Duration 2.5 months. Second month of pregnancy: signs, symptoms and sensations

The way the fetus develops over the weeks is a real miracle. In just 38-40 calendar weeks, an embryo of several cells, similar to a bunch of grapes, becomes a baby with a very complex body structure. Immediately after giving birth, he begins to use a whole arsenal of skills and reflexes, quickly adapting to new living conditions. Our article contains a brief description of the child’s development day by day from the very moment of conception, a photo of the embryo and features of different months of pregnancy.

Human embryo in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most important and difficult stage in the development of a human embryo. It is at this time that the rudiments of its organs are laid, the nervous and other systems are formed. This period is associated with a large number of risks and requires the expectant mother to pay special attention to her health and lifestyle.

Embryo growth by week in 1st month of pregnancy

It is not without reason that the first month is considered one of the most important and exciting, because right now a new life is being born. At the beginning, his pregnancy has not yet actually occurred, but the body of the expectant mother is preparing for it, regulating hormonal levels and the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. All this is necessary not only for conception, but also for normal implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the start of its development.

First trimester - beginning of pregnancy

1-2 week

From the 1st to the 14th day of the new menstrual cycle, the follicle matures in the ovaries, from which the egg is released. It travels down the fallopian tube and meets a sperm, one of the nearly 900 million that enter the vagina. After fertilization, the morula embryo “descends” into the uterine cavity and the endometrium is implanted - approximately on days 12-17 of the cycle. At this point the actual pregnancy begins.

3 week

The fertilized egg continues to divide and grow into the wall of the uterus with lining cells. In parallel with this, the formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins - organs vital for the development of the fetus, through which it will receive nutrients. Now the embryo consists of more than 100 cells.

4 week

At this time, the first “breakthrough” occurs in the child’s development: the formation of all systems of the baby’s future body begins. A particularly important stage is the formation of the neural tube, from which the brain and the entire nervous system are subsequently formed. The embryo grows to the size of a poppy seed with a diameter of less than 1.5 mm, from which time it is called an embryo. It is intensively implanted into the endometrium, which affects the level of the hCG hormone. It is at 4 weeks that a woman may notice a delay in menstruation and early signs of pregnancy.

Development of a human embryo at 4 weeks of gestation

Embryo development at 2 months

In the second month of pregnancy, fetal development continues every week and is accompanied by significant changes in the structure of its body. During these 4 weeks, the umbilical cord, neural tube, rudiments of limbs and fingers will form, the face will become even more proportional, and internal organs will differentiate.

5 week

The fifth week is the transition period between 1 and 2 months of pregnancy. Now the embryo has a conventional coccygeal-parietal size of up to 2.5 mm and a weight of about 0.4 g. The body's systems are rapidly developing: the neural tube is improving, future parts of the brain, lungs, stomach, trachea are being distinguished, blood vessels are growing.

week 6

The embryo grows from 3 to 6 mm, it looks like a fry, because... limbs are not yet developed. The placenta begins to form from the chorionic villi, and hemispheres appear in the brain. The small heart, in which division into chambers occurs, is already contracting, driving through blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients for the construction of the body.

week 7

The embryo at this week of development is 13-15 cm long, more than half of the “growth” occurs in the head. Its body still has an arched shape, with a “tail” remaining on the pelvic part. On the upper limbs, which are ahead of the lower limbs in formation, the hand and fingers are drawn.

8 week

The size of the embryo increases to 20 mm - the baby grows almost 2 times in just a couple of weeks. He has a brain with two hemispheres and several sections, lung rudiments, a heart, and a digestive system. The face is becoming more and more like a “human” - the eyes, ears, nose and lips, covered by eyelids, are clearly distinguishable.

Photo: what an embryo looks like at 8 weeks of pregnancy

How the fetus develops week by week at 3 months

At this stage of development of the human embryo, its length doubles, with a third of the growth occurring in the head. Gradually, the proportions will change, and now the baby begins to move his arms and legs, foci of ossification appear in the cartilaginous rudiments of the skeleton, the skin becomes less transparent, and is divided into layers in which the rudiments of hair follicles are formed.

