May happen during childbirth. How do maternity hospitals deal with placenta after childbirth?

The question of “how childbirth goes” worries not only expectant mothers, but also their husbands: both those who decided to support their spouse in a difficult process, and those who are waiting for the appearance of heirs outside the maternity hospital.

Doctors divide the complex process of the birth of a baby into several periods, each of which has its own tasks, and the coordinated actions of the woman in labor, the child, the midwife and the doctor are aimed at solving them. In some cases, the intervention of an anesthesiologist, surgeon, neonatologist, and resuscitation team is required.

Mothers who are not going through childbirth for the first time are often interested in this issue, and most importantly, they want to make the birth go smoothly, because they are familiar with the sensations. We'll talk about how a baby is born, how the woman in labor feels, and how to make the process easier and painless.

Pregnancy is a natural state for women of childbearing age; during this period, the body is aimed at bearing a child, therefore, the work of all organs and systems is activated, hormonal and physiological loads are sometimes too great.

Often during this important period, pregnant women get tired of the “burden” of the new life developing in them and dream of childbirth as a way of getting rid of it.

But childbirth, like any natural process, does not occur spontaneously. Some time before they begin, the woman begins to feel a set of symptoms, which can suggest that delivery is close.

This is due to change hormonal levels, because progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy, gives way to estrogen, the hormone that prepares the body for childbirth. It is he who is “responsible” for the process of “setting up” a woman for the successful birth of a baby. Expectant mothers rejoice at these moments, as these are harbingers of soon meeting the long-awaited baby.

Conventionally, we can divide the signs into those that can be determined independently and those that can only be seen by an obstetrician-gynecologist during an examination.

Here are the signs that a woman can feel on her own:

  • short-term uterine contractions, so-called. Their task is to train the smooth muscles of the uterus, just as athletes train muscles, in order to minimize stress on the body and prepare the woman’s body for the birth of a child. That's why these contractions are called "training" contractions.
  • reduction in abdominal size. This sign is due to the fact that the baby’s head, when presented correctly, descends into the small pelvis, preparing for childbirth. At the same time, the uterus descends, freeing the diaphragm and lungs, breathing becomes easier, and heartburn is less common.
  • discharge from the genital tract. This sign is often confused with leakage of amniotic fluid in which the baby develops, and this worries expectant mothers. In order not to worry in vain, you can buy special tests at the pharmacy, similar to those that detect pregnancy, and at home determine whether there is amniotic fluid in the discharge.
  • weight loss by 1-2 kg and reduction in visible swelling of the limbs. If before the elastic band from socks left visible trace, then now it becomes almost invisible.
  • changes in the posture and gait of a pregnant woman: this sign is associated with a shift in the center of gravity and fatigue from a prolonged state of pregnancy. The head is slightly thrown back, and it is more convenient for a woman to walk in small steps, with a slight spring: this gait is called a “duck walk.”
  • an increase in the frequency of the urge to go to the toilet, loosening of stools (associated with the release of the birth canal so that the baby’s head can freely squeeze through).
  • nagging pain in the lower back and abdomen. Ligaments stretch, and this is a natural process during childbirth. Many women, answering the question of how the second birth went, miss this sign because they did not feel it: their ligaments were already prepared by the birth of their first child.

There are only two symptoms by which only a doctor can determine the proximity of labor: a decrease in the volume of the abdomen during the next measurement (performed while lying on the back), as well as softening and partial opening of the cervix, a change in its structure from elastic to looser.

The harbingers of childbirth are not of the same type: for each woman this process can take place in its own way, depending on the hormonal background, physical training, moral and psychological state and other points. It is also important whether a woman is giving birth for the first time or whether she already has children.

For first-time mothers, the process of preparing for childbirth goes smoothly, gradually, and takes from two to three weeks. In addition, in most cases, the warning signs of labor go unnoticed.

In multiparous women, Braxton-Hicks contractions come earlier, and the time after the mucus plug leaves before birth is reduced, so it is especially important to listen to yourself and your feelings if this is not the first time you are going to the hospital.

How is childbirth? Step by step process

The harbingers of labor are becoming more noticeable, training contractions are bothering you more often, and the time is rapidly approaching 40. obstetric week pregnancy. All this suggests that labor will begin soon.

If a woman in labor comes to the maternity hospital by ambulance or on her own, because she feels that labor has begun, then the birth is called urgent. True, in some cases it is necessary to go to the hospital in advance so as not to miss their onset and avoid complications.

Doctors conditionally divide the whole process into three periods:

  • contractions;
  • pushing;
  • birth of the placenta.

For the first time, the entire process can take even more than 12 hours; the second, third and subsequent ones take much less time. Often, future dads wonder how women give birth in order to decide whether to take advantage of the opportunity to attend their son or daughter's first birthday. Many of them are afraid of pain and blood, they are afraid they will not be able to withstand their wife’s suffering and will faint if they see any medical manipulations.

In this case, it is important to determine the purpose of your stay during childbirth. No one asks the husband to intervene or observe the process itself “from the doctors’ side.” The main goal men must have the moral and physical support of their spouse, as well as the willingness to solve some bureaucratic or technical issues(call a doctor or midwife, help fill out paperwork and make important decisions).

