Svetlana Ustinova: biography, filmography and personal life of the actress (photo). Svetlana Ustinova and Ilya Stewart had a magnificent wedding in one of the Mosfilm pavilions. Biography and career of Tatyana Vitalievna Ustinova

The popular domestic film actress and model, Svetlana Ustinova, is today the real face of Russian cinema. After all, more than fifty successful film works speak for themselves eloquently about its relevance in this consumer market.

Biography and filmography of Svetlana Ustinova

The future movie star was born on May 1, 1982 in Severodvinsk in a family very far from theatrical life and cinema (father is an entrepreneur, mother is an employee of the Polar Star plant).

School years Svetlana was noted for her participation in the local KVN team and theater club. And then there was the Academy of Finance in the capital, which she did not put in first place, realizing that her soul was asking for a creative environment. The girl’s decision was to study and participate in modeling business. Music lovers immediately liked her based on her clips musical groups"Dynamite" and "Legal Business".

In 2005, Ustinova graduated from a financial university and entered Vladimir Grammatikov’s course at VGIK. In 2008, having received a diploma from the Institute of Cinematography, the artist began to actively participate in productions of the Moscow Central Democratic Republic (Center for Drama and Directing).

In parallel with her studies, Svetlana actively acted in films. Her filmography is simply amazing: “Boomer. The second film" (2005), "SMERSH" (2007), "I'm standing on the edge" (2008), "Dark Waters" (2011), "Odessa-Mama" (2012), "Scout Girls" (2013), "Non-random meeting "(2014), " Cold front"(2015), "The route is built" (2016), "Hardcore" (2016), "Buy me" (2017), "Myths" (2017), "Blockbuster" (2017), "Dominika" (2018), " Presumption of Innocence" (2018).

Personal life of the artist

The artist’s first marriage occurred at the age of twenty-seven with director Mark Gorobets, who directed the popular TV series “ Closed school" But due to the jealousy of the spouses, this family union did not last long.

On June 24, 2017, Svetlana married Ilya Stewart, who is a famous producer and founder of the Hype Production company. The ceremony took place in the Mosfilm pavilion in Hollywood style and aroused interest among the entire Moscow elite.

Actress lately is at the peak of popularity. Of course, her high productivity (2-3 projects per year) and talented performance of complex roles in title films are the undeniable reason for this. But still, a very bright and attractive appearance also does not go unnoticed by fans. Thus, her photo on Instagram, where she posted a frame from a rehearsal of the play at the Moscow Art Theater, caused a storm of emotions among subscribers. Some thought that their favorite artist had undergone facial plastic surgery (removal of Bisha's lumps). Svetlana did not comment on the situation and deleted the photo.

Tip 2: Tatyana Vitalievna Ustinova: biography, career, personal life

Russian writer Tatyana Vitalievna Ustinova in her literary activity focuses on detective works, which often become the basis of the plot for film adaptation. In addition, she is a popular TV presenter of the programs “My Hero” and “Hour of Judgment.”

Due to the fact that in Tatyana Ustinova’s books there are almost always romantic story is closely intertwined with criminal investigation, its main audience is still women. The prolific writer’s creative assets today include forty-two books. Moreover distinctive feature is serial detective stories, which publish 3-4 books each (“Crime story”, “Panther”, “Russian bestseller”, “Angel detective”). And the Eksmo publishing house, which has been cooperating with Tatyana Vitalievna for a long time, has also released a large series of the collector’s edition “Tatyana Ustinova. First among the best."

Biography and career of Tatyana Vitalievna Ustinova

On April 21, 1968, in Kratovo, near Moscow, a future celebrity was born into a family far from the world of literature (the father is an aviation engineer, and the mother is a housewife). Together with younger sister Inna, the future writer became seriously interested in literature from childhood because of her mother, who persistently worked with girls.

A comprehensive school with a linguistic focus was the first stage of Tatyana’s education. And then there was the physics department of Moscow State University, work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where she was mainly involved in translating English-language programs, editing the television programs “Health”, “Man and the Law” and “First Hand” since 1997, work in the press center of Boris Yeltsin and the Chamber of Commerce RF as a PR manager.

