In a dream I dreamed of breast milk. Discussion about why you dream about breast milk

Breast milk always evokes associations associated with children, femininity, tenderness, care and the joy of knowing motherhood. Such phenomena in a dream evoke positive emotions, but the correct interpretation of the dream depends on who exactly had the dream, whether the milk in the dream was pure or whether there were any impurities in it. It is important to analyze the actions performed by the dreamer and his feelings.

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    Key values

    In general, a dream about breast milk is a harbinger that the dreamer’s life will radically change for the better. A person will be able to realize his long-standing plans and fulfill his cherished dream. This is a sign of material wealth, luxury, wealth. Such a dream promises good health, a successful marriage or addition to the family. For a more accurate interpretation, you should pay attention to the most insignificant details of the dream:

    1. 1. If a person happened to drink colostrum in a dream, then this portends a successful ending important event or long trip, which will leave only pleasant memories. According to Freud's dream book, if a person saw milk flowing in a dream, this means that he does not feel too confident in bed and experiences certain complexes about his capabilities as a sexual partner.
    2. 2. The dream in which you feed your child promises independent successful completion of the entrusted responsible task. If you dreamed of feeding someone else’s baby, you will have to turn to loved ones or friends for help.
    3. 3. An Islamic dream interpreter says that seeing breasts with milk for a married woman promises the birth of a baby, and for an unmarried girl, full breasts are a symbol of an imminent marriage proposal.
    4. 4. The Wanderer's Dream Book has its own interpretation of a dream about breast milk, which not only flows, but pours, splashing objects nearby. Such dreams foreshadow the unexpected receipt of a large bonus or inheritance, or winning the lottery.
    5. 5. Quite often, pregnant women may have dreams in which they massage the mammary glands in order to increase the amount of milk. If these actions turned out to be ineffective, there is still no milk, then this indicates that the woman has lost confidence in the eyes of the people around her. If milk begins to appear little by little, then this portends a serious situation about which the woman will be very worried.
    6. 6. Pump breast milk– to the emergence of new prospects and good financial opportunities at work. Soon the dreamer will be promoted. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows pregnancy. Another interpretation of the dream suggests that an unforeseen situation will soon arise when a person will need advice and support from relatives. If pumping was painful, then this foreshadows a break in relations with a loved one.

    What was the milk like?

    The meaning of a dream about breast milk depends on what type of milk it is and whether there are any impurities in it.

    If you dream of breast milk being quite fatty, with a yellow tint, then prosperity and good luck await the person in all endeavors. White with a blue tint and low fat content predicts poverty and poverty.

    Feeding your baby sour breast milk is a sign of betrayal best friend.

    Breast milk with blood foreshadows a major scandal with one of the blood relatives. Another interpretation of sleep is exacerbation chronic illness the dreamer or someone close to you.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    The meaning of sleep for a man

    If young man dreamed of large breasts filled with milk, then this is a sign great success in the professional field. The person will soon be promoted or make a major purchase that he has long dreamed of. Another meaning of sleep is getting to know your future wife. If the breasts were small in size, with a large number colostrum, then the dreamer should be more economical and not waste money.

    If a man feels milk flowing out of his chest, then such a dream promises that he can soon expect a new addition to the family. The dream in which a guy expresses breast milk has the same meaning.

    For an unmarried young man to see a nursing mother in a dream - signifies a wedding. For a man in marriage, this is a symbol that his family will be strong and happy.

    If a person had a chance to taste breast milk in a dream, then this foreshadows the imminent arrival of distant relatives whom he has not seen for a long time. The meeting will bring only pleasant emotions.

    Interpretation for women

    For expectant mother dreams about breast milk are quite understandable, since all her thoughts are occupied with caring for the baby. Such dreams are simply a reflection of reality.

    If a dream about colostrum was seen by a non-pregnant woman whose childbearing age has already ended, then this suggests that she should look at life more optimistically and not think about her years. You should direct your energy to achieving your goals, believe in yourself and your strengths.

    For a young unmarried girl similar dreams are a sign that she will soon meet interesting man who will become her husband. If in a dream a woman squeezed out milk from herself, then this indicates that very soon she will become a mother.

    A dream in which a huge amount of milk flows from the breast portends an unexpected profit and a decision for everyone. financial issues. The dreamer will soon start his own business. The dream promises success in all matters and the solution to old problems.