Let's talk about each stage of childbirth separately.


The first contractions occur quite rarely, with large and uneven intervals of time, but gradually they become more pronounced and painful. During this period, the mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus may come off, if it has not separated earlier. Most often, contractions become regular after the amniotic fluid is released.

In a hospital setting, in order to stimulate or speed up labor, doctors resort to puncturing the amniotic sac. But wherever the water spills out, at home or in the hospital, pay attention to its quantity and quality.

If there are few of them, perhaps the outpouring is incomplete, and their greenish color with flakes and dark inclusions may mean that the baby is experiencing oxygen starvation, he is no longer comfortable in the womb and it’s time to get out with the help of professionals.

During a contraction, a woman in labor is required to endure pain, not panic, and breathe correctly. Frequent, rapid breathing will saturate the blood with oxygen, which means it will ensure a comfortable state for both mother and baby.

The contractions become increasingly stronger, and after a few hours, the doctor or midwife, upon examination, diagnoses a strong dilatation of the cervix: by 4 fingers, approximately 8-10 cm. This indicates that the period of pushing is approaching.


Attempts are actually the expulsion of the fetus, in language official medicine. It is difficult to find a woman who does not know how the first birth goes: most often, expectant mothers read a lot on this topic, attend courses or practical classes for pregnant women. But even the most theoretically prepared can become confused before the period of pushing begins.

In this case, midwives or a doctor come to the rescue. They will show and tell you how to push to give birth to a baby quickly and with the least amount of problems. If everything goes as it should, the process of pushing the baby out will take about 25-30 minutes. It is important to direct muscle movements towards the pelvis, follow the advice of specialists and not give in to panic.

If the impressionable husband of the woman in labor is present at the birth, at the moment of pushing he can leave the labor room, because at this moment his presence is not so necessary.

Expulsion of the placenta

The placenta is a muscular sac, an organ that arises and develops during pregnancy and dies with its end. For a long 40 weeks, the placenta supplied the baby with oxygen and communicated with him. expectant mother, and after a period determined by nature, the “baby place” is rejected from the woman’s body.

Usually, the expulsion of the placenta occurs with the next contraction after the birth of the baby, but there are times when the organ does not separate on its own. In this case, the doctor can help the woman in labor get rid of it: usually the placenta is removed manually under general anesthesia, and this entails additional days sick leave.

How is the first birth?

If a woman is pregnant for the first time, she is more attentive to her body and the changes occurring inside it. But, in the absence of experience, some processes are noticed by her later.

So, the first movement can be detected after 20 weeks. By the way, those who know first-hand how 3rd childbirth takes place sometimes assure doctors that they felt the first movements of the fetus between 12 and 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Most often, the first birth lasts longer than subsequent ones, so you don’t have to rush to the maternity hospital, because there you will have to tirelessly walk around the prenatal ward in anticipation of contractions becoming more frequent.

Important! If you are giving birth for the first time, but have previously had miscarriages later or premature birth for medical reasons, then your body is already ready for the process of delivery, which will take much less time.

Otherwise, the first birth is the same as for those women who have given birth several times already, if everything goes without complications.

How to make the process easier?

Mostly women, when talking about their second or subsequent births, note that the longest and most painful period is the first: contractions. That is why those who have experienced the birth of a child, when entering the maternity hospital for the second and third time, ask for pain relief during labor.

But you can make the process easier without resorting to drug anesthesia. Let's talk about several ways.

  1. Massaging your lower back during contractions will help relieve pain. On your own or with the help of your husband, massage the sacrum with soft with wide movements palms. This helps relax the muscles, distracts and therefore reduces discomfort.
  2. Singing, reciting poems, or even dancing will help you distract yourself from pain. It relaxes the body, puts the woman in labor in a positive mood, and helps the baby go through a difficult process. By the way, in India, women traditionally dance a ritual dance called “belly dance” during childbirth.
  3. Leaning slightly forward on the couch, wall, or husband's back is very helpful; it makes contractions much easier.
  4. Do not panic, feel pain as a natural part of childbirth and experience it as a positive experience in your life: this is wise and will lead to a reduction in problems during childbirth.

The last and most main advice: you need to listen to your body and the baby inside, do not forget to pay attention to the words and tips of experienced specialists accompanying your birth, trust yourself, your feelings and sensations.

The presence of the child’s father at the birth will also be of considerable help: just like the pregnancy process, this important stage life together, you can also live it together.

We must not forget that childbirth is a natural process, and a woman’s body is prepared for it by nature itself, so there is nothing scary or incomprehensible, it is enough to obtain the necessary information in advance.

For a successful delivery, it is also important to regularly visit a gynecologist during pregnancy, follow doctors’ recommendations and take care of your health. And in this case, when asked how the third birth went, you will answer: “Easy and with pleasure!”

We wish you a safe birth and healthy children!

