Where can the baby rest during childbirth? Giving birth correctly, how to behave during labor

The main life task of every woman is to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. In this article I would like to tell expectant mothers how childbirth occurs. What to expect from the process of labor, what difficulties may arise here - this is what I want to talk about now.


Pregnancy and childbirth are the most important period in the life of every woman. And it must be said that even the birth itself depends on how the expectant mother’s pregnancy proceeded. What should you remember when carrying a baby?

  1. Proper nutrition. The expectant mother should eat properly throughout her pregnancy. You should try to eliminate fried and fatty foods as much as possible, giving preference to cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is also important not to use harmful products foods such as fast food, chips, crackers, soda. After all, everything that the mother eats, the baby also gets.
  2. Bad habits. During pregnancy, the mother should completely refuse bad habits, such as drinking alcohol (even in small doses), smoking.
  3. Daily routine. The expectant mother should walk a lot, often go to fresh air. We must remember: pregnant does not mean sick. Moderate physical activity Hasn't hurt anyone yet.
  4. Useful emotions. It is good if a pregnant woman experiences as much as possible positive emotions. This will have a great impact not only on her health, but also on the condition of her unborn child.
  5. Visiting a doctor. Every pregnant woman must register on time and undergo periodic examinations. This way you can prevent many unpleasant situations related to the baby’s health.
  6. Courses. Each expectant mother must remember that she must take courses. And even if this is not yet a mandatory procedure, it is still better to find out in advance how childbirth occurs, what to expect and what to fear during labor.

And this is far from full list the most important affairs of the expectant mother. However, by following at least these rules during pregnancy, you can help yourself and your child very well.

What happens to the body before childbirth?

While studying the topic “Pregnancy and Childbirth,” I would like to talk a little about what happens to the female body in the last weeks of bearing a baby. Thus, the level of progesterone, a hormone active throughout pregnancy, begins to fall. At this time, a hormone such as oxytocin begins to be gradually produced. It is he who is responsible for the onset of labor and the woman’s labor activity. The glands begin to work internal secretion, which increase the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin. The time comes, and the lady begins to feel the first harbingers of labor - contractions.


When understanding how childbirth occurs, it is also necessary to say that there are also harbingers of labor. These are well-known fights. It is worth saying that they can also be false or, as they are also called, training. Their main differences: short duration, as well as mild pain. However, even a woman who has never given birth can recognize real grips. The first contractions will not last long, about 10 seconds each, the interval will also be quite large - from 5 to 10 minutes. This is still the time when a woman can be at home, she does not yet need to go to the hospital.

Period one. Disclosure

Understanding how childbirth occurs, it must be said that it is divided into three main stages. The first of them - cervical dilatation - is the longest.

  • For first-time mothers, it can last for 10-13 hours.
  • In multiparous women, most often for 6-8 hours.

At this time, contractions gradually increase, pain increases, and the duration between contractions decreases. It is worth saying that each time the cervix opens more and more. This will happen until the uterus, its cervix and the vagina itself form a single corridor along which the baby will move.

Difficulties of the first period

What difficulties may arise during this period? So, the most common case is a woman’s weak labor. This can be expressed in the following indicators:

  1. The amniotic sac has burst, and contractions do not begin for a long time (this threatens the baby with oxygen starvation).
  2. Fading contractions - their intensity decreases, the intervals between them decrease. However, if the amniotic sac has not yet burst, it’s okay, it means nature is giving the woman a break.

If a woman’s amniotic sac bursts and contractions do not begin, artificial stimulation of labor will be needed.

Second period. Attempts

Contractions will indicate that labor is moving into its second stage - pushing. If they last quite a long time, up to 1 minute, and the break between them is also about 1 minute, this means that the woman will see her baby very soon. The attempts themselves occur involuntarily, regardless of the woman’s desire. However, the expectant mother can control them (if necessary, help, strengthen, if necessary, hold). It is definitely worth mentioning that during pushing, the woman in labor should listen carefully to the doctors. After all, only they can competently manage labor, advising the woman to act in a certain way.

Choosing a pose

If a woman is having a normal birth, she can try to independently choose the position in which it will be easiest for her to give birth. Many doctors say that giving birth lying down is unnatural. Therefore, during labor, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her body and choose the right position.

  1. Squatting, leaning on the hands (this is how people give birth in Mexico and Tibet).
  2. Holding onto a bar while standing (practised by some African tribes).
  3. Sitting on my husband's lap (European countries).
  4. Leaning your back against the back of an assistant, sitting (practice in Russia and some European countries).
  5. Leaning on your knees and holding special levers (Asian countries).

In any case, most clinics today offer women to choose their own position for childbirth, and this is a huge breakthrough in domestic medicine.

Dangers of the second period

What is it - difficult childbirth? So, it is worth saying that labor is called difficult if it occurs with certain complications, which include:

  1. Entwining the baby with the umbilical cord (there is a danger that during childbirth it will tighten around the baby’s neck).
  2. Helping the mother during the passage of the head (often doctors cut the perineum when the baby cannot pass the last stage of the birth canal on his own).
  3. Incorrect position of the baby. Correct birth is when the baby walks head first. However, there is a child. In this case, the maximum participation of doctors in the woman’s labor is important.
  4. Baby's behavior after birth. Everyone knows that a child should cry as soon as he is born. This will mean that his lungs have opened and he is breathing. However, often the child needs help. The competent actions of doctors are very important here.

Period three: delivery of the placenta

If a woman has a proper birth, she should know that after the baby is born, labor does not end. There's another one important stage- this is the birth of the placenta or baby's place. It is worth saying that this should happen soon after the baby is born. To do this, the mother may be asked to push again. An excellent stimulation for the birth of the placenta is nipple stimulation. To do this, it is enough to attach a newborn baby to the breast. It is important to note that during the birth of the placenta, some blood may be released. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is how it should be. And only after the birth of the baby’s place, the uterus will sharply shrink, the blood vessels will shrink, and the bleeding will stop.

