In a dream I kissed my ex: the meaning and interpretation of the dream. Why dream of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend or husband

A dream is a kind of signal that a person receives. As a rule, our dreams feature unfamiliar, familiar and strangers or their images. Unmarried girls can very often dream of young guys, and among them are former boyfriends. Therefore, most representatives of the fair sex are often interested in the question of why the ex-boyfriend dreams? We can say with full confidence that if a girl sees in a dream young man, then she undoubtedly has certain feelings for him. This is a signal that even the slightest bit means something for a girl. As for ex-boyfriends, the situation here is somewhat different.

Every person constantly dreams throughout his life. Everyone sees them differently. Whatever the dream, it leaves an indelible impression in the memory. Sometimes these night stories frighten, delight, alarm or bewilder. Often a person is surprised to note that dreams come true completely or partially. In some cases, they can warn about future events, joys and sorrows. And if you can interpret them correctly, then you can avoid unwanted events in life or reduce them to a minimum.

What does it mean to see your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

In reality, a chance meeting with a former lover is an ordinary thing that we cannot influence. But why does the image of a former young man pop up in a dream, especially when new stormy events take place in a girl’s life? romantic relationship. Scientists say it's all about the psychological aspect. Sometimes a certain life situation may resemble events from the past, or a girl is still having a hard time breaking up with her boyfriend. Most girls are sure that the former young man appearing in a dream is sure sign that he continues to think about her. However, this theory has no confirmation.

Often, dreams project a person’s secret thoughts and desires, demonstrating the development of events that could take place in reality under a certain set of circumstances.

Psychologists advise all girls who never tire of exhausting themselves with the question of why their ex-boyfriend dreams, not to take dreams too literally. After all, it is possible to correctly and correctly decipher a dream only when all the details and nuances are compiled into a single picture. Therefore, the one in the dream is nothing more than memories of him. Even if the girl didn't see him long time, something in her environment may remind her of him, or one of her acquaintances may have mentioned him the day before.

When a relationship with a guy ended a long time ago, and he still continues to haunt the girl in her dreams, this indicates that she, especially morally, is not ready to put an end to this story and end the affair. In this case, the girl is better off from this heavy burden that does not allow her to fully enjoy her current life without a partner. Perhaps, at the end of the couple’s relationship, a certain understatement remained, or even worse, resentment. For this reason, the subconscious tries to let go of unpleasant emotions, but the mind does not allow it to do this.

Moreover, the appearance ex-lover in dreams can be proven by the fact that the girl, on a subconscious level, constantly compares her current relationship with past relationships that ended, looking for the shortcomings of her current partner. In most cases, practice shows that such a development of events does not actually lead to the desired outcome and does not end well for both partners. Perhaps a girl should stop constantly comparing her current partner with her ex, but, on the contrary, look for more positive aspects of him that she likes than negative ones.

So why does a young girl dream about her ex-boyfriend? In order to get a comprehensive answer, you should

immediately after waking up, write down the basic moments of your dream as accurately as possible. An important point will be an analysis of one's own psychological state after sleep.

Often in her dreams a girl can see her ex-boyfriend with new darling, a special female person familiar or unfamiliar to her. It is logical that she will immediately have a question about why her ex-boyfriend dreams of another girl. These dreams can also be easily and simply explained.

Ex-boyfriend and another girl

These kinds of dreams can say a lot about the character of the girl herself and the depth of her experiences. Another one next to ex-boyfriend- this is a rival who makes a girl not only jealous, but also feel some self-doubt. These dreams indicate that at the subconscious level the girl continues to consider the young man, despite the breakup, to be her property. Often such dreams occur when a guy has started a new relationship after a breakup, and the girl still continues to build illusions about a possible reconciliation with him.

However, the former lover in a dream with new passion may be a signal that soon the one will appear in the girl’s life new person, which will help her forget all past grievances and adversities and begin to look at life in a new way. In any case, if after sleep the girl continues to be tormented by doubts or she still feels guilty about the breakup, you should definitely meet in former partner, talk and put everything in its place. Psychologists say that such a step is guaranteed to relieve thoughts from obsessive ideas, and the soul from worries and doubts regarding past relationships.

Kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream

Often after a breakup, no matter how painful it may be for both partners, a girl sees herself in a dream next to her ex-boyfriend. At the same time, the dream may be accompanied by a passionate kiss. After waking up, the girl, as a rule, becomes perplexed and tries to give herself an answer to the question and figure out why she dreams of her ex-boyfriend kissing me. It is worth saying right away that such dreams are caused only by the work of the subconscious. In addition, such a turn of events provokes a hidden or obvious longing for to a certain person and relationships with him. In this case, we're talking about about the former chosen one.

But you should not have any illusions about a kiss in a dream and firmly believe that in reality the same kiss will certainly happen again. Perhaps the ex-boyfriend still has feelings for the girl and the dream could be prophetic. But in order to find out, you should meet and have a heart-to-heart talk with him. In addition, a kiss in a dream with a former lover can directly indicate that the young man has long forgotten about the girl and is making new plans for life. In addition, there is a widely accepted version that similar dream may indicate that the ex-boyfriend continues to have exclusively sexual interest in the girl.

A frank conversation with an ex in a dream and a desire to renew the relationship

After a breakup, a young girl can very often have a dream that her ex-boyfriend wants to resume the relationship. Sometimes dreams are so colorful and realistic that a girl can for a long time try to interpret them and get an answer to the question of what the ex-boyfriend dreams about who wants to return.

Thus, if a girl in a dream clearly saw the guy with whom she was once associated serious relationship, this most likely does not mean a meeting with your ex at all, but only your own emotional experiences. During a breakup, a girl may feel

  • pain,
  • guilt,
  • offense.

Undoubtedly, being a couple, the girl completely trusted her chosen one and relied entirely on him in everything. After the breakup, she continues to count on his help and support in difficult situations, as well as help in solving difficult life issues. This dream most likely once again proves the fact that the girl has not learned to live in a new way and make decisions on her own without the participation of her partner. Her partner’s opinion is still vitally important to her, albeit on a subconscious level, as is his presence in difficult moments. The girl wants him, and not anyone else, to listen to her and give her good advice. Despite the fact that the couple’s relationship has ended, the girl does not completely let go of her partner, since she needs his reliable shoulder, help and protection in life. Psychologists say that as soon as a girl lets go of the past and starts a new relationship, such dreams will not bother her.

In order to ultimately analyze what your ex-boyfriend dreams about and come to the right conclusion, you should engage in introspection. First of all, the girl must honestly answer herself whether she has let go of her ex-lover and past relationships. If the answer is yes, then dreams with your ex leading role- these are bright moments of memories from the past.

If the ex-boyfriend still appears in her thoughts and does not allow her to forget the past, then dreams are the work of the subconscious, which sends signals that the girl still hopes for reconciliation and renewal of the relationship. In this case, we can say with confidence that the partner, although ex-, still means a lot to her and remains an important person for her.

With the firm goal of eradicating such dreams, psychologists recommend letting go, and with them the past, and tuning in to new life. A new relationship with a new person can be a fresh breath of air, which will help you put an end to the past and start life from scratch.

Why dream of kissing your ex-boyfriend? The plot in a dream has several meanings, depending on the details. According to the dream book, it indicates a desire to return a loved one and portends a resumption of communication. Sometimes a vision warns of a conflict with your current partner or makes it clear: you have gotten rid of the influence of the past.

There is no return to the past

Kissing an ex-boyfriend often means in a dream: you or he remembers the past. If you wake up and feel sad, it means you haven’t let go of these feelings yet. Is the impression neutral? The past no longer dominates you.

Why dream that it happened spontaneously, but in reality no one strives to revive feelings? The dream book recommends: the vision can be ignored. Even if you see each other in reality, the meeting will end in nothing.

Kissed by your ex-boyfriend?

Often the dream book explains that he kissed you: your former lover remembers you and would like to meet again. To avoid the unknown, it is better to talk, to find out the nuances that remain unsaid.

I dreamed how ex-boyfriend kissed you in a friendly way, on the cheek? Do not take the dream seriously: most likely, he is simply neutral towards you. And the grandiose castles in the air that your imagination pictures should be destroyed without regret.

Quarrels and conflicts are possible

Why does a married woman dream of kissing her ex? The dream book warns: a scandal is possible at home due to the husband’s oversight or nagging. The vision will awaken forgotten pleasant memories. The main thing is to avoid comparing current and past relationships, since nothing can be returned.

If a girl saw and kissed a young man in a dream, having actually parted with him a long time ago, in fact, somewhere in the depths of her soul, feelings are still simmering. Perhaps with favorable circumstances they will flare up again.

