

I cultivate the idea that everything is experience, everything is a game. And I imagine a man who is “out of his mind” in good mood. This perfectly harmonizes the space. As well as repeatedly repeating to yourself a mantra consisting of only one word "Love".

6. We change the quality of life with quality living and quick removal of emotions.

If negative emotions arise, we quickly remove the emotion from the body. We use any methods of removing emotions that suit us: - squat for 3-4 minutes. We crumple or tear the paper. We write an angry letter and burn it. We take the turned off mobile phone and express everything we think about it.

You can do this: 1. Breathe intensively, combining breathing with "I'm sorry. I regret. I love you. Thank you". I say it mechanically to myself, without thinking, until the law of the transition from quantity to quality kicks in. It works VERY FAST.

2. Do any physical exercise.

3. Deeply and sharply exhale negativity directly from the solar plexus.

4. We do jobs that we “didn’t get around to”: washing the sink, toilet, stove.

5. Jump, run, dance.

We remember: after all we want to be young, healthy, beautiful, which means we help our cells in this in every possible way!

7. Evening is the end of the day and an opportunity to take a fresh look at the quality of life.

Gratitude– this is something that it is advisable to cultivate in yourself every day. Lying in bed before going to bed, mentally “running through” the brightest events of the day, writing in each of your cells to remember and give thanks. Even if the events seemed negative - thank you for new lesson and for the opportunity to become wiser!

And also very useful before bed do for yourself whatnI really like it. Maybe it's a foot bath, or a warm, relaxing bath for the whole body. Or a massage: now there are a wide variety of massagers sold and quite affordable prices! My husband really likes to help his body relax and unwind before bed with a massager for his head, arms, legs, and back: they will be very grateful to you for such care!

And I enjoy reading spiritual literature to my children at night. For me, this is a wonderful way to develop and grow spiritually.

If my secret tips resonate with you, use them to your heart’s content! They helped me a lot.

I will be glad and grateful for your comments.

With love and gratitude to you and faith in your uniqueness: Elena Belotserkovskaya.

How to improve the quality of life when time passes faster than we can live it. You have just dispersed this train called “Life”, and most of the journey has already been completed.

After all, a person is genetically guaranteed 150 years of life, but statistics show a figure 2.5 times less. Experts carefully study the experience of centenarians. If you follow the rules they recommend, you can prolong your earthly existence and improve your quality of life.

“Existence” somehow doesn’t really appeal to me. I would like to live in healthy body and a clear mind. I try to follow these rules and suggest that you read these rules, copy them and do not remove them too far. Let this piece of paper lie somewhere in plain sight, so that it doesn’t catch our eye.

Improving the quality of our life

These are the rules:

  • WORKING IN MODERATION IS USEFUL. In old age, work in an enterprise associated with heavy physical activity, does not bring any benefit. But those who move little, lead a passive lifestyle, live a boring life without leaving their apartment, always look older than their age. Researchers talk about this fact.
  • LOVE is the elixir of youth. People! Have sex if you want to always look young and attractive. It’s so pleasant and useful! At this time, the body produces happiness hormones and strengthens the immune system. This means that even in at a young age You cannot give up the joys of love.
  • DO NOT be discouraged under any circumstances. Optimists live much longer than pessimists - this is scientifically proven. Look around - life is wonderful if you don’t take into account what upsets you. Remember: THERE IS NOTHING WORTHY OF OUR DISGRACE. And you will see the world in better light, and forgive the offenders, and you will not grumble.
  • MOVE. Even a few minutes of physical exercise, the simplest, a day prolongs life. During training, growth hormones are released, the production of which declines sharply after 30 years. Lead.
  • SLEEP IN A COOL ROOM. Anyone who adheres to this rule prolongs his life. After all, metabolism and manifestation age-related changes fundamentally depend on the ambient temperature.

Improve the quality of life - basic rules

  • POSITIVE EMOTIONS. Try to get as many of them as possible. Let the child who lives in each of us have a little fun: dance, spin, jump! Chat with friends until the morning; go to night club with kids; visit an exhibition of paintings or some other works of art (which you may not understand anything about, but that doesn’t matter). In winter - skiing; in the summer - pick mushrooms!!!
  • LAUGHTER brings strength. Life is always easier for a cheerful person. Rejoice at any success, if not your own, then the success of your children and grandchildren. Smile! When you smile, your face looks younger and more beautiful. You always want to communicate with a kind and smiling person. “A SMILE IS THE LIGHT IN THE WINDOW OF YOUR FACE THAT SAYS YOUR HEART IS HOME!”
  • GIVE YOUR BRAIN WORK. Don't slow down! Read, solve, compose, invent, learn! Just don't stop. “There is no stagnation in nature. If you don't grow, you die." There's always something to learn.
  • TRAVEL! Life needs to be eaten with a big spoon!

My dear readers, observing basic rules and by getting rid of bad habits, we improve the quality of life!

Most effective methodimprove quality of life– change your thinking and start acting differently.

If you are already tired of analyzing your life, figuring out what is wrong in it, then today’s article is for you. It is also suitable for those who want to speed up and be more productive. Meet, read and act!

How to improve your quality of life Quickly Effectively

A simple technique from Itzhak Pintosevich.

To change life in better side make 3 lists.

List No. 1. Write down everything that causes pleasure, is positive, energizes, increases tone and adds strength, makes you happy.

Morning coffee, meditation, watching good films, reading, playing with children, chatting with friends, sport games, jogging, swimming, relaxing bath, music, sex, drawing, dancing, nature walks, cycling, roller skating.

