13th week of pregnancy what is happening. What happens in the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy

The 13th obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester. The most difficult period is behind us.

What can an expectant mother enjoy this week? What changes occur in the baby's development at 13 weeks?

13 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

The child's body size has reached 8-10 cm, weight - 20 g. It can be compared to a peach.
The volume of the brain increases, as a result of which its movements become smoother and more orderly.

The head begins to grow more slowly. Limbs lengthen.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the baby look like at the 13th obstetric week?

The sex organs continue to develop this week, but the sex of the baby is still unclear.
In addition, the prostate gland begins to form in boys, and the ovaries in girls.

As a result of the appearance of the sucking reflex, the baby can swallow a small amount of amniotic fluid. In this way, the stomach is prepared for future work.

The pancreas produces insulin, the liver produces bile. The first digestive villi appear in the intestines. The baby produces urine every 40 minutes.

During this period, many pregnant women experience intestinal problems. In this regard, you need to be very careful about your diet.

Changes in a woman’s body at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy

From this week, the expectant mother's belly begins to grow. If it is a multiple pregnancy, it becomes increasingly difficult to hide it.

The breasts are still enlarged in size, although in some women they may shrink slightly due to decreased progesterone.

What can and cannot be done for a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Physical activity should be moderate. No strenuous sports. The most acceptable option is swimming and yoga for pregnant women.

Walking will also bring maximum benefits. However, walking too long can cause pain in your legs, so their duration should be limited. In order to feel good, a woman simply needs to rest often.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy, concentration decreases. Therefore, you need to drive with extreme caution.

Expectant mothers need to strictly control their diet. Large weight gain during pregnancy is extremely undesirable! In order not to gain extra pounds, you need to reduce your consumption of bakery and confectionery products to a minimum.

Important to know: Pain and cramps in the legs are a sign of calcium and potassium deficiency.

In the second trimester, you should try to eat more protein foods. Protein is needed for the normal functioning of the placenta and the formation of muscle mass in the baby.

13 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

The most important sign that everything is fine with the child is stable weight gain. At week 13, the mother should gain from 1 to 2 kg weight.

Test results are also an indicator of the absence of complications. If all indicators are normal, then the expectant mother can be calm.

A sharp decrease in basal temperature is one of the symptoms of a non-developing pregnancy.

Popular questions about pregnancy at 8 weeks - answered by a specialist

13 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic periods - how are they different?

  • Obstetric term calculated from the beginning of the last menstruation, when pregnancy has not yet occurred. In this way, it is more convenient for doctors to calculate the approximate date of birth.
  • Embryonic term– this is the real age of the baby from the moment of fertilization.

Is discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

Due to the increase in fluid volume in the body, vaginal discharge may increase in the second trimester. Normal discharge should be watery and odorless.

White color and thick consistency may indicate thrush. This is not such a rare occurrence among pregnant women. Thrush responds well to treatment, especially in the early stages.

Blood present in the discharge, combined with persistent pain, almost always means a threat of miscarriage.

If at 13 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat...

It happens that the heartbeat is very difficult to hear.

This happens for several reasons:

  • Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Malformations of the heart.
  • Maternal obesity.
  • Incorrect placement of the fetus.

If the heartbeat is not heard at all, the reason may be a malfunction of the device's sensor. In other cases, this means the death of the fetus.

If at 13 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen feels tight...

Walking in high heels and lifting weights can provoke nagging pain. In this case, the woman needs to take a comfortable position, preferably lying down. After some period of time, the discomfort should go away.

Are you worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at the 13th obstetric week - reasons?

Rapid enlargement of the uterus causes stretching of the ligaments, which leads to pain in the place where the ovaries are located. Usually such pain appears and disappears suddenly. They pose no threat.

Acute and prolonged pain in combination with elevated body temperature should cause concern.

13th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

At the 13th week of eco-pregnancy, doctors take anthropometric measurements and diagnose cervical pathology using ultrasound.

A blood test is performed to determine the content of pregnancy proteins PAPP-A and the beta subunit of the hCG hormone.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at the 13th week of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant; is there blood?

When a pregnant woman stops vomiting, it may mean that her hormone levels have changed slightly. In this case, there is no cause for alarm.

However, the appearance of blood almost always means problems with bearing a child. To dispel all doubts, a woman needs to see a doctor.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks, or does it rarely freeze at this time?

There are certain difficulties in determining a frozen pregnancy.

The first sign that the fetus has stopped developing is the disappearance of toxicosis, which is also natural for this period. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult to recognize a frozen pregnancy in the early stages.

After fetal freezing occurs, other pregnancy symptoms will gradually begin to disappear. A sharp decrease in basal temperature(below 37 degrees) is also one of the signs of frozen pregnancy.

The next symptom that cannot be ignored is blood from vagina.

Miscarriage occurs more often in women who have had a similar experience in the past.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Many people exaggerate the danger of ARVI during pregnancy. With proper and timely treatment, colds cannot harm the unborn baby.

The most important rule– never self-medicate, as many medications can affect the course of pregnancy.

At week 13, disruptions in fetal development are practically impossible, since all important organs and systems have already formed.

But there is a list of diseases that are considered potentially dangerous during pregnancy:

  • Venereal diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Measles.
  • Rubella.
  • Hepatitis.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

This is a completely expected condition - many women begin to feel better during this period. Just don’t forget to visit your doctor in a timely manner and continue to follow all the recommendations.

Many people call this month the golden period. Now a woman can fully experience the pleasure of pregnancy.

This time can be devoted to such pleasant little things as planning a children's room, buying necessary goods for the baby and studying information about childbirth, which will soon be very useful for the mother.

