Be calm - advice from a psychologist. How to remain calm in conflict situations? Monitor your diet and daily routine

First of all, you need to determine for yourself what is most often the source of irritation, at what moments nervousness occurs. Knowing the enemy by sight makes it easier to deal with him, namely, try to avoid irritants and stress.

Such situations can escalate not only because of a bad character. Oddly enough, people are affected not only by fatigue and stress at work and at home, but also by the weather, phases of the moon, the period before critical days in women. Most often, such restless moments are caused by fatigue and lack of sleep, which causes a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, and hormonal imbalance. Then the problem turns into a purely physiological process that is not so easy to control.

You often make mountains out of molehills, beat yourself up, mentally replay the situation and get even more angry and upset. When you notice that only negative thoughts, you need to pull yourself together, repeating: “It’s okay, I can handle it.”

Try to think about something positive. At such a moment, you can remember a person who knows how to control himself and is an example or authority for you. At the moment of irritability, you need to think and imagine what this person would do in such a situation.

Only peace. How to cope with stress

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How to stay calm in any situation

If you cannot control the situation, you need to try to control yourself. There are several techniques that help you master yourself in difficult moments.

The most common: in a moment of rage, bite the inside of your cheek, count to ten, take a deep breath and exhale your anger along with the air.

Learn to breathe with your stomach. A couple of minutes of this breathing using the diaphragm helps relieve tension. Inhale through your nose and watch your hand rise on your stomach.

At the moment of tension, you need to tense the muscles of the whole body, and then suddenly relax, imagining that a mountain has fallen from your shoulders.

Yoga techniques, meditation and prayer help you relax and put your thoughts in order. If this is all completely foreign to you, try to relax, close your eyes and read a poem you know, even if it’s a poem for children.

Calm music helps you relax. Take off your shoes, drink a glass of water and lie down, turning on a quiet melody.

Love yourself

Sometimes a negative situation drags on for a long time for reasons beyond your control. How to become calm when everything is falling out of your hands and you cannot control either the situation or yourself?

Relaxing baths, soothing teas and simple valerian will help you get through difficult moments and wait out troubles. Physical education classes, walks fresh air relieve tension, make the blood move faster and deliver it to your irritated body essential vitamins and minerals.

You definitely need to get enough sleep and eat right. The diets that some women love to go on most often lead to vitamin deficiency and dehydration, which results in attacks of anger. At the same time, there is no need to overeat, especially at night. This way you can deprive yourself of precious sleep.

It is necessary to consume less caffeine and sugar, give up alcohol, because it does not help you relax, but, on the contrary, leads to outbreaks of aggression. Don’t be afraid to laugh – at yourself, at a good comedy, or read funny books or just a collection of jokes.

Perhaps we should give up stress, what do you think? There are too many of them. Let's try to learn how to remain calm in all situations that objectively require it?

Tip #1: Praise yourself often

You need to praise yourself deservedly, otherwise it will only do harm. But you shouldn’t scold yourself at all, especially the way most insecure people do. Leave punishments until the worst times! Until then (and it may never come) - praise yourself for every little thing if you consider it worthy of encouragement.

Tip #2: Try not to pay attention to other people's anger

Don't take on other people's negative emotions. Are yours not enough for you? If someone is annoyed with you, angry, then do not take it to heart, even if the anger at you is justified. There is no need to “chew” memories of an unpleasant conversation all day long - just leave these thoughts alone and move on with your life, trying to avoid conflict situations. It's not difficult at all!

Tip #3: Don’t prove you’re right if you don’t have to.

You should not prove to your interlocutor with foam at the mouth that you are right and he is wrong. Of course, if the conversation is not constructive and you yourself understand the futility of your argument. Let everyone have their own opinion. Along with your opinion, your nerves and good mood will remain with you.

Before you get annoyed with someone, try to understand that person. Yes, for this you need to take a short break and force yourself to think, but the result is worth it! This simple rule will allow you to avoid many conflict situations and unnecessary nervous tension.

Think it through possible options developments in a given situation and draw up a scenario for your actions. Of course, you won’t be able to consider all the alternatives, but with due diligence, this method can greatly help you stick to your desired strategy in life. Think through conversations with different people, your responses to comments, criticism, praise from other people. Make your reactions beautiful, the most pleasant to you.

The more positive your initial attitude towards this or that person is, the less likely it is that a conflict will arise and, accordingly, anger or irritation on your part. In this world, everything is not so bad as to be a priori opposed to everyone!

