What physical exercises will help restore your figure after childbirth? Physical exercises after childbirth: restoring your figure and health.

The question of when, after discharge from the maternity ward, you can start playing sports to get in shape faster is relevant for many. Usually, even in the maternity hospital, the doctor warns about what physical activity should be postponed for a certain period of time, directly related to the health status of the mother in labor. This is due to the need to restore the body, reduce the uterus to its usual size, and end lochia. Therefore, even if you really want to go to the gym, sports after childbirth, when to start exercise, which largely depends on the chosen type, is possible no earlier than a month later.

What can you do immediately after discharge?

Gentle loads for young mothers are not only allowed, but also directly indicated. They help normalize blood circulation, recover faster after surgery, and get rid of swelling. Such activities may include:

  • dancing;
  • fast walking;
  • yoga with calm asanas.

If a woman has not stopped exercising during pregnancy, then there is no need to take a break and continue exercising immediately, naturally, if the doctor approves of them and the birth was without complications. Running, cycling, and working with weights are not included in the loads allowed during this period, even if the strength and desire to do them are present.

Sports after childbirth accompanied by ruptures or episiotomy with suturing

Quite often, childbirth occurs with complications. In this case, you should start thinking about what exercises you can do after childbirth much later than if the birth of the baby did not cause additional health problems for the mother. If there are stitches in the perineum, regardless of whether they are the result of an episiotomy or repair of tears, you can exercise after they have resolved or been removed, in fact no earlier than 5-6 weeks later. But even after this point, the load should be chosen that will not further injure the damaged area. Therefore, cycling or exercises related to weight lifting should be postponed until later. late dates. But you can do aerobics, fitness, gymnastics, and running without any problems.

Physical activity after childbirth through surgery

Operation caesarean section imposes even greater restrictions on the lifestyle: you cannot strain your abs and go to the gym until complete recovery, otherwise the seams may come apart. At first, movements should be smooth and careful, although few people here would even think of going to the gym, since pain can be caused even simple steps. The ban on caesarean section also applies to whether you can spin a hula hoop after childbirth. Doctors usually impose restrictions on the types of activities of the mother during a cesarean section for at least two months. This is due not only to the condition of the outer seam. The uterus recovers more slowly after surgery than during natural childbirth, so scar formation also takes time. Doctors recommend calm walking, home exercises, then swimming and Pilates as the first exercises after surgery. All exercises should not cause discomfort, although pain in the suture area can persist for up to six months and this is considered normal. Active fitness involving bending over, working on the abdominal muscles, and lifting weights can be started after six months and preferably after consultation with your doctor.

How much to exercise and how to combine sports with breastfeeding

The load should be increased gradually, regardless of the type chosen. It is advisable to start with simple exercises, allowing the body to remember the sensations during and after exercise. The number of exercises themselves, be it squats or abdominal presses, should be such that the last of them is done with effort, but not with all your might. A lot depends on the level here physical training, But general principle remains the same: you need to increase the number of exercises step by step, as well as the number of cycles. In order to get a visible result, there should be at least three workouts per week lasting 30 minutes or more.

There is a lot of discussion about the compatibility of physical activity and breastfeeding. When wondering what exercises can be done after childbirth, young mothers sometimes hear that it is better not to overdo it, as this can cause you to “burn out.” breast milk or change in taste due to lactic acid released into the blood. Regular fitness, swimming or other exercises cannot lead to such a result; for such changes to occur, you need to train almost to the point of exhaustion. If you feel like your lactation is getting smaller after training, you just need to reconsider your drinking regimen. It is possible that during training the body loses large quantity liquids, therefore you should drink not only after classes, but also during their course.

How to exercise with a new lifestyle

It is good if it is possible to leave the baby with grandmothers or a nanny, although if you are breastfeeding, even with such helpers it is difficult to leave home for a long period of time. If caring for the child lies entirely with the mother, there is no time for a gym or swimming pool. Therefore, to get your figure in shape, you will have to select activities that do not require special equipment and allow you to perform exercises without leaving your child. These can be the same yoga or Pilates, various aerobic exercises according to video programs, or banal exercises. It wouldn’t hurt to find out whether you can spin a hula hoop after childbirth, if your health allows it. But the most effective “simulator” for a mother during the postpartum period can be a stroller with a child. If you introduce the rule of walking for at least two hours twice a day, then even with simple walking at a measured pace during this period you can burn at least 1000 calories. If the movements are intense, then calorie consumption will increase. Some mothers practice climbing uphill with a stroller acting as a weight. This requires more effort compared to walking on a flat road. By combining such activities with proper nutrition get rid of excess weight won't be difficult. It’s not just those gained during pregnancy that go away overweight, the leg muscles also tighten, the silhouette becomes more toned. Particularly active mothers manage to combine walks with their children with roller skating, although this requires a fairly flat road and an open or spacious park, since rolling a stroller on skates along a narrow sidewalk is not very convenient or safe.

What other exercises can you do with your child?

In general, sports after childbirth, when to start doing what, is up to each mother to decide for herself, and can be accessible even with a baby in her arms. To do this, just put it next to you on the mat and perform body lifts, squats, lunges, and leg swings. Lying on your back, you can use the baby himself as a “weight.” The mother will have the opportunity to train her arm muscles, and the child will have the opportunity to develop the vestibular apparatus, train coordination of movements and just have fun. In the first months of life, when the baby spends most of the day sleeping, classes can be combined with these periods. It’s quite possible to carve out half an hour a day for yourself, and even such a short period of time allotted for exercise will definitely give results with regular exercise.

