Does the belly grow at 9 months? Ninth month of pregnancy, fetal development and maternal sensations

The 9th month of pregnancy is the period when the long-awaited baby is about to be born. No matter how hard these months have passed, the expectant mother feels the happiness of motherhood more and more. Problems fade into the background, calmness and self-confidence appear. This is the time to prepare for childbirth and keep on hand everything that the mother will need at first - documents, things for herself and the baby.

What to do at 9 months pregnant

The 9th month of pregnancy is the most important time. You need to carefully monitor your health, stay on your feet less and rest more.

The expectant mother should remember that during this period:

  • The plug comes out of the cervix in the form of mucous discharge.
  • The placenta ages, reducing the baby's oxygen supply and nutrients.
  • The center of gravity in the uterus changes.
  • During the 9th month of pregnancy, the breasts become even larger and colostrum is released from them.
  • Post-term pregnancy should not be allowed; it is dangerous for the baby.
  • The first sign of labor that has begun is the release of amniotic fluid.

Woman 9 months pregnant

9 months of pregnancy - this is how many weeks - both the doctor and the expectant mother consider. This is the most difficult period, which is accompanied by great physical and psychological stress. Changes hormonal background, the amount of hormones that cause uterine contractions increases. A harbinger of childbirth can be a drooping belly, easier breathing and disappearance of heartburn - the baby sinks lower and stops putting pressure on the internal organs. Swelling of the legs in the 9th month of pregnancy becomes even worse.

Belly at 9 months pregnant

If your stomach feels tight in the 9th month of pregnancy, it doesn’t mean anything. Heaviness and pain can be caused by various reasons. Sharp pain in the upper abdomen is not related to position, it is a sign of illness internal organs. Pain in the navel area is a symptom of gastrointestinal dysfunction, and pain in the lower abdomen is a sign imminent birth. During this period, the belly becomes even larger and the number of stretch marks increases. To prevent skin injury, you need to use special creams and wear a bandage.

Discharge at 9 months of pregnancy

The discharge should be odorless, colorless, or slightly pinkish. Pain in the vaginal area during the 9th month of pregnancy is unacceptable; if it occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Consultation with a specialist is also necessary if colored or bloody discharge is observed. But copious discharge of clear fluid is amniotic fluid, the first signal of the onset of labor.

Fetus at 9 months of pregnancy

A child at 9 months of pregnancy is fully formed and ready for independent life. All his organs are working, the remaining lubricant disappears from the skin. If there is no breech presentation, the baby will spend the entire last month upside down in the mother's womb. By the time he is born, he will weigh 3.5-4 kg with a height of up to 54 cm.

Nutrition at 9 months of pregnancy

Nutrition should be such that weight gain from the moment of conception is up to 15 kg. The diet should be composed of foods that are easy to digest, not causing constipation. You need to eat as much fruit, vegetables and meat as possible, it is better to eat more often, but less. Under no circumstances should you go hungry - the child is actively gaining weight, and the lack of nutrients in the mother’s body will also affect him.

Sex at 9 months pregnant

Sex during the 9th month of pregnancy is not recommended as it can trigger labor. Childbirth in the 9th month of pregnancy is considered normal if the gestation period does not exceed 42 weeks. As a rule, first-time mothers give birth later, and those women for whom this is not their first birth give birth somewhat earlier.

The ninth month of pregnancy is the finish line of such a long race. Future mothers are significantly tired, but see you soon with a baby, compensates for any fatigue.

9 months is how many weeks of pregnancy

Gestational age is always calculated in weeks. It is customary to carry out calculations by obstetric weeks and months, starting from the original day of the last menstruation. There are only 4 weeks (28 days) in an obstetric month. This is how it differs from the usual calendar one. Accordingly, 9 months of pregnancy is:
  • according to obstetric months – 36 weeks;
  • calendar months – 39-40 weeks.
For most pregnant women, the last month of pregnancy is a period of “suitcase mood” and long-awaited anticipation of meeting the “pot-bellied” woman.

Is sex possible at 9 months pregnant?