Week 9

The ninth week is the transition from the second to the third month of pregnancy. During this time, the child's development day by day will be accompanied by a rapid increase in height from 22 mm at the beginning to 31 mm at the end. The baby’s heart beats at a speed of 150 beats per minute, and the musculoskeletal system improves. The embryo's head is pressed tightly to the chest and appears disproportionately large relative to the body and limbs.

10 week

By the end of this week, the baby will have grown to 35-40 mm according to the CTE, most of the time he will be in a half-bent state. The way the embryo looks also changes: the “tail” disappears, and buttocks form in its place. The baby floats freely inside the uterus and, touching its walls, pushes off with his feet or hands.

11 week

More than 250 thousand new neurons are formed every minute in the embryonic brain. The baby begins to develop the rudiments of baby teeth and nails. His limbs are bent, but the child regularly makes spontaneous movements with them, clenching and unclenching his fists. The iris forms in the eyes.

12 week

The most important event of this week of embryo development is the beginning of the active functioning of the placenta, which protects and nourishes the fetus. Thanks to it, the baby will receive air and all the necessary substances for the growth and construction of his own body.

Embryo development at the end of the first trimester

Stages of embryo development in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all organs are already laid down, they begin to grow and function. During this period, fetal development is “directed” towards rapid growth and improvement of body systems.

How the embryo changes day by day at 4 months

In the fourth month, the way the fetus looks is constantly changing: every day it looks more and more like a human embryo, the limbs gradually lengthen, the head and torso will be more proportional by the middle of the trimester. The baby’s organs are actively developing, forming different body systems.

Week 13

This week of pregnancy is a transition week between the first and second trimester, when, as a rule, the first scheduled screening is prescribed. It is necessary to assess the development of the embryo day by day and exclude pathologies. By this time, the baby has a height of 6.5 to 8 cm and a weight of up to 14 g. The limbs, body and head become more proportional. The musculoskeletal system is actively being built, and the jaw already has the rudiments of 20 teeth.

Week 14

Now the baby receives all its nutrition through the placenta and umbilical cord. It grows up to 8-9 cm, a chin and cheeks are visible on its face, and the first colorless hairs appear on its head. The kidneys begin to secrete urine into the amniotic fluid. In girls, the ovaries move into the pelvis; in boys, the prostate gland begins to form.

Week 15

What does the fetus look like on days 99-105 of development? His proportions are approaching normal, CTE increases to 10 cm, and weight - up to 70-75 g. All parts of the face are formed, eyebrows and eyelids can be distinguished, the ears acquire a characteristic shape and relief.

Week 16

The baby's CTE reaches almost 12 cm, and his weight is 100 g by the end of the week. The development of the embryo day by day at this stage is impressive: all its organs are already formed, the heart and kidneys are actively working. The structure of the facial muscles improves, thanks to which the child begins to grimace.

Baby after 16 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the 5th month: how the embryo develops by day

At the 5th month, the baby is growing rapidly, all his organs are gradually involved in their work, different systems of the body are improved and coordinated. In particular, the baby’s movements become more coordinated, and thanks to the increased weight of the fetus, the expectant mother will be able to feel the first movements.

Week 17

The fetus grows up to 12 cm according to the CTE and already weighs about 140 g. This week, the baby’s own immunity comes into play, which, together with the placenta, will protect him from the negative effects of external factors. Thin skin becomes covered with vernix, and subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate under it.

Week 18

By the beginning of the week, the baby’s CTE is more than 14 cm, and his weight is from 140 to 200 g. How does the fetus develop day by day? First of all, its proportions change: the limbs grow faster than the head. The hearing aid is active, the child reacts to sharp and loud sounds. The structure of the brain becomes more complex, the transmission of nerve impulses improves, thanks to which movements become more coordinated.