After giving birth, many young mothers want to get back in shape as quickly as possible. What exercises are there after childbirth? How can you lose weight and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, chest and perineum without harm to your health?

Why is gymnastics needed?

Keeping your body in good shape gives every woman the opportunity to be not only beautiful, but also full of strength. Even in ancient times, it was believed that to maintain health you need to eat right and move more. And if women who have just given birth do not have any questions regarding the first point, then certain difficulties arise with motor activity. Many women are not sure that immediately after the birth of their baby they can take care of their body and perform various exercises to lose weight. Is it really?

Experts say that the sooner a woman returns to an active life, the better for her. Of course, after a difficult birth and cesarean section, you will have to wait until the stitches heal, but this period usually takes no more than 14 days. On average, most women can do simple exercises already in the maternity hospital. Early physical activity not only gives strength, but also promotes uterine contraction, which significantly improves general state.

Why do you need to exercise after having a baby? Gynecologists say that training the abdominal, chest and perineal muscles is very useful for young mothers. What does this give?

  • The ability to always be on your toes.
  • A chance to lose extra pounds.
  • A charge of vivacity and energy.
  • Increased self-esteem.

Get checked by a gynecologist before you start exercising at home.

Gynecologists around the world unanimously speak about the usefulness of Kegel exercises. This selection of gymnasts allows naturally restore and strengthen important pelvic floor muscles. On Internet forums, Kegel exercises after childbirth are often called Kernig gymnastics, but this Russian therapist has nothing to do with training the vaginal muscles.

Kegel exercises can be done already in the maternity hospital, provided that the young mother is in good health. The American doctor Arnold Kegel, who developed this program, assures women of the usefulness of such exercises. Training the muscles of the perineum allows you not only to improve your intimate life, but also to avoid the development of urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse and others. serious problems with health.

A selection of exercises for intimate muscles.

  • Slowly and gradually contract your muscles as if you want to stop urinating. Gradually pull them up, holding them in this state for several seconds. Ideally, a woman can hold up to 4-7 “floors” of perineal muscles this way. Gradually relax in the same order.
  • Quickly contract and relax the muscles of the perineum.
  • Push the muscles outward as during childbirth or during bowel movements. Feel how the muscles of the vagina and anus tense during exercise.

Doing Kegel exercises (often called Kernig exercises) will help you quickly get back into shape and restore the structure of your perineum.

Abdominal muscles - second weakness a woman who has given birth to a child. For fast weight loss and restore your abs, you can do the following exercises.

  • Learn to breathe correctly. Pull your abdominal muscles inward, inhale slowly and direct all the resulting air into the chest. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  • Get down on all fours and arch your back like a cat. After two rounds of diaphragmatic breathing, bend your lower back down while keeping your abdominal muscles inward.
  • Stand on your forearms and toes, pulling your abdominal muscles inward. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  • Lie on your side, bend your knees. Slowly pull your abdominal muscles inward. Stay in this state for a few seconds. Repeat the abdominal exercise 6 times.
  • Lying on your back, pull in your abdominal muscles and fix them in this position for 5 seconds.

These simple postpartum recovery exercises will help you not only lose weight, but also keep your body in good shape for many years.

Start exercising no earlier than 6 weeks after giving birth.

Fitball training is also recommended for weight loss after childbirth. Simple gymnastics on a ball is aimed at strengthening all the abdominal and abdominal muscles.

What can you do on a fitball?

  • While sitting on a fitball, push off from it with your feet. Remember to breathe rhythmically and pull your abdominal muscles inward.
  • Lie on your stomach on the ball and walk forward on your hands. Roll on the fitball so that the ball passes over your entire body - from your chest to your knees. Don't forget to contract your abdominal muscles.
  • Kneel down with the ball under your chest. At the same time, extend and lift your arm and opposite leg. Keep your balance on the ball.
  • Lie sideways on the ball with one hand on the floor. Fix your lower leg, slowly raise your upper leg and lower it just as slowly. Retract your abdominal muscles during the exercise.

What abdominal exercises will help you lose weight quickly? Young mothers ask this question almost in the delivery room.

The following selection of exercises is recommended for weight loss.

  • Lying on your back, gradually lift your pelvis up, tightening your buttocks and drawing in your abdominal muscles. At the same time, raise your head and press your chin to your chest. Breathe evenly and deeply.
  • Lying on the floor, describe large circles with your outstretched legs. Don't forget to tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Sitting on the edge of a chair, pull your stomach in, lift your legs, bend your knees, and lift them off the floor. At the same time, you should not bend in the lower back and relax your stomach. Hold your raised legs for 10 seconds.

For effective weight loss combine gymnastics with proper nutrition.

Chest exercises

Women do gymnastics after childbirth not only for the purpose of losing weight. Many young mothers dream of regaining the shape and firmness of their breasts after the birth of their baby.

What can you do to strengthen your pectoral muscles?

  • In a standing position, slowly bring your hands together in your palms at chest level. Press your palms against each other with maximum force. You can hold a regular tennis ball between your hands.
  • Clasp your hands together and try to tear them apart. Feel how your chest muscles tighten during the lead.
  • Place your hands on the wall and push against it as hard as you can. Relax your chest and abdominal muscles, then repeat all the steps.
  • From a standing position, move your shoulders forward and back. Do 6 circular movements to strengthen your chest muscles. Repeat the exercise with your hands on your shoulders.