Doctors conventionally called this time the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, and someone jokingly called the next few months the “honeymoon of pregnancy.” And no wonder: food and smells no longer irritate a woman, loss of strength and nausea are a thing of the past, on the contrary, many even feel a surge of energy, the frequent urge to urinate is less pronounced, and the emotional state is normalized.

The baby is still the size of a large plum or onion, but in most pregnant women, the belly at the 13th week of pregnancy is already noticeably enlarged and rounded. Now it cannot be hidden under tight-fitting clothes.

13th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby

  • At 13 weeks of gestation, the fetal size is approximately 6.5 to 10 cm;
  • The face becomes more pronounced, the nose and chin are defined, and a characteristic appearance begins to form;
  • The brain is growing rapidly, so the head still occupies almost half the length of the body;
  • The fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy already weighs approximately 20-28 g, but over the next months body growth will incredibly accelerate so that by the time of birth the head size is no more than a quarter of its length;
  • Primary sexual characteristics appear: penis or clitoris and labia.

Global changes are also taking place inside the small body:

  1. Bones and muscles are formed, ribs are designated;
  2. The growing diaphragm raises the chest higher; at week 13, the fetus “breathes,” training the diaphragm and chest muscles. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) can lead to inhalation of some amniotic fluid;
  3. The first vellus hairs appear;
  4. The vocal apparatus is formed;
  5. The digestive system develops: the intestine completely leaves the umbilical cord, where it was partially located before, and takes its proper place in the tummy, villi are formed in its lumen, which will help digest food, the liver begins to secrete bile, the pancreas - insulin;
  6. The formation of twenty primordia of baby teeth is completed;
  7. The heart already pumps more than twenty liters of blood per day;
  8. The kidneys excrete urine into the amniotic fluid;
  9. Sex cells develop;
  10. A very thin, delicate skin develops, there is little subcutaneous fat tissue, small blood vessels are visible through the skin, the child’s body is very red and wrinkled.

The baby’s psyche also matures:

Mother's well-being in the third month of pregnancy

The discomfort of the first trimester of pregnancy goes away and women completely get used to the new condition, but may be bothered by abdominal pain and heavy discharge.

Uterus size at 13 weeks of pregnancy

The fetus increased in size, and with it the uterus. At this time, it becomes softer and more elastic. At thirteen weeks, the uterus already fills the hip area and moves further into the abdominal cavity. At the same time, nearby organs are somewhat compressed, for this reason, shortness of breath, heartburn, etc. may occur at 13 weeks.

During the examination, the gynecologist measures the fundus of the uterus. This allows you to clarify the duration of pregnancy. The height of the uterus at this stage is 13 cm, and the width is 10 cm.

Why does your stomach hurt at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

  1. Short-term pain on the sides of the abdomen is usually caused by a sprain of the ligaments that hold the uterus and are not dangerous. Therefore, women may feel that their stomach is “pulling” at the 13th week of pregnancy (read the article on the topic: During pregnancy, the lower abdomen is pulling >>>);
  2. Another cause of pain at 13 weeks may be the accumulation of gases in the intestines. Adjusting your diet will help: eliminate foods that, according to your observations, cause increased gas formation. You can learn more about nutrition from the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for an Expectant Mother >>>;
  3. Spasmodic pain, concentrated in the lower abdomen, is associated with increased uterine tone. Essentially, excessive muscle tension occurs, which means you can get rid of it through maximum relaxation. Therefore, if the environment allows, the expectant mother should lie down and rest.

Heels, weights and stress are excluded, as all this provokes an increase in tone. If this problem happens often, tell your doctor. It is possible to prescribe antispasmodics and magnesium preparations. For pain accompanied by bloody, lingering discharge, you need to limit physical activity as much as possible and urgently go to the hospital.


  • Bleeding during pregnancy at thirteen weeks is quite common, but most of it is not dangerous. Eighty percent of pregnant women who experience bleeding at 13 weeks subsequently safely give birth to healthy babies;

But consulting a doctor is certainly necessary to rule out such dangerous conditions as abruption or placenta previa. In this case, the pregnant woman is recommended to completely avoid physical and psychological stress for some time. For some women, the only right decision is to be admitted to hospital.

  • In addition, the cause of bleeding at this period can be a hematoma or injury to the cervix during sex or a gynecological examination. Other reasons include neoplasms, increased fragility of blood vessels, and various bruises.

Not all of the above conditions are equally dangerous, but clarification of the diagnosis is required. For this, the doctor may refer you for an ultrasound, which will clarify the cause of the bleeding and help see the condition of the mother and fetus.

Discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy

More intense discharge at this time is normal, the main thing is that its smell or color does not change. If the discharge becomes gray, yellow, green, red, brown, smells sharp and unpleasant, acquires a cheesy consistency, bubbles, causes discomfort, pain, itching or burning, then do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Possible infection or threat of miscarriage. In particular, brown discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy indicates placenta previa or internal bleeding (read more in the article Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>). The latter, although it does not directly affect the fetus, reduces the total volume of blood flow to the mother, which means that the fetus experiences oxygen deficiency and suffers.

Feelings at 13 weeks

  1. Changes in hormonal levels and growth of the uterus can cause constipation. This is where fiber-rich foods will come to the rescue (see also the Nutrition section). If adjusting your diet does not help, you need to visit a doctor, because not every laxative can be taken by a pregnant woman. The doctor will prescribe suitable medications, for example, probiotics or special suppositories with glycerin and papaverine;
  2. Breasts enlarge because the ducts of the mammary glands begin to fill with colostrum (useful article: Colostrum during pregnancy >>>);
  3. At this time, the likelihood of thrush or candidiasis is very high. The causative agent is a fungus from the genus Candida, which normally lives in the female vagina. Taking advantage of the fact that the mother’s body is busy with active hormonal changes, and the immunity is naturally reduced (after all, with the proper immune response, pregnancy simply will not survive), the fungus actively multiplies.
  1. Blood sugar levels are reduced due to the active consumption of it by the fetus during growth;
  2. At 13 weeks, bleeding gums may appear when brushing your teeth, as well as increased sensitivity of the oral mucosa to hot and cold;
  3. After the formation of the uteroplacental circulation, hypotension (low blood pressure) may appear. This is not particularly noticeable, but with a very strong decrease in pressure, the peripheral blood vessels of the uterus contract, reducing blood supply to the fetus. In this case, drug treatment is necessary.