In the absence of any pathologies, sex in the ninth month of pregnancy, according to experts, is permitted. Of course, you should refrain from sudden and energetic movements, but gentle and smooth sexual intercourse is welcome.

Some girls fear that orgasm at 9 months will activate labor and labor will begin prematurely. There is a grain of truth in this. In the last weeks of pregnancy, contraction of the uterine walls during orgasm may contribute to labor activity. Therefore, for girls who have passed their due date (41-42 weeks), doctors recommend “close communication” with their spouse.

It should be noted that having sex and achieving the final result in it greatly trains the muscles of the uterus and prepares them for full labor. Therefore, if there are no pathologies or contraindications from the gynecologist, start “love training” from the second trimester.

During sex in the 9th month of pregnancy, the positions that are familiar to you are not always safe for the baby. Any pressure on the abdomen and deep penetration into a woman are strictly prohibited. During this period optimal poses there can be “Picnic” (man on the side from behind) or “Cowgirl” (woman on top), where the girl independently feels and controls the depth of the man’s penetration.

During orgasm, blood flow in a woman's body and blood circulation in the placenta accelerate, which promotes the flow of oxygen into the body. more. And this is very beneficial for the child’s well-being.

Feelings at 9 months of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy seems excruciatingly long and especially difficult for most women. The mothers were both physically and emotionally tired, hoping to get through this period faster.

The baby in the tummy is rapidly gaining weight, overgrown with subcutaneous fat, so the tummy seems unbearable and immense. Due to the fact that the fetus gradually moves “towards the exit”, dropping lower, breathing becomes easier. The shortness of breath has passed. But instead, the pressure on the lower abdomen increased, and spasmodic sensations appeared in the pubic area, inner thighs, and sometimes the tailbone.

The problem of insomnia in the ninth month of pregnancy continues for many women. And no matter how many expectant mothers count the sheep, thoughts about the upcoming birth still take over. Nervousness is associated with insomnia, some girls become hysterical, tearful - as they say, “hormones are running wild.”

Some doctors advise during this period to drink sedatives (valerian preparations) or treat yourself to tea with mint and lemon balm. Meditation and breathing exercises perfectly calm the nerves and put you in a positive mood.

Due to an increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone, which causes the uterus to contract, swelling on last month Pregnancies are only getting worse. This hormone retains fluid in the body, so by the 9th month the face, arms, legs, and fingers become somewhat plumper.

You can remove swelling in the last month by excluding salty, smoked, fried foods, active physical activity, minimizing walks on a hot day. You should wear comfortable clothes, shoes, and use special medicinal ointments. It is recommended to take cool baths.

You can prevent the appearance of edema by consuming foods such as dried apricots, milk (preferably warm), and tea with lemon without sugar. If severe swelling is accompanied by pain in the kidney area, diarrhea, or elevated body temperature, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. After the baby is born, the swelling goes away.

Belly in the ninth month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, the belly does not grow so rapidly. And although the child’s weight increases, the volume of the belly remains the same. It often happens that in the last month of pregnancy the lower abdomen hurts. This is due to the advancement of the fetus into the pelvic area. The mass of the child puts pressure on the pelvic and pubic bones, pressing down on the nerve endings, which explains the nagging pain in the lower abdomen and spasms in the pubic area.

Even visually, you can notice that the recently rounded, raised tummy has become pear-shaped and has dropped slightly. As a rule, in first-time mothers, abdominal prolapse is observed two or more weeks before the birth of the child; in case of repeated births, it occurs directly during the birth process.

What else can problems with a “pregnant” tummy indicate:

  1. The stomach becomes stone at 9 months or hardens - this indicates that the uterus at this time is in good shape, that is, it is ready to “push out the baby.” Labor can begin at any moment;
  2. your stomach itches terribly: as people say, it means you’ll give birth soon. And it's true. In the third trimester, the volume of the belly rapidly increases, and the skin becomes taut like a bowstring. That's why it itches and even peels off. It is recommended to use creams or natural ones to moisturize the skin. vegetable oils;
  3. if your stomach is twisting, bloating appears accompanied by heartburn, it is strongly recommended to adjust your diet: give up carbonated water, foods with increased acidity, eat often and in small portions;
  4. nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by contractions at a certain interval (about 10-15 minutes) indicate the onset of labor. It is necessary to induce ambulance or go to the maternity hospital on your own.
If any pain in the abdomen bothers you and worries you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. The life and health of the child, first of all, depends on you, the mother.