What do you need to know?

When starting Kegel exercises or performing other physical exercises after childbirth to lose weight, remember that all workouts should be fun for you. Do not start exercises if you feel unwell! Fatigue and disappointment are what awaits you when you try to exercise through force. During menstruation, you should also postpone classes for a few days.

Exercises for the chest and abdomen should be alternated with breathing exercises. In order to quickly lose weight, you can visit the pool or sauna starting from 6 weeks after birth. Special attention You should take daily walks. Let it be morning running or a leisurely walk with a stroller - fresh air will strengthen your strength and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Walking before bed also has a good effect on health. Two hours a day outside the home is enough to restore strength, maintain health and strengthen the immune system after childbirth.

Don't forget about rest and good sleep. Take care of yourself, listen to your body and don’t push it to the point of exhaustion. Remember that your goal is to regain health and vitality, and not to harm yourself with hard training.

The rhythm of a woman’s life after childbirth changes, as a newborn baby tirelessly demands attention. But sometimes you really want to take time for yourself in order to remain slim and beautiful. Mothers of infants are especially distressed by the change in their figure during pregnancy. Let's consider where to start to get in shape, and how to do it correctly without harming the body and lactation.

When to start exercising after childbirth

The female body undergoes enormous changes during pregnancy. Childbirth, being a very energy-intensive process, takes a significant amount of strength from a young mother. Physical exercise will help not only get your figure in order, but also improve your health. Adequate loads have a beneficial effect on joints, restore the musculoskeletal system, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, normalize hormonal levels, and also help increase lactation.

Thanks to special hormonal levels During the postpartum period, a woman’s body undergoes active regeneration. That is why you should not neglect physical education at this time. It will be especially useful, and the result will be noticeable faster. But there is also no need to overdo it. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

To determine the time to start physical training, you should take into account the peculiarities of the course of childbirth. After a caesarean section, a young mother should forget about stress for the next one and a half to two months and exercise only after consultation with a gynecologist. In case of a rupture or cut in the perineum, internal or external sutures are applied, you should wait until they are removed and the wounds are completely healed.

The timing of the start of physical education is determined by the nature of the birth and the mother’s well-being

If the birth was easy and without complications, and the young mother feels well, then the first exercises can be started the very next day. They will raise the overall tone of the body and help stretch the joints.

Features of physical exercise in the postpartum period

At first, perform all the exercises slowly, smoothly and softly, almost effortlessly, carefully monitor your well-being, do not allow severe tension and pain. Exercises with weights are contraindicated. Once you are at home, move more, walk, walk with your baby. This will be a great addition to your exercise routine.

A set of exercises to restore health must be selected taking into account physiological characteristics young mother

The first days of physical education should resemble a light warm-up. Simple exercises are aimed at helping the body recover faster after pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Take your time and perform them for 2-3 repetitions, gradually increasing the load. You can move on to more intense training no earlier than after 2–3 weeks.

In some maternity hospitals, women in labor are advised to do the “Bicycle” exercise. It helps not only to tidy up weakened abdominal muscles, but also promotes faster contraction of the uterus, which is especially important during repeated births.

The first exercises can be bending forward and to the sides, swinging and circular movements of the arms, turning the body to the sides, circular movements of the head, rotational movements of the feet, raising the legs bent at the knees, rotational movements in the knee joints. Breathing exercises are very useful.

After the second birth, the extra pounds went away quite quickly. Housework, child care, long walks with a stroller fresh air did their job. After a couple of weeks, all the things I wore before pregnancy began to fit. But weak muscle tone and skin that had lost elasticity in the abdomen, hips and buttocks marred the situation. Since there were no contraindications to physical activity, after 3 weeks I started doing the first exercises without weights. These were: squats with narrow and wide stance to engage the buttocks and problematic inner thighs; swing your legs back and to the sides from a standing position; bending to reduce waist size; body rotations in a standing position; a complex of yoga asanas “Surya Namaskar”, which helps to slightly stretch the muscles of the whole body, has a beneficial effect on the spine, preparing it for the loads that lie ahead during the day. After a week of regular exercise, when the exercises began to be easy, she began to take the child in her arms while squatting and bending, thereby receiving a small burden of 4 kg.

You should stop exercising and consult a doctor if you experience:

  • discomfort;
  • pain in the abdomen or perineum;
  • severe fatigue;
  • dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms.

Perhaps the body is not yet ready for postpartum exercise or there are some contraindications.

If a young mother feels very weak and does not get enough sleep, then it is not worth starting classes yet. In this case, daily care of the baby and wearing a postpartum bandage will be enough, and exercises can be started after you feel better.

We fight diastasis

Separation of the rectus abdominis muscles (diastasis) is sometimes an unpleasant consequence of pregnancy and childbirth.

Diastasis is a dangerous disease prone to progression

First, you should check for this problem. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your fingertips vertically along the midline of your abdomen, a few centimeters above and below your navel. Then we slowly begin to lift our heads off the floor. Ideally, the abdominal muscles under the fingers should close. If there is a distance between them, then this indicates the presence of diastasis.