If the pressure rises on this line, then most likely the pregnant woman has kidney problems.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

Temperature at 13 weeks of pregnancy

As in previous periods, low-grade fever may persist. If the pregnant woman feels well, there is no discomfort or pain, and there are no suspicious discharges, then perhaps this is her version of the norm.

But it is still worth monitoring the possible increase in temperature even more carefully. If, for example, the thermometer reaches 38 degrees and this situation persists for more than two days, you should not delay a doctor’s examination. The expectant mother will be recommended a suitable antipyretic with paracetamol or homeopathic, as well as treatment with gentle methods.

Colds at 13 weeks of pregnancy

The best thing for the expectant mother and fetus is to remain healthy throughout pregnancy. But, unfortunately, as mentioned above, immunity in pregnant women decreases. Therefore, the likelihood of encountering an infection is quite high, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Although at this stage there is no such danger for a woman’s illness as in the first weeks of pregnancy, there is still a risk of fetal development abnormalities or premature birth. Treatment is necessary at the very first signs of illness: chills, headache, nasal congestion and sore throat.

Attention! You can't carry illness on your feet! A pregnant woman, like no one else, must observe bed rest, of course, taking the most comfortable position in bed.

  • When choosing remedies, priority should be given to proven methods of traditional medicine, which previously helped a woman and did not cause allergies (useful article on the topic: Colds during pregnancy >>>);
  • If your condition worsens, call a doctor immediately. The specialist will be able to competently assess the balance of benefit and risk for the mother and fetus in the case of the use of pharmaceuticals.

The best way to protect against colds at 13 weeks is prevention:

  1. A pregnant woman needs careful attitude and care, but fuss and overwork are extremely contraindicated;
  2. Of course, in the cold season, do not forget to dress warmly;
  3. If possible, during pregnancy, you should try to avoid crowded places. But if you really want to go to the theater or to an exhibition (after all, a pregnant woman needs bright positive impressions), then you should do this only in a good mood and taking preventive measures;
  4. Constant panic fear of catching a cold only increases the risk of illness. Even representatives of official medicine today agree that positive emotions help improve immunity.

Intimate life at 13 weeks of pregnancy

A pregnant woman gets used to her new status, fears and anxieties have subsided, and hormonal levels, on the contrary, contribute to an increase in libido and increased sensitivity of the genital organs. A woman has completely new sensations and desires. Sometimes especially responsible husbands in this case are afraid of harming their spouse.

Know! If a woman is feeling well and there is no threat of miscarriage, sex at 13 weeks of pregnancy is quite acceptable and even useful. It's time to enjoy each other's closeness and love. The main rule: avoid putting pressure on the stomach.

Alcohol and smoking at 13 weeks of pregnancy

  • Alcohol is definitely dangerous for the fetus, as it can easily cross the placental barrier. And the baby is just developing the most important organs and systems. That is, on one side of the scale there is fleeting joy, and on the other - congenital pathologies in the child;
  • Smoking is also unacceptable now. Therefore, in the case of heavy smokers during pregnancy, it is possible to use substitute drugs (most often these are patches) prescribed by a doctor;
  • If you have a habit of relaxing with the help of alcohol, it can be quite difficult to change your mind. It is urgent to find an alternative that is suitable for this woman: swimming, yoga, massage, a warm bath (not hot!) or shower.

Examination of mother and baby at 13 weeks

  1. The level of progesterone may indicate severe defects, stop or delay in fetal development, threatened miscarriage, toxicosis or gestosis;
  2. Alpha fetoprotein will show some chromosomal diseases of the fetus and the likelihood of pregnancy failure;
  3. Low estradiol levels during pregnancy indicate poor condition of the placenta.

Important! Indicators depend on the manufacturing laboratory. A “bad” result is not a death sentence. Usually a number of additional tests are prescribed to clarify.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy

  • In the absence of complications or in case of late registration, ultrasound at 13 weeks will be the first and will allow the doctor to detect severe defects, determine chromosomal abnormalities, placenta previa, tone of the uterine walls, clarify the due date and number of fetuses;
  • Ultrasound screening is also usually done at the 13th week of pregnancy, its purpose is to identify chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The doctor evaluates the thickness and transparency of the fetal collar zone, the presence and size of the nasal bone;
  • The age of the parents, ultrasound data at the 13th week of pregnancy and biochemical screening and norms are compared. If the risk of an anomaly is 1:350 or lower, there is a possibility that the baby will have congenital diseases and genetic disorders.

Lifestyle at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Nutrition at 13 weeks

