Eleanor Kondratyuk - biography, information, personal life. A beauty queen doused with acid: this is how Eleonora Kondratyuk lives now. What is the name of Eleonora Kondratyuk’s younger sister?

We present the saddest and tragic stories beauty queens Not for the faint of heart!

These girls were young, beautiful, and had bright prospects ahead of them. But evil fate crossed out everything with one bold stroke...

Jessica Notaro, Miss Romagna 2007

The other day a terrible crime occurred in Italy. 28-year-old Jessica Notaro, who won the regional Miss Romagna beauty pageant in 2007, was brutally attacked by her boyfriend. ex-boyfriend, Edson Tavares from Cape Verde.

Jessica Notaro and Edson Tavares

The man waylaid the girl near the house and... The reason for such an inhumane act was the ex-boyfriend’s reluctance to come to terms with the fact that Jessica no longer wanted to date him. Apparently, the guy decided to disfigure his beloved, acting on the principle “Don’t let anyone get you!”

Now Jessica is in in serious condition is in the hospital. There is a danger that the girl will lose her sight.

Eleonora Kondratyuk, “Miss Sochi – 1998”

Another brutal attack on a beauty queen occurred in 1999, near Sochi. 17-year-old beauty Eleanor Kondratyuk received the title “Miss Sochi-99” and was preparing to participate in the Miss Russia -99 competition. The girl was full of bright hopes and plans for the future. She had no idea what a cruel joke her beauty would play on her...

Elya was indeed very beautiful: tall, slender, with lush blond hair. Her appearance attracted the local crime boss, the one-eyed Caucasian Ruben Grigoryan. He began to persistently court the beauty: he told her about how he saved girls from rapists and defeated entire gangs. But these stories did not make an impression on Elya; she did not want to “make love” with the bandit.

The refusal hit Grigoryan’s inflated pride painfully, and the Caucasian decided to take revenge. He prepared for the punitive operation for a very long time, and hired two crooks to commit the crime.

The attack occurred on September 2, 1999 in the village of Dagomys, in the schoolyard through which Elya was going for a walk to the sea. One of the performers jumped up to the girl and grabbed her by the hair, and the second one poured half a liter of acid on her face. Elya screamed, and acid poured into her mouth, burning her esophagus, stomach and respiratory tract.

Almost blind, with a bloody mess instead of a face, the beauty queen reached the school and called for help. The teachers who appeared barely recognized their former student in the disfigured girl.

Doctors fought desperately for Eleanor's life. She underwent more than 300 operations, but to normal life the girl never managed to return: now she prefers not to appear in public and lives as a recluse.

The customer and the perpetrators of the crime were detained and given sentences. During the arrest, Grigoryan said that Eleanor herself was to blame, saying that she behaved with him “like some kind of Claudia Schiffer.” The investigation was able to find out how sophisticatedly the customer prepared for the crime: he himself tested the effects of acid on himself, applying small doses to his hands and anticipating the torment that his victim would undergo. The monster added oil to the poisonous liquid to make it more difficult to wash off...

Monica Speer, Miss Venezuela 2004

Monica Spear is one of the most beautiful girls who won the Miss Venezuela competition. Her brutal and senseless murder on January 6, 2014 shocked the entire world.

That fateful evening, Monica, her husband and five-year-old daughter were driving in their car along one of the roads in Venezuela. Suddenly the car hit something sharp and was unable to move further. To continue the journey, the couple called a tow truck and remained sitting in the cabin. Unfortunately, they were noticed by members of a local gang of robbers, whose eyes lit up at the sight of an expensive car. Five armed men attacked a defenseless family...

The crooks didn't stop at just one robbery. They took out guns and literally riddled Monica and her husband with bullets and wounded their five-year-old daughter. When police arrived at the crime scene a few minutes later, the beauty queen and her husband were dead.

All criminals were detained without delay and received a well-deserved punishment.