When in a dream she hugged her former lover, and he kissed her tenderly, fate will give this relationship a second chance.

Initiative can ruin everything

Seeing an ex-boyfriend, hugging him in a dream, trying to kiss him, means: the girl misses him. In reality, she really wants to return him, but something is preventing her. A frank conversation will help to find out how the young man himself feels about this (maybe negatively).

Did you dream of hugging him, touching him with tenderness, but the young man tried to pull away? The dream book advises: stop trying to meet - why embarrass yourself and impose yourself on someone who doesn’t want it?

Details of the vision

The interpretation of the dream takes into account the dreamed details:

  • saw, talked with a former boyfriend in a dream, and then a kiss began due to mutual attraction - a chance meeting will begin a new round of relationships;
  • kissing an ex-boyfriend when you yourself took the initiative - the dream book informs you: you want to renew the connection;
  • he unexpectedly kissed - waiting for an opportunity to explain, to make peace;
  • Why do you dream of a passionate kiss after which you make love? The current relationship may become complicated, even a complete break is possible.

Miller's Dream Book: pleasant surprise lies ahead

Did you dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend? The dream signals: an unexpected event will soon occur that will pleasantly surprise you.

Dream interpretation of kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream

What does it mean to dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend? Dream interpretation

Seeing yourself kissing your ex-boyfriend in a dream means being surprised by something in reality. You may have to deal with some unpleasant chores associated with material well-being in the family or the health of relatives and friends.

The same dream can mean longing for the past and an unwillingness to let go of an outdated relationship. Perhaps a rash act will be committed, the consequences of which will create problems in your personal life. You should act more carefully and cautiously, not give in to temptations and remember only the most important thing - happiness in the present. A kiss with an ex in a dream can warn of a quarrel with your current lover.

Dream Interpretation Kissing a guy

Why dream of Kissing a guy in a dream according to the dream book?

Why dream of kissing a guy? In reality, you will have to face the problems of the past that still haunt you.

You should think about them final decision, otherwise they will continue to oppress you and will not let you move on.

How did you kiss a guy in a dream?

I dreamed that I kissed a guy on the lips

Kissing a guy on the lips according to Felomena’s dream book means the presence of a passionate relationship in which complete mutual understanding reigns. You completely satisfy each other and are capable of creating a harmonious union in marriage.

Which guy did you dream about?

Kissing your ex-boyfriend in a dream

Kissing your ex-boyfriend in a dream - your ex-girlfriend may need your help or moral support. Ask about his problems; your participation will not be superfluous.

Why dream of kissing a stranger

You dream that you are kissing unknown guy- meet individuals with dubious pasts, which can have a detrimental effect on your reputation. A meeting with interesting man, capable of actually turning out to be a narcissist or a womanizer.

Kissing another guy in a dream

If you dreamed that you were kissing another guy, your hopes and plans would fail and remain unrealized for some time. Don't give up and don't deviate from your goals, sooner or later you will succeed.

Kissing in a dream with a guy you like

Kissing in a dream with a guy you like is a harbinger of the beginning of a new dizzying romance that can captivate you completely. Give in to temptation and plunge into feelings headlong.

Why dream of kissing a guy you know?

Why dream of kissing a guy you know? In reality, a serious danger or threat cannot be ruled out for this person. You can assist in resolving complex issues, show your participation.

Kissing your boyfriend in a dream

According to the dream book, kissing your boyfriend means the presence in your environment large quantity ill-wishers who can destroy a relationship with a lover. Beware of unsolicited advice.

Why dream of kissing a young guy?

Kissing a young guy in a dream is a complication to an already existing situation difficult relationship. There is a gap of misunderstanding between you, which is becoming wider every time.

I dreamed that I was kissing my friend’s boyfriend

If you dream that you are kissing your friend’s boyfriend, changes of various kinds are coming in your life. Even if they are not positive, you should not make hasty decisions, everything has its time.

Kissing someone else's guy in a dream

If you dreamed that you were kissing someone else's guy, in reality you are too sympathetic to one person for whom you should not have feelings. You will be dissatisfied with yourself and feel awkward.

What happened to the guy in the dream?

I dreamed that a guy was kissing another

A dream about a guy kissing another woman foreshadows betrayal against you. It is possible that your boyfriend will cheat on you with his girlfriend, you should be more careful.

