Osoaviakhim transcript. History of Osoaviakhim

1918 February 23. Day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser's troops of Germany. In Petrograd, this day was declared the Day of Defense of the Socialist Fatherland. Subsequently - Red Army Day and Navy, Day Soviet army and the Navy, Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

April 22. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR adopted a decree “On compulsory training in the art of war,” which obligated all citizens of both sexes between the ages of 18 and 40 to study military affairs at their place of work.

1920 October. A military scientific society (VNO) is being created at the Military Academy of the Red Army in Moscow. M.V. was elected its chairman. Frunze, Chairman of the RVS, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. Then VNO cells began to be created in other military educational institutions, in military units. The initial task of the VNO was to increase the military and general educational knowledge of military personnel. The need to propagate military knowledge also among civilian population. At the first All-Union meeting of the VNO in May 1925, M.V. Frunze said: “We need to more firmly instill in the consciousness of the entire population of our Union the idea that modern warfare are being waged not by one army, but by the entire country as a whole, that the war will require the efforts of everyone popular forces and means that the war will be deadly, a war of life and death, and that therefore it requires a comprehensive careful preparation even in peacetime."

1923 March 8. A meeting was held in Moscow dedicated to the establishment mass organization workers - Society of Friends air fleet(ODWF), whose goal was to promote the construction domestic aviation, attracting young people to engage in aircraft modeling, gliding and aviation sports, and training pilots.

1924 May 19. took place in Moscow constituent Assembly, on which another defense defense was formed public organization- Society of Friends of Chemical Defense and chemical industry(WELL). DOBROHIM’s main task was to assist the state in the development of the chemical industry, chemicalization Agriculture, deployment of propaganda of chemical knowledge among the population and its preparation for chemical defense.

1925 May. The Society of Friends of the Air Fleet (ODVF) and the Society of Friends of Chemical Defense and Chemical Industry (DOBROHIM) merged into one Society - AVIAKHIM USSR.

1926 July 27. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (SNK USSR) accepted the proposal of the Central Council of the VNO to rename the Military Scientific Society into the Society for Assistance to the Defense of the USSR (OSO USSR).

1927 January 23. The First All-Union Congress of AVIAHIM and the plenum of the Central Council of the OSO decided to merge the two societies into one under the name "Union of Societies of Friends of Defense and Aviation Chemical Construction of the USSR", abbreviated as "OSOAVIAKHIM". Later the Society became known as the “Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction”.

1931 The All-Union Physical Culture Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” was introduced in the country.

1932 The “Voroshilov Shooter” badge was approved and the regulations on it were approved. The training of Voroshilov shooters in the organizations of OSOAVIAKHIM became an integral part of the defense-mass work of the Society and soon turned into a broad movement of workers and youth for mastery of small arms. At the Moscow Aviation Plant No. 22, on the initiative of the Osoaviakhim and Komsomol organizations, the first in the country was created public school, which trained pilots and other aviation specialists on the job. It had 6 sections: flight, glider, aircraft engine, parachute, gliding, aircraft modeling and a group for the design and construction of sports aircraft.

1933 On Krasnaya Presnya, at the Bolshevik confectionery factory, the first parachute detachment was created, which marked the beginning of a massive parachuting in the country.
At the Krasnaya Manufactory factory, the country's first women's parachute sanitary detachment was organized, which included 20 workers of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and the Central Committee of OSOAVIAKHIM, which approved the collective title and badge "Fortress of Defense." It was awarded to teams of factories and factories that, with the successful implementation of production plans, achieved wide coverage of youth in military affairs and the development of physical education work.
The country's first "Fortress of Defense" title was awarded in April 1934 to the electric plant named after. V.V. Kuibyshev, whose Osoaviakhim organization has achieved high performance in its activities.

1934 10th of March. The Central Committee of OSOAVIAKHIM approved a new regulation on the “Voroshilov Shooter” badge, establishing 1st and 11th levels, and in July of the same year - a regulation on the “Young Voroshilov Shooter” badge.
From August 1, 1936, the standards for the 11th stage Voroshilov Rifleman badge had to be completed only with a combat rifle. At the first All-Union shooting competitions of pioneers and schoolchildren - young Voroshilov shooters, Muscovites were first in the team competition.

In the fall of this year, the country's first Voroshilov Riflemen club opened in the Baumansky district. This club had the honor of representing the Defense Society at international competitions for the first time - the teams of the Voroshilov Shooters Club and the team of the Portsmouth Shooting Club of the USA met. The Muscovites won, scoring 207 points more than the American athletes.