Maria Jose Alvarado, Miss Honduras 2014

19-year-old Maria Jose Alvarado won a well-deserved victory in the Miss Honduras 2014 competition and was supposed to take part in the fight for the title of Miss Universe.

A few days before significant event Maria and her sister Sofia went to a party organized on the occasion of the birthday of Plutarco Ruiz, Sofia's boyfriend.

In the midst of the fun, Ruiz became jealous of Sofia with one of the guests. A quarrel broke out between the lovers. Maria tried to stand up for her sister, but Ruiz suddenly pulled out a gun and shot both girls. He buried the bodies of his victims in the forest. After 6 days, the criminal was detained by the police.

Agnieszka Kotlyarska, "Miss International - 1991"

The most beautiful girl Poland's Agnieszka Kotlarska, who won the prestigious Miss International pageant, was murdered by her crazy admirer named Jerzy. He first saw Agnieszka in 1990 at a fashion show wedding dresses, and he was “blown away.” From now on, all his thoughts were occupied exclusively with this girl.

He began to follow Agnieszka, and one day he plucked up courage, approached her and asked:

“Is it possible for a dwarf to see off a queen?”

Agnieszka agreed, and he walked her home. After this, his persecution became more intrusive and began to disturb the girl; she felt that there was something abnormal about them. However, life was in full swing, and soon Agnieszka forgot about the strange admirer. The beauty won the Miss International contest, fell in love, got married and gave birth to a daughter. She lived in the USA for some time and then returned to Poland. When Jerzy found out about her return, he decided to get the attention of the woman he was obsessed with at any cost.

On August 27, 1996, Agnieszka, her husband and daughter were getting into a car. Suddenly Jerzy jumped out from around the corner. He attacked the model's husband with a knife and wounded him in the leg. The woman rushed to help her husband, and then the enraged psychopath struck her 4 times. She fell on the sidewalk, and the killer leaned over her and whispered:

"Agnieszka, don't die..."

The killer was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Laina Keza, Miss Africa 2010

The 29-year-old black model was murdered in August 2013 by her jealous partner, David Kikawa. Shortly before the murder, the woman broke up with him, tired of the endless fights and threats. Kikawa did not want to come to terms with the breakup. He came to Laina’s home and stabbed her to death in front of their three-year-old daughter.

A neighbor who heard cries for help rushed into the apartment:

“I came face to face with a killer. Everything around was covered in blood. The woman was lying in the bath. There was a child nearby. When I appeared, the criminal ran out of the apartment. I tried to help the woman, but she no longer had a palpable pulse. The girl stood silently nearby. Apparently the child was in severe shock."

Kikawa was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. His daughter now lives in Rwanda with her relatives on her mother's side.

Alexandra Petrova, “Miss Russia 1996”

Sasha Petrova had brilliant prospects. She easily won the Miss Russia and Miss Model International competitions. In 1997, in her native Chuvashia she was named “Person of the Year”, and in 1999 she competed for the Miss Universe crown. The Ford Model modeling agency wanted to sign a contract with her... Perhaps she could become as famous as Natalia Vodianova and Irina Shayk. However, this was not destined to happen... On September 16, 2000, the day before her twentieth birthday, Sasha Petrova was killed. Together with the girl, two businessmen were shot, one of whom was her common-law husband. The killer was never found, but it is assumed that the beauty queen became an accidental victim of a criminal showdown.

JonBenét Ramsey, "Little Miss Colorado", "Tiny Belle of the Nation"

On December 25, 1996, one of the most monstrous and mysterious crimes of the 20th century occurred. On Christmas night, six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey, winner of numerous American beauty contests, was killed.

On the evening of December 25, JonBenet returned home from a Christmas party with her parents and brother. At 22.00 the father put the girl to bed in her room. In the morning, the mother went to wake up her daughter, but JonBenet’s bed was empty. On the stairs, the woman found a note in which it was written that the girl had been kidnapped and a ransom of 118 thousand dollars had to be paid for her release.