Useful video about childbirth

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Birth of a child- a wonderful event for every woman, which requires a lot of effort and work from the expectant mother. Childbirth is a kind of test for a woman, which is accompanied by labor pain and fear. Being pregnant, I experienced a huge fear of childbirth, but I knew that there was no turning back and I would still have to give birth. I re-read the birth stories of women who gave birth and listened to the impressions of my friends and acquaintances, in the hope of finding something soothing for myself. The closer I got to the birth of the child, the stronger my panic became. But, as it turned out, “fear has big eyes.” Because of our fears and ignorance of the birth process, we women cannot relax and help our body cope with childbirth. It has been proven that fear and anxiety are the culprits of pain and nothing else.

A few days before the birth of a child, the so-called precursors of labor appear, signs by which one can guess that childbirth is just around the corner. Not all women have these signs, because women are different and everything happens individually.

Harbingers of childbirth:

Your baby calms down in your stomach and no longer moves so actively;
- the stomach drops, breathing becomes easier, since the stomach no longer squeezes the diaphragm;
- the navel protrudes;
- weight decreases by 1-2 kg;
- nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, as before menstruation;
- the plug comes off (the plug is thick yellowish mucus that closes the cervix, preventing infections from entering the uterus)

The entire process of childbirth is divided into three stages, they are called - periods of labor.

Periods of childbirth.

1. First stage of labor. The period of opening and formation of the birth canal.
2. Second stage of labor. The period of expulsion of the child.
3.Third stage of labor. Postpartum period (placenta delivery).

First stage of labor.

The longest period can last from 10 to 12 hours, but a significant part of the time passes almost unnoticed. During this period, the cervix opens. Under the influence of hormones, the uterus begins to contract faster and faster. First, preparatory contractions appear, almost painless. The woman in labor feels them like a hard belly. When the preparatory period ends and the cervix becomes soft, then “real” contractions begin.
At first, contractions are irregular and short-lived, only 15-20 seconds. The uterus gradually starts working.
Contractions gradually become more intense and more frequent. Due to the fact that the uterus contracts, the cervix, like a retractable cup, begins to decrease in height with each new contraction. Since the uterus has multidirectional muscles, as they contract, the cervix not only shortens, but also slowly opens.

These processes occur in parallel, but still this period of childbirth is divided into three subperiods:

The smoothing sub-period lasts from 3 to 7 hours. Contractions are almost painless and last no more than 30-40 seconds every 15-20 minutes.

The second sub-period of disclosure, its duration is 1-5 hours. The contractions are already intense, also lasting 30-40 seconds, but their frequency is increasing, now the contractions are repeated after 5-7 minutes. However, it is a good break for rest or even a light nap.

The process of opening the cervix is ​​actively assisted by the amniotic sac. He puts pressure on the cervical canal and pushes it apart. When the bladder bursts under its own weight, amniotic fluid is released. Sometimes this can happen even before contractions begin (the so-called early rupture of amniotic fluid). There is no need to be afraid that the bubble burst earlier, this does not worsen the child’s well-being at all, since the baby’s life depends on blood circulation in the umbilical cord, but nevertheless, tell the doctor about the time when the bubble burst.
If the bubble does not burst on its own, then the doctor may decide to puncture it at a certain point in labor (usually this happens in the second stage of labor).

Sub-period of transition to expulsion of the fetus. The baby's head descends into the pelvic floor and passes through the area of ​​the uterus that is equipped with big amount nerve endings. This sub-period is the most painful, as irritation of the nerve endings leads to the longest contractions.
This ends the first period.

What can you feel in the first stage of labor?

Fear, anxiety, uncertainty, loss of appetite or elation, relief, anticipation, desire to speak.
The most unpleasant may be discomfort in the sacral area during contractions, pain similar to menstruation, diarrhea, a burning sensation in the abdomen, and spotting.

At the end of the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, there will be a feeling of strong pressure on the perineal area, or a feeling that you really want to go to the toilet, sometimes there may be dizziness and chills.

Advice for a woman in labor: What to do in the first stage of labor?

Relax! Try to do normal household chores or take a nap. I tried to sleep during both small contractions and the most intense ones. And time passed faster, and there was no time left more strength. You can take a warm shower, directing the water stream to your lower back; the water is very relaxing. Ask your husband to massage your lower back. During contractions, you need to go to the maternity hospital every 7-10 minutes.
Now fear and anxiety are the most evil enemies for you and for your baby, so don’t be afraid of the impending contractions - but rather be glad that you will soon see your long-awaited baby, especially since most of the contractions are already behind you.
In between contractions, try to relax and rest as much as possible; if you are relaxed, the uterus will be well saturated with blood and will carry oxygen to the baby, and will restore its ability to contract intensively during the next contraction.
And if you are constantly tense in anticipation of a new contraction, then the uterus will not relax and the blood flow to it will worsen, and metabolic products will begin to be produced. They cause spasm of the uterine vessels and lower the pain threshold, therefore the pain will become more intense. Then a vicious circle arises - contraction - pain, break - fear of pain, contraction - even more pain.
Therefore, relax during the breaks and the birth will go well. By the way, you can learn to relax and breathe properly during pregnancy.

Second stage of labor.

This stage of labor is painful, but not long. In a normal course, the second stage of labor lasts no more than 30 minutes.
When the baby's head drops into the pelvic floor, a strong desire to push will appear, and labor itself begins. The contractile force of the abdominal press and diaphragm also joins the work of the uterus. All these joint efforts help the baby squeeze through the mother's birth canal. First the head is born, then one shoulder, another, and then the whole body.
Now your baby is free!