Only the crisis and default forced Tatyana Ustinova to reconsider her professional career, focusing specifically on creativity. She made her literary debut with the book “Personal Angel” (1999), which was released in a fairly large circulation. And a long-term contract was immediately concluded with the country's leading publishing house, Eksmo. And new books are immediately published: “Vices and Their Admirers”, “Chronicle of Vile Times” and “Divorce and Maiden Name”.

Currently, the bibliography of the popular writer contains more than four dozen books, among which I would especially like to highlight the following: “Close People” (2003), “Big Evil and Little Dirties” (2003), “A Carpet Bag with a Bright Future” (2005), “Genius” empty space" (2006), "The Well of Forgotten Wishes" (2007), "From first to last word"(2007), "Life, according to rumors, is one!" (2008), “One Day, One Night” (2012), “Immediately after the Creation of the World” (2013), “One Hundred Years’ Journey” (2014), “Shakespeare Is My Friend, But the Truth is More Dear” (2015), “Wonderful Things yours, Lord" (2015), "Expect the unexpected" (2016), "Selfie with destiny" (2017).

The series “Always Say “Always”” (2003 - TV channel “Russia-1”) became the debut film adaptation of Tatyana Ustinova. For the script of this television project, the writer was awarded the honorary TEFI prize in 2004. And then, with enviable consistency, Russian television channels began to stage their series based on scripts with her participation. Currently, she already has thirty-eight film adaptations of television films under her belt.

Personal life of the writer

The only marriage with Evgeny Ustinov took place in 1990, when the newlyweds studied together at Moscow State University. In this strong and happy family union, two sons appeared, ten years apart - Mikhail and Timofey.

During their history, the married couple also experienced a crisis that occurred in initial period creative career Tatiana. However, later the couple were able to overcome it, and today nothing threatens their well-being.

Tip 3: Dmitry Ustinov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Dmitry Ustinov - Soviet military leader And statesman. Marshal Soviet Union was awarded a huge number of awards and was called the last defender of socialism.

Childhood, youth

Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov was born in Samara in 1908. The future marshal grew up in a very simple family. His father was a worker and already at the age of 10 the boy had to work to help his parents. At the age of 14, he served in military party detachments in Samarkand, created at factory party cells.

At the age of 15, Ustinov volunteered to join the Turkmenistan regiment and fought with the Basmachi. After demobilization, Dmitry Fedorovich decided to continue his education and entered a vocational school. Having trained as a mechanic, he first went to work at a paper mill and then at a textile factory. In the city of Ivanovo (then Ivanovo-Voznesensk) he decided to get higher education, but without interruption from production. Ustinov entered the correspondence department Polytechnic University. Active young man noticed and accepted into the Politburo, a little later entrusted with leading the Komsomol organization.

In 1930, the country's future minister of war was sent to study at the Moscow Military Mechanical Institute, and then transferred to higher education. educational institution Leningrad, where he continued his education in the same field.


Since 1937, Dmitry Ustinov began working as a designer at the Bolshevik plant and rapidly advanced career ladder, eventually taking the position of director.

When the war began, Ustinov was appointed People's Commissar of Armaments of the USSR. The appointment took place on the personal initiative of Lavrentiy Beria. Dmitry Fedorovich worked as People's Commissar until 1946. During the war, weapons production was one of the country's primary tasks. Ustinov led a team of talented engineers, designers, and production directors. He proved himself to be a talented leader.

Since 1946, Ustinov served as Minister of Armaments of the USSR. While in this post, he brought to life the idea of ​​Soviet rocket science. In 1953, he was transferred to head the Ministry of Defense Industry. He headed this industry until 1957. During this time, the country's defense complex was modernized, a unique system was developed air defense capitals. Under Ustinov, military science developed rapidly.

