Crazy appetite during 9 months of pregnancy. Why during pregnancy in the early and late stages there is a strong feeling of hunger and how it can be satisfied

>>Increased appetite during pregnancy

Increased appetite during pregnancy. What to do if you constantly want to eat?

Food preferences during pregnancy

Approximately 25% of women experience cravings for at least one food during pregnancy. Such food preferences arise spontaneously in early pregnancy and can be almost irresistible. Doctors and scientists have still not been able to determine exactly what the reasons for this manifestation are. It is not clear whether such desires are caused by changing hormone levels, emotional changes, or something else.

What food do pregnant women crave most often?

40% of women want sweets

35% crave salty or pickled snacks

16% of expectant mothers want spicy food

9% of women are drawn to fruits (green apples, citrus fruits and other sour foods)

How often do women follow their dietary desires?

36% of women eat whatever they feel like eating every day

34% of women eat what they crave every other day

24% of women allow themselves to do this once a week

6% of women indulge in food more than once a day

Frank conversations of women. What food do you crave during pregnancy?

I always want something salty or spicy. Yesterday I persuaded my husband to go to a Mexican restaurant and I have never experienced such pleasure. - Emma

I have a craving for sweets all the time. Bread with chocolate spread, puffed rice, sweet cereals, small donuts covered in chocolate or sugar. I know that all this is harmful for me and I allow myself such things no more than once a month. - Alla

I really want mashed potatoes and gravy and nothing else. Sometimes I think that I will never want anything else again. - Valeria

I often eat peanut butter and aspic. Last pregnancy I was crazy about shrimp. - Elena

I'm pregnant for the third time and I want tomatoes every day. Throughout my first pregnancy, I carried apples in my purse, and during my second pregnancy I had no desire for anything. On the contrary, I rather didn’t feel like eating, I had no appetite at all. - Daria

How to satisfy your appetite and food preferences during pregnancy without harm?

As practice shows, only a few women during pregnancy feel a craving for healthy foods (spinach, broccoli, oatmeal, etc.). Most want ice cream, chocolate and cakes. Of course, it is very difficult to resist such temptations, especially in your position, so sometimes indulge yourself, but always remember the little organism growing inside you. The following recommendations will help you better control your gastronomic desires:

Eat a full breakfast every day.
Eating a full breakfast helps combat the urge to grab something before lunch. A good breakfast would be a glass of orange (or other) juice, yogurt, eggs, white toast, oatmeal, muesli, fruit and nuts.

Do exercises regularly.
Walking also has a good effect. They are not only good for your well-being, but also help get rid of boredom, which leads to excessive eating of chips, salty crackers, cookies or other foods you don’t want.

Teach yourself that everything is possible in moderation.
For example, try eating not the whole serving of ice cream, but only half. Or instead of a large chocolate bar - a small one. If such small portions only increase your appetite, then eat the entire portion, but do it less often.

Healthy substitutes for unhealthy foods

Below are several options that allow you to replace foods that are undesirable for pregnant women with useful analogues:

  1. Try low-fat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream
  2. Instead of sweet soda, make mineral water with fruit juice added to it
  3. Instead of donuts and muffins, buy a whole grain baguette and spread it with jam.
  4. Instead of cakes and pastries, buy bread with bananas and nuts. If the temptation is very great, you can indulge in meringue with strawberries
  5. Instead of sugary cereal, try brown sugar oats
  6. Instead of potato chips, eat low-fat chips or popcorn
  7. Instead of full-fat sour cream, try low-fat sour cream or yogurt
  8. Fresh or frozen fruit works well instead of canned fruit.
  9. Instead of cookies, bake homemade peanut butter crackers.
  10. Instead of a cheesecake or creamy dessert, try a whole grain cracker or low-fat vanilla rice pudding.

Video: Why do pregnant women crave salty food so much?

Eating without appetite turns into a hateful process. Especially in pregnant women. Instead of “food for two,” you can barely swallow a few bites. As a result, the body weakens, the mood is at zero, and concern for the baby appears. What to do to get an appetite, what are the reasons for its absence?

The mechanism of appetite in humans

“Appetite” translated from Latin (“appetitus”) means “desire, desire,” that is, the emotional and physiological desire to eat food. The hypothalamus, the so-called “hunger center,” is responsible for this desire. Saliva is released, the intestines begin to actively work. It is noteworthy that appetite, unlike the feeling of hunger, is not innate. In a child, it appears only after several meals. The process of developing appetite can rather be called a psychological phenomenon. It is also the so-called “limiter”; without it, a person would eat everything without experiencing pleasure. Appetite is accompanied by positive emotions at the sight of your favorite food, beautiful presentation, etc. This is an individual mechanism, each person has his own “signals”.