Believe me, no one, not even your closest people, is obliged to understand you perfectly and, especially, telepathically. If you get annoyed by things like this (maybe you're just now noticing it, right?), then you just need to get better at articulating the thoughts you want to convey to the listener. There will be an order of magnitude more understanding, and an order of magnitude less unnecessary and unfounded irritation.

Give it a try, this tip might be more than helpful!

Tip #8: Find someone who will support you

No, we are not suggesting that you use someone as a “comforter.” Here we need something completely different! We need a person who, firstly, will support your desire to change, become calmer, react more soberly to what is happening, and who; secondly, it can help you rationalize a particular event that caused you stress. This won't cause much trouble for one of your friends, but it will help you.

... everything may turn out exactly as you planned, but perfect life it won't happen anyway. Excessive idealization leads to frustration, and this is absolutely obvious and logical. Make your goals realistic, and you will get much more satisfaction from achieving them than from fruitlessly striving for the unattainable.

No, this doesn't mean you need to stop dreaming. Dreams have nothing to do with what we are talking about now. It's about exactly about the goals that you set for yourself: for today or for the rest of your life, it doesn’t matter. They should not be adjusted to fit an impeccable image, thereby delaying the day of their accomplishment.

The main point of this advice is not to “teach you how to live” and simply tell you how useful it is to recognize own mistakes. Everything is much more prosaic! If you understand with the rational part of your consciousness that you have made a mistake, but emotionally cannot accept it, it puts pressure on you, prevents you from living freely, and causes irritation in you. You can project anger at yourself onto others... What kind of peace can we talk about?

That’s exactly why, follow this pathetic advice - admit your mistakes.

The main essence of this plan is the preliminary “playing out” of various life situations. At the same time, you give them your own order, “program” yourself for it. By the way, this advice is useful not only for the ability to remain calm, but also for organizing your own day.

Tip #12: Revisit the past with new thoughts

Sometimes you can “replay” some episodes from your life again. We are talking about those moments that in the past turned out to be stressful for you, caused an unpleasant reaction for you, or you reacted in those situations differently than you would like.

Return to right moment and imagine how events would unfold if they happened now. Imagine how, for example, you calmly and wittily respond to someone’s attack without losing your dignity, or find yourself in the center of attention of an admiring company after a sharp and sarcastic response-joke to a remark that offended you. This is not only pleasant, but also beneficial!

You should be surrounded by people who do not have problems controlling their emotions (at least problems similar to yours). No, no, in no case do you need to completely change your social circle. Although, you didn't intend to do this, right? What is required of you is somewhat different: among the people with whom you constantly communicate, there should be calm people, who have “unshakable” self-confidence and are able to transfer this confidence to you.

Try to evaluate all your emotions according to their relevance and adequacy. Have you ever noticed that you get irritated at being irritated? Do you think this is exactly what you need?

Tip #15: Don't react to attacks immediately when you're irritated.

Always give yourself a short pause from the moment you are exposed to a stimulus to your reaction to it. To put it simply, think first and speak later. This way you can avoid a good half of all the stress associated with communication.

Tip #16: Breathe deeply, correctly and in a timely manner

Just 10 seconds of deep breathing allows a person to completely calm down if their stress is caused by an excessive, unnecessary reaction. Again, you just need to pause until you react to something. If you feel yourself becoming very angry and losing your temper, stop and begin to calmly breathe deeply. You will calm down, and your brain will be saturated with oxygen, which will allow you to soberly assess the situation.

Tip #17: Find the truth in criticism directed at you

...or at least try to do so. It is far from a fact, of course, that you will find this truth there, but in our case it is better to play it safe and not immediately perceive any criticism as an attempt to insult you. It is quite possible that criticism addressed to you is constructive and will only benefit you.

Tip #18: Look for something positive in everything that happens

This advice is especially good for those who are just beginning to learn calmness (yes, calmness needs to be learned, and that’s what we are doing now!) and cannot yet force themselves to react with a delay and strictly control own feelings. The beauty of this method is that it can be implemented after the event that interests us, at any time. All you need is to rethink what happened in a new way and try to find positive aspects in it. Now you have found the advantages you were looking for... But can something good irritate us?

...listen to audiobooks, watch movies. The main thing is that they calm you down, put you in a positive mood, teach you to see something pleasant in life and help you cope with anger or irritation that comes out of nowhere.