  1. The optimal weight gain is 0.5 kg per week, so the mother and fetus need proper and nutritious nutrition every day, including vitamins and all groups of elements: fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  2. It is better to cook at home, in a gentle way and from natural products. Synthetic food products are very harmful during pregnancy;
  3. Diversify your dishes by combining cereals, vegetables and fruits, legumes, lean meat, nuts;
  4. Contrary to popular belief, there is even more calcium in plant products than in dairy products, so during pregnancy you can safely replace boring cottage cheese with persimmons, sesame seeds, lentils, herbs and green vegetables;
  5. The problem with constipation during pregnancy will be solved by: wheat bran, fruit and vegetable purees, beets, tomato juice, decoctions with gooseberries, fennel, apples, oranges, dried fruits, fresh herbs, seaweed, cold water on an empty stomach. But rice, white bread, semolina, hard cheese are not advisable in such a situation.
  • Hormonal storms and toxicosis are gone - it’s time to start preventing swelling and stretch marks during pregnancy;
  • It is worth looking for special comfortable outfits for mothers. Although, for starters, you can get by with looser clothes and buy underwear a size larger. It is important to avoid tight, uncomfortable clothing that is harmful to mother and baby. You need a bra with wide straps to support your growing breasts, which can increase several sizes during pregnancy;
  • During pregnancy, try to replace industrially produced cosmetics with natural mineral cosmetics;
  • Don't overload yourself at work and notify your boss about your pregnancy.
  1. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits and fermented milk products; if you have constipation, eat foods with a laxative effect. Despite your appetite, do not overeat. Replace butter buns with sweet fruits. They will be digested better and bring more benefits;
  2. Remember about the prevention of colds and flu: hand washing, hardening, walking in the fresh air, avoiding crowded places, proper rest and positive emotions;
  3. Do not self-medicate;
  4. Attend pregnancy courses with your future dad or on your own. This will calm you down and add self-confidence;
  5. Excessive physical activity is unacceptable, but special exercises during pregnancy are very useful;
  6. It's time to start communicating with your baby. For example, tell him that you are going for a walk and hum a song every day while getting dressed. Subsequently, based on this motive, the child will get ready to go outside without whims.

The embryonic 13th week of pregnancy corresponds to the 15th obstetric week. The expectant mother and child are crossing an important milestone - the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second. By this time, doctors recommend registering with the consultation. From the thirteenth week, the pace of development in children may vary, including in twins.

What happens to the expectant mother

The woman’s body continues to prepare to feed the baby. At the 13th week, colostrum, a liquid rich in nutrients for the baby in the first days of life, can be released from the mammary glands. The increase in blood volume causes a slight dilation of the veins. Pigmentation appears on the body: the skin around the nipples darkens, and a stripe appears from the navel to the pubis. Many women are interested in where the child is at this stage. The uterus becomes so large that its fundus rises, occupying not only the hip cavity, but also the abdominal cavity. Due to the rounding of the abdomen at the 13th week, pregnancy becomes noticeable to others. The expectant mother gains an average of 0.9–2.3 kg in weight. At this stage, there is a need to select clothes of a larger size and a loose fit.

What happens to the fetus

Size. At 13 weeks, the baby is the size of a nectarine. The baby's height is 65–78 mm, weight varies between 14–25 g.

External development. What does the baby look like? In appearance, a fetus at 13 weeks resembles a small man. The baby's body parts in the womb become more proportional compared to previous weeks of pregnancy. The baby moves actively, due to which his muscles become stronger. The movements characteristic of periods of wakefulness remain erratic. At 13 weeks, the baby's face develops, acquiring the features it will be born with, and its limbs enlarge. When performing an ultrasound, there is a possibility of determining gender, since by this time the fetal genitals are developing. The child's skin remains transparent, with blood vessels visible through it.

Development of internal organs. What happens to the heart at 13 weeks? It passes through itself more than 20 liters of blood per day. The gallbladder begins to fulfill its function. During this period of development, the pancreas already secretes insulin, the kidneys produce urine, and the intestines move from the umbilical cord to the abdominal cavity. The baby begins to swallow the amniotic fluid, distinguishing its taste. In addition, he makes 1-4 breathing movements per minute. The baby's vocal cords form in the womb.

Mom's nutrition

During pregnancy, a woman's body needs to receive a full range of nutrients. The well-being of the expectant mother and the harmonious development of her child largely depend on the diet. At week 13, it is necessary to increase the caloric content of food. At this time, the need for microelements increases: iron, selenium, zinc, potassium and calcium. The child forms his own reserve at the expense of the mother’s resource. Recommendations for nutrition during this period may be as follows:

  • compliance with the diet. You need to eat 5-6 times a day. The diet must include meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products and cereals. During pregnancy, it is useful to eat prunes and dried apricots, which contain fiber. It is possible to include natural sweets in the menu, such as marshmallows, halva, and candied fruits. It is recommended to eat meat and fish in the first half of the day. For dinner, dishes made from light dairy and vegetable products, such as cottage cheese casseroles, stewed zucchini, broccoli, etc., are perfect;
  • gentle nutrition. During the cooking process, it is necessary to use methods such as boiling, stewing, baking and steaming. If before pregnancy a woman’s nutrition was optimal, then with its onset there is no need for a sharp change in preferences. Portions should be measured. After eating, the expectant mother should still have a slight feeling of hunger. This way eliminates overeating, reduces the likelihood of digestive difficulties and gaining extra pounds;
  • sufficient volume of liquid. The daily water consumption rate for a pregnant woman is 2–2.5 liters. Natural drinking for the body has no contraindications and does not cause edema. In addition, it is useful to consume homemade fruit drinks, juices and infusions;
  • removing certain foods from the diet. Doctors usually recommend avoiding fried foods. In addition, it is necessary to limit salt intake. Its sufficient amount is found in vegetables and bread. Mayonnaise and sauces, sausages, canned food, coffee, chips, carbonated drinks, and sweets should also be excluded from the diet.

Examinations and tests

Inspections. After registration with the consultation, routine gynecological examinations are carried out once a month. The doctor monitors the pregnant woman’s weight gain and measures blood pressure and pulse at each appointment. In addition, the abdomen is palpated to determine the tone of the uterus. An internal examination is carried out at the first visit, during other consultations - only according to indications.