From 1957 to 1963, Dmitry Fedorovich headed the Commission of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers, and for the next 2 years he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Ustinov was distinguished by his extraordinary ability to work. He only had enough sleep a few hours a day. He could hold meetings until late at night. Dmitry Fedorovich lived in this mode for decades and at the same time maintained good spirits.

In 1976, Ustinov headed the Defense Ministry of the Soviet Union and worked in this position until the end of his life. Dmitry Fedorovich was a member of the “small” Politburo of the USSR along with the most influential people of that time. At its meetings it was accepted major decisions, which were then approved by the official composition of the Politburo.

During the period of service, Dmitry Fedorovich was awarded the following ranks:

  • Lieutenant General of the Engineering and Artillery Service (1944);
  • Colonel General of the Engineering and Artillery Service (1944);
  • Army General (1976);
  • Marshal of the Soviet Union (1976).

Ustinov was awarded the highest state awards:

  • Hero of the Soviet Union (1978);
  • twice Hero of Socialist Labor;
  • Order of Suvorov;
  • Order of Kutuzov.

Dmitry Fedorovich was awarded 11 Orders of Lenin and 17 medals of the USSR.

Personal life

In the marshal’s personal life, everything was orderly. He lived with his only wife until the end of his life. Taisiya Alekseevna bore him a son and a daughter. Ustinov's son followed in his father's footsteps and worked for the country's defense industry, wrote a lot scientific works. Daughter Vera chose a completely different direction. She sang in the State Choir. A.V. Sveshnikova, and also taught vocals at the conservatory.

Dmitry Fdorovich died in December 1984. This event coincided with the end of military maneuvers of the armies of the countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact. Following Ustinov, there were no defense ministers of the GDR, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Some even linked the series of losses with the fall of the socialist system in the Soviet Union and countries Warsaw Pact. By the end of his life, Ustinov was already a deeply ill man, having undergone several operations. The marshal survived a heart attack and struggled with cancer for a long time, but died of fulminant pneumonia.

Dmitry Fedorovich was escorted to last path with all honors, and the urn with the ashes was placed in the Kremlin wall. People who worked with him remembered him as a talented engineer, a competent and tough, but fair boss. Ustinov made a great contribution to the victory over fascism and to the development of the country's defense industry. Dmitry Fedorovich loved to study. Even while in high government positions, he did not hesitate to undergo training and persuaded his subordinates to do so.

In 1984, the city of Izhevsk was renamed Ustinov. But there was a lot of controversy about this and the townspeople were not happy about such innovations. After only 3 years, the city returned its previous name. At the same time, the name of Marshal of the Soviet Union was assigned to the Leningrad Mechanical Institute.

AND Ilya Stewart, which, without exaggeration, was attended by half of secular Moscow, took place on June 24. The bridesmaids were actresses Daria Charusha and Anna Chipovskaya. The groom, in turn, was supported by film director Rezo Gigineishvili and Russian photo photographer Murad Osmann. They actively shared photos on their microblogs during the holiday. Maria Kravtsova, Tata Bondarchuk, Ekaterina Mukhina, Vadim Vernik. From the audience, the happy newlyweds applauded and shouted “Bitter!” Svetlana Bondarchuk, Natalia Osmann, Alexey Kiselev, Masha Fedorova, Aglaya Tarasova and many other eminent guests.

Perhaps, more than others, Svetlana Ustinova’s wedding with producer Ilya Stewart was highlighted on her Instagram page editor-in-chief Russian version ELLE magazine Ekaterina Mukhina. It was thanks to her that fans of the actress learned that Svetlana went to the altar in fluffy dress brand Maison Bohemique, with which he has been collaborating for several years. Ustinova chose her outfit without unnecessary decoration. The artist completed her look with a deliberately casual hairstyle and a long veil. The groom also preferred a classic suit that fit him perfectly.

Let us remember that the lovers tried not to advertise their relationship and did not even share footage from the wedding, but celebrity guests filled their microblogs with pictures from the luxurious celebration. By the way, Svetlana Ustinova’s engagement to Ilya Stewart became known back in September last year - three years after their romance began.