Physical exercises can be done as usual with a discrepancy of up to 2 cm. If the distance is from 2 to 5 cm, then corrective exercises should be done this problem. If you are more than 5 cm, you must exercise exclusively in a bandage.

If you have diastasis, avoid any exercises that create pressure inside the abdominal cavity:

  • bar;
  • push ups;
  • regular abdominal exercises;
  • bends;
  • jumping;
  • raising legs from lying or hanging positions.

To correct this ailment, the following exercises are used (we will consider the technique for performing them below):

  • "A hundred";
  • "Cat";
  • "Vacuum";
  • "Half Bridge";
  • lying twist;
  • lying leg curl;
  • stretching the opposite arms and legs.

It should be remembered that all loads are performed with the abdomen retracted as much as possible. Don't let it swell. Otherwise, instead of being beneficial, the exercises will have the opposite effect, because diastasis is prone to progression.

Video: exercises for diastasis after childbirth

Physical education for lactostasis

Almost every nursing mother faces the problem of milk stagnation at least once. It turns out that this situation can be corrected with the help of simple physical exercises. They will not only serve as a prevention of lactostasis, but will also help free clogged mammary ducts.

In addition to the above, when milk stagnation occurs, many exercises that gently engage pectoral muscles.

My friend regularly encountered lactostasis during the first time after giving birth. This ailment caused a lot of trouble: the body temperature rose, the breasts swelled and hurt, caring for the baby and household chores became a burden. Straining stagnation was a real painful torture for a nursing mother. My sister, having learned about her problem, advised her to stretch her mammary glands before feeding and do exercises to stretch her pectoral muscles. The first results were not long in coming: in 2 weeks there was no stagnation, although before this hardening appeared about once a week.

What exercises can you do after a caesarean section?

Delivery through surgery involves a fairly long recovery period. It usually takes from 6 to 8 weeks, during which you cannot begin physical activity. Also, before starting physical education, you should visit your gynecologist to make sure there are no contraindications. But this does not mean that such a long recovery period completely excludes the possibility of performing exercises.

You can start exercising after a cesarean section no earlier than 6–8 weeks after birth and only after consulting your doctor.

Even in the maternity hospital you can start restorative gymnastics . An obstetrician-gynecologist, depending on the condition of the woman in labor, may recommend light breathing exercises, stroking the abdomen, coughing while holding the suture area, warming up the ankles and knee joints. The load on the entire abdominal area is excluded for now.

After one and a half to two months, you can begin more intense physical exercise. It should be remembered that no matter what level of physical fitness a woman had before pregnancy, she should start with light exercises. You shouldn't immediately run to Gym or for fitness, start with simple physical exercise at home or in the fresh air. Kegel exercises, “Half Bridge”, “Plank”, bending the torso forward and to the sides, squats, “Vacuum”, abdominal exercises will come to the rescue.

Slow swimming, water aerobics, and yoga are also good after cesarean. But you will have to give up running, jumping and weight training for 9 months, or better yet, a year.

Exercises to align the pelvic bones

  • Pelvic bone discrepancies are a common problem in women after pregnancy, causing discomfort and pain that limit movement. The following exercises will help the symphysis pubis come together faster and the sacrum joint return to its previous position:

    walking on the buttocks. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on the floor, your legs can be bent at the knees or left straight. In this position, try walking on your butt. Move forward in this way for a few minutes and then back. This exercise also gets rid of cellulite in the thighs and buttocks;

  • Walking on your buttocks will help the pelvic bones converge faster

    "Turtle". Lie on your back, exhale, drawing in your stomach, pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chest. This exercise will help eliminate the accompanying pain in the tailbone;

  • The “Turtle” exercise will help get rid of accompanying pain in the tailbone

    "half-bridge". Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, bend your knees. Push your pelvis up. Tighten your buttocks and hold this position for a few seconds. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

When performing the “Half Bridge” exercise, pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks

Exercises to relieve back pain after childbirth

  • lying twist. Lie on your back, bend your knees, spread your arms to the sides. Tilt your knees to the right, lowering them as much as possible, turn your head to the left, do not lift your shoulders off the floor. Stay in this pose for a minute or as long as feels good. Repeat on the other side;

    Spinal twisting exercises will help relieve back pain

  • body rotations. Sit up straight, cross your arms at your chest. Slowly turn your body left and right. Do 5 times in each direction. Repeat the exercise with your hands behind your head;
  • sit on the floor with your legs tucked under you. Raise your arms above your head, clasp your fingers together. Slowly lower your palms behind your head, leaving your elbows pressed to your head. Twist your pelvis forward, removing the arch in your lower back. Repeat 10 times;
  • sit flat on the floor with your legs tucked under you. Raise your right hand and place it behind your head, and place your left hand behind your back from below. Pull your hands towards each other, trying to connect. If it works, stay in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat, changing hands;

    If you manage to close your hands behind your back, stay in this position for 30 seconds or longer.

  • sit up straight, raise your arms straight up, palms together. Try to reach as high as possible with the top of your head and fingertips. Stay in this position for 30 seconds or longer;
  • extending the opposite arm and leg. Get on all fours, back straight. Lift up right hand And left leg. Pull your stomach in. Stretch your head and fingers forward, and your toes back. Hold this position for 20–40 seconds or longer. Switch arms and legs.