I dream that a guy wants to kiss

Why do you dream about trying to kiss a guy? You will be disappointed in your own chosen one. Perhaps he has feelings not only for you and is quite capable of cheating. If you do not want a breakup, you should be vigilant.

Dream Interpretation, dream about a kiss

Dream Interpretations / Dreams on P / Dream Interpretation, dream about a kiss.

Kissing a man in a dream - what does it mean? Does such a dream mean that the woman is burning with passion in reality? What to think if it was a friendly peck on the cheek? There are many options for interpreting what a kiss means in a dream. Let's talk about the most popular ones.

Miller's Dream Book: a kiss in a dream

Gustav Miller examines dreams of this kind in detail. Here's what the psychologist says:

  • If you dream of children kissing, then the dreamer will finally be able to improve relationships with his significant other and improve things at work.
  • When a person kisses his mother in a dream, this is a sign that his business will go uphill, and his friends will begin to respect him even more. In addition, the dreamer will meet love.
  • A kiss from a sister or brother in a dream portends good relationship with relatives in the future and enjoyment.
  • If a man dreams that he is kissing his beloved at night, then danger awaits him in life, and he will also be characterized by dissolute behavior.
  • Kissing a stranger in a dream is a sign of immorality.
  • When a guy dreams that his girlfriend is being kissed by his rival, this is a harbinger of the collapse of the relationship.
  • For a woman, a dream about kissing her husband means harmony in the family.
  • If a person dreams that his enemy is kissing him, it means that in reality he will make peace with his friend.
  • For a young girl, a dream in which she kisses her admirer, and at that moment they are taken by surprise, symbolizes the presence of people around her who wish her harm.

Dream about kissing according to Freud's dream book

For a woman, being affectionate with a man in a dream means real acquaintance with a handsome and gallant gentleman. However, you should not rejoice - he will turn out to be dishonest, namely a gigolo. If a representative of the stronger sex dreams of kissing a woman, then in reality he needs to be more affectionate with his life partner: she yearns for the lack of signs of attention and care. A dream in which other people kiss foreshadows some dubious story into which the dreamer will be drawn.

Hasse's dream book: if you dreamed that you were kissing

  • Sending someone an airy kiss in a dream is a sign of submission in life.
  • If a sleeping person dreams that someone is kissing him, then in reality he will be separated from his other half.
  • When the dreamer himself gives a kiss to another person, this means that he will meet love, and it will be mutual.
  • Kissing a person in a dream when he does not expect it is a sign of passionate feelings.

Kissing in a dream according to Nostradamus' dream book

If a girl dreams that she is kissing her ex, then in her life she has an imaginary friend or an insincere partner. The astrologer interprets in a very banal way a dream in which a man dreams that his chosen one is being kissed by another. According to Nostradamus, this is a sign that a rival will appear in reality. The same primitive interpretation is given to a dream where a girl sees her boyfriend kissing a stranger. This dream demonstrates the hypocrisy of the lover. Gentle caresses with your soulmate in a dream represent the devotion of your partner in real life.

Loff's dream book: a dream in which you kiss

Psychologist David Loff believes that kissing symbolizes the desire to arouse passion for oneself in another person. Such a dream demonstrates an attraction to a certain object in reality. When you dream that your partner is kissing someone, it means that in reality he may be unfaithful. If the dream did not come to a kiss, and the sleeper woke up before it was supposed to happen, then he set a ban for himself love relationship, although he desires them with body and soul.

Blowing kisses to someone in a dream means a trip from which you will have the most fun memories.

Kissing someone on the neck in a dream is a sign of passion.

If a woman dreamed that she was caught by surprise when she was kissing a man, it means that her loved ones will be harsh with her.

Kissing your enemy in a dream means in real life reconciliation with an acquaintance with whom the relationship was damaged.

For spouses, a dream where they kiss means that they will always be spiritually close.

If you saw in a dream that your enemy was kissing your beloved, then in reality you risk losing her love.

Kissing an unfamiliar girl in a dream is a symbol of immoral actions.

A dream in which you kiss your lover in the dark portends danger; if you do the same in the light, then in reality you will be noble in your relationships with women.

Kissing a brother or sister means strong friendship.

Kissing children in a dream mean peace in the family and long-awaited satisfaction from the work done. Kissing your mother in a dream means success in business, which will ensure you the sincere respect of your friends.