Miscarriage in the ninth month of pregnancy

Fetal freezing in the last trimester occurs infrequently. Often, a miscarriage in the 9th month of pregnancy occurs due to the presence of a blood clot in the umbilical cord, formed due to thick blood and its poor clotting. The child dies due to lack of oxygen. Because of this, in the eighth to ninth months of pregnancy it is necessary to listen especially sensitively to the movements of the baby. If they are infrequent or, conversely, too active, this indicates a lack of oxygen. You should immediately report any suspicions to your doctor.

Various inflammatory processes or an infection not detected in time can lead to the death of the baby. The causes of miscarriage in the ninth month of pregnancy vary genetic diseases. Therefore, during the pregnancy stage, pregnant women so often undergo all kinds of tests.

The main factors causing the risk of miscarriage:

  1. Smoking, uncontrolled drinking of alcohol, immoral lifestyle;
  2. Infectious diseases;
  3. Depression, stress;
  4. Injuries, falls, excessive physical activity;
  5. Rhesus conflict among spouses (the woman is Rhesus negative, the man is Rhesus positive).
Severe abdominal pain accompanied by bleeding indicates a serious problem. You should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Nutrition during the 9th month of pregnancy: keeping an eye on your figure

Nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy must be healthy and balanced. The menu is carefully selected and scheduled by the hour.

During pregnancy, many girls pampered themselves with fresh buns, grandma's delicious pies, could not refuse the “last” chocolate bar. As a result, extra grams and the disapproving look of the gynecologist.

To ensure proper nutrition in the last month of pregnancy, you should include the following dishes and products in your diet:

  • dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • lean meat (beef, turkey, rabbit), steamed or baked in the oven;
  • vegetables and fruits rich in fiber (it is advisable to eat fruits in the first half of the day);
  • all kinds of cereals;
  • eliminate soda and drink fresh compotes from dried fruits.
Doctors recommend organizing a fasting day once a week: eating apples or drinking kefir.

Do you need multivitamins in the last months of pregnancy?

A very frequently asked question on forums for expectant mothers: are multivitamins needed in the last months of pregnancy, and which vitamins are preferable to take?

Multivitamins are preparations containing several vitamins and minerals in one dose (tablet). It is advisable to take such a “complex vitamin” for early pregnancy, where the lack of folic acid, vitamin E, calcium is especially noticeable and is required for the full formation and development of the fetus.
The prescription of a vitamin and mineral course in the 9th month of pregnancy is primarily due to:

  • health of the mother in labor (weakened body, cold);
  • with pathologies in fetal development;
  • unbalanced nutrition of a woman.
Some women refuse to take multivitamins in the last trimester, citing their reluctance to “clog” the body with chemicals and fear of developing a large fetus. The best multivitamin, according to pregnant women, is a balanced diet.

If the brain has forgotten about taking a vitamin, and the hand does not reach for the jar out of habit, it means that the body itself is talking about an oversaturation of “benefits” and the need to take a break.

Nausea at 9 months pregnant

Nausea, malaise, vomiting in the last month of pregnancy are harbingers of late toxicosis, gestosis. Often, toxicosis in the 9th month of pregnancy occurs in women over 35 years of age or in very young mothers.

Vomiting in the last month of pregnancy may simply be due to banal overeating. The enlarged uterus leaves little room for the stomach to “feast”, so a huge amount of food simply cannot fit.

Some women, immediately before the birth process itself, experience problems with the intestinal tract and stomach: vomiting begins. This suggests that the body, as it were, gets rid of excess burden, cleanses itself so that the birth process occurs more easily.

Discharge at 9 months

Female discharge - ordinary natural phenomenon. Through secretions, the body cleanses and moisturizes the vagina. Discharge in the last month of pregnancy is considered normal if it is light, transparent and without a sour odor. Gray, cloudy leucorrhoea signals vaginal infections.