    When performing the exercise, do not forget to pull in your stomach

Effective exercises to restore your figure after childbirth

The existing variety of physical activities will allow any mother to create a suitable set of activities for herself. There can be various variations here - both daily loads on the whole body, and division of workouts by day for different muscle groups. You should focus on your priorities and body characteristics. Let's take a closer look at some very effective exercises, techniques for performing them, as well as the types of physical activity allowed during the postpartum period.

The existing variety of exercises will help the young mother choose the appropriate load


It is difficult to overestimate this exercise; it effectively affects the muscles of the back, buttocks, and shoulder girdle, and helps bring a sagging tummy into shape.

“Cat” will help a new mother relieve tension from her back muscles and tighten her stomach

To perform it, get on all fours. Exhale and lower your head between your hands, arching your back like a cat, pulling your stomach in as much as possible. As you inhale, lift your head, slightly arching your back. Try to keep your stomach pulled in. Repeat 10 times at a slow pace.


Very effective exercise, helping to restore a flat stomach even with diastasis. Do it in the morning on an empty stomach. Stand with your legs slightly bent and your hands slightly above your knees. Exhale, trying to push all the air out of your lungs. Press your chin to your chest and twist your tailbone towards your pubis. At this moment, pull your stomach under your ribs as much as possible. Stay in this position until you need to take a breath. Repeat 10 times.

Drawing in your belly as you exhale will help you safely get rid of a sagging belly after childbirth.

The exercise can be made more difficult. As you exhale, make inward and outward movements with your stomach. Take a breath, rest, catch your breath. Repeat 3-5 times.


This exercise is performed with support on the hands and toes. If maintaining this position is difficult, you can shift the emphasis to your knees.

Exist different kinds"Planck." You can alternate their execution or choose one option you like:

  1. "Plank on straight arms." Lie on the floor, place your hands under your shoulders. Raise your body up, using only your hands and toes. The buttocks are tense, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible. Try to stay taut like a string. Stretch forward with the top of your head. The whole body should be a straight line: do not sag in the lower back and do not lift your pelvis up. Stay in this position as long as you can. Start with 10–20 seconds and gradually increase the time. Get down on the floor and rest. Repeat 3 times.

    When performing the exercise, make sure that your entire body forms a straight line.

  2. “Plank with raised arm and leg.” To intensify the exercise, you can try to lift your arm or leg, or the opposite arm and leg, off the floor. Stay in this position for 5–10 seconds.

    Raising your arms and legs during Plank gives additional stress to the whole body

  3. "Plank on bent arms." The technique is the same, but relies on the forearms. Place your elbows under your shoulder joints.

    Bent-arm plank pose helps tone the muscles of the entire body.

  4. "Side plank" When performing it, the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms and back, are well worked out. From the “Plank” pose, turn your body to the right, lifting your right hand from the floor, lift it up or place it on your belt. Place your right foot on top of your left. Place your left hand under the shoulder joint, resting on the entire palm, not just on the wrist. The body is extended in a straight line, do not bend at the lower back, maintain balance. Stay in this position for 10–15 seconds or longer. Repeat on the other side. Perform the exercise 3-5 times in each direction.

    The side plank is a great way to work your lateral abdominal muscles.

  5. "Reverse plank". Sit on the floor, leaning back a little. Lean on your straight arms located under your shoulder joints. Slowly push your pelvis up so that your body is a straight line. Do not throw your head back, look up. Tighten your buttocks, pull in your stomach. Feel the tension in your body. Stay in this position for 20 seconds or more. Get down on the floor and rest. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

    When performing a reverse plank, be careful about your hand position to avoid wrist injury.

Ab exercises

Abdominal exercises are performed lying on a hard surface; the floor is ideal. Young mothers can work their abdominal muscles when performing both static and dynamic exercises. They differ in the load on different areas of the press, depending on which part of it is involved - the upper or lower.

  1. Working out the lower abs includes leg raises. Place your palms under your buttocks to relieve the load on your lower back. Slowly lift your feet off the floor and raise your straight legs to an angle of 30–45 degrees (the smaller the angle, the greater the tension). Stay in this position or scissor your legs, crossing your shins and spreading them apart. Lower your legs, repeat 10 times. Make sure your stomach is pulled in during the exercise.
  2. Working out the upper abs. Lie on the floor with your knees bent or your feet supported, for example, under a sofa. Place your hands behind your head. Lift the body off the floor, bringing it to a vertical position. Do not round your back when performing, try to keep it as straight as possible, and do not press your elbows to your head. Do 2 sets of 10–20 reps. The second option is to lift your head and shoulders off the floor, stretch your face up. IN extreme point hold for a couple of seconds, lower your shoulders first and then your head. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles - twisting. Lie on your back, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders and head off the floor, turn your body to the side, trying to reach your left knee with your right elbow. Lower yourself to the floor and repeat on the other side. Perform a total of 20 crunches.
  4. "Bike". To perform it, lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Raise your legs straight at an angle of about 45 degrees. Tear off top part torso off the floor, bend your left leg at the knee and reach towards it with your right elbow. Straighten your leg, repeat in the opposite direction. To begin, perform the exercise 10–20 times. Make sure your stomach is pulled in.

    A very effective exercise called “Bicycle” uses all the abdominal muscles.