Why do you dream about a guy and a kiss?

There are quite a lot different interpretations dreams by different dream books. Now, if you dream that on young girl a guy attacked - such a dream means trouble. And if you dream of a former lover, then this is nothing more than memories. Further in the article some meanings of a dream will be presented when you dream of a guy and a kiss.

If you believe the wanderer’s dream book, then for unmarried girl a guy in a dream can mean thoughts about getting married soon. And for a woman it is a symbol of a spiritual assistant or maternal and sexual power. Especially if the guy in the dream is very handsome, slender and looks like an angel - this is a sign of the man’s vitality and active energy.

As for dreams about kisses, the meanings are very diverse. For example, if you believe Miller’s dream book, then seeing children kissing can mean happiness in family life and job satisfaction. Kissing your mother in a dream is a sign of love, success in work and respect from friends. If you kiss your sister or brother in a dream, then such a dream promises good friendship. Also, if married people see themselves kissing in a dream, then such a dream can be considered a symbol of harmony and understanding that fills their home. If you dreamed of a kiss with your beloved girl in a dark place, it is a sign of danger and dissolute behavior. And in the light of day - a gallant attitude towards girls. But a kiss with an unfamiliar girl leads to immoral acts. One should be wary of the possible loss of a girl’s respect if an enemy kissed her in a dream. Kissing an enemy in a dream promises success in business.

It is important to remember that if you dreamed that someone was taken by surprise while kissing your passion, then such a dream promises insolence in the future actions of imaginary friends. You should be careful in this case so that no one can harm the real relationship.

As for Medea’s dream book, you can find slightly different interpretations of such a dream. A kiss in a dream can mean strong feelings and reconciliation with something. And if you kiss someone you know in a dream, this is a dream of friendship and change. Kissing a celebrity means increasing your authority. But kissing a dead person means illness, death or serious secrets.

And if you believe Freud and his dream book, then a kiss is a symbol of sexual intercourse. Passion during a kiss - sexually transmitted diseases or even impotence.

The dream book of lovers says that a kiss in a dream is quite an interesting element, as it can be interpreted in different ways. If a kiss is dreamed by those who are separated, then such a dream means see you soon, and vice versa - for those who are nearby - portends a long separation. A kiss for lovers foreshadows a date, but after it there will be a break in the relationship.

If you dreamed of a kiss with a stranger, such a dream could mean a fleeting connection on an emotional level. If you dream of a kiss that no one knows about, this promises a dangerous use of time and low behavior. Also in some aspect, it can mean shame for a respectable family.

Other interpreters should also be considered. Let's take for example the Jewish dream book. According to him, a kiss is a sign of betrayal. But blowing a kiss is a sign of a person's submission. If someone kisses in a dream, then this dream means betrayal and the end of a relationship with your beloved guy. But this is what a guy and a kiss mean in a dream - infidelity. And if you dreamed of a kiss with a girl, the Jewish dream book says that this means disputes and troubles. A vampire's kiss means loss of vitality or life. Kissing a swallow is a very good dream. It promises harmony and understanding in the family. If you dreamed of a baby's kiss, it means longevity and youth. If you kiss a person of the same sex, it means hostility.

If you dream that your beloved guy is kissing you, this is a sign of understanding and agreement. And kissing a child is such a dream as a harbinger of happiness and joy, as well as success and profit for the family. A dream in which relatives kiss can mean joy and friendship.

If you dreamed of a kiss on the neck, then such a dream can mean ardent passion and the inability to control oneself, especially in a fit of anger.

If a girl dreams that her hand is tenderly kissed by a valiant man, this is a chance to increase her fortune. If in a dream a young girl kisses her boyfriend, such a dream promises her imminent marriage. Seeing a husband kissing another woman in a dream is a sign of infidelity in married life.

It is important to remember that a kiss in a dream is a pretty good symbol. And if a young girl likes a kiss in a dream, then this may mean that the young girl attracts the attention of many guys and is popular with men. If not, it’s a sign that only patience and endurance will help you achieve the desired result.

The most beautiful, pleasant and good sleep Kissing is considered to be a dream where doves kiss. First of all, it's very beautiful. And secondly, this is a sign of mutual true love and caresses between lovers. It was believed that if you dreamed of kissing doves on the eve of a wedding, this was a sign of a happy union.