Causes of lack of appetite during pregnancy

Often, after learning about pregnancy, after the first burst of joy, a woman begins to worry. The reason for the unrest is a blurry figure. Indeed, many people have an increased, sometimes uncontrollable, desire to constantly eat; the fruit growing inside demands more and more. This is a natural process.

Why does this process not start for some expectant mothers? There is no appetite at all, especially in the first trimesters of pregnancy. Main reasons:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Deficiency of folic acid and iron;
  • Constipation due to the growing uterus with the fetus;
  • Stress, ;
  • Acute phase of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During toxicosis, a woman experiences constant nausea and frequent vomiting during and after eating. More often this occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and disappears later.

Due to hormonal changes, a pregnant woman loses her appetite. The main culprit is the hormone progesterone, which is produced in large quantities and blocks the sense of appetite.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the female body experiences a lack of folic acid, which causes loss of appetite.

Constipation may occur in the third trimester of pregnancy. The uterus puts pressure on the intestines, interfering with its normal functioning. As a result, the digestion process is disrupted and the desire to eat disappears.

Constant stress affects appetite even in normal conditions, let alone pregnancy. Simply put, the body “switches” to a stronger stimulus, is busy with something else and has no time for appetite.

How to regain appetite during pregnancy?

First, a woman needs to find out which food does not cause nausea. Walk through grocery stores, study the shelves, and you will definitely find something that she wants to eat.

It is better to take the first meal without getting out of bed. Ask your family to bring a cup of herbal tea, a neutral-tasting cracker, and some cottage cheese with fruit.

A woman should protect herself from stress as much as possible. Forget about nervous work, communicate with positive people.

Exercise stimulates appetite well. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Swimming, yoga, and special exercises for pregnant women are recommended.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to regain your appetite! The baby and the expectant mother need adequate nutrition. You need to try all methods. What else can you do?

  • Drink tea with mint - it relieves nausea well;
  • Eat often, but little, without overloading the stomach;
  • Include ginger, aromatic spices and seasonings in your food - they stimulate appetite;
  • Use beautiful dishes, set the table elegantly;
  • Eat regularly. The body will get used to it and will produce gastric juice in a timely manner, giving rise to a feeling of hunger.
  • Include more protein and vegetables, especially green ones, in your meals.
  • Walk outdoors more often.

Appetite is a psychological process rather than a physiological one. Therefore, you need to pay attention to emotions. Think about good things, dream, communicate with animals, think about meeting your baby soon. Auto-training, self-control, following recommendations will definitely bring back the desire to eat deliciously!

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

When planning a child, each of us anxiously awaits at least some changes indicating that the family will soon be replenished. Appetite is one of the early signs of pregnancy. If a girl notices that her eating habits have changed dramatically (many of us remember the time when we wanted herring and chocolate at the same time), she no longer has enough of the usual portion, or, on the contrary, the food is disgusting - it’s time to run for it. Why does appetite behave this way during early pregnancy? And what should cause anxiety in the expectant mother?

Read in this article

Why does your appetite change during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman's appetite has become a truly inexhaustible source of jokes. Most men remember with horror how in the middle of the night their missus asked them to run to the store for strawberries, and upon returning she reported that she no longer wanted to eat them. A growing body requires more nutrients, so mother subconsciously chooses foods to satiate and replenish missing microelements.

But you shouldn’t immediately rush to extremes, eating everything that comes to mind. It is necessary to analyze taste preferences in order to find a relationship with missing microelements and vitamins. For example, if you suddenly have a desire to eat dairy products in large quantities, then the body does not have enough calcium. But the inexplicable passion for celery, carrots, cheese or seaweed is explained by a lack of sodium in the body. Even the craving for or is understandable!

What does an addiction to certain foods indicate?

Hormonal changes become the source of strange cravings and increased appetite. Even diseases can provoke changes in taste and the desire to eat something specific. For example, with anemia you want apples. And this is very useful, because they contain a lot of iron, which is what is lacking during illness.

What to do if you lose your appetite?

It also happens that you completely lose your appetite during early pregnancy. The culprit may be the usual one, which affects the endometrium, which as a result slows down the functioning of the digestive system. This is only a necessary step for the normal attachment of the fetus to the walls of the uterus and its comfortable stay during gestation.

Lack of appetite in early pregnancy is not uncommon. It can provoke a condition in which there is no strength to look at food, not what to eat.

Stress is a frequent companion for expectant mothers at work and on public transport. They can either increase or decrease your appetite. Having learned about her new position, the girl is advised to try.