The parents called the police. During an inspection of the house, a terrible discovery was made: in the basement lay the lifeless body of JonBenet, wrapped in a blanket. The examination established that the girl was first hit on the head with something heavy and then strangled.

JonBenet's murder remains unsolved. For a long time Members of the Ramsey family were under suspicion, and the police had every reason to suspect them. For example, during a handwriting examination, JonBenet’s mother for some reason deliberately changed her handwriting. The parents claimed that before going to bed they undressed the girl and let her hair down, although JonBenét was found in a festive dress and with braided hair. So they lied? But why?

In 2008, suspicions against the parents were cleared after DNA testing revealed that the blood found on JonBenet's clothing did not belong to any member of the Ramsey family. Investigators began to seriously consider the theory that the killer was a stranger who entered the house.

On at the moment the criminal was not found. In 2016, the film “Who Killed JonBenet?” was shot in the United States. In it, the actress says on behalf of the murdered girl:

“I was Little Miss Colorado. This Christmas I would have been 26 years old - but to everyone I will always be six."
Michaela McAreavey, finalist of the Irish beauty pageant "Rose of Tarly"

The 27-year-old Irish beauty queen was killed on her honeymoon in Mauritius 12 days after her wedding.

Michaela was a Gaelic teacher and a finalist in Ireland's oldest beauty pageant, The Rose of Tarly. At the end of 2010, the girl married athlete John McAreavey. IN honeymoon the newlyweds went to Mauritius. On the evening of January 10, they had dinner at their hotel restaurant. Michaela left for a while, telling her husband that she would go up to her room for some chocolate. After his wife's long absence, John followed her up and discovered a terrible sight: Michaela's lifeless body lay in the bathroom.

Hotel employees were detained on suspicion of murder. According to investigators, they wanted to rob the room, but Michaela suddenly appeared, interrupted their plans, and in fear they strangled her. However, due to insufficient evidence, the suspects were acquitted. As a result, no one was punished for the murder of a young and beautiful woman.

Anya Mezina, “Miss Temnikov 2006”

In the mid-2000s, Mordovia was shocked by a series of mysterious deaths of young beauty pageant winners. November 25, 2005 at mysterious circumstances Maria Malanchina, “Miss Ardatov 2004”, died. On June 12, 2006, 16-year-old “Miss Style” Sveta Kruchinkina, also a native of Ardatov, was brutally murdered (her killer was found 6 years later).

A month before Sveta’s death, on May 15, 15-year-old Anya Mezina, winner of the Miss Temnikov contest, died. The girl's mutilated body was found in a ravine 200 meters from her house. The examination established that she was struck 20 times with some sharp object (it could have been a penknife or a nail file). After the murder, Anya was alive for another 10 hours... But when she was found, she had already died from blood loss and hypothermia. Anya's gold jewelry remained intact, but her bag was missing, which contained nothing valuable except a gold-plated pendant - a prize for first place in a beauty contest in which she took part just two weeks ago. The girl prepared very carefully for this competition: she spent a long time choosing a dress and jewelry, learning a musical piece, cross-stitching a picture...

Anya's murder has still not been solved. Three versions were considered: a robbery, revenge from one of the competitors in a beauty contest, and a quarrel that turned into a fight. None of them have been confirmed. There is a suspicion that a girl was involved in the murder - the deceased was clutching a tuft of long hair in her hand.

Some simple rules that should be followed daily.

1. Understand the simple truth - friendship between peoples did not work out.
If you think that visitors from the sunny republics former USSR respect you or your traditions - you are deeply mistaken, to put it mildly.
For them, our women are all whores, our men are all morons.
The vector of their behavior is typical and predictable for occupiers of all times - they are here to rob, rape and kill.
You say there was no war - where are the occupiers from? Wake up, the war has been going on for a long time.
And we are still losing.