Video: how to remove belly fat after childbirth

Breathing exercises for weight loss

Effective weight loss methods for young mothers are breathing exercises, in particular bodyflex. In addition to reducing body volume, such exercises help saturate the body with oxygen and improve the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. The skin becomes more elastic and does not sag after losing weight. In just 15 minutes a day you can get in shape without resorting to grueling workouts. An important point is that you need to exercise strictly on an empty stomach.

Breathing exercises combined with strength exercises are a great way to say goodbye to extra pounds.

All positions are performed with the stomach completely retracted, as if you want to reach the spine with your navel. To draw your stomach in like this, you need to completely exhale the air from your lungs. Take a deep breath, inflating your stomach, and then exhale noisily, without using your voice. A noisy exhalation should be achieved only due to a sharp release of air. Hold your breath and immediately pull your stomach under your ribs as much as possible. Take the exercise position, stay in this position for 10 seconds. Relax, inhale sharply and deeply. The complex usually consists of 10–15 poses that involve different muscle groups. Each exercise must be performed 4 times.

Bodyflex is a set of exercises that helps you lose weight thanks to breathing exercises

After my first birth, it took me a long time to get into shape. Having a thin physique, she was painfully aware of every extra centimeter. And the hated 6 kilograms seemed to stick to the sides and stomach, causing heaviness, shortness of breath and aesthetic discomfort. Regular abdominal exercises and squats strengthened the muscles, but subcutaneous fat did not decrease. The reason for this was the disrupted regime and abundant food during breastfeeding. It was bodyflex that helped me get back into shape. The extra centimeters began to melt away literally before our eyes, the skin became more elastic and tightened. All these changes occurred without changing the usual diet. The classes took only 15–20 minutes. I performed them every day immediately after waking up. In addition to the lost centimeters, it is impossible not to note positive influence on the general condition of the body. After the complex, my mood improved, vigor appeared, my thoughts became clearer and calmer.

Video: bodyflex for weight loss

Fitball exercises

Many young mothers know very well how useful a fitball is in gymnastic exercises for babies. With the help of such a miracle ball, you can arrange a home workout both alone and with a baby in your arms. These activities tone all muscle groups, and performing them cannot be called boring.

Exercises on a fitball are not only useful, but also not boring.

Fitball exercises may include the following exercises:

  • jumping on a fitball. If you hold a child in your arms, such training will not only make the legs slender and the butt firm, but also, if necessary, help rock the baby to sleep;
  • slow turns of the body to the sides while sitting on the ball;
  • Abs swing. Lie with your back on the ball and lift your head and shoulders;
  • Raising your head and shoulders while lying on your stomach on a fitball will help strengthen your back muscles;
  • exercise to use the muscles of the whole body. Lie on your stomach on the ball. Stretch your arms forward and lift your legs off the floor, keep them straight, maintain balance.

Hoop training

A hoop is a very useful tool for a woman who wants to reduce her waist. But young mothers should not rush to practice hula hoop. You can use this sports device only 4-5 months after giving birth, and after a caesarean section this period can increase to a year.

When long-awaited months passed, you should carefully consider the choice of hoop. It is better if it is light, smooth and large in diameter. This is the type of hula hoop that will most effectively help deal with fat deposits, since its contact area is larger than that of one with massage balls. In addition, it is much harder to spin a light hoop, which means more energy will be spent for this.

Regular hula hoop exercises will help remove fat deposits in the waist area

Explaining how to spin a hoop is quite problematic. The exercise must be tried in practice. It roughly looks like this:

  1. Put the hoop on yourself and place it around your waist.
  2. Lightly press it to your back and twist it with your hands in any direction.
  3. With your body, do oscillatory movements towards the rotation. The easiest way to do this is to lightly shift your weight from one leg to the other at a fast pace.

At first, the hoop may fall often, but over time everything will work out.


Daily exercise is beneficial for any person. It helps you wake up faster, stretch your muscles and joints, and recharge your batteries for the whole day. Even if you are planning a more serious workout during the day, morning work-out will not be superfluous. An easy set of exercises will only take a few minutes. It has virtually no contraindications.

Morning exercises will help a young mother get a boost of energy for the whole day

The charger can include:

  • circular movements and head tilts;
  • rotational movements with the hands, arms extended or bent at the elbows;
  • bending the body forward and to the sides;
  • circular movements of the body;
  • rotational movements of the feet;
  • raising the legs bent at the knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor, etc.

Typically, charging takes no more than 10 minutes, but if desired, other exercises described in the paragraphs above can be included in the morning complex.


Pilates is a strength training program based on proper breathing.. This sport is perfect for young mothers who want to have an athletic and toned body. It is worth noting that Pilates puts quite a significant load on the body, and you can do it only after preparing with lighter home workouts for several weeks.

Pilates will help a young mother find a beautiful, toned body

Typically, one Pilates session works the muscles of the entire body. Training takes place with your own weight or with light weights. All exercises are performed smoothly, the stomach is always pulled in, the pelvis is twisted forward, and the buttocks are tense. Maximum concentration on execution technique is required. It is better to start classes under the guidance of an instructor in the gym.

It is worth noting that Pilates is yoga asanas adapted for sports.

Water aerobics

Exercising in water is a great way to get in shape after childbirth. If you are in doubt whether you should give preference to this sport, then it is worth recalling several advantages of such training:

An employee, while on maternity leave, decided to try to restore her figure after childbirth with the help of water aerobics. The first lesson delighted her. It turned out that when training in water you don’t feel tired at all. The class is going on, calories are consumed at a tremendous speed (compared to outdoor training), and the woman experiences only pleasure. Another positive thing was that the classes were performed to music. This creates a pleasant atmosphere in the pool, improves your mood and adds energy for a productive workout.