Dangers of the third period

Main danger last period childbirth: failure to expel the placenta. Maximum time, which can be given to a lady’s body: 40 minutes. After this, the woman will need to provide medical care. After all, after this period, the uterus may begin to close. However, at this time it is strictly forbidden to pull on the umbilical cord; such behavior can cause bleeding. You should try to stimulate the appearance of a baby's place by attaching the baby to the breast. If this does not help, doctors will step in and, with the help of various medications, will do everything that is necessary.

Difficult birth

Often women may be interested in the question: “What is this, difficult childbirth?” So, it is worth saying that this term is often used to describe even normal childbirth, which was somewhat delayed, or during which the lady experienced too much pain. However, this is not true. According to medicine, difficult childbirth is:

  1. i.e. artificial induction of labor. This is necessary if the mother is longer than the 41st week, if the mother and baby have an Rh conflict, if the amniotic sac ruptures prematurely, etc.
  2. Accelerated birth, when the baby comes out quickly, and the woman’s body simply does not have time to prepare for pushing.
  3. Complications. That is, when some problems are discovered during labor. This could be entanglement of the baby’s umbilical cord, detachment, suffocation of the fetus, significant blood loss, ruptures of various degrees.
  4. Early labor, when a woman goes into labor much earlier than her due date. This is also fraught various kinds complications.
  5. Incorrect position of the baby. This is also a difficult birth, when the baby does not walk head first, but in a slightly different way (sideways, legs forward).

Childbirth at home

It is worth saying that today birth at home is actively practiced. Reviews about this, of course, are mixed (especially from doctors). A huge advantage is that a woman will give birth in her usual environment; she will not have the stress associated with changing her place of stay. However, there are many more disadvantages in this scenario. First of all, it must be said that in this case it is imperative to call not only a midwife, but also a doctor who can help if necessary. It is also important to say that a huge disadvantage of such childbirth is that often there is no doctor at hand necessary equipment, which can only be located within the walls of a medical institution (resuscitation room for both mother and baby). However, if everything is fine with the woman, the pregnancy proceeded without complications, and there is a qualified doctor nearby, you can safely try to give birth in your own home.

Water birth

If a woman is not pregnant for the first time (second birth), she may want to try to somehow relieve the pain she experiences during labor (she already knows what she has to endure, unlike first-time mothers). In this case, you can try to give birth to the baby in water. It is worth saying that water itself perfectly relieves pain and helps the mother relax even during the most difficult periods of labor. Doctors recommend that women stay in water during contractions if possible. However, it should be equal to the woman’s body temperature - 37°. If the water is warmer, there is a risk that the contractions will subside (this is harmful for labor in general), but if it is cooler, the woman may simply freeze. As for the pushing process, it is worth saying that women who give birth in water go through this stage much more quickly. However, during such births a doctor (not just a midwife) must also be present. After giving birth, the woman should lie down, put the baby to her chest and rest.

Postpartum period

Having considered first-time mothers and all other women in labor, it is also necessary to say a few words about the fact that it is also no less important. Approximately two hours after labor, a woman must be under the close attention of doctors (since during this time, dangerous problems may arise life bleeding and other problems). After giving birth, the baby must be put to the breast immediately, this is very important. After this, the baby is weighed and his height is measured, then he is placed next to his mother. After this, the work of the doctors who delivered the woman ends. After two hours, the lady is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she is under observation for some time (along with the newborn). If everything is normal, mother and child will be discharged in three days. Otherwise, their stay within the walls of a medical institution may be prolonged. During this period, the woman is taught the main rules of caring for the baby.

Useful prohibitions

Or what not to do during childbirth

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that childbirth is a natural, or, in the language of doctors, a physiological process. But this does not mean that at the moment the baby is born, his mother can behave as she pleases. In order for the birth of a baby to end successfully, a woman needs to learn some restrictions that must be observed during childbirth.

Don't forget your exchange card . Going to maternity hospital, you definitely need to put this one important document in your bag, because in its absence, doctors can only glean information about your pregnancy from your lips, but even if you are a doctor and all the information presented turns out to be reliable, there is no official confirmation that you have passed all the examinations and tests. And this circumstance allows us to think that the tests, in particular for AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis, could be positive. Therefore, a woman without an exchange card may not be admitted to the maternity hospital or placed in a special observational unit. You also need to take your passport with you, and if a contract was concluded with the maternity hospital, then documents confirming this. In addition, you must have an insurance policy with you, preferably with a copy.

By the way, if you forget some of your personal belongings at home, it will not be so important, because in all maternity hospitals, if necessary, you will be given slippers (but it is better, of course, to take them with you), and a robe and nightgown In the vast majority of medical institutions, it is mandatory to give birth to women.

You can't rush, you can't fuss. With the onset of labor, with the first contraction, there is no need to rush out of the house. After all, contractions - involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus, manifested by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back - may at first be irregular and appear at long intervals (30 minutes or more). Such contractions in no way lead to rapid dilatation of the cervix; they allow you to take your time, think everything through, get ready and get to the maternity hospital. Thus, the duration of the first birth, as a rule, is 10-12 hours, the second and subsequent births occur faster (6-8 hours), but the woman still has enough time to get to the maternity hospital. Your relatives should also remember that there is no need to rush, especially if among them there is a driver who has undertaken to deliver the expectant mother to the maternity hospital. You should hurry in cases where the previous birth was fast or rapid, when the waters poured out, especially if the waters are not clear, but have a greenish tint, which indicates that the baby is suffering inside the womb; and, of course, in cases where blood is released from the genital tract, this is possible with placental abruption - a condition that threatens both mother and baby. In other cases, during the first birth, you can go to the maternity hospital when the intervals between contractions average 10 minutes, and during the second and subsequent births - 15 minutes. This statement is true if you can get to the maternity hospital within an hour to an hour and a half.