Tip #20: Remember that you can't and shouldn't please everyone.

The fact that you can’t please everyone is understandable, so it’s worth emphasizing the second point: you don’t have to please everyone! Moreover, no one demands this from you. If you disappoint someone, you disappoint yourself. Why do you need this? Why should you feel downright unpleasant emotions just because you didn't live up to someone's idealized expectations?

You need to learn to be a bystander sometimes. First of all, it's interesting. Secondly, it will help you understand people better, give you time to think about your own reaction, and allow you to correctly assess the current situation.

This is one of the most difficult, but also the most effective ways to become calmer and get rid of unpleasant emotions. There are a huge variety of meditation techniques, and some of them are not as difficult to master as they might seem at first glance. Anyway, you should look necessary information and try it. It definitely won’t get any worse, and you can, in response to your efforts, gain the ability to control your emotions and mood the way you want.

Tip #23: Treat your troubles like training.

A universal recipe for calm. Yes, it is quite difficult to develop such an attitude towards life, but this does not mean at all that you should not try.

Against! This, along with meditation, is the most successful and effective way cope with stress and remain calm in any situation.
There is no single technique on how to learn to deal with troubles in this particular way, so we give you the opportunity to find your own way.

Moreover, the effect in this situation will definitely be the best.

The article was prepared by a practicing neuropathologist Daria Pavlovna Agantseva

How to stay calm under pressure? How to remain cool, calm and not nervous in stressful, conflict and any other critical situations? A quarrel with a loved one, a traffic jam on the way to work, a conflict with the boss, a child having a tantrum, a colleague’s disrespectful attitude, a queue at the supermarket, etc. Often we find ourselves in difficult situations, in which it is quite difficult to remain calm. Surely you are familiar with this state when emotions go off scale, your nerves are on edge and you are completely unable to make a reasonable decision. It may even be that someone made you so angry that all you could do was scream and vent your anger at the person who made you so angry.In this article, psychologist Mairena Vazquez will share with you 10 tips and techniques for staying calm and equanimous in any situation.

Keep calm

In our crazy pace of life, it is very important to remain calm in order to accept right decisions. Many people live in stress because we have to study, work, maintain a home and family, earn money, solve various family and other problems...


Sometimes so many problems come at once that it seems to us that everything is very bad, and we catch ourselves thinking: “Why am I doing this?” Under such circumstances, it is extremely important to learn to control yourself. Let's talk more about what this means.

Staying calm is the ability to remain calm in any situation, to remain patient and optimistic, especially in circumstances where we feel we have no control over what is happening.

Tension, nervousness and everything associated with them negative consequences accumulate in our body and can cause various health problems.

This is why it is vitally important to learn techniques to remain calm in order to in the best possible way cope with any difficult situation.

Why Calm is Important: 10 Ways to Stay Calm

10 ways to remain calm and equanimous in any situation

What are the ways and methods to achieve peace of mind? The way we are able to act under stress or conflict situations, is key point. Of course, it is very difficult to remain calm if we are irritated or someone is making us angry. So we'll give you 10 tips on how to learn to stay calm.

When we are nervous or upset, our body sends us different signals: The pulse quickens, the temperature rises, the voice becomes louder, the muscles tense... At such moments, remember these tips, perhaps they will help you cope with the situation with dignity:

1. Identify red flags

First of all, learn to pay attention to the signals that your body sends in situations of tension and stress. It is important to be able to determine how your body reacts in such circumstances. so that you can then pull yourself together.

If you can change the situation, do it for your own peace of mind. If you can control your thoughts, you are halfway to victory.

How to stay calm? Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. Remember that even after the most dark night dawn comes. First of all, don't panic. No matter how difficult and stressful the situation may be, it will not last forever and you will be able to overcome it.

Some people, in order to calm down, start drinking coffee or grab a cigarette, thinking that this will help. However, this is a misconception.

Another mistake is consuming huge quantities of flour and sweets, as well as adding large quantity sugar in food.

Not only coffee, but any other drink containing caffeine makes us even more nervous. Sugar-containing foods also have the opposite effect of what we want: instead of calming us down, they give us energy, so we can feel even more excited.

So, what food will help you find peace and not be nervous?

Experts recommend in such cases dark chocolate And foods rich in vitamin C: strawberries, oranges etc., since they help reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone), as well as various relaxing drinks (for example, valerian or linden tea).