August 13. Moscow athlete Nina Kamneva made a record parachute jump. She left the plane at an altitude of 3 thousand meters and opened her parachute 200 meters from the ground.

September 20. The standards of the complex “Ready for air and chemical defense” were published in the newspaper of the Defense Society “On Guard”. In 1936, the 11th stage “Ready for PVC” standards were introduced.

1935 November 19. The Presidium of the Central Council of OSOAVIAKHIM approved the Regulations on the primary organization of OSOAVIAKHIM.

1937 28 January. The Presidium of the Central Committee of OSOAVIAKHIM introduced standards for the collective sign “Ready for PWM” for primary organizations of the Residential Buildings Society, and at the beginning of next year the standards for primary OSOAVIAKHIM organizations were approved educational institutions. The sign was a wall sign and hung on the facades of buildings.
The Institute of Cooperative Trade was the first in Moscow to pass the standards for the collective sign “Ready for PWM”.

1938 May 8. Moscow Osoaviakhim worker M. Zyurin set the first world record of Soviet aircraft modellers, officially recognized by the International Aviation Federation (FAI). His model, equipped with a gasoline engine, flew in a straight line for 21 km, 857 meters.

1939 In the Moscow city organization of OSOAVIAKHIM there were 23 district organizations of the Society, a record gliding squad, the Rostokinsky district gliding club, Baumansky, Leningradsky, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Proletarsky, Sverdlovsky, Stalinsky, Tagansky district flying clubs, the Mosmetrostroy flying club, the city school of PVHO, city ​​maritime school, city rifle school, Osoaviakhim camps "Cheryomushki", "Veshnyaki", "Pushkinskoye".

1940 August 27. The Central Council of OSOAVIAKHIM adopted a resolution “On the restructuring of the military training of members of OSOAVIAKHIM. The transition from the circle system to classes in educational units began. Groups, teams, and detachments were created.
By the beginning of 1941, there were more than 4 thousand groups, over 100 teams, and about 230 detachments in Moscow. 81 thousand people were trained there.
In 1939-1940, 3,248 self-defense groups were trained in the Osoaviakhim organizations of the capital, 1,138 air defense posts, 6 thousand commanders of posts and self-defense groups were created. In 1940, more than 770 thousand city residents were involved in preparations for PWHO.

1941 By the end of the first half of the year in Moscow there were 6,790 primary organizations of OSOAVIAKHIM and 860 thousand members of the Society.

July. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution that assigned responsibility to OSOAVIAKHIM for organizing universal compulsory training of the population for air defense.

September 17. a resolution was issued State Committee Defense "On universal compulsory military training for citizens of the USSR" (from 16 to 50 years old).

October November. Shooting training centers and shooting clubs have been established in Krasnopresnensky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky, Stalinsky, and Tagansky districts. Since January 1942, rifle training centers were deployed in all regional organizations of the Society.
During the year, they trained more than 25 thousand specialists - machine gunners, snipers, tank destroyers, Voroshilov riflemen.
Each shooting training center had a summer and winter camp, a combat shooting range with a shooting distance of at least 800 meters, a ski base, training fields, engineering and sapper camps, and teaching and methodological rooms.
The main base of the training and shooting centers of the Moscow city organization OSOAVIAKHIM were the Mytishchensky and Rumyantsevsky training grounds, which met the above requirements.

1943 At the beginning of the year, departments, platoons, companies, battalions began to be created in the primary organizations of OSOAVIAKHIM, which became the main organizational form military training and military education of citizens.
By the beginning of 1945, in Moscow, in the permanent formations of OSOAVIAKHIM, there were 183 companies, consolidated into 41 battalions, which trained 113 thousand people.
During the Great Patriotic War The following educational and sports organizations of the OSOAVIAKHIM City Council operated in Moscow: 1st and 2nd shooting training centers, sniper school, naval school, 1st, 2nd and 3rd PVC schools, 1st and 2nd School of Communications, Automobile Club, Central School of Communications, House of Radio, Parachute and Gliding Club, Cavalry School, Service Dog Breeding Club, Mytishchi and Rumyantsevsky Training Grounds.