For Svetlana Ustinova, marriage to producer Ilya Stewart was not the first. In 2009, she married Ukrainian director Mark Gorobets, but four years later the couple broke up. But for Ilya this is the first family experience. Bye future wife arranged his personal life, he studied: first at the Swiss school Institut auf dem Rosenberg, then at Goldsmiths University of London.

Svetlana Ustinova with bridesmaids (on the right - Anna Chipovskaya)

Svetlana Ustinova in a wedding dress

Wedding dance of Svetlana Ustinova and Ilya Stewart

Svetlana Bondarchuk, Rezo Gigineishvili and Pyotr Tabunov at the wedding of Ustinova and Stuart

The name of Svetlana Ustinova is associated not only with the film “Boomer. The second film,” but also the TV series “Scouts,” and now she is also trying her hand as a co-author and co-producer of projects. However, the actress herself does not feel like a screen star: in her profession, she tries to be original, and not a copy of someone else. Svetlana enjoys acting in films, trying to convey to the viewer some important issues and questions. Ustinova believes in fate, which helped her find her favorite business and improve her personal life; in addition, she believes that everything that is done is for the better. For several years now, the girl has been happy with her beloved man, who recently proposed to her. The actress and her future husband connected not only family relationships, but also do common cause. The couple has not yet had children, as they are developing their careers and working a lot.

Svetlana was born in 1982 in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. Her parents worked at a factory and earned quite good money, but in the 90s everything changed. My father, who was a submarine engineer by profession, had to go into business. However, the parents did everything to ensure that the girl received a good education in a prestigious gymnasium. After graduating from school, she went to Moscow, where she entered the Financial Academy. At the same time, Ustinova starred in music videos and worked part-time as a fashion model.

She appeared in the cinema by chance: while talking with friends in a cafe, the student met director Pyotr Buslov, thanks to whom she was invited to the casting of a new project - “Boomer: The Second Film”. On film set the aspiring actress learned a lot from her professional colleagues and others. After filming, Svetlana left the Financial Academy and entered VGIK. In addition to her studies, she actively acted in films, attracting many directors with her talented acting. Fans often compare the actress with, finding something in common in their external data.

In the photo Svetlana Ustinova with ex-husband Mark Gorobets

The first changes in Ustinova’s personal life occurred in 2009, when she married director Mark Gorobets. The actress became close to her future husband during the filming of his film “Good Reason for Murder,” where she played main role. To be with his beloved, Gorobets moved to Moscow. The couple lived in marriage for several years, however, children never appeared in the family. At the beginning of 2014, it became known that they had separated.

Already at that time, Svetlana appeared in her personal life new lover, producer Ilya Stewart, with whom she began to appear on social events. They first saw each other at the premiere of a Hollywood film. At that time, Ilya was filming commercials, and the actress was involved in various projects. The next time they met only six months later, but even then the romance did not work out. A month later, their mutual friends threw a party where the young people met again and have not separated since then. Now Ustinova’s lover has his own advertising company. He studied at London University, after which he chose cinema.

In the photo Svetlana Ustinova with Ilya Stewart

Already a month after the start romantic relationships Svetlana met the Stewart family, who made a pleasant impression on her. Her parents also warmly received their daughter's future husband. Lovers often discuss the actress’s new roles, watch films with her participation together, immediately analyzing her work. The couple is not only passionate about each other, but also does the same thing, which has a positive effect on their personal life. In 2016, Ustinova and Stewart got engaged, and now the couple's fans are looking forward to their wedding.

See also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 08/11/2016

It seems that Ilya and Svetlana are really friends with everyone who is in one way or another connected with cinema in Russia. Among the invited guests are Rezo Gigineishvili, Anna Chipovskaya, Ekaterina Vilkova, Aglaya Tarasova, Daria Charusha, Svetlana and Tata Bondarchuk, Natalya and Murad Osmann and many, many others. Roman Abramovich, who is not associated with cinema, but obviously knows the newlyweds, was also noticed in one of the photographs of the guests.