    If a person in a dream likes to watch milk pouring, smell it and enjoy the appetizing appearance, then this promises good news from distant relatives. It is also possible to increase career ladder.

    If breast milk causes disgust in a person, then this indicates that someone close to you needs the dreamer’s help. Another meaning of sleep is professional problems.

    Feeding an animal with breast milk means that someone close to you is taking advantage of the dreamer’s kindness.

    Interpretations of famous dream books

    The famous psychologist Gustav Miller claims that if the dreamer happened to see breast milk flowing, then success and prosperity await him in all his planned activities. Tasting and drinking milk means successfully signing a profitable agreement that will bring big profits in the future. Another interpretation of the dream speaks of a pleasant meeting with friends, a romantic acquaintance, or an addition to the family.

    Dream interpreter Nostradamus says that the dreamer works hard to provide his children with a comfortable future, and his efforts are greatly appreciated.

    Tsvetkov claims that a dream in which a baby sucks breast milk is a symbol of frivolity and irresponsibility. You should lead a more measured pace of life. Also, a dream may indicate that a person has complexes.

    According to Felomena's dream book, seeing milk flowing from the nipples means a calm and prosperous family life, addition to the family.

    Other interpretations

    Seeing breast milk flowing and expressing it into a bottle is a sign of a romantic acquaintance with an interesting man. Feeding your baby with expressed milk means solving old problems and overcoming obstacles in achieving your goals.

    Drinking sour milk means worrying about problems with someone close to you; fresh and sweet milk is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in all matters. A new romantic acquaintance is possible, which will turn into a more serious relationship.

    If the milk that you happened to drink turned out to be very hot, then this foreshadows victory over enemies and ill-wishers. You should prepare for the fact that this will require a lot of effort.

    Taking a bath with the addition of breast milk means getting acquainted with interesting people who will become true friends. Another meaning of the dream is a wedding or receiving a large inheritance.

    Touching someone else's breast full of milk means unexpected wealth and improvement. financial situation. The dreamer’s main task is the correct distribution cash. Drinking animal milk means your cherished desire will come true.

    Feeding breast milk to an adult means the dreamer is wasting too much energy. Energy should be directed to more important tasks.

A dream in which breast milk is present is considered in dream books good sign. This night vision symbolizes motherhood, tenderness and family comfort. But this is far from the only explanation of why breast milk dreams. To obtain more accurate information, it is also necessary to take into account other nuances of what you saw.

A dream in which breast milk is present is considered a good sign in dream books

For correct interpretation In dreams in which breast milk was dreamed, even the smallest details must be taken into account.

Most exact values are the following:

  • V large quantitiescomfortable life, making a significant profit and marrying a rich man;
  • the girl dreamed about meeting an influential person who would radically change everything later life, respect from others and new romantic relationships;
  • flows from the chest - finding happiness and complete absence health problems;
  • a man dreamed that milk was flowing from the breast of his beloved - most likely, one can soon expect a new addition to the family;
  • drink - be lucky enough to meet a loved one, an exciting journey is also possible;
  • feeding the baby - a woman madly wants to become a mother or is overly protective of her child;
  • expressing your milk - success at work and increased income, financial stability.

Milk in the dream book (video)

Seeing in a dream a mammary gland from which milk flows or pours

Such dreams have special significance. First of all, they indicate that all the plans will soon be realized. If you act correctly and think through every step, you can achieve incredible success. Those around him will treat the dreamer very well, he will be able to get everything he ever dreamed of.

Such dreams have a special meaning

Except general meaning, such a dream can also foreshadow the following:

  • favorable period for starting a family and having a child;
  • good health;
  • comfortable happy life;
  • sick people can soon expect a complete recovery;
  • a man dreamed of the birth of a son;
  • dreamed of by a nursing mother - her worries about the lack of milk for the baby are groundless;
  • pooping from the breast - it is likely that the woman has recently become pregnant and does not even know about it yet;
  • flows strongly - income will not only be stable, but will also increase rapidly. Life will be prosperous, success can be expected in absolutely all areas.

Feeding breast milk in a dream: what does it mean?

Dreams in which you get to breastfeed a child have a positive meaning. Such night vision promises great luck. The owners of these dreams will be satisfied with their achievements and experience real bliss in this regard.

Dreams in which you get to breastfeed a baby have a positive meaning.