2. Don't buy from occupiers.
Nowhere, never and nothing.
No flowers, no food, no newspapers.
Not on the street, not in the market, not in the supermarket.
Avoid using any of their services - from taxis to apartment repairs.
Cause them as much economic damage as possible with your neglect.

3. Do not provide any services to the occupiers.
Even the most insignificant ones.
Don’t answer what time it is, don’t show the way, don’t let them call.
Ignore attempts to talk to you.
Don't show unnecessary kindness.
Forget being polite.

4. Limit contacts with occupiers to a minimum.
Do not allow your loved ones to communicate with the occupiers either.
Your son will be hooked on drugs, your daughter will be raped and left with the occupying bastard in her arms, and your grandmother will be thrown into an apartment by the invaders from your own circle, those who are “people too.”

5. Be prepared to repel an attack.
Get a gun license.
Buy a traumatic pistol.
If this is not possible, buy a knife, a shocker, a gas spray, or “Udar”.
No chivalry - the occupiers have long been waging war according to their own rules, not hesitating to attack a large number on the unarmed, being themselves armed to the teeth.

6. Tighten up law enforcement.
Someone is renting out an apartment to occupiers - call the district police officer, hinting at the most wide range possible troubles from new residents.
If you see a gathering of occupiers with more than five heads, you do the same.
Let your imagination run wild.
They may well turn out to be robbers, terrorists or drug dealers.
You are not slandering - you are being vigilant.

7. You are constantly in “zero tolerance” mode.
Don't let the occupiers go down.
Take any conflict as seriously as possible.
Do not hesitate to call your friends at the slightest urgency.
Respond to any threat asymmetrically, with reserve.
Don't wait to be hit - hit first.
Today, tolerance for a Russian person is akin to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and a Russian without nationalism is one and the same as a carrier of AIDS: weakened, helpless in the face of an external threat, doomed to extinction, and, worst of all, dangerous for other Russians, contagious in a certain sense.

We managed to find out how things are going now. In 1990, Kondratyuk received fourth-degree chemical burns and subsequently lost her sight. The girl was passing by the school when unknown people attacked her and poured acid on her face. The girl was given help, but they did not believe that there was a chance for life.


An investigation began and it was possible to find out that the attacker was a fan of the girl, Ruben Grigoryan. He wanted her to start dating him, but the girl rejected him. The man began to threaten her, and then completely turned to aggressive actions. Ruben hired two people, Adgur Gochua and Roman Dbar, to cope with the difficult task and pour acid on the girl. The man was sentenced to 11 years in prison. Now he is free and enjoying life.


Eleanor was forced to hide all her life. It took her 19 years to fully recover her health. A year ago she wrote the book “I Chose Life.” She talked about her life, her feelings and perception of the world. But later she disappeared, no one contacted her. Now Eleanor is in the Czech Republic for examination. Her vision should soon be completely restored.


“I was forced to go abroad. And now there remains a risk of vision loss. I'm in the Czech Republic for examination. But for now the only person The person who can help me with my vision is Professor Reinhard from Germany. That’s why I spend a lot of time in Germany,” Eleanor shared.

The woman also said that she met a man who became her faithful husband and friend. She feels safe with him. " My husband is just a gift from fate for all my suffering. I think we can regard it that way. He is a Muscovite, a scientist, a doctor. biological sciences, geneticist. We met in general company in Moscow. They began to communicate, and... love. Now he is with me, helps me, supports me,”– shared the composition.


Eleanor looks forward with only a positive attitude. She believes that she can live like an ordinary person.

    A fragile blonde with beautiful legs and an angelic voice. Every time, walking along the streets of Sochi, 37-year-old Eleonora Kondratyuk receives hundreds of compliments from men. Back in 1998, the girl did not win the crown at the Miss Sochi beauty contest, but received third place - the audience award and the title "Miss Charm".

    By nature, Eleonora Kondratyuk Blue eyes, but now rarely does anyone manage to see them through dark glass. The beauty doesn't take off sunglasses It's been 19 years now...