Week 19

The CTE of the fetus increases from 15.3 to 19-20 cm, the weight is on average 240 g. The baby's skin is covered with lanugo fluff. The bronchial tree grows. The reproductive and thyroid glands begin to produce hormones. The entire body is protected by thick vernix lubricant.

Week 20

The development of the fetus by day of this week is associated with changes in its appearance and the coordinated work of different systems of its body. Due to lanugo and the gradual accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the baby's skin becomes less transparent. More than 25 liters of blood passes through the heart per day.

Fetal development by week at 5 months

6th month: how does the human embryo change?

In the sixth month, the structure of the baby’s brain improves. The length of the body and limbs and the size of the head become proportional, and the overall appearance is the same as that of a newborn. Interestingly, by this time the child already has a unique pattern on the pads of his fingers.

21 weeks

By the end of this week, the baby grows to 26.7 cm and weighs about 300 g. His movements are clearly felt, and the child’s daily routine can be traced by his movements. What changes occur in fetal development? Its digestive and excretory systems are trained, acid appears in the stomach, and taste perception is improved.

Week 22

The child's CTE increases to 28 cm, the weight is already more than 400 g. The volume of subcutaneous fat increases, due to which the fetus becomes more and more like a newborn every day. Thanks to the rapid development of the brain and nervous system, the baby begins to “explore” the surrounding space - he pulls the umbilical cord, evaluates the taste of amniotic fluid, reacts to changes in lighting and different sounds.

Week 23

The baby's height from heels to crown exceeds 29 cm, weight reaches 500 g. How is the fetus developing this week? From the second month, his brain has increased 40 times, reactions to stimuli and movements become logical and coordinated. According to some studies, the child begins to dream.

Week 24

At this stage, the baby grows to 30-32 cm and weighs about 530 g. A surfactant lubricant appears in the lungs, which is necessary for protection during breathing. The cerebral cortex becomes covered with new grooves and convolutions. Subcutaneous fat accumulates more actively.

What does a fetus look like at 6 full months?

Position and development of the fetus at 7 months

In the last month of the second trimester, the baby's skin smooths out, becomes denser and gradually acquires a lighter shade. Subcutaneous fat, vital for normal thermoregulation, accumulates underneath it more and more quickly. The child opens his eyelids more often, exploring the surrounding space and reacting to bright light.

Week 25

The height from crown to heels is about 34.5 cm, and the weight increases to 700 g. The facial features are fully formed. The bone marrow takes over the function of hematopoiesis. Alveoli develop in the lungs - bubbles that will open after the baby's first breath.

Week 26

At this stage, the size of the fetus changes slightly more slowly by day than in previous months. The baby's height is about 35 cm, and his weight is 760-850 g. All systems of his body are “trained” and prepared for work outside the womb. Thanks to the coordinated work of the brain and adrenal cortex, the synthesis of new hormones begins.

Week 27

By this time, the child has gained another 1 cm in height and already weighs about 900 g. He gradually accumulates subcutaneous fatty tissue. The hair on your head, eyelashes and eyebrows may become slightly darker. The organism becomes more and more viable, i.e. even in the case of premature birth, the chances of preserving the life and health of the baby increase.

Week 28

The development of the child by the end of the 7th month allows him to survive even outside the mother’s womb in the absence of pathologies in the structure of the organs. He gains enough subcutaneous fat, although for normal independent thermoregulation its volume must increase significantly. At this time, the hemispheres of the brain work more actively; it is already known whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed.

After 7 months, the baby begins to gain subcutaneous fat

Embryo development by week in the 3rd trimester

The last trimester of pregnancy is a time of active accumulation of subcutaneous fat, improvement and coordination of the functioning of body systems. All this is necessary to prepare the child for childbirth and life outside the womb. How does the fetus develop over the weeks?

Fetus at 8 months gestation

In the eighth month, the baby quickly gains weight and continues to grow. His skeletal and muscular systems become stronger. The lungs are preparing for breathing, the diaphragm is constantly “training”. The brain is already fully formed, but its structure and functioning are constantly being improved.