It is quite possible that soon your innermost desire will come true or a solution will be solved. serious problem without the participation of the dreamer himself.

In addition, there are several additional interpretations of such night vision:

  • watch feeding - the sleeping person dreams of a child in reality;
  • a man watched feeding in a dream - his wife is too protective of him, behaves with him like a small child;
  • feeding the baby - a favorable period will come in life, all circumstances will develop in the best possible way, it will be possible to obtain important information;
  • feeding an animal - someone will soon try to live off the dreamer;
  • giving breast to a boy - luck will not leave the sleeping person for a moment in the near future. You can do anything, it will definitely be successful. Unfulfilled dreams may even come true. At the same time, the more boys you are lucky enough to feed, the luckier you will be in real life more;
  • express milk and feed it from a bottle - all difficulties will be overcome with incredible ease, you will be able to bypass all sorts of obstacles.

Why do you dream about colostrum?

A dream in which one sees not milk, but colostrum is also ambiguously interpreted in dream books. Depending on many details, the value may be as follows:

  • flows from a engorged female breast - the dreamer experiences uncertainty in his intimate life;
  • the breasts are full and colostrum is released from it - unexpected cash receipts that will cause a certain excitement;
  • flows in a continuous stream - the income will be considerable and constant;
  • from the male breast - making easy profit;
  • see colostrum - changes are coming in your personal life. It is possible that a person will appear who will make the sleeping person happy and fill his life with meaning;
  • a woman dreamed - the signs of attention that will be shown to her are ambiguous;
  • a man dreamed of a fateful acquaintance, the chosen one will turn out to be sweet and economical;
  • surrounded by people - a wedding celebration is expected. The dreamer on it can be either a guest or a direct participant;
  • for an animal - a long-awaited meeting with a girlfriend or friend.

A dream in which one sees not milk, but colostrum is also ambiguously interpreted in dream books.

If you dream of a woman's breasts full of milk

Seeing a friend's breasts filled with milk - good sleep. She will soon find real happiness, and the dreamer himself will not be deprived of fate either, he will just find happiness a little later. If you have to touch or feel someone else’s filled mammary glands in a dream - no less auspicious sign. The dreamer will soon become successful and rich. At the same time, the main thing is to properly manage new opportunities.

Seeing milk in a dream is considered a good omen. Such a dream promises success in financial matters and in your personal life. For an unmarried girl, such a vision can promise a quick, fateful meeting with her future chosen one.

Seeing your friend's breasts filled with milk is a good dream

In addition, you should also consider what exactly the breasts are filled with. This may also change the meaning:

  • the milk is very fatty, slightly yellowish - financial well-being;
  • completely lean, with a bluish tint – poverty, financial instability;
  • blood spots are visible - there will be conflict situation in the family.

TO; Why do you dream about mother's breasts?

In addition to the many positive meanings of dreams in which mother’s milk is present, there are also a number of negative ones. They also need to be remembered and taken into account in the process of decoding the dream. Thus, if you happened to see a mother’s breast being expressed, then nothing bad dream does not mean, on the contrary, it promises huge profits. If at the same time a woman experiences severe pain, and blood clots are visible in the milk, then you should be wary. The family will begin serious conflicts, understanding among loved ones will disappear. Problems with the robot are also possible; all plans can collapse in an instant.

A large amount of blood can also portend illness. Moreover, it will not necessarily amaze the dreamer himself. Health problems can arise for any of your loved ones.

Why do you dream about breasts (video)

Breast milk is extremely rare in dreams, but at the same time it has the maximum positive value. Such a dream can promise wealth and a happy family life. But this interpretation is possible only if the milk was pure and there were no discomfort. If there was blood or dirt in it, then you shouldn’t hope for positive changes.

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In general, milk in a dream means prosperity, profit, receiving money. The more milk you see in a dream, the greater benefits this dream promises you. Drinking goat's milk in a dream is a sign of a happy and prosperous future. Drink fresh milk in a dream portends joy and prosperity. Hot milk in a dream means disputes, discord over inheritance or property. Drinking a lot of milk in a dream means big expenses. The dream warns you about the need to be thrifty and not throw money away. Drinking milk in a dream and seeing that it does not decrease - sure sign what you can afford to live without counting pennies. Sometimes such a dream predicts endless happiness. Spilling milk in a dream is a sign that you will foolishly give away your money yourself, believing false promises. You will never get this money back. Pouring milk over the top is a harbinger of abundance and prosperity. Sucking milk from the breast in a dream is a sign of illness or an immoral act, unless there are pregnant women among your loved ones or you yourself are not pregnant. For the poor, such a dream predicts wealth.