1941-1945 The Moscow city organization of OSOAVIAKHIM trained over 383 thousand military specialists, including snipers - 11233, signalmen - 6332, heavy machine gunners - 23005, light machine gunners - 42671, machine gunners - 33102, mortarmen - 15283, tank destroyers - 129 06, armor piercers - 668. The service dog breeding club raised, trained and donated 1,825 service dogs to the Red Army. More than 3 million Muscovites have undergone training in chemical and chemical equipment at OSOAVIAKHIM organizations.
Osoaviakhim residents of the capital collected 3 million 350 thousand rubles Money, which was used to build a column of KV tanks and more than 1 million rubles for the construction of six IL-2 attack aircraft.
The activities of the Moscow city organization of OSOAVIAKHIM during the Great Patriotic War were highly appreciated by the Central Council of the OSO, which awarded it a challenge Red Banner, which was left forever in the capital organization of the Society.

In 1927, in order to widely disseminate knowledge and skills, which are the basis for further training of citizens in the ranks Armed Forces country, a public structure was created that received a specific name - the Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction. Abbreviated as OSOAVIAKHIM.

Creation of a new military sports organization

This military-patriotic organization did not appear out of nowhere - it was preceded by a number of structures also aimed at training pre-conscription-age youth in military affairs, but each of them had a narrow focus, relating only to a limited range of issues. Despite all their importance in strengthening the country's defense capability, in 1927, on the initiative of the People's Commissar of Defense K.E. Voroshilov, they were united into a single organization - OSOAVIAKHIM. The decoding of the name given at the beginning of the article fully reflected the purpose of this newly formed structure. Its appearance, caused by another aggravation of the international situation, was very timely.

OSOAVIAKHIM USSR from the first days of its existence gained wide popularity among representatives of various age groups and social strata of the population. Within a year, there were over two million people in its ranks. Such a clear success of the undertaking was ensured primarily by the assistance provided by party and Soviet organizations.

Wide national movement

As part of this new national program, covering the entire country, a network of training centers was developed, organized on the basis of manufacturing enterprises, as well as educational and scientific-design organizations. Attending courses for orderlies, radio operators or a shooting club has become a familiar and, in its own way, prestigious activity for both young people and middle-aged people.

Strongholds were created everywhere, in which high school students - tomorrow's soldiers - got the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of military affairs, learn to master various types of small arms, as well as drive a car or tractor. Upon completion of the courses, of course, provided successful completion exams, graduates received certificates of orderlies, parachutists, radio operators, as well as other specialists in demand in war time. Each graduate also received OSOAVIAKHIM, approved in 1928 by a special government decree.

Sharp shooters of Marshal Voroshilov

As part of the preparation of future defenders of the Motherland, the leadership of OSOAVIAKHIM (the abbreviation is presented at the beginning of the article), in close cooperation with the People's Commissariat of Health, developed the subsequently widely known complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO). It included a list of standards that determined the level of physical fitness of persons of various age categories, the passing of which was mandatory in those years.

Among other sports, this complex also included shooting, which was so popular in those years. To further popularize it, in 1932, by government decree, the honorary badge “Voroshilov Shooter” was established. It was awarded to persons who have achieved greatest success in this discipline, most in demand in the event of the outbreak of hostilities.

Sports victory for Moscow shooters

Two years later in Moscow, the owners were united in one of the country's first Voroshilov shooters clubs and were given the honor of representing the Soviet Union at international competitions, in which shooters from one of the American amateur clubs also took part. Having defeated the overseas athletes with a significant lead on points, the Muscovites showed a result that was written about in those days by many newspapers around the world.

Pilots and paratroopers - students of the Moscow club

Already in the early thirties, primary OSOAVIAKHIM organizations appeared at most manufacturing enterprises in the country, sometimes developing activities unprecedented in scale. An example of this is the Moscow Aviation Plant. On its basis, social activists organized on-the-job training for pilots and other aviation specialists.

If by that time there was a sports section or a shooting club at almost every enterprise, then the training of pilots brought the work of the primary organization of the plant to a completely new level. new level. A parachute club was also created there, the members of which were both men and women. The history of world sports includes a record set in 1934 by its participant Nina Kameneva, who left the plane at an altitude of three thousand meters and opened the canopy of the parachute just two hundred meters to the ground.

Assistance in organizing a canine service

It is known that in those same years, to provide assistance to the country’s border troops, as well as the police, an exemplary Service Dog Breeding Club was created in Moscow on the basis of the city organization OSOAVIAKHIM. His task was not so much to train dogs intended for use in various types guard and search service, as well as the training of novice dog handlers who have expressed a desire to devote themselves to working with animals.