Curdled white discharge in the 9th month of pregnancy is an indicator of thrush, which must be gotten rid of.
If there is a discharge with a little mucus and some blood, this is a signal of the release of the mucus plug, which protects the membranes of the fruit. This means that you will soon become a mother
A bad sign is bloody discharge or bleeding in the last month. You should immediately seek medical help because there is a risk of premature birth or miscarriage.

Child development at 9 months of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, the child assumed a comfortable position. As a rule, the head is downward (cephalic presentation). If the baby is sitting on his butt (breech) or has taken a longitudinal/oblique position, the obstetrician recommends C-section.

The child is already quite small in size, he is strong and strong. Weight gain in the last month of pregnancy is from one to two kilograms. So, if at the 8th month the weight of the fetus was 2-3 kg, then at the 9th month - 3-4 kg. Length varies from 45 to 53 cm.

All the vital organs and systems of the baby are formed and functioning, so in the event of premature birth, the child has every chance of full-fledged life activities.

The baby's energy has decreased somewhat. The small size of the uterus does not provide the opportunity to fully roam. But if at 9 months of pregnancy the baby is very active, you should tell your doctor. Such dynamics are typical during oxygen starvation.

In the last month of pregnancy, the baby tends to:

  1. The baby's skin takes on a pink tint, and thanks to subcutaneous fat folds form;
  2. Thanks to the formation of the immune system, the baby can resist various viruses;
  3. The child reacts to the mother’s voice and touch, and may respond by “buzzing.” More often, of course, the baby sleeps, but you can feel 10 kicks in 12 hours.
Like the mother, the baby is looking forward to meeting and getting to know the world, so at the beginning of the 9th month he is gradually moving towards the “exit”.

Do's and don'ts during the ninth month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy is a time of internal conflict between the mind and heart. The long-awaited birth of the baby is “already around the corner,” and many culinary preferences will have to be given up for a while. But in the last month of pregnancy, it’s even useful to treat yourself to treats. Therefore, if you want a little wine or herring, ignore your mind and listen to your heart, provided that everything is in moderation.

The consumption of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks is strictly prohibited. Cigarettes are out of the question. If you still smoke, think about what kind of milk your baby will drink?

Visit your dentist if possible. Dental treatment at 9 months is not contraindicated. Beautiful momhappy mom, so go to a beauty salon, get your hair done, manicure, pedicure.

Well-being and pain in the last month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy is the most difficult for most women. The stomach dropped, breathing became easier, but the feeling of heaviness and pressure on the pubic bone intensified.

For women, the issue of heartburn in the ninth month has not changed. The grown fetus continues to put pressure on the abdominal region, causing the burning sensation and unpleasant bitterness in the mouth to intensify. You can alleviate the condition through proper nutrition:

  • exclude fatty, smoked foods from the diet;
  • do not overeat on flour products;
  • follow a diet: eat little, but often.
The burning sensation is removed by pharmaceutical drugs, for example, “Rennie”, “Mezim”. You can try folk remedies: pumpkin, sunflower seeds, decoctions of mint or lemon balm.

Under the weight of the fetus, the fifth point of our body also suffers. Hemorrhoids in the last month of pregnancy are a common and, unfortunately, painful phenomenon. During the birth process, hemorrhoids may to a greater extent worsen and continue to bother you for a long time. It is necessary to treat and prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process of the rectum as follows:

  1. organize healthy eating(get rid of constipation, diarrhea and establish proper bowel function);
  2. systematically engage in physical therapy;
  3. avoid hypothermia, especially the fifth point, minimize walking (no more than 1 hour);
  4. carry out hygiene procedures after each bowel movement;
  5. From pharmacy products, sea buckthorn suppositories and various ointments, for example “Relief,” help well.
The last month of pregnancy is often accompanied by headaches and general malaise. Weakness in the 9th and ninth month of pregnancy is quite understandable: the girl in this position is physically and mentally exhausted, “burned out.” Worries about future births provoke nervousness, tearfulness, lead to insomnia and general weakness. Common cause headaches is depression and stressful situations. Therefore, mommies, take care of yourself and your baby!