Week 29

There is less and less space in the uterus, because the child grows up to 38 cm in height and already weighs more than 1 kg. Because of this, its tremors become more noticeable and can cause discomfort for the expectant mother. All systems of his body are actively working, in particular, the kidneys excrete almost 500 ml of urine per day into the amniotic fluid.

Week 30

How does the fetus develop day by day? First of all, he very quickly accumulates subcutaneous fat, which is why his weight increases to 1.3 kg. The skeletal system becomes stronger, the limbs lengthen, the height from crown to heels is more than 39 cm. The skin brightens, folds are gradually smoothed out. The lungs actively produce a protective lubricant called surfactant.

31 weeks

This week the child already weighs more than 1.5 kg and grows up to 40 cm. By his activity, you can track his sleep and wakefulness patterns, as well as reactions to external conditions - noise, bright light, lack of fresh air, uncomfortable position of the mother. The eyes are fully formed, the color of the iris is the same in most babies, it will change after birth within three years.

Week 32

The child's height is 42 cm, weight is about 1.7-1.8 kg. The development of the fetus day by day is aimed at preparing its body for independent functioning. To do this, the recruitment of subcutaneous tissue is accelerated, the respiratory and sucking reflexes are constantly trained, digestion and blood supply are improved. The work of the excretory, nervous and endocrine systems becomes more complicated.

Fetal development at 8 months: the baby already looks like a newborn

9th month: what does the baby look like and develop?

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered by many to be the “finish line.” Indeed, the development of the child by this time makes him viable: the baby will be able to suck milk independently, and the risks of problems with breathing and thermoregulation decrease every day.

Week 33

The child grows to 44 cm and already weighs about 2 kg. He feels cramped, which is why even slight movements are clearly felt. At this time, the baby takes its final position in the uterus - head or feet down. At week 33, the size of the heart increases, the tone of blood vessels increases, and the formation of alveoli in the lungs is almost complete.

34 week

The baby's height increases by another 1 cm, while the weight gain due to the gain of subcutaneous fat can amount to almost 500 g. The baby's musculoskeletal system is strengthened. The bones of the skull are still soft and mobile - this is necessary for passage through the birth canal. Hair on the scalp grows faster and may change color.

Week 35

On average, height from heels to crown is 45 cm, and weight is from 2.2 to 2.7 kg. The child looks well-fed and accumulates more and more subcutaneous fat every day. The nail plates are clearly visible on his fingers, and the lanugo hair becomes slightly smaller.

Week 36

The height and weight of babies at this stage can vary widely. The body length is from 46 to 48 cm, and the weight is from 2 to 3 kg. The child's skin becomes smooth and bright, the number of folds decreases. All his organs are ready to work, and the body becomes completely viable.

Baby development by the end of the 9th month: the baby is ready for birth

Child development in the last weeks of pregnancy

The 10th month of pregnancy is an exciting time: labor can begin any day. The development of the child by this time makes him completely viable, and there are no longer any risks to his health during delivery.

Week 37

The baby grows to 49 cm. Every day he gains about 14 g. His appearance will not change before birth. The cartilage in the nose and ears gradually strengthens. The lungs are ripe, the alveoli, protected by surfactant lubricant, are ready for the first breath. The intestines perform periodic contractions to prepare for full peristalsis.

Week 38

The fetus looks exactly like a newborn. His body is fully formed and ready to function. The baby takes its final position in the uterus and rests its head against its base. The bones of the skull are still mobile: thanks to this, the child will be able to pass through the birth canal.

Week 39

The baby gains 20-25 g per knock, his height can vary from 50 to 55 cm. He “sinks” into the pelvis and begins to put pressure on its bones. The limbs, body length and head dimensions are completely proportional. All senses are well developed.

week 40

By this time, the development of the fetus is completed - it is ready for birth, has all the necessary reflexes to maintain health and nutrition. This week, the placenta gradually ages, and hormonal changes in the woman’s body trigger the natural process of childbirth.