For those who, to calm down, begin to “pounce” on the refrigerator, Chewing gum recommended (no sugar)– this will help you calm down and reduce tension. Try chewing slowly, consciously, enjoying the taste: your attention will focus on the chewing gum and will help take your mind off the problem.

7. Nature is your ally

In difficult and stressful moments, it is very important to “move away” from the situation not only mentally, but also physically. Find a quiet place where you are comfortable and comfortable, and think about anything other than what is bothering you.

If you have the opportunity to go outdoors, do it! Forest, mountains, beach - everything that is available to you. Nature will help you relax.

8. The importance of physical activity

How to become equanimous and remain cool in any situation? Move, be active! Walking is highly recommended. Depending on your physical fitness you can just take a walk or go for a run - this great way“disconnect” from problems, release pent-up energy and clear your mind.

It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do, but even a short walk is always much better than sitting alone at home with your thoughts. Physical activity helps regulate emotions and release endorphins, which makes us happy.

If you don't like running and prefer something else, you can find any other alternative - swimming, dancing, Pilates, yoga or - all of these activities help relieve accumulated tension and stress.

Exercise helps you manage your emotions and stay calm

9. Forgive, forget and keep a sense of humor

Sometimes we are faced with situations in which various reasons we feel guilty and are very worried about it.

In such cases, to maintain calm, it is important to realize the mistakes you have made and try to forgive yourself in order to get rid of this feeling of guilt. If we are sure that we have made a mistake, we need to be able to forgive ourselves and give ourselves another chance.

Try to see positive side in what is happening and approach the situation with a sense of humor. Laugh at yourself, above the circumstances, even if it seems difficult to you!

10. Congratulate and encourage yourself!

You and I know that maintaining calm and equanimity in any situation is not an easy task. It requires patience, practice, desire and willpower - all these qualities will not let you feel defeated even when it is very difficult and it seems that everything is getting out of control.

Congratulate yourself on what you accomplished! You did it! You have shown yourself to be a mature person, capable of managing your emotions and actions. Be proud of yourself! Even if you made a mistake in something, it’s not scary, don’t punish yourself - next time you can do better! In addition, mistakes allow you to know yourself, and if a similar situation occurs in the future, you will not repeat them.

“Magia es creer en ti mismo.”

Traditional methods

How to always be calm?

It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Of course, maybe not all of them, but most of them for sure.

These include the widespread vegetative-vascular dystonia. There is no specific age for it and it is common in children as well as adults.

Attacks of headaches, dizziness, pain in the heart, muscles, weakness and fatigue, pressure surges, bad dream and causeless fear are sure signs of this disease, which we sometimes do not want to pay attention to.

What does it have to do with transition period, during menopause, in old age it is more acute.

The essence of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a violation of body functions: breathing, blood supply, sweating, urination, as a result of insufficient vascular function and insufficient supply of organ tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs due to nervous overstrain or after acute or chronic infectious inflammatory diseases, poisoning, vitamin deficiency, or nervous breakdowns.

There are three types of vegetative-vascular dystonia: 1st type, when common features you feel tired, lack of air, and irregular heartbeat.

Type 2 – reduced blood pressure, general weakness, headache, cold hands and feet, fainting. Type 3: periodic surges in blood pressure.

The most important thing you can do for your health is to change your lifestyle:

1. Don’t worry or be nervous, try to determine what moments make you worry and experience a lot nervous tension. Having found out this, try to avoid them in every possible way.

2.Change your diet: eat more foods containing potassium, magnesium(buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, porridge, soybeans, beans, peas, apricots, rose hips, dried apricots, raisins, carrots, eggplants, onions, lettuce, parsley, nuts). Instead of animal fats, add unrefined fats to your diet. vegetable oils– corn, sunflower, olive, flaxseed.

3. Regularly give yourself something that is not heavy, but feasible. physical activity, at least 15-20 minutes a day, but daily. For sports lovers, I recommend replacing one sport with another, for example, skiing, then cycling, then running or walking.

4. Give up bad habits- smoking, alcohol, overeating, high salt intake.

5. one of the most serious misconceptions modern people the fact that you can relax in front of the TV. Yes, it’s possible when it’s light cultural programs; contemporary repertoire is another matter. Therefore, under no circumstances watch it before going to bed, remove it from the bedroom, when it not only affects the psyche, but also pollutes the space with electromagnetic radiation. TV is an additional source of stress with its repertoire, its noise, and electromagnetic radiation.