Why do you dream about kissing?

A kiss is always associated with love, tenderness, affection and care for loved ones. And of course, in the spring...

Kisses are undoubtedly associated with a certain couple in love, passionately kissing somewhere on a bench in the park or at the entrance to a pleasant May evening.

If you dream that you are kissing a guy, a complete stranger to you, in precisely such “park-spring” circumstances, this a clear sign that you are in high spirits and anticipate the coming of love. In addition, you expect a lot from the near future. But your puzzlement about why a kissing couple dreams of, say, complete strangers to you, speaks of your desire to learn more about the people around you and doubt in your own knowledge and skills. And this desire passes to the subconscious level, manifesting itself in dreams.

Let's look at the most favorable, at first glance, version of the dream - why you dream of kissing your loved one. It is believed that, paradoxically, this is a sign of your betrayal, and kissing a stranger is, on the contrary, a sign of pleasant changes in life and good news.

Why dream of kissing passionately?

A passionate, insatiable and prolonged kiss means a quick separation, and the more passionate it is, the longer the separation will be. That is, passion itself seems to mean goodbye.

If you dream that you are kissing your ex-boyfriend, then this means that he is also thinking about you and is having a hard time with separation. So, you can hope for a quick reconciliation with him.

If you see in a dream how he kisses your friend, then this is a sign of your jealousy for him, and therefore love. As you know, love and jealousy are two sides of the same coin.

It is especially pleasant, of course, to dream that you are kissing your loved one, and at the same time you wake up with a very pleasant feeling. However, what you dream about kissing your boyfriend will rarely please a dream interpretation specialist - this is an insidious thing, it can present you with a completely unpleasant surprise. Be on your guard - perhaps your lover has his own plans for the future, and you have no place in them...

Well, if we talk about kissing a stranger, and everything is fine with your boyfriend, this means that your soul is a mess, and completely unnecessary collisions may arise. Or maybe they are still necessary? Try to understand yourself, consult with your closest friend. But here it is necessary to make a reservation - listen to your friend’s opinion, of course, but act as your heart tells you. In any case, it’s up to you to decide, so make no mistake.

Why kiss your ex-boyfriend in a dream???


☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

Such a dream always foreshadows parting with the one you kiss with, than kiss more passionately- the sooner there will be separation. Seeing people or objects in a dream that qualify as “former” means that not everything has passed without a trace. If in a dream you see your ex-lover, then there is still a place in your heart for him. If in your dream you are together, as if nothing had happened, then in real life you have finally gone through the pain of separation. If you dreamed that you were meeting your former classmates, fellow students, colleagues, and so on, then in the near future you will receive news from your friend, who is now far away.


A dream in which you kiss your mother is good sign. Such a dream predicts good luck in business. If you kiss your brother or sister, then you will have good relationships with friends and colleagues. Kissing children mean peace in the family and satisfaction with the results of their work. Kissing your beloved in the dark means condemnation and gossip from others; in the light, it means worthy behavior on your part. If you saw in a dream that someone else was kissing your beloved, you risk losing her love. If a young woman dreams that her lover is kissing another, she should be prepared to part with him. If she dreams that she is kissing her lover, then this is a symbol of the gossip that surrounds her. If you dreamed that you were kissing unknown woman, be prepared for the fact that life will involve you in a cycle of not very decent connections. A similar warning is a dream in which you kiss in secret. Such a dream may be followed by serious troubles in the family. Kissing your enemy in a dream means that in life you will be able to find ways of reconciliation. Kissing someone on the neck is a symbol of passion. Air kisses can predict a pleasant trip.

Irina azerty

goodbye forever

mila aidinova

kissing - to a quarrel


Ex-boyfriend? Did you become a woman after the operation? Or did you just change your orientation? So did you kiss a woman or a homosexual? Please clarify. There is no point in kissing them!


Your paths will never cross again.

A dream in which a girl dreams of a kiss with her ex-boyfriend may portend completely opposite events. In order to decipher it correctly, you need to remember everything the smallest details and the feeling that remained after the kiss. In addition, the meaning of night dreams largely depends on the day of the week. For example, dreams from Sunday to Monday are considered empty, so on this day you should not pay attention to what you dreamed at night. As it says folk wisdom: “On Monday, sleep is a slacker.”