The second month of pregnancy starts from the middle of the fifth week and continues until the end of the eighth week. The expectant mother's sense of smell becomes more acute and her taste preferences change. Constant companions are weakness and nausea, heartburn and swelling, frequent dizziness and mood swings. 2 months of pregnancy are accompanied by disruption of hormonal levels and the functioning of some internal organs. The seventh week is considered a kind of final test of the embryo's strength, after which the likelihood of miscarriage is significantly reduced.

Discharge at 2 months of pregnancy

Discharge in the second month of pregnancy is dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and the life of the fetus. If they are bloody and accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, this indicates that the tone of the uterus is increased and you should immediately consult a doctor. But thick and abundant whitish or transparent discharge with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area, is a clear sign of infection. A frequent companion to pregnancy is thrush (candidiasis), which is characterized by a white, curd-like discharge.

Belly at 2 months pregnant

In the second month of pregnancy, the abdomen is not yet enlarging; sometimes pain in the lower part and lower back is disturbing. It’s too early to think about changing your wardrobe, but physical activity should be reduced already at this time. Severe abdominal pain in the 2nd month of pregnancy is a dangerous sign in which you need to call an ambulance.

Pain in the second month of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the second month may be accompanied by slight pain in the chest, lower back and abdomen. If they are not too strong and do not bother you often, this is normal. The pain is caused by hormonal changes and restructuring of the body - for the next 9 months it is preparing to become reliable protection for the unborn baby.

Fetal development in the second month of pregnancy

The fetus in the second month of pregnancy is especially sensitive to infections, diseases and other negative changes in the body of the expectant mother.

The cells of the embryo are actively dividing, it changes every week:

  • 5 week– the upper lip and nose are formed.
  • week 6– eyes, jaws, legs and arms are formed.
  • week 7- the heart improves.
  • 8 week– internal and genital organs are formed.

By the end of the second month, the embryo grows to 3 cm.

Toxicosis in the second month of pregnancy

Morning sickness, and sometimes vomiting after eating, is not observed in all pregnant women, but for most of them it is the main, most unpleasant and most persistent companion to their special situation. In some cases, toxicosis is accompanied by heartburn. There is only one way to combat these phenomena - by adjusting the daily menu.

Ultrasound at 2 months of pregnancy

An ultrasound at this stage shows how well the embryo is developing, how correctly and timely the organs are laid, and how the face is formed. The study helps assess the condition of the placenta - the development of the fetus depends on its thickness. By the end of the second month, he can already move, the thymus gland appears, which is responsible for immunity, muscles, heart and brain grow.

At 2 months of pregnancy, a woman no longer doubts her situation, because she has long known that she is pregnant. The accompanying signs manifest themselves in all their glory, and the expectant mother has probably passed the necessary tests at a medical institution or at least used a pharmacy test using the appropriate strips.

Despite the fact that the pregnant woman’s figure has hardly changed, nausea often occurs in the morning, and only rare lucky women do not experience unpleasant symptoms at all. If possible, it is better to take another vacation from work or reduce the level of workload so as not to overload your already tired body.

Weight Gain Calculator

Embryo development

The second month of pregnancy is critically important for the unborn baby, because during this time important organs are formed, so any negative impact of toxic substances and other harmful factors can lead to dire consequences.

By the end of the fifth week, the formation of the nose and upper lip begins. If the normal development of the embryo is disrupted during this period, improper tissue fusion may occur, and the baby may be born with a so-called cleft lip.

By the sixth week, the formation of the placenta is almost complete. The face becomes more and more human: eyes, nose and jaws are formed. The arms and legs continue to grow in length, but there are no fingers on the limbs yet.

The seventh week of pregnancy is characterized by further development of the heart. Partitions are formed in this organ, and the heart itself now becomes four-chambered. The liver is improved, bile ducts are formed in it. The brain increases in size. The ears continue to form, and tiny fingers have finally appeared on the arms and legs. The embryo can move, but the expectant mother cannot yet feel such movement.