The volume and size of the breasts increased significantly by the 9th month. The breasts fill with colostrum, so during this period they are especially sensitive and painful when touched. Doctors recommend using a special non-squeezing bra for nursing mothers made from natural fabrics. If necessary, do a gentle breast massage.

In the last month of pregnancy, cramping symptoms are especially noticeable. Experts explain that before giving birth, the uterus is training and with such symptoms you need to lie on your left side, holding a pillow between your legs. If contractions become more frequent (every 10-15 minutes) or become more painful, you should call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital yourself. Perhaps the birth process has begun.

Colds in the ninth month of pregnancy: how to treat them

How to avoid a cold in the 9th month and how to treat it if you do get sick? Catching a cold or “catch” a virus in the last stage of pregnancy, in fact dangerous phenomenon. By the ninth month, the placenta has become quite worn out, and therefore cannot fully protect the child from viruses and toxins that enter the amniotic fluid.

In case of a cold, elevated temperature body, do not immediately grab antipyretic drugs, try to overcome the disease with folk remedies:

  • warm drink of milk, sea buckthorn, raspberry tea;
  • For a runny nose, use saline solution (1 tbsp. warm water 1 tsp sea ​​salt);
  • if a cough occurs, use a nebulizer using a soda solution or Borjomi;
  • When it comes to medications, give preference to homeopathic remedies;
  • It is very important not to take hot baths or steam your feet. Such manipulations can cause labor.
Mommy needs to be extremely careful and minimize trips to public places before the finish line.

How to survive the last month of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy is a period of contrast: at night expectant mothers suffer from insomnia, but during the day they constantly want to sleep. Doctors and experienced mothers advise getting as much sleep as possible, always being in a positive mood and programming yourself for a successful outcome of childbirth. Read more books, different fairy tales, funny children's stories, listen to music, you can even dance carefully, visit the pool, courses for future parents.

The ninth month is fleeting: before you have time to look back, you will already be holding the baby in your arms. After a while, you will want to return to this period, to feel a kick in the ribs. Therefore, enjoy this time.

Fetus in the forty-first week of pregnancy photo:

Congratulations, the finish line is in front of you. There are a few weeks left until we meet a small miracle. But despite the anxiety and fear of the upcoming event, this is a month that you need to live in wonderful emotions.

Already from the 36th week, mood swings will no longer be frequent, and the expectant mother will most likely feel passivity, inertia, and lethargy during this period. This is how nature intended it, so that women’s unpredictability “doesn’t mess things up” before an important event. All strength is directed to the preparation of internal organs that are directly involved in childbirth. After all, anything can happen at 38 weeks. It is from this moment that the child is considered born at term.

The body begins to move from the “save” mode to “full readiness”. The placenta reduces the production of hormones, primarily progesterone. In its place is the pituitary gland, which will be responsible for the production of oxytocin. Doctors also call it the love hormone. It is he who will stimulate the contraction of the uterus during childbirth. And the more of it, the better and safer they will end. Therefore on this period Doctors recommend reducing your consumption of flour and sweets and switching to light foods, preferably without meat. In any case, your circulatory system will actively produce red blood cells - red cells. In this way, the body prepares for imminent blood loss.

The doctor will determine the state of readiness during the examination and according to the maturity of the cervix.

By week 38, wherever you are, always carry with you your passport, exchange card, birth certificate and, just in case, a diaper.


Well-being at 9 months of pregnancy cannot be characterized unambiguously. This period will bring a bouquet of new sensations that indicate an imminent birth. In medicine, such premonitions are called “harbingers.” They appear 2 weeks before childbirth, but it happens that they visit a woman several hours before this event.