One of the brainchildren of OSOAVIAKHIM is the world-famous St. Petersburg Service Dog Club, which recently celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary. His achievements are difficult to overestimate. Suffice it to mention that it was in the city on the Neva that the club members first organized the now so popular World and European Service Dog Championships.

OSOAVIAKHIM's actions to prepare for war

When the first outbreaks of a future world war broke out in Europe in 1939, and the threat of an attack on our country became quite obvious, along with the Armed Forces, OSOAVIAKHIM also carried out extensive preparations for it. It is not without reason that the deciphering of its abbreviation identifies comprehensive assistance in the defense of the country as a priority task. In those years, the central council of the organization decided to reorganize educational process and replacing the circle system of training with the creation of units similar to those provided for in the army.

As a result of work carried out in the shortest possible time, within two pre-war years In the capital alone, about three thousand two hundred self-defense groups were trained, capable of taking on a imaginary enemy, and by the beginning of the war their number increased to four thousand. In addition, over 1,100 air defense and chemical defense posts were created, the personnel of which exceeded 700 thousand people. The indisputable merit of the employees of OSOAVIAKHIM in Moscow and most large cities of the country is also training the civilian population to act in the face of enemy air raids.

Attempts to transform the previous social structure

OSOAVIAKHIM as single organization existed until 1948, after which, by government decision, it was reorganized and divided into three independent societies, each of which limited the scope of its actions to a certain framework. Thus, the first of them specialized exclusively in assisting the army, the second - aviation, the third - the navy.

However, such a division turned out to be ineffective, and in 1951 all three branches were again merged into a single structure, called DOSAAF and in many ways similar to the former OSOAVIAKHIM, the decoding of the abbreviation of which emphasized the internal unity of the country’s Armed Forces aimed at its defense. Today, this structure has also been abolished, and its functions have been transferred to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The decision to form OSOAVIAKHIM was made in 1927. The impetus for this was the actions of England, which ceased diplomatic relations with Soviet Union. In order to secure the country, it was decided to take urgent measures to improve the military training of the population and develop the aviation and chemical industries.

The society brought military knowledge to the masses. Membership was based on a voluntary basis, and the main participants in the organization were young people. Millions of Soviet boys and girls in the branches of OSOAVIAKHIM acquired military knowledge and strengthened their physical training. Thus, the organization solved not only defense problems, but also contributed to strengthening the health and general well-being of the people.

Types of OSOAVIAKHIM signs

All badges issued by the Society can be divided into several groups:

  • membership;
  • awards;
  • thematic.

The first indicated that the person was a member of OSOAVIAKHIM. The latter were awarded for achievements in mass defense and military training. Still others were timed to coincide with specific events and memorable dates.

IN different years During the activities of the Society, which existed until 1948, the management made decisions on the release of certain badges. It should be noted that many of them are lost, and information is quite rare. But for a true falerist who has set out to collect a collection of OSOAVIAKHIM signs, all difficulties will be surmountable!

The badge was approved in 1927, when the decision was made to create the Society. It was a circle, the sides of which were a gear (on the right) and an ear (on the left). In the center of the composition there was a red star, touching the sides of the circle with its three upper rays. It had the inscription “Ready for PVC” on it. A crossed propeller and rifle are visible under the star. At the bottom of the sign there is a gas mask and an inscription on a red ribbon containing the name of the Society and the abbreviation of the Soviet Union.

Award badges (not to be confused with membership badges) included several models. The most honorable of them was considered a badge, awarded for active defense work and having an appropriate name. One of the recipients of this sign was the space designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Someone, and this person could rightfully wear the badge of a society promoting the development of aviation construction.

In addition, there are other well-known awards. These include signs of shock workers, OSOAVIAKHIM, activists, OKDVA fighters, etc.

"Defense Week"

The first “Defense Week” took place in the summer after the formation of the Society. She became a response to Chamberlain's actions. The Soviet government called on its citizens to join the ranks of OSOAVIAKHIM en masse and study military training. The results were remarkable: Defense Week gave the Society 600 thousand new members. And the funds raised during it made it possible to build a hundred military aircraft.

The second “Defense Week” took place in the summer of next year. Like the first, it had its own distinctive breastplates.

Signs of the first "Defense Week"

There were two types of badge. The first was a rather intricate composition, where in a circle, represented by a gear and ears of corn, a star, a propeller, a rifle, a gas mask, a steam locomotive, an airship and a view of the building were depicted. All this was compactly located in a circle. The sign itself was made of either steel or bronze.