For a man to see milk oozing from his chest in a dream, the dream predicts that soon some misfortune will happen to his wife and he himself will be forced to take care of the children. However, more often such a dream means that the sleeper will always be able to provide himself with bread and butter. Bathing in milk or seeing a river of milk in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of your wildest desires. Buying milk in a dream is a sign of deception or vain hopes. Boiling it in a dream means that you will make an unforgivable mistake. If milk runs out of the pan in your dream, then your enemies will give you a head start because of your slowness. Sour milk in a dream - a sign of a quarrel or grief. Bargaining with a milk seller in a dream means quarrels and bickering over money or inheritance. Feeding someone milk in a dream indicates your affection for the person you are pampering. If you dream that they give you or add milk to you, then expect to receive easy money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Breast milk is a symbol of motherhood, femininity and healthy offspring. If a person dreams of breast milk, it is a positive sign.

General meaning of dreams

Breast milk in a dream is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. This dream predicts the birth of a child, the acquisition financial well-being and happiness. To give a more accurate interpretation of what you saw in your night dreams, you need to remember the details:

  1. If you dreamed of full breasts splashing with milk, the dreamer will receive a huge fortune or advance up the career ladder.
  2. If a pregnant woman sees breastfeeding in her night dreams, the baby will be healthy and the birth will be easy.
  3. When you dream of a woman's breast milk containing blood, this is an unfavorable sign. In the near future the dreamer will become seriously ill. The severity of the disease depends on the painful sensations in night dreams.
  4. When you see in a dream how the breasts are filled with colostrum, the person will be healthy, his life will be long; splashing breasts speak of profit, solving problems, overcoming an illness.


The interpretation of dreams is different for men and women.

Men's dreams

Admire in a dream complete female breasts- to increase. This dream signals determination and hard work in achieving a goal. If the stronger sex dreamed of colostrum flowing from his chest, an heir is expected to appear. If milk splashed in a young man’s dream, this dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a representative of the fair sex or marriage.

Women's dreams

A dream in which a woman expressed milk means the appearance of a long-awaited child. When you dreamed of breast milk flowing in large quantities, the income will be large, success and prosperity awaits you in business.

When unmarried girls one gets to see in one's night dreams how breast fluid splashes, it is expected imminent marriage, the marriage will be happy.

Expressing milk

Observing the process of pumping in night dreams is a sign of luxury and abundance. When you dreamed of breast milk that you have to express, it is expected material well-being, stability in business. If the milk flowed strongly, financial income will be of extraordinary proportions.

For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream foreshadows pregnancy and respect from friends. If they dream of breast milk flowing from a man's chest, an heir is expected to be born soon.


Tasting your breast colostrum means getting rich soon or the arrival of guests. If you dream of breast milk, which the sleeper gets to drink, you should remember the emotions that accompanied the dream. If you dreamed that the dreamer was happily tasting the liquid, such a dream speaks of success in business and prosperity, as well as a joyful and long-awaited meeting.

According to the dream book, breast milk, which causes disgust, promises troubles and also foreshadows conflict situations.


If a nursing mother gets to see her baby being fed, it is a reflection of her daily routine. If you happen to see the breast milk of a pet in a dream, a parasite has appeared among your loved ones or someone is trying to become one.

Feeding in a boy's dreams symbolizes the beginning of amazing changes.

Incredible wishes will come true. The number of babies fed is equal to the power of fulfillment of the plan. If in your night dreams you had to put a girl to your chest, the dreamer will be successful.

Breast milk in dreams is sometimes a reflection of reality and does not carry hidden meanings. When pregnancy occurs, physiological changes in female body quite naturally displayed in night dreams.

Interpretation in dream books

IN different dream books given the most different interpretation such dreams. All meanings should be taken into account.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, if a woman dreams of breast milk flowing from her breasts, she will experience good health and prosperity. According to Miller's interpretation, if you have to drink liquid, this means the successful completion of a risky project. Such a dream is associated with the start of a successful business.

Breastfeeding has positive implications.