6. If you feel alarming symptoms of dystonia, you urgently need to get distracted, do your favorite hobby, take a walk in the park, sometimes just talk to your beloved friend on the phone about a light topic, and the symptoms may disappear. We need to get out of the vicious circle - tension - taking pills. Try to get out of this by walking, taking herbal soothing teas, perhaps a light walk. physical exercise, doing what you love.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia should be comprehensive, it is necessary to drink herbs and change the way of thinking. And life and nutrition and movement. Then the success of recovery will be successful.

To treat these symptoms traditional healers They use peppermint, cudweed, oregano, sage, hop cones, peony roots, and dill seeds.

All these herbs not only have a calming effect on nervous system, but also nourish the body with vitamins, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Each of the listed plants is used in the form of a dose: 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, filter. You should drink instead of tea, with the addition of honey, 1 glass two or three times a day.

For dystonia with heart pain, one of the herbs should be added to the above herbs: flowers of linden, rose, peony, thyme, clover. The infusion is prepared in the same way, only from two herbs, for example 1/2 spoon of mint and ½ spoon of red clover per glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes and drink as tea two or three times a day with the addition of honey. I do not recommend sugar, as it is not a medicinal product.

To lead vascular system back to normal, it is useful to drink a mixture that contains: hawthorn, oregano, lemon balm, hops, valerian, rose hips.

Below I will describe medicinal properties herbs used to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia in order to know what each plant brings to the body, this will make the treatment more successful, effective, and psychologically attuned. And second, the horizons of knowledge of medicinal plants are expanding.

I would like to warn you that with any treatment, be it medication or herbal treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage medicines indicated in the recipe,

When mixing medicinal raw materials; prepare the dosage form, accurately maintaining the technology of its preparation;

Properly store the prepared form;

Strictly observe the dosage when taking the finished medicine;

Carefully study the contraindications of all components included in the collection and correlate them with the current diagnosis, as well as previous diseases.

Only in this way will the safety of treatment and its success be ensured.

Hawthorn – the king of plants - has been used in folk and medical medicine since ancient times.

Its drugs enhance the contraction of the heart muscle and at the same time reduce its excitability, stimulate blood circulation in the vessels of the heart and brain, normalize the rhythm of cardiac activity, somewhat reduce blood pressure, and improve the general condition of heart patients.

Calms the central nervous system, helps with neuroses. IN lately, there have been reports that preparations from hawthorn reduce blood cholesterol levels, normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, and are effective against atherosclerosis. Traditional medicine experience foreign countries suggests that it is successfully used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The effectiveness of hawthorn fruits is explained by their chemical composition: they contain sugars, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, choline, tannins, organic acids, essential oils.

ORIGINAL has been used in folk medicine since the times of Aristotle, Pliny the Elder, and Palladius. The plant contains essential oil up to 28%, including thymol, carvacrol, garanyl acetate, and free alcohols. The leafy tops of grass with flowers, collected at the beginning of flowering, are used as medicine.

It has been established that oregano infusions have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, have a calming effect, and relieve fear and anxiety. They increase appetite, improve digestion, have antibacterial effects, choleretic, diaphoretic, and diuretic properties. Infusions of oregano are used in folk medicine as a means of enhancing digestion, which occurs with intestinal atony, cramps in the stomach, jaundice, liver inflammation, acute and chronic bronchitis.

Pharmacological properties: increases the secretory activity of the digestive glands, enhances intestinal motility, reduces the muscles of the uterus. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, sedative and analgesic effects, externally - for skin rashes as medicinal baths, for washing with headaches. Pregnant women are not recommended to use oregano preparations due to the possibility of abortion.

MELISSA OFFICINAL- bee potion translated from Greek. Leaves are used as raw material. The leaves contain essential oil with a strong lemon scent.

This essential oil contains plant acids and vitamin C. Fresh leaves and young shoots are especially rich in vitamin C. Healing properties plants are defined by the presence of essential oil, which has a calming effect.

Melissa stimulates the appetite, enhances the functioning of the digestive system, acts as a mild laxative, stops cramps, nausea and vomiting, has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, reduces and relieves pain, calms and strengthens the nervous system.

Traditional healers recommend an infusion of lemon balm leaves for melancholy, anemia, heart disease, stomach neuroses, dizziness, thanks to essential oils relieves headaches.