What can you feel in the second stage of labor?

Tension, not calmness, concentration, or vice versa, the feeling that labor will never end (although there is no more than an hour left before it ends), as well as confidence, elation and even euphoria.
You may experience increasing pain in the lower back and hips, fatigue, thirst, and even nausea. Not all phenomena may appear, but only some of them.

Advice for a woman in labor: What to do in the second stage of labor?

Third stage of labor.

This period is almost invisible to the woman; after the birth of the baby, the woman directs all her attention towards the child. Although you will have to work quite a bit more. Moreover, the third period is the most painless and short-lasting, no more than 30 minutes. And it even seemed to me that no more than 5 minutes had passed, since my thoughts were only about my baby.
During this period, the placenta separates after several almost imperceptible contractions, and comes out along with the fetal membranes and the remains of the umbilical cord. This completes the birth process. After the birth of the placenta, a heating pad with ice will be placed on the lower abdomen so that there is no bleeding and the uterus contracts well.

What can you feel in the third period?

Exhaustion or surge of strength, irritability or universal love, hunger, thirst and desire to relax. And most importantly, a feeling of boundless happiness from the fact that your child was born.

Advice for a woman in labor: What to do in the third stage of labor?

Gain a little more strength and follow the midwife's instructions so that the placenta comes out and your perineum is stitched up if there were any tears. Be sure to ask the baby to be placed on your chest and feed him; the first drops of colostrum are the most valuable for the baby.
Thank everyone who helped you. And finally, call your husband and family.

Dear women, do not be afraid of childbirth and labor pain, be sure of their successful resolution. Believe me, the pain of childbirth is quickly forgotten, and the miracle of the birth of a child remains with you forever!
The morning after giving birth, I was ready to go through everything again if it was necessary for my baby!

Childbirth for a woman is an almost sacred event: it is difficult to be calm about the process of bringing a new life into the world. Especially if you have to give birth to this life yourself. Childbirth inevitably causes a lot of emotions: anticipation of a miracle, excitement, joy and, of course, fear.

Fear of pain and the unknown. And getting rid of this fear is the primary task of any woman even before the start of labor, because in order for childbirth to go smoothly, it is so important to be calm, balanced, and self-confident.

The easiest way to dispel fear- this is to understand how childbirth occurs in women, and how to alleviate painful conditions during childbirth. Of course, you can ask the doctors to administer painkillers. However, it is always better for labor to proceed as naturally as possible.

In addition, the painkiller can also affect the intensity of contractions, which is not at all desirable. Among other things, often a woman, having felt relief, becomes passive, but the duration of labor and its severity largely depend on the woman’s behavior.

In addition, if a woman understands what and how is happening in her body at one time or another, she will be able to alleviate her condition with the help of correct behavior and correct posture.

So, how does childbirth go? During childbirth, a woman and her baby go through three most important periods: dilation of the cervix, expulsion of the fetus and birth of the placenta. The duration of labor directly depends on a number of reasons, primarily on what kind of birth it is.

How do they go first birth? The birth canal has not yet developed, the child has to stretch it, and this complicates the birth, and therefore makes it longer. According to statistics, the first birth takes from 8 to 18 hours. In all subsequent births, the birth canal has already been stretched by the previous birth, and, as a rule, labor takes less time, usually about 5-6 hours.

By the way, if the interval between the first and second births is more than 8 years, it is believed that the birth canal completely restores its elasticity and “forgets” the process of childbirth, which negatively affects the duration of labor. Learn more about how the second, third, fourth and subsequent births proceed.

What other factors influence the duration of labor?

Fruit size . If the baby is large, it will be more difficult for him to pass through the birth canal. From time to time, in such cases it is even necessary to resort to an emergency caesarean section. The same goes for “wrong” fetal presentation .

The presenting part is the part of the baby's body that is closest to the birth canal. The most common and desirable is the occipital presentation: the baby’s head is tilted, the chin is pressed to the chest, and the baby enters the pelvic area with the back of the head. It has the smallest diameter, which makes the difficult path easier. This arrangement accounts for up to 95% of all births.

In a facial presentation, the baby is positioned facing the cervix. In this position, the birth process is somewhat difficult due to the increased diameter of the head, and in some cases, if there are other complications, doctors may insist on a caesarean section. Of all the options for cephalic presentation, the most difficult is the frontal one. In this case, the baby's head is turned so that it simply physically cannot pass into the birth canal. Frontal presentation is a sufficient indication for cesarean section.

The same can be said about horizontal presentation, when the baby is located across the uterus, with his back or stomach towards the exit. Delivery naturally in this case, of course, it is impossible. But with a pelvic or breech presentation, if there are no other complications, then the woman may well give birth herself. To make sure of this, even before the onset of labor, doctors carefully examine the woman, determine the size of the fetus, the size of the pelvis, and so on.

But, even if the woman gives birth in this case herself, the duration of labor will be somewhat longer. In addition, the woman in labor and the child will require additional attention from doctors.