The second sign had an elliptical shape and contained an image of workers with rifles and the main Soviet-era slogan about the need to unite the proletarians of all countries. The sign also depicted blast furnaces and an ear stalk.

A voluntary defense organization was created in the RSFSR - Military Scientific Society.

  • 1926 The military scientific society was renamed Society for Assistance to the Defense of the USSR.
  • January 23, 1927 Official creation date OSOAVIAKHIM A.
  • February 10, 1927 The 1st conference of the Moscow city organization OSOAVIAKHIM took place.
  • 1931 The All-Union Physical Culture Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” (GTO) has been introduced in the country.
  • Badges “Voroshilov shooter” and “Young Voroshilov shooter”

    • 1932 The “Voroshilov Shooter” badge was approved. At the Moscow Aviation Plant No. 22, on the initiative of the Osoaviakhim and Komsomol organizations, the country's first public school was created, which trained pilots and other aviation specialists on the job. It had six sections: flight, glider, aircraft engine, parachute, gliding, aircraft modeling and a group for the design and construction of sports aircraft. The magazine “Voroshilovsky Shooter” begins to be published.
    • 1933 In Krasnaya Presnya, at the Bolshevik confectionery factory, the first parachute detachment was created, which laid the foundation for mass parachuting in the country. At the Krasnaya Manufactory factory, the country’s first women’s parachute sanitary detachment was organized, which included 20 workers of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and the Central Committee of OSOAVIAKHIM, which approved the collective title and badge “Fortress of Defense.” It was awarded to teams of factories and factories that, with the successful implementation of production plans, achieved wide coverage of youth in military affairs and the development of physical education work.
    • March 10, 1934 The Central Committee of OSOAVIAKHIM approved a new regulation on the “Voroshilov Shooter” badge, establishing the I and II levels, and in July of the same year - the regulation on the “Young Voroshilov Shooter” badge.
    • April 1934 The first in the country the title of “Fortress of Defense” was awarded to the electric plant named after. V.V. Kuibyshev, whose Osoaviakhim organization has achieved high performance in its activities.
    • Autumn 1934 The country's first Voroshilov Shooters club opened in the Baumansky district. This club had the honor of representing the Defense Society at international competitions for the first time - the teams of the Voroshilov Shooters Club and the team of the Portsmouth Shooting Club of the USA met. The Muscovites won, scoring 207 points more than the American athletes.
    • August 13, 1934 Moscow athlete Nina Kamneva made a record parachute jump. She left the plane at an altitude of 3 thousand meters and opened her parachute 200 meters from the ground.
    • September 20, 1934 The standards of the complex “Ready for air and chemical defense” were published in the newspaper of the Defense Society “On Guard”.
    • November 19, 1935 The Presidium of the Central Council of OSOAVIAKHIM approved the Regulations on the primary organization of OSOAVIAKHIM.
    • 1936 The standards “Ready for PCVS” of stage II have been introduced.
    • August 1, 1936 PVHO Standards for the “Voroshilov shooter” badge, stage II, had to be completed only with a combat rifle. At the first All-Union shooting competitions of pioneers and schoolchildren - young Voroshilov shooters, Muscovites were first in the team competition.
    • January 28, 1937 The Presidium of the Central Committee of OSOAVIAKHIM introduced standards for the collective sign “Ready for PVHO” for primary organizations of the Residential Buildings Society, and at the beginning of next year standards were approved for primary OSOAVIAKHIM organizations of educational institutions. The sign was a wall sign and hung on the facades of buildings. The Institute of Cooperative Trade was the first in Moscow to pass the standards for the collective sign “Ready for PWW”.
    • May 8, 1938 Moscow Osoaviakhim worker M. Zyurin set the first world record of Soviet aircraft modellers, officially recognized by the International Aviation Federation (FAI). His model, equipped with a gasoline engine, flew in a straight line for 21 km, 857 meters.
    • 1939 In the Moscow city organization of OSOAVIAKHIM there were 23 district organizations of the Society, a record gliding squad, the Rostokinsky district gliding club, Baumansky, Leningradsky, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Proletarsky, Sverdlovsky, Stalinsky, Tagansky district flying clubs, the Mosmetrostroy flying club, the city school of PVHO, the city maritime school, city ​​shooting school, Osoaviakhim camps “Cheryomushki”, “Veshnyaki”, “Pushkinskoye”.