In many maternity hospitals, women in labor are not allowed to eat or drink during childbirth. . This requirement is justified by the fact that during childbirth there may be a need for general anesthesia, and there is a possibility of regurgitation - the reflux of stomach contents into the mouth, and from there into the lungs, which, in turn, can lead to severe pneumonia (pneumonia). In addition, during contractions, due to the reflex connection that exists between the cervix and the stomach, vomiting sometimes occurs. The more contents are in the stomach, the greater the likelihood of such phenomena.

During contractions, you should not squeeze or strain - on the contrary, you should relax all muscle groups as much as possible. During the first stage of labor, the cervix smoothes out, the uterine os opens, which allows the baby to be born. At the same time, uterine contractions seem to push the fetus out of the uterus. If at the same time you strain the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles of the limbs, then this tension creates an obstacle to the baby’s movement along the birth canal. In addition, tension in the pelvic floor muscles can lead to cervical spasm. A situation may arise in which painful contractions do not lead to the opening of the cervix. Among other things, tension during contractions can cause increased pain. When tension occurs in the body, hormones are released that cause a decrease in the pain threshold. It turns out that what more woman tenses, frightened by the pain of the upcoming contraction, the stronger the pain becomes. If there is no muscle tension, then all emotional reactions die out, including manifestations of pain. Thus, if the body is completely relaxed during childbirth, this eliminates the excess tone of the circular fibers of the lower segments of the uterus and cervix, which cause pain during contractions. In a state of complete relaxation (relaxation) and calm, the activity of the uterus during childbirth is perceived simply as muscle contraction.

In order to minimize stress during childbirth, you should use all possible reserves, which lie in inhalation, taking a comfortable position, self-numbing massage and mood.

With the onset of contractions, when the pain is not severe or prolonged, you can breathe deeply and evenly during the contraction (so-called slow breathing). When involuntary contractions of the uterine muscles become more frequent and painful, rapid shallow breathing (similar to dog breathing) can be used.

Certain poses help you relax as much as possible: standing by the bed with support on the headboard, sitting on a large ball, lying on your side.

You can reduce pain and relax by making circular movements with your fists in the lumbar region, stroking under the abdomen on both sides of the pubic symphysis parallel to the inguinal fold. A warm shower is also relaxing.

During childbirth, it is important to think about their successful outcome and the upcoming meeting with the baby.

Having relaxed at least once during a contraction, you will understand that it is much easier to endure the unpleasant sensations associated with uterine contractions.

You should not strain during doctor’s examinations (during these examinations the doctor determines the dilation of the cervix, the position of the fetus, the advancement of the head or pelvic end), since tension will also only increase the pain. During the vaginal examination, try to breathe quickly and shallowly, relax all muscle groups, especially the muscles of the perineum.

During childbirth, you should not lie on your back. This restriction is valid not only for the period of childbirth, but also for the second half of pregnancy. Lying on her back, the pregnant uterus compresses large vessels (such as the aorta and inferior vena cava), which leads to a deterioration in blood flow to the heart, brain, other organs, uterus, and fetus. This, in turn, leads to oxygen starvation of the baby and stagnation of venous blood in internal organs(including in the uterus). This is what the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome consists of. Therefore, if for one reason or another you are in bed during contractions, you need to take a semi-sitting position or lying on your left side.

You should not sit during childbirth. This rule you need to stick to it closer to the end of the first stage of labor, when contractions have already become quite frequent - after 1-2 minutes - and strong, and even more so when you first have the desire to push. At this time, the baby’s head is already entering the birth canal, and by sitting down on the bed, the expectant mother creates an obstacle to the birth of the head.

You should not scream during contractions. While screaming, you exhale air and lose strength, while air is vital for the baby, who is already experiencing oxygen starvation during contractions. This is due to the fact that at the moment of contraction of the muscles of the uterus, the uterine vessels feeding the placenta are compressed, their lumen becomes narrower, the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrients. During the scream, the expectant mother also experiences oxygen starvation; as already mentioned, she loses strength, which will be very useful to her during pushing. By the way, screaming during pushing also does not contribute to the successful course of the process of expulsion of the fetus.

It makes no sense to demand a caesarean section during painful contractions. A cesarean section is performed only in accordance with medical indications, since it, like any surgical operation, is associated with certain risks that exceed the risks that arise during childbirth. C-section is performed only in situations where childbirth through the birth canal is fraught with serious danger to the life and health of the fetus or the woman herself.

Childbirth cannot end through the natural birth canal in the following cases:

· Premature placental abruption - this situation is accompanied by bleeding, which is dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus.

· Placenta previa (the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus).

· Transverse and oblique position of the fetus in the uterus.

· Severe course of late toxicosis of pregnancy - convulsions, increased blood pressure, which cannot be treated with medications.

· Discrepancy between the sizes of the mother's pelvis and the fetal head.

· Loss of umbilical cord loops.

· Tumors of the uterus, ovaries, bladder, blocking the birth canal and preventing the birth of a child (for example, uterine fibroids).

Doctors monitoring the course of pregnancy and childbirth, if any of these complications occur, will promptly raise the question of the need for surgery, but in the absence of indications, it is not advisable to require surgery.