Cervical dilatation - stage 1

Childbirth begins, as you know, with contractions. What is it? Normal muscle contraction. As you remember, the uterus is a kind of muscular sac that tightly envelops the child. The contraction of the uterus occurs gradually: from the fundus to the cervix. Thus, the walls of the uterus seem to pull the cervix, forcing it to open.

How do contractions occur and what causes them? It is believed that the reason for the onset of labor is the simultaneous occurrence of 2 factors: excessive distension of the uterus, which is quite natural for last days childbirth, and the release of the hormone oxytocin into the blood, which stimulates uterine contractions. An overstretched uterus begins to strive to return to its previous size, or at least to one that does not cause discomfort.

The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of oxytocin. But what causes the release of hormones into the blood is not yet fully understood. There are several opinions on this matter. In particular, many believe that the child himself is responsible for the start of labor, which, as it were, tells the mother’s body that he is ready to be born, and the mother’s body, reacting to these signals, begins to intensively produce oxytocin.

The first contractions are usually not strong, not long, and the interval between them is quite large. However, gradually, the more the cervix opens, the more the contractions intensify and become more frequent. It is believed that you need to go to the maternity hospital when contractions occur every 10-15 minutes.

How is childbirth in the maternity hospital? In the emergency room of the maternity hospital, before sending a woman to the maternity ward, she will be carefully examined: weight, height, abdominal size, blood pressure will be measured, and a gynecological examination will be performed to clarify the condition of the cervix.

Following this, hygiene procedures are carried out: shaving the pubis and an enema. Why you need to shave your pubic hair is more or less clear: it makes it easier to carry out an examination. Why do you need such an unpleasant procedure as an enema? It's simple, emptying the intestines frees up space in the abdominal cavity, which makes childbirth easier.

In addition, there is always a risk of complications resulting in emergency surgery. C-section, and during the operation the intestines must also be empty.

Only after all this will the woman be transferred to the maternity ward, where she will spend the entire first stage of labor.

Cervical dilatation also occurs in three phases . The first one is called latent, it usually lasts about 6 hours. If the birth is repeated, then about 5. During this time, the cervix dilates by 3-4 cm. The next phase is active. The rate of cervical dilatation at this stage increases significantly, reaching 2 cm per hour.

During the active phase, the diameter of the cervix increases to 8 cm. Deceleration phase– the last phase of cervical dilatation. During this phase, the cervix dilates to the required 10-12 cm.

Simultaneously with the dilation of the cervix, the fetus gradually moves towards the birth canal. It also occurs due to rhythmic contractions of the uterus. Thus, by the time of full dilation, the baby is already ready to enter the birth canal. At the same time, into the cervix overpressure part of the amniotic sac is retracted. As a result, it breaks and occurs rupture of amniotic fluid .

In some cases, the membrane does not open on its own, then the obstetrician ruptures it. Sometimes the rupture of amniotic fluid occurs even before the cervix is ​​fully dilated, in which case it is called early. It can also happen that the water breaks at the very beginning of the first stage of labor, or even before contractions begin. In this case, they speak of premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

That's probably all that can be said about the first stage of labor. All that remains is to talk about how you can alleviate the condition women at this stage. The most important thing is to breathe correctly during contractions. What is it for? Proper breathing, firstly, provides the mother and child with the necessary amount of oxygen.

This is also necessary because the lack of oxygen traditionally makes itself felt by pain. That is, if there is not enough oxygen in the uterus, contractions will be more painful.

Secondly, proper breathing helps relax muscles and also reduce nervous tension. Mineralization nervous tension also has a positive effect on the well-being of the mother in labor.

What kind of breathing is considered correct? First of all, breathing must correspond to the specific moment. Before the contraction begins, when the woman already anticipates the tension of the uterus, she needs to breathe as deeply as possible, which will ensure a timely flow of oxygen.

When pain appears, indicating the onset of another contraction, the woman’s breathing should become fast and shallow. The diaphragm is practically not involved in such breathing, which means that the pressure on the uterus will be minimal.

At the peak of the contraction, you need to take 4 quick breaths, and then you can exhale calmly and slowly. After the contraction ends, all that remains is to take a deep breath in your stomach and also exhale deeply. In between contractions you need to breathe as usual.

In addition to breathing, a woman’s sensations are affected by her posture and, in general, mobility. Doctors recommend not lying down for the entire period of contractions, but walking around the room, sitting down, standing up, in general, taking those positions that are comfortable for you. The human body instinctively reaches for the position in which it is most comfortable. Often women tend to squat or kneel.

One more point: at the stage of cervical dilatation, many women try to push, thus hoping to speed up the process. However, contractions are an uncontrollable process, and it will not be possible to speed them up. You will only waste your energy, and it will be useful to you in the second and third stages. Regarding pushing, it is better to listen carefully to the instructions of the obstetrician.

Expulsion of the fetus - stage 2

From the moment of full dilation, the second phase of labor begins: the expulsion of the fetus, or the actual birth of the child. It is much shorter than the previous one, and usually takes 20-30 minutes. By this time, the woman will be asked to take the position in which she is going to give birth.