At the eighth week, the male fetus develops testicles and begins to produce testosterone. But it is impossible to determine the sex of the fetus on an ultrasound at this stage, because the genitals will not be visible on the monitor.

In the ninth week, the mouth and hard palate are formed. The liver increases rapidly and becomes quite large in relation to other organs. The size of the embryo by the end of the second month of pregnancy reaches 3 cm. The future little man achieved such parameters in a short period of time, because conception occurred quite recently, when it was the second week of pregnancy according to the obstetric calendar.

Changes in a woman's body

During the second month of pregnancy, the following occurs in the pregnant woman’s body:

  • The mammary glands continue to enlarge and become more elastic. The skin around the nipples may become darker. It is highly advisable to purchase a larger bra, made from natural fabric and featuring a comfortable style.
  • Some women note that pigment spots have appeared on their skin.
  • Signs of pregnancy intensify in the second month, such as nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences and other sensations. However, this does not happen to all pregnant women; for some expectant mothers, the appetite remains the same.
  • In multiple pregnancies, the manifestations of toxicosis may be more pronounced. In this case, the uterus increases more intensively.
  • In some pregnant women, the body temperature may remain slightly elevated, about 37 degrees, but this indicator will soon return to normal.
  • Often during this period, the lower back hurts a little, the lower abdomen pulls slightly, and other sensations of discomfort arise.
  • The basal temperature at this stage is also elevated, as in the first weeks of pregnancy after a delay, and ranges from 37.1 to 37.3 degrees. After the 14th week it will again drop below 37 degrees.
  • Discharge at this time should normally be normal. Brown discharge is pathological and can signal a threat of miscarriage.
  • A dense mucous plug is formed, which will henceforth close the opening of the cervix and protect the uterine cavity from the effects of adverse environmental factors. In this way, the body of the embryo (fetus) will be more reliably protected from infection from the outside.
  • Many women may experience constipation, which is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the metabolism. Due to constipation, the risk of developing hemorrhoids subsequently increases, so pregnant women need to normalize digestion by consuming enough fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of potentially allergenic foods. You should not take laxatives during this period without a doctor’s permission, because increased intestinal motility can provoke an increase in uterine tone and, as a result, increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, any pharmaceutical preparations may contain dangerous chemicals that are extremely undesirable for the body of the unborn baby at an early stage of its development.

Analyzes and examinations

It is quite possible that the expectant mother prudently went to the doctor in the first month of pregnancy to make sure that conception was successful. If this is not the case, then the woman is recommended to come for an appointment in the second month to undergo basic tests.

After registering a pregnant woman in the second month of pregnancy, the following types of examinations may be prescribed:

  • general blood test;
  • urine test, including determination of the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • vaginal flora smear;
  • determination of Rh antibodies in the blood, especially necessary when there is a high probability of Rh conflict between the mother and fetus.

Also, when the expectant mother visits the antenatal clinic, the specialist will clarify the gestational age, determine the preliminary date of birth, and measure the woman’s body weight, abdominal circumference and other parameters. Patients with problems with the thyroid gland will need to undergo tests to determine the level of thyroxine and other hormones in order to prevent abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

In the second month of pregnancy, an ultrasound is performed only if a woman develops alarming symptoms or is at high risk of developing various complications. It is also better to undergo this examination as soon as possible if in the past a woman has lost a child at an early stage.

The first planned ultrasound is usually done at 11-13 weeks, i.e. next month, when you can find out in more detail what is happening with the unborn baby. The answer to the question of how many times a woman will need to undergo an ultrasound examination and what other tests are needed can be given by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.



In the first months, it is advisable for the expectant mother to visit an antenatal clinic every two weeks of pregnancy in order to have time to take the necessary tests and identify possible disorders in time.