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    A dreamed kiss with a former lover may just be a reflection of daytime experiences. The subconscious gives a signal to the dreamer that her feelings for her once loved one are still alive and she wants to return to the past.

    Often, romantic experiences and longing for departed love are intertwined with negative feelings of annoyance and resentment. In such a situation, the most the best solution will make peace with himself, reassess the situation and let go of the past.

    If there is an opportunity to forgive and reach a truce, you need to do it. In all other cases, when the way back is completely cut off, there is no need to torture yourself negative memories and hope for a miracle.

    Only by finally understanding yourself and leaving behind faded connections can you start a new relationship.

    Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

    On the eve of the wedding

    If you dreamed of a kiss with your ex-fiancé shortly before upcoming wedding, the girl should reconsider her decision. The subconscious gives a hint that the woman is not ready to get married, and she subconsciously compares her new boyfriend with ex-man.

    Such comparison and dissatisfaction with the current relationship will result in serious quarrels and misunderstandings. Almost all dream books say that such night dreams on the eve of a wedding promise major conflicts and disappointments.

    Kissing on the lips in a dream ex-lover- to good news. Such a dream is favorable and says that the man is no longer worried about the breakup and does not hold a grudge.

    Feelings experienced in a dream

    The feelings that a woman experienced after the kiss will help decipher her night dreams:

    • depression and depression make it clear to the dreamer that she does not agree with the separation and wants to return to the relationship;
    • bewilderment and slight disappointment foreshadow misunderstanding in a new relationship;
    • remorse and regret about this act warn that events will happen in reality that could affect the girl’s reputation;
    • positive emotions and high spirits say that the result has been summed up and old grievances have been forgotten.

    Good feelings lead to positive events and changes in life. Bad sensations from a kiss from a former lover foreshadow a series of minor and major troubles.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Dreaming about ex-husband

    Psychologists believe that the reason for such dreams lies in the woman’s subconscious: perhaps she clings to the past and does not want to let her husband go until the end.

    However, most dream books and folk wisdom say that everything is just the opposite and the reason lies in the man’s attitude to the current situation. It is he who has not come to terms with the loss and regrets the lost relationship. And a husband’s kiss in a dream indicates that his feelings have not cooled down and he still yearns for his ex-wife.

    Here it remains for the woman to decide whether to forgive her ex and give him a sign that she can try to return the past, or simply forget this dream.

    The meaning of night dreams by day of the week

    Dreams from Monday to Tuesday with the participation of a former lover foreshadow happy events and indicate that the man, despite the breakup, does not hold a grudge against the woman and is not going to create problems for her in life.

    Dreams seen from Monday to Tuesday come true almost immediately.

    Everything that you dreamed about from Tuesday to Wednesday cannot be taken literally, because these are dreams that give a hint, suggest thinking, rethinking some event.

    Therefore, if on this day of the week you dreamed about your ex-beloved and the dreamer kissed him, you should not expect any special events or changes.

    Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are informationally empty and are an exact copy hopes and illusions. On this day, you dream of phantoms that were released by the subconscious. So if on the night from Wednesday to Thursday you dreamed of a kiss with ex-husband or the groom, this only means that the woman still remembers the happy moments from past life.

    Prophetic dreams dream from Thursday to Friday, they are the ones that should be taken into account.

    Night dreams from Friday to Saturday carry less meaning than those dreamed the previous night, but they can also be prophetic. Listen to the dream book.

    On the night from Friday to Saturday, you rarely have any special dreams, but if the dream was vivid and remembered in detail, you should pay attention to it and listen to dream books.

    Special dreams occur from Saturday to Sunday. They almost always foreshadow major events and changes; they can warn of impending problems and dangers. You cannot tell anyone what you dreamed about that night.

Separating from your beloved guy is always very sad and unpleasant. Especially if you really appreciated him and planned a long-term relationship, and your intentions were more than serious. After such a terrible event, the girls are overcome by impenetrable melancholy. Sometimes it even comes to night dreams involving a loved one’s past. And the question of why you dream of a kiss with your ex-boyfriend torments girls with different situations, but the same grief.

Kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream can mean completely different things. The interpretation of such a vision directly depends on some details about your, albeit former, relationship with a young man in real life. The dream is associated with an event due to which your connections were severed. Some of the most common stories why you dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend:

Besides, it is very important who kissed whom. If you did this, you will soon have to face the past, perhaps even completely unpleasant for you. And there are no guarantees that it will be your ex.