  • "Prolapse" of the abdomen . Visually to the expectant mother it's hard to notice. You will only feel some changes behind you. On the one hand, heartburn will disappear without a trace, it will become easier to breathe due to the gradual lowering of the baby into the pelvic area. On the other hand, for the same reason, pain in the lower back, groin and hips will increase.
  • Reducing the child's activity. Due to the lack of space for intense movements, the baby will not persistently push and bother you. In addition, he, like you, senses his imminent birth, so he calms down and humbly “matures” in his native childhood place. If, on the contrary, the tremors intensify, consult a doctor immediately. This may be a sign of hypoxia, that is, lack of oxygen.
  • Removal of the mucus plug . This is the name of the protective barrier on the cervix that prevents infection of the fetus throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It is a clot that resembles chicken protein in consistency and volume and is transparent, yellow or brownish in color. It may go away gradually or completely.
  • Loss of weight and appetite . Basically, a woman loses up to 2 kg before giving birth. This is a natural process associated with hormonal changes.
  • Frequent trips to the toilet . When the baby descends into the pelvic area, he presses the bladder even harder, which now fills faster. Due to hormones, the intestines can also be affected. Light cramps and loose stools are an exam before childbirth.

Ninth month of pregnancy. We are at the finish line - childbirth can be expected, in principle, any day now and the baby will be fully viable and healthy. You listen more and more to your body, waiting for hints of an imminent birth, dreaming of meeting a baby, especially since it has become easier for you to breathe and eat due to your sagging belly. There are only a few days left and you will become a mother!!! You will remember this moment forever.

Changes in the mother's body in the ninth month of pregnancy

Your tummy is no longer growing, its size has reached its maximum - from the pubis it has risen to a height of 35 to 40 cm, depending on the capacity of the pelvis and physique. Your weight has increased by 8-15 kg from your pre-pregnancy state, although it may be a little more, especially if you were thin. In the last weeks of pregnancy, your weight will not increase, and may even decrease - excess water leaves before childbirth and the body prepares for a happy event. Now everything works not for the growth and development of the baby, but for preparing him and the mother for childbirth - the placenta rearranges its work and “gets old.”

From 36-37 weeks, the placenta begins to reduce the level of progesterone, due to which pregnancy continues, which begins to gradually begin the process of childbirth. The fetus grows quickly and the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, the uterus envelops the fetus very closely, its adrenal glands react to the pressure of the uterus by releasing cortisol, a stress hormone. This starts labor.

A “birth” dominant is formed in the mother’s brain, by analogy with a pregnant woman, this is the mood for childbirth, the inclusion of all the necessary hormones and organs in the process, and the mother’s disconnection from all other problems and concerns. Only this can accurately coordinate the birth process - if something gets mixed in the process of forming the generic dominant, the birth process will be disrupted.

Due to the birth dominant, the level of oxytocin increases - this pituitary hormone is responsible for contractions that begin to open the cervix. By the time of birth, the cervix “ripens”, becoming soft and elastic. Which will give it the opportunity to stretch 10-12 cm. Circulatory system redistributes blood throughout the vessels, increasing the release of blood cells to prevent anemia.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the ninth month of pregnancy

This month you will learn about “harbingers of labor,” a special state of the body indicating the imminent onset of labor. They appear in different period– from a couple of weeks to a couple of days before giving birth. So what can you feel?

We have already talked about some reduction in body weight; before giving birth, you can lose 1-2 kg by reducing appetite, cleansing the intestines (feeling like before exams) and more frequent urination. This is the body's preparation for childbirth. The loosening of stools is quite pronounced, especially considering the tendency of pregnant women to constipation, and is perceived as a relief.

You often have to go to the toilet with little effort due to the descent of the fetal head into the pelvis and pressure on the bladder, but it will become easier to breathe and eat, and heartburn will be relieved. This is what is called “sagging belly”, and it is sometimes even visible visually – the shape of the abdomen changes and it becomes lower.

Another symptom of imminent labor is the release of the mucus plug, however, you should not wait for a piece of mucus - for some it leaves within a day in a lump of gray-yellow color, for others it gradually leaves over the course of a week with increased discharge. What shouldn't be in a traffic jam is blood.

The uterus became crowded, and the fetal head was placed in the small pelvis and it is no longer so active in the stomach, this is also a harbinger of childbirth. However, you should still feel it moving in the form of slight fidgeting or swaying regularly. Precursors in all women appear in to varying degrees and if you haven’t felt them, this does not mean that you are not preparing for childbirth.