It means wealth, prosperity, addition to the family and receiving good news. If you had to drink liquid from your chest, the interpreter indicates a successful solution to a complex problem.

Islamic dream book

When you dreamed of milk from your breast, which you drink small child, prosperity and abundance await the family. According to the Islamic dream book, such dreams promise happiness, contentment and health.

Interpretations according to Freud

According to Freud, when a girl has to see breast milk flowing, she will begin to feel insecure in her personal life and fear of intimacy.

Why do you dream about Milk (Dream Interpretation, Interpretation of Dreams)

Why do you dream about milk in a dream/What does it mean to see milk in a dream/Dream Interpretation milk

Why do you dream about Breasts (Dream Interpretation, Interpretation of Dreams)


Breast milk represents health and prosperity. This symbol is interpreted as patronage Higher powers. Most dream interpretations have a positive connotation. Expressing your own breast milk and experiencing pleasant sensations means good luck, happiness and goodness. The meaning of such a dream can change, but it indicates positive changes, victories and profits.

Some dreams make a person think about the future, so immediately after waking up the thought arises that they are prophetic. If you dream about breast milk, a woman will experience serious changes in her personal life in reality, and quite positive ones at that.

What if you dream about breast milk?

Breast milk is considered a symbol of motherhood. If a woman sees it in a dream, she needs to try to remember what she saw in the smallest detail in order to decipher everything as accurately as possible.

When a young girl dreams that milk is flowing from her breasts, it predicts that she will meet her destiny. Even if her heart is currently free, a pleasant acquaintance awaits the sleeping woman very soon. New fan will have the most tender feelings towards her and will very soon propose his hand and heart.

The vision should not be taken seriously if a representative of the fair sex is constantly thinking about marriage and trying to improve her personal life. Perhaps all her experiences are simply deposited in the subconscious. This is the reason for the arrival of such strange visions.

Milk from the breast may be a sign of an upcoming addition to the family. This interpretation option is relevant only for married ladies or for those who are already in a relationship with a young man. serious relationship. The dream prophesies the birth of a healthy and strong baby, happiness in your personal life and mutual understanding with loved ones.

When a pregnant woman dreams of breast milk, the vision can be considered meaningless. It should not be taken seriously. It’s just that the dreamer often thinks about how her life will change after the birth of a child. Such dreams are especially common for those who are going to become mothers for the first time.

If a woman dreams that she is breastfeeding a baby, in reality she really wants to give birth to a child. Sometimes it’s hard for the dreamer to admit this even to herself.

Breastfeeding a newborn in a dream and at the same time realizing that the milk has turned sour is a sign of minor troubles and failures. The sleeper should be careful. Perhaps someone from her inner circle is jealous of her. Gossip and slander can ruin your reputation. To avoid this, you need to stay as far away from vile envious people as possible.

If the dreamer in her nightmare observes how milk has disappeared from her breast, this foreshadows material losses. The vision predicts job loss or large financial expenses. When such a dream comes to a man, he should be careful. You need to analyze your expenses. If a man spends too much money on women, he needs to reconsider this question. This lifestyle will not lead to anything good. Particularly unfavorable nightmare is for mature men. After what they saw, they need to think about family, children and finding a permanent partner. There is no need to try to please several representatives of the fair sex at once.

What does it portend?

A vision in which a woman expresses milk into a jar is considered a very good sign. It portends good luck in business and improved well-being.

Breastfeeding several babies in night vision is a noble deed in reality. Those around you will appreciate this emotional impulse as it deserves.

Bandaging a breast full of milk in a dream means experiencing someone’s influence in real life. It will be difficult for the sleeping person to make decisions on her own. In the near future, she will follow the lead of her loved ones, which she will later regret very much.

If a man sees himself breastfeeding a baby in a dream, this is a bad sign. He should reconsider his attitude towards life. Perhaps you need to finally learn to take responsibility and perform masculine actions. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the sleeper to find a family.

Breast milk is also considered a symbol of fertility and wealth. When it comes in a dream business man, - in real life, changes for the better are expected. They will be associated with an unexpected influx of funds.

If you dreamed about milk coming from your breast, then in reality the dreamer will experience happiness and good luck. For a young girl, the dream foreshadows an imminent marriage. birth of a child. Excess breast milk predicts wealth. If there is not enough of it in the mother’s breast and the child remains hungry, not very good events await the sleeping woman. Major financial losses are possible.