    September 2, 1999 forever divided the life of a Sochi girl into before and after. That day, the blond beauty was doused with acid. In critical condition, she was taken to the regional burn center, where doctors literally pulled Eleanor out of the other world.

    “The last thing I saw was incredible. beautiful sky»

    The tragedy that happened to the 19-year-old beauty shocked everyone; they couldn’t believe it. After what happened, Elya could not recover for a long time; she led a reclusive lifestyle, only her closest people could communicate with her. And now, 19 years after the tragedy, the woman decided to make a revelation. She wrote the book “I Chose Life” and talked about what happened to her.

    As it turned out, on that ill-fated day the girl went to the beach with her friend Sveta.

    My path ran through the territory of the school where we studied for so many years. And when I was already passing by her, I met two little, very cute girls. Obviously, first-graders, smartly dressed, with white bows. I noticed that, while talking, for some reason they were not looking in front of them or even at me, but right behind me,” Eleonora Kondratyuk recalls that terrible day. - The last thing I saw was a clear, bright blue, incredibly beautiful sky. That's all! I turned back, but, besides the dense, for some reason brown, I didn’t see anything.

    A 20-year-old guy ran up to the girl and, sharply grabbing Eleanor by the hair, grabbed a can of sulfuric acid from her bag and poured it on his victim’s face. Then experts will establish that, in preparation for the crime, the attacker deliberately mixed acid with vegetable oil- to make it more difficult to wash it off. The acid burned the eyes, respiratory tract, skin on the face, neck and shoulders.

    It was a painful, unbearable, corrosive, burning pain like nothing I had ever experienced before! With every second it became stronger and stronger, piercing deeper and deeper into the body, Eleanor continues. - Being in a state of shock, for some reason I ran, not seeing where, and with all my might I crashed into some rough concrete wall. This blow brought me back to my senses a little. Feeling the edge of this wall, I tried to blink my eyes, and although my vision was already dim, I could see the road. Mechanically she ran to school.

    There the girl was helped by a labor teacher. He took Eleanor by the hand and led her to the first floor, asking her to close her eyes. Soon a nurse came running and injected him with painkillers. Other teachers also came running

    Hearing my voice, teacher Olga Ivanovna exclaimed in horror: “Elya, is that you?” I was dumbfounded: “Yes, but what’s wrong with me?” Have I changed so much that you don't recognize me? Olga Ivanovna began to cry. Other teachers shushed her, afraid that I would hear,” the girl says.

    A woman wrote a book about her life path(Photo: screenshot)

    “I just said no to some scumbag!”

    The organizer of the crime was the beauty's former admirer. A violent Caucasian admirer Ruben Grigoryan (in the book the author does not write his name, indicating only the first letter of his surname G. - Author) was offended by Eleanor because she dared to refuse intimacy.

    You will regret this and cry tears of blood, but then you won’t be able to escape anywhere and you will come running to me! - the boyfriend threatened the girl. And then the local racketeer Grigoryan gathered five thugs who were ready to hunt down and deal with the “rebellious” one for money. He hired Abkhaz criminals Adgur Gochua and a certain Roman for a thousand dollars, one for everyone, which remained only what was promised.

    Grigoryan himself went to Yaroslavl and supervised the preparations by telephone. In case the police suddenly began to listen to his conversations, Grigoryan ordered to call him only Igor, and to encode all key phrases related to the crime. “Pour acid on” sounded like “Bring tangerines.”

    When I was about to leave the house, an unknown woman called me, apologized for disturbing me and said that she would not disturb me anymore, but only in last time wants to ask if I have changed my mind about G.? I can’t mention his name again,” Eleanor, with difficulty restraining herself, continued her confession. “I told the woman that it was pointless to ask me the same questions, and asked her not to bother me anymore!” And only now I understood what the phrase “for the last time” meant in that conversation. What an abomination - to attack a young defenseless girl who just said “no” to some scumbag!