Until recently, this meant lying on a bulky device that resembled a cross between a bed and a gynecological chair. In this position we can only talk about convenience for doctors and gynecologists. Indeed, when a woman lies in this position, the obstetrician can examine the process in detail.

However, the mother in labor will probably want to choose something else. Most the optimal position is considered when a woman is supported from behind by her armpits. Everything in this position contributes to delivery. Including gravity. Water births are no less popular.

However, the position for childbirth is, of course, very important, but not the most determining factor. It is much more important that the woman feels understanding and support throughout the second stage. This is why it is so important to choose an experienced and attentive obstetrician.

For the same reason, they are becoming more and more popular partner birth that require presence in the delivery room loved one usually the husband. However, more and more often, women in labor invite mothers or other older relatives to the birth.

Most important feature The second stage of labor is that at this stage a woman can help her child to be born. Here are added to the usual contractions attempts: conscious tension of the muscles of the uterus, diaphragm and abdominal cavity. To get the best effect, you need to push in certain time, and not all the time. Pay attention to the advice of your obstetrician.

It is equally important to know what awaits your baby when he is born. For him, everything that happens is supposedly a shock. This is understandable: he lived for 9 months in the most cozy and pleasant house, he didn’t have to do anything, oxygen and food came to him on their own, he felt warm and comfortable. And suddenly his small and familiar house begins to shrink, literally pushing him into the unknown.

Just in time for the beginning of the second stage of labor, the baby seems to find a way out: birth canal. However, on this road to the light he has to overcome so much: the cervix, the pelvic bones, the muscles of the perineum. And all this only to experience acute pain from sharply opening lungs, cold environment and similar sensations.

However, nature is wise and will not subject its children to unbearable tests. Both mother and child are fully capable of enduring the birth process. The organisms of both are adapted to facilitate as much as possible such an important process in everyone’s life.

Thus, by the end of pregnancy, the bones of a woman’s pelvis move somewhat apart due to the relaxation of joints and ligaments in order to allow the baby to pass through. In addition, the fetal skull bones are not yet fused at birth. Thanks to this, they can compress, slightly changing the shape of the skull and allowing the child to come out. The muscles of a woman's perineum - the last barrier to life - are elastic enough to stretch under the weight of a child.

A woman’s efforts also influence the ease of childbirth. Therefore the mother should actively participate in such an important process for her. Her main task will be pushing and proper breathing. What can a woman do in the second stage of labor for her baby?

Feeling the approach of the next contraction, the woman should take a comfortable position, relax the perineum and generally relax as much as possible. You need to breathe deeply.

When the contraction begins, you need to take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath. This will allow you to move the aperture down as much as possible. The diaphragm begins to put pressure on the uterus, increasing the impact. After finishing the inhalation, you need to tense your abdominal muscles, starting from the stomach area. However, the perineal muscles should not be strained.

If the contraction is prolonged and you cannot hold your breath for its entire length, exhale sharply through your mouth, take another deep breath and hold your breath again.

The attempts continue until the end of the fight. Between contractions, a woman's breathing should be deep and calm.

The hardest part is over: the baby’s head emerged from the woman’s vagina. In a newborn, the head is the largest part of the body, which means things will go easier from there. The obstetrician will help the child free one shoulder first, then the other, and then everything will go very easily. When the baby just leaves the birth canal, he wants first breath . Usually after this he starts screaming. For a long time

Skin-to-skin contact, as this action is called, is very useful in establishing a bond between mother and child. Immediately after birth, they are still connected by the umbilical cord, but it is already useless; it is cut and bandaged. There are no nerve endings in the umbilical cord, so neither the mother nor her baby will feel it. After a few days, the remaining piece on the baby’s navel dries out and falls off. After a few more days, the wound he left heals.

Birth of the placenta - stage 3

What happens to the second end of the umbilical cord? After all, the placenta to which it is attached is still inside the mother. This problem is solved during the third stage of labor: expulsion of the placenta. After a short rest, the uterus begins to contract again. These sensations are not nearly as painful, but they are just as necessary as contractions.

As a result of contractions, the placenta separates from the walls of the uterus and exits in the same way, through the cervix and perineum. The last contractions close the blood vessels that supplied the placenta with blood. This is necessary to prevent bleeding after childbirth. Of course, it will not be possible to avoid them completely, but the less blood a woman loses, the better.

To enhance the final contractions of the uterus, the mother's nipples can be postulated, or better yet, attach to baby's chest. As a result, the hormone oxytocin is released into the woman’s blood, which, among other things, causes the uterus to contract.

After the birth of the placenta, the obstetrician carefully examines the placenta. It is necessary to ensure that it is in satisfactory condition. In addition, its integrity is checked. In some cases, the placenta is not completely separated. In this case, additional intervention is necessary, otherwise the remnants of the placenta rot inside the uterus, which is fraught with complex pathologies, including infertility and removal of the uterus.

The final stage of labor is stitching up tears in case it was not possible to do without them. After this, the mother and child spend another 2 hours in the postpartum ward, where they will stay until discharge.

Over the course of several days, the condition of the mother and child will be closely monitored, including changes in the baby’s weight, his reflexes, the condition of the mother’s stitches and the amount of bleeding. Usually after 3-5 days the woman and child are discharged home, and this is a completely different story, although no less exciting.