List No. 2. Include in it everything that is a source of money for you. What does it bring? What things and actions?

Employment, own business, writing books, personal blog, author's speeches, hobbies. Pay very close attention to it.

This is a block of things that can significantly increase your well-being in the future. Remember - here are the resources, exactly those 20% that will lead to 80% of the results.

List No. 3. This is a list of destruction and degradation. Include in it what causes negativity, negativity, guilt, dissatisfaction with oneself, leads to losses, both in finance and in other areas: intelligence, relationships, spirituality.

Procrastination, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, Internet addiction, overeating, sedentary lifestyle, isolation.

Try to make the lists as complete as possible - the result will be better.

And now - the main feature!

Working with lists.

  1. Direct your main efforts to actions from list No. 1 and list No. 2. Increase them by 2-3 times. And then consistently, purposefully and regularly, focusing on them, you will receive at least 2 times more pleasure in life and twice as much more money. Here are the main resources and source of improving the quality of life.
  2. Remove list No. 3 from your life completely. Better right away, now, today. As a last resort, within 2 weeks, free yourself from this negativity, the destruction of yourself, your life.

Human unique creature. A person can do anything if he wants. There is no need to destroy and derail your life.

Make a choice: leave everything as it is or change it and move towards joy, happiness, success.

Let's list some criteria that directly affect the quality of life and tell you how to change them for the better. Individually, these changes may seem small, but together they have a big impact on how happy and fulfilled you feel.


How does it affect quality of life?

Any health problems reduce the quality of life. However, not all people strive to quickly get rid of pain and discomfort, continuing to endure and hope that the body will cope on its own.

In some cases this is true, but not in all. For example, if you feel pain in your tooth when you eat sweets, it is clear that the tooth will not recover on its own. By postponing a visit to the dentist, you are simply worsening your quality of life and making the problem worse.

How to change

Don't neglect your health. Go to the dentist if you know you have tooth decay. This way you will preserve your teeth longer, without pain, removal and prosthetics.

Women should have a breast ultrasound every six months: breast cancer ranks first among women's cancers and is well treated in the early stages.

Don’t tolerate lower back and neck pain after a day of work - go to a surgeon or chiropractor without waiting for a hernia or pinched nerve.

Make your health a priority and you won't have to deal with the consequences of your negligence.


How does it affect quality of life?

Junk food worsens health and shortens life span, spoils well-being and leads to obesity, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

Yes, the quality of food depends to some extent on income level: healthy foods like red fish and beef, out-of-season fruits and vegetables, and nuts are quite expensive. However, by reducing the amount of fast food, sweets and other junk food, it is quite possible to buy healthy products even on a limited budget.

How to change

Go to healthy eating quite easy, the main thing is to learn and clearly define why you are doing it. By the way, you don't have to spend a lot of money to eat healthy food: here's how to save money on food and eat healthy.

Bad habits

How do they affect quality of life?

Dependence on cigarettes, alcohol, and sweets reduces the quality of life. You spend several thousand rubles a month on something that most often does not bring pleasure or benefit, you experience negative emotions from public condemnation, or you condemn yourself for weakness. Also, your dependencies, like junk food, have a bad effect on health and shorten life span.

How to change

To combat bad habits you need purpose and replacement.

A goal will help support your determination to get rid of the habit during the withdrawal process. Ideally, this goal should have a tangible outcome that can be tracked. For example, improving performance in sports.

However, no goal will help you last if you don't have a replacement. Addiction serves as a source of pleasure and helps cope with stress, so you need to find something that will replace your usual actions.

Try playing sports, starting a hobby, meeting new people. Such pleasures will help you get rid of stress and change your environment, which is also very useful when fighting bad habits.

Order in life

How does it affect quality of life?

One of the criteria for quality of life is household comfort, which is impossible without cleanliness and order. Clutter reduces concentration, increases stress levels and causes negative emotions. Clutter in the home reduces the feeling of comfort and even makes people eat more junk food. Clutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption. .

How to change

To prevent your home from becoming overgrown with dust and junk, use the following to combat clutter:

  • put things back in their places;
  • wash dishes immediately after eating;
  • throw away things you don't use;
  • arrange general cleaning once a month.

Life satisfaction

How does it affect quality of life?

If the standard of living is determined by objective indicators such as income level, working conditions, opportunities for education and recreation, then the quality of life often depends on subjective opinion a person - whether he is satisfied with his life or not, how he evaluates its conditions.

It turns out that the quality of life can be improved at any external conditions, simply by changing your attitude to what is happening.

How to change

Very often we are not upset real events, but memories of the past or fear of the future. If you learn to concentrate on the present moment, without wandering thoughts into the past or future, the source of much anxiety, stress and negative thoughts. Due to this, psychological comfort and life satisfaction will increase.

At first, focusing on the present moment, or in other words, will require effort from you. To avoid tiring yourself, try practicing mindfulness several times a day, not all the time, for example while cleaning or eating.

Meditation also helps to train yourself to be mindful. Just don’t try to meditate for a long time right away: you’ll quickly get bored and won’t be able to force yourself anymore. Start gradually and form a habit - this is the key to success in any business.

As you can see, to improve your quality of life, you don’t have to earn twice as much. Sometimes it’s enough to cure a tooth that’s been bothering you for a week, feel a burst of energy from a healthy lunch, clear away the clutter on your desk and notice how delicious your coffee is or how happy you are to see your friend.