It is not advisable to demand pain relief when the doctor says it is too late. The most commonly used medications for pain relief are nitrous oxide, narcotic analgesics, and epidural anesthesia. Nitrous oxide, which is given through a mask, can be used until the end of contractions because this mixture is eliminated immediately after inhalation - through the upper respiratory tract. Other methods of pain relief - the administration of narcotic analgesics, epidural anesthesia - are used only at a certain point in labor. Thus, narcotic analgesics are usually administered when the opening of the cervix is ​​5-6 cm; if the analgesic is administered later, then there is little time left until the end of labor (full opening of the cervix is ​​10 cm, while opening up to 3-4 cm is the longest stage of labor), and the baby who received a certain dose of the drug may be born in narcotic depression , up to depression of the respiratory center. If epidural anesthesia is performed before the end of labor, then at the moment of pushing the woman will not feel the urge to push and will not be able to effectively strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

You cannot push for the first time without the permission of your doctor or midwife. When, after a period of contractions, you have a desire to push, similar to the urge to defecate (the desire to empty the intestines), you cannot realize this desire immediately. Premature pushing can lead to injury to both mother and baby. The urge to push occurs when the fetal head begins to press on the pelvic floor muscles. It should be borne in mind that the sensitivity threshold for all women is different, therefore, for some, pushing begins when the head has not yet moved far along the birth canal and is high, and for others, when the head is already located on the pelvic floor and There is only a short section of the road left to cover. If events develop as described in the second case, then you will be allowed to try your hand immediately, but if the head is still high, then you need to make attempts using special breathing techniques. This need is justified by the following: the fetal head must pass through the birth canal gradually, since during this short but difficult path it undergoes a so-called configuration: while passing through the birth canal, the bones of the skull are superimposed on one another like a tiled roof. This occurs due to the fact that between the bones of the skull there are sutures and fontanelles - areas where there is no bone tissue, but so far only connective tissue(after the baby is born, these areas begin to be covered with bone tissue). If you start pushing when the fetal head is still at the very beginning of the birth canal, the change has not yet occurred, then its passage may be traumatic for the child.

Another circumstance that determines the need for timely pushing is the condition of the cervix. If you start pushing when the cervix has not yet fully opened, then when moving the head forward with the help of contraction of the abdominal muscles (and this is pushing), there is a possibility of injury - rupture of the cervix by the fetal head.

Thus, when you first feel the urge to push, breathe quickly and shallowly (push), and then call one of the medical staff to come to you.

While pushing, you should not push on your face or puff out your cheeks. . Correct attempts are the key to the success of the second stage of labor - the period of expulsion of the fetus, that is, the condition of both the woman herself and her baby depends on the behavior of the mother during this period of labor. In order to push well and correctly, you need to take in a full chest of air; this can be done without difficulty even if this is your first time trying to master it. Further actions may be incorrect. So, some women in labor puff out their cheeks, strain their facial muscles, but the pushing is ineffective, and the fetal head does not move along the birth canal. In addition, after such attempts, small hemorrhages may form on the face and eyes. In order for the birth to end quickly and safely, it is necessary, after you have taken a full chest of air, to swallow it (but not exhale), press your chin to your chest, rest your feet on the devices provided specifically for this on the delivery bed, and use your hands to pull the rails of this bed towards you. It is necessary to strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall as much as possible ( similar actions a person exercises when constipated). You need to push for an average of 20 seconds, after which you need to exhale smoothly, then immediately inhale a full chest of air and repeat all over again. Such actions must be repeated three times in one attempt.

You can’t expect your baby to start smiling at you in the first second and sucking your breast with pleasure. Childbirth is a complex, time-consuming process not only for the mother, but also for the baby. Sometimes the baby needs rest in order to grasp the nipple well with his lips and receive the first drops of colostrum, because in order to eat, the baby needs a lot of strength. And a smile is a conscious manifestation of emotions that appears only when the brain structures reach a certain level of development.

After the birth of your baby, you can’t think that everything is over. After the baby is born, you still have to give birth to the placenta, after which you will have a procedure for examining the birth canal. And all this is the very beginning of your new life as the mother of your wonderful baby.

We hope that following these prohibitions will help you successfully overcome all the difficulties that are possible during childbirth.

Today, with the help of the book “Yoga for Pregnant Women,” we will find out how a child behaves during childbirth. Everyone has heard that it moves through the birth canal - but how exactly does this happen?

To understand what happens during childbirth, it is important to realize that it is hard work for your baby, commensurate with the pain you experience. The intensity and frequency of contractions is simply necessary for the child, since in order to be born he must make six basic movements. As he moves, the nature of the contractions changes and becomes more intense so that the baby can fit into narrower areas of your pelvis.

So, during the first (contractions and cervical dilatation) and second (and expulsion of the fetus) periods of labor, your baby makes six basic movements:

  • descent;
  • flexion;
  • rotation inward;
  • extension;
  • outward rotation;
  • pushing out.

To provide space for these movements, three important changes occur to the cervix:

  • smoothing;
  • disclosure;
  • lean forward.

When the baby and cervix work together, labor can proceed naturally. Let's take a closer look at this process.

How the cervix prepares for childbirth

Already a few weeks before the onset of labor, you may feel weak contractions. These are called Braxton-Hicks contractions and are considered a false start to labor. However, these contractions are necessary so that the walls of the cervix begin to soften and mature, preparing for opening. As true labor begins, regular contractions will facilitate the process of cervical effacement and dilatation. Each subsequent contraction will help the cervix to open, smooth out and reach its full diameter of 10 cm; The walls of the cervix become thinner. The thick walls should become paper thin; this process is measured as a percentage from 0 to 100. In addition, the cervix should tilt forward.

As your cervix undergoes these changes, your baby also works in unity with it, performing its basic movements.