Melissa has a sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for neurasthenia, the initial stages of hypertension, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis. The plant is used externally in the form of baths for loss of strength and metabolic disorders.

HOPS has been known for use in Rus' since the 10th century, it is valuable in folk medicine due to the presence of lupulin in it, it is a calming, sedative, appetite stimulant, enhances digestion, relieves pain, infusion of cones is recommended for kidney and liver diseases, gastritis, dropsy , jaundice, neuralgia, insomnia.

A hop decoction or water infusion has a number of health benefits: sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, gentle laxative, mild sleeping pill. As an external application (baths, lotions, poultices, ointments), an infusion of cones is effective for strengthening hair, for radiculitis, ulcers, abscesses, and various skin diseases. Ingestion of hops requires caution, as lupulin is toxic.

VALERIAN. Each of us is familiar with this herbaceous plant with fragrant pink flowers. A spirit of cheerfulness emanates from him. Translated from Latin, valeo means “to be healthy.” Valerian is the most ancient medicinal plant. About its most valuable properties to act favorably on the highest nervous activity the ancient Greeks knew.

Pliny, an ancient Roman writer and encyclopedist, ranked valerian as a means of stimulating thought. It has a diverse effect on the body. Research by scientists has shown that it depresses the central nervous system, reduces its excitability, and reduces spasms of smooth muscle organs. All this is due to the chemical composition of the plant, in the rhizomes and roots, and they are consumed in medicinal purposes, contain significant quantities of essential valerian oil, valerian.

Acetic, malic, formic, stearic, palmic and other organic acids, tannic and volatile substances, but the main component is essential valerian oil, which has a sharp, specific odor.

Valerian has carminative, anthelmintic properties, promotes better digestion. An infusion of valerian helps with shortness of breath, headaches, nervous agitation, hysteria, shock, convulsions, difficult emotional experiences, palpitations, insomnia, and in general as a means of supporting strength.

Valerian roots, crushed into powder, are popularly known as a remedy for the treatment of typhus, pneumonia, scarlet fever, and migraines. Children's eyes are washed with water steam when their mucous membranes are inflamed.

Valerian is very effective for thyroid disease, as a result of which patients experienced improvement general condition health, nervous excitability decreased, painful heartbeat decreased.

But, for your information, if anyone self-medicates with valerian preparations, there is no need to use it for a long time; it has a depressing effect on the nervous system and digestive organs.

ROSE HIPS- wild rose. The plant has become widespread since ancient times and was introduced into culture in the countries of the Middle East, Southern Europe, China, India, Central Asia, Iran. Several types of rose hips are common in our country: cinnamon, dog, needle, Daurian, etc.

Chemical composition fruits are characterized by the presence of sugar (about 18%) pectin and tannins, citric, malic and other organic acids, flavanol glycosides.

We especially need to talk about the content of vitamins. Rosehip is a vitamin champion in the true sense of the word: it has no equal among fruit and berry plants in terms of C and P content.
No other plant has more vitamin C than rose hips. The vitamin C content per 100 grams of product is 470 mg.

The daily requirement of vitamin C for an adult is 55-110 milligrams. It is not synthesized in the body and does not accumulate for use. Therefore, its daily consumption is very important for maintaining and maintaining health, not to mention its therapeutic effects. Moreover, in smokers, under stressful conditions, the need for vitamin C increases.

A lack of vitamin C manifests itself in a decrease in mental and physical performance, the appearance of rapid fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Vessels, especially capillaries, become fragile and brittle, sensitivity to colds and infectious diseases. Even age spots Doctors explain the symptoms that appear on the face as a lack of vitamins, and especially vitamin C.

There is three times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in fruits than in black currants, 50 times more than in lemon, 100 times more than in apples. In addition, it contains vitamins A. B2, K and E. By the way, it is possible to distinguish high-vitamin plant species from low-vitamin ones without resorting to chemical analysis - by the sepals that remain on the upper ends of false fruits until they ripen. In high-vitamin varieties (spinous, cinnamon), the sepals stand upright, in low-vitamin varieties (dog rose) the sepals are lowered down, pressing against the walls of the fruit. As a multivitamin plant, rose hips are widely used in practical medicine.
It is used not only as fruits, but also as seeds, flowers, leaves, and even roots. Rosehip is, first of all, an invaluable source of vitamins. It is enough to take 1-3 fruits per day to provide a daily dose of vitamin C for an adult.