That, in fact, is all a woman needs to know about how childbirth occurs. Of course, reality may differ somewhat from the scenario described here. Especially if we're talking about about special births. Much depends on at what stage the woman gets to the maternity hospital, what complications there were during pregnancy, what the examination before childbirth will show, and so on. If you are worried about your condition due to any complications known to you, you can check with your doctor about what and how will happen in your particular case.

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How does a child feel during childbirth and how should he behave to help his baby?

How does a baby understand that “it’s time”?

Childbirth is a kind of program that starts long before the baby is born.

At another 38-40 weeks, a woman may experience “training” contractions. They are short and unaccompanied unpleasant sensations or pain, but appear with one purpose - to prepare the body of mother and child for real contractions and childbirth. The baby remembers these vibrations and then “recognizes” them during childbirth, which helps him quickly adapt to the process.

Birth plan

Contractions are the first stage of labor. Normally it takes the longest. Looking at a woman in this period, one gets the impression that now she is the main character. But this is a mistaken opinion. the main role at the beginning of labor and the start of the contraction mechanism, it is given to the baby. When the fetus is ready for birth, it releases hormones (oxytocin and corticotropin), to which the mother's body responds by producing prostaglandin, which triggers contractions.

The second stage of labor is pushing. They are shorter than contractions, but more intense. At this stage of childbirth, the roles of mother and baby are equal. After the cervix dilates, the baby should move a few centimeters along the birth canal. In this it is helped by the displacement of the skull bones, which are connected by cartilage and move easily, reducing the diameter of the head and thereby facilitating the process of passage through the birth canal. Both participants help each other so that the birth goes smoothly and the baby is born without complications.

In the third stage of labor Only mom works. The baby rests, getting used to everything around him: new sounds, temperature, etc.

Stage one: the beginning of change

The first thing the baby feels during this period of labor is the disappearance of the feeling of weightlessness. This occurs as a result of rupture of the membranes and leakage of amniotic fluid. He begins to feel a force of attraction, which, one might say, he had not felt before due to being in the amniotic fluid. Almost simultaneously, vibrations familiar from false contractions begin. But now they are stronger and more frequent. These are contractions during which the cervix slowly opens under the influence of hormones, about 1 cm per hour. The muscles of the upper part of the uterus actively contract and begin to push the baby towards the birth canal. Unusually strong vibrations affect the baby, he is a little worried, which can be seen on the monitor of the ultrasound machine. There is another problem - lack of oxygen. During contractions, the blood vessels in the placenta narrow and the blood flow in them slows down, and the baby does not receive enough oxygen. If during contractions a mother thinks only about her pain, screams and does not breathe correctly, then the child has a very difficult time.

Our advice. In between contractions you need to relax. This is necessary not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Muscle tension increases pain. Don't be nervous, don't panic, watch your emotions. Adrenaline, released when feeling fear, harms the baby by disrupting the functioning of his heart. Do not Cry. Because of the screaming, the baby practically does not receive oxygen, and he has less and less strength for birth.

Pushing stage: working together

Soon the cervix dilates completely, by about 10 cm, contractions become more frequent, and the pain becomes stronger, and oxytocin is produced in the mother’s body, which provokes the appearance of pushing. This is how the second stage of childbirth begins - the stage of active work between mother and baby already in the delivery room. In addition to the fact that during pushing, the compression and lack of oxygen become stronger, the child’s pulse also increases: up to 180 beats per minute. Now the baby has only one way out - outside. And it begins its movement along the narrow birth canal, stretching the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina. The “stepping reflex”, thanks to which the baby pushes away from the fundus of the uterus, helps him move in the right direction. The impact of the baby’s movement along the birth canal on the tissues and receptors located in them makes the mother want to push. Do not resist this desire because of pain, try to tense the necessary muscles in time. The pain that a woman feels at the birth of a baby is within her power, because... nature took care to reduce pain. In anticipation that everything will end soon, the mother’s body begins to produce “happiness hormones” - endorphins, which act as a natural pain reliever for mother and child.

The most important thing now for the baby is the emergence of his head. The head comes out the hardest, despite nature’s mechanism for changing its diameter due to shifting the bones of the skull. As soon as his head comes out, you can calm down, because the rest of the body will appear much easier. Everything that a woman in labor does just before the head comes out has great importance and is aimed at helping the baby to be born.

Our advice. Listen to the midwife's commands, this will help you behave correctly in the most critical period of childbirth and distribute your strength. In between attempts, do not forget to breathe correctly: deep breathing has a calming effect on the child, and frequent and shallow breathing gives him the necessary oxygen. During the pushing period, the baby relies on the forces of nature and his mother. Help your baby be born healthy, no one else will do this but you.

The third stage: the birth of the baby

At birth, the newborn falls into air environment, and air enters his lungs, straightening them. Until the umbilical cord is cut, the baby has some time to adapt. After all, he never breathed with the help of his lungs, and he received all the oxygen necessary for life from his mother’s blood. But, as soon as the baby loses contact with the mother’s body through the placenta, he is forced to start breathing on his own. As a rule, a sharp breath brings painful sensations due to unusual distension in the chest, so normally the child’s first breath is accompanied by a cry.