Possible dangers in the second month

The second month of pregnancy can be dangerous due to the following complications in the course of pregnancy and embryo development:

  • Miscarriage. The risk of spontaneous abortion especially increases in the 7th week, which is associated with hormonal changes in the female body. At this time, the corpus luteum significantly reduces the production of hormones, and this function is taken over by the placenta. This transitional stage does not last long, but is critically dangerous for the embryo. If the development of the placenta slows down, then hormones begin to be produced in insufficient quantities, as a result of which the likelihood of miscarriage increases. Therefore, those women who have previously had miscarriages need to donate blood in advance to determine the level of hormones in order to correct their possible deficiency in time by taking synthetic analogues. When an abortion begins, a woman may notice the appearance of blood in the discharge, as at the beginning of her period. If measures are not taken in time, then it will be impossible to stop the pathological process that has begun, so you should call an ambulance when the very first alarming signs appear.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If this pathology is present in the second month of pregnancy, the woman is in serious danger of rupture of the fallopian tube, after which severe internal bleeding begins. That is why, when abdominal pain appears, you cannot hope for chance, but you must urgently seek help, or even better, undergo an ultrasound in advance, which will show exactly where the embryo is developing. Also, with an ectopic pregnancy, the test result shows a lower level of hCG compared to the norm at a given period, which is a reason for additional examination.

In addition, at 2 months of pregnancy, you should take measures to prevent possible Rh conflict. If the expectant mother has Rh-negative blood, and her husband has Rh-positive blood, then a conflict may develop between the blood of the mother and the child, especially during the 2nd pregnancy.

In the case when the father is Rh negative, nothing threatens the unborn baby. Therefore, you should undergo the necessary tests as early as possible in order to take timely measures to prevent serious complications. Also, all women who have a negative Rh factor need to know that abortion is extremely dangerous for them, because after termination of pregnancy, the likelihood of a strong Rh conflict increases many times over.

For an expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy, the following tips may be valuable:

  • To prevent insomnia and nightmares, it is better to avoid late dinner. You should only sleep on your side, not on your back or stomach. In this case, there will be no dreams of horrors that may bother pregnant girls.
  • To reduce unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy in the second month, such as nausea or severe morning vomiting, you can start breakfast in bed, while eating a small amount of acidic food. You should eat in small portions, somewhat limiting the consumption of flour and fatty foods, then you will feel sick much less often. You can find out how many kilocalories the expectant mother’s diet should contain from special tables or at a doctor’s appointment.
  • A woman’s lifestyle most directly affects the condition of the fetus. Avoiding various harmful foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid possible complications of pregnancy now and on the eve of childbirth, such as cesarean section, miscarriage or premature birth. Moreover, you should not start a new life waiting for Monday or the first day of the new month. Both Tuesday and any other day are perfect for giving up bad habits, not only socially dangerous ones, but also relatively harmless ones, such as the abuse of sweets or excessive addiction to strong coffee. You will be able to fully enjoy the external attributes of a well-fed and cheerful life a little later, but now there is a reason to rejoice at the most important thing - your pregnancy and the upcoming arrival of a child in the family. The future person is much more important than any amount of money, even billions of dollars, so every effort should be made to ensure that the baby is born strong and healthy.

The second month of pregnancy is a very important period in the formation and development of the future person. At the same time, there are many risks: the embryo is only strengthening in the uterus, the placenta is developing, and the corpus luteum is degrading. It is important for a pregnant woman to monitor her health and, if necessary, contact medical professionals in a timely manner.

Discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity. Unexpressed manifestations may accompany the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall.

At the beginning of the second month, such sensations may indicate a risk of miscarriage or the presence of a tubal pregnancy, especially after a cesarean section. For qualified assistance, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Frequent urination in small portions. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the nearby bladder, which reflexively empties more often. If this happens without discomfort or discomfort, it will soon stop. Frequent urge with sharpness and pain suggests going to a medical facility.

Nausea and vomiting. These manifestations worry quite often, but usually pregnant women adapt. Persistent nausea with lack of appetite and repeated vomiting can lead to disruption of the mother’s well-being and pose a threat to the development of the embryo; in such cases, medical advice cannot be avoided.