Svetlana Ustinova and Ilya Stewart with the guests of the evening, including Ekaterina Vilkova and Anna Begunova

The host at the wedding of Svetlana Ustinova and Ilya Stewart was Igor Vernik

Exciting preparations, a glass of champagne on the way in the circle of her closest ones, including her fighting friend Anna Chipovskaya, and now Svetlana Ustinova is about to appear in front of the guests. She is wearing a dress from the Maison Bohemique brand, of which Ustinova has been a fan for a long time. In the hall where hundreds of invited friends gathered, Svetlana appeared arm in arm with her father to the soundtrack from the film “La La Land” - City of Stars. The space around is like an Oscar fairy tale: everything is in shining lights and symbols of the Hollywood dream factory. The bride herself - in a dress with a long train and romantically lowered shoulders - rather resembled Belle from another, Disney fairy tale.

The couple performed their first dance to Beyoncé's song - Halo. It would be interesting to find out how the composition was chosen. More recently, in an interview with HELLO! Svetlana and Ilya said that their tastes in matters of music, unlike cinema, differ.

We love different types of music. I love the hits of the 90s and 00s. And Ilya grew up abroad, studied in London. Therefore, we enrich each other culturally, so to speak. Thanks to him, I started watching films and TV series in English. And thanks to me, he listens to Russian music of the 90s,

Narrated by Svetlana Ustinova.

The actress was introduced to her lover-director Buslov by pimp Listerman

Father young husband movie stars suspected of having connections with the mafia

On June 24, the entire movie crowd was partying at a big wedding. The star of the second part of the film “Boomer”, 35-year-old Svetlana USTINOVA, married the producer and owner of the Hype Production company 30 year old ILYA STEWART. The celebration took place in a significant place for both - in one of the Mosfilm pavilions. And the ceremony itself was held in the style of a Hollywood film. The guests could not stop admiring: the bride and groom - beautiful, successful and happy, in a word, perfect couple, which seemed to have always been together. But, as it turned out, the newlyweds already have decent experience behind them.

Story Svetlana Ustinova looks like Cinderella. Born in Severodvinsk. Parents designed submarines at the Polar Star plant, and after perestroika they went into business to provide their daughter with everything she needed. Sveta graduated from a prestigious gymnasium and set off to conquer Moscow, leaving her first love in her homeland.

I met a guy named Vova Ustinova at the camp. A few days and evenings without textbooks and parental control seemed to the lovers the happiest in their lives. And then Vladimir, who was having a hard time being separated from Sveta, tried to find her even in the capital, but Ustinova did not make contact.


Many years have passed since we met you summer evening, and you have become even more beautiful! - he wrote on one of the movie sites. “The week we spent together at camp will remain in my heart forever.” When you were leaving, I wanted to take your address, but I didn’t dare. Then I realized that I would never see you again...

USTINOVA's friends approved of her choice. Photo:

Two Petits

At first, Sveta dreamed of becoming an economist. Or at worst - a model. Moreover, since school days, Ustinova was often complimented, comparing her with Claudia Schiffer.

Having entered the Financial Academy, the future movie star began knocking on the thresholds of metropolitan modeling agencies. It was there that a famous pimp approached her Peter Listerman who makes money by introducing beautiful girls With wealthy men. Rumor has it that Sveta accepted Uncle Petya’s offer without hesitation. And soon she began to appear at the best parties, and not only in Moscow.

“Sveta is a beautiful and cheerful girl,” recalls Listerman’s ward. - She was never an actress, I just took her with me to all the cool parties and introduced her to directors, producers, and management of TV channels. That's it Petya Buslov(director of "Boomer". - A. IN.) fell for her and decided to make Sveta an actress.

When “Boomer” was released, everyone thought that Sveta was having an affair with VDOVICHENKOV...

Ustinova herself talks differently about the beginning of her film career. They say she was sitting with her friends in a cafe and discussing the just released film “Troy”. After some time, a man sitting at the next table became interested in their animated conversation. It allegedly turned out to be Buslov.