Yours psychological state has also changed. You have become slower, distracted, forgetful and often withdraw into yourself; your body is preparing you for childbirth. Your mood often changes - sometimes you are scared before giving birth. And sometimes activity and cheerfulness attack, cry or laugh, give free rein to your emotions - this is not dangerous and will give you the opportunity to feel the care of loved ones. you are driven by the “nesting syndrome” and are attacked by periods of mass cleaning, shopping or household chores. Try not to go too far and not get overtired.

Now we definitely need to decide on the maternity hospital and the method of childbirth, prepare everything necessary and put it in a prominent place.

Your baby (fetal development in the ninth month of pregnancy)

The baby occupies the position required for childbirth in the uterus - its head is bent to the chest and located in the pelvic area, its arms and legs are brought to the body and bent at the joints, in this position it is most compactly located in the cramped uterus and this is the easiest way for it to be born.

By the end of the month, the baby will be fully mature, his weight will be from 2600 to 4000 g, and his height will be from 48 to 55 cm. Every day the child gains weight from 15 to 30 g, but determining his exact weight is very difficult - even on an ultrasound it is estimated approximately.

The baby’s skin is already light, there is almost no fluff, and the subcutaneous fat gives the baby plumpness in the area of ​​the butt, cheeks and back. The cheese-like lubricant remains in the area of ​​the folds, almost disappearing on the body. At birth, the baby will scream loudly, will be able to suck and breathe actively.

There are strong bones on the head, connected by sutures and fontanelles, which make it easier for the baby to be born. The cartilage on the nose and ears is hard, and the nails have grown to the edges of the fingers.

In a boy, the testicles are lowered into the scrotum; in a girl, the labia majora cover the labia minora. The baby's intestines have accumulated original feces - meconium, which the baby will empty in the first days after birth. The baby is already completely ready for extrauterine life; his liver accumulates iron to use it after birth in the first six months of life. The lungs have matured and will be able to fully open during the first breath, the heart is preparing to work in a new rhythm. After birth, special bypasses will be closed in it, and there will be completely 4 fenced off chambers. Only the immune system has not matured - but the mother will protect the baby in the first months of life with antibodies transmitted through the placenta and milk.

Dangers of the ninth month of pregnancy

In late pregnancy, you find it difficult to endure stuffy rooms, especially if you lie on your back or sit awkwardly. Rest often on your left side with a pillow between your legs.

In addition, in late dates body balance decreases - so wear comfortable shoes to avoid falling and injuring yourself. When climbing stairs, hold on to the railing.

In the last month, the issue of post-term pregnancy becomes relevant - however, sometimes this is not a true post-term pregnancy, but an incorrect due date. true post-term is a period of more than 42 weeks and it is dangerous for mother and baby, then labor will be induced or a caesarean section will be performed. The reasons for the re-stitching are not known exactly - but it is a risk of hypoxia and stillbirth. Therefore, such women are carefully observed.

Medical observation in the ninth month of pregnancy

Now meetings with the doctor will become weekly, you will be carefully examined and weighed, and your blood pressure will be measured. The doctor will monitor the appearance of precursors of labor and transfer you to the observation of the maternity hospital. if necessary, you will be admitted to the maternity hospital in advance.

Additionally, you will have a blood test, a smear for flora and an examination in a chair; if there is inflammation, you need to treat it urgently. The placenta and the condition of the fetus are assessed weekly; if necessary, the doctor will do a CTG to assess the condition of the fetus and whether it is experiencing hypoxia.

When should you go to the maternity hospital? This is usually necessary when your water breaks or regular contractions begin. If the waters are clear - this is a stream gushing down the legs, which is difficult not to feel, then what contractions are is not clear to everyone. These are rhythmic contractions of the uterus with equal intervals between them, increasing in intensity and strength. When the contractions are reduced to an interval of once every 10-15 minutes, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

If you leave home, always carry documents with you - an exchange card and an insurance policy with a passport, a birth certificate. If labor does not begin at home, you will worry less.