Cycling is beneficial not only because it helps you get in shape after childbirth. This load has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system of a young mother, strengthens muscles, respiratory and cardiovascular system, is excellent prevention varicose veins veins In addition, for those who like to pedal in the fresh air, immunity increases, digestion improves and metabolism accelerates, and postpartum depression goes away.

Pedaling in the fresh air is good for the health of a young mother

Unfortunately, there is no exact data on exactly when you can ride a bike after giving birth. Here the mother needs to pay attention to her own well-being. If there were tears or cuts in the perineum, then you must wait until they are completely healed. It is also not recommended to start riding until the lochia is gone.

Kegel exercises

To restore the perineum and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth, use Kegel exercises, the effectiveness of which is scientifically proven. They help fight prolapse or prolapse of the pelvic organs and urinary incontinence, which often occurs in women during the first time after childbirth.

You can perform the exercises at any time and anywhere, since these workouts are invisible to others. They are not contraindicated after cesarean section. The technique consists of alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum and lower abdomen. You should start with several compressions 3-4 times a day, then increase the number up to 200.

Kegel exercises normalize the organs of a woman’s reproductive system Exercises can be varied various techniques

Even during pregnancy, almost every woman thinks about how she will look after giving birth. And when the most difficult moment is over, and you are holding your baby in your arms, the time comes when you should take care of yourself.

Keep in mind that it is not so simple and takes several months, even if the training is intensive.

First of all, take care of yourself and don’t lead a too passive lifestyle. Mobilize your internal resources and start doing exercise. You can start training a month after giving birth. Gradually the load can be increased. Divide the exercises into groups, different exercises will help strengthen the stomach, chest and thighs.

Exercises to strengthen the abdomen and waist

Lie on your back, raise your legs at right angles. Place your hands behind your head. We strain the muscles of the back and buttocks. Next, we alternately extend our legs, doing it slowly and with effort. For the first few days, repeat the exercise six times, and then go up to 20 repetitions.

We stand so that our feet are shoulder-width apart. We straighten our back. We take the wrist with our right hand with our left hand. Next, we raise our hands above our heads and hold them like that, counting to three. Then we lower our hands down and change them. As a result, you should do 5 exercises for each arm.

Exercises to strengthen your thighs and buttocks

Lie on your back and place your left leg on your knee right leg. Turn the thigh of the left leg outward. Next, pull your right knee towards your chest; you should feel an intense stretch. Keep your thigh tense for about 5-10 breaths. Then slowly lower and relax. We perform the exercise 3 times on each leg.

Lie on your side and bend your knees. Next, we hold the ball between our knees. Leaning on the hand, we raise the body, and holding the free hand behind the head, we pull in the same direction. At the same time, the ball should be squeezed and unclenched between the knees. The sides need to be changed. We begin to repeat the exercise 10 times, and then increase it to 20 repetitions.

Exercises to strengthen your back

We get on all fours, with our knees spread to the sides. We place our hands shoulder-width apart and bend at the elbows. Next, we spread our hands to the side so that the fingers look at each other. We tense our stomach and slowly lower our torso all the way to the floor, with our nose touching the ground. Then alternately lower and raise the body 10 times.

We lie on our backs, throw our arms up, bend them at the elbows and spread them to the sides. We bend our legs at the knees and spread them a little. Next, we press the spine to the floor, strain the buttocks and rise up so that 3-4 vertebrae come off the floor. We freeze in this position for 10 seconds and carefully lower ourselves. The exercise should be repeated 10 times.

The load should be increased over time, and then you can regain your previous figure. At physical activity please also pay attention to . At the same time, do not forget about walks in the fresh air with your baby.

Finally, I would like to add a few tips:

  • Loading should be done regularly, possibly several times a day;
  • for lying exercises, choose a flat surface;
  • all movements must be smooth;
  • ventilate the room where you work out regularly;
  • choose the right clothes;
  • exercise after breastfeeding;
  • Go to the toilet before exercising.

By adhering to all of the above, your figure will be slim again, and you will feel like a beloved woman.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

Because they are afraid of harming the body that has not yet recovered.

However, doctors have proven that doing simple exercises in the first weeks after childbirth is not only possible, but also necessary. Simple gymnastics will allow you:

  • improve your mood as physical activity increases your level of chemical compounds, which are responsible for well-being;
  • regain your former figure and lose extra pounds;
  • increase vitality and improve physical state, which will greatly facilitate child care.

When to start exercises if mommy has had a cesarean section?

The exercises we offer are: safe for mothers who have gone through both natural childbirth and survivors. However, it is better to start with the simplest exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles, which can help your muscles recover more quickly after surgery.

During exercise, you may experience some pulling on the stitch, but there should be no pain. If you get tired quickly, then give your body a rest, because you survived the operation, and this is quite normal.

Where to begin?

It is not surprising, but experts It is recommended to start practicing with Kegle exercises after childbirth. If you start doing them immediately after childbirth, the perineum and vagina will recover much faster.

They consist of contraction of the pelvic muscles that support the vagina. Typically, these muscles contract when a woman tightens her vagina or stops urinating.