Baby's movements during contractions

First, the baby's head must be inserted into the entrance to the pelvis. This occurs when its head descends into the pelvic cavity and aligns with the ischial spine.

Thus, the child becomes at the zero level in the pelvic cavity. The first movement a baby makes during childbirth is descent. The baby must move lower along the birth canal and overcome the zero mark. This occurs between the latent and active phases of the first stage of labor.

After this, the child makes a second movement - bending. To squeeze into a narrower area of ​​the pelvis, he must press his chest to his chin. Having bent, you can move on to the third movement - this is inward rotation. The baby will have to turn half-turn from a position facing the side of the mother's body to a position facing the mother's spine. Sometimes it takes time, and sometimes it just doesn't happen.

When your baby turns his back to your spine (facing your stomach), this can lead to very intense and painful spinal contractions. A sign of spinal contractions is pressure in the lumbar region on the right or left. This pain is felt even between contractions. Some midwives and doctors give the woman the opportunity to wait and advise her to move and change positions so that the baby still turns over to face the spine. The baby's internal rotation occurs somewhere between the active and transitional phases of the first stage of labor.

Movements of the child during pushing

When the baby is ready to be born, he makes three final movements. These movements coincide with the second stage of labor - pushing. The baby extends his head in the birth canal. When this happens, we talk about the appearance of the head in the pelvis at around +3. You can actually see the head when you start pushing.

As soon as you manage to push the head out, the baby makes another movement - external rotation. When the head appears, the baby turns his face to the side. Usually the doctor helps him make this movement. At this stage, the baby is ready for his final movement - pushing out. The birth is complete!

Comment on the article "Childbirth: what happens to the baby during contractions and pushing"

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39 weeks. Childbirth day - happy ending! And so I began to feel pressure in my lower back, but I was afraid to call a doctor, because I thought that I was confusing something. But when the pressure began to intensify and put pressure on the butt, the husband promptly ran for a doctor. She came, felt, said that she could already feel the head (with hair), but my dilation was only 8 cm and my cervix was torn. And I was already starting to really feel pain. Damn, what a relief it is when it’s already starting to hurt. I didn’t care that my neck was breaking...

39 weeks. Childbirth day - continuation. 16:45. I'm being processed. Damn it, I went nuts. I’m having contractions, but here I go, damn it, sit and answer questions, it’s already a system...they don’t think with their heads at all. They also asked “how are the contractions going now?”, I said, well, yes, they are already such decent contractions!!! And to me: “okay, today you will give birth before 23:00.” I say “I hope, I want today, well, maximum on the 22nd until 3 am.” They were surprised and started asking why. Well, I quickly explained that the stars are well located. You were probably surprised...

The state of pregnancy for a woman is associated with a lot of different emotions and experiences, sometimes difficult and complex, when the love, attention and care of loved ones are very important to her. But during pregnancy, it is important for a woman not only to receive support from her family, but also to learn to find her own resources within herself and rely on them, to gain inner strength and confidence. Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust yourself, take care of yourself and take care of yourself and your unborn child...

Section: Childbirth (can the baby move during contractions). Can the baby move during contractions? Actually, this is what I wanted to ask, if these are not training sessions, but real contractions, is the baby moving at this moment, or rather in the intervals between them?

Second birth. My water broke at 1:30 p.m., at 2:30 p.m. I was transferred to the labor room, there were no contractions, I began to run circles around the ward, contractions began to appear, during strong contractions I was hanging on the windowsill, and by 6-7 o’clock I could no longer stand. She gave birth at 22.55 with the third push...

During childbirth, physiological (that is, normal) processes occur that are in close unity: contractions prepare the uterus for childbirth, open the cervix, that is, prepare the birth canal. The child is usually (normal)...

I vomited during contractions. And unexpectedly, right at the peak of the contraction, I didn’t even have time to run to the washbasin. My friend had two births with vomiting, and all the contractions and pushing she vomited.

If there are no such indications or a cesarean is associated with the mother’s indications (narrow pelvis, retinal detachment, etc.), reasonable doctors still suggest doing a cesarean during childbirth (i.e. already during labor, but before pushing).

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth". Section: Childbirth (pooping during childbirth). I really want my husband to be with me during childbirth. Namely, during labor and after the birth of the child, while pushing, let him go out for a smoke break :-) When he puts his hand on my sore spot...

My first labor was induced, my waters broke and I had contractions, my second labor was as planned. If this does not happen, after 2-3 7ya.ru - information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, raising children, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty...

My contractions were irregular and “fuzzy” early in labor (with both babies). Those. At the beginning of labor, contractions may not have a clearly defined beginning, peak, end, or pause. But if this is childbirth, then after a while the contractions become clear...

Today, with the help of the book “Yoga for Pregnant Women,” we will find out how a child behaves during childbirth. Everyone has heard that it moves through the birth canal - but how exactly does this happen?

To understand what happens during childbirth, it is important to realize that it is hard work for your baby, commensurate with the pain you experience. The intensity and frequency of contractions is simply necessary for the child, since in order to be born he must make six basic movements. As he moves, the nature of the contractions changes and becomes more intense so that the baby can fit into narrower areas of your pelvis.

So, during the first (contractions and cervical dilatation) and second (and expulsion of the fetus) periods of labor, your baby makes six basic movements:

  • descent;
  • flexion;
  • rotation inward;
  • extension;
  • outward rotation;
  • pushing out.

To provide space for these movements, three important changes occur to the cervix:

  • smoothing;
  • disclosure;
  • lean forward.

When the baby and cervix work together, labor can proceed naturally. Let's take a closer look at this process.