Prenatal screening. At the thirteenth week, the gynecologist may prescribe the first ultrasound examination. Using this method, the vital signs of the fetus are assessed and physical defects in its development are identified or excluded. Ultrasound allows you to determine the thickness and transparency of the collar zone, the presence and size of the nasal bone, as well as listen to the heartbeat and track movements. In addition, this method will help confirm pregnancy with twins. At 13 weeks In addition to a general blood and urine test, which are taken periodically until each gynecologist appointment, a pregnant woman undergoes an additional examination to exclude chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus: Down and Edwards syndromes. Comprehensive diagnostics of this type includes assessment of the compliance of the hCG hormone and plasma protein PAPP-A with reference values.

Mom's health

The end of the first trimester is a favorable time for a pregnant woman. The symptoms that might have bothered her earlier (toxicosis and increased fatigue) have disappeared. Many women get used to their new position, feeling an emotional uplift. In most cases, the 13th week passes quietly, since by this time the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced and the body adapts to hormonal changes.

What difficulties are possible at the 13th week of pregnancy?

However, during this period, the expectant mother needs to continue to closely monitor her health in order to act competently in case of symptoms such as:

  • discomfort. What happens to the internal organs of a pregnant woman? Under the pressure of the enlarging uterus, they begin to shift. This leads to a temporary change in their functional characteristics. For example, the diameter of the rectum decreases, which causes constipation, and the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach weakens. As a result, food in the digestive tract moves in the opposite direction. As a result, women experience heartburn. In addition, during prolonged physical activity, a feeling of heaviness in the limbs may occur. Proper nutrition, as well as adherence to a regime of physical activity and rest, help to cope with such symptoms;
  • pain. Expectant mothers may experience abdominal pain at 13 weeks. One of the reasons for this is increased gas formation, which occurs as a result of decreased intestinal motility. In addition, pain may appear due to stretching of the uterus and other muscles. Similar sensations for the same reason occur in the side. During the second trimester, women may experience frequent headaches. This occurs due to changes in vascular tone. These processes are considered natural accompaniments of pregnancy. However, it is necessary to report such symptoms to a doctor, who will recommend safe ways to eliminate them;
  • discharge. At the 13th week. their consistency and volume changes. The discharge becomes thinner and more abundant. At the same time, they should not have a sharp unpleasant odor or a pronounced pathological color: green, yellow, brown or red. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The reason for the onset of such discharge may be a sexually transmitted infection or the threat of miscarriage. At week 13, the risk of candidiasis increases. It is accompanied by itching, burning and cheesy white discharge. This disease occurs due to weakened immunity and can return several times during pregnancy. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the severity of symptoms;
  • bleeding. As a rule, they occur in the event of a threat of spontaneous abortion, when the woman’s body begins to reject the fetus. In addition, bleeding may indicate a miscarriage. If such a symptom appears, you must call an ambulance.
  • Vitamins

    If necessary, the doctor may prescribe various vitamins. Let's give a few examples.
    Folic acid. At 13 weeks, the body still needs this element, which is responsible for the process of the death of old cells and the appearance of new ones. Folic acid is involved in the formation of the placenta. How much of this substance can a doctor prescribe for consumption per day? The norm for pregnant women is 400 mcg.

    B vitamins. It contains vitamins B6 and B12. They are responsible for the normalization of metabolic processes that occur between the organisms of the mother and fetus, as well as for the child’s complete absorption of nutrients, the development of his nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and immune systems. In addition, vitamin B12 improves the absorption of folic acid. The daily requirement for B6 is 2,100 mcg. Vitamin B12 is recommended to be consumed in an amount of 4 mcg per day.

    Vitamin E Tocopherol is used as an antioxidant. It is involved in tissue respiration. How much vitamin E can a doctor prescribe to maintain the well-being of the expectant mother and to prevent muscle pain during pregnancy? The daily dose is 10,000 mcg.

    Vitamin D3. Cholecalciferol is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This vitamin promotes the absorption of calcium and increases the protective functions of cell membranes. An important source of D3 is natural sunlight. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to frequently spend time in the fresh air. In addition, the deficiency of cholecalciferol is compensated with the help of vitamin complexes. The daily norm is 12–15 mcg.

    Vitamin A. Retinol is involved in the overall development and nutrition of the baby in the womb, preventing low birth weight and anemia. The daily dose for pregnant women is 83 mcg.


    At 13–13.5 weeks of pregnancy, moderate physical activity is an important factor in good health and cheerful mood. Sport not only helps improve a woman’s health during pregnancy, but also helps her look beautiful. The following exercise options are available: yoga, Pilates, aerobics, strength exercises. Before you start training, you need to consult a gynecologist who is managing your pregnancy. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to follow several rules. The pulse should not exceed 130 beats per minute. Due to the growth of the belly and weight, a woman should wear stable shoes and comfortable clothes. If fatigue occurs or discharge is detected, training should be stopped.

    Psychological aspects

13th obstetric week of pregnancy– precisely that period of pregnancy when the expectant mother can safely go to the store for new clothes, because most of the wardrobe by this time is simply small.

The first trimester ends smoothly, and so does the mood and woman's well-being improves. Every day the attacks of vomiting, dizziness and nausea are receding more and more. In a word, life is starting to get better: I want to dance, draw, sing, and spend more time with family and friends.

Your baby is the size of a peach. Now his body will rapidly develop and grow, so it will be 3-4 times the size of his head by the end of pregnancy. The photo shows the rapid development of the baby at 13 weeks.

The thirteenth week is the time when you need to think only about good, bright things, enjoy life and tune in to a positive wave!

Fetal size and development at 13 weeks of gestation

At 13 weeks of pregnancy fruit length will vary from 6 to 9 cm. Fruit weight – 14-23 grams. The size of the fruit already resembles an average peach or nectarine. By this time, all of the baby’s baby teeth have already been formed.

At this stage of pregnancy the placenta is finally formed, producing a certain amount of estrogen and, on which the subsequent development of the fetus depends.