Or, on the contrary, they provoke the expectant mother’s fear of eating any food. If such a problem exists, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Loss of appetite during early pregnancy can be caused by the mother herself. The fact is that some are simply terrified of gaining weight. This fear of spoiling the figure is extremely dangerous for the baby!

Are changes in appetite one of the first signs of pregnancy?

Typically, appetite as a sign of pregnancy becomes less pronounced by the 12th week. But not always changes in taste preferences and portion sizes can be attributed to the fact that the time has come to prepare to become a parent. A change in appetite can also occur with hormonal imbalances, stress (especially with the loss of a loved one, problems at work and with a loved one), problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as a reaction to taking medications.

Whatever the reason may provoke the desire to open the refrigerator more often or to refuse food almost entirely, it is still worth monitoring your condition. After all, it is very easy to gain extra pounds, but it is very difficult to lose them. Refusal to eat normally can, in turn, lead to such a terrible disease as anorexia.

How to eat properly when pregnant

Entire books have been written about how to help expectant mothers. In general, their content boils down to the fact that food should be “correct”, rich in nutrients and vitamins, and ideally low-fat and not fried. Steamed food is an excellent solution to help you keep yourself in good shape and eat deliciously.

As for the number of meals, at the beginning of pregnancy they are equal to 3 - 4, but from the second trimester until childbirth it is recommended to increase to 6 - 7. This does not mean at all that the portions should also be huge or that that you cannot eat in excess of the established norm. You can eat, but your diet should be varied! You just have to do it wisely. For example, it is better to give up a lot of sweets. Of course, they are a great way to lift your spirits, but they also actively add weight. Replace them with fruits.

If there is no appetite in the early stages of pregnancy or it is increased, you can use the general recommendations from nutritionists:

  • give preference not only to tasty, but also healthy food;
  • if you don’t want to have breakfast, don’t (an exception may be a small cracker on an empty stomach in case of toxicosis);
  • try as much as possible not to react to all sorts of stressful situations, comments and reproaches, sidelong glances and gossip;
  • Avoid eating foods with strong odors;
  • do not forget that rest for the expectant mother is a necessity, not a whim;
  • If you don’t like your own dishes, don’t hesitate to ask someone from your family to cook;
  • if the reason for weight loss is constipation, then it is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber;
  • you can periodically suck on sour candies or chew chewing gum to provoke an appetite;
  • Do not forget that dehydration will negatively affect the child!

Watch the video about nutrition during pregnancy:

If the expectant mother suffers from nausea and stomach upsets, the doctor will prescribe, for example, taking the drug “Espumizan” in the early stages of pregnancy or any other drug to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the manifestation of toxicosis. It is absolutely safe for the health of women and children. For constipation, they will recommend folk remedies or medications such as, for example, Dufalak. If you suspect that something is not working correctly in your body, be sure to consult a doctor!

Pregnancy is a happy time for every woman. It is at this time that a woman should take care of her health, since she is responsible for the health of the unborn child. But what to do if it is noted Lack of appetite during pregnancy and no desire to eat healthy foods?

Typically, in the first trimester of pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis. If at this time the pregnant woman has no appetite, then there is nothing surprising in this. However, pregnancy is not a time when a woman can fast for some time without harming her health. How can you regain your appetite if you have no desire to eat at all?

Reason for lack of appetite

Typically, loss of appetite during pregnancy occurs due to a lack of vitamins, iron and folic acid B9. In order for the child’s body to develop correctly, these vitamins and microelements must be consumed in your diet daily.

You can eat baked apples, buckwheat porridge (which can replenish the missing amount of iron), cabbage and salads (they contain folic acid). You can also take folic acid in tablets - the dosage will be prescribed by your doctor.

Features of appetite

During pregnancy, every woman develops unique preferences when choosing dishes:

  • pickled cucumbers,
  • honey with lard
  • mango with salt
  • cake with ketchup.

Doctors cannot definitively answer the question of why women are drawn to such strange food combinations. Perhaps this is the body’s way of “communicating” that it requires a large amount of vitamins and microelements for the development of the fetus.

Advice! You need to listen to your body. With proper and balanced nutrition, there are, as a rule, no significant changes in food preferences.

Desires are different

Our brain may well be mistaken in its desires and needs. If a pregnant woman wants to chew ice, then her body does not have enough iron, and when she craves for chalk, then there is a calcium deficiency. In our country, pregnant women crave salty foods, but in Europe, beauties prefer to indulge in fatty and sweet foods.