How the cervix prepares for childbirth

Already a few weeks before the onset of labor, you may feel weak contractions. These are called Braxton-Hicks contractions and are considered a false start to labor. However, these contractions are necessary so that the walls of the cervix begin to soften and mature, preparing for opening. As true labor begins, regular contractions will facilitate the process of cervical effacement and dilatation. Each subsequent contraction will help the cervix to open, smooth out and reach its full diameter of 10 cm; The walls of the cervix become thinner. The thick walls should become paper thin; this process is measured as a percentage from 0 to 100. In addition, the cervix should tilt forward.

As your cervix undergoes these changes, your baby also works in unity with it, performing its basic movements.

Baby's movements during contractions

First, the baby's head must be inserted into the entrance to the pelvis. This occurs when its head descends into the pelvic cavity and aligns with the ischial spine.

Thus, the child becomes at the zero level in the pelvic cavity. The first movement a baby makes during childbirth is descent. The baby must move lower along the birth canal and overcome the zero mark. This occurs between the latent and active phases of the first stage of labor.

After this, the child makes a second movement - bending. To squeeze into a narrower area of ​​the pelvis, he must press his chest to his chin. Having bent, you can move on to the third movement - this is inward rotation. The baby will have to turn half-turn from a position facing the side of the mother's body to a position facing the mother's spine. Sometimes it takes time, and sometimes it just doesn't happen.

When your baby turns his back to your spine (facing your stomach), this can lead to very intense and painful spinal contractions. A sign of spinal contractions is pressure in the lumbar region on the right or left. This pain is felt even between contractions. Some midwives and doctors give the woman the opportunity to wait and advise her to move and change positions so that the baby still turns over to face the spine. The baby's internal rotation occurs somewhere between the active and transitional phases of the first stage of labor.

Movements of the child during pushing

When the baby is ready to be born, he makes three final movements. These movements coincide with the second stage of labor - pushing. The baby extends his head in the birth canal. When this happens, we talk about the appearance of the head in the pelvis at around +3. You can actually see the head when you start pushing.

As soon as you manage to push the head out, the baby makes another movement - external rotation. When the head appears, the baby turns his face to the side. Usually the doctor helps him make this movement. At this stage, the baby is ready for his final movement - pushing out. The birth is complete!

Comment on the article "Childbirth: what happens to the baby during contractions and pushing"

Currently, the optimal method of managing labor in infected women has not been fully determined. To make a decision, the doctor needs to know the results of a comprehensive virological study. Natural childbirth includes a whole range of measures aimed at adequate pain relief, prevention of fetal hypoxia and early rupture of amniotic fluid, reducing injuries to the birth canal of the mother and the baby’s skin. Only if all preventive measures are followed does...

A new life will soon be born. The expectant mother thinks about everything - from the question “what and how much should I eat during childbirth?” and to “when to go to the maternity hospital?” In this article we will try to answer some questions from those who are about to pick up their little miracle. Childbirth is a process that takes a significant amount of strength from the body. Food is the main source of energy in our body. Studies have found that eating during childbirth does not harm either the fetus or the mother...

Pregnancy at 37-40 weeks is full-term and labor can begin at any time. And there are three main signs that indicate their imminent approach. Removal of the mucus plug. It can occur 2 weeks before birth, but most often within 24 hours. The plug looks like a small lump of pinkish, brown or yellowish mucus. Often the cork comes off not entirely, but in parts. During pregnancy, it closes the entrance to the cervical canal, protecting the amniotic sac from...

I was fully conscious during childbirth, I don’t remember any haze, I clearly felt everything - what was happening. the first ones - with an epidural (I didn’t ask for it by the way) - 2 injections, the result was no labor, I didn’t feel any pushing, I gave birth without contractions, the baby was squeezed out...

It is better to make a list of things to take to the maternity hospital long before the birth. And not just compose, but prepare, plus collect everything you need. In addition, another list of things to take to the maternity hospital needs to be made for your husband (mother, grandmother, friend). If you have several close people, so much the better. Let everyone know in advance what you would like them to serve. Childbirth is a responsible process for the woman in labor. But she understands what happens to her during labor, the birth of a child and after. It is no easier morally for those who love...

Like one of many mothers, I wanted to give birth on a certain date, 03/13/13...bags were packed, shower procedures were done, documents were on the shelf, my husband was at the start...but the miracle did not happen...the next day I was all in anticipation ...what a day. I was pulling my lower back, I ran around every 5 minutes. little one, if before I was afraid to give birth, then at the end of pregnancy I was already screaming, well, when!!! It’s hard to walk, it’s uncomfortable to sleep, if you don’t sleep, your belly dances boogie-woogie in your stomach... in the evening of the 14th, I gave up thoughts about childbirth...

I gave birth to my third child in Germany. I really enjoyed it. I really regret that I didn’t think of this earlier. While giving birth here in the 4th maternity hospital, they pierced my bladder, squeezed out the baby (I don’t know why, I usually give birth in 3-4 attempts), and injected me with Paramedol. My children were born blue, flaccid, with a grade of 6-7. When I gave birth in Germany, my daughter was born full of strength, immediately latched onto the breast, and received a rating of 9/10. I cannot express in words how pleased I am! Thank you...

39 weeks. Childbirth day - happy ending! And so I began to feel pressure in my lower back, but I was afraid to call a doctor, because I thought that I was confusing something. But when the pressure began to intensify and put pressure on the butt, the husband promptly ran for a doctor. She came, felt, said that she could already feel the head (with hair), but my dilation was only 8 cm and my cervix was torn. And I was already starting to really feel pain. Damn, what a relief it is when it’s already starting to hurt. I didn’t care that my neck was breaking...