Discharge from the genital tract. The amount of discharge may increase, its appearance may change, and bloody or brown secretion may appear. If you have a light, curd-like discharge with a sour odor, there is no need to worry. If the discharge is sanguineous in nature, notify your doctor.

Want to know how your baby is developing?

Every week we are ready to send useful information about the baby’s development and your well-being.

1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 week 11 week 12 week 13 week 14 week 15 week 16 week 17 week 18 week 19 week 20 week 21 week 22 week 23 week 24 week 25 week 26 week 27 week 28 week 29 week 30 week 31 week 32 week 33 week 34 week 35 week 36 week 37 week 38 week 39 week 40 week 41 week

Temperature. Hormonal changes can lead to a slight increase in temperature. If the temperature persists for some time and, moreover, is accompanied by manifestations of a cold, contacting doctors will allow you to choose the best option for help at a serious stage.

Constipation. A rare occurrence at this time. If the mother is initially overweight or has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract before pregnancy, stool retention may occur. If you have pain in the left iliac region, seek advice. Don't forget about vegetables and fruits, gymnastics for pregnant women, walking and a fermented milk diet.

Headache. They may periodically bother you at the end of the working day or against the background of traumatic situations. If they become persistent and long-lasting, you should consult a doctor and take medications only as prescribed.

Insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day. Some pregnant women report disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, fatigue and inability to concentrate during the day, and difficulty falling asleep in the evening and at night. These symptoms are temporary, help consists of an extraordinary vacation from work, exposure to air before bed, a moderate amount of food and positive emotions.

Flatulence. Unpleasant sensations of bloating in the abdomen, rumbling, and irregular bowel movements. By following a daily routine and performing exercises for pregnant women, women help normalize intestinal function and relieve discomfort.

Itching of the genitals. Such discomfort does not occur very often, and is sometimes accompanied by copious discharge from the genital tract. May indicate the development of thrush, gestational diabetes mellitus, or infection. The doctor will take a smear on the flora, after which he will recommend the approved treatment.

Emotional instability and mood swings several times a day. It is better to simply survive this period, helping yourself with your favorite activities, hobbies, long walks in the forest or staying on the river bank in good weather.

The appearance of a venous pattern on the legs. With an increase in the volume of circulating fluid in a pregnant woman's body, the load on the veins of the lower extremities increases. If the problems did not appear before pregnancy, when the venous valves are weak, the veins in the legs dilate and become visible.

To achieve a cosmetic effect, avoid standing for long periods of time, rest with your legs elevated, and control weight gain.

Burning and slight tingling in the mammary glands. These manifestations are not very disturbing; the skin on them becomes more sensitive to caresses, so this problem is experienced quite simply.

Fatigue and inability to concentrate. Hormonal storms also affect the emotional sphere, which leads to similar problems. Some, on the contrary, pay attention to increased ability to work. In any case, everything is experienced with thoughts about future births.

At the 2nd month of pregnancy, planning mothers already know about their situation and begin to get used to their new status. DOther mothers who forget to monitor their cycle only find out about pregnancy when the first symptoms appear. Meanwhile, the baby is growing at an active pace, developing and changing every day. We will talk about the changes characteristic of the 2nd month of pregnancy in this article.

What happens to the embryo at 2 months of pregnancy?

Co During the second month of intrauterine life, the unborn baby is very vulnerable to external factors. This is especially true for weeks 5–8, because the functions of the corpus luteum gradually fade. Now responsibilitiesfor the protection and development of the child are entrusted to the chorion - a temporary organ that performs the functions of the placenta until its complete formation. Nextmore details about each week.

5 obstetric week of pregnancy

How can you be sure you are pregnant?

As mentioned in the previous article, having barely learned about pregnancy, the expectant mother is already 2 months old. If the delay comes as a surprise to you and you want to make sure you are pregnant, then this can be done in several ways:

In addition, many mothers can now reliably find out the gender of their unborn baby; we talked about methods for determining gender in