Preparations, infusions, teas from rose hips have many valuable qualities: they increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases, weaken the development of arteriosclerosis, have a general strengthening, tonic effect, the infusion of the fruit increases the secretion of bile, weakens and stops bleeding, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, frostbite, has a mild laxative action. A decoction of the seeds is an excellent choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, a decoction of the roots is an astringent, choleretic, antiseptic, a full infusion of leaves and flowers is antimicrobial, analgesic, and a universal stomach remedy. Traditional medicine Rose hips are used successfully for many diseases - colds, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney stones, vitamin deficiencies, rheumatism, neurasthenia, tuberculosis. In this case, both internal and external use - baths, washing. In our composition, it is used to stabilize the condition of blood vessels, having a tonic effect in case of loss of strength.

And yet, there are certain contraindications; those patients who have increased blood clotting should consult a doctor before taking rosehip infusions.

You need to take 10 grams of each component, pour in 0.5 liter of vodka, put in a dark place, leave, stirring for 10 days. Drink 15-20 drops at night.
The tincture helps normalize blood pressure, sleep, dizziness and tinnitus disappear.

Before using treatment, consult your doctor.

Situations often arise in life when you need to maintain composure. Not many can boast of such an ability, but many dream of developing this ability in themselves. If you belong to the latter, then my article can help you with this.

How to stay calm in conflict situations?

There is a method of manipulation that is aimed at controlling a person by creating stressful situations. Unlike “hidden” manipulations, when the object is processed gradually and the required information is “imperceptibly” instilled in it, this method has a direct emotional impact and is based on an aggressive “head-on” attack.

Surely you have often been in such situations when you were provoked into conflict? This is what I'm talking about. At work, in a restaurant, on public transport, with friends, in the family and at home - conflict situations arise everywhere. Often people do not want conflicts and enter into them unconsciously. But, you must admit, restraining yourself when you are under pressure is not as easy as you would like.

This method of psychological pressure is based on

We live in a very active, aggressive world and from time to time your psycho-emotional state cannot withstand the load. By accumulating “problems,” a person inflates his psyche to the limit, and at some point the flame of his rage pours out into the world. In this case, the root causes can be different: temperament, a bad day, upbringing (or lack thereof), manipulation. Some generally use aggressiveness as a stable pattern of conduct. In any case, the brain obsessed with emotion is blind and deaf, and always leads your attention in the direction of obsession. But the more you indulge in obsession, the more you will regret it after mental clarity returns.

Therefore, the main method of dealing with this type of emotional manipulation is not to succumb to the “obsession” of the manipulator. Those. keep calm and thus avoid catching the “infection”.

And it is calmness that will allow you to weaken the pressure of the possessed.

How to stay calm?

So, let's look at several working methods in conflict situations.

Method number 1. Attention switch

The essence of this method is to switch your attention from one sense organ to another, or from sense organs to thoughts. Since the main information in conflict situations comes through the ear, your task is to concentrate in order to stop perceiving negative sounds.

For example, while your opponent is shaking in agony, spewing curses, begin to carefully examine his face: examine pores, irregularities, or find pimples and blemishes. It works quite well.

Alternatively, during an unpleasant conversation, you can think about what to cook for dinner or what movie to watch in the evening.

Method number 2. Lively imagination

Use visualization to distract your attention or calm yourself. Consider a person, be it a boss, superior, subordinate or an annoying granny - in some non-specific image. Preferably humorous.

For example, mentally put a helmet on your boss’s head and imagine that he walks like this all the time. Or try on a swimming cap for him. How would your interlocutor look in it?

Experiment. Just don't smile in your face. This may anger the "tanker". You are talking about serious things.

Method number 3. Block

Excellent and trouble-free reception.

The point is this: You straighten your back, move your shoulders back and stand straight, like “the pride of the country.” Keep your hands free. Your look should keep calm and equanimity, and is aimed at the eye (one, pre-selected) or the bridge of the nose of your opponent. It is better to blink not often and a little lazily. You don’t react to words in any way - Concentrate on Breathe deeply.

You can tilt your head slightly to the side. This is a symbol of interest and condescension.

So we've looked at four simple ways Howkeep calm in conflict situations. Which one to choose and adopt is a matter of taste. But remember the main thing: no matter what method you use, do not follow the obsession of your opponent. Answer all questions clearly and freely. If you are interrupted, answer after a long (5-10 seconds) pause. Always try save. After all, it is an external manifestation of strength, spirit and confidence.