39 weeks. Childbirth day - continuation. 16:45. I'm being processed. Damn it, I went nuts. I’m having contractions, but here I go, damn it, sit and answer questions, it’s already a system...they don’t think with their heads at all. They also asked “how are the contractions going now?”, I said, well, yes, they are already such decent contractions!!! And to me: “okay, today you will give birth before 23:00.” I say “I hope, I want today, well, maximum on the 22nd until 3 am.” They were surprised and started asking why. Well, I quickly explained that the stars are well located. You were probably surprised...

The state of pregnancy for a woman is associated with a lot of different emotions and experiences, sometimes difficult and complex, when the love, attention and care of loved ones are very important to her. But during pregnancy, it is important for a woman not only to receive support from her family, but also to learn to find her own resources within herself and rely on them, to gain inner strength and confidence. Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust yourself, take care of yourself and take care of yourself and your unborn child...

Section: Childbirth (can the baby move during contractions). Can the baby move during contractions? Actually, this is what I wanted to ask, if these are not training sessions, but real contractions, is the baby moving at this moment, or rather in the intervals between them?

Second birth. My water broke at 1:30 p.m., at 2:30 p.m. I was transferred to the labor room, there were no contractions, I began to run circles around the ward, contractions began to appear, during strong contractions I was hanging on the windowsill, and by 6-7 o’clock I could no longer stand. She gave birth at 22.55 with the third push...

During childbirth, physiological (that is, normal) processes occur that are in close unity: contractions prepare the uterus for childbirth, open the cervix, that is, prepare the birth canal. The child is usually (normal)...

I vomited during contractions. And unexpectedly, right at the peak of the contraction, I didn’t even have time to run to the washbasin. My friend had two births with vomiting, and all the contractions and pushing she vomited.

If there are no such indications or a cesarean is associated with the mother’s indications (narrow pelvis, retinal detachment, etc.), reasonable doctors still suggest doing a cesarean during childbirth (i.e. already during labor, but before pushing).

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth". Section: Childbirth (pooping during childbirth). I really want my husband to be with me during childbirth. Namely, during labor and after the birth of the child, while pushing, let him go out for a smoke break :-) When he puts his hand on my sore spot...

My first labor was induced, my waters broke and I had contractions, my second labor was as planned. If this does not happen, in 2-3 7ya.ru - an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, raising children, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty...

My contractions were irregular and “fuzzy” early in labor (with both babies). Those. At the beginning of labor, contractions may not have a clearly defined beginning, peak, end, or pause. But if this is childbirth, then after a while the contractions become clear...

Every pregnant girl thinks about how the baby will be born. If a woman is going through the process for the first time, she has a vague understanding of it, which results in fear and uncertainty. Meanwhile, in order to facilitate labor, it is important to get rid of worries, fears, and be balanced and calm. Contractions will be less painful and all other stages of childbirth will be easier for a woman if she knows how childbirth goes.

What is childbirth

This is a natural physiological process of removing the fetus from the uterus. The most important role in childbirth is played by contractions, which serve as the main driving force, which opens the uterine cervix and helps the baby overcome the path through the pelvis, soft tissues, perineum and external genitalia. The process includes three mandatory and sequential stages, the duration of which varies for each woman.

Childbirth process

For a mother, the day a baby is born is associated not only with great joy, but also with strong emotions. Most fears and worries are explained by the unknown and lack of knowledge of how childbirth occurs in stages. The maximum number of questions arises from women who give birth for the first time. You should accept the fact that childbirth is a natural process, and the expectant mother must remain calm at each of its stages, because positive attitude and confidence in a successful outcome increase the chance of an easy birth of the baby.

Harbingers of childbirth

In the normal course of pregnancy, labor occurs after the 38th week of pregnancy. In this case, the harbingers of the beginning of the process are:

  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • preliminary weak and irregular contractions, which can begin a couple of days before birth;
  • removal of the mucus plug (a brownish clot leaves the woman’s body within a day or on the baby’s birthday);
  • softening and expansion of the uterine cervix (only a doctor can determine the readiness of the female body for labor during an examination);
  • discharge of amniotic fluid (may occur before the onset of the first contractions).

Stages of labor in women

During labor, the mother and baby go through three stages: the opening of the uterus, the birth of the fetus, and the expulsion of the placenta. The duration of the process depends on many factors, one of the main ones being the woman’s experience (whether she has given birth before). If this is the first time for a girl, you should know how the first birth goes. Since the birth canal has not previously undergone changes, the child who passes through it has to stretch the soft tissues, which makes labor longer (8-18 hours). All subsequent births are faster and take about 5 hours.


Frequent contractions of the uterus are a sure sign of the onset of labor, during which the cervix of the organ opens. The first stage of labor is the longest and takes up 90% of the process. Mild contractions may occur throughout pregnancy because female body is being rebuilt in preparation for the birth of a child. You can determine a prenatal sign from a training sign by the following factors:

  • contractions have the same time interval (at first 15-10 minutes);
  • over time, the intervals between contractions decrease;
  • the pain does not subside, despite changing the position;
  • real contractions, not false ones, are painful and their intensity gradually increases.

Many women compare pain during uterine contractions with discomfort during menstruation. Spasms can radiate to the lower back or move to the groin area, the stomach becomes dense and hard. Contractions last for 1-1.5 minutes, but as labor approaches, active contractions last for 2-3 minutes. When a symptom appears, you need to time it and track its recurrence period. To do this, it is convenient to use a stopwatch and write down the readings in a notepad.

From the first contraction to the birth of the child takes from 6 to 20 hours, and at first they are usually short-lived and occur once every half hour. If the maternity hospital is located nearby, then during the first pregnancy you should leave when the interval between uterine contractions is 5-7 minutes. If you give birth again, you need to go to the hospital earlier, since the process of opening the birth canal occurs faster.