If he kissed you himself, it means he was thinking about you, wanted to contact you, but either hasn’t plucked up the courage yet, or thinks it’s unnecessary. It is very likely that he will change his mind and call you.

Other interpretations of visions about the former

In addition to the most typical situations in dreams, it also happens that girls see more intricate night scenes. Perhaps they see it more than once and it can be quite difficult to understand. You can see how the ex:

  • gives a light kiss;
  • passionately kisses and caresses you;
  • touches your lips against your will.

For example, if you had a dream in which you not only kissed, but also had sex with your previous man, financial troubles await you soon. But it’s worth enduring them, because it will pay off handsomely. And also the time when such a night vision came to you is considered favorable for profitable financial investments. Don't worry, the likelihood of losing your funds during this period is minimal.

When you met your ex in a dream, with whom you quarreled loudly, and then he kissed you against your will, bad news about your work activities will come to you very soon. This could be a reduction or some kind of fines.

It is worth paying attention to the behavior of your colleagues. Perhaps someone wants to set you up. During the period when such a dream visited you, you should not look for new job. It's worth waiting a little.

A light kiss on the lips means that at this stage of life you are being flighty and doing rash things. This will spell some trouble for you in the future. This attitude towards things will create difficulties in relationships with family. In addition, everything will fall out of hand. There will be a feeling in your soul that you cannot find a place for yourself due to an incomprehensible feeling of panic. You should take your business more seriously, and just pull yourself together.

A kiss in a dream with an ex is a very ambiguous symbol. As a rule, it promises troubles and conflicts. But at the same time, it can portend help from loved ones and new love affairs. Do you want to know why you dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend? All attention to the details of the plot and the feelings that gripped you in the dream.

To confusion

So, why might you dream about kissing your ex? Dream Interpretations believe that this episode, first of all, indicates that your relationship is not completed, something remains unclear between you, or one of the partners is determined to revive faded feelings.

According to another version of the interpretation, the plot confirms that in reality the two partners are alive negative emotions- past grievances, unspoken complaints or annoyances. The dream book is sure: past relationships should be “let go”, and emotions should be thrown out. Only in this case will you be able to live a full life and build new relationships in the future.

To trouble

Did you happen to see your ex-partner in a dream and even kiss him on the lips? This means that in reality you still have problems from the past. If he initiated the kiss, then most likely the partner does not want to return to the old relationship, and your efforts to restore the old love are in vain.

Why does a woman dream of passionately kissing her ex in the dark? The dream book believes that in reality you suffer from sexual intemperance. Try to control your emotional impulses, otherwise you may be misunderstood.

Did you dream of a kiss with your ex on the eve of your wedding? The dream book is sure that this dream is an unfavorable symbol. Soon your husband will begin to resemble his ex, and, as a result, conflicts will begin in the family. And if you broke up with a guy badly, then betrayal and loneliness await you in reality.

Only good things

Why might you dream of an unexpected kiss with a guy? The Dream Interpretation is confident that in the future you will start a new relationship, which in its strength, sincerity and brightness will not be inferior to the old connection. If you broke up with your ex-partner without quarrels, then in reality they expect new meeting and a new connection similar to previous relationships. If you had a dream when you were feeling very bad at heart, then soon you will be able to resolve all the old misunderstandings.

Without meaning

Did you happen to see your ex in a dream and kiss him? In reality, you are very attached to him, longing haunts you. However, the dream book warns: he has long forgotten about you. If in reality you often come across your ex, then this plot in a dream may portend different things to you. According to the dream book, with equal probability you can part as good friends or experience bitter disappointment.

How did you feel?

The exact interpretation of a dream depends, first of all, on your feelings that you experienced in a dream. So, if in a dream you felt:

  • you feel depressed, which means that in reality you dream of reconciliation;
  • If you feel upset, then in reality you will not be able to avoid a quarrel with your loved one;
  • sincere regret, then in reality you will commit offenses that you will later regret;
  • yourself in an excellent mood, then in life you have put an end to past relationships.

Any positive emotions in a dream foreshadow favorable changes in life. If you feel any negative sensation during a kiss, then in reality you will not be able to avoid difficulties, problems and other troubles.

Miller's opinion

Did you happen to kiss your ex-boyfriend in a dream? In fact, you will have an encounter that will revive your memories of the past.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 02/27/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...