Now the thickness of the placenta does not exceed 1.5 cm. All the nutrients necessary for the baby are supplied through it: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time she does not allow most toxic substances to pass through which can harm the fetus. The placenta also prevents the occurrence of Rh conflict, which occurs due to the impact of the mother’s immune system on the child.

Happening at a rapid pace brain development, a reflex system develops: the baby shudders, grimaces, curls his lips, clenches his fists. Most of the time the fetus is at rest, but sometimes it begins to move slightly.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is still developing and forming all the necessary organs and systems that ensure the healthy functioning of the body:

  • Actively being formed baby's skeletal system. Beneficial microelements, especially calcium, begin to be deposited in the bones. Primary ribs are formed, the bones of the skull and spine gradually ossify.
  • Child's head no longer pressed against the chest, the brow ridges, chin and bridge of the nose are clearly visible. The ears take the usual position for a person, and the eyes gradually move closer to the bridge of the nose, but they are still closed by eyelids.
  • Skin becomes very thin and tender. Since there is no fat layer, the skin takes on a bright red tint, and small capillary vessels appear on top of it.
  • Respiratory system By the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the fetus is practically formed. The baby can breathe on his own, but the glottis is still closed. Thanks to breathing movements, the muscles of the chest and diaphragm begin to train.

The maternal journey is always replete with various difficulties and worries. Women who are becoming acquainted with such an interesting situation for the first time are most worried. Their head is constantly filled with doubts regarding the birth of a healthy baby.

Psychological aspect

The 13th week feels in many ways similar to the previous weeks of pregnancy. She is also characterized by mixed feelings that a woman is filled with. On the one hand, the expectant mother is infinitely happy with her position. But on the other hand, there comes the realization that the carefree, fun times are over, and now the time has come to bear responsibility not only for your life, but also for the life of an unborn person.

And then, as luck would have it, many acquaintances and girlfriends begin to “intimidate” the expectant mother with stories about complications, dire consequences and force majeure circumstances during childbirth. Of course, such conversations will not leave a pregnant woman indifferent, and these stories can cause her nervous breakdowns, unjustified worries and frequent tears.

But, despite all these factors, the thirteenth week of pregnancy is different more positive mood without pronounced differences. This stability is due to decrease. The expectant mother begins to feel much better and more comfortable every day, and also feels an incredible charge of vigor.

Woman's well-being

In general, a woman’s well-being in the thirteenth week of pregnancy is characterized by positive dynamics. But this period is characterized by certain ailments:

  • due to intestinal disorders. In addition, the uterus, which is constantly increasing in size, can also affect the occurrence of such a disease.
  • Convulsions in the calf muscles at night due to a lack of calcium, especially calcium, in the pregnant woman’s body.
  • Lower blood pressure, which is often observed after the formation of the placental circulation. And if during this period of pregnancy the pressure, on the contrary, increases, you should pay special attention to the condition of the kidneys.

Female body at 13 weeks of pregnancy

By the 13th week of pregnancy, the female body has produced the necessary amount of hormones to ensure the safety of the fetus. Therefore, soon a woman nausea will stop bothering you in the morning. The irritability of the expectant mother will be reduced to a minimum, and anxious thoughts about it will completely disappear.

Some changes the body itself will tolerate:

  • The uterus is enlarged up to 3 cm in height and 10 cm in width. Imperceptibly it moves from the pelvic floor to the abdominal cavity. Therefore, a slightly rounded belly will soon appear.
  • Every day the uterus becomes softer and more elastic. Such a change may be accompanied by slight vaginal discharge. Usually they do not have a characteristic color or smell, but if the discharge has a yellow tint and an unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor. about discharge during pregnancy.
  • More and more noticeable breast enlargement. And with a light massage, colostrum may come out of the nipples.
  • By the end of the 13th week, vaginal discharge becomes thinner and more abundant. There is no need to worry about this, since the previously dominant progesterone gradually fades into the background, giving way to estrogen.

For the first trimester 1-2 kilograms to your weight. In the belly photos you can see how mom's body has changed by 13 weeks.

Tests, examinations and ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy

Regular consultations with a doctor, compliance with all recommendations and advice from specialists, as well as routine examinations will help the expectant mother give birth to a healthy baby, as well as maintain her own health.

Tests and doctors

At 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should take blood test: double test - for the hormone PAP-A and for. Both analyzes are an integral part of the research program during pregnancy and a mandatory part of biochemical screening.

The obtained test result will either make it possible to finally verify that the health of the mother and baby is not in danger, or at the initial stage of pregnancy to identify all existing abnormalities in the development of the fetus and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Also, you must submit urine test to monitor the condition of the kidneys and the body as a whole.

When the results are ready, a scheduled appointment with obstetrician-gynicologist

Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy. Video

At 11-13 weeks of pregnancy it is carried out. Ultrasound examination at this stage is aimed at studying the abdominal organs of the fetus.

Despite the fact that food has not yet reached the baby, active peristalsis is noticeable in his intestines. And during ultrasound, the specialist measures the circumference and transverse belly size baby.

Thanks to prenatal screening, you can see how the baby has grown. In size it can be compared to a small apple. Visible on a small head first fluff. In addition, happy parents will be able to watch through the monitor how the baby hugs himself. In the fetal ultrasound photo above, you can see how much your baby has changed by the 13th week of pregnancy, compared to previous weeks.

Possible problems in the 13th week of pregnancy

After week 13, the risk decreases significantly. Therefore, mom can practically not worry about this.

The 13th week of pregnancy is characterized by increased uterine tone. And because of its contractions, not only the healthy development of the fetus, but also the life of the child as a whole can be called into question. But you shouldn’t think about a miscarriage in advance, because the presence of uterine tone does not always cause such a problem. about this...

Frequent stress, workload at work or at home, overwork - all this affects the increase in uterine tone. In addition, such a deviation may be detected due to a lack of progesterone or estradiol. Signal to seek immediate medical attention See a doctor for pain in the lower abdomen, acute pain in the lower back, hardening of the uterus, yellow spotting with an unpleasant odor.