While at the previous stage the woman’s body worked, at this stage the woman in labor will have to act independently. It is advisable to save until this moment maximum quantity strength to push the fetus out. While pushing, the girl feels the baby pressing on the pelvic bones, which indicates its imminent appearance. In addition, simultaneous contractions of the diaphragm, uterus and abdominal muscles occur. By this time, the woman in labor should be moved to the maternity ward.

Attempts last about half an hour for first-time mothers, and for those who go through the process again, the time is halved. At the same time, it is important for a woman to concentrate on proper breathing and make every effort to give birth to a baby. The intervals between attempts are gradually reduced to a couple of minutes, the pressure on the pelvis increases, becoming very strong.

How does a baby pass through the birth canal?

Whether the process of giving birth will cause severe pain depends on the woman giving birth. To make childbirth as easy and painless as possible, a woman should listen to the doctor and follow his recommendations. When the uterus dilates 10 cm or more, the baby will begin to move through the birth canal. For first-time mothers, this process takes about 3 hours; correct breathing will help shorten the baby’s waiting time (the diaphragm will put additional pressure on the uterus). In addition, the abdominal muscles will push the fetus.

Having gone all the way inside, the baby comes out of the mother with his head first. If the newborn's head is too large, the doctor will make an incision in the perineum (this will prevent the skin from tearing). During the postpartum period, a suture will be placed on it. When pushing, it is important to obey the doctor and midwife in everything: sometimes you don’t need to push too hard, otherwise you can harm your health or the condition of the baby.

How does the baby come out?

The normal position of the baby when it passes through the birth canal is head first, which is why it appears first when the baby is born. Often children come out with the back of their head forward, and their face becomes visible later. Afterwards, the baby turns, freeing first one and then the other shoulder. The body comes out lighter than the other parts of the body. When oxygen enters the baby's lungs, the mother hears her baby's first cry.

Expulsion of the placenta

The final stage of labor is the release of the placenta, which for 9 months provides nutrition, protection and the opportunity for the baby to develop. To remove the placenta, repeated uterine contractions are needed, which are less intense than contractions. The final contractions, in addition, contribute to the closure of the vessels through which the placenta was supplied with blood.

The success and speed of delivery of the placenta depends on how quickly the baby is attached to the mother's breast. This signals the body that labor has completed, after which the hormone oxytocin is released into the blood. The doctor examines the afterbirth to find out whether it came out intact, or whether some part remained in the uterus. In the latter case, a piece of the placenta will need to be removed, otherwise it will lead to an inflammatory process. If the body does not reject the afterbirth on its own, the doctor removes it.

How does childbirth go for the first time?

In primiparous girls, labor usually occurs between 38 and 42 weeks. Such a significant difference in time is due to the fact that ovulation different women happens in its own way different days cycle and depends on its duration. The second reason is that babies inside the womb develop according to different schedules, so some are ready for birth faster, others are born later.

How does childbirth proceed in women who have not given birth before? Primiparas experience premature onset of labor, which is associated with a weak cervix, after which it becomes difficult for the organ to hold the fetus. In such cases, labor proceeds rapidly, with virtually no contractions, often with injuries. Women have problems giving birth mature age(over 30-35 years), while labor may be too active or, conversely, weakened. However, an experienced doctor will be able to prevent dangers that threaten the mother or child.

The signal to go to the hospital is contractions - regular, recurring abdominal pain that cannot be confused with other symptoms. As a rule, generic detail begins with such precursors as:

  • mucous discharge from the vagina;
  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • frequent uterine tone, etc.

However, first-time girls may not notice such signs because they have no experience and do not know how childbirth goes. Typically, the entire process lasts about 12 hours, with most of the time spent on contractions during which the cervix dilates. Attempts for first-time mothers last up to an hour, and the birth of the child takes place even faster. Afterwards the placenta comes out (in some cases it is removed by the doctor, putting the patient under general anesthesia).

How do women experience second and third births?

If the first labor lasts about 12-18 hours, then the second one goes much faster. Multiparous women often have rapid (up to 4 hours) or rapid (up to 2 hours) labor. However, there are certain nuances that are characteristic of most cases of rebirth of a child:

  1. If the woman in labor does not have complications, then you can count on the fact that labor will proceed easily and quickly. The body, which is already familiar with this condition, adapts to it, speeding up contractions and stimulating a wider opening of the uterus.
  2. Repeated births often bring less discomfort, which is explained by previously stretched uterine walls. The pain when giving birth to a child again is less intense.
  3. Past experience makes the process easier, since the midwife no longer needs to talk about proper breathing and other important points that promote childbirth. In addition, multiparous girls experience less fear, so they behave more relaxed, which also speeds up the progression of contractions.

How to make childbirth easier

Doctors have a negative attitude towards the use of medications to ease the process, however, if pain negatively affects physical condition mother or baby, anesthesia may be used. In this case, use one of the following options:

  1. Drugs with narcotic composition. Pethidine is often used to reduce the intensity of pain; the drug is administered intramuscularly (into the buttock or thigh). The medication does not anesthetize contractions, but is used during the active stage of labor.
  2. Inhalation of a gas mixture. To reduce pain, during the late stage of labor, the mother may be given a mixture of nitric oxide and oxygen to inhale, supplied through special apparatus with a mask. Apply gas mixture can be done briefly and correctly, as instructed by the doctor. As a rule, 2-3 breaths are taken between contractions.
  3. Epidural injection. The anesthetic is injected subcutaneously into the tissue around the spinal column. After half an hour, the girl stops feeling the pain caused by contractions. However, this technique has many disadvantages, including side effects(increase in temperature, etc.), increase in duration or complete stop of labor.