After a while, his casting director found me and invited me to audition,” Sveta shared in one interview. - I was interested, so I came. The auditions lasted two months: I read the texts, rehearsed with Vladimir Vdovichenkov(he played the main role. - A. IN.).

Ustinova admits that it was a very nervous time - there was no certainty. But she prefers not to remember that almost from the first days of their acquaintance she and Buslov began a whirlwind romance. Although the entire film crew watched with a smile as the aspiring artist sneaked from the director’s room to her room in the morning. fact, she lived with director Pyotr BUSLOV / Photo from

Feint with ears

In 2005, Sveta decided to quit her studies at the Financial Academy and finally devote herself to cinema. She had a bright start behind her - the main female role in "Boomer" and the patronage of a famous director. Buslov even proposed marriage to her, but the girl asked to wait, because at that time she was only 23 years old.

Peter helped Sveta enroll in VGIK for a course Vladimir Grammatikov. But at first the teachers did not see any special talents in the blond beauty, so they accepted her as a volunteer student. probationary period for six months.

For LISTERMAN USTINOVA was one of his favorite “chicks”...

Svetka tried very hard, she constantly had to prove that she was worthy of studying here. Nobody ever did her any favors, recalls her classmate Yana Krainova. - If we, students, disappeared at the institute for days, then Ustinova even spent the night there. Naturally, in such a regime there could be no talk of any personal life. The most she could do was go to yoga. I only communicated closely with Vasya Shemyakinsky, but it was only friendship. But in her third year, when she had already become a full-fledged student, she fell in love with the director Mark Gorobets. They even got married in 2009, after graduating from college. They had such passions there that they eventually broke up. And not very good.

Neither Ustinova nor Gorobets wanted to remember the past. But knowledgeable people they assure: the guys were terribly jealous of each other and constantly quarreled on this basis. And in 2013, Sveta made a feint with her ears and left her husband for a young but very promising businessman Ilya Stewart. At that time, the actress was 31, and her lover was 26. the group photo second from the left

Brotherly circle

Svetlana and Ilya met at one of the film premieres in Moscow. Then we met again somewhere for dinner, and on the third date we decided that we should be together. Ustinova quickly realized: Stewart was exactly what she needed. The guy studied at prestigious institutions in Switzerland and England and already owned his own business. In addition, he handled Naomi Campbell And Timur Bekmambetov, threw loud parties in his house on Nikolina Gora, where the very best come - and they are all his friends.

It turned out that successful start Ilya was provided for by his mother Ella Stewart- a big shot in the advertising business. There's a lot of people floating around on the Internet unexpected details about this wonderful family. For example, what real name Ilya - Shlykov, and he allegedly became Stuart after his mother married her boss - a senior manager of one large international company David Stewart. They say that before that she was married to her classmate and gave birth to him. Rumor has it that Ilya’s father may be the same Igor Shlykov, who, along with Grigory Leps and a dozen other tough guys, was included in the sanctions list of the US Treasury Department in October 2013 for alleged connections with the mafia group “Brotherly Circle”.

Ella STEWART's current husband... Photo: © RIA Novosti

After her marriage, Ella Stewart became financial director of the Moscow representative office of BBDO (20 advertising companies, united into a large international holding), and then headed it.

Now her colleague and support is another man - a 42-year-old businessman Yuri Istomin. True, before many people knew him as Yura Kolyma- performer of criminal songs. According to the Internet, Ella and her current husband owe as much as $10 million to one large electrical equipment sales company. And, they say, there is no way they can get this amount from them.

...was a chanson star in the past

Well, what about Ilya? He never went to the registry office before Sveta. Girls, of course, have this eligible groom there were more than enough, but they were all basically spoiled daughters of cool businessmen who were never able to find common language with Stuart's overbearing mother.

And Ustinova’s “Cinderella” was able to get along not only with her mother-in-law, but also with her lover’s grandmother. And for the sake of traditional family dinners, at which the pensioner’s signature cutlets are served, she even stopped being a vegetarian. What lengths will you go to for love!

Marriage to director Mark GOROBETS frayed the actress’s many nerves / Photo from