Place your maternity hospital bag in a visible place - stock up on food for your family during your absence. Prepare for childbirth - shave your private parts, prepare a set of underwear for childbirth. When contractions begin, you will have time to shower and collect your thoughts. Don't worry - everything will go well and you will become a mother!! Good luck!

You are already 9 months old. Your whole life now passes under the sign of the birth of a child. What is happening to you and what you need to know about the development of the baby in the 9th obstetric month of pregnancy, about possible births at this stage - we will try to help you understand all this.

In the ninth month, you already need to get ready to prepare for the upcoming birth. You need proper rest, absence of heavy loads and stress.

9th month of pregnancy: how many weeks is it? If you count from the beginning of your last menstruation in obstetric weeks, then this is the period between 33 and 36 obstetric weeks. An obstetric month is exactly four weeks (28 days). It is in obstetric months that the due date of your baby is determined. The actual age of the fetus at the beginning of the 9th obstetric month is 31 weeks (counting from the moment of conception/ovulation).

9th month of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus?

From the 29th to the 32nd week, your baby's body systems continue to improve, and he gains significant weight. What does a baby look like at 9 months of pregnancy, what is the weight and size of the fetus at the end of this period? Basic vital parameters are determined using ultrasound. By the end of 36 obstetric week the baby weighs about 2700 g. His height is approximately 43-47 cm.

These characteristics are individual and may vary depending on genetic predisposition, characteristics of intrauterine development, etc. Only your doctor, who observed the entire process of your pregnancy, can tell whether everything is normal with the baby.

What are the developmental features of a baby in the 9th month:

  • the baby's head has already dropped into the pelvic area - there is little space in the uterus and it is more convenient for him;
  • about 8% of its total weight is subcutaneous fat;
  • the baby’s skin becomes lighter and red pigment and fluff disappear;
  • the child is already learning to breathe through his nose - he makes breathing movements not only with his mouth, but also with his nose;
  • he already distinguishes tastes when swallowing amniotic fluid;
  • his memory has already been developed - he reacts emotionally to melodies and poems that he hears not for the first time;
  • organs and systems of the body continue to improve and grow;
  • All systems and organs are fully functioning.

The baby's activity decreases during this period. This is due to the fact that he has become cramped and cannot roll over freely. The tremors became less frequent, but very noticeable. Almost 95% of children by the end of the 9th month are in a head-down position - the best for successful childbirth.

If the child is positioned with his pelvis down, then there is still a chance that he will turn around.

There are special exercises for turning a child around.

If you notice your baby is very active during the 9th month of pregnancy, consult your doctor. This may be due to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

What does the belly look like at 9 months pregnant?

The belly is already quite big. It prevents you from sleeping and moving freely. From the pubic symphysis to the fundus of the uterus is about 40 cm. It rises two palms above the navel. By nine months you could have gained about 12-15 kg. This is normal weight gain. Don't forget to wear a special bandage that supports your stomach. It helps redistribute the load on the back and prevents the appearance of large stretch marks.

9th month of pregnancy sensations

You probably notice increased anxiety about the successful outcome of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, mood may disappear without obvious reasons. This is normal for this period.

How do you feel at 9 months pregnant?

  • due to the fact that the child is in a head-down position, the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm has decreased, so there are fewer problems with heartburn and shortness of breath;
  • from time to time you feel uterine spasms - these are training contractions;
  • Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen may intensify;
  • slight swelling may remain

Childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy

Labor in the third trimester can begin at any time. Causes of premature birth at 9 months of pregnancy:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • pathologies of the placenta;
  • severe stress;
  • cervical insufficiency;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • blows to the abdominal area, strong vibrations.

Why can’t you give birth at 9 months of pregnancy? Is it dangerous? A child who was born before the 37th obstetric week is considered premature. But dangerous consequences Preterm births in the 9th month (between 33 and 36 weeks of pregnancy) are very rare. The baby's lungs are fully formed, he can already breathe on his own. All his organs and life support systems are functioning normally. In the first weeks he will need special care in the neonatal unit.