The specialist must prescribe to the patient complex treatment magnesium preparation and antispasmodic to reduce the excitability of the uterine muscle tissue. In addition, during this period, a woman is advised to strictly adhere to bed rest and avoid physical activity. If health does not improve, the expectant mother will be hospitalized urgently.

Lifestyle and diet of a woman at 13 weeks

Adequate rest, healthy sleep and a calm lifestyle are what a woman should adhere to at 13 weeks of pregnancy. Spend more time surrounded by your loved ones and enjoy this interesting situation.

Protect yourself from nervous tension and stress. Try to rest as often as possible. Have a positive effect on the mother's condition morning and evening walks in the fresh air. Start doing something that will help support your body. Favorable conduct of the 13th week of pregnancy allows you to minimize the risks of unwanted deviations in the development of the fetus and the health of the woman.

Daily diet also worth paying special attention to. In order for the baby to be born healthy, the mother’s body must be fully enriched with nutrients, vitamin and mineral complexes. It's worth using only natural products, purchased and prepared independently without adding hot spices, salt and pepper.

Take care of variety of diet. Do not overuse rice alone; for example, you need to regularly eat vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy products, lean meats and nuts.

In addition, throughout pregnancy there should be no place for alcohol, tonic drinks and smoking!

By the end of the first trimester, the woman had already become accustomed to her new status, all worries and fears were a thing of the past. The thirteenth week can significantly improve and diversify future parents, since a woman during this period is under the influence of hormones, increasing libido. And thanks to increased sensitivity and impressionability, both partners can experience completely new sensations before this time.

The 13th week allows you to fully enjoy yourself, your body, your position and voluptuous moments of solitude. But if doctors do not rule out the possibility of miscarriage, or the woman feels unwell, it is better to abstain from carnal pleasures for a while, thereby preserving the life of the baby.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed favorably and not cause discomfort in the expectant mother, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Costs avoid excessive physical activity. But if you feel well, you can continue your usual sports, dancing and fitness activities. A visit to the pool has an extremely beneficial effect on mother and child.
  • Even with minor symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate.
  • During the autumn-winter season, spend as little time as possible in crowded places, especially on public transport.
  • As often as possible wash your hands with soap, after your walk, take a shower.
  • During pregnancy, it is worth getting to know each other more closely; include fermented milk products, fresh fruits, vegetables, and freshly squeezed juice in your diet.
  • To overcome constipation, which women so often encounter in the thirteenth week of pregnancy, eat foods with a laxative effect: bread and cereals with bran, prunes and plums, beets. Don't get carried away with buns with poppy seeds, pear and rice - on the contrary, they produce the opposite effect.
  • Don't get carried away with cosmetics and perfumes. Start taking care of the skin of your abdomen and chest using special creams.

Video about 13 weeks of pregnancy

After watching this video, the expectant mother will get a general idea of ​​what awaits her in the 13th week of pregnancy, find out how her baby has grown, and how he feels. Particular attention in the film is paid to the sexual relations of future parents. Even if doctors insist on sexual abstinence, remember that their ban will not last forever. The main thing is that you need to live this period in harmony, caring for each other and mutual understanding!

Thus, the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy is one of the most favorable periods, both for future parents and for the baby. If you follow all the doctor’s advice and recommendations, monitor your diet, lead a measured life and enjoy your situation, pregnancy will turn out to be the most memorable and joyful moment in your life, not counting the birth of the baby itself!

And in order to dispel all the fears and worries of women who are just planning the birth of a new life, share your story love, the fruit of which was the birth of a little miracle in the form of your beloved son or sweet daughter!

Seeing two lines on the test, most women have mixed feelings. The feeling of happiness is often accompanied by a feeling of fear. However, over time, expectant mothers calm down, worries give way to pleasant thoughts. Moreover, at 13 weeks of pregnancy, the majority of toxicosis completely disappears. However, feeling better is not a reason to stop closely monitoring your feelings.

The 13th week of pregnancy has arrived, which means that the most blessed time has come when a woman can enjoy her upcoming motherhood. By this period, the expectant mother should already register and undergo the first screening. And if this has not been done, then you need to hurry up and undergo the necessary examinations.


At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, most women literally “bloom”, as they finally stop vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis recede. This is due to objective reasons: by this time the hormonal levels are leveled out, the body “gets used” to functioning in a new mode for it. And only in rare cases does toxicosis persist at 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Advice! Most often, poor health persists in women carrying twins. But they can’t wait long; everything should soon return to normal.

However, the period of 13-14 weeks of pregnancy cannot be called completely serene and cloudless. At this time, many expectant mothers have to “get acquainted” with such unpleasant phenomena as constipation and stretch marks. Therefore, it's time to start prevention.

Another important change that cannot be ignored when telling what happens at week 13 is the change in weight. Moreover, weight gain is often caused not only by the growth of the fetus, but also by the excellent appetite that many expectant mothers develop.

Therefore, doctors recommend monitoring your weight and avoiding sudden changes. After all, some women gain a kilogram per week, and the rate of gain during this period is no more than 500 grams. Of course, the expectant mother should not go on a diet, she just needs to try not to overeat and limit starchy foods and sweets.

Many women already have a pronounced “pregnant” tummy at 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, you have to radically reconsider your wardrobe. But even if the size of the abdomen remains unchanged at 13 weeks of pregnancy, at this stage it is time to stop wearing clothes that constrict the body and high-heeled shoes.

Advice! It is very important to choose the right bra. At thirteen weeks, your breasts have probably already grown by 1-2 sizes. Therefore, you will need a comfortable bra that fits in size and has wide straps.