    After the incident, the perpetrators fled to Abkhazia. But they were looking for a customer for a long time. From Sochi he left for Karelia. But the two-meter Caucasian had a colorful detail. He had a long scar on his head and a prosthetic instead of an eye, which he lost during a gang war. For which he received the nickname “Cyclops”. It was this sign that allowed investigators to find and detain him in 2000.

    Ruben Grigoryan, nicknamed "Cyclops"

    In court, Ruben Grigoryan received 11 years, his accomplices - six and seven years each. The perpetrator of the attack was killed before the case came to trial. And they identified his corpse... by the burns on his face.

    Most likely, the acid from my hair got on him when I fought back,” Eleanor suggests. - After a while, another of the criminals died in prison.

    But Grigoryan was released and lives as before. Eleanor was able to return to normal life only now. The doctors assured that she would not survive after a severe chemical burn, but the girl did not give up.

    The damage was so serious that I was urgently transported to the regional burn center in Krasnodar,” says Eleonora Kondratyuk. “The doctors could only alleviate my condition with the help of painkillers, because it is very difficult to act on a chemical burn. But nothing could be done. All that remained was to wait for the corroding process to end. During all the time they have been working, the specialists of the burn center have never encountered such cases.

    A chemical burn is considered the most severe, since it not only affects the surface, as with a thermal burn, but also corrodes tissue. The monsters also mixed the deadly liquid with oil - it was impossible to wash off the acid. Eleanor was diagnosed with a fourth degree burn, the very last, which is considered incompatible with life.

    Examining me every day, again and again the doctors stated that it was still impossible to operate, it was necessary to wait until the corroding process was over, but there was practically no chance of survival, says Eleanor.

    The worst thing is not even that the beauty completely lost her face - the acid affected it all. She became permanently blind. The man who confessed his love turned out to be an abnormal bastard who ruined the life of a young girl. But Elya did not give up. Over 19 years, she underwent 200 operations. They transplanted skin and hair, restored her nose, and tried to restore her vision... The left eye was no longer out of the question. Nowhere in the world and for any amount of money could his sight be restored. But there was an opportunity to restore the right one - a corneal transplant was needed. But almost all attempts were unsuccessful.

    The first of the operations was canceled at the very last moment due to an infection found in the donor eye. A month after this, doctors in Germany found a second organ, but the donor cornea belonged to a very old man. Even in the case of the most successful operation, the remaining vision would begin to disappear with catastrophic speed.

    For the third time, hope was brought, no matter how terrible it may sound, by a car accident in which she died sister Eleanor - Julia. But the precious cargo was spoiled. The Moscow doctor did not timely control the feeding solution in which the corneas were located, and as a result they became unsuitable for transplantation.

    Later, the girl regained some of her vision with the help of another, Dutch transplant. But Eleanor sees only silhouettes and has difficulty distinguishing faces.

    Every time they tried to tie the tragedy that happened to me to one or another program about beauty contests. But these are in no way related events! - says Eleonora Kondratyuk. - This man first saw me on the street several months after the last competition, when only memories from him were left. And there are absolutely no guarantees that this would not have happened if I had played, for example, volleyball, swimming or gone to ballet.

    Despite the tragedy, Eleanor did not lose her joy in life. She graduated from the Academic School of Design and continues to draw now. She also often visits burn clinics and does everything possible to make the lives of people in trouble at least a little easier. She helps those who find themselves in a similar situation, tells how to find the strength to move on.

    Despite all the pain and horror that these girls had to go through, they did not despair and did not break. By their example, they tell the world: beauty is not only external data, but also a state of mind.

    Jessica Notaro

    Italian model and Miss Italy 2007 finalist Jessica Notaro was doused with acid ex-lover. After a short affair, the girl decided to break up with the young man, but she could not even think that he would be capable of such cruelty. As a result of the tragedy, Jessica received severe chemical burns to her face, body and eyes. Today the girl spends approximately 800 euros a month (about 40,000 rubles) on medications that help her cope with pain. Plastic surgery it can only be done in a year, when the body is a little stronger. Recently, Jessica went on a TV show, where she took off the scarf from her face for the first time, and turned to her “ill-fated” ex: “I want you to see what you did to me. This is not love."