During the exercises, the muscles are tensed for one to two seconds and then relaxed. To achieve the optimal effect, it is worth repeating them from 5 to 30 times.

American gynecologist Arnold Kegel was sure what women who do these exercises get from intimate life much more fun. And as they age, they do not have problems with incontinence.

Exercise No. 1

It is necessary to alternate contraction of the muscles of the vagina and perineum, relaxing for 10 seconds and tensing for 10 seconds.

Exercise No. 2

This exercise is also called an “elevator”, in order to perform it you need to contract the muscles (“1st floor”) for 3-5 seconds, then contract the muscles (“2nd floor”) and hold.

So you need to get to the 4-5th floor, you also need to relax back in stages. These exercises can be performed anywhere and in any position.

In addition to strengthening your muscles, such exercises will also increase sexual function as they promote blood flow to the genitals and increase muscle tension.

A set of exercises for the abs, chest and back

You should train your abdominal muscles from its bottom, since this is where the transverse muscle is located, which, together with the pelvic floor muscles, supports the pelvis and back itself.

By doing these simple exercises, you can regain the flat stomach you had before pregnancy.

For this lie on your back or side and bend your knees. Inhale air, and as you exhale, tense your pelvic muscles. To make this exercise easier, you can imagine that you are holding back urination.

When you are sure that the muscles are tense, begin to slowly pull your navel up and inward, while you should feel your abdominal muscles tense.

You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds; you don’t need to hold your breath. Then relax your muscles. Wait 5 -10 seconds and repeat. At the same time, do not move your back or tense your upper abdominal muscles.

It will be completely normal if in the first days you are able to tense your muscles only for 2-3 seconds. Train your body, and very soon you will be able to withstand 10-15 seconds.

Pelvic tilts will greatly help you strengthen your back. They will make it easier, you can do bends while sitting, standing or lying down.

Lying down

For this lie down on the bed, place a pillow under your head, bend your knees. Begin to tense your pelvic floor and draw in lower muscles belly until you hit the bed.

You need to stay in this state for 3 seconds, so you can arch your back. Repeat 10 times.


Sit on a stool or chair with your feet flat on the floor. Now begin to tighten your lower abdominal muscles, then lower your back and arch it so that your chest and pelvis are arched upward.

The exercises should be performed smoothly, stretching your back in both directions.

Upper back exercises, is necessary especially for mothers who often slouch and are constantly in an awkward position. A simple back stretch will do this.

Sit up straight with your arms crossed over your chest, alternately turn left and right, repeat this exercise 10 times. Next, sit down, join your hands on the back of your neck and turn in different sides. Then join your palms in front of you, raise your arms as high as possible above your head, stay in this position for 3 seconds, then slowly lower your arms.

Chest exercises are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscles of the back and chest. By performing these exercises, you can ensure that your chest rises due to strengthened muscles.

It is necessary to do the exercises 3-4 times a week, 6-8 repetitions for each exercise.

  1. Stand up straight, bring your palms together in front of you at chest level. At the same time, press with one hand on the other to tighten the pectoral muscles. Put your hands down and relax. To make this exercise easier, you can hold a tennis ball between your palms.
  2. Stand up straight, clasp your hands in a lock and try to break this “lock”. There is no need to perform exercises with strong efforts; it is better to alternate actions.
  3. Face the wall and lean on it, with your arms spread at shoulder level. Then press hard on the wall, as if you want to move it away. Relax. Repeat about 8 times.
  4. Stand up straight and perform the movements shoulders forward - back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides but at shoulder level, and perform circular movements back and forth.

Fitball exercises

Fitball is a simple gymnastic ball that can rightfully be called magical, since it helps a woman cope with pain not only during childbirth, but also tighten problem areas after it.

Making your body beautiful with its help will be a pleasure. Simple exercises on the ball after childbirth will certainly lift your spirits and will not require much effort.

  1. Sit on the fitball and bounce on it as quickly as possible. After a while, make the task a little more difficult for yourself, alternate - spring once, pull your knees to your chest the second time. When springing, try to also make sharp turns to the sides.
  2. Lie on the ball with your stomach, lift your legs slightly above the floor parallel to your body. Now start walking on your hands so that the ball rolls along your body from your shins to your chest.
  3. Lie down on the ball again, stretch your legs and arms, rest your toes and palms on the floor. Try to increase pressure on the ball with your stomach, while maintaining balance and lifting your feet off the floor. Raise them as high as possible, then hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Place the ball under your shoulder blades and begin to lift your pelvis, without lifting your feet off the floor, this way you will strengthen the thoracic vertebra and strengthen the pelvic muscles.
  5. Lay your back on the ball, in this case, the ball should be under the lower back, hands behind the head, the pelvis is not mobile, the legs are firmly on the floor, now begin to perform turns with the body.
  6. Lie on your back on the floor, place the ball under your bent knees. Try to lift your pelvis off the floor without moving the ball. This will strengthen your pelvic and leg muscles.
  7. Lie on your side on the ball. One leg should rest on the floor, the other should be straightened and pulled up, swing your leg up and down at least 50 times.
  8. Get on your knees with the ball under your chest and stomach, hands rest on the floor. Your task is to simultaneously lift the opposite leg and arm to your back, while maintaining balance.
  9. Lie with your back on the ball, bend your legs at the knees, press your feet to the floor, cross your arms behind your head and raise your shoulders as high as possible without touching the elbow area to the ball.