The emotional state of expectant mothers at this time is stable. But you need to try to avoid unnecessary worries and stress, trying to maintain feelings of quiet and calm happiness. The fact is that the fetus senses the mother’s mood well, so an excellent mood is the key to its successful development.

How does a child develop?

So, the expectant mother begins to feel better, but what happens to the baby? Fetal development at the 13th week of pregnancy proceeds rapidly. Now it is no longer just an embryo consisting of a cluster of cells, and an embryo that does not resemble a tadpole.

For the third week, your unborn child is called a fetus, since it already has all the internal organs necessary for life. Of course, they are not yet perfect, but many systems are already actively functioning and continue to develop. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus increases significantly in length, but its weight gain is not so intense. During this period:

  • active growth and strengthening of bones continues;
  • the fetus still does not look entirely proportional, however, compared to previous periods, significant changes have emerged. The fetal body grows, and the head no longer looks so absurdly large;
  • the baby has already formed the rudiments from which milk teeth will eventually grow;
  • the baby even already has a unique papillary pattern on the pads of his fingers;
  • The development of the digestive system continues - the pancreas begins to produce enzymes, and villi appear in the intestines;
  • the hematopoietic system begins to operate;
  • internal genital organs develop, ovaries appear in girls, and a prostate gland appears in boys;
  • The baby already senses smells and tastes, so women during pregnancy are not recommended to overuse foods that have a pungent taste and strong odor. Such food changes the taste of amniotic fluid, which causes anxiety in the baby;
  • the baby is moving very actively in the mother’s belly, however, the woman cannot yet feel his movements, since the fetus is too small.


As a rule, by the thirteenth week, expectant mothers have already completed their first screening. If this has not been done, then you need to hurry up. The fact is that when the fourteenth seven-day period arrives, it will no longer be possible to see obvious signs on ultrasound that indicate the presence of chromosomal pathologies.

If the screening was not passed, it is necessary to do an ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy. During this study, the doctor measures the CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) and examines the fetus to detect gross malformations. Thus, measuring the thickness of the collar zone makes it possible to estimate the percentage of risk of developing Down syndrome in a baby.

But the sex of the child during this period during an ultrasound can be determined, if possible, then with a low degree of probability. But during the second screening, at the request of the parents, the doctor will tell you who to expect - a son or a daughter.

Expectant mothers should know that the examination taking place using an ultrasound machine does not allow making a diagnosis. It only identifies risks. If the risk is high, then it will be necessary to undergo additional examinations to rule out the presence of the syndrome or leave the diagnosis. Therefore, you should not panic if the screening showed high risks (1 in 350 or less). It is possible that everything is fine with your baby.

After undergoing an ultrasound examination, you will need to take blood samples for the content of hCG (a special hormone produced in pregnant women) and PAPP A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein). These indicators are needed to make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally or to identify the presence of abnormalities in the early stages.

Possible complications

It is not always possible to avoid various complications of pregnancy, which, of course, causes concern for expectant mothers. Women need to listen more carefully to their feelings and if alarming signs appear, they need to consult a doctor.


So, during this period, minor nagging pain in the lateral parts of the abdomen may occur. These sensations are caused by muscle stretching due to the growing uterus. Such pain is not something dangerous, but if a pregnant woman is worried about it, then it is worth reporting the pain to the gynecologist. But the appearance of pain is not always a harmless sign. Alarming symptoms are:

  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen, especially if it is accompanied by brownish discharge. Such signs may be the first symptoms of an incipient miscarriage;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen that does not go away within several hours, perhaps this is a sign of uterine hypertonicity;
  • cutting pain in the lower back against the background of frequent painful urination may indicate an infectious disease of the urinary system;
  • back pain when moving can be caused by diseases of the spine;
  • pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by heartburn, may indicate an exacerbation of gastritis.


Normal discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy should be clear or milky white. The amount of discharge should be moderate.

The appearance of atypical discharge is a sign of trouble:

  • foamy, yellow or greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor - a sign of a bacterial or protozoal infection (trichomoniasis, gardinella, etc.);
  • discharge with white grains, causing severe itching, occurs with thrush;
  • the appearance of brown discharge at the 13th week of pregnancy may indicate an incipient miscarriage, so you should urgently contact a gynecologist.


Pregnant women need to be very careful to protect themselves from respiratory infections. However, even active preventive measures do not always produce results.

Advice! Even if the expectant mother does not go to crowded places during epidemics, older children or her husband can “bring” the infection.

Of course, a cold at the 13th week of pregnancy is no longer as bad as at earlier stages, but, nevertheless, the disease can be dangerous for the fetus. Therefore, if a runny nose or sore throat appears, you need to take immediate action.

It is recommended to use simple folk remedies for treatment - rinsing with chamomile, rinsing the nose with saline solution. If it is not possible to cope with diseases in this way, the doctor will prescribe medications that do not pose a particular danger to the baby.

Intimate life

Now that toxicosis has subsided, many expectant mothers are beginning to show great interest in sexual life. Established hormonal levels help to increase libido and increase sensitivity.

If there is no threat of miscarriage or other serious complications, then there is no need to give up intimate life. Moreover, this will help strengthen marital relations.


Rational and nutritious nutrition is necessary for the expectant mother throughout pregnancy. Women are advised to avoid foods with a large number of artificial additives, giving preference to simple and healthy foods - lean meat, vegetables, cereals, berries, fruits, nuts.

Advice! If you are prone to constipation, you need to ensure that your diet contains a sufficient amount of fiber.

So, finally, the calmest period of bearing a baby has arrived. At this time, most expectant mothers feel great, as toxicosis has finally subsided. But in order not to gain excess weight, you should control your appetite and monitor the quality of the food you eat. Starting from the 13th week, you can start attending pregnancy courses together with the future father. This will allow you to better prepare for childbirth and subsequent care for the newborn baby.