    Dana Vulin


    In 2012, Australian Dana Vulin became a victim of the overly jealous wife of one of her friends. Suspecting Dana of an “attempt” on her beloved husband, the jealous woman doused the girl with ethyl alcohol and set her on fire. As a result, Dana received third-degree burns on her face and body and spent a long time in a coma. The Australian underwent numerous operations and spent two years wearing a special mask - according to the girl, her burned face was so ugly that she was afraid to walk past the mirror. In addition, Dana was wearing a kind of spacesuit all the time, which, in turn, hid the deformity of his body. And so, after a long and difficult work on herself, the girl finally took off the mask and showed the world a new self: albeit with scars, but beautiful again.

    Katie Piper

    In 2008, 35-year-old Danny Lynch doused his girlfriend with sulfuric acid. famous model Katie Piper. As a result, the girl received third-degree burns, lost her eyelids, half of her left ear and most of her nose. Severe injuries were caused to the eyes, mouth, tongue, esophagus, hands, arms, neck and décolleté. Even the doctors to whom Katie was taken that ill-fated day were horrified - according to them, they had never encountered such terrible injuries. Over the next three years, Katie underwent more than 80 operations on internal organs, only after which the girl was able to eat and drink normally. Plastic surgeons also did the impossible - they reconstructed the model’s face using synthetic skin. Today Katie looks very good, and her former lover is serving a life sentence in a British prison.

    Eleonora Kondratyuk

    Horrible story happened to our compatriot Eleanor Kondratyuk. The winner of the Beauty of Sochi and Miss Charm competitions became the victim of a rejected fan back in 1999. The girl was returning home when she was attacked from behind and doused with concentrated sulfuric acid. The acid burned the eyes, respiratory tract, skin on the face, neck and shoulders. In critical condition, the girl was taken to the regional burn center, where doctors literally pulled Eleanor out of the other world. Despite more than 300 operations, the girl was unable to return to normal life. Eleanor leads a reclusive life, and if she leaves the house, she hides her face with a veil. Former model is a frequent visitor to burn centers: she spends a lot of time with people in similar situations.

    Laxmi Saha

    Indian Laxmi Saha became a victim of an attack by a rejected groom: the offended lover doused his lady with acid. At that time, the girl was only 15 years old, and, despite the fact that her appearance was hopelessly spoiled, Laxmi did not despair, began to fight for her rights and even made a career in modeling business. This year, Laxmi became the face of the Indian clothing brand Viva N Diva. Advertising campaign The brand is called Face of Courage, and its main message is that beauty is not only external data, but also a state of mind. The heroine herself is still actively seeking to limit the sale of acid and tighten penalties for such crimes.

    Reshma Kuresha

    Reshma Kuresha is another Indian woman who suffered from acid: when the girl was 18 years old, she became a victim of her own brother. Reshma received severe burns to her face and body, lost an eye, but did not give up and did not give up. Today the girl maintains a microblog in which she posts videos, proving that victims do not become disabled, but can achieve a lot. And last fall, during New York Fashion Week, Reshma took part in the show of the collection of Indian designer Archana Kochhar and became a real star podium In an interview with journalists, the model admitted that she came to the podium with one goal - to draw attention to the availability of acid in India. Reshma noted that in Asian countries this problem is of global proportions, and she herself is trying in every possible way to change society’s attitude towards victims of such attacks.

    Shirin Mohamadi

    Asghar Khamseh/Sony World Photography Awards 2016

    Shirin Mohamadi was just 18 years old when she was attacked with acid by her rejected fiancé. The girl lost her right eye and ear, her mouth was badly damaged, and she had deep burns all over her body. To date, Shirin has undergone several plastic surgeries, but the difficult rehabilitation process is not over yet.