    • August 27, 1940 The Central Council of OSOAVIAKHIM adopted a resolution “On the restructuring of the military training of members of OSOAVIAKHIM. The transition from the circle system to classes in educational units began. Groups, teams, and detachments were created.
    • Early 1941 In Moscow there were more than 4 thousand groups, over 100 teams, about 230 detachments. 81 thousand people were trained there.
    • 1939-1940 In the Osoaviakhim organizations of the capital, 3,248 self-defense groups were trained, 1,138 air defense posts, 6 thousand commanders of posts and self-defense groups were created. In 1940, more than 770 thousand city residents were involved in preparations for PWHO.
    • June 1941 In Moscow there were 6,790 primary organizations of OSOAVIAKHIM and 860 thousand members of the Society.
    • July 1941 The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution that assigned responsibility to OSOAVIAKHIM for organizing universal compulsory training of the population for air defense.
    • September 17, 1941 The Decree of the State Defense Committee “On universal compulsory military training for citizens of the USSR” (from 16 to 50 years old) was issued.
    • October-November 1941 Shooting training centers and shooting clubs have been established in Krasnopresnensky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky, Stalinsky, and Tagansky districts.
    • January 1942. Shooting training centers were deployed in all regional organizations of the Society. During the year, they trained more than 25 thousand specialists - machine gunners, snipers, tank destroyers, Voroshilov riflemen. Each shooting training center had a summer and winter camp, a combat shooting range with a shooting distance of at least 800 meters, a ski base, training fields, engineering and sapper camps, and teaching and methodological rooms. The main base of the training and shooting centers of the Moscow city organization OSOAVIAKHIM were the Mytishchensky and Rumyantsevsky training grounds, which met the above requirements.
    • Early 1943 At the primary organizations of OSOAVIAKHIM, departments, platoons, companies, and battalions began to be created, which became the main organizational form of military training and military education of citizens.
    • 1941-1945 During the Great Patriotic War, the following educational and sports organizations of the City Council of OSOAVIAKHIM operated in Moscow: 1st and 2nd rifle training centers, sniper school, naval school, 1st, 2nd and 3rd PVHO schools , 1st and 2nd schools of communications, automoto club, Central School of Communications, House of Radio, parachute and gliding club, cavalry school, service dog breeding club, Mytishchi and Rumyantsevsky training grounds. The Moscow city organization of OSOAVIAKHIM trained over 383 thousand military specialists, including snipers - 11233, signalmen - 6332, heavy machine gunners - 23005, light machine gunners - 42671, machine gunners - 33102, mortarmen - 15283, tank destroyers - 12906, armor-piercers - 6 68. The service dog breeding club raised, trained and donated 1,825 service dogs to the Red Army. More than 3 million Muscovites have undergone training in chemical and chemical equipment at OSOAVIAKHIM organizations. Osoaviakhim workers in the capital collected 3 million 350 thousand rubles of money, which was used to build a column of KV tanks and more than 1 million rubles for the construction of six IL-2 attack aircraft. The activities of the Moscow city organization of OSOAVIAKHIM during the Great Patriotic War were highly appreciated by the Central Council of the OSO, which awarded it a challenge Red Banner, which was left forever in the capital organization of the Society.
    • Beginning of 1945. In Moscow, in the permanent formations of OSOAVIAKHIM, there were 183 companies, consolidated into 41 battalions.
    • 1946 The Moscow City Shooting and Sports Club was formed.
    • April 1, 1947 The 1st, 2nd and 3rd city flying clubs were created.
    • May 20, 1947 The Moscow City Radio Club was created.
    • 1947 4 auto and motorcycle clubs have been formed to train specialists for the Armed Forces - Dzerzhinsky, Kiev, Kuibyshevsky, Proletarsky.
    • January 16, 1948 By Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 77, OSOAVIAKHIM was divided into three voluntary societies - the Voluntary Society for the Assistance of the Army (DOSARM), the Voluntary Society for the Assistance of Aviation (DOSAV), and the Voluntary Society for the Assistance of the Fleet (DOSFLOT).
    • June 27, 28, 29, 1948 The first Moscow city conferences of DOSARM, DOSAV and DOSFLOT took place. The 1st and 2nd naval clubs and the city naval training center operated in Moscow.
    • In 1951 A single all-Union union reappeared Voluntary Society for the Promotion of the Army, Aviation and Navy- DOSAAF.



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