Coming out of the mother's womb, the child is faced with a temperature difference that is approximately 10-15C. This helps to launch another important mechanism for the body - thermoregulation. To help the baby adapt quickly, use a table with an infrared lamp and, of course, a hug from the mother.

Contacting the mother’s body immediately after birth, the newborn calms down thanks to her voice, perceiving it as a vibration to which it has become accustomed for 9 months. He recognizes exactly the mother’s voice, and the baby perceives all other sounds, if they are not too loud, as background. In the first hour after birth, in the arms of his mother, the baby finds himself in the space that is most understandable and familiar to him, because in addition to the mother’s voice, he also hears the sounds of her heart and breathing, which remind him of what he heard in the womb. Being in close contact with the mother, the newborn also feels her familiar smell (it has been established that amniotic fluid “smells like mother”).

All together has a calming effect on the baby. And this close connection with the mother, which symbolizes protection for the child from the outside world, persists throughout the entire period of infancy and begins to weaken only when the baby reaches the age of three.

After birth, the baby not only hears, but also distinguishes everything that is half a meter away from him. Therefore, in the first minutes after birth, the child remembers the images that he sees nearby (imperinting). This mechanism also helps to establish a close bond between the child and parents.

Our advice. Anything that reminds a child of life in the womb helps him adapt to the new world. Therefore, after the birth of the baby, it is very important if the midwife or doctor rushes not to cut the umbilical cord, but first to attach the newborn to the mother’s chest. Tell your child how happy you are and how much you love him. Let your voice and your warmth be the first thing your child hears and feels in this big world.

How to calm a newborn
There are several techniques to calm the baby, which work according to the laws of logic and physiology:
1. Take the child in your arms and hold him close to you. So the baby will immediately remember the intrauterine period of life in a limited warm space.
2. Rock your newborn or walk around the room while holding him in your arms. This will remind the baby of the swaying that he felt when his mother walked, being in her stomach.
3.When rocking, you can lightly pat him on the butt, this will remind the baby of the rhythm of his mother’s heart, the beats of which he felt in the womb.
4. And the hissing sounds “ch”, “sch” and “sh” (for example, in the word “quieter”) calm the child, reminding him of the noise of the mother’s lungs and intestines.
5. No matter what kind words the mother says to the child, he will calm down. Because he will hear the voice that is most dear to him.

For an expectant mother, especially if her pregnancy is her first and desired, it is quite natural to experience a cocktail of mixed feelings. This is joy, hope, new shades of love and, at the same time, completely understandable fear and confusion. It is impossible to answer all the questions that arise during pregnancy, but it is quite possible to highlight the most common problems. It’s better to familiarize yourself with them in advance so as not to waste time and energy on unreasonable fears, but to meet one of the main events in your life with joy and light in your soul!

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

An unpleasant but completely natural reality

  1. Chills. This is a phenomenon that is often observed in women in labor, but is not a consequence of the cold. It may appear due to an increase or decrease blood pressure under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Sometimes this happens due to a slight increase in body temperature - experts explain this by the incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and mother
  2. Gases and uncontrolled bowel movements. This is an unpleasant fact, but this often happens during the birth process. It is quite difficult to get rid of the natural feeling of shame, but let you be at least a little reassured by the fact that you, in this case, are just one of many and the medical staff is absolutely accustomed to this. As the fetus passes through the birth canal, it temporarily compresses the intestines and puts pressure on internal organs, as a result of which gases are released and feces can be pushed out
  3. Vomit. What can you do, such painful embarrassments happen during childbirth. Like chills, they can be explained by changes in blood pressure or the use of epidural anesthesia. Vomiting often occurs as a result of a sharp dilatation of the cervix or when contractions begin quite quickly after eating
  4. Stupor due to severe fright. You can regularly attend classes for expectant mothers and be considered one of the best students there, but in a moment of stress, all knowledge and skills are often transformed in your head into a complete vacuum. Still, try to find the strength to regain common sense and remember everything!
  5. Unusual actions. Tears, screams and hysterics are not all that can be accompanied by labor activity. Sometimes women tend to behave in unusual ways; they can insult doctors and spouses and tear off their clothes. This is explained by a hormonal revolution that bursts out with uncontrollable emotions
  6. Failure to accept the desired baby at first sight. Do not be afraid that after a difficult birth process filled with fear, pain and despair, you will not be touched by visual contact with your newborn. This is a consequence of the stress you have just experienced. In just a few hours, when the storm of feelings has subsided slightly, you will look at him with completely different eyes and feel an irresistible desire not to part with the baby even for a minute!
  7. Male fear. Today it has become fashionable for the husband to be present at birth. The picture that a woman paints for herself in advance in the form of gentle handshakes and tears of happiness when an heir is born is fundamentally different from reality. In fact, men, for the most part, experience a deep sense of horror from what is happening. Looking at the pain and torment of their beloved woman, and having no way to alleviate them, they fall into a complete stupor. And in general, the picture that opens up to your eyes is completely devoid of aesthetics and beauty, so think about whether it is really important for you to make a family show out of such an intimate event

What you need to know about childbirth