Experts say that a woman can eat chalk if her body lacks iron. If you want something sweet, doctors recommend eating a portion of protein food - and the need will immediately disappear, and you will not have problems with excess weight. Salty foods are eaten by women who lack protein in their bodies. It is better to replace regular table salt with sea salt.

Advice! If you crave something sweet or salty, try to eat these foods in moderation. You can replace them with other less dangerous products.

Strange desires

Typically, appetite begins to increase in the second trimester of pregnancy. Women sometimes shock men with their new taste preferences. What to do if your desires do not coincide with the norm of what is permitted?

  • You need to visit your gynecologist, who will prescribe tests to identify deficiencies: vitamins, zinc and iron.
  • Try to improve your diet. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, lean fish, boiled meat.
  • You must eat according to the schedule, without skipping meals.
  • Replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones that have the same taste.

How to replace harmful products?

A woman who has an increased appetite during pregnancy should monitor her diet very carefully. Try not to overeat, do not snack between meals, breathe fresh air and do exercise. Let's look at harmful foods that can be replaced with healthy ones:

  • Ice cream - may indicate that you lack iron and calcium; eat frozen low-fat yogurt - it is very tasty and healthy.
  • Carbonated water - replace with mineral water with fruit juice. This drink will perfectly remove thirst and replenish the body with missing vitamins.
  • Fat cakes with cream can be replaced with large grain bread with natural jam or preserves. Cakes can be replaced with strawberries and cream or yogurt.
  • Fried potatoes and chips – unsalted popcorn or Armenian lavash with cheese.
  • Canned fruit – fresh fruit or dried fruit.

Why does your appetite increase?

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body undergoes strong hormonal changes. A woman always feels what and when she needs to eat. Various desires and preferences in food appear. In the first trimester, due to toxicosis and morning sickness, the beauty has a poor appetite, but by the second trimester it begins to increase.

A woman’s body needs a lot of strength and energy to bear a baby. Every day you need to replenish your diet: proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, iron and vitamins. It is better to avoid overeating and eat healthy steamed foods.

Main products for consumption

Many people are interested in the question of why some women experience toxicosis in two weeks, while others suffer from nausea for two or even three months? The answer is quite simple: toxicosis is the reaction of a woman’s body to male cells. After they adapt in the body, toxicosis and morning sickness will stop. Next, we will look at what you need to eat throughout pregnancy.

First month

On the day you find out about your pregnancy, you need to say a decisive “no” to bad habits. During this period, the nervous system of the unborn child is formed, so it is worth consuming more folic acid.

The diet should include: beets, liver, avocado, asparagus, nuts, legumes (but they can cause bloating), fish, spinach, celery. Have you lost your appetite during pregnancy? It doesn’t matter, this is the reaction of the female body and, starting from the second trimester, it will increase.

Second month

During this period, you need to eat every two hours. To help relieve nausea, eat more protein and fluids. In general, kitchen smells can cause severe nausea - try to avoid them. A fresh green apple or saltine cracker will help. Drink natural juices and compotes.

Third month

During this period, it is worth consuming more calcium and iron-containing foods. Right now there is an increase in appetite during pregnancy, so you should eat small portions every two hours in order not to overeat. Every day you need to eat: cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir or drink milk.

Fourth month

During this period, the woman begins to feel much better, as toxicosis ends. You need to eat more carbohydrates.

Fifth month

During this period, a woman develops an increased appetite during pregnancy due to the fact that the fetus begins to actively grow. In order to avoid anemia, you need to eat foods that contain large amounts of iron. Include in your diet: cherries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, rose hips, prunes, liver, legumes, Brussels sprouts.

Sixth month

Women have virtually no appetite in the early stages of pregnancy, which cannot be said about the end of the second trimester. During this period, it is better to avoid foods that can cause bloating, as intestinal motility is disrupted.

Seventh month

During this period, a strong appetite appears during pregnancy, but due to the fact that the fundus of the uterus grows and begins to put pressure on the digestive organs, severe heartburn appears. Consume more dairy products and try to exclude: radishes, cabbage, onions, garlic.

Eighth month

During this period, the woman goes on maternity leave and her energy costs decrease. You shouldn't eat for two. Many women experience leg cramps; the following foods will help cope with them: dried apricots, bananas, dairy products.

Ninth month

The baby is already fully formed. Some people experience loss of appetite during pregnancy, but not everyone. It is worth excluding: cakes, fried potatoes, fatty sauces, so that the fetus is not very large and the birth goes well.

Advice! A pregnant woman's diet should be correct and balanced.

So, pregnant women need to carefully monitor their diet; they should consume more proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. If you want your baby to be born healthy